FATAL's _best_ mechanic is the magic misfire that causes you to destroy the world, thereby forcing you to stop playing FATAL and go do something that doesn't suck.
I have a vivid memory of someone talking about their FATAL experience where their character died during creation because they rolled a negative butthole circumference and suffered toxic shock from being unable to poop.
Fun Fact about Ms. Monopoly that Kam didn't address: you don't buy properties but rather inventions done by or at least heavily influenced by women. However, it was pointed out that it missed to include Lizzie Magie's invention, which is The Landlord's Game and the main inspiration for the original Monopoly
@@itsgonnabeanaurfromme true, but i think what this comment is trying to get at is that monopoly would never include it because it wants you to forget that she was the original creator of the game, because her creation was stolen by a man who renamed the game to monopoly, and monopoly wouldnt want to remind people that it only exists because a man plagiarized a woman's work. and also wouldnt want to remind people that the original version of the game was anti-capitalist
@@randomdaydreamer9970 it was an anti capitalist game that Hasbro basically stole from it's woman creator lol. Which just makes the decision to make ms monopoly even funnier
i'm not sure which is funnier: the fact that there's a game where the universe could implode before anyone wins, or the fact that people find it preferable to _What Do You Meme_
Oregon Trail didn't even kill anyone in the original versions. Characters would get sick with one of five random illnesses if they ate poorly, and they would likely die if you didn't slow down and increase rations. Nobody just up and dies suddenly of dysentery at any point - they have to get sick first, then you need to keep starving them.
a couple could kill if you weren't prepared with medicine or a doctor in your party. But it still wasn't instant when it came to the original apple 2e version. it just happened often enough that people remembering dying of it.
In the Apple ][ version that everyone remembers, food, travel pace, clothes, and the weather all affected the risk of getting a disease. There were no doctors or medicine. It wasn't the original, though. The game's origins go back to the teletype-and-mainframe days. It wasn't even the first version on the Apple. But it did hit the sweet spot of gameplay and historical accuracy. "You have died of dysentery" is a little like "beam me up, Scotty". Everyone knows what it means but it doesn't actually appear in the game.
Yeah. I managed to play a run with minimal illness and 0 deaths without too much difficulty. Hunt frequently, don’t push your people too much, probably had some good luck helping me out along the way but still
@@genericname2747the major difference is that the original was a ONE PLAYER game. The card game brings real people into it which completely ruins the game. Imagine turning Monopoly into a one player game.
I’m surprised he didn’t mention the famous quote. When a reviewer called F.A.T.A.L a “date rape game” the creator responded that “there were no rules for dating”
To be fair, WWB seems to have been designed moreso as an art piece to stretch the limits of the board game medium, rather than an actually playable game. It’d be like if, in a “Worst Song Ever” bracket, John Cage’s _4’33”_ went up against “What Does The Fox Say”. Sure, one is just four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence and only barely counts as music, but that’s the point- it was an art piece designed to make you think about what music really is. So of course more people are going to pick an outdated meme over something that doesn’t technically qualify.
Well the bitter pill sounds really obnoxious, there's no reason to not go for it because it just stops you from losing, so logically the game would never end. "The original edition didn't come with nutritional facts on the plls..." WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY WERE REAL PHYSICAL PILLS YOU HAD TO TAKE, YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THIS GAME WAS SOLD WITH ACTUAL FUCKING PILLS IN IT
In all fairness, this means there IS a limit to the number of resets because there's only so many pills in the bottle. That's still genuinely stupid, but at least you could put, I dunno, 3 Harry Potter Every Flavor Beans or something in there and have fun making your friend eat something gross every time you win.
@@apollofell3925its not hard to find the rule book... unfortunately. oh and you dont(or do) want the shorter one, thats the later revision and is missing most of the fun(horrific) details and is even less functional as a game than the original edition due to just flat out not having most of the game mechanics in the rules
I feel like F.A.T.A.L could have worked as a parody of Tabletop RPG's because the piss skill check and flipping off the target magic backfire are actually funny... Then he showed the racal debuffs and concluded that broken clocks are right twice a day.
Now I just wanna actually play the game on TTS and see who ends up with the longest rap sheet by the end of it. And a 1/2000 chance to immediately end the game is hilarious for sure.
If someone admits to actually liking FATAL, that would be an instant ban from my table because fans of that system don't deserve to be at ANY tables, including the family dinner table, and go straight to a mental hospital.
@@easiestcc6451 What if it's a desire to dissect it under a microscope and pinpoint every singly flaw so that something so wretched is never made to see sun again?
Nah it's an overstatement honestly. Fatal is way over-hyped. It's edgy, but in that gratuitous 14-year-old way where it's so out of touch that it quickly stops being offensive. It's basically family guy, it's designed to offend and doesn't try to be clever or subtle about it so it's hard to really believe the creators actually think what they wrote is true, but funny to imagine that they do.
@@yurisei6732 Are there actually 900 pages of rules? Honesty that's the part that seemed most insane to me, like... it's one thing to make an edgy shock-value game, but it's another altogether to dedicate even a fraction of that many pages of writing to your awful game.
@@squiddler7731 i dont remenber that many but dont worry FATAL is a game that only works HYPHOTECALLY, writter gave up on it and theres lots of unfinished spots Its the ultimate degenerated autismo project
@@yurisei6732ide agree with you but the insane amount of rape rules and mechanics just kinda makes me feel like the creatures should be on a list. Way too many mechanics and spell miscasts that are rape oriented. Really fucking disturbing.
With a urination skill maxed out, you can drown anyone from several meters with perfect precision without the need of having drunk anything in the last 24 hours.
i have played games before there the average can be higher than the max and this part is a none issue, since it is the max even if the average would go over it it's simply caped, the issue is everything else
The bit that got me was the +D100 skill to playing the drums. Is that an actual stereotype for Mexicans, because I've never heard it. The only stereotypically "Mexican" instruments I've ever heard of are the maracas and guitar.
I will say, amidst the myriad of FATALs awful rules, the concept of a character feeling compelled to flip off anybody who successfully casts a spell after they have failed to do so themselves is actually pretty funny
The thing that fascinates me about FATAL is that it's content and the size of it's content are at odds with each other. Are there people who like hyper complexity and tons of rules? Yes. Are there people who like really crude things? Yes. But most people who would like the hyper complexity would likely not like the crudity, or the amount of it that is pervading the entire game. On the flip side, the majority of people who would enjoy a crude game would probably be much more interested in a much smaller and easier game and not want to read a nearly thousand page long rules book to play their toilet humor games. The overlap might exist but I imagine it's extremely small.
@@ctpp64 No. Its not. The developer is genuinely proud of his product and has infamously defended every single detail of it as "proper and enjoyable". Someone who puts child sexual assault into a game on purpose is not gonna have that level of nuance.
No, the overlap between the people who like the crudeness and the people who like the complexity is *huge*. A lot of people like to play complex games specifically because of gatekeeping, and people like that are usually misogynists, sometimes homophobes, and Fatal at its core is a game about presenting a misogynistic worldview as "harsh truth sorry not sorry". And Fatal is also exactly the kind of complexity that appeals to gatekeepers too - it's not actually very complex, it's not complex in a meaningful or important way, it's not complex by necessity. It's just arbitrarily complex, the kind that would put off someone who doesn't like complexity while still being something that stupid people who like to pretend they're good at games can grasp.
17:14 the one frame: -Extensive rules and mechanics for R*** -Magical items that force mas******* and bestiality -An equation that determines your character’s % chance of gaining Re*** Strengh -Urination skill that determines how far and hard you pee -Have her Cadaver - A spell that makes a dead woman look alive so you can… yeah -A lengthy explanation as to why the game’s “R*** Clubs” are vital to the lore -Quoth and game: “Sexual Violence is an everyday dimention that of community life” -The magical miscast effects I couldn’t bring up later, including: 0152 - Castor becomes a serial r***st 0201 - Castor now prefers mating with farm animals, and is now a zoophiliac 0257 - Nutsack of castor swells to 10d1000 in volume for 3d3 days -And dozens of worse actions, spells, and effects that I couldn’t bring myself to write
The bitter pills in One-upmanship remind me of the victory declaration from Rail Baron. When you have enough money to win the game, you have to travel to your home city, and if anyone can catch your train with theirs, they can steal some money from you and the game continues instead of ending. But at least this is an actual challenge that can be completed and not just a "ha ha, you don't win" button!
This makes me think of Square Enix & Nintendo's 'Fortune Street". A monopoly-type game with a form of stock market where a player has to get back to the start after they've hit a set amount of money
@@Konpekikaminari That doesn't work for the racist armor enchantments, but honestly, I'm perfectly content not knowing what most of those are supposed to be.
as a person who's looked through the rulebook a few years ago because i was doing a deep dive on the game out of sheer morbid curiosity, you literally can't get past the goddamn table of contents unless you were taking shots of something non-alcoholic. i'm not joking, the game's disclaimer alone is *that bad.*
I've done a deep dive on the rulebook of F.A.T.A.L for the tvtropes page, so the moment i saw the title for the thumbnail, i knew _exactly_ where it would be on the pyramid. I'm surprised that you didn't mention more about just how flawed and broken the basic rules were, even without the depravity that the game is filled with. Some of these fun things include: - The formulas used to calculate pretty much anything were both needlessly complicated and extremely flawed, to the point of it being entirely possible to have a stat with a *negative value.* - Stats completely unrelated to one another can interact with each other, giving bonuses or drawbacks that can break what are supposed to be hard caps to the stat, and this occurs often enough that a character generated in the intended way (complete dice rolls) will almost definitely have at least one instance of this occuring. The rules have absolutely nothing on what happens when a stat does this. - There's a very small mercy system in place that allows you to change stats you've rolled, at the cost of picking another random nerf to your character. while this is actually a pretty cool concept, these can range from anywhere from "your skin colour is green" to "you are now a genocidal psycho against [insert race here] that has to make a will check whenever you see one or you'll [REDACTED] them on sight", regardless of what your character is supposed to be. - The misfire table for spells includes casting a completely random spell instead of what you meant to cast. Several of the spells in the game are instant death for whoever casts it, with one extreme example ending all life on the planet instantly. - Many of the spells that are area-of-effect are also "touch range", meaning you have to touch the thing you cast it on. Do I even need to say why this is a horrendous idea? - Anatomy in this game is comical at best. Random rolls aside, in combat a person can take several turns to die no matter how injured they are. Another concept that sounds decent on paper, until you also include tearing their entire heart out, or straight up decapitating them. Not hitting a guy in the nuts though, that can kill them instantly.
