Get the book, "In the Language of Adam." I've listened to almost all of Dave Butler's various TH-cam interviews. While he probably is right that he's covered all of the topics online, I would say he hasn't covered them as thoroughly or as organizedly (is that a word?) as he does in the book. I've been through it 3 times already, and want to go through it again soon.
I love how honest they are in their dialogue. David talking about coming to grips with being a 40 year old weirdo made me laugh Im age 35 coming to the same realization
Something I thought of earlier today is how the BOM is the second witness for this statement "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" the OT doesn't qualify as a Testament to Christ in my opinion because the Deuteronomist reforms removed all mention of him other than a few obscure passages.
To Mormons, it is already elevated above both Old and New Testaments in authority. Orthodox (small o) Christianity and academia will never accept it anyway, so call it whatever you'd like.
At 12:40 where he says that the divine feminine is secondary... or can be secondary to you because you are a man. There's so so so much theology that relates to what men will do in the eternities. We women want to know what our role will be. All we can find is D&C 132, which tells us that we'll be given to a righteous man. But what do we contribute? So many of us want to add to the conversation. In the temple, there are no women involved in the creation. I have a degree in geology. I LOVE the earth. I would be a great asset in the creation of worlds. We don't speak to Heavenly Mother. Is that my destiny? To never be spoken to or spoke of by my children? My husband will have temples built to worship him and I will be invisible. Forever. And don't give me the whole "God is protecting Heavenly Mother!" If she's a goddess, let her shine. If she's a goddess, she can take it. She can defend herself. Or at the very least, be at the battle's front. Not stuck in the kitchen.
They couldn’t be of the Aaronic order. Only the tribe of Levi could hold that priesthood until the restoration. The Nephites only held the Melchizedek priesthood.
@@rock5948 - Are you sure about that? Also, only Levites could have the Levitical priesthood - but if you held the higher priesthood, you have the authority to officiate in the lower priesthood - aka.. the prophet has the authority to officiate in all ordinances. Also.... who was Zoram again?
Another name for the Aaronic temple is the law of Moses Temple. The people under King Mosiah we're under the law of Moses and followed that order. They didn't have a Church of Christ, as such. They didn't have a church under the Melchizedek order. Alma was the founder of their Church because he introduced the Melchizedek order who are the order of the Son of God. To me that is the difference between Aaronic and Melchizedek priests. In other words, the priests of Mosiah were Temple priests have the priests of Alma were priests of the Church of Christ.
Heavenly Mother is fulfilling her role perfectly as divine femininity must. Is a Divine Mother's role to be on Earth's stage, to have rot written about Her and every crude foul epithet thrown at Her? Thankyou, God for protecting divine Womanhood as a truly loving Partner, Spouse and Friend would do.
Oh c'mon. The reason we don't talk about "heavenly mother" is because archaeology, ancient epigraphy studies, the uguritic texts, and even the Bible itself tell us she is Ashrah, and it ended in "divorce". It was Josiah's fault. These are not mysteries anymore.
Humanity had Heavenly Mother longer than we’ve been without Her. I’m excited for the restoration of that tradition. The damage Josiah and Hezekiah have dealt human spirituality is incalculable.
@coryhorton5837 The modern Church doesn't "restore" anything. They dither about the busy work of policy. Restoring Ashrah is far too bold a move for them. They have important things to solve like, who gets to use the bathrooms, and how many new buildings to announce.
@@cohort29 BTW, I didn't mean for my previous to come off terse towards you. It's just a general rant about the Church. I appreciate that you actually know what I'm talking about! That's better than most.
Witnesses, in the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established, Book of Mormon married to the Bible, another testament of Jesus Christ, fullness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints 🙏 ❤
In my faith Alma was given as a spirit before he was born what we call the Melchizedek Priesthood, and by revelation it was activated. D&C 86:9-11 as I understand speaks of certain lineages of spirits that were ordained to the MP before they were born. When they come into this world their MP has to be activated by revelation, or by the power of the Holy Ghost being in the one who ordains them. (D&C 20:60) This is also how Joseph and Oliver obtained the MP for the church -- it was activated by revelation in father Whitmer's home. Peter, James and John restored the apostleship and keys, not the MP.
