He is truly remarkable. It’s so sad how many Syrians, including very talented and intelligent Syrians, have been killed or displaced over the last ten years.
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
My uncle was detained once in the beginning of the Syrian revolution.. when he came back from prison after couple of months his foots were blue and swollen and he was so skinny he was a completely different person… he was lucky he survived and I’m just glad we are finally free from this regime…
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
Thank you Omar for sharing this terrible experience. You are the voice of hope for the Syrians that are still in dention, for those who disappeared and those who died. I hope you will never get tired to share your experience and spread your words
ما أحلاك يا ابن بلدي و ما أحلا نقاء روحك ☺️ ربي يرضى عنك دنيا و آخرة و يرحم أخواتك و أهلك و يسكنهم جنات النعيم I want to whisper something in your ear …… بشير حي…ما دمنا أحياء ♥️ ربي يسكنه فسيح جناته مع الصديقين و الصالحين 🙏 الله بيحبك يا عُمر ♥️
The best speaker I ever heard. The world needs people like Omar, powerful, courage,. And the most important point is that you keep telling people about your experiences and suffering. Young people must take this person as their role model
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
Omar I am so happy you are free man, as a Lebanese I know what the Syrian regime is capable of Alhamdulillah you made it out alive, and keep on smiling brother.
عمر الشغري من سورية معتقل سابق في صيدنايا وناجي من النظام السوري الطاغي اجتمع مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي لسماع شهادتة عن ما يحصل في سورية من اعمال النظام السوري الطاغي بحق الشعب
This is very similar to what I read in Victor Frankls "mens search for meaning". He said that those survived who still had hope, who stuck to their morals and who gave meaning to their suffering survived. Alshogre says that the engineers survived.
Ohhh Omar 😭😭😭 I do not know what to say but I was crying and smiling even when you was saying these jocks.. but I understand you because my uncles get through the same experience! Thanks for you and for the all our heroes ❤️❤️ god bless you
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
Sam these governments are there to serve your government. Always remember that. People are people and no one elects a tyrant. The big bully of the planet with his embassies and armies and wealth runs the order of the world. This is your civilization. I am not attacking you though iam using the word you, no pls understand, I am just calling to you from my cell to tell you that hey you are also imprisoned but your cell is just nicer and it is so so that you may continue serving the warden that put you there and me here. Did you hear me?
@@mohamedajami4394 only thing I would add is the whole government to government model is going out of style. Seems like all are serving one master.. Syrians paying the highest price but all are paying something (to your point)
I am sorry for you and for all the injustice that the Syrian people have suffered, and I know that I cannot do anything, but I want you to know that your voice reaches us and we know how you feel😔
@@yahya2925 Funny you never asked him to prove it. No proof works for you.... All the proof in the world that your buddies did the chemical attacks didn't work. Liberal flake
@@kayanolljan8811طز فيك وبالرؤساء العرب يلي دمرو الامة العربية اذا السيسي الاهبل رئيس ربع العرب ماذا تتامل واذا بشار وابوه حكمو منذو اربعين سنة دون فكر جديد والسعودية ابو منشار حاكمها و.......
I just read Omar's story on Al jazeera and brooo I'm lost for words😪 What he went through is shocking and traumatising to even know😵😱 I've just searched his name on Google to find out more about him and ended up here..!! This guy his father was killed his brothers was tortured and killed his mothers house was set on fire but managed to escape with his young sibling to Turkey 🇹🇷. Omar is a LEGEND may Allah bless and protect him and protect the rest of the Syrian innocent Opressed civilians by the monster, murderer, tyrant in Bashaar!
