The show is partially set in France, partially set in England, but the character is French. Although it was pointed out that Marguerite was a very intelligent woman, and a very talented actress, thus should have probably been so fluent in English as to have very little accent, the choice was apparently made for her to have a very pronounced accent. Probably to make it clear to the audience that she was a French woman.
Perfect! I cry every single time listening to this number. And Christine's version is even more unforgetable.
Twenty years later and she is every bit as wonderful as she'd been then...
I saw her perform as Marguerite in the first months it was on stage. Man I still have that voice in my head so many years later.
Unique!!So beautiful. Amazing..
I discovered her too late...that is for sure. Now I am listening to her every week.
She puts so much emotion and feeling into the song, it honestly brought me to tears. She's wonderful!
One of the truly great, timeless voices of Broadway. So distinct and rich.
I met this fantastic woman ❤ she is amazing 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Is she from the European Continent? She doesn't sound North American...
She's singing the song in a French accent as the show is set in Paris. That's what I'm guessing anyway.
The show is partially set in France, partially set in England, but the character is French. Although it was pointed out that Marguerite was a very intelligent woman, and a very talented actress, thus should have probably been so fluent in English as to have very little accent, the choice was apparently made for her to have a very pronounced accent. Probably to make it clear to the audience that she was a French woman.