Little by little, line upon line, the world is not ready yet to receive fully about Havenly mother,too Holy to fully reveal, just the word mother, the world already abuse, in the Lord's timing and Havenly Parents will for the whole world, to know, just like the second coming, we are all awaits, everyone will know, when he comes back again, different when he was born, still people don't believe, He is the Head of His Church, All will see when he comes back, as Lord of Lord's and King of kings, the Lord's timing,
If we want to understand the Book of Mormon, let us look to the prophets and apostles and let us seek out the guidance of the Holy Ghost and personal revelation. I appreciate brother Butler. He is a very studious man. But I think it is better to follow those who have the keys of the Kingdom. I have been through his book and he makes a large number of assumptions and leaps of logic, seeming to read intimations of worshiping Heavenly Mother in almost every passage he reviews. I don't agree with his condemnation of King Josiah, among others.
TWO GREAT MORMON CIVILIZATIONS, WHERE ARE THEY?? The Book of Mormon purports to portray the rise and development of two great civilizations. As to just how great these civilizations were, some excerpts from the Book itself adequately illustrate: "The whole face of the land become covered with buildings, and the people were as numerous almost, as it were the sand of the sea." (Mormon 1:7) "...Fine workmanship of wood, in buildings, and in machinery, and also in iron and cooper, and brass and steel, makings [sic.] all manners of tools..." (Jarom 1:8 and 2 Nephi 5:15) "...grain...silks...cattle...oxen...cows...sheep...swine...goats...horses...asses...elephants..." (see Ether 9:17-19) "...did multiply and spread...began to cover the face of the whole earth, from sea south to sea north, from the sea west to the sea east..." (Heleman 3:8) "...had been slain...two millions" [Jaredites] (see Ether 15:2). "...their shipping and their building of ships, and their building of temples, and of synagogues and their sanctuaries..." (Heleman 3:14, see also 2 Nephi 5:15, 16 and Alma 16:13). "...there were ten more who did fall...with their ten thousand each..." (see Mormon 6:10-15). "...swords...cimeters...breastplates...arm-shields...armor" (see Alma 43:18, 19; 3:5 and Ether 5:15). "...multiplied exceedingly, and spread upon the face of the land, and became exceedingly rich..." (Jarom 1:8). See 3 Nephi 8:9, 10, 14, and 9:4, 5,6, 8: where cities and inhabitants were sunk in the depths of the sea and earth. In addition to the foregoing statements from the Book of Mormon which indicate the tremendous spread of the culture of these races, there are some thirty-eight cities cataloged in the Book of Mormon, evidence that these were indeed mighty civilizations which should, by all the laws of archeological research into the culture of antiquity, have left vast amounts of "finds" to be evaluated. But such is not the case as we shall show. The Mormons have yet to explain the fact that leading archeological researchers not only have repudiated the claims of the Book of Mormon as to the existence of these civilizations, but have adduced considerable evidence to show the impossibility of the accounts given in the Book of Mormon. The Smithsonian Institution of Washington has also added its voice against the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and I quote: "The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon instead any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archeologist see no direct connection between the archeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book. National Geographic had a TV series that lasted for 5 seasons on a new radar scan called "LiDar." National Geographic using LiDar scanned over 800 sq.miles of South America jungle and discover newly found Myan structures that shook the archeological world. But NOTHING was ever mentioned about any ancient Mormon civilizations being discovered. Which doesn't look good for the Book of Mormon archeological claims. And the Mormon church is running out of jungle to prove any archeological evidence to support anything in the Book of Mormon. So Mormons, where are these ancient Mormon civilizations and why haven't the Mormon church paid for more LiDar scans of the jungle to find your ancient Mormon civilizations??