Him trying to hold back tears while explaining what happened with him, broke my heart 💔🥹 I’m proud and so happy that he made it out and that he’s trying to deliver his and other prisoners who are still suffering to this day message to the world ❤️
Mysteries of life. But people with power will not change. But great soul as Omar n many like him are destined for greatness cause divine intervention act. Thank you, bless you. All your dreams come true
عمر الشغري من سوريا اعتقل عن نظام بشار المجرم ونجى من الموت في سجن صيدنايا بطل وابن بطل شاهد قصته كله على الانترنت قصته حزينه ومؤثرة جدآ حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل الله يفرج عن المعتقلين ونتقم من الظالمين يارب
Thank you Omar for continuieng to fight for the rights for our prisoners in the human-slaughterhouses. Today we are free 🤍🖤💚 And out of the almost 200 000 prisoners only few thousands were freed and the rest were excuted by Butchar Assad😔
see what is happening in presions of Syria, only because we wanted freedom (what we mean by freedom is to be able to say our opinion, to do what we love to do, to get an enough selery to live, to get a job without paying and be controlled by others.... and so so many things) we weren't even able to talk. when we wanted freedom we get arrested and tortured !!! worst government ever
I learned in Texas prison that lack of air conditioning is awful. Also, when you give someone a chance to torture someone who can’t fight back, they will do it mercilessly. I’m not talking about inmates, I am talking about the prison officers.
America puts to many in prison for to long but as an ex prisoner of 3 yrs I'll tell you this. We had our rights our freedoms even our comforts intact on the inside.
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
Proud of him. He is a true hero my heart breaks from how sad his story is and how much this young man suffered if you read this Omar I want to say sorry for what happened to you and I love the way you speak you are amazing ,you still have the ability to speak and share your story which is very difficult and painful To keep remembering those terrible three years. And you're still so handsome and nothing can change that. Fu*k Dictators 🍅🍅🍅
لا تقل نحن فنحن اسمى من تلك الارواح الشيطانية التي تحسب على البشر بغير حق بل تلك الشرذمة يملي لهم الله ليسموهم سوء العذاب ولا يفلتهم ولا تكون لهم فرصة بالمغفرة في الآخرة
In syria people who torture others all of thim are from the same religion so in this religion they hate One of the Companions (friend of the prophet mohammed) that called omar ibn alkhatab so every syrian and his name (omar) they make him guilty and arrested thim my uncle his is omar they was threatening him every day then he died by bomb In short : because his name is omar they touturd him more than others
What’s your point ? Both people are suffering and there is insane media bias in favour of Israel . However don’t use Omar’s experience as a way of making a point it ain’t the right place .
@@Johnrichaed Sounds logical, however you don't explain why Omar is allowed to speak loud but not the Palestinians, the Saudi ppl? Or Burmese ppl? Why only those who work closely with US are allowed to speak?
@@germantrainer442 The whole point of this video is that Omar can not speak loudly the dude literally spent months in a underground prison tortured for doing so .
@@germantrainer442 of course the typical assadist a person who’s willing to put one man who dosent even know he exists above the hundreds of thousands he butchered . They’ll all get what’s coming to them in this life or the next
