7:53 - Had to clarify the analogy here. While magnets and electrical charges behave similarly (eg. Opposites attract), permanent magnets are not composed of magnetic charges. Instead "North" and "South" are the ends ("poles") of a magnetic dipole. We have no evidence of "magnetic charges" (ie. Magnetic Monopoles) and so calling the ends of a magnet "charged" is incorrect. Electrical charges do exist (and easy to observe in the form of static electricity), and can accumulate, giving an object a "net charge". This is usually introduced as electrons (which we say have a charge of -1) being attracted to protons (with charcge of +1) in an atomic nucleus. Both electrons and protons are examples of "electric monopoles". Apologies for the pedantry!
@@GeneticallyModifiedSkepticNo worries, and thanks for the reply! I didn't realize before posting that you'd already addressed this in the comments, so that's my mistake there.
@Darth_Niki4 True! Good point. I know phonons are very useful as a concept in lattice materials, for example. I've never come across a situation where magnetic monopole quasi-particles are useful, though. You would need some system that has a non-zero divergence in the magnetic field (ie. an origin or terminus for your magnetic field lines, similar to how electric charges are where electric fields begin/end). Perhaps inside a material this can happen? Do you have a specific situation where magnetic monopole quasi-particles are useful in mind?
@Darth_Niki4 I'm not very familiar with many of these condensed matter / metamaterial properties, but I'd believe spin ices would have some bizarre or unusual properties, based on the minimal exposure I've had to other spin-based systems. I'll have to look more into these kinds of systems, sometime. Thanks for pointing them out! You said you work with carbon allotropes, are you more on the fundamental side (synthesis, characterization, etc) or are you doing things with them? I ask because I did an REU many years ago with a group that was using doped-CNTs to make lightweight electrodes, with the goal of eventually fabricating an all-carbon (or mostly-carbon) supercapacitor. Even though it's been years since I've done any similar work, my ears still perk-up whenever someone mentions something similar.
knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” Jesus Christ is coming back though no man knows the the day but the father himself. We can see how rapidly end times prophecy is unfolding and know we are in the last hour.
@@CheeseSoup 2 Peter 3:8-9) But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
So if a musician dresses in dark clothes for performance art it’s actual demons but when he dresses in a black hoodie and pretends to be a demon for tik tok it’s fine. Got it.
Yeah, I wish I could pray away my anxiety and depression when they hit so hard I wanna... ahem... enter deep, dreamless sleep... because the physical effects are so intollerable.
Have u had any luck with medication and/or a psychologist/psychiatrist? I haven't been impressed with the meds but I am seeing a psychiatrist that I like. It's almost funny though because he's really overweight AND the psychologist who works at the same place told me he's pretty sure he's on his third marriage (at least).
He also took from the rich and gave to the poor. But no, instead of all the bible verses telling people to be generous, they use one, singular, mistranslated line that "lets" them commit the sin of wrath.
@@akaku6833 I don't believe being queer is a sin despite what the Bible (a man written book) says. God made us this way and he would love us all for who we are.
@@lunanyx8592plus theres many outdated laws in the bible such as “dont eat pork”, so why dont we as Christians follow that? And theres no clear word for the english word for “arsenokotoi”, (pls correct me if i spelt it wrong ty
Spent so much of my life thinking my intense social anxiety was a spiritual problem. I saw so much growth once I stepped away from the faith and got actual clinical help.
A lot of my anxiety has gone away after I stopped trying to be extra good so the sky guy would not to punish me. Religion did do a number on me when I was a kid.
Same. And surprise surprise, religious scrupulosity was actually contributing to my anxiety. Nothing like putting the weight of an entire soul on every interaction you have.
I used to think that the ways in which my anxiety was screwing me over were actually punishments from God for little sins I did. It's only after I became an atheist that I finally realized I have an anxiety problem
Oh I absolutely connect with this, now I realize that my social anxiety is at least in part caused by constantly being told I’m intrinsically evil, that there are people who are angels in disguise who will judge my actions, and other people who will try to temp to to sin, so I should trust no one, but also treat them as messengers from god.. yeah no wonder I’m anxious when I have to talk to people.
"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." People using this passage to support end times beliefs just really drive me crazy. In the whole of human history, at least recorded history, when have there not been wars and rumors of wars?! And famines and natural disasters?
Don't forget the people scoffing and mocking! I tend to dismiss those prophecies as just "You're pointing out the blooming obvious that could be applied to any point in history! You might as well say the sun rising and setting is a prophecy!"
As a Nigerian I appreciate your understanding of the origins of afrobeats. Maybe it's time to explore the evolution of the colonial remnants of religion, especially Christianity, in Nigeria. It's been such a huddle to overcome. Certain demographics are so religious that they genuinely believe there is no need for political change cause prayer conquers all. It's tough to watch as an agnostic Nigerian. There aren't very many of us lol.
Just do the whole of Africa. The broke, desperate, and (highly) religious people of south Africa have no issue sending their life savings to so called "Christian prophets" who live in mansions and fly private jets
Ambition in abundance, but a big deficit in talent. I like how any dude who looks like gas station Justin Bieber can get a social media following because they have a pretty face.
i had to almost immediately pause to prepare myself. "Spirit of Depression. Come Forth." and "[gentle evil laugh] Easy!" will definitely be in my vocabulary henceforth
Growing up I was told in church that depression was a sign you weren't saved, that it meant you were just "lukewarm" and a "Sunday Christian," that real Christians didn't get depressed. I spiraled into zealotry because I was so afraid I would go to Hell. By age 15 I was cheering for terrorists who bombed gay bars and abortion clinics, and accusing my parents and pastor of being too lukewarm. I was still depressed. By age 18 I had left the church and realized that no, depression wasn't some sign I was going to hell. That it was okay to not be okay. That terrorism was wrong. And that I was queer AF.
Bad pastor. Depression is completely fine. You can be depressed and still be saved. I'll pray for you and hopefully you will return and be taught the true ways of Christ.
@@BowlOSoup6661i know you mean well man, and i appreciate you said this with all due respect. But lets not force people who’ve been through religious trauma to turn back to Christ. Their image of Him has sadly already been soiled by the bad church they grew up in and has clearly chosen to leave, so lets respect that.
I like to joke that enbies all either name themselves an existing gender neutral name like "Alex", a name so silly that no mere mortal could pull it off like "Soup", or an absolutely badass name like "Mars". I would put Legion in the final category
As a nonbinary person, I am just going to start going by Baphomentself. Fun fact is my username is styled like it is due to being nonbinary decades before I knew what that was. No capital zero in place of O, it looks robotic made to look like a product number and referencing that I am more of a mind than body.
As long as it stays in the "one-off" category, this is great. I come here because you try your damn best to be fair and non-provocative, which heightens the discourse - and I would not want to see that quality go away. But such quality indeed takes work. If you relieving yourself means we get tongue-in-cheek content like this in the meantime, go ham. :)
As a Nigerian, when I saw the demonisation of Rema. I wasn’t even suprised. They have always demonised us. Our hair, culture, skin, religion, style, music, religion e.t.c We are so heavily colonised, we don’t even know our roots, selves anymore. But I see change in the younger generation. Little by little.❤
Oh man, it’s as funny as it is sad and frustrating. What’s so frustrating is when the prophets aren’t even biblically literate. Just shows how much the average christian who follows them doesn’t know their bible. Good show!
@totallyturtles480 a lot may not like them, but a combination of lesser fear mongering from their own group, Cristian prosecution complex, and the more "fringe/extremeism" groups intentionally trying to make their numbers look big. The alt right got to a point where they have taken this and applied it to political stuff. Depending on the group they probably use algorithms to pull people down a rabbit hole till their whole feed is 1 to 5 people/groups doing nothing but saying the same thing. This video has an example. One click and our GMO skeptic can't get the guy out of their feed. It can make it functionality impossible to track or research these groups because every thing they do is made to distort size and pull you down a certain path. Most of this wasn't tough of likely. The internet is an annoyingly good peatrty dish of trail and error evolution for these groups. They don't have much control, but it means you have to burn off all the heads or they grow 2 more for every one you cut off. Add search vacuums and any person who is moderate, wants someone to affirm their beliefs, or doesn't know much about the internet gets yanked in.