This is an amazing comment. It’s amazing how much evidence is against Mormonism. They only see it when they want to wake up. And as soon as they even open their eyes it’s super obvious. The problem is getting them to open their eyes
@@rconger24Absolutely nothing has been found to prove the book of Mormon I mean nothing, Where is Zarahemia it doesn't exist Joseph Smith made it all up and Managed to deceived Millions of Mormons to believe his lies
The reason we aren't to worship heavenly Mother is because many who might end up putting the Father on the back burner as is signified in Jeremiah 7 & 44. Disregarding the male order of the priesthood. :>)
Indigenous America is/was the furthest thing from a monolithic culture. There are plenty of distinct people groups who flourished and fell. Additionally, the Lehite group was at _most_ what, 20 people? There were other people close by when they arrived--Sherem was one, who "came among the people" and was notable for being able to speak their language (Jacob 7:1-4). And who _knows_ what was lost when smallpox swept through in the 1500s and killed 90% of the native population!
@@JIKOKALOL I was merely trying to point out that "No other civilization ever happened" is too broad of a brush to be painting with, when accounting for more than two millennia of history across an entire continent, and when we aren't even sure exactly where we should be looking. The Wikipedia category "Extinct Native American Tribes" has 102 entries, and those are just the ones we know about! In the case of the Book of Mormon, I would suggest that "absence of evidence should not be taken as evidence of absence" applies.
MORMONS REFORMED EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE THAT MAKES UP THE BOOK OF MORMON, DOES NOT EXIST. The Book of Mormon, and work of scripture of the LDS movement, is asserted by both itself and Joseph Smith, the founder of the movement, to have been originally written in the Native American writing system of "reformed Egyptian" characters. Scholars reference works on languages do not acknowledge the existence of either a "reformed Egyptian" language or "reformed Egyptian" script as it was described by Joseph Smith. Therefore is no archeological, linguistic, or other evidence of the use of Egyptian writing in the ancient Americas. MAINSTREAM SCHOLARLY VIEW OF "REFORMED EGYPTIAN. Standard language reference works contain no reference to "reformed Egyptian" and it described with this term only in the Book of Mormon. No non-Mormon scholars acknowledge the existence of either a "reformed Egyptian" language or a "reformed Egyptian" script as it has been described in Mormon belief. For instance, in 1996, John A. Wilson, a professor of Eygyptology at the University of Chicago, wrote, "From time to time there are allegations that picture writing has been found in America [...] In no case has a professional Egyptologist been able to recognize these characters as Egyptian hieroglyphs. From our stand point there is no such language as "reformed Egyptian." Anthropologist Michael D. Coe of Yale University, and expert in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican studies, wrote, "Of all the peoples of the pre-Columbian New World, only the ancient "Maya" had complete script." Fifteen examples of distinct writing systems have been identified in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, many from a single inscription. So Mormons, if "reformed Egyptian" doesn't exist, then, why are you believing in something that doesn't exist??
@@kellymcdonald1895 - ignore this guy, he has some anger and bitterness issues mixed with an inability to comprehend English and the answers he has been given to his feigned interested questions.
@@Jeanie-nv7lo I want to ask this guy if "reformed Arabic" does exist. From his answer depends further light or no. But he doesn't seem asking because he is seeking the truth but rather to destroy other's beliefs so it's hard to have a frank discussion in that case.
@@williamrasoanaivo5381the Mormons always go into damage control especially when people give them concrete evidence The Book of Mormon and the Mormon church is nothing but bulshit
Not one historian or archeologist has validated the Book of Mormon, not one artifact has been found, and it is supposed to be an ancient civilization., The Mormon Mother is not biblical. You should re-name your religion, it is not a Christian religion.
Except she is in the Bible, the Hebrews used to worship her as Asheratah, or in caananite, Asherah. The KJV translates Asherah as groves or trees. We do not worship a mother in heaven, only acknowledge her. You can acknowledge the existence of demons, but that doesn't mean you worship them, you can acknowledge the existence of angels, but that doesn't mean you worship them, you can acknowledge the existence of Satan, but that doesn't mean you worship him
Define Christianity first and then study the Book of Mormon, particularly the account of the Saviours appearance to the ancient inhabitants of America.