في البداية الحمدلله على السلامه وقرة عينك في مشاهدة السجناء طلقاء وانتهاء عهد الطاغيه ونسأل الله ان يبدلكم بمن يخاف الله فيكم .. جميل هو سردك لقصة الوفاء الذي بينك وبين بشير وكلمة الحق في المساجين الذين أشعلوا بقلبك هذا الامل المشع ولكنك ومع الاسف لم تبدأ قصة سعادتك ونجاتك بعد ولم تفهم بعد مغزى نجاتك الذي لطالما رددت دوما لما كنت أنجو دوما ؟؟ ومادام أنك لم تتحصل عليها فلا زلت تعيش في ظلام دامس ولم تخرج بعد من اغلال الوحشة التي تعتمر بداخلك ولم تبدأ قصتك سعادتك بعد .. حيث انك أغفلت تماما من انجاك وكان له كل الفضل بانك اليوم تقف على المسارح لتنقل للعالم هذه المعجزة الذي تكاد تكون مستحيلة على الافهام لمن عاش مثل حالة أسرك القسرية الوحشية .. للأسف ياعمر لقد نسيت او لم تفهم رسالة الله لك الذي نسيته تماما ونسيت ان تذكر انه هو وحده من له الفضل عليك بأن جعل بشير واولئك السجناء يحركون في قلبك هذا الانسان الذي يسعى لنفع الغير بنشر الامل في قلوب التعساء الذين اظلمت الحياة بعيونهم رغم انهم لم يعيشو نصف ولا ربع جحيم ماعشته !! لاسف عمر لم تفهم مغزى رسالة الله لك وانك تقف بطولك بلسان فصيح تخبر العالم ان لك صوت مسموع ولاخرين اسكتوا تحت القهر فكنت انت صوتهم ناقلا معاناتهم..! اخرجك الله من ظلمات السجن ومن ظلمات البحر ومن ظلمات المرض ومن ظلمات الوحده ومن ظلمات ان تظل حبيس الشعور بما مررت به واطلق لسانك كي تشاركهم تجربة معاناتك المؤلمة جدا لكنك للاسف لم تنسب الفضل له ولو لمرة واحده انتشلك من جلاديك وظلمات السجن والقهر انجاك من موت محتم هل تظن ان من أنجاك والدتك او البشر هل تظن انك بفضل مقدرتك استطعت ان تحفظ هذه اللغات وان تقف بصمود وقوة على المسرح بفضل قوتك كلا لقد كان الله من حرك عضلة لسانك وابدل خوفك امانك وجعلك لسانا للمقهورين سواء من قضوا تحت التعذيب او من لازالوا او ممن لم ولن يتخطى ما مر به كان كل ما انت فيه بفضله .. لقد نسيت انك تحمل ديانة السعادة نسيت انك رسالة من الله للعالم وليس رسالة من نفسك للعالم لقد اعجب العالم بإيمان الغزاويين وصمودهم وصبرهم وبكلمة الحمدلله الذي استغربوها بحثوا مالذي يجعل اما او ابا يفقدان اطفالهم بابشع طريقة يقولان الحمدلله مالذي يجعل شخصا يفقد بيتا وعملا واسره يقولون الحمدلله وقد فقدوا للتو كل شيء بالمنظور المادي لكنهم بالحقيقة كانوا لم يفقدوا شيء بل يزدادوا عند الله درجات يبنون قصورهم عنده يشترون رضاه مع كلمة الحمدلله حينها بحث الغربيين عن ماسبب هذا الرضا وتلك الابتسامات الراضية رغم انهم يخسرون ووجدوا تعليقات المسلمين السر في القران افتحوا القران وستفهمون لما بدا الغزيبن راضيين عن كل مايحدث .. قد تكون في وقت اعتقالك ياعمر صغير قد نرجع باللوم على النظام البائد الذي كان يحارب مظاهر الاسلام ويمنع ممارسة الشعائر الدينيه وقد يكون اللوم على اسرتك التي لم تربيك على منهج قويم لكن الان انت فقط من تحمل اللوم كاملا فأنت شابا مسلم منطلق كالطير السابحة في كون الله تحلق حرا وكان لابد لك ان تفهم انك في نعماء لم يتسنى لغيرك ان يتحصل على فرصتك وقضوا بطريقة وحشية قاسية لكن الله منحها لك كي تعرفه وتبحث عنه في قلبك وفي سماواته وفي هذا الشجر والازهار والورود كان بشير وكل السجناء سيسعدوا اكثر لو رويت قصتهم عن طريق ارجاع الفضل لمن هم الان بين يديه .. وهو سبحانه من يعتني بك وبهم وبجميع الخلق كنت ستغدو حرا وطليقا بالفعل لو انك احببته ونسبت الفضل له فانا اخبرك قصة سعادتك لم تبدا بعد وبشير والسجناء الذين قضوا ولازال الكثير منهم مفقود في مصير مجهول لسان حالهم يقول اخطات فهم مغزى نجاتك فالمئة وردة ليست نجاتك من جلاديك بل نجاتك من ظلمات الجهل بعدم معرفة الله ونسب الفضل له الى نور هدايتك ومعرفته ونسب الفضل له واول ورده من بشير لك هو الهداية والتفكر والتدبر بان رسم الله لك طريق نجاتك ونفاذك من جلاديك هو الله ليست امك ولا السجناء ولا بشير وانهم كانوا فقط اسبابا وكان من يحركهم لانتشالك من الغرق هو الله الله فقط ياعمر الله
this guy learned English and Swedish in 2 years only.. very powerful, insightful, tough... very inspiring OMAR
He is truly remarkable. It’s so sad how many Syrians, including very talented and intelligent Syrians, have been killed or displaced over the last ten years.