This kind of tempts me to make "F.A.T.A.L. but better" Still with depraved mechanics of the OG, but more leaning towards Family Guy-esque approach as someone else said. Being offensive to literally everyone that it's too difficult to take it seriously & more variety. Basically: It's too depraved to take it seriously, and less r... y'know, that, in exchange for more exaggerated mechanics. I say kind of because 11 times out of 10 I never actually commit to these projects but eh.
IIRC, for the first point, negative, er, "rear exit" circumference is an oft-cited example of the game's depravity, but not for the reasons one might think. Considering the various other "mechanics" that the game is centered around, this ends up being a very overpowered trait if one is willing to overlook the obvious topological issues this brings up.
"- Many of the spells that are area-of-effect are also "touch range", meaning you have to touch the thing you cast it on" that reminded me of a scene in a Manga called Beet the Vandel buster": one of Beet's teammates was throwing small fireballs at the monster. this wasn't working very well, so he told her to "try something different". she misunderstood, and CHARGED UP TO MELEE RANGE, apparently intending to shove a fireball RIGHT down his throat! he then tried to hold her fireball back, causing it to explode, and that sent them BOTH flying!
I once played FATAL with a group of friends. And by "played" I mean our entire goal was to finish character creation for a party of four. It took three sessions.
“There is only one reason I have not yet killed myself and that is because I refuse to give FATAL the honor of being listed on my autopsy report.” My friend who once made a character.
I remember a review that said that the best way to play fatal was to use an orc and fist people with your foot. Due to the fact there is no save roll for that action, the target would immediately die due to internal bleeding due to the size difference between the foot and the ... reciveing end. This essentially made you able to one-shot almost everything. Absolutely wild and deplorable.
Like how 'uber realistic game' dont care to explain how exactly you can in the middle of combat do.. things that logically can be possible only against immobilized enemy, laying helpless (at which point you can just cut his throat) its seems pretty easy to stop other combatant from shoving foot in your ass lol
I can only imagine an orc that has such high speed that it rushes through like a bullet across the battlefield field, feet first into the poor unassuming target before they can even blink
On the butthole circumference chart of FATAL, there is an option for "Infant" Nobody that has ever described FATAL to me has *ever* accurately depicted just how awful that game is. Sure, they can say "Butthole Circumference Chart" all day long but it wasn't until I saw it for myself that I realized just how downright deplorable it is. Forget the armor of racist charicatures: Infant... Butthole... Circumference.
Its full of it. Children are not safe. There is a second version without the uh... i dunno how TH-cam would react to the phrase in my comment but "Without the Child Decimating Rear Rearranging". The only thing i'd wager matches or exceeds FATAL is fucking Racial Holy War.
@@CAMSLAYER13 It's realy not. I've played, run, and even written a few fetish ttrpgs. F.A.T.A.L. is more like a sadist's idea of a parody of fetish ttrpgs. You can tell because: 1. not fun. 2. Not sexy. 3. No central focus around 1-4 kinks.
An important thing about the original Oregon Trail game is the fact that snake bite and disentery ARE NOT instant-kills: one of your party members gets disentery and/or snake bite, and the game keeps going on, with the machine processing the odds of your party member surviving or dying, which, btw, is influenced by the job you chose in the beginning of the game.
Why is Hasbro obsessed with removing the railroads and houses from every Monopoly spinoff? Seriously, same exact thing in Monopoly: Cheaters Edition, and it's totally incongruous with the theming.
They probably removed houses because that's less plastic to make. They also removed the houses and railroads due to years of whinny people complaining that it's too long! They could also advertise it as a new mechanic.
The craziest part of FATAL is that the game is utterly unplayable even if you're into the lore and all the nasty stuff. The mechanics are so bad that no human being on this earth could conceivably have fun playing this game while actually following the rules as written. You have to massively homebrew the game to make it functional.
"Nutsack of caster swells to 10d1000 in volume" Doesn't specify a unit of measurement. Is it in cubic centimeters? Cubic inches? Ounces? Grams? Kilograms? Imagining all the possible scenarios is horrifying and fascinating at the same time.
10d1000 is 1d100 but complicated To simplify it- the actual effect is "caster's nutsack swells by up to X% it's original volume", therefore this effect is independent of any measurements I *CANNOT* believe I just played devil's advocate to this system
@coryzilligen790 as in shrink? Because I'm interperting "by up to X%" as "you add X% of the original volume" Therefore the end result ranges from 101% to 200% the volume
By my calculations, actually beating WWB would, on average, take 108 quattorvigintillion (1.08 x 10^77) turns for any given player to win- not only is this longer than a human lifetime, this number is approximately the number of *atoms in the observable universe*. Probably still better than FATAL, though.
He didn't even list the best stuff, like a spell that ends the game permanently by destroying the world, or the infant... opening sizes, or how getting hit in the testicles can kill you instantly. It was clearly made to troll literally everyone
Fun fact: F.A.T.A.L's mechanics are so bonkers that depending on how your character is built a viable combat strategy can be to constantly go for grapple attempts despite your character being awful at grappling because one of the things that canhappen if you fail a grapple is that your character accidentally s*xually assaults their opponent. And because their "equipment" is to big for their opponent doing that hurts them.
With Oregon Trail we had a house rule where if you drew the snakebite card you rolled the dice and only a 2 would kill and with dysentery a 1 or 6 would kill. It wasn’t the perfect fix but it still alleviated some of the stress of pulling that card while also giving the player who drew it a chance to beat it
That’s actually a really good balancing addition. It makes sense in-game too, as there’s always a possibility of miraculously overcoming venom/disease irl.
Yeah, and as I recall, in the computer game, it was possible to recover from a snakebite or dysentery, it just wasn't fully under your control, so I like your dice roll step; it's a good analogue!
FATAL is so hilariously terrible, this video doesn't even do it justice. You can find videos out there of people designing characters and desperately trying to play and it's all painful. Female characters get a -30% to their strength, which is bad enough, but male characters get _+30%_ to their strength, meaning that, if you roll the 52% chance of your character being female, you effectively have HALF THE STRENGTH YOU WOULD HAVE Also, no species are really playable because they're all so incredibly racist towards each other, and the only ones that humans tolerate either go blind in the sunlight, start the grant with an 80% chance of being too old to do anything, or get weaker the further they get from home. Also, only white people exist. Also, Kobold names are Indonesian because apparently Indonesian people are... stereotypically short? So they have the same names?? Also, you have a very high chance of starting the game as an, ahem... _indentured servant..._ in which case your character gains XP by not being punished by their master. It's all bad. You roll for nipple size.
I tried to pause and read the frame and my video started endlessly buffering. I think that's a sign that I actually shouldn't try to read whatever's there.
Oh no. Come back. Pause at any time close to it, and either use the comma or period buttons to skip forward or back one frame each press till you reach it. C'mon, come read it.
FATAL including some of the most abhorrent, disgusting acts a human can inflict upon another living creature but also “Every time a spell is cast, the caster jumps for joy” actually made me cackle out loud
To Summarize: Instant Death mechanics at random, poorly translated from normal game Annoying mechanics that ruin the game and the point being made No Nutritional Facts on the bottle, FDA violation Overeating/ too much sodium intake Literally made to be impossible The creators need their hard drives checked
"Oh damn, by what you are describing, FATAL could be a fun game to laugh at its bad mechanics with friends, surely what he's about to talk about isn't that- My month has been ruined"
Even better is FATAL's creators' response to the review linked. Review: "So basically, FATAL is the date r*** RPG." Creator: "Another faulty conclusion. Where is dating even involved?"
The main issue is that it feels like it's being played completely straight If it was in something more satirical (think Postal 2 or Cards Against Humanity) it would be great, but here... it's pretty much another thing in the problem pile
Ms Monopoly: "Yeah! Let's go ladies! Let's stick it to the man!!!" Also Ms Monopoly: Handicaps Women to make sure they win. While consequently, degrading women that they can't beat men on equal footing without help.
So you're telling me that all the goofy wizard spells that have been going around like "Mend Buttcrack," "Tungsten Ballsack," and "Instant Brazillian Wax" are all just FATAL spells?
Wait, you mean to tell me that the Bitter Pills in that game were not an in-game concept but actual pills in a bottle sold with the game which the players were actually expected to ingest?! And they didn't even meet minimal food safety standards by printing the ingredients?! That is actually criminally insane!
I once did an April Fool's prank on my DnD group, informing them that we'd be converting the campaign to "this really cool system I discovered". That system being FATAL. Nobody fell for it, but they had good laughs.