If Al-Shaddai is the Breasted One or Mothe rin Heaven why didnt she appear to Joseph Smith in the Grove with the Father and the Son. If you wanted to start a new despensation and restore the old gosepl with this female diety who was turned into an idol with big breasts why not appear in the grove and set the record straight?
@@MichaelGMoneyThere is no Such being in the Bible Called Heavenly Mother, that's another lie that the Mormons teach, I mean The jaredites and Lehi story are the same lie baptizing dead people is Paganism living in heaven before coming to this earth, The lies stack a Mile high with the Mormons
If the Book of Mormon was not a religious book, its account of travel through Arabia around 600 BC would be accepted by academia. Why? Because a pattern of evidences connecting locations and distances and directions that match the text has been found that is remarkable and solid.
also, stop calling yourselves Christian’s! Have your own religion like the Muslims, but the Mormon church has completely perverted our Christian faith! It’s so offensive!
I love all the insights from David Butler!
Two very wonderful humans! Love these guys!
David's latest book is so fantastic. Love all Rod and David do for all of us.
I really appreciate this interview and all the information. You guys are great!!
Get the book, "In the Language of Adam." I've listened to almost all of Dave Butler's various TH-cam interviews. While he probably is right that he's covered all of the topics online, I would say he hasn't covered them as thoroughly or as organizedly (is that a word?) as he does in the book. I've been through it 3 times already, and want to go through it again soon.
Have you read his book titled Plain and Precious things? If so, is In the Language of Adam similar?
@@aaronfrazier6204 Most of what is in Plain and Precious things is covered in In the Language of Adam. However, In the Language of Adam has much more.
I love how honest they are in their dialogue. David talking about coming to grips with being a 40 year old weirdo made me laugh
Im age 35 coming to the same realization
At some point, we all experience hitting the Faith Wall; welcome to the party.
The Book of Mormon should be called the American Testament. That puts it on the same level as the Old and New Testaments.
Great idea. It really fits perfectly.
Something I thought of earlier today is how the BOM is the second witness for this statement "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" the OT doesn't qualify as a Testament to Christ in my opinion because the Deuteronomist reforms removed all mention of him other than a few obscure passages.
Let's just support it the way it is.
@@EddieStrangerattlerThe Book of Mormon should be called Plagiarizism of the Bible and lies by Joseph Smith
To Mormons, it is already elevated above both Old and New Testaments in authority. Orthodox (small o) Christianity and academia will never accept it anyway, so call it whatever you'd like.
I think that the feminine aspects are contained in the sealed books
I too am an Israelite from the house of Ephraim. 👍
Now I know you are just lying
At 12:40 where he says that the divine feminine is secondary... or can be secondary to you because you are a man. There's so so so much theology that relates to what men will do in the eternities. We women want to know what our role will be. All we can find is D&C 132, which tells us that we'll be given to a righteous man. But what do we contribute? So many of us want to add to the conversation. In the temple, there are no women involved in the creation. I have a degree in geology. I LOVE the earth. I would be a great asset in the creation of worlds.
We don't speak to Heavenly Mother. Is that my destiny? To never be spoken to or spoke of by my children? My husband will have temples built to worship him and I will be invisible. Forever.
And don't give me the whole "God is protecting Heavenly Mother!" If she's a goddess, let her shine. If she's a goddess, she can take it. She can defend herself. Or at the very least, be at the battle's front. Not stuck in the kitchen.
One thought is that the priests of Mosiah were Aaronic temple priests and the priests of Alma were of the Melchizedek order.
They couldn’t be of the Aaronic order. Only the tribe of Levi could hold that priesthood until the restoration. The Nephites only held the Melchizedek priesthood.
@@rock5948 - Are you sure about that? Also, only Levites could have the Levitical priesthood - but if you held the higher priesthood, you have the authority to officiate in the lower priesthood - aka.. the prophet has the authority to officiate in all ordinances. Also.... who was Zoram again?
Another name for the Aaronic temple is the law of Moses Temple. The people under King Mosiah we're under the law of Moses and followed that order. They didn't have a Church of Christ, as such. They didn't have a church under the Melchizedek order. Alma was the founder of their Church because he introduced the Melchizedek order who are the order of the Son of God. To me that is the difference between Aaronic and Melchizedek priests.
