when doing a receive alignment you want to keep the signal injected from the generator low enough that it reads a maximum of about S-1 on your radio's meter. Otherwise the AGC circuit kicks in and you won't actually be tuning for maximum sensitivity.
Hi m8, I have only just re discovered your channel ..I have been searching for it for ages.. What happened those videos you did regarding the alignment procedure for the Cobra 148 gtl that you did a few years back ?? They were great..I can't find them. PeaceN7sOz😊
I've had a few 2K GTL's and now the 2547. No the Galaxy doesn't have quite as low of a noise floor as the Cobra but I still like the Galaxy because it's getting harder to find parts for the Cobras. Just my $.02...
Hey there Protek, thank you for your honest intro to this CB radio video. I have been looking for someone as honest as you. Many thanks.😀👍🏁
ok, thanks
when doing a receive alignment you want to keep the signal injected from the generator low enough that it reads a maximum of about S-1 on your radio's meter. Otherwise the AGC circuit kicks in and you won't actually be tuning for maximum sensitivity.
ok, thanks
Hi m8, I have only just re discovered your channel ..I have been searching for it for ages..
What happened those videos you did regarding the alignment procedure for the Cobra 148 gtl that you did a few years back ??
They were great..I can't find them.
My email ID at that time was posted to the dark web. as a precaution I canceled everything associated with that EMAIL.
@@protek4191 that makes sense.
Hi , is that the standard 2547 power supply ?
Also how does the GALAXY compare to the COBRA2000 GTL on RX quality and quietness?
Yes, it's standard. It's made by a company called MEANWELL, I think. Galaxy upgraded the power supply some time ago. I prefer the COBRA.
I've had a few 2K GTL's and now the 2547. No the Galaxy doesn't have quite as low of a noise floor as the Cobra but I still like the Galaxy because it's getting harder to find parts for the Cobras. Just my $.02...