When I was in college (a Christian college, since I was a believer at the time), I had a young woman come to me and tell me that she thought she was being oppressed by an actual incubus--she'd be lying in bed trying to fall asleep, and suddenly feel a powerful sense of oppression and a heavy weight on her chest, etc. I was skeptical and went to the library for some research. Turns out that anxiety attacks can manifest with very similar symptoms to what she was describing, so I went back and told her and then we talked for quite a long time and uncovered a significant unresolved trauma in her not too distant past. I was neither a counselor nor a psych major, but I think the talk helped her out because that was the end of her "demons." In hindsight, though, I should have recommended professional help. This one ended well, but what about the next time? We've lost touch since college, but I hope she's doing well.
First off. Great name. Seconded off. Sometimes just being an ear that just listens IS therapy. Just having friends or people to confide in and lean on in times of need or worry solves the problem before it gets worse and professional therapy is needed. If people just had others they could rely on and vent to when these things happen, therapy would be much less needed. You did a good thing. You researched. You sought answers outside of your personal knowledge. That's the sign of a good friend. You legitimately cared about her problem and took the time to educate yourself before trying to present advice. And then, during the advise, you actually listened to what she was saying and didn't just try and control and tell her what to do. You had a real back and forth conversation about it. That again shows both maturity and that you really cared. You did a really wonderful thing. And i hope that your fear of causing a miss hap doesn't hinder you from helping the next person that comes to you. We need more people like you in the world :D
@@LittleBitofHopeToo2518Are you telling me I don't have low alcohol tolerance, but there's a wheat demon in every beer I drink? 🤯?? I better contact an exorcist!
First of all, as a black woman; an agnostic atheist Nigerian Igbo woman, hearing you breakdown the influences of colonialism and afrobeats was delightful!! Primary Abrahamic religions are such a core part of the collective identity of Nigerians. I think the needle has moved ever so slightly in favor of shunning these religious beliefs which seem to primarily hinder the progressive and rational thinking of Nigerians and subject them to the hypocrisy and fraudulent actions of the many religious preachers that have turned religion into multi-million dollar businesses in Nigeria. I can only hope for more progress. If you enjoy afrobeat, I highly recommend the track "Wonder Wonder" by Femi Kuti, Fela's son.
I'm a person in the U.S. who got really into afrobeat through Fela Kuti. It was one of my gateways to learning about how Christianity was part of the colonization of Africa. Fela's children are amazing musicians. One of my favorite bands in the genre is Fanga. Their song "Ni I Matoro" is a real banger.
I was a born again christian once upon a time. I was increasingly depressed throughout, I was prayed over many times. Didn't work, I was told it was my fault, I had doubt, I wasn't leaning on god. In my late 30s, I came out. The instant I did, I could physically feel the depression lifting. I accepted the truth about myself and verily, THE TRUTH SET ME FREE. I'm 58 now and have never looked back. I've never had a partner, I came out for my own mental health. The church kept me down. The church spread lies. I left the church and you can too.
Right before that major earthquake happened... I had just flushed my toilet. That had just as much to do with the earthquake as did that room full of ranting bigoted zealots.
All hail the Power Toilet, for it is connected through the very leylines of the Earth, whose flush will break the very firmament of creation! Peepee and Poopoo only make it stronger, and the little blue cleaner tab never runs out! All hail!
There's a fun site - and book - called "Spurious Correlations" that lists all sorts of good ones. There's a good correlation, for example, between "The number of movies Nicolas Cage appeared in and Votes for the Libertarian Presidential candidate in Georgia" and also "Google searches for 'zombies' correlates with The number of real estate agents in North Dakota"
As an autistic person with generalized anxiety disorder raised in an evangelical homeschooled household that didn't believe in anxiety disorders or autism, this is HIGHLY disturbing to me. I thought something was horribly wrong with me that was causing constant demonic attacks until I moved our of my parents house, and didn't actually get assessed and diagnosed so I could start getting help until I was 32 years old (this year, actually). Even I can't accurately calculate the extent of the damage to my life that caused, and sometime I'm honestly surprised I survived to adulthood. On a related note, I want to thank you for your part in my journey. You were one of the first people who presented alternative perspectives to me that didn't come with the hostility that made me feel hated for what I was taught to believe, and I don't know where I would be if I hadn't found your content. The work you do in fighting dangerous disinformation with logic and respect made a real difference to me, and I'm sure it does for others as well. I just wanted you to know that.
I'm an autistic person with generalized anxiety disorder, too! I wasn't diagnosed until 45 because my family was religious, too, though I went to both public and Catholic schools. I was also diagnosed with gender identity disorder. They didn't think my condition was demonic, but one cousin took her son to an exorcist for his crack addiction. It failed!
doomsday is so crazy to me bc every time religious ppl (mainly christians and muslims) talk abt it they say "youre all gonna see" LIKE?? THE PETTINESS?? they always claim to be so kind but then they tell you right in you face that you'll go to hell once jesus returns 😭
which is funny when you consider if jesus was born of a woman who did not have knowledge of a man means mary could only have given birth to an XX individual therefore jesus is trans
I can't even explain how hard this hits. I was raised with all of this sort of crap. I was constantly told that my anxiety, depression, doubts... All were demons. When I started meds for a serious anxiety disorder I was told by family that "prayer would be better".
@@God-King-Yhwach_The_Almightyany medical professional will tell you that anxiety and depression are, indeed, mental disorder caused by biological and environmental factors, and that they can be treated with medical care
As a trans woman, I spent the majority of my early teenage years being immensely depressed and suicidal. I spent every night for YEARS praying to god that I'd wake up as a cis woman the next morning, that my suffering would end, that I would be rid of these "demons", and that I'd finally be happy... That was until I realised that, if he existed, the amount of suffering I was going through was inexcusable; and that he would be a moral monster for putting me through it. That was a huge factor that started off my journey to atheism, actually.
@@RobRogers-o3qThanks for the concern. Its been around 10 years since i felt as bad as i did back then, so im doing a lot better now. And no, there were never any "demons" to begin with, really. its just how I always was; and ive come to terms with that. Now that im an adult and can actually DO something about it, ive never been happier.
@user-zu6co9jd1i Beware of making claims you can't prove. If you are assured that someone has a demon without the truth and speak in it as if it's truth, then you are a liar. Don't you know the parable of the fig tree? If you truly believe and speak with your mouth it will be done. So why would you say someone has a demon? Please be aware, you command demons the way satan commands them. Jesus never once said "there is a demon in you." He casted them out, not in. I rebuke your demonic attachments in Jesus name. Stay safe brother.
I don't hate trans people . I don't hate LGBTQ community, I am open to all of it but I can't accept others giving us names like 'cis women' , you wouldn't like it if somebody called you something you don't want to be called so please don't call us cis man/woman as well . Once again I don't hate lgbt community but if I am giving respect I want respect as well . Call us women/men if we are straight, Thank you
I remember seeing a comment, where someone unironically said "yes, demons definitely exist, my husband gets possessed by one every time he drinks alcohol".
Shitty people always need someone else to take the blame for their actions. It it's not another person (their spouse, friend, enemy, etc.) then it's something immaginary/vaguely defined (like a demon).
Love how youtube let's some people say that "non" word, but shadowblocks me when I do. See? I had to refer to it as the "non" word for my comment to finally go through.
everything bad is a demonic spirit. the demonic spirit of tiredness possessed me when i came home from my 12 hour shift, but then after i went into my "spiritual rest" period it went away.
No need to take responsibility for yourself or those nasty feelings. PRAY DEPRESSION AWAY! PRAY ANXIETY AWAY! PRAY THE GAY AWAY! PRAY THE LUST AWAY! Act now and we’ll give your personal demon a pet name, so it will be easier to imagine….er…I mean, expel!
Im highly amused by your playing the role, and even going as far as delivering a perfectly useable script for his use. The depression skit was top tier.