Also Killer Bunnies - a more recent *kids party game* with 60 pages of rules, most of them errata for specific cards, most cards unplayable unless in certain situations. The goal is to collect carrots (essentially VP), and if all 12 carrots have been taken from the deck, game over. You would think most carrots wins, right? No, you essentially have a raffle to determine who is the winner with each player getting 1 entry per carrot. So, you can have 11VP to your opponent's 1VP, and still have an 8% chance of losing completely at random.
that reminds me of a strange multi-player game i played... each player had a city belonging to a faction, and could attack other players in other factions. each city could have equipment shops, and you could equip your soldiers with 9 different levels of weapons, affecting their chance of a kill. that is, a level 1 weapon had a 10% chance of one kill per turn of battle, and a level 9 weapon would have a 90% change, BUT cost a LOT more. and no, you could not equip your soldiers with ARMOR, so it was POSSIBLE for a solder with a level 1 weapon to defeat one with a level 9 weapon!
Gotta love the detailed racism, casual sexual assault (to various creatures) and scat that is probably intended to be played out irl at the table, but at least they have a magic effect that lets me jump for joy. And the simple fact that this is an effect lets me believe the devs of FATAL are actually serious about this entire thing and didn't just do all that shit to try and see just how far they can take everything without any rhyme or reason...
So, there's this really interesting thing that a lot of bigots do, which is they pretend that the world works the way they think it should work. They usually do this by tricking themselves into thinking that the "natural" state of affairs *does* work like that, and in the last 50-100 years, progressives have perverted nature. What we see in Fatal is simply bigots using worldbuilding to explore and describe the ideal world they think is real. That's why it has random character generation rules instead of character creation rules (they were more interested in presenting their ideas about human populations than in making a game that has interesting people), and why it has basically no rules for actually playing a game. It doesn't even have a bestiary.
Interacting with them on rpg forums back in the day would shatter any belief that they were just trolling. Scrolling through the 900 or so pages would test it, Hall cemented the idea it was made with sincerity as he burned bridges with his co-creator and harassed those poking fun at it before going radio silent.
No joke, I remember going to a local Toys R Us in Canada and seeing Ms. MONOPOLY on sale for $12 while every other edition was $40. The tagline that women make more money than men couldn't be more ironic than ever.
9:00: So the bitter pills are physical pills? That does place a limit to times it can be used, then: You run out of them eventually. That said, given how long board games can sit between or even before use, that seems like a terrible idea.
Looking at the way Oneupmanship was advertised, it is very possible that the creator legitimately thought this was a way to get people to keep spending money on a game they already bought by offering bitter pill replacements. In-game transactions, now available for your tabletop!
Maybe you could replace them with those nasty novelty jellybeans (assuming the bitterness is supposed to be a deterrent, another unpleasant flavor should work too.) Can’t say the game sounds fun to me anyway, but the idea of eating a random pill from an obscure board game is horrifying, and at least you know where the jellybeans came from
There are even more stupid spells. For instance:Bestow headache. Bestow toothache. Ejaculate blood. Seal orifice. Spermicidal sphere. Unattractive. Varicose veins. Wet dreams. Bestow ingrown nail. Or my personal favorite:Bestow allergy, permanently.
17:14 The list is: -Extensive rules and mechanics for r pe -Magical items that force masturbation -Magical items that force bestiality -An equation that determines your character's % chance of gaining Ret rd Strength -Urination skill that determines how far and hard you can pee -Have her cadaver - A spell that makes a dead woman look alive to you so you can...yeah -A lengthy explanation as to why the game's "R pe Clubs" are vital to the lore -Quoth the game: “Sexual Violence is an everyday dimention of community life” -The magical miscast effects I couldn't bring up later, including: 0152 - Castor becomes a serial r pist 0201 - Castor now prefers mating with farm animals, and is now a zoophiliac 0257 - Nutsack of castor swells to 10d1000 in volume for 3d3 days -And dozens of worse actions, spells, and effects that I couldn't bring myself to write That wasn't a day ruiner, and these are just kind of funny in how bizarre they are.
Another awful thing about FATAL (that thankfully _isn't_ horribly NSFW) is just how much goddamn dice rolling there is during character creation. When rolling your stats, (strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc.) you have to roll something like 20d100 and divide by ten. In other words, you take ten random numbers between 1 and 200, and take the average. According to the game's creators, this was to create a perfect bell curve for the stats. Never mind that there's 16 stats you have to roll this way, meaning you have to roll 320 times just for _one_ stage of character creation. And this is _in addition_ to all the other random nonsense you have to roll for in character creation, like height, weight, gender, race, nipple size, you-know-what circumference, and so on. Characters also die _stupidly_ easy. Now, that in and of itself isn't a dealbreaker. But all the _good_ TTRPGs that have high PC mortality rates also have a quick and easy character creation process. For example, Call of Cthulhu tends to kill characters pretty easily, but you can make a new one in 10 or 20 minutes. You can lose a character, and have the new one replace them in the same session. In contrast, FATAL will kill in five minutes a character you took fifty hours to create.
I'm constantly torn between wanting to make fun of FATAL for being pretentious, shocking nonsense, or just not acknowledging it and letting it rot in obscurity.
I think I remember reading about it in a list of worst games, one of the funnier things about it are the morale mechanics so poorly defined that the player characters flee if they're outnumbered enough, regardless of what actually outnumbers them. In other words, the "brave" warriors can and will end up fleeing with their tail between their legs when faced with a sufficient number of perfectly normal babies.
@@BaconMageLv0 iirc each race also had some sort of mechanical bonus, like jews had a bonus when making checks involving money as an example, except the white race had no such bonus of any kind in the game, which is so ridiculously ironic for a game about white supremacy 😂😂😂
@@BaconMageLv0 They forgot to put in attack resolution. You know how in D&D, where the most basic part of seeing if you hit a guy is 'roll a twenty-sided die, if you roll a number higher than their Armor Class, you hit'? The Creativity Movement forgot to put that part in the rule book. We have the modifiers from your weapon and stats, but the basic thing you roll is not listed. Then again, most stats also don't explain how much of whatever they're supposed to do. Like, strength lets you carry more stuff, but it never tells you how much. Say what you want about FATAL, but at least you can hit things and finish combat (eventually). You also might find some of the crude content and insane rules funny because they're so ridiculous. That can't be said for Racial Holy War. Even the prejudiced people it was made for didn't want to play it.
Zigmenthotep, right? I saw that video series, and it's a really good insight into just how shallow and nonfunctional of a game it is on a fundamental level.
My favourite(?) FATAL mechanic is when you roll for your character's marital status. There are like 10 marital statuses you can roll, only one of them is "happily married", and it comes with a note to "reroll if homosexual"
I'll be real: FATAL sounds like it was made by someone who was obsessed with two things: 1. Being so over the top edgy that it went over the edge and never came back 2. Being way too much into the random tables
some more funny tidbits from fatal; during character creation you’re supposed to make a d1000000 roll with a literal one in a million chance to determine if your character is a “freak of nature”; that is, if they have one of a handful of congenital birth defects (all of which occur in reality much more often than one in a million) there are three separate stats related to how attractive your character’s nipples are- size, length and color. this of course only applies to female characters of the 12 playable races in fatal, almost all of them have a burning hatred for each other, many of them eat human babies, and one instantly turns to stone if exposed to sunlight, with no save. taking into account many different factors in character creation, literally only humans are remotely playable. characters that are middle aged take a 1% penalty to their height. yes, it expects you to calculate that in fatal you have six main stats, each with four sub stats, and you have to roll 10d6 and average them with an equation such that the results are a heavily center waited bell curve with the most likely result of 100 for each sub stat. yes, that is 240 dice rolls and a shit ton of statistics homework. when you roll for your age, infant and child ages are all possible to roll. infant and child characters are not excluded from any of the sexual characteristics tables. ew you roll for kinks. watersports is on there. in the introduction, the authors explain that despite their main goal with the game being “historical/mythological accuracy” they specifically omit any non-white player characters, even though people of color were present in ancient europe, because it goes against their idea of traditional fantasy. you literally cannot play a person of color in the game because the creators decided it would ruin the vibe any sexuality other than straight is determined with a d100 roll of five or below, and traits such as large boobs, being an anakim (player race) and being especially attractive can disqualify you from rolling low enough to get certain sexualities. and my absolute favorite; there is a table you roll on to determine your marital status. one of the options you can roll is Happily Married (reroll if homosexual) which genuinely sent me into hysterics. being gay disqualifies you from being happy, apparently all of this is from memory so take it with a grain of salt
Ms. Monopoly sounds like one of those board games that someone would make as an extra credit project for an AP polysci class, not something you would actually sell to people to make money
Considering that the original intent of the game was an intentionally imbalanced system as an attack on these economic ideals, it actually feels oddly on brand.
Oof. Snakebites and dysentery weren't even instant death in the game. You could rest and the person might recover. One of the classic ways to play this was to name the other characters after your friends, for obvious reasons. One time one of my buddies was REALLY into playing with snakes, he got bit a whole three or four times before finally carking it the way he always dreamed of o7
Wait the bitter pills were genuine pills? Like a physical object? They didnt think "hmm maybe we shouldnt hand out random pills to our board game players" And what happens when you run out of bitter pills? You cant ruin your relationships anymore? Sounds dumb
I played exactly one game of Oregon Trail TCG, Died of Dysentery on the first turn, then had to watch everyone else have fun before we all decided to play something else. At the time I thought it was pretty funny, which it is, but a game meant to be played for more than a minute per round shouldn't have an insta-kill mechanic, no matter how rare.
Because the risk of overeating wasn't bad enough in a FINITE game! Just wait until you have to eat every time you move in WWB's statistically infinite game!