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
Seriously the way he talks in English I’m shocked 😳 like he didn’t know anything and learned everything
If you listen to him now, his English is way way better. Nobody can stop him.
سوريا حره يا عمر حره ❤❤❤❤❤
I think this the most important TED talk I ever heard.
Any Gordon Ramsay video has more truth to it (and he sucks at cooking!)
Clean propaganda.
@@amrshantir559 how?
@@truthbetold89 Amr is brainwashed. If you look Omar up you’ll see he came out of Syria with plenty of evidence to back up his claims
My uncle was detained once in the beginning of the Syrian revolution.. when he came back from prison after couple of months his foots were blue and swollen and he was so skinny he was a completely different person… he was lucky he survived and I’m just glad we are finally free from this regime…
Our admiration goes beyond what words can express. Thank you Omar for sharing these experiences with the world.
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
Thank you Omar for sharing this terrible experience. You are the voice of hope for the Syrians that are still in dention, for those who disappeared and those who died. I hope you will never get tired to share your experience and spread your words
Alhamdulillah Syria is free now Alhamdulillah ❤
ما أحلاك يا ابن بلدي و ما أحلا نقاء روحك ☺️
ربي يرضى عنك دنيا و آخرة و يرحم أخواتك و أهلك و يسكنهم جنات النعيم
I want to whisper something in your ear ……
بشير حي…ما دمنا أحياء ♥️
ربي يسكنه فسيح جناته مع الصديقين و الصالحين 🙏
الله بيحبك يا عُمر ♥️
I want to re-watch this again and again.
His smile says everything.
I just can't stop crying...
As Syrian i should tell you that what "OMAR" said is just a small part from what is happening in Syria every day
@@arifaksoy2187 I am sorry, I wish there was something we could do to help..
@@M-123kh all you can do is tell all the world what is happening in Syria, Thank you
@@arifaksoy2187 I will, stay safe.
as a syrian ,We are proud of you omar 💚💚💚
"Learn as much as you can to survive as much as you can"
The best speaker I ever heard. The world needs people like Omar, powerful, courage,. And the most important point is that you keep telling people about your experiences and suffering. Young people must take this person as their role model
From an Egyptian with alot of Syrian friends i love u and wish u well! Youre A Survivor!!!!!
oh Omar...the world really needs to hear you... Keep talking :)
He is just a good actor, there were bunch of him during Gulf war against Saddam
@@germantrainer442 everything is fake and propaganda to y’all assadists, even the literal videos
@@user-dq4es5od2i just coz my comment is different then it's fake and propaganda?? True I was always different :)
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
@@bbbb-do2qp why not going to northern Syria and enjoy freedom there? Or maybe to Saudi or Qatar! Democracy is great there.
What an amazing amount of courage and bravery on stage . No words ...
Omar I am so happy you are free man, as a Lebanese I know what the Syrian regime is capable of Alhamdulillah you made it out alive, and keep on smiling brother.
عمر الشغري من سورية
معتقل سابق في صيدنايا وناجي من النظام السوري الطاغي
اجتمع مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي لسماع شهادتة عن ما يحصل في سورية من اعمال النظام السوري الطاغي بحق الشعب
وش صلر لما سمعوا كلامه ؟؟؟ ولاشي للان في ناس تعيش المعاناه
@@janaj7920 صح عم نعاني لكن الإنسان يكون عنده موقف
أحسن مابيكون حجر
الحمدلله على كل حال
This is very similar to what I read in Victor Frankls "mens search for meaning". He said that those survived who still had hope, who stuck to their morals and who gave meaning to their suffering survived. Alshogre says that the engineers survived.
Thanks Omar for your efforts and attempting to reach our voices and suffering with this criminal regime to the world
Ohhh Omar 😭😭😭 I do not know what to say but I was crying and smiling even when you was saying these jocks.. but I understand you because my uncles get through the same experience! Thanks for you and for the all our heroes ❤️❤️ god bless you
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
This same government is still in power today doing the same thing to more people
Sam these governments are there to serve your government. Always remember that. People are people and no one elects a tyrant. The big bully of the planet with his embassies and armies and wealth runs the order of the world. This is your civilization. I am not attacking you though iam using the word you, no pls understand, I am just calling to you from my cell to tell you that hey you are also imprisoned but your cell is just nicer and it is so so that you may continue serving the warden that put you there and me here. Did you hear me?