As a Christian who has mental illnesses, Gabriel's videos made me livid. To say that years of battling mental illnesses is just demons I could have "casted out" is ridiculous and ludicrous. It just overshadows all the work people with mental illnesses do. Just know that there are Christians out there who aren't like this dude 😑
As a fellow Christian that has suffered from depression and other mental health issues it is so frustrating to see things like this. And the worst part is religion and medical science don’t have to be pitted against each other like Gabriel did. I can attest my health has always improved more when my doctors/care team validated my beliefs (even if they don’t personally agree with them) while still addressing my physical needs with sound advice and therapy. I suppose it just bothers me because his position can lead to people not getting the help they need and makes Christians seem like illiterate idiots.
@@rosspunzo1876 I agree. It's totally possible to be religious/spiritual AND practice scientific methods like treatment for mental illnesses (therapy, meds, care team, ect.) To sum up mental illnesses as being demons feels disingenuous and ignorant to me. I don't have my mental illnesses because of a demon. I have it because of my genetics and life experiences. To say otherwise takes away from all of the work I've done. Meds don't exist for no reason, along with treatments and professional care providers. If casting out demons parading as mental illnesses worked, we wouldn't need those things listed above.
same. he's actively harming people by spreading this disinformation and invalidating the hard work people do to treat mental illness. i grew up in a christian family who thought that these things just "needed prayer" and were demons. i never believed that, but as someone who deals with depression and anxiety (and trans too), family wasn't someone i could trust or talk to. this fool and people like him need to sit down and shut up. i cannot feel sorry for him.
These guys are so cringey. They just blame every bad thing in the world on demons instead of actually addressing the problems. I was indoctrinated into Christianity very young. Once I got a little older and started asking questions, I was never given actual answers and instead told, "we don't always know why god does what he does, we just have to have faith". Then I got older and started asking more complex questions about why they were preaching hate instead of love like Jesus actually taught. I was told to stop asking questions and just have faith. That's when I realized that it was a cult. I still think there may be a higher power out there, but I know they definitely are nothing like the "christians" of today make them out to be.
Yes! I’m not a monotheist but I believe that most things people say about God like “God doesn’t tolerate homosexuals” “There’s only one God and he’ll send you to hell if you believe otherwise” etc are simply untrue, because whatever higher being is out there wouldn’t judge us if we do these things and still lead a virtuous life. Like it just wouldn’t make sense if we were punished for… what, loving another human being? Or leading a faithful life but just believing in other gods? Those Christians actually make God look so pathetic
@kaythefish8284 I was all in on Christianity for a long time. It's what I was taught growing up. Then I realized that they'd read these scriptures and passages that talked about how God is love and you should be loving your neighbor, then turn around and preach hate. There is nowhere in the Bible that tells you to hate people who are different. Hell, the Bible only mentions homosexuality a few times and here's a fun fact. In the original translation, those passages weren't talking about homosexuality at all. They were talking about pederasty (sleeping with children). The church slowly changed it over time. So a couple translation cycles ago, it got changed from, "man shall not lie with children" to "man shall not lie with another man". That turned me off of the church for good.
@@chrissizemore8705 yeah I know about that and it’s just really sad. I have a Christian classmate who was really sad homosexuality is allegedly a sin but unfortunately I didn’t have knowledge about that back then. I wish I could go back and tell her it’s not about homosexuality at all :(
Fast forward 5 years and GS will come out as full on gay - trust. As a gay man in my 50s, this story is as old as the bible. "Over zealous tele- (now insta-) vangelist turns out hiding his actual true self with over-compensating rhetoric." Meanwhile, many christian gay children get stuffed into the closet by memes and peer pressure and parents that point to a false prophet. Oof!!
I was told to use "they" in academic literature instead of having to write "he or she" back in university by an elderly professor who was a Rhodes Scholar in his day. This was 15 years or more ago. Nothing new about it.
Knowing what I know now about mental health struggles, much of which came through my own personal experience with them, I truly feel bad for the people that take this sort of histrionic, fearmongering, and sensationalist misinformation seriously or are surrounded by those that do. I can only imagine this ramping up someone's anxiety or depression to actual unmanageable levels and causes so much more harm than even we can imagine.
There's people who had it worse than me, but mine was pretty bad. Turns out that forcing yourself to belief in this cosmic dance intended to get you down means I didn't get access to the evidence based CBT that actually works. And when I stopped forcing it, and did do the CBT, my anxiety and depression recovered. Not perfect or cured by any means, but highly manageable.
"It plays to their fears." It also plays to their need for order by encouraging them to think that they know, they, understand, they perceive, things that all the demon-plagued uninitiated don't.
As a Nigerian, you talking about Nigeria my country and Benin city was kinda wholesome, religion brought by colonialist, as an agnostic atheist living in a county that's 98% religious it's very tough. Hopefully we get over this delusion sooner rather than later.
I'm a Christian and whoever said that Anxiety causes sin is a liar, yes we are told not to be anxious In Philippians 4 but anxiety is always gonna be there on our life. That's why we ought to pray when we are anxious cos it's a way of submitting ur worries to God and trust in his word too.
Personally, I found y'all's skit way more theatrical, because it was also funny and smart. Love this video, btw. I truly hope that Gabriel kid gets the help he so clearly needs. As always, sending Love & Light from Mississippi. Y'all stay safe and keep taking care of each other. ✌🏼🖤
Not me rewinding 9:18 four times and spending a whole two minutes just to figure out CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy I genuinely thought it was just a bit and nothing else. Such an unfortunate acronym 🙃
Women in my church were frequently expelling demons from me because i was a sinner. It’s horrible. Indoctrination is so cruel. My mental health has been a million times better since I became an atheist and got therapy/ meds for mental health. Most of my peace comes from leaving the church
Drew, This was the sassiest that I've seen you so far and I love it. Want more of these types of videos along with your more scholarly criticisms. I understand why you have wanted to take a break from being too critical and show more compassion and understanding to the other side of the conversation. But your sass is hilarious and I want more of it.
I have severe mental illness, including BPD and OCD that make it hard for me to function sometimes. My grandma makes snide remarks a lot about mental illness being a lack of God, and it makes me so angry. When I believed in God growing up, I would stay up at night crying and praying to God to help me with the intense and confusing emotions I was experiencing. If I forgot to pray that my family wouldn’t die in their sleep, I would wake up in a panic and would have to check on them immediately. To suggest that all of these things I experienced as a child and still now are due to me not being godly enough is so damaging. I don’t have a demon in me; I have severe trauma and neurotransmitter imbalances.
That young man screams 'spiritual Psychosis' to me. He seems imbalanced. I'm not a mental health professional. Just a 45 yr old mom observing the behavior of a young person and listening to my gut. I hope he's ok.
Gabriel gives me flashbacks, so much relief when I finally realized religion is malarkey. I still sometimes fall into old habits, but I'm finally growing into my own.
As an incredibly childish gen Xer, the fact that there is a different meaning to CBT still makes me giggle every time someone talks about cognitive behavioral therapy.
As a Christian I do feel like I see a fair amount of demon stuff used to shift responsibility. It wasn’t really me, it was something (to whatever degree) controlling me. It’s a lot easier to talk about our problems and sins, if it’s not really our fault. Just a thought.
when I began severely struggling with body image issues as a kid, I cried to my mom because I thought satan was speaking to me. It was so freaking scary. On one hand I knew those thoughts were not my own and we’re not correct, but on the other hand I felt like I was in danger and under spiritual attack.
I truly love your content so much, not only do you give sensible explanations and warn against such misinformation the guy was spewing, you even went on to then forgive him and not just straight-up attack him. Such a kind soul! We need more people like you
I have OCD, and one of my sister---who used to be smart---told me that an evil spirit was causing the disorder. It's truly been sad watching her life over the past several years.
The Gabriel Tik tok impersonation at the end is so accurate to the persona that I would bet all of my money that Gabriel is going to make a video just like it
It's nice to know that Drew has apparently been more than capable of being a Christian content grifter this whole time, but instead chooses to educate and be educated. Keep up the solid (and also the funny) videos my guy!
Ah yes, I remember that part in the bible where that prophet *_*checks notes*_* dressed up and pretended to be two different demons in a skit about how those demons were, in fact, afraid of the prophet. And then everybody clapped? Yeah, classic bible story.
Now I have an urge to go out and comment "Be a sane human being." under Christian tiktoks. It would be somewhat disrespectful, but also really funny...