@@evilsheepmaster1744And every roll you make has a chance of instant restarting regardless of the reset roll should you pull an instadeath card from the calamity deck. Failing that, each roll changes your attributes which modify your ability to roll dice (or just make you read unpleasant garbage). Women get to move double the spaces at the cost of being talked down to the whole time. To top it off, anybody can take a bitter pill to restart the game should a player happen to actually almost win the WWB lottery anyway
To be fair, monopoly by the original rules sucks. A long boring slag that ends with nobody trading, so nobody gerts monopolies, or house or hotels and the game never ends. Anything would be better
Fatal sounds like a parody game you'd see in South Park. Also they should've renamed it something more hardcore like "Rectal Anarchy" or something to clue you in
Combining the themes of instant game over and Monopoly clones, Solarquest has a (thankfully optional) rule where you can attack other players with lasers if you land on them. Most of the time it doesn't do anything, but if you roll doubles, they have to spend some money on repairs, and if you get double sixes you destroy their ship and they're eliminated from the game!
Ah yes, i've heard of FATAL, specifically how it's possible to "non-consent" an opponent to "unliving" if you're rolls are bad enough in combat, against your will.
Speaking as someone with no practical experience in game design, I bet you could fix the 'instant kill card' mechanic with a simple tweak. The first... three rounds or so the instant death cards are kept out of the deck, then on round four or five they get shuffled back into the deck and play resumes as normal. If you wanted to be a dick, you could keep adding another instant death card once every three or four rounds as the game goes on by using them to replace beneficial cards
Other games do this by splitting the deck up into, say, thirds and shuffling cards into either the top middle or bottom of it. Problem with Oregon Trail though is that it isn't a player elimination game. At least with player elimination games, they generally have the benefit of players not getting out until the end of the game. If you die in Oregon Trail, especially if you die early, then you're just stuck out of the game doing nothing.
World's worst board game failed because it wasn't trying to be a board game that was annoying and unfair. It was a single tedious math problem, not a game.
The worst part about that mechanic is that you get max +20 strength which is like nothing compared to max strength so the only purpose of the mechanic is to be as offensive as possible
FATAL's _best_ mechanic is the magic misfire that causes you to destroy the world, thereby forcing you to stop playing FATAL and go do something that doesn't suck.
Is that a real mechanic
Yes that is actually what it is called. Fatal has a parody sequel.
@@fonejunky6306yup, fail your spell badly enough and you win the game, and by win i mean the game ends at your hands whihc is close enough
Yes one of around 2 tbousand things that can happen when you have spell misfire is "accidentaly casts F.A.T.A.L". This spell... Ends the universe.
Well now I need to roll for anal circumference so that I can min/max winning the game
"Haha that's funny, the way he's describing the bitter pills almost sounds like you actually have to physically swallow a pill, that would be so stu-"
Then you got to the part where he mentioned the pills didn't have nutrition facts didn't you?
@@Nyghtking That's what the "stu-" indicates, implying that he got cut off by the video doing that
@@yichlyichl4204 Yes and I was making a joke myself there.
@@Nyghtking Oh. Well. In my defense, these things can be difficult to tell on the internet. Now I just feel silly.
@@yichlyichl4204 It's fine, i've done the same before.
I have a vivid memory of someone talking about their FATAL experience where their character died during creation because they rolled a negative butthole circumference and suffered toxic shock from being unable to poop.
FATAL is just the gift that keeps on giving.
Okay, this is the funniest thing I've read all week
Just wanted to let you know this comment had me laughing hysterically for 5 solid minutes
...Is it my bad my first impulse was a stupid comment like "Well there's a way to fix that"
Well, that's what you get from a system that's trying to be overrealistic with anatomy and mutations
Fun Fact about Ms. Monopoly that Kam didn't address: you don't buy properties but rather inventions done by or at least heavily influenced by women. However, it was pointed out that it missed to include Lizzie Magie's invention, which is The Landlord's Game and the main inspiration for the original Monopoly
for a second I thought you were saying Lizzie McGuire was the inspiration for Monopoly
Missed? Maybe they didn't include it. They don't have to.
@itsgonnabeanaurfromme it would've been a really good tye in fact
@@itsgonnabeanaurfromme true, but i think what this comment is trying to get at is that monopoly would never include it because it wants you to forget that she was the original creator of the game, because her creation was stolen by a man who renamed the game to monopoly, and monopoly wouldnt want to remind people that it only exists because a man plagiarized a woman's work. and also wouldnt want to remind people that the original version of the game was anti-capitalist
@@randomdaydreamer9970 it was an anti capitalist game that Hasbro basically stole from it's woman creator lol. Which just makes the decision to make ms monopoly even funnier
i'm not sure which is funnier: the fact that there's a game where the universe could implode before anyone wins, or the fact that people find it preferable to _What Do You Meme_
No one likes a tryhard, especially to such an exaggerated extent.
It’s kinda hard to hate something that is clearly trying way too hard to be hated
I mean the former at least accomplishes what it sets out to do
WWB was made to prove a point. WDYM is stock corporate trash.
honestly it feels like cheating when the game is intentionally designed to be both awful and literally impossible
Oregon Trail didn't even kill anyone in the original versions. Characters would get sick with one of five random illnesses if they ate poorly, and they would likely die if you didn't slow down and increase rations. Nobody just up and dies suddenly of dysentery at any point - they have to get sick first, then you need to keep starving them.
a couple could kill if you weren't prepared with medicine or a doctor in your party. But it still wasn't instant when it came to the original apple 2e version. it just happened often enough that people remembering dying of it.
People don't appreciate how good the original was
In the Apple ][ version that everyone remembers, food, travel pace, clothes, and the weather all affected the risk of getting a disease. There were no doctors or medicine.
It wasn't the original, though. The game's origins go back to the teletype-and-mainframe days. It wasn't even the first version on the Apple. But it did hit the sweet spot of gameplay and historical accuracy.
"You have died of dysentery" is a little like "beam me up, Scotty". Everyone knows what it means but it doesn't actually appear in the game.
Yeah. I managed to play a run with minimal illness and 0 deaths without too much difficulty. Hunt frequently, don’t push your people too much, probably had some good luck helping me out along the way but still
@@genericname2747the major difference is that the original was a ONE PLAYER game. The card game brings real people into it which completely ruins the game.
Imagine turning Monopoly into a one player game.
"Urination skill that determines how hard and how far you can pee" nah thats a top tier mechanic
That one is just a dumb and funny mechanic which is always welcome
@@paulrus-keaton439 starting from babies! 🤢
Perfect concept for a Postal RPG
Imagine just playing a ttrpg and your GM tells you
"roll to see if you become a zoophile"😭
"alright larry fuck it where's your cat???"
Straight out of a horror story about a GM using their campaign for... personal reasons.
"No Need to roll for that". *Table becomes silent*
That sounds like something that would happen in a dnd game, some creature with a weirdly specific ability
I’m surprised he didn’t mention the famous quote.
When a reviewer called F.A.T.A.L a “date rape game” the creator responded that “there were no rules for dating”
..d. did the creator think that was a comeback??? Did he actually think that was a good rebuttal??
No way bro thought that was a good response! Dude thought he cooked.
There.... Are rules for dating though??
That's hilarious
@@camharknessI think he meant that he didn't write any kind of dating mechanics into the game.
12:22 the fact that WWB lost “worst board-game” to What Do You Meme is actually impressive
Deserved, TBH.
To be fair, if even computers die before even getting a fifth of the way done, I dint think you can count it as a game
Shouldn't even count it as a game
I mean the former at least accomplishes what it sets out to do
To be fair, WWB seems to have been designed moreso as an art piece to stretch the limits of the board game medium, rather than an actually playable game.
It’d be like if, in a “Worst Song Ever” bracket, John Cage’s _4’33”_ went up against “What Does The Fox Say”. Sure, one is just four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence and only barely counts as music, but that’s the point- it was an art piece designed to make you think about what music really is. So of course more people are going to pick an outdated meme over something that doesn’t technically qualify.
In summary:
Poor translation of mechanics
Annoying handicap
Possible allergic reaction
Statistic impossibility
What the genuine fuck
7 deadly sins
@@thatsawrapstudios2674 There's only six though.
Oh yeah
F.A.T.A.L. counts as two.
Well the bitter pill sounds really obnoxious, there's no reason to not go for it because it just stops you from losing, so logically the game would never end.
"The original edition didn't come with nutritional facts on the plls..."
Yeah you had to injest this mystery nonsense
Sounds fair to me @@kamsandwich
I thought it was a metaphor too, not actually pills 😭
@@santiagociarma4615 same
In all fairness, this means there IS a limit to the number of resets because there's only so many pills in the bottle. That's still genuinely stupid, but at least you could put, I dunno, 3 Harry Potter Every Flavor Beans or something in there and have fun making your friend eat something gross every time you win.
as much as fatal sounds absolutely terrible a pissing skill is hilarious
Honestly I'm interested if for nothing else but to witness the depths of the depravity 😂
@@apollofell3925its not hard to find the rule book... unfortunately. oh and you dont(or do) want the shorter one, thats the later revision and is missing most of the fun(horrific) details and is even less functional as a game than the original edition due to just flat out not having most of the game mechanics in the rules
I feel like F.A.T.A.L could have worked as a parody of Tabletop RPG's because the piss skill check and flipping off the target magic backfire are actually funny...
Then he showed the racal debuffs and concluded that broken clocks are right twice a day.
Now I just wanna actually play the game on TTS and see who ends up with the longest rap sheet by the end of it.
And a 1/2000 chance to immediately end the game is hilarious for sure.
That's the skill you invest in to get no down payment at Big Bill Hell's.
FATAL sounds like if every archetype of D&D problem player fused into one entity and tried dming
If someone admits to actually liking FATAL, that would be an instant ban from my table because fans of that system don't deserve to be at ANY tables, including the family dinner table, and go straight to a mental hospital.