@@mohamedajami4394 only thing I would add is the whole government to government model is going out of style. Seems like all are serving one master.. Syrians paying the highest price but all are paying something (to your point)
you were in branch 215 right ?
ميت وردة 💚
و "الله يجوزك"
I am sorry for you and for all the injustice that the Syrian people have suffered, and I know that I cannot do anything, but I want you to know that your voice reaches us and we know how you feel😔
Omar you are so beautiful and courageous. I am positive you will keep going and creating love and beauty wherever you go.
The most important moment...
He's smiling...
I'm tearing up...
O Omar forgive me and request your people to forgive me
We are proud of you Omar
We are proud of you omer
I am a Syrian , what brother omer said is Hundred percent true....
The severely oppressed people always become the biggest leaders in society one day. May God make it easy for your people akhi
Your "brother" Omar is a very, very good liar.
@@BroZap1 I won’t respond to that !
U just need to go to psychologist asap !
@@BroZap1 Prove it then
@@yahya2925 Funny you never asked him to prove it. No proof works for you.... All the proof in the world that your buddies did the chemical attacks didn't work. Liberal flake
أن شاء الله بالمرحلة القادمة أمثالك من سيقود سوريا!!!!!
بدو يقود خرا براسك وراسو هلق بدهم ياه كم يوم وبعدين رح يزحطوله
معك حق فعلا سوريا بحاجة لمتل عمر
مو متل بشار الاهبل والاهبل التاني اللي ترك تعليق غبي وانقلع ...تفه عليك وع بشار وع كل مين بيشد ع ايديكن
@@kayanolljan8811طز فيك وبالرؤساء العرب يلي دمرو الامة العربية اذا السيسي الاهبل رئيس ربع العرب ماذا تتامل واذا بشار وابوه حكمو منذو اربعين سنة دون فكر جديد والسعودية ابو منشار حاكمها و.......
لا تقلق عم يتدرب في جورج تاون مشان يصير سياسي محنك وعلى جلالة
@@kayanolljan8811 fk u fk bashar
I just read Omar's story on Al jazeera and brooo I'm lost for words😪 What he went through is shocking and traumatising to even know😵😱 I've just searched his name on Google to find out more about him and ended up here..!! This guy his father was killed his brothers was tortured and killed his mothers house was set on fire but managed to escape with his young sibling to Turkey 🇹🇷.
Omar is a LEGEND may Allah bless and protect him and protect the rest of the Syrian innocent Opressed civilians by the monster, murderer, tyrant in Bashaar!
"Syrian government, or better to call them dark forces"
Excellent description
Amazing, we are proud of you
This should go viral!!!
Beyond the Words🙏🏼Extraordinary Soul🙏🏼Admiration for You Omar💚💝
Him trying to hold back tears while explaining what happened with him, broke my heart 💔🥹 I’m proud and so happy that he made it out and that he’s trying to deliver his and other prisoners who are still suffering to this day message to the world ❤️
So inspiring and touching, thank you so much
ماشاء الله الله يوفقك ويحفظك وينفع بك كل مظلوم في سجون هذا الطاغيه
انك عظيم ياعمر 🥺❤❤
عمر البطل الجميل We're very proud of you!
💔. God bless you Omer. You are an incredible human being. ❤
Mysteries of life. But people with power will not change. But great soul as Omar n many like him are destined for greatness cause divine intervention act. Thank you, bless you. All your dreams come true
Omar ❤️ so much bravery
سوريا حرة❤
you are the bravest person I heard
عمر الشغري من سوريا اعتقل عن نظام بشار المجرم ونجى من الموت في سجن صيدنايا بطل وابن بطل شاهد قصته كله على الانترنت قصته حزينه ومؤثرة جدآ حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل الله يفرج عن المعتقلين ونتقم من الظالمين يارب
Omar you must write a book about your prison learning it would be so useful to humanity.❤❤❤
مية وردة 🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Thank you Omar❤
Thank you Omar for continuieng to fight for the rights for our prisoners in the human-slaughterhouses.
