unironically the thumbnail detached from the actual video is so funny. like "keep them separate" but they're MADE for each other :O (i'll take your advice though)
Gurl, you're a lifesaver! I've been having the best time with this game, always avoiding big mistakes (likely to happen due to being new to it), and it's all thanks to most of your content on it so far. I truly appreciate what you've been doing to enhance other people's experience with it in the global version.
Great PSA! Also appreciate your getting it out before the event goes live, definitely would have fused and leveled them as soon as I got them if not for this video.
unironically the thumbnail detached from the actual video is so funny. like "keep them separate" but they're MADE for each other :O (i'll take your advice though)
They should kiss
Gurl, you're a lifesaver! I've been having the best time with this game, always avoiding big mistakes (likely to happen due to being new to it), and it's all thanks to most of your content on it so far. I truly appreciate what you've been doing to enhance other people's experience with it in the global version.
Great PSA! Also appreciate your getting it out before the event goes live, definitely would have fused and leveled them as soon as I got them if not for this video.
crying inside
looking forward to your next videos! Take care of yourself and dont burn out. Your like the only one I watch for content in this game xd
Thanks for the tip! thank you so much angie!
I need it, my attackers are very slow
Attacker need atk or mag atk status. This one very low. Breaker and Support seems have most benefits from this memoria.
Still wait for rose banner in global. Hope this half anniversary is get more bonus from developer. Especially candy exp fro upgrade character
Like the latest fashion...
Like a spreading disease
Are +11.75% speed memoria the highest memoria give?
There are only few memoria have speed this high. This one, one memoria with Firis image and one memoria with Resna and Izana inside clasroom.