I know you’re probably making a joke, but I have a weird feeling this might actually be the case here 😳
@@mikebougiamas3418 It is, actually!
@@easiestcc6451 What if it's a desire to dissect it under a microscope and pinpoint every singly flaw so that something so wretched is never made to see sun again?
And Bard got the most control.
-Call it Ms Monopoly
-Make it worse
Hasbro? What do you mean by this?
Oh shit Hasbro's sexist
No They/Them Monopoly, Hasbro is literally everythingist
>Call it Ms Monopoly
>Dumb it down to an insane degree
They were lowkey cooking
@@Professor_Utonium_ "Woman dumb amirite fellow Gigachads?"
@@giantpinkcat Bro I ain't taking shit from someone who can't decide what they are lol
from what I know of FATAL, "content warning for the entire everything" is somehow STILL an understatement
Nah it's an overstatement honestly. Fatal is way over-hyped. It's edgy, but in that gratuitous 14-year-old way where it's so out of touch that it quickly stops being offensive. It's basically family guy, it's designed to offend and doesn't try to be clever or subtle about it so it's hard to really believe the creators actually think what they wrote is true, but funny to imagine that they do.
@@yurisei6732 Are there actually 900 pages of rules? Honesty that's the part that seemed most insane to me, like... it's one thing to make an edgy shock-value game, but it's another altogether to dedicate even a fraction of that many pages of writing to your awful game.
@@squiddler7731 i dont remenber that many but dont worry FATAL is a game that only works HYPHOTECALLY, writter gave up on it and theres lots of unfinished spots
Its the ultimate degenerated autismo project
@@yurisei6732ide agree with you but the insane amount of rape rules and mechanics just kinda makes me feel like the creatures should be on a list. Way too many mechanics and spell miscasts that are rape oriented. Really fucking disturbing.
Fatal somehow makes Fear and Hunger look like Undertale
With a urination skill maxed out, you can drown anyone from several meters with perfect precision without the need of having drunk anything in the last 24 hours.
I'm sickened, but curious
"We need to get through this wall!" "ALLOW ME" *BWOOOOOMM*
Even the Postal Dude would be jelous.
@@TherevengeforgetHOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA
"your average speech rate can actually be higher than your maximum speech rate."
That might be the least degenerate aspect of the entire game.
i have played games before there the average can be higher than the max and this part is a none issue, since it is the max even if the average would go over it it's simply caped, the issue is everything else
Ah, the ben shapiro skill tree
@@tinfoilslacks3750Dubya Bush/Biden skilltree is more apt. Them mfers cant talk
The sentence: “The wearer will be magically unemployed” is both baffling and comedic.
…so long as you ignore everything else about it.
so *that's* why i've been getting all those rejection letters!
"magically unemployed" is actually hilarious, EVERYTHING ELSE is so unbelievably terrible though
The bit that got me was the +D100 skill to playing the drums. Is that an actual stereotype for Mexicans, because I've never heard it. The only stereotypically "Mexican" instruments I've ever heard of are the maracas and guitar.
I will say, amidst the myriad of FATALs awful rules, the concept of a character feeling compelled to flip off anybody who successfully casts a spell after they have failed to do so themselves is actually pretty funny
Tom Cardy made what can be called a wizard in that vein. his name was smokin' joe.
The thing that fascinates me about FATAL is that it's content and the size of it's content are at odds with each other. Are there people who like hyper complexity and tons of rules? Yes. Are there people who like really crude things? Yes. But most people who would like the hyper complexity would likely not like the crudity, or the amount of it that is pervading the entire game. On the flip side, the majority of people who would enjoy a crude game would probably be much more interested in a much smaller and easier game and not want to read a nearly thousand page long rules book to play their toilet humor games. The overlap might exist but I imagine it's extremely small.
The overlap exists and is occupied solely by the developers
i think the point was to be unenjoyable on purpose. hence the insane complexity and offensive content
@@ctpp64 No. Its not. The developer is genuinely proud of his product and has infamously defended every single detail of it as "proper and enjoyable".
Someone who puts child sexual assault into a game on purpose is not gonna have that level of nuance.
I think FATAL is a fetish game, like a really really fucked up fetish game made for like the smallest group ever.
No, the overlap between the people who like the crudeness and the people who like the complexity is *huge*. A lot of people like to play complex games specifically because of gatekeeping, and people like that are usually misogynists, sometimes homophobes, and Fatal at its core is a game about presenting a misogynistic worldview as "harsh truth sorry not sorry". And Fatal is also exactly the kind of complexity that appeals to gatekeepers too - it's not actually very complex, it's not complex in a meaningful or important way, it's not complex by necessity. It's just arbitrarily complex, the kind that would put off someone who doesn't like complexity while still being something that stupid people who like to pretend they're good at games can grasp.
17:14 the one frame:
-Extensive rules and mechanics for R***
-Magical items that force mas******* and bestiality
-An equation that determines your character’s % chance of gaining Re*** Strengh
-Urination skill that determines how far and hard you pee
-Have her Cadaver - A spell that makes a dead woman look alive so you can… yeah
-A lengthy explanation as to why the game’s “R*** Clubs” are vital to the lore
-Quoth and game: “Sexual Violence is an everyday dimention that of community life”
-The magical miscast effects I couldn’t bring up later, including:
0152 - Castor becomes a serial r***st
0201 - Castor now prefers mating with farm animals, and is now a zoophiliac
0257 - Nutsack of castor swells to 10d1000 in volume for 3d3 days
-And dozens of worse actions, spells, and effects that I couldn’t bring myself to write
Imagine you are trying to pass a Hogwarts test about defense agains Dark Magica, you roll bad and you just become a serial rapist 💀
Jfc thank you.
Doing the Lord's work
what is the censored re word
@@thetriathigamer1544 nerf Leon
The bitter pills in One-upmanship remind me of the victory declaration from Rail Baron. When you have enough money to win the game, you have to travel to your home city, and if anyone can catch your train with theirs, they can steal some money from you and the game continues instead of ending. But at least this is an actual challenge that can be completed and not just a "ha ha, you don't win" button!
This makes me think of Square Enix & Nintendo's 'Fortune Street". A monopoly-type game with a form of stock market where a player has to get back to the start after they've hit a set amount of money
FATAL is so awful that I don't even know what half of those censored words are supposed to be
You're better off not knowing...
I just fill the blanks with the basic vulgar ones
@@Konpekikaminari That doesn't work for the racist armor enchantments, but honestly, I'm perfectly content not knowing what most of those are supposed to be.
@@coryzilligen790 it's probably slurs, but I'm with you on that one
@@ecgameplayer no
Fatal is like something the kid you despised in middle school would write
I got a drinking game. Every time FATAL's rulebook says anything that violates human rights, take a shot.
as a person who's looked through the rulebook a few years ago because i was doing a deep dive on the game out of sheer morbid curiosity, you literally can't get past the goddamn table of contents unless you were taking shots of something non-alcoholic. i'm not joking, the game's disclaimer alone is *that bad.*
No thanks, I would rather keep my functional liver.
I don't want to become a Floridian version of Demoman from TF2 so i think i'll pass this one
I'm not planning to meet satan just yet so no thanks :)
you should take one for the mere suggestion of reading fatal's rulebook
I've done a deep dive on the rulebook of F.A.T.A.L for the tvtropes page, so the moment i saw the title for the thumbnail, i knew _exactly_ where it would be on the pyramid. I'm surprised that you didn't mention more about just how flawed and broken the basic rules were, even without the depravity that the game is filled with. Some of these fun things include:
- The formulas used to calculate pretty much anything were both needlessly complicated and extremely flawed, to the point of it being entirely possible to have a stat with a *negative value.*
- Stats completely unrelated to one another can interact with each other, giving bonuses or drawbacks that can break what are supposed to be hard caps to the stat, and this occurs often enough that a character generated in the intended way (complete dice rolls) will almost definitely have at least one instance of this occuring. The rules have absolutely nothing on what happens when a stat does this.
- There's a very small mercy system in place that allows you to change stats you've rolled, at the cost of picking another random nerf to your character. while this is actually a pretty cool concept, these can range from anywhere from "your skin colour is green" to "you are now a genocidal psycho against [insert race here] that has to make a will check whenever you see one or you'll [REDACTED] them on sight", regardless of what your character is supposed to be.
- The misfire table for spells includes casting a completely random spell instead of what you meant to cast. Several of the spells in the game are instant death for whoever casts it, with one extreme example ending all life on the planet instantly.
- Many of the spells that are area-of-effect are also "touch range", meaning you have to touch the thing you cast it on. Do I even need to say why this is a horrendous idea?
- Anatomy in this game is comical at best. Random rolls aside, in combat a person can take several turns to die no matter how injured they are. Another concept that sounds decent on paper, until you also include tearing their entire heart out, or straight up decapitating them. Not hitting a guy in the nuts though, that can kill them instantly.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
This kind of tempts me to make "F.A.T.A.L. but better"
Still with depraved mechanics of the OG, but more leaning towards Family Guy-esque approach as someone else said. Being offensive to literally everyone that it's too difficult to take it seriously & more variety. Basically: It's too depraved to take it seriously, and less r... y'know, that, in exchange for more exaggerated mechanics.
I say kind of because 11 times out of 10 I never actually commit to these projects but eh.
IIRC, for the first point, negative, er, "rear exit" circumference is an oft-cited example of the game's depravity, but not for the reasons one might think. Considering the various other "mechanics" that the game is centered around, this ends up being a very overpowered trait if one is willing to overlook the obvious topological issues this brings up.