Today we are free 🤍🖤💚 And out of the almost 200 000 prisoners only few thousands were freed and the rest were excuted by Butchar Assad😔
This story does make one appreciate freedom. God Bless America.
There in syria ...22 millions like omar with no hope, broken heart
اقل 15 ملايين وهم مسلمين سنة الباقي كلاااب هم من يقتلونا
عمر البطل 😍
فخوريين فيك 💜💜
Talk , Talk ,Talk and Talk Great Omar
Omar you have the courage to go out and stand for those who are still in slaughtering centers...keep it going
Keep going omar you really a great and a brave person 💙🙋♂️
Most important Ted Talk of all time
Remind me when this video get a million views, because it should!!!
see what is happening in presions of Syria, only because we wanted freedom (what we mean by freedom is to be able to say our opinion, to do what we love to do, to get an enough selery to live, to get a job without paying and be controlled by others.... and so so many things) we weren't even able to talk. when we wanted freedom we get arrested and tortured !!! worst government ever
It does not amount to being called a government, its Rule of brutal gangs and criminals
Amazing story.
INCREDIBLE YA OMARR WALLAH very inspiring soul
Thank you Omar
الله يقويك يا بطل
I cant hold my tears!!! Thats lot of pain i cant imagine all what he has gone Throw 😭😭😭
I learned in Texas prison that lack of air conditioning is awful.
Also, when you give someone a chance to torture someone who can’t fight back, they will do it mercilessly. I’m not talking about inmates, I am talking about the prison officers.
Please I want to see more videos of Omar🥺
افتحي قناته عاليوتيوب بينشر عليها كل شيء
America puts to many in prison for to long but as an ex prisoner of 3 yrs I'll tell you this. We had our rights our freedoms even our comforts intact on the inside.
من فضلكم نرغب بترجمة الفيديو الى العربي
شخص ملهم وذكي ونقي
الله يعوضه خير عن العذاب اللي شافه ويرحم بشير وأهله وينتقم من بشار
مية وردة 💕
We take an awful lot for granted, viva Omar.
Proud of you
Thank you
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له الملك وله الحمد هو على كل شي قدير ١٠مرات في كل صباح ومساء
The Syrian regime is still in power and is still practicing heinous crimes against civilians. We want public opinion to move. We ask journalists and media professionals to publish crimes. Please, civilians are dying now. We are in 2022 and civilians are still dying in the prisons of Bashar al-Assad, the dictator, because they only expressed their opinion.
احلى شب الله يحميك اخوي
مييييييييت وردة, و الله يجوزك يا اخوي
مية وردة يا عمر
Omar Al Saghry from Syria💚
ارفع صوتك وسمع الكل اللي يحصل معاكم بالمسالخ سمع الدنيا كلها صوت كل سوري مظلوم
مييييييه وررررررده
أنا معتقل سابق لدى النظام لكن انا في سورية وعاطل عن العمل رغم أني موظف صحة سابق واشحذ من الناس
الله يفرج عنك
@@joudikar7778 الله يسلمك و يعا٤يك انا احكي و اقع ما عم ذل حااي يس ليعرفوا بالحرب اول من يدمر هم المثقفين لانهم اساس ما بعد الحرب
الله يكون في عونكم ويفرج عليكم
@@alshamligeologist9809 آمبن الحمدلله
May Allah bless you
It's even worst then what he's saying it's like you are belong to them they can do what they want with you
Great speech, I liked the story structure.
I wish u were more fluent but overall it was very nice.
God bless you :)
His English is decent at the end if the day audience is swedish
Omar 👍🙂
The title is sure interesting
100 roses 💚
Proud of him. He is a true hero my heart breaks from how sad his story is and how much this young man suffered if you read this Omar I want to say sorry for what happened to you and I love the way you speak you are amazing ,you still have the ability to speak and share your story which is very difficult and painful To keep remembering those terrible three years. And you're still so handsome and nothing can change that.
