Incompetent & useless General. He run away abandoning his troops. In military regulation that was treason! Ya hulu fukera zeraf akaki zeraf empty bluffing. Ferttito saudi geba. Fertach 😂
When I heard this music lyrics*ethiopia Tikidam *. My tears rolling down on my face. Because I was 8 years old boy in 1968. And used to listening it on Ethiopian Radio. But I did not started per school even My Goodness! It is exactly 47 years since then? Thank you God.
I also grew up with Amhara people children but I was from Oromo families. We didn't know any things like hate each other's like today because Dirty ethincs idiology politics which brought by Wayne and ONGE Shanne!! I wish if that kind of golden time comes back again!!!
The Red Star offensive from February to June 1982 was the offensive of all offensives by the Derg regime on the rightful Eritrean people's struggle for freedom & independence. Kudos & glory to all the heroes and heroines of Eritrea who, with limited weapons, supplies and manpower, managed to crash the invading Ethiopian army, which was supported by the full weight of the Soviets. After the failure of this major offensive, it became clear that the Ethiopian Derg regime, together with its Super Power backers, was unable to defeat the Eritrean people's aspiration for freedom & independence.
@@nayhmameyentertainment5266 Dear gentleman, in #Eritrea: There is no university There is no constitution There is no passport There is no profession There is no election There is no press There is no vice president There is no cabinet There is no political party There is no executive There is no legislature There is no judiciary There is no lawyer There is no journalist There is no justice There is no water There is no electricity There is no transportation There is no peace There are no factories There is no port There are no young men There is no work There is no human capacity.
@@tomasmogos6239 😂😂😂who told this 😂😂 The Good thing is you guys don't know us and our country Or you are talking about tgray Ethiopia is. *Becoming more violent *Electric city is grid unstable 😂u says you have big hydrolic water *1/3 children don't live until 5 😢 * In the whole world there is no county fighting by ethnicity only in Ethiopia 😂 * Quality of education in Ethiopia is too low 😂 * 39% 0f the people is HIv carrier 😢 * Low IQ 😂 * Kid reapers and murders are high first in the world 😢 * High crime and no peace * Witchcraft county 😢 * Thief and robbery is high 😂
Dear Tomas All those are in Eritrea you have misunderstood about Eritrea 🇪🇷 there peace in Eritrea we Eritreans give priority to our peace and sovereignty. As the same time we wish peace to Ethiopians also
Generals killed by mengistu hailemariam after 1981 coup attempt Major General Hailu GebreMichael Major General Worku Zewede Major General Alemayehu Desta Major General Zewede Gebreyes Major General Abera Abebe Major General Merid Negussie Major General Fanta Belay Major General Demissie Bulto Major General Amaha Desta Brigadier General Solomon Begashaw Brigadier General Desalegn Abebe Brigadier General Tesfu Desta Brigadier General Engeda Gebreamlak Brigadier General Erekyehun Bayessa Brigadier General Negash Woldeyes Brigadier General Genanaw Mengistu Brigadier General Tesfaye Terfe
Our hero,General Best wishes, may Allah keep you safe with your family, man of owner.
ለቀድሞው የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት ሁሌም ያለኝ አድናቆት እና ክብር ይሁን! የመንግስቱ ሀይለማርያም አመራር ጥሩ መስሎኝ ነበር ከጥቂት ወራት በፊት ግን ለሰራዊቱ ውድቀት የመጀመሪያው እና ዋነኛው ተጠያቂ አምባገነኑ መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም መሆኑን ተረዳሁ። እና በመንግስቱ ላይ ያሳዘነኝ ነገር ተምሮ ስህተቱን አላስተካከለም በዚህም ምክንያት ሀገሪቱ ተበታተነች።
ስልጣኔን ይቀሙኛል የሚል ፍርሃት ስለነበረው የኢትዮጵያን ዕንቁ መኮንኖች ገድሎ ገድሎ የሻዕቢያ እና የወያኔ መጫዎቻ ያደረገን መንግስቱ ነው፡፡ የኛ ህዝብ ግን brain washed ስለተደረገ ለእሱ ሆያሆዬ ይጨፍራል፡፡
የውድቀት ታሪክም ቢሆን ያስተምራል።
ብልህና አስተዋይ ከፍተኛ ጀነራል መኮንን አዋቂና ጥሩ የወታደራዊ አስተዳደር የተገበሩ መሪ ነበሩ
ነፍስ ይማር
Incompetent & useless General. He run away abandoning his troops. In military regulation that was treason! Ya hulu fukera zeraf akaki zeraf empty bluffing. Ferttito saudi geba. Fertach 😂
When I heard this music lyrics*ethiopia Tikidam *. My tears rolling down on my face. Because I was 8 years old boy in 1968. And used to listening it on Ethiopian Radio. But I did not started per school even
My Goodness! It is exactly 47 years since
then? Thank you God.