"- Many of the spells that are area-of-effect are also "touch range", meaning you have to touch the thing you cast it on"
that reminded me of a scene in a Manga called Beet the Vandel buster":
one of Beet's teammates was throwing small fireballs at the monster.
this wasn't working very well, so he told her to "try something different".
she misunderstood, and CHARGED UP TO MELEE RANGE, apparently intending to shove a fireball RIGHT down his throat!
he then tried to hold her fireball back, causing it to explode, and that sent them BOTH flying!
Was not expecting to see a [REDACTED] here.
Two most terrifying words that can be uttered at a game table
I thought this was going to be waist size, which would be bad enough, but FATAL always manages to be worse
I for curiosity listened to character creation process, so I will ask which one?
@@einkar4219 In FATAL? ALL OF THEM
@@einkar4219 If you're rolling for it _during gameplay_ in F.A.T.A.L., I can only assume that it is from, as one reviewer termed it, gaining a cloaca.
I once played FATAL with a group of friends. And by "played" I mean our entire goal was to finish character creation for a party of four. It took three sessions.
I'd have probably shoved everyone into a trash can after 1.5 sessions.
And I mean shove everyone. Into the same trash can.
My morbid curiosity is asking for a character bio.
@@scoutdy6547 it would likely need to be a pastebin, which tend to get hidden by youtube censors. character sheets are TEN PAGES LONG.
I second Scoutdy’s request, a character bio would be fascinating
Please give us the Character Bio
“There is only one reason I have not yet killed myself and that is because I refuse to give FATAL the honor of being listed on my autopsy report.”
My friend who once made a character.
"Roll for Anal Circumference" is a meme for a reason and it is somehow quite tame in comparison to whats in the rules of FATAL
I remember a review that said that the best way to play fatal was to use an orc and fist people with your foot. Due to the fact there is no save roll for that action, the target would immediately die due to internal bleeding due to the size difference between the foot and the ... reciveing end. This essentially made you able to one-shot almost everything. Absolutely wild and deplorable.
>he didn't max roll potential anal circumference
who's the fucker that decided to minmax this and would it be safe for me to meet them
Like how 'uber realistic game' dont care to explain how exactly you can in the middle of combat do.. things that logically can be possible only against immobilized enemy, laying helpless (at which point you can just cut his throat)
its seems pretty easy to stop other combatant from shoving foot in your ass lol
I can only imagine an orc that has such high speed that it rushes through like a bullet across the battlefield field, feet first into the poor unassuming target before they can even blink
I've had a few overly complicated games flop with friends. It would be hilarious to be able to just walk through such a difficult game by kicking ass.
On the butthole circumference chart of FATAL, there is an option for "Infant"
Nobody that has ever described FATAL to me has *ever* accurately depicted just how awful that game is. Sure, they can say "Butthole Circumference Chart" all day long but it wasn't until I saw it for myself that I realized just how downright deplorable it is. Forget the armor of racist charicatures: Infant... Butthole... Circumference.
Its full of it. Children are not safe. There is a second version without the uh... i dunno how TH-cam would react to the phrase in my comment but "Without the Child Decimating Rear Rearranging". The only thing i'd wager matches or exceeds FATAL is fucking Racial Holy War.
Fatal is basically just a fetish ttrpg. Like there's a chapter on specific deviencys
@@CAMSLAYER13A really bad, racist fetish ttrpg!
it's not even good for kinksters. it's that jarring
@@CAMSLAYER13 It's realy not. I've played, run, and even written a few fetish ttrpgs. F.A.T.A.L. is more like a sadist's idea of a parody of fetish ttrpgs. You can tell because: 1. not fun. 2. Not sexy. 3. No central focus around 1-4 kinks.
@MeepChangeling you know your TTRPG is bad when even fetish rpg makers hate it
An important thing about the original Oregon Trail game is the fact that snake bite and disentery ARE NOT instant-kills: one of your party members gets disentery and/or snake bite, and the game keeps going on, with the machine processing the odds of your party member surviving or dying, which, btw, is influenced by the job you chose in the beginning of the game.
It is possible to be instantly killed by a snakebite, I've seen that happen, a party member gets bitten and dies suddenly, but it's RARE
"I'm gonna piss on the ground."
"Roll for Urination."
"Natural 20."
"The Earth has been split in half by your cosmic piss stream."
@@hdckighfkvhvgmk ...MY SUPER LAZER PISS!
Damn, Ms. Monopoly is brutal.
Here you win the greatest prize, no longer needing to play fatal
@@hdckighfkvhvgmk MY SUPER LASER PISS!
Why is Hasbro obsessed with removing the railroads and houses from every Monopoly spinoff? Seriously, same exact thing in Monopoly: Cheaters Edition, and it's totally incongruous with the theming.
They probably removed houses because that's less plastic to make. They also removed the houses and railroads due to years of whinny people complaining that it's too long! They could also advertise it as a new mechanic.
Complaining about the length of Monopoly is like complaining that Reece's Cups have Peanut Butter in them.
@@tahjkuemmerle it doesn't help people artificially make the game longer via house rules
@@markhirsch6301including not auctioning or making free parking have the taxes
It means they can charge full price but don't have to make as many pieces.
would love to meet the mf who keeps casting 'bestow ulcer' on me
God, same. Some spellcaster cast that spell on me so many times I had to get an organ removed!
oh, that reminds me of a silly short by "punky doodles" where a wizard did something like that...
The craziest part of FATAL is that the game is utterly unplayable even if you're into the lore and all the nasty stuff. The mechanics are so bad that no human being on this earth could conceivably have fun playing this game while actually following the rules as written. You have to massively homebrew the game to make it functional.
"Nutsack of caster swells to 10d1000 in volume"
Doesn't specify a unit of measurement. Is it in cubic centimeters? Cubic inches? Ounces? Grams? Kilograms? Imagining all the possible scenarios is horrifying and fascinating at the same time.
Clearly it swells by nutsacks.
10d1000 nutsacks in volume, to be precise.
10d1000 is 1d100 but complicated
To simplify it- the actual effect is "caster's nutsack swells by up to X% it's original volume", therefore this effect is independent of any measurements
I *CANNOT* believe I just played devil's advocate to this system
@@Konpekikaminari This interpretation would logically mean that it could potentially "swell" to 10% of its original volume.
@coryzilligen790 as in shrink? Because I'm interperting "by up to X%" as "you add X% of the original volume"
Therefore the end result ranges from 101% to 200% the volume
@@KonpekikaminariThis feels vaguely horrifying, but also vaguely unfair to mousies.
18:41 "every time a spell is cast, the caster flips off the target"
that's actually hilarious
How is that funny
@@mikegiamalva321 if you don't see how that's funny, then you don't have much of a sense of humor
By my calculations, actually beating WWB would, on average, take 108 quattorvigintillion (1.08 x 10^77) turns for any given player to win- not only is this longer than a human lifetime, this number is approximately the number of *atoms in the observable universe*. Probably still better than FATAL, though.
Jesus H. Christ.
I spent 2 minutes trying to pause to read the fatal stuff. Now I need to spend 2 hours reconsidering humanity.
You can scrub through videos frame by frame with the "" keys, really helps
On mobile, your best option is to go at 0.25x playback speed and rapid pause
I love how people are helping you with TH-cam, and not your shattered faith in humanity.
I can't help either though
He didn't even list the best stuff, like a spell that ends the game permanently by destroying the world, or the infant... opening sizes, or how getting hit in the testicles can kill you instantly.
It was clearly made to troll literally everyone
@@chrismanuel9768 Sorry, what do you consider trolling?
FATAL is an infamously bad ttrpg system because every mechanic is either ethically wrong or just straight up trash.
I think its way worse than RaHoWa and VTNL because of sheer size. Almost 1000 pages of shit.
You forgot the commonplace option of "if not both".
My favorite FATAL fact is the system you refuse to discuss is mathematically a more reliable way to deal damage than the actual wepaons.
Fun fact: F.A.T.A.L's mechanics are so bonkers that depending on how your character is built a viable combat strategy can be to constantly go for grapple attempts despite your character being awful at grappling because one of the things that canhappen if you fail a grapple is that your character accidentally s*xually assaults their opponent. And because their "equipment" is to big for their opponent doing that hurts them.
With Oregon Trail we had a house rule where if you drew the snakebite card you rolled the dice and only a 2 would kill and with dysentery a 1 or 6 would kill. It wasn’t the perfect fix but it still alleviated some of the stress of pulling that card while also giving the player who drew it a chance to beat it
I like that snake eyes is what kills you if you get a snake card, very clever
That’s actually a really good balancing addition. It makes sense in-game too, as there’s always a possibility of miraculously overcoming venom/disease irl.
Yeah, and as I recall, in the computer game, it was possible to recover from a snakebite or dysentery, it just wasn't fully under your control, so I like your dice roll step; it's a good analogue!
Careful, cam. You’re one good video away from giving me a board game hyper fixation
Well lucky for you, I'd have to make a good video first 👌
@@kamsandwich OH GOD MY DAY IS RUINED
FATAL is so hilariously terrible, this video doesn't even do it justice. You can find videos out there of people designing characters and desperately trying to play and it's all painful. Female characters get a -30% to their strength, which is bad enough, but male characters get _+30%_ to their strength, meaning that, if you roll the 52% chance of your character being female, you effectively have HALF THE STRENGTH YOU WOULD HAVE
Also, no species are really playable because they're all so incredibly racist towards each other, and the only ones that humans tolerate either go blind in the sunlight, start the grant with an 80% chance of being too old to do anything, or get weaker the further they get from home.
Also, only white people exist.
Also, Kobold names are Indonesian because apparently Indonesian people are... stereotypically short? So they have the same names??
Also, you have a very high chance of starting the game as an, ahem... _indentured servant..._ in which case your character gains XP by not being punished by their master.
It's all bad. You roll for nipple size.