Fu*k Dictators 🍅🍅🍅
Syrian people have been tortured for 11years 😑
Not only for 11 years but since Hafez al-Assad was in power he did a lot of bloody massacres .
بكرا احلا خيو من شخص عاش نفس معاناتك بس بي وجة مختلف بي مكان مختلف
لم ولن استطع ان افهم كيف باستطاعة انسان ان يفعل باخيه الانسان هذه الشنائع نحن البشر افظع خلق الله واحقرهم واردلهم
أتمنى أن لا تراه يا صديقي أنا عشت هذه الحالة في سجون الأسد لمدة 35 فقط في نهاية العام 2011 ولحد اليوم أرى كوابيس عن تلك الفترة
انا عشت لمدة عدة ساعات على احدى حواجز الجيش السوري واتمنى ان اموت ولا اعيش ساعة اخرى كتلك الساعات .
لا تقل نحن فنحن اسمى من تلك الارواح الشيطانية التي تحسب على البشر بغير حق بل تلك الشرذمة يملي لهم الله ليسموهم سوء العذاب ولا يفلتهم ولا تكون لهم فرصة بالمغفرة في الآخرة
U can do more to syrian refugees and prisonners here ...think about a somethink that collab people united against the dictatorships
I don’t understand what he is saying at minute 9:00 - 9:30
In syria people who torture others all of thim are from the same religion so in this religion they hate One of the Companions (friend of the prophet mohammed) that called omar ibn alkhatab so every syrian and his name (omar) they make him guilty and arrested thim my uncle his is omar they was threatening him every day then he died by bomb
In short : because his name is omar they touturd him more than others
Isco alcaron thank you
Bcz of his name he got tortured more
11:00 12:20
So if a Palestinian prisoner wanted to talk about what he suffered under Israeli occupation, would that be possible?
What’s your point ? Both people are suffering and there is insane media bias in favour of Israel . However don’t use Omar’s experience as a way of making a point it ain’t the right place .
@@Johnrichaed Sounds logical, however you don't explain why Omar is allowed to speak loud but not the Palestinians, the Saudi ppl? Or Burmese ppl? Why only those who work closely with US are allowed to speak?
@@germantrainer442 The whole point of this video is that Omar can not speak loudly the dude literally spent months in a underground prison tortured for doing so .
Ted and TH-cam has blocked my responses. So good luck with the unreal life. Long live Syria and Iran
@@germantrainer442 of course the typical assadist a person who’s willing to put one man who dosent even know he exists above the hundreds of thousands he butchered . They’ll all get what’s coming to them in this life or the next
Pls still guest
الله محيا اصلك عمر الشغري ابن بلدي
Omer keep talking
100 flowers🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸❤️
في البداية الحمدلله على السلامه وقرة عينك في مشاهدة السجناء طلقاء وانتهاء عهد الطاغيه ونسأل الله ان يبدلكم بمن يخاف الله فيكم .. جميل هو سردك لقصة الوفاء الذي بينك وبين بشير وكلمة الحق في المساجين الذين أشعلوا بقلبك هذا الامل المشع ولكنك ومع الاسف لم تبدأ قصة سعادتك ونجاتك بعد ولم تفهم بعد مغزى نجاتك الذي لطالما رددت دوما لما كنت أنجو دوما ؟؟
ومادام أنك لم تتحصل عليها فلا زلت تعيش في ظلام دامس ولم تخرج بعد من اغلال الوحشة التي تعتمر بداخلك ولم تبدأ قصتك سعادتك بعد .. حيث انك أغفلت تماما من انجاك وكان له كل الفضل بانك اليوم تقف على المسارح لتنقل للعالم هذه المعجزة الذي تكاد تكون مستحيلة على الافهام لمن عاش مثل حالة أسرك القسرية الوحشية .. للأسف ياعمر لقد نسيت او لم تفهم رسالة الله لك الذي نسيته تماما ونسيت ان تذكر انه هو وحده من له الفضل عليك بأن جعل بشير واولئك السجناء يحركون في قلبك هذا الانسان الذي يسعى لنفع الغير بنشر الامل
في قلوب التعساء الذين اظلمت الحياة بعيونهم رغم انهم لم يعيشو نصف ولا ربع جحيم ماعشته !!
لاسف عمر لم تفهم مغزى رسالة الله لك وانك تقف بطولك بلسان فصيح تخبر العالم ان لك صوت مسموع ولاخرين اسكتوا تحت القهر فكنت انت صوتهم ناقلا معاناتهم..!
اخرجك الله من ظلمات السجن ومن ظلمات البحر ومن ظلمات المرض ومن ظلمات الوحده ومن ظلمات ان تظل حبيس الشعور بما مررت به واطلق لسانك كي تشاركهم تجربة معاناتك المؤلمة جدا لكنك للاسف لم تنسب الفضل له ولو لمرة واحده انتشلك من جلاديك وظلمات السجن والقهر انجاك من موت محتم هل تظن ان من أنجاك والدتك او البشر هل تظن انك بفضل مقدرتك استطعت ان تحفظ هذه اللغات وان تقف بصمود وقوة على المسرح بفضل قوتك كلا لقد كان الله من حرك عضلة لسانك وابدل خوفك امانك وجعلك لسانا للمقهورين سواء من قضوا تحت التعذيب او من لازالوا او ممن لم ولن يتخطى ما مر به كان كل ما انت فيه بفضله ..
لقد نسيت انك تحمل ديانة السعادة نسيت انك رسالة من الله للعالم وليس رسالة من نفسك للعالم لقد اعجب العالم بإيمان الغزاويين وصمودهم وصبرهم وبكلمة الحمدلله الذي استغربوها بحثوا مالذي يجعل اما او ابا يفقدان اطفالهم بابشع طريقة يقولان الحمدلله مالذي يجعل شخصا يفقد بيتا وعملا واسره يقولون الحمدلله وقد فقدوا للتو كل شيء بالمنظور المادي لكنهم بالحقيقة كانوا لم يفقدوا شيء بل يزدادوا عند الله درجات يبنون قصورهم عنده يشترون رضاه مع كلمة الحمدلله حينها بحث الغربيين عن ماسبب هذا الرضا وتلك الابتسامات الراضية رغم انهم يخسرون ووجدوا تعليقات المسلمين السر في القران افتحوا القران وستفهمون لما بدا الغزيبن راضيين عن كل مايحدث ..
قد تكون في وقت اعتقالك ياعمر صغير قد نرجع باللوم على النظام البائد الذي كان يحارب مظاهر الاسلام ويمنع ممارسة الشعائر الدينيه وقد يكون اللوم على اسرتك التي لم تربيك على منهج قويم لكن الان انت فقط من تحمل اللوم كاملا فأنت شابا مسلم منطلق كالطير السابحة في كون الله تحلق حرا وكان لابد لك ان تفهم انك في نعماء لم يتسنى لغيرك ان يتحصل على فرصتك وقضوا بطريقة وحشية قاسية لكن الله منحها لك كي تعرفه وتبحث عنه في قلبك وفي سماواته وفي هذا الشجر والازهار والورود كان بشير وكل السجناء سيسعدوا اكثر لو رويت قصتهم عن طريق ارجاع الفضل لمن هم الان بين يديه ..
وهو سبحانه من يعتني بك وبهم وبجميع الخلق كنت ستغدو حرا وطليقا بالفعل لو انك احببته ونسبت الفضل له فانا اخبرك قصة سعادتك لم تبدا بعد وبشير والسجناء الذين قضوا ولازال الكثير منهم مفقود في مصير مجهول لسان حالهم يقول اخطات فهم مغزى نجاتك فالمئة وردة ليست نجاتك من جلاديك بل نجاتك من ظلمات الجهل بعدم معرفة الله ونسب الفضل له الى نور هدايتك ومعرفته ونسب الفضل له واول ورده من بشير لك هو الهداية والتفكر والتدبر بان رسم الله لك طريق نجاتك ونفاذك من جلاديك هو الله ليست امك ولا السجناء ولا بشير وانهم كانوا فقط اسبابا وكان من يحركهم لانتشالك من الغرق هو الله
الله فقط ياعمر الله