Same here. I was also exactly the same age as you were.
የወታደር ልጅ ነኝ፡፡ የአማራ ኦሮሞ ትግሬ ወላይታ ... ልጆች ያደግነው በካምፕ አንድላይ ነው፤ አባቶቻችን በጋራ ለኢትዮጵያ ደማቸውን አፍስሠዋል፤ ዛሬ ላይ ያለውን የዘር ጥላቻ ሳይ የሚሰማኝን በቃል መግለጽ አልችልም!
I also grew up with Amhara people children but I was from Oromo families. We didn't know any things like hate each other's like today because Dirty ethincs idiology politics which brought by Wayne and ONGE Shanne!! I wish if that kind of golden time comes back again!!!
The Red Star offensive from February to June 1982 was the offensive of all offensives by the Derg regime on the rightful Eritrean people's struggle for freedom & independence. Kudos & glory to all the heroes and heroines of Eritrea who, with limited weapons, supplies and manpower, managed to crash the invading Ethiopian army, which was supported by the full weight of the Soviets. After the failure of this major offensive, it became clear that the Ethiopian Derg regime, together with its Super Power backers, was unable to defeat the Eritrean people's aspiration for freedom & independence.
ድንቅ ነው
ልዩ ነው
ከመጥፎ መኪና IFA! ከመጥፎ ውግያ ናቅፋ!
እዝጊኣብሔር ያድነን።
Nakfa was the most important place for our liberation..I guess it was the worst place from you guys point of view
Dear gentleman, in #Eritrea:
There is no university
There is no constitution
There is no passport
There is no profession
There is no election
There is no press
There is no vice president
There is no cabinet
There is no political party
There is no executive
There is no legislature
There is no judiciary
There is no lawyer
There is no journalist
There is no justice
There is no water
There is no electricity
There is no transportation
There is no peace
There are no factories
There is no port
There are no young men
There is no work
There is no human capacity.
@@tomasmogos6239 😂😂😂who told this 😂😂
The Good thing is you guys don't know us and our country
Or you are talking about tgray
Ethiopia is.
*Becoming more violent
*Electric city is grid unstable 😂u says you have big hydrolic water
*1/3 children don't live until 5 😢
* In the whole world there is no county fighting by ethnicity only in Ethiopia 😂
* Quality of education in Ethiopia is too low 😂
* 39% 0f the people is HIv carrier 😢
* Low IQ 😂
* Kid reapers and murders are high first in the world 😢
* High crime and no peace
* Witchcraft county 😢
* Thief and robbery is high 😂
Dear Tomas
All those are in Eritrea you have misunderstood about Eritrea 🇪🇷 there peace in Eritrea we Eritreans give priority to our peace and sovereignty.
As the same time we wish peace to Ethiopians also
Can you define what is Eritrean Nationalism mean?
ጀ/ል ሁሴን አህመድን የመሳሰሉ ምርጥ የኢትዮጵያ ውድ ልጆች የሚተካ ትውልድ ለማፍራት ምን ያህል ዘመን ይፈጅ ይሆን???
Man ende shabiya 🇪🇷💪🏾
Metsafun manbeb feligalew bete metsaf yigegnal?
Generals killed by mengistu hailemariam after 1981 coup attempt
Major General Hailu GebreMichael
Major General Worku Zewede
Major General Alemayehu Desta
Major General Zewede Gebreyