At moment at migration office most of the people working there are very low standards and dirty work they are providing. It was sad to see how people suffering especially foreigners 😮 they were joking about people's names,because they don't know how to read in English themselves,so they disrespect others. we were waiting there for 6 hours to get their service. When they see habesha with foreign passports they serve them badly,as if like we forced them to live in Ethiopia. My advice for those people who disrespecting others, please one day things will change for bad and you might pay for it in your lifetime, power will change anytime!! Learn from the past.
ገና በበዙ እሰማለን
ሰላምሸ ይበዛ ማማ ሀገሪ
ይቀልዳሉ እንዴ የማንም ሬሣ ሲያርፍበት የነበረ ቦታ ላይ ማነው ሄዶ የሚናፈሰው ሠይጣን ካልሆነ በስተቀር ?😏
ቤታችን አፍርሳችሆ ሳር መትከል ትክክል ልማት ከሆነ ባከበባችን ቤቱ ን መስራት ሳር ከብት አናረባ
😂አይ ዶ/ር አብይ እኔምለው
ቦታ ጠፍቶነው ወይስ ሳይዝናኑ የሞቱትን ለማዝናናት ታስቦ ነው 😊😂
አይ ሀገሬ ጉድሽ ነው ዘንድር ምኑኑን ጣለብሽ በ20 ክፍለዘመን😢😢😢
Men ale hospital edesat betrgulachew mekaber clean kehone beki new park mehon yelbetm.Yalbelawn meyak mengst
አረምነው ሞተንም ሠላም ራሳችሁን ከቤታችን አብራችሁ ስንሞትም ሠላም ራሳችሁን አረረረረረረ ፍትህ ለአዲስ አበባ ሠው
ያሳዝናል የመቃብር ቦታ የተከበረ እንጅ መናፈሻ በጫወቻ የሚሆን ቦታ አልነበረም ይሄ የነጮች የአውሮፓዎች የሀይማኖት አልባዎች ሀሳብ ነው
አይ ሐገሬ ኢትዮጵያ ምን አይነት ዘመን ላይ ወደቅሽብኝ 😢 ጭራሽ የመቃብር ቦታ መዝናኛ 😢እሕ 😢ይሑን ለጊዜው ነው ሰላምሽ የሚመለስበት ጊዜ ቅርብ ነው ትእግስ ብቻ 😢ይቅር በለን ጌታ ሆይ 🙏😢💔 ስለፓስፖርት እድሳት የተሰማው ወሬ ምን ላይ ደረሰ የምታውቁ ንገሩኝ?❤
ጭራሽ መቃብር ቦታ መዝናኛ ጉድነዉ ገና አሁን ሴጣን ዳቢሎስ ስራዉን እዬሰራነዉ እግዚኦ ጌ ታሆይ አተማረን በቸርነትህ
በቀደም መቃብር ላይ ሲጨፍሩ ሲደንሱ የነበሩት ለዚህ ነዋ
Pasport wayyoo dhugaa birri humna ol kafaale anu
Endeee yemotutim lisededunew eyalachihun new libela🫢
Special if you are amhera .ename mengelatat dersobegnale yetmala document Setecha endyewe andem lala zere yelebechem weshetame blo newe yesedebegne .aznalehu adese abeba tewelga adega bee 53 edmya sesedebe yete hadene abete endemele lememelketwe adruslenge beakale mekrebe kealebegne mesker ehonalehu😢😢😢😢😢
መቃብር ሥፍራ መናፈሻ ሊሆኑ ነው ያልከው ኮንሰርት እንዳይዘጋጅበት ነው ምራት ያለብን
Ethiopian ymta saw rafat lklkal naw mlta naw ysfral symtam alrfam motom
At moment at migration office most of the people working there are very low standards and dirty work they are providing. It was sad to see how people suffering especially foreigners 😮 they were joking about people's names,because they don't know how to read in English themselves,so they disrespect others. we were waiting there for 6 hours to get their service. When they see habesha with foreign passports they serve them badly,as if like we forced them to live in Ethiopia. My advice for those people who disrespecting others, please one day things will change for bad and you might pay for it in your lifetime, power will change anytime!! Learn from the past.
Ji'a 4 lakkoofssise naf hin deebine