I don't understand. Why would that be disrespectful? When people say "Ill pray for you", I frequently say, "And I will think for you". That is no more disrespectful than what they are saying. Funny is a good antidote to crazy.
I was so depressed that I considered deleting my save file multiple times, even made plans. Since then I have found a wonderful partner, have started seeing myself through their eyes, have found a job, worked through two deleted save files from close relatives and yet, I sometimes fall back into the same depressive moods. No matter what, depression is not something you can fix. It's something you have to grow stronger than it, to make it. People who keep using excuses like "demons" to excuse away severe issues such as this, sicken me.
i ADORE that you sound like you finally reached the end of your (seemingly endless) patience. i’m fully here to support you as you get more deranged (undoubtedly a side effect of responding to these people for years)
7:53 - Had to clarify the analogy here. While magnets and electrical charges behave similarly (eg. Opposites attract), permanent magnets are not composed of magnetic charges. Instead "North" and "South" are the ends ("poles") of a magnetic dipole. We have no evidence of "magnetic charges" (ie. Magnetic Monopoles) and so calling the ends of a magnet "charged" is incorrect.
Electrical charges do exist (and easy to observe in the form of static electricity), and can accumulate, giving an object a "net charge". This is usually introduced as electrons (which we say have a charge of -1) being attracted to protons (with charcge of +1) in an atomic nucleus. Both electrons and protons are examples of "electric monopoles". Apologies for the pedantry!
Thank you for clarifying! My mistake.
@@GeneticallyModifiedSkepticNo worries, and thanks for the reply! I didn't realize before posting that you'd already addressed this in the comments, so that's my mistake there.
i learned something today
@Darth_Niki4 True! Good point. I know phonons are very useful as a concept in lattice materials, for example. I've never come across a situation where magnetic monopole quasi-particles are useful, though. You would need some system that has a non-zero divergence in the magnetic field (ie. an origin or terminus for your magnetic field lines, similar to how electric charges are where electric fields begin/end). Perhaps inside a material this can happen? Do you have a specific situation where magnetic monopole quasi-particles are useful in mind?
@Darth_Niki4 I'm not very familiar with many of these condensed matter / metamaterial properties, but I'd believe spin ices would have some bizarre or unusual properties, based on the minimal exposure I've had to other spin-based systems. I'll have to look more into these kinds of systems, sometime. Thanks for pointing them out!
You said you work with carbon allotropes, are you more on the fundamental side (synthesis, characterization, etc) or are you doing things with them? I ask because I did an REU many years ago with a group that was using doped-CNTs to make lightweight electrodes, with the goal of eventually fabricating an all-carbon (or mostly-carbon) supercapacitor. Even though it's been years since I've done any similar work, my ears still perk-up whenever someone mentions something similar.
I thought I had a demon once. Turned out to be gas. Thanks Jesus!
😂 *Others in the room cross themselves and hold their noses*
May his holy flatulence relieve you of your gaseous compression.
And this too shall pass.
Up your game, go full Golgatan (see Dogma when in doubt).
I hate it when demons come inside me 😩
Secretly this is Sub Rosa from Star Trek
Demons did WHAT 😏
down bad ☠
Christians have been saying "Jesus is coming back soon" for as long as Christianity has existed.
knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
Jesus Christ is coming back though no man knows the the day but the father himself. We can see how rapidly end times prophecy is unfolding and know we are in the last hour.
@@Axx-u3g mate it's been the "last hour" for 2000 years.
@@Axx-u3g the last days have been so many days long, how many is a few to you? 4,374,964,296? 2^64?
@@Axx-u3ghow long is this hour then, a black hole’s lifespan?
@@CheeseSoup 2 Peter 3:8-9) But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
So if a musician dresses in dark clothes for performance art it’s actual demons but when he dresses in a black hoodie and pretends to be a demon for tik tok it’s fine. Got it.
Well see he’s a good guy and the other guy is a bad guy. Hope this explains it.
One is about being edgy the other is dead serious
@@dannymccook it doesn’t because I’m not sure which you’re referring to hahah
@@bloop6111 That’s the fun thing about tribalism! Its just about who’s perspective you align with 🥰
you see, He's allowed to do it because he's white
I wish depression was just an invisible dude that came randomly to mess up my life. That would be so much easier to deal with.
Yeah, I wish I could pray away my anxiety and depression when they hit so hard I wanna... ahem... enter deep, dreamless sleep... because the physical effects are so intollerable.
That's why they do it, because it make sit easier to imagine and control you with it.
Yeah, we'd all be like "Dude, I just gave at the office!"
Have u had any luck with medication and/or a psychologist/psychiatrist? I haven't been impressed with the meds but I am seeing a psychiatrist that I like. It's almost funny though because he's really overweight AND the psychologist who works at the same place told me he's pretty sure he's on his third marriage (at least).
"Be like Jesus" If I remember correctly, Jesus was all about being accepting of others and encouraging self responsibility.
He also took from the rich and gave to the poor. But no, instead of all the bible verses telling people to be generous, they use one, singular, mistranslated line that "lets" them commit the sin of wrath.
„Go and sin no more” how is that accepting you??
@@akaku6833 I don't believe being queer is a sin despite what the Bible (a man written book) says. God made us this way and he would love us all for who we are.
@@lunanyx8592 sodomm and gomora
@@lunanyx8592plus theres many outdated laws in the bible such as “dont eat pork”, so why dont we as Christians follow that? And theres no clear word for the english word for “arsenokotoi”, (pls correct me if i spelt it wrong ty
Mfw I fumbled explaining magnets. 🤦♂️ Magnetism has poles, electricity has charges.
It's okay 😂. At least you aren't making cringe tik toks abt beinga prophet.
Well it's electro magnetism.. like space time.. its kind of the same thing..
Wait until someone found magnetic monopoles
@@hanifarroisimukhlis5989 Sheldon found them in his electrical can opener.
No worries😄 Next time check a manual of physics. Furthermore you don't pretend to be a physicist...😀
Spent so much of my life thinking my intense social anxiety was a spiritual problem. I saw so much growth once I stepped away from the faith and got actual clinical help.
I’m glad you’re doing better! My wife’s experience with social anxiety is similar
A lot of my anxiety has gone away after I stopped trying to be extra good so the sky guy would not to punish me. Religion did do a number on me when I was a kid.
Same. And surprise surprise, religious scrupulosity was actually contributing to my anxiety. Nothing like putting the weight of an entire soul on every interaction you have.
I used to think that the ways in which my anxiety was screwing me over were actually punishments from God for little sins I did. It's only after I became an atheist that I finally realized I have an anxiety problem
Oh I absolutely connect with this, now I realize that my social anxiety is at least in part caused by constantly being told I’m intrinsically evil, that there are people who are angels in disguise who will judge my actions, and other people who will try to temp to to sin, so I should trust no one, but also treat them as messengers from god.. yeah no wonder I’m anxious when I have to talk to people.
"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." People using this passage to support end times beliefs just really drive me crazy. In the whole of human history, at least recorded history, when have there not been wars and rumors of wars?! And famines and natural disasters?
Don't forget the people scoffing and mocking!
I tend to dismiss those prophecies as just "You're pointing out the blooming obvious that could be applied to any point in history! You might as well say the sun rising and setting is a prophecy!"
Two world wars have already happened, too. Where is he?
As a Nigerian I appreciate your understanding of the origins of afrobeats. Maybe it's time to explore the evolution of the colonial remnants of religion, especially Christianity, in Nigeria. It's been such a huddle to overcome. Certain demographics are so religious that they genuinely believe there is no need for political change cause prayer conquers all. It's tough to watch as an agnostic Nigerian. There aren't very many of us lol.
I’ve thought about making a video about this topic! Any Nigerian voices you can point me to that might help me stay informed?
@@GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic unfortunately I don't know of any outspoken atheist or agnostic Nigerians with a platform.
@@GenesiisDavidmy parents would always say how its god that killed abacha yet nigeria is still not doing great
Just do the whole of Africa. The broke, desperate, and (highly) religious people of south Africa have no issue sending their life savings to so called "Christian prophets" who live in mansions and fly private jets
omg, that "pray the depression away" skit was cringe beyond belief.
Ambition in abundance, but a big deficit in talent.
I like how any dude who looks like gas station Justin Bieber can get a social media following because they have a pretty face.