In other words, the priests of Mosiah were Temple priests have the priests of Alma were priests of the Church of Christ.
Heavenly Mother is fulfilling her role perfectly as divine femininity must. Is a Divine Mother's role to be on Earth's stage, to have rot written about Her and every crude foul epithet thrown at Her? Thankyou, God for protecting divine Womanhood as a truly loving Partner, Spouse and Friend would do.
Oh c'mon. The reason we don't talk about "heavenly mother" is because archaeology, ancient epigraphy studies, the uguritic texts, and even the Bible itself tell us she is Ashrah, and it ended in "divorce". It was Josiah's fault. These are not mysteries anymore.
Humanity had Heavenly Mother longer than we’ve been without Her. I’m excited for the restoration of that tradition.
The damage Josiah and Hezekiah have dealt human spirituality is incalculable.
@coryhorton5837 The modern Church doesn't "restore" anything. They dither about the busy work of policy. Restoring Ashrah is far too bold a move for them. They have important things to solve like, who gets to use the bathrooms, and how many new buildings to announce.
@@cohort29 BTW, I didn't mean for my previous to come off terse towards you. It's just a general rant about the Church. I appreciate that you actually know what I'm talking about! That's better than most.
Ok, I have to ask.
How does Heavenly Mother relate to Understanding the Book of Mo 2:33 rmon??? Clickbait??
Witnesses, in the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established, Book of Mormon married to the Bible, another testament of Jesus Christ, fullness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints 🙏 ❤
In my faith Alma was given as a spirit before he was born what we call the Melchizedek Priesthood, and by revelation it was activated. D&C 86:9-11 as I understand speaks of certain lineages of spirits that were ordained to the MP before they were born. When they come into this world their MP has to be activated by revelation, or by the power of the Holy Ghost being in the one who ordains them. (D&C 20:60) This is also how Joseph and Oliver obtained the MP for the church -- it was activated by revelation in father Whitmer's home. Peter, James and John restored the apostleship and keys, not the MP.
Little by little, line upon line, the world is not ready yet to receive fully about Havenly mother,too Holy to fully reveal, just the word mother, the world already abuse, in the Lord's timing and Havenly Parents will for the whole world, to know, just like the second coming, we are all awaits, everyone will know, when he comes back again, different when he was born, still people don't believe, He is the Head of His Church, All will see when he comes back, as Lord of Lord's and King of kings, the Lord's timing,
Surly the most likely reason we are instructed not to talk of heavenly Mother is because there is more than one Heavenly Mother. right. ?
Nope - it's simple - and the explanation has been given plenty. So that we don't blaspheme her name as the world does to Heavenly Father.
If we want to understand the Book of Mormon, let us look to the prophets and apostles and let us seek out the guidance of the Holy Ghost and personal revelation. I appreciate brother Butler. He is a very studious man. But I think it is better to follow those who have the keys of the Kingdom. I have been through his book and he makes a large number of assumptions and leaps of logic, seeming to read intimations of worshiping Heavenly Mother in almost every passage he reviews. I don't agree with his condemnation of King Josiah, among others.
The Book of Mormon purports to portray the rise and development of two great civilizations. As to just how great these civilizations were, some excerpts from the Book itself adequately illustrate:
"The whole face of the land become covered with buildings, and the people were as numerous almost, as it were the sand of the sea." (Mormon 1:7)
"...Fine workmanship of wood, in buildings, and in machinery, and also in iron and cooper, and brass and steel, makings [sic.] all manners of tools..." (Jarom 1:8 and 2 Nephi 5:15)
"...grain...silks...cattle...oxen...cows...sheep...swine...goats...horses...asses...elephants..." (see Ether 9:17-19)
"...did multiply and spread...began to cover the face of the whole earth, from sea south to sea north, from the sea west to the sea east..." (Heleman 3:8)
"...had been slain...two millions" [Jaredites] (see Ether 15:2).