"It's all bad. (names something good)"
Just kidding, what a disaster of a system lmao, thanks for typing this out.
@@TheAlexRhodes True; the nipple size may be its one redeeming factor
I tried to pause and read the frame and my video started endlessly buffering. I think that's a sign that I actually shouldn't try to read whatever's there.
Oh no. Come back. Pause at any time close to it, and either use the comma or period buttons to skip forward or back one frame each press till you reach it. C'mon, come read it.
Don’t read it. Promise me. I read it and I now regret being literate.
@@spidertoes28 *do
Personally I read it and only my bad memory saved me
There's a lot wrong with Fatal but making Urination a skill honestly sounds like a hidden gem of an idea.
FATAL including some of the most abhorrent, disgusting acts a human can inflict upon another living creature but also “Every time a spell is cast, the caster jumps for joy” actually made me cackle out loud
Ms Monopoly is literally just Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss: The Game.
To Summarize:
Instant Death mechanics at random, poorly translated from normal game
Annoying mechanics that ruin the game and the point being made
No Nutritional Facts on the bottle, FDA violation
Overeating/ too much sodium intake
Literally made to be impossible
The creators need their hard drives checked
"Oh damn, by what you are describing, FATAL could be a fun game to laugh at its bad mechanics with friends, surely what he's about to talk about isn't that-
My month has been ruined"
I mean, it could. Except the mechanics are akin to trying to launch a rocket, but you can only use an Abacus for the math.
@@NEEDbacon And the user manual was written by an edgy 14 year old who just discovered urbandictionary and racism.
Nah, Edgy 14 year olds have standards
Even better is FATAL's creators' response to the review linked.
Review: "So basically, FATAL is the date r*** RPG."
Creator: "Another faulty conclusion. Where is dating even involved?"
Think there’s a response to the response *somewhere.*
ok but “bestow ulcer” is actually incredible. say what you will about FATAL, but that’s a fantastic spell.
The main issue is that it feels like it's being played completely straight
If it was in something more satirical (think Postal 2 or Cards Against Humanity) it would be great, but here... it's pretty much another thing in the problem pile
@@the1stwingyeah another one in that boat is the urination stat. Could be funny, but FATAL takes itself too seriously
Ms Monopoly: "Yeah! Let's go ladies! Let's stick it to the man!!!"
Also Ms Monopoly: Handicaps Women to make sure they win. While consequently, degrading women that they can't beat men on equal footing without help.
There was a bit on Robot Chicken about this
@@moxstoleyoursocks2241 There was a bit in a Sonic cartoon about this
@@blammo5226 based Knuckles?
Does that mean that the absolute majority of the word disregards men irl by the same logic?
Man seems like FATAL was robbed of its worst board game ever trophy
It was disqualified because it's a table top RPG, not a board game.
@@ArsonRaboot It showed up in this vid about the worst 'board game' mechanics though
It already got nominated worst TRPG on most TRPG forums
The only list it should be on is the offender registry
@@cheeplethebulldog1420 I love how you didn't specify the type of registry, since it commits so many various sins.
So you're telling me that all the goofy wizard spells that have been going around like "Mend Buttcrack," "Tungsten Ballsack," and "Instant Brazillian Wax" are all just FATAL spells?
fellow r/wizardposting user, I see
I know for a fact that "Seal orifice" is a specifically defined spell in fatal, so Mend butthole is definitely a thing
swapping bitter pills for taking a shot would be a kind of cool drinking game idea, as long as the game goes fast enough
Actual outcome: everyone dies.
Add an elimination rule if they pass out to stop the game from stalemating
Wait, you mean to tell me that the Bitter Pills in that game were not an in-game concept but actual pills in a bottle sold with the game which the players were actually expected to ingest?! And they didn't even meet minimal food safety standards by printing the ingredients?! That is actually criminally insane!
The funny thing is that there's probably a parallel universe where everyone wins WWB in a few minutes, regardless of what any statistician says
world's best board game
Oh, that’s easy, just write 5 on every side of the dice.
Sometimes the best way to win the unwinable, is to cheat.
@@luigimario3579it doesn't come with enough paper
@@TheFlame_Hawk more glue and more paper.
the bitter pills being actual unlabeled pills you have to swallow is insane. And probably illegal for them to not have any ingredient info.
James Hausler: Our game has complex philosophical themes.
"Roll for urination."
Ah yes, the Death Stranding take
I once did an April Fool's prank on my DnD group, informing them that we'd be converting the campaign to "this really cool system I discovered". That system being FATAL.
Nobody fell for it, but they had good laughs.
Also Killer Bunnies - a more recent *kids party game* with 60 pages of rules, most of them errata for specific cards, most cards unplayable unless in certain situations. The goal is to collect carrots (essentially VP), and if all 12 carrots have been taken from the deck, game over. You would think most carrots wins, right? No, you essentially have a raffle to determine who is the winner with each player getting 1 entry per carrot. So, you can have 11VP to your opponent's 1VP, and still have an 8% chance of losing completely at random.
I’ve always despised raffles
that reminds me of a strange multi-player game i played...
each player had a city belonging to a faction, and could attack other players in other factions.
each city could have equipment shops, and you could equip your soldiers with 9 different levels of weapons, affecting their chance of a kill.
that is, a level 1 weapon had a 10% chance of one kill per turn of battle, and a level 9 weapon would have a 90% change, BUT cost a LOT more.
and no, you could not equip your soldiers with ARMOR, so it was POSSIBLE for a solder with a level 1 weapon to defeat one with a level 9 weapon!
Gotta love the detailed racism, casual sexual assault (to various creatures) and scat that is probably intended to be played out irl at the table, but at least they have a magic effect that lets me jump for joy.
And the simple fact that this is an effect lets me believe the devs of FATAL are actually serious about this entire thing and didn't just do all that shit to try and see just how far they can take everything without any rhyme or reason...
So, there's this really interesting thing that a lot of bigots do, which is they pretend that the world works the way they think it should work. They usually do this by tricking themselves into thinking that the "natural" state of affairs *does* work like that, and in the last 50-100 years, progressives have perverted nature. What we see in Fatal is simply bigots using worldbuilding to explore and describe the ideal world they think is real. That's why it has random character generation rules instead of character creation rules (they were more interested in presenting their ideas about human populations than in making a game that has interesting people), and why it has basically no rules for actually playing a game. It doesn't even have a bestiary.
@@yurisei6732 You sound like frustrated furry who is also a bottom.
Interacting with them on rpg forums back in the day would shatter any belief that they were just trolling. Scrolling through the 900 or so pages would test it, Hall cemented the idea it was made with sincerity as he burned bridges with his co-creator and harassed those poking fun at it before going radio silent.
It was meant as a fetish TRPG, its just way too overcomplicated for even people with really questionable taste to get off to
i'm pretty sure this goes beyond casual sexual assault and into ranked competitive sexual assault
If you think Oregon Trail had instant death mechanics, skill issue. You do NOT have pioneer spirit and you will never make it to Oregon.
It’s ok, we can recreate the donner party
I love how "Worlds Worst Boardgame" was beaten by "What Do You Meme?" for worst board game
Simply making something purposely the worst makes it funny, normally bad games do not have this luxury
No joke, I remember going to a local Toys R Us in Canada and seeing Ms. MONOPOLY on sale for $12 while every other edition was $40. The tagline that women make more money than men couldn't be more ironic than ever.
9:00: So the bitter pills are physical pills? That does place a limit to times it can be used, then: You run out of them eventually. That said, given how long board games can sit between or even before use, that seems like a terrible idea.
Looking at the way Oneupmanship was advertised, it is very possible that the creator legitimately thought this was a way to get people to keep spending money on a game they already bought by offering bitter pill replacements. In-game transactions, now available for your tabletop!
I eat the pills. I die immediately as they have become pure poison.
My friends are jealous that I was freed from the game.
Maybe you could replace them with those nasty novelty jellybeans (assuming the bitterness is supposed to be a deterrent, another unpleasant flavor should work too.)
Can’t say the game sounds fun to me anyway, but the idea of eating a random pill from an obscure board game is horrifying, and at least you know where the jellybeans came from
Okay but "bestow ulcer" sounds like it could be a really funny D&D homebrew spell
A 1 in 2000 chance that casting it destroys the world could also be a funny nod to it's horrible origin.
"Bestow ulcer" is up there with "testicular torsion", "mend buttcrack", and the other wizard meme spells of today
This is literally "cause wound", pretentious edition
There are even more stupid spells. For instance:Bestow headache. Bestow toothache. Ejaculate blood. Seal orifice. Spermicidal sphere. Unattractive. Varicose veins. Wet dreams. Bestow ingrown nail. Or my personal favorite:Bestow allergy, permanently.
17:14 The list is:
-Extensive rules and mechanics for r pe
-Magical items that force masturbation
-Magical items that force bestiality
-An equation that determines your character's % chance of gaining Ret rd Strength
-Urination skill that determines how far and hard you can pee
-Have her cadaver - A spell that makes a dead woman look alive to you so you can...yeah
-A lengthy explanation as to why the game's "R pe Clubs" are vital to the lore
-Quoth the game: “Sexual Violence is an everyday dimention of community life”
-The magical miscast effects I couldn't bring up later, including:
0152 - Castor becomes a serial r pist
0201 - Castor now prefers mating with farm animals, and is now a zoophiliac
0257 - Nutsack of castor swells to 10d1000 in volume for 3d3 days
-And dozens of worse actions, spells, and effects that I couldn't bring myself to write
That wasn't a day ruiner, and these are just kind of funny in how bizarre they are.
Ty sigma
You're welcome, Plimbo.
Another awful thing about FATAL (that thankfully _isn't_ horribly NSFW) is just how much goddamn dice rolling there is during character creation. When rolling your stats, (strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc.) you have to roll something like 20d100 and divide by ten. In other words, you take ten random numbers between 1 and 200, and take the average. According to the game's creators, this was to create a perfect bell curve for the stats. Never mind that there's 16 stats you have to roll this way, meaning you have to roll 320 times just for _one_ stage of character creation. And this is _in addition_ to all the other random nonsense you have to roll for in character creation, like height, weight, gender, race, nipple size, you-know-what circumference, and so on.
Characters also die _stupidly_ easy. Now, that in and of itself isn't a dealbreaker. But all the _good_ TTRPGs that have high PC mortality rates also have a quick and easy character creation process. For example, Call of Cthulhu tends to kill characters pretty easily, but you can make a new one in 10 or 20 minutes. You can lose a character, and have the new one replace them in the same session. In contrast, FATAL will kill in five minutes a character you took fifty hours to create.
I'm constantly torn between wanting to make fun of FATAL for being pretentious, shocking nonsense, or just not acknowledging it and letting it rot in obscurity.
17:14 nah the urination skill seems very high brow and should be in every rpg I mean how else can I settle arguments about how far I can piss
The thing about FATAL is that, there’s another candidate for worst TTRPG…Racial Holy War.
Except FATAL’s actually *playable.*
Racial huh?
I believe we're supposed to call that 'Ancestral Spiritual Conflict' nowadays
I think I remember reading about it in a list of worst games, one of the funnier things about it are the morale mechanics so poorly defined that the player characters flee if they're outnumbered enough, regardless of what actually outnumbers them.
In other words, the "brave" warriors can and will end up fleeing with their tail between their legs when faced with a sufficient number of perfectly normal babies.
@@BaconMageLv0 iirc each race also had some sort of mechanical bonus, like jews had a bonus when making checks involving money as an example, except the white race had no such bonus of any kind in the game, which is so ridiculously ironic for a game about white supremacy 😂😂😂
@@BaconMageLv0 They forgot to put in attack resolution. You know how in D&D, where the most basic part of seeing if you hit a guy is 'roll a twenty-sided die, if you roll a number higher than their Armor Class, you hit'? The Creativity Movement forgot to put that part in the rule book. We have the modifiers from your weapon and stats, but the basic thing you roll is not listed. Then again, most stats also don't explain how much of whatever they're supposed to do. Like, strength lets you carry more stuff, but it never tells you how much.
Say what you want about FATAL, but at least you can hit things and finish combat (eventually). You also might find some of the crude content and insane rules funny because they're so ridiculous. That can't be said for Racial Holy War. Even the prejudiced people it was made for didn't want to play it.
Someone actually tried making a fatal character
and it went about as well as you'd expect.
"Lets make us a FATAL character part 1"
Zigmenthotep, right? I saw that video series, and it's a really good insight into just how shallow and nonfunctional of a game it is on a fundamental level.
Take a minute to imagine Monopoly, but players of a certain race are more likely to go to jail. *Sounds fun, doesn’t it?*
My favourite(?) FATAL mechanic is when you roll for your character's marital status. There are like 10 marital statuses you can roll, only one of them is "happily married", and it comes with a note to "reroll if homosexual"
I'll be real: FATAL sounds like it was made by someone who was obsessed with two things:
1. Being so over the top edgy that it went over the edge and never came back
2. Being way too much into the random tables
some more funny tidbits from fatal;
during character creation you’re supposed to make a d1000000 roll with a literal one in a million chance to determine if your character is a “freak of nature”; that is, if they have one of a handful of congenital birth defects (all of which occur in reality much more often than one in a million)
there are three separate stats related to how attractive your character’s nipples are- size, length and color. this of course only applies to female characters
of the 12 playable races in fatal, almost all of them have a burning hatred for each other, many of them eat human babies, and one instantly turns to stone if exposed to sunlight, with no save. taking into account many different factors in character creation, literally only humans are remotely playable.
characters that are middle aged take a 1% penalty to their height. yes, it expects you to calculate that
in fatal you have six main stats, each with four sub stats, and you have to roll 10d6 and average them with an equation such that the results are a heavily center waited bell curve with the most likely result of 100 for each sub stat. yes, that is 240 dice rolls and a shit ton of statistics homework.
when you roll for your age, infant and child ages are all possible to roll. infant and child characters are not excluded from any of the sexual characteristics tables. ew
you roll for kinks. watersports is on there.
in the introduction, the authors explain that despite their main goal with the game being “historical/mythological accuracy” they specifically omit any non-white player characters, even though people of color were present in ancient europe, because it goes against their idea of traditional fantasy. you literally cannot play a person of color in the game because the creators decided it would ruin the vibe
any sexuality other than straight is determined with a d100 roll of five or below, and traits such as large boobs, being an anakim (player race) and being especially attractive can disqualify you from rolling low enough to get certain sexualities.
and my absolute favorite; there is a table you roll on to determine your marital status. one of the options you can roll is Happily Married (reroll if homosexual) which genuinely sent me into hysterics. being gay disqualifies you from being happy, apparently
all of this is from memory so take it with a grain of salt
7:44 People joke about friendship ruining games. That feels like it would make you genuinely dislike your friends
Ms. Monopoly sounds like one of those board games that someone would make as an extra credit project for an AP polysci class, not something you would actually sell to people to make money
Hmmm how should we combat sexism? More sexism 🎉🎉🎉
Considering that the original intent of the game was an intentionally imbalanced system as an attack on these economic ideals, it actually feels oddly on brand.
Oof. Snakebites and dysentery weren't even instant death in the game. You could rest and the person might recover.
One of the classic ways to play this was to name the other characters after your friends, for obvious reasons. One time one of my buddies was REALLY into playing with snakes, he got bit a whole three or four times before finally carking it the way he always dreamed of o7
Wait the bitter pills were genuine pills? Like a physical object? They didnt think "hmm maybe we shouldnt hand out random pills to our board game players"
And what happens when you run out of bitter pills? You cant ruin your relationships anymore? Sounds dumb
you replace them with benadryl
I played exactly one game of Oregon Trail TCG, Died of Dysentery on the first turn, then had to watch everyone else have fun before we all decided to play something else. At the time I thought it was pretty funny, which it is, but a game meant to be played for more than a minute per round shouldn't have an insta-kill mechanic, no matter how rare.
But it's funny
Make a game combining all of these mechanics
Mr. Fatal's One Oregon-opoly Boardgame
Because the risk of overeating wasn't bad enough in a FINITE game! Just wait until you have to eat every time you move in WWB's statistically infinite game!
@@evilsheepmaster1744And every roll you make has a chance of instant restarting regardless of the reset roll should you pull an instadeath card from the calamity deck. Failing that, each roll changes your attributes which modify your ability to roll dice (or just make you read unpleasant garbage). Women get to move double the spaces at the cost of being talked down to the whole time.
To top it off, anybody can take a bitter pill to restart the game should a player happen to actually almost win the WWB lottery anyway
I think that would put you on a list
I do not want to imagine what FATAL would try to have you physically consume.
To be fair, monopoly by the original rules sucks. A long boring slag that ends with nobody trading, so nobody gerts monopolies, or house or hotels and the game never ends. Anything would be better
It's not the game's fault if you don't know how to use its mechanics to the fullest.
Fatal sounds like a parody game you'd see in South Park. Also they should've renamed it something more hardcore like "Rectal Anarchy" or something to clue you in
Combining the themes of instant game over and Monopoly clones, Solarquest has a (thankfully optional) rule where you can attack other players with lasers if you land on them. Most of the time it doesn't do anything, but if you roll doubles, they have to spend some money on repairs, and if you get double sixes you destroy their ship and they're eliminated from the game!
Ah, Miss Monopoly. The first game that bans nonbinary people from playing. A classic in stupidity.
Ah yes, i've heard of FATAL, specifically how it's possible to "non-consent" an opponent to "unliving" if you're rolls are bad enough in combat, against your will.
FATAL was referred to as “the date reighpe RPG” in the MacLennan & Sartin review, to which the creator replied “Where is dating included?”
FATAL contains a stat for the PAC of an infant. Yeah, I'm probably on a list for typing that. It's the most horrific game I've ever seen.
FATAL sounds like one of those "testicular tortion spell" memes taken to its logical extreme
Wait, one upsmanship came with ACTUAL pills?! THAT'S INSANE NO GAME SHOULD HAVE CONSUMABLES!!!
Speaking as someone with no practical experience in game design, I bet you could fix the 'instant kill card' mechanic with a simple tweak. The first... three rounds or so the instant death cards are kept out of the deck, then on round four or five they get shuffled back into the deck and play resumes as normal. If you wanted to be a dick, you could keep adding another instant death card once every three or four rounds as the game goes on by using them to replace beneficial cards
The mechanic is definitely salvagable. There're games entirely built around it (Exploding Kittens).
Other games do this by splitting the deck up into, say, thirds and shuffling cards into either the top middle or bottom of it.
Problem with Oregon Trail though is that it isn't a player elimination game. At least with player elimination games, they generally have the benefit of players not getting out until the end of the game. If you die in Oregon Trail, especially if you die early, then you're just stuck out of the game doing nothing.
World's worst board game failed because it wasn't trying to be a board game that was annoying and unfair. It was a single tedious math problem, not a game.
Imagine if you're playing Fatal and the dm just goes: "You're a Re---d now. +5 strength."
The worst part about that mechanic is that you get max +20 strength which is like nothing compared to max strength so the only purpose of the mechanic is to be as offensive as possible
@@anthonyvelasquez1277so Cards Agains Humanity if it was a bad RPG?
I rolled that IRL so I wouldn't have to RP anymore.