I couldn’t stop laughing at it and I cringed too.
i had to almost immediately pause to prepare myself. "Spirit of Depression. Come Forth." and "[gentle evil laugh] Easy!" will definitely be in my vocabulary henceforth
but it's so true
Drew's version of it was hilarious though.
Growing up I was told in church that depression was a sign you weren't saved, that it meant you were just "lukewarm" and a "Sunday Christian," that real Christians didn't get depressed. I spiraled into zealotry because I was so afraid I would go to Hell. By age 15 I was cheering for terrorists who bombed gay bars and abortion clinics, and accusing my parents and pastor of being too lukewarm. I was still depressed. By age 18 I had left the church and realized that no, depression wasn't some sign I was going to hell. That it was okay to not be okay. That terrorism was wrong. And that I was queer AF.
jesus christ that may be even more harmful than denying depression exists
Bad pastor. Depression is completely fine. You can be depressed and still be saved.
I'll pray for you and hopefully you will return and be taught the true ways of Christ.
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
@@wannabecar8733 Spider-man is a super hero. He was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained superpowers from it. He lives in NYC.
@@BowlOSoup6661i know you mean well man, and i appreciate you said this with all due respect. But lets not force people who’ve been through religious trauma to turn back to Christ. Their image of Him has sadly already been soiled by the bad church they grew up in and has clearly chosen to leave, so lets respect that.
As a nonbinary person, Legion would have been great if I thought about it before I changed my name to what it is now.
I like to joke that enbies all either name themselves an existing gender neutral name like "Alex", a name so silly that no mere mortal could pull it off like "Soup", or an absolutely badass name like "Mars". I would put Legion in the final category
As a nonbinary person, I am just going to start going by Baphomentself. Fun fact is my username is styled like it is due to being nonbinary decades before I knew what that was. No capital zero in place of O, it looks robotic made to look like a product number and referencing that I am more of a mind than body.
@@N_IRLI literally have a NB friend named Soups and they are absolutely cooler than us mere mortals
As a cis person, I'd love to have "legion" as a nickname
I hope this sillier-than-usual video is to your liking. I put my entire soul into my last one and I'm still waiting for it to grow back
It is in fact to my liking. Keep up the good work bro
I genuinely LOL'd. Y'all are absolutely wonderful. ✌🏼🖤
As long as it stays in the "one-off" category, this is great. I come here because you try your damn best to be fair and non-provocative, which heightens the discourse - and I would not want to see that quality go away.
But such quality indeed takes work. If you relieving yourself means we get tongue-in-cheek content like this in the meantime, go ham. :)
Loved this! Thank you for keeping it light!
Shit I must have a lot of demons, got Autism, OCD, and anxiety💀
@northerndairyman98 no I don’t, my scientifically made antidepressants work better but thank you
@northerndairyman98 Jesus cant heal you either, there are many who have tried
2 7 offsuit brain
Same here
Autism demon twinsies boiiiii
As a Nigerian, when I saw the demonisation of Rema.
I wasn’t even suprised. They have always demonised us.
Our hair, culture, skin, religion, style, music, religion e.t.c
We are so heavily colonised, we don’t even know our roots, selves anymore.
But I see change in the younger generation. Little by little.❤
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh another Nigerian 🤭🤭🤭. I am so excited
@@littlesunshine4591 ❤️🥳
I swear. I am ashamed to say I also thought our culture was demonic simply because it was different. We've been lost for too long.
Very similar to my indigenous ancestors. The younger generations of Mexicans are confronting things, though, in profound and critical ways.
I swear. I had to tell my friend to calm down when she started spewing conspiracies. It's obviously a nice aesthetic.
Oh man, it’s as funny as it is sad and frustrating. What’s so frustrating is when the prophets aren’t even biblically literate. Just shows how much the average christian who follows them doesn’t know their bible. Good show!
Hi, MindShift! Keep up the good work
Yo love your content too!
@@totallyturtles480Fascinating! Thanks for sharing 👍
@totallyturtles480 a lot may not like them, but a combination of lesser fear mongering from their own group, Cristian prosecution complex, and the more "fringe/extremeism" groups intentionally trying to make their numbers look big.
The alt right got to a point where they have taken this and applied it to political stuff. Depending on the group they probably use algorithms to pull people down a rabbit hole till their whole feed is 1 to 5 people/groups doing nothing but saying the same thing.
This video has an example. One click and our GMO skeptic can't get the guy out of their feed. It can make it functionality impossible to track or research these groups because every thing they do is made to distort size and pull you down a certain path. Most of this wasn't tough of likely. The internet is an annoyingly good peatrty dish of trail and error evolution for these groups. They don't have much control, but it means you have to burn off all the heads or they grow 2 more for every one you cut off.
Add search vacuums and any person who is moderate, wants someone to affirm their beliefs, or doesn't know much about the internet gets yanked in.
@@totallyturtles480do you have any reading recommendations on this? I would love to read more tbh!
When I was in college (a Christian college, since I was a believer at the time), I had a young woman come to me and tell me that she thought she was being oppressed by an actual incubus--she'd be lying in bed trying to fall asleep, and suddenly feel a powerful sense of oppression and a heavy weight on her chest, etc. I was skeptical and went to the library for some research. Turns out that anxiety attacks can manifest with very similar symptoms to what she was describing, so I went back and told her and then we talked for quite a long time and uncovered a significant unresolved trauma in her not too distant past. I was neither a counselor nor a psych major, but I think the talk helped her out because that was the end of her "demons." In hindsight, though, I should have recommended professional help. This one ended well, but what about the next time? We've lost touch since college, but I hope she's doing well.
First off. Great name. Seconded off. Sometimes just being an ear that just listens IS therapy. Just having friends or people to confide in and lean on in times of need or worry solves the problem before it gets worse and professional therapy is needed. If people just had others they could rely on and vent to when these things happen, therapy would be much less needed. You did a good thing. You researched. You sought answers outside of your personal knowledge. That's the sign of a good friend. You legitimately cared about her problem and took the time to educate yourself before trying to present advice. And then, during the advise, you actually listened to what she was saying and didn't just try and control and tell her what to do. You had a real back and forth conversation about it. That again shows both maturity and that you really cared. You did a really wonderful thing. And i hope that your fear of causing a miss hap doesn't hinder you from helping the next person that comes to you. We need more people like you in the world :D
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
@@wannabecar8733 So people say...
@@wannabecar8733 Spider-man is a super hero. He was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained superpowers from it. He lives in metropolis.
That's interesting, my first reaction while reading you that she had sleep paralysis, the symptoms look similar
I guess there's a demon in my eyes because I can't see shit without glasses. I need to hit this guy up so he can get rid of my eye demons.
I have Celiac Disease, so that must mean WHEAT is a demon!!!!!! 😱
I have demons slowly stealing my hair!!
...oh wait, no, that's testosterone and senescence, my bad
@@LittleBitofHopeToo2518Are you telling me I don't have low alcohol tolerance, but there's a wheat demon in every beer I drink? 🤯?? I better contact an exorcist!
First of all, as a black woman; an agnostic atheist Nigerian Igbo woman, hearing you breakdown the influences of colonialism and afrobeats was delightful!! Primary Abrahamic religions are such a core part of the collective identity of Nigerians. I think the needle has moved ever so slightly in favor of shunning these religious beliefs which seem to primarily hinder the progressive and rational thinking of Nigerians and subject them to the hypocrisy and fraudulent actions of the many religious preachers that have turned religion into multi-million dollar businesses in Nigeria. I can only hope for more progress. If you enjoy afrobeat, I highly recommend the track "Wonder Wonder" by Femi Kuti, Fela's son.
I'm a person in the U.S. who got really into afrobeat through Fela Kuti. It was one of my gateways to learning about how Christianity was part of the colonization of Africa. Fela's children are amazing musicians. One of my favorite bands in the genre is Fanga. Their song "Ni I Matoro" is a real banger.
Its a similar situation in many third world countries like Philippines there are a fckton of branches here
ah its always lovely seeing another Igbo person
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh another Nigerian 🤭💖💖💖. I am Nigerian too , I am Yoruba
Added to my library, thx for this 🙏
I was a born again christian once upon a time. I was increasingly depressed throughout, I was prayed over many times. Didn't work, I was told it was my fault, I had doubt, I wasn't leaning on god.
In my late 30s, I came out. The instant I did, I could physically feel the depression lifting. I accepted the truth about myself and verily, THE TRUTH SET ME FREE.
I'm 58 now and have never looked back. I've never had a partner, I came out for my own mental health. The church kept me down. The church spread lies. I left the church and you can too.
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
You go Elaines!❤
Right before that major earthquake happened... I had just flushed my toilet. That had just as much to do with the earthquake as did that room full of ranting bigoted zealots.
If you had taken a dump, it would be even more impressive.
I bet you'll think twice about eating Taco Bell next time
All hail the Power Toilet, for it is connected through the very leylines of the Earth, whose flush will break the very firmament of creation! Peepee and Poopoo only make it stronger, and the little blue cleaner tab never runs out! All hail!
@@TubeTAGit’s not the toilet! It’s the plumbing, stamp out all toilet worship and follow the great plumber spirit!
May the pipes be connected.
There's a fun site - and book - called "Spurious Correlations" that lists all sorts of good ones. There's a good correlation, for example, between "The number of movies Nicolas Cage appeared in and Votes for the Libertarian Presidential candidate in Georgia" and also "Google searches for 'zombies' correlates with The number of real estate agents in North Dakota"
As an autistic person with generalized anxiety disorder raised in an evangelical homeschooled household that didn't believe in anxiety disorders or autism, this is HIGHLY disturbing to me. I thought something was horribly wrong with me that was causing constant demonic attacks until I moved our of my parents house, and didn't actually get assessed and diagnosed so I could start getting help until I was 32 years old (this year, actually). Even I can't accurately calculate the extent of the damage to my life that caused, and sometime I'm honestly surprised I survived to adulthood.
On a related note, I want to thank you for your part in my journey. You were one of the first people who presented alternative perspectives to me that didn't come with the hostility that made me feel hated for what I was taught to believe, and I don't know where I would be if I hadn't found your content. The work you do in fighting dangerous disinformation with logic and respect made a real difference to me, and I'm sure it does for others as well. I just wanted you to know that.
my journey is very similar; you're not alone
I have ASD too and a similar story. I'm agnostic now, former Christian
I highly relate, also autistic
I'm an autistic person with generalized anxiety disorder, too! I wasn't diagnosed until 45 because my family was religious, too, though I went to both public and Catholic schools. I was also diagnosed with gender identity disorder. They didn't think my condition was demonic, but one cousin took her son to an exorcist for his crack addiction. It failed!
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
doomsday is so crazy to me bc every time religious ppl (mainly christians and muslims) talk abt it they say "youre all gonna see" LIKE?? THE PETTINESS?? they always claim to be so kind but then they tell you right in you face that you'll go to hell once jesus returns 😭
It's always the people that say be like Jesus that are the least like Jesus.
which is funny when you consider if jesus was born of a woman who did not have knowledge of a man means mary could only have given birth to an XX individual therefore jesus is trans
@@CycocelVocalist pretty sure God gave Mary heavenly divine invisible backshots
Well, a self-denying mythical demigod is a hard role model to follow!
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
@@wannabecar8733 Spider-man is a super hero. He was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained superpowers from it. He lives in metropolis.
"The end never came". Well if we keep prepping for millions of years, eventually we will be right, right?
The end is nigh!!!!*
* “nigh” may mean anywhere from roughly 50 years to 2 billion years.
@@nasonguythe end is nigh
Nigh meaning 10^100 years from now(heat death of the universe)
That makes just about as much sense as a newborn baby planning their funeral
In four or five billion years maybe when the sun swallows the Earth.
One and a half billion IIRC. But seriously, according to Scripture, we been stood up, he ain't coming.
I can't even explain how hard this hits. I was raised with all of this sort of crap. I was constantly told that my anxiety, depression, doubts... All were demons. When I started meds for a serious anxiety disorder I was told by family that "prayer would be better".
Anxiety and depression are not disorders; they're excuses to be lazy. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps!
@@God-King-Yhwach_The_Almighty are you joking? (genuine question)
@@kitkatkk2 no
@@God-King-Yhwach_The_Almighty Oh. Well, then, have the day you deserve! :)
@@God-King-Yhwach_The_Almightyany medical professional will tell you that anxiety and depression are, indeed, mental disorder caused by biological and environmental factors, and that they can be treated with medical care
This guy is the dollar store Draco Malfoy.
My thought was discount Kurt Cobain 😂
@@catherinemccormick3184 I see a mix of both. 😭
Gas Station Justin Bieber@@catherinemccormick3184
And a touch of Frodo?
He's clearly dollar store lead singer of Nickelback Chad Kroeger
Legion is the name of one of the best characters in Mass Effect. "Tali'zorah, does this unit have a..." Gets me every time.
I use to have a cat named Legion.
Keelah Se'lai, my friend.
I prefer David Haller ... his twisted deeds gave us the BEST (in my opinion) X-Men story of all times: The Age of Apocalypse.
That was the Geth robot, no?
I am Geth because we are Legion.
"it always had a soul. the question is the answer."
I hate when diseases are treated as evil spirits 💀😭 I remember when an old lady prayed for my type 1 diabetes to go away
'Make it stop, indeed' had me cracking up 😂
Gosh, yes, I almost sucked my bite of lunch up my nose 😂
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
@@wannabecar8733 I don't believe you.
Also why are you censoring "God"?
As a trans woman, I spent the majority of my early teenage years being immensely depressed and suicidal. I spent every night for YEARS praying to god that I'd wake up as a cis woman the next morning, that my suffering would end, that I would be rid of these "demons", and that I'd finally be happy... That was until I realised that, if he existed, the amount of suffering I was going through was inexcusable; and that he would be a moral monster for putting me through it. That was a huge factor that started off my journey to atheism, actually.
Im so sorry.
How are you now?
Demon still there??
@@RobRogers-o3q if it is, I'm glad for them.
@@RobRogers-o3qThanks for the concern. Its been around 10 years since i felt as bad as i did back then, so im doing a lot better now. And no, there were never any "demons" to begin with, really. its just how I always was; and ive come to terms with that. Now that im an adult and can actually DO something about it, ive never been happier.
@user-zu6co9jd1i Beware of making claims you can't prove. If you are assured that someone has a demon without the truth and speak in it as if it's truth, then you are a liar.
Don't you know the parable of the fig tree? If you truly believe and speak with your mouth it will be done.
So why would you say someone has a demon? Please be aware, you command demons the way satan commands them. Jesus never once said "there is a demon in you." He casted them out, not in. I rebuke your demonic attachments in Jesus name. Stay safe brother.
I don't hate trans people . I don't hate LGBTQ community, I am open to all of it but I can't accept others giving us names like 'cis women' , you wouldn't like it if somebody called you something you don't want to be called so please don't call us cis man/woman as well . Once again I don't hate lgbt community but if I am giving respect I want respect as well . Call us women/men if we are straight, Thank you
8:45 ok, i request like a billion skits like that where you explain biochemical reaction by dressing up in hoodies and looking grim. THIS IS AMAZING.
I remember seeing a comment, where someone unironically said "yes, demons definitely exist, my husband gets possessed by one every time he drinks alcohol".
Shitty people always need someone else to take the blame for their actions. It it's not another person (their spouse, friend, enemy, etc.) then it's something immaginary/vaguely defined (like a demon).
Well, it's called "spirits" for a reason
@@wannabecar8733 Spider-man is a super hero. He was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained superpowers from it. He lives in NYC.
@@ilikecookies9796 loving the sass
@@wannabecar8733 So is Jesus god or is he the son of god?
"Come out in Jesus name!"
Jesus, I'm bi.
Repent of this mockery. Get to know Jesus Christ for yourself. He loves you.
@@Axx-u3g so is Jesus bi as well?
@@Axx-u3g it's all right that Jesus gets more Bussy than you, most people do anyways.
@@Axx-u3gso jesus is bi too?? I didnt kniw that! Or is he just gay?
Dude has a problem with Cocomelon kid having 2 dads… but… Jesus had 2 dads 🤷♂️
Damn disrespectful as 😂
Those 2 dads are him
@@ThemeBluesSince when was Joseph also god?
@@STWD1ST It was base on my opinion, but tell you what son, my name is Joseph and I do not consider myself as a God
What are you blabbering about lebowski? @@ThemeBlues
I'm nonbinary, but haven't changed my name. I'm keeping Legion in mind just in case. Love it!
Same, nb gang :D
Legion would definitely be a bad ass name!
It's a cool nonbinary name, especially if you're into heavy metal!
Love how youtube let's some people say that "non" word, but shadowblocks me when I do. See? I had to refer to it as the "non" word for my comment to finally go through.
@@darlalathan6143 Good point. I have been getting into metal lately.
everything bad is a demonic spirit. the demonic spirit of tiredness possessed me when i came home from my 12 hour shift, but then after i went into my "spiritual rest" period it went away.
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
@@wannabecar8733 who is gd? Kinda sounds like a rapper name. Hope they have good music 👍
@@wannabecar8733 is this geometry dash reference?🔥🕳️
@@alfredwaldo6079 GD would be a great rapper.
The only time I've seen demons was after dropping lsd and playing doom eternal and walking to get pizza after.
No need to take responsibility for yourself or those nasty feelings.
Act now and we’ll give your personal demon a pet name, so it will be easier to imagine….er…I mean, expel!
Read this in a radio announcer voice. Worked wonders.
@@KrwispyK I'm imagining the sped-up side effects talk on medication ads but about religious trauma
Emotional support demon?
Yes the click is watched here too.
@@AntonioTheTurtle the click is everywhere
I forgot CBT also meant cognitive behavioral therapy for a second-
real af
We should start adding an "n" or "&" symbol, like C&BT or CnBT. 💀
Literally same 💀💀
Im highly amused by your playing the role, and even going as far as delivering a perfectly useable script for his use. The depression skit was top tier.
"OoOOooh, OH NO, he's prAYING agAIn!" is so unintentionally funny, perfect at highlighting how rediculous it is
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
@@wannabecar8733why the right hand is it because left handed people are the devil
@@wannabecar8733 prove it
@@tylerspeegle6494 Just trust me bro.
“in the MIghty name of jesus christ EVERY SPIRIT of dePRession GO right now 😡😡”
Jesus Is coming back!!🗣️
Jesus Is coming back!!🗣️🗣️
Jesus Is coming back 🗣️🗣️🗣️
surely this time
Heard that crap all my life and still nothing.
@@artifactU Any minute now... 😆
Hope they get the picture within the next couple hundred years
Dw, you will see him soon.
As a Christian who has mental illnesses, Gabriel's videos made me livid. To say that years of battling mental illnesses is just demons I could have "casted out" is ridiculous and ludicrous. It just overshadows all the work people with mental illnesses do. Just know that there are Christians out there who aren't like this dude 😑
yeah; he's aware
As a fellow Christian that has suffered from depression and other mental health issues it is so frustrating to see things like this. And the worst part is religion and medical science don’t have to be pitted against each other like Gabriel did. I can attest my health has always improved more when my doctors/care team validated my beliefs (even if they don’t personally agree with them) while still addressing my physical needs with sound advice and therapy. I suppose it just bothers me because his position can lead to people not getting the help they need and makes Christians seem like illiterate idiots.
@@rosspunzo1876 I agree. It's totally possible to be religious/spiritual AND practice scientific methods like treatment for mental illnesses (therapy, meds, care team, ect.) To sum up mental illnesses as being demons feels disingenuous and ignorant to me. I don't have my mental illnesses because of a demon. I have it because of my genetics and life experiences. To say otherwise takes away from all of the work I've done. Meds don't exist for no reason, along with treatments and professional care providers. If casting out demons parading as mental illnesses worked, we wouldn't need those things listed above.
same. he's actively harming people by spreading this disinformation and invalidating the hard work people do to treat mental illness. i grew up in a christian family who thought that these things just "needed prayer" and were demons. i never believed that, but as someone who deals with depression and anxiety (and trans too), family wasn't someone i could trust or talk to. this fool and people like him need to sit down and shut up. i cannot feel sorry for him.
I'm suffering from the Seattle Police Department as well
These guys are so cringey. They just blame every bad thing in the world on demons instead of actually addressing the problems. I was indoctrinated into Christianity very young. Once I got a little older and started asking questions, I was never given actual answers and instead told, "we don't always know why god does what he does, we just have to have faith". Then I got older and started asking more complex questions about why they were preaching hate instead of love like Jesus actually taught. I was told to stop asking questions and just have faith. That's when I realized that it was a cult. I still think there may be a higher power out there, but I know they definitely are nothing like the "christians" of today make them out to be.
Yes! I’m not a monotheist but I believe that most things people say about God like “God doesn’t tolerate homosexuals” “There’s only one God and he’ll send you to hell if you believe otherwise” etc are simply untrue, because whatever higher being is out there wouldn’t judge us if we do these things and still lead a virtuous life. Like it just wouldn’t make sense if we were punished for… what, loving another human being? Or leading a faithful life but just believing in other gods? Those Christians actually make God look so pathetic
@kaythefish8284 I was all in on Christianity for a long time. It's what I was taught growing up. Then I realized that they'd read these scriptures and passages that talked about how God is love and you should be loving your neighbor, then turn around and preach hate. There is nowhere in the Bible that tells you to hate people who are different. Hell, the Bible only mentions homosexuality a few times and here's a fun fact. In the original translation, those passages weren't talking about homosexuality at all. They were talking about pederasty (sleeping with children). The church slowly changed it over time. So a couple translation cycles ago, it got changed from, "man shall not lie with children" to "man shall not lie with another man". That turned me off of the church for good.
@@chrissizemore8705 yeah I know about that and it’s just really sad. I have a Christian classmate who was really sad homosexuality is allegedly a sin but unfortunately I didn’t have knowledge about that back then. I wish I could go back and tell her it’s not about homosexuality at all :(
Fast forward 5 years and GS will come out as full on gay - trust. As a gay man in my 50s, this story is as old as the bible. "Over zealous tele- (now insta-) vangelist turns out hiding his actual true self with over-compensating rhetoric." Meanwhile, many christian gay children get stuffed into the closet by memes and peer pressure and parents that point to a false prophet. Oof!!
Legion la Bianca IS a badass name! That’s some pro-wrestling shit right there (in a good way).
you know what, that is a cool pro wrestling name right there lol
Cool Prog Metal band name
I learned about single use “they” in ESL class. That native English speakers are baffled at this never fails to amuse me.
Your English is really good! Nice work!
I was told to use "they" in academic literature instead of having to write "he or she" back in university by an elderly professor who was a Rhodes Scholar in his day. This was 15 years or more ago. Nothing new about it.
That's because native English speakers never took ESL.
@@darlalathan6143 You'd think it'd be covered when English is your actual native language.
Oh no, the demons are teaching ESL now!!! 😆
Knowing what I know now about mental health struggles, much of which came through my own personal experience with them, I truly feel bad for the people that take this sort of histrionic, fearmongering, and sensationalist misinformation seriously or are surrounded by those that do. I can only imagine this ramping up someone's anxiety or depression to actual unmanageable levels and causes so much more harm than even we can imagine.
There's people who had it worse than me, but mine was pretty bad. Turns out that forcing yourself to belief in this cosmic dance intended to get you down means I didn't get access to the evidence based CBT that actually works.
And when I stopped forcing it, and did do the CBT, my anxiety and depression recovered. Not perfect or cured by any means, but highly manageable.
"It plays to their fears." It also plays to their need for order by encouraging them to think that they know, they, understand, they perceive, things that all the demon-plagued uninitiated don't.
As a Nigerian, you talking about Nigeria my country and Benin city was kinda wholesome, religion brought by colonialist, as an agnostic atheist living in a county that's 98% religious it's very tough.
Hopefully we get over this delusion sooner rather than later.
Thinking about the terrifying alt universe where Drew is making Christian apologetic content.
15:59 bro, you nailed it! It would be so funny if this got spread around the internet unironically as Christian media.
It's funny that he says anxiety is caused by sin and a lack of faith because Evangelical Guilt was a major contributing factor to my anxiety
False Christians will be cause of your anxiety. False Christian use fear than love.