"...their shipping and their building of ships, and their building of temples, and of synagogues and their sanctuaries..." (Heleman 3:14, see also 2 Nephi 5:15, 16 and Alma 16:13).
"...there were ten more who did fall...with their ten thousand each..." (see Mormon 6:10-15).
"...swords...cimeters...breastplates...arm-shields...armor" (see Alma 43:18, 19; 3:5 and Ether 5:15).
"...multiplied exceedingly, and spread upon the face of the land, and became exceedingly rich..." (Jarom 1:8).
See 3 Nephi 8:9, 10, 14, and 9:4, 5,6, 8: where cities and inhabitants were sunk in the depths of the sea and earth.
In addition to the foregoing statements from the Book of Mormon which indicate the tremendous spread of the culture of these races, there are some thirty-eight cities cataloged in the Book of Mormon, evidence that these were indeed mighty civilizations which should, by all the laws of archeological research into the culture of antiquity, have left vast amounts of "finds" to be evaluated. But such is not the case as we shall show. The Mormons have yet to explain the fact that leading archeological researchers not only have repudiated the claims of the Book of Mormon as to the existence of these civilizations, but have adduced considerable evidence to show the impossibility of the accounts given in the Book of Mormon.
The Smithsonian Institution of Washington has also added its voice against the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and I quote:
"The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon instead any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archeologist see no direct connection between the archeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book.
National Geographic had a TV series that lasted for 5 seasons on a new radar scan called "LiDar." National Geographic using LiDar scanned over 800 sq.miles of South America jungle and discover newly found Myan structures that shook the archeological world. But NOTHING was ever mentioned about any ancient Mormon civilizations being discovered. Which doesn't look good for the Book of Mormon archeological claims. And the Mormon church is running out of jungle to prove any archeological evidence to support anything in the Book of Mormon.
So Mormons, where are these ancient Mormon civilizations and why haven't the Mormon church paid for more LiDar scans of the jungle to find your ancient Mormon civilizations??
We know about you, Albert.
_The message is for those with eyes to see and ears to hear!_
Its because the Book of Mormon is fiction
@@rconger24 - it must be exhausting being Albert. At worst lying and and at least illiterate to read the answers he has been given over and over.
This is an amazing comment. It’s amazing how much evidence is against Mormonism. They only see it when they want to wake up. And as soon as they even open their eyes it’s super obvious. The problem is getting them to open their eyes
@@rconger24Absolutely nothing has been found to prove the book of Mormon I mean nothing, Where is Zarahemia it doesn't exist Joseph Smith made it all up and Managed to deceived Millions of Mormons to believe his lies
Do you sleep at night??? Calm down...
The reason we aren't to worship heavenly Mother is because many who might end up putting the Father on the back burner as is signified in Jeremiah 7 & 44. Disregarding the male order of the priesthood. :>)
The Book of Mormon is a 19th century compilation of 19th century sermons.
Heavenly Mother is greater than that nonsense.
The American Indians were the only indigenous people here. No other civilization ever happened. But a great subject matter for fiction.
Also native Americans have no Jewish DNA.
Indigenous America is/was the furthest thing from a monolithic culture. There are plenty of distinct people groups who flourished and fell. Additionally, the Lehite group was at _most_ what, 20 people? There were other people close by when they arrived--Sherem was one, who "came among the people" and was notable for being able to speak their language (Jacob 7:1-4). And who _knows_ what was lost when smallpox swept through in the 1500s and killed 90% of the native population!
Real evidence produced by real professionals would be nice.
@@JIKOKALOL I was merely trying to point out that "No other civilization ever happened" is too broad of a brush to be painting with, when accounting for more than two millennia of history across an entire continent, and when we aren't even sure exactly where we should be looking. The Wikipedia category "Extinct Native American Tribes" has 102 entries, and those are just the ones we know about! In the case of the Book of Mormon, I would suggest that "absence of evidence should not be taken as evidence of absence" applies.
The Book of Mormon, and work of scripture of the LDS movement, is asserted by both itself and Joseph Smith, the founder of the movement, to have been originally written in the Native American writing system of "reformed Egyptian" characters.
Scholars reference works on languages do not acknowledge the existence of either a "reformed Egyptian" language or "reformed Egyptian" script as it was described by Joseph Smith. Therefore is no archeological, linguistic, or other evidence of the use of Egyptian writing in the ancient Americas.
Standard language reference works contain no reference to "reformed Egyptian" and it described with this term only in the Book of Mormon. No non-Mormon scholars acknowledge the existence of either a "reformed Egyptian" language or a "reformed Egyptian" script as it has been described in Mormon belief. For instance, in 1996, John A. Wilson, a professor of Eygyptology at the University of Chicago, wrote, "From time to time there are allegations that picture writing has been found in America [...] In no case has a professional Egyptologist been able to recognize these characters as Egyptian hieroglyphs. From our stand point there is no such language as "reformed Egyptian."
Anthropologist Michael D. Coe of Yale University, and expert in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican studies, wrote, "Of all the peoples of the pre-Columbian New World, only the ancient "Maya" had complete script." Fifteen examples of distinct writing systems have been identified in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, many from a single inscription.
So Mormons, if "reformed Egyptian" doesn't exist, then, why are you believing in something that doesn't exist??
So which of the 47,500 Christian sects or beliefs do you belong to again?
@@kellymcdonald1895 - ignore this guy, he has some anger and bitterness issues mixed with an inability to comprehend English and the answers he has been given to his feigned interested questions.
@@Jeanie-nv7lo I want to ask this guy if "reformed Arabic" does exist. From his answer depends further light or no. But he doesn't seem asking because he is seeking the truth but rather to destroy other's beliefs so it's hard to have a frank discussion in that case.
@@williamrasoanaivo5381the Mormons always go into damage control especially when people give them concrete evidence The Book of Mormon and the Mormon church is nothing but bulshit
Not one historian or archeologist has validated the Book of Mormon, not one artifact has been found, and it is supposed to be an ancient civilization.,
The Mormon Mother is not biblical. You should re-name your religion, it is not a Christian religion.
Except she is in the Bible, the Hebrews used to worship her as Asheratah, or in caananite, Asherah. The KJV translates Asherah as groves or trees. We do not worship a mother in heaven, only acknowledge her. You can acknowledge the existence of demons, but that doesn't mean you worship them, you can acknowledge the existence of angels, but that doesn't mean you worship them, you can acknowledge the existence of Satan, but that doesn't mean you worship him
No one cares what you think about the LDS beliefs though.
Define Christianity first and then study the Book of Mormon, particularly the account of the Saviours appearance to the ancient inhabitants of America.
Exactly! Even the Smithsonian has debunked the Mormon claims of existence during their claimed time period! They are sadly deceived!
If Al-Shaddai is the Breasted One or Mothe rin Heaven why didnt she appear to Joseph Smith in the Grove with the Father and the Son. If you wanted to start a new despensation and restore the old gosepl with this female diety who was turned into an idol with big breasts why not appear in the grove and set the record straight?
Because God doesn't want us to worship her
Gods and Godesses and Priests and Priestesses are for the Celestial realm. Not for this telestial experience.
@@MichaelGMoneyThere is no Such being in the Bible Called Heavenly Mother, that's another lie that the Mormons teach, I mean The jaredites and Lehi story are the same lie baptizing dead people is Paganism living in heaven before coming to this earth, The lies stack a Mile high with the Mormons
Sadly, there is no archeological, DNA, historic or prophetical evidences corroborated outside your church!
Are you sure? @debbieroeh2369
You should get out more. :>)
If the Book of Mormon was not a religious book, its account of travel through Arabia around 600 BC would be accepted by academia. Why? Because a pattern of evidences connecting locations and distances and directions that match the text has been found that is remarkable and solid.
The name Alma
Horses in America Pre Columbian
Did you wake up spilling the Wheaties ?
also, stop calling yourselves Christian’s! Have your own religion like the Muslims, but the Mormon church has completely perverted our Christian faith! It’s so offensive!