I'm a Christian and whoever said that Anxiety causes sin is a liar, yes we are told not to be anxious In Philippians 4 but anxiety is always gonna be there on our life. That's why we ought to pray when we are anxious cos it's a way of submitting ur worries to God and trust in his word too.
Personally, I found y'all's skit way more theatrical, because it was also funny and smart. Love this video, btw. I truly hope that Gabriel kid gets the help he so clearly needs. As always, sending Love & Light from Mississippi. Y'all stay safe and keep taking care of each other. ✌🏼🖤
Not me rewinding 9:18 four times and spending a whole two minutes just to figure out CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy
I genuinely thought it was just a bit and nothing else. Such an unfortunate acronym 🙃
That must have been *torture* for you
@@0Ra6CjU8vB weed's a helluva drug
Cracked me the fuck up when I first discovered that acronym existed for a form of therapy too.
Not immediately going to timed comments to see if anyone else was confused
As a Nigerian trust me
If they even thought Rema was not religious they would bully him out of here so fast his organs would be readjusted
Walmart Kurt Cobain calling me demonic is probably the most hilarious thing i've seen all day.
Thanks for sharing this with us, GMS
Walmart Kurt Cobain 💀💀💀
I had him pegged as more of a Layne Staley
@evilandproud he looks nothing like layne
Women in my church were frequently expelling demons from me because i was a sinner. It’s horrible. Indoctrination is so cruel. My mental health has been a million times better since I became an atheist and got therapy/ meds for mental health. Most of my peace comes from leaving the church
Jesus is the Son of G-d. He died on a cross and rose from the dead three days later He is sitting at the right hand of G-d.
GMS loves afrobeats. Let's go 💪💪
Love from Nigeria 🇳🇬
Blaming demons for one's unsavory activity is complete abnegation of accountability.... which will ruin you far before anything else.
nigerian here, last name i was expecting to hear on your channel was Rema, lol. happy to know you enjoy our sounds!
Drew, This was the sassiest that I've seen you so far and I love it. Want more of these types of videos along with your more scholarly criticisms. I understand why you have wanted to take a break from being too critical and show more compassion and understanding to the other side of the conversation. But your sass is hilarious and I want more of it.
I have severe mental illness, including BPD and OCD that make it hard for me to function sometimes. My grandma makes snide remarks a lot about mental illness being a lack of God, and it makes me so angry. When I believed in God growing up, I would stay up at night crying and praying to God to help me with the intense and confusing emotions I was experiencing. If I forgot to pray that my family wouldn’t die in their sleep, I would wake up in a panic and would have to check on them immediately. To suggest that all of these things I experienced as a child and still now are due to me not being godly enough is so damaging. I don’t have a demon in me; I have severe trauma and neurotransmitter imbalances.
Jesus Christ loves you. He set me free and he will set you free too.
your parody was actually better than most of what I have seen. Really goes to show how easy it is to put on a character (online grifter preachers)
Legion La Bianca is a good name for the singer of an avant-garde Black Metal band like Liturgy.
The TikTok prophet is the most upper-middle class guy I’ve ever seen
So? What does that mean?
11:43 "Come out in Jesus name!"
Cool, so Jesus is pro LGBTQ? Wish some of his followers would follow suit.
Jeus is pro-love
Edit: I think
Doomsday propaganda always seems to work as a hustle for these people. Since the dawn of religion
That young man screams 'spiritual Psychosis' to me. He seems imbalanced. I'm not a mental health professional. Just a 45 yr old mom observing the behavior of a young person and listening to my gut. I hope he's ok.
Thank you for your kindness 🙏
How is it even possible that this prophet guy is NOT wearing a puka shell necklace?!
Probably thinks they're demonic or something
I know, right??😂
On behalf of all the Gabriels out there, I'd like to apologize for this Gabriel.
Why did your parents name you after an ultrakill character
Gabriel gives me flashbacks, so much relief when I finally realized religion is malarkey. I still sometimes fall into old habits, but I'm finally growing into my own.
Just opened the app and was given this video by God himself ❤
God is the TH-cam algorithm?
amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lmao, yeah, I also thank god daily that I'm an atheist.
@@solar0wind awomen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@solar0windWait... syntax error
As an incredibly childish gen Xer, the fact that there is a different meaning to CBT still makes me giggle every time someone talks about cognitive behavioral therapy.
So I wasn't the only one with my mind in the gutter.
As a Christian I do feel like I see a fair amount of demon stuff used to shift responsibility. It wasn’t really me, it was something (to whatever degree) controlling me. It’s a lot easier to talk about our problems and sins, if it’s not really our fault. Just a thought.
when I began severely struggling with body image issues as a kid, I cried to my mom because I thought satan was speaking to me. It was so freaking scary. On one hand I knew those thoughts were not my own and we’re not correct, but on the other hand I felt like I was in danger and under spiritual attack.
Demonic oppression and possession is real.
I truly love your content so much, not only do you give sensible explanations and warn against such misinformation the guy was spewing, you even went on to then forgive him and not just straight-up attack him. Such a kind soul! We need more people like you
I have OCD, and one of my sister---who used to be smart---told me that an evil spirit was causing the disorder. It's truly been sad watching her life over the past several years.
The Gabriel Tik tok impersonation at the end is so accurate to the persona that I would bet all of my money that Gabriel is going to make a video just like it
Hey GMS, this guy is sounding like a mix of Jones and Koresh. As a boomer, they were very hard to ignore
Rebuke and rejoice!! :D
Great video
Be a same human being ✔️
Be a sane human bean 🫘
@@logan666 be a sane humongous bean
As a mental health professional, I loved your and Taylor's skit❤
0:33 earthquakes happen around 33 times a day, it was virtually guaranteed
It's nice to know that Drew has apparently been more than capable of being a Christian content grifter this whole time, but instead chooses to educate and be educated. Keep up the solid (and also the funny) videos my guy!
Ah yes, I remember that part in the bible where that prophet *_*checks notes*_* dressed up and pretended to be two different demons in a skit about how those demons were, in fact, afraid of the prophet. And then everybody clapped? Yeah, classic bible story.
the coverage on rema & afrobeat was BEAUTIFUL OH MY GOD ty from a west african
Dying over you making his response for him 😂 Rebuke and rejoice!
Now I have an urge to go out and comment "Be a sane human being." under Christian tiktoks. It would be somewhat disrespectful, but also really funny...
“Be a sane and decent person” is closer to the teachings of Christ, than this TikTok malarkey.
I don't understand. Why would that be disrespectful? When people say "Ill pray for you", I frequently say, "And I will think for you". That is no more disrespectful than what they are saying. Funny is a good antidote to crazy.
@@LittleBitofHopeToo2518 true. A lot of Christians cant take in what they dish out.
@@steveOCalley true, most of them are fine
@@LittleBitofHopeToo2518 the old religious double standard of "rules for thee and not for me", I assume.
I was so depressed that I considered deleting my save file multiple times, even made plans.
Since then I have found a wonderful partner, have started seeing myself through their eyes, have found a job, worked through two deleted save files from close relatives and yet, I sometimes fall back into the same depressive moods. No matter what, depression is not something you can fix. It's something you have to grow stronger than it, to make it.
People who keep using excuses like "demons" to excuse away severe issues such as this, sicken me.
He’s basically Gen Z’s Carmen 😂 I remember those old scary skits he did in the 90’s like “the witch’s invitation”
Scrolled through the comments to find this one! 😂 I knew I couldn't be the only one thinking this!
Loved the meta response at the end!
I get that it is a scare tactic, but what I don’t understand is how people can believe it is true. Seriously, WTF?
Fear is a killer of mind.
@@rafsandomierz5313 okay, but I don’t fear it.
Some of us have seen them
@@warriorofthelord4142 I’m sure you think you have.
@@alethealenning3809 There is nothing to think. You either did or did not
Damn that last bit with you being the "huckster pastor" was perfect.
i ADORE that you sound like you finally reached the end of your (seemingly endless) patience. i’m fully here to support you as you get more deranged (undoubtedly a side effect of responding to these people for years)
Holy shit the videos within the video were so funny 😂 This was worth watching.
That’s what I like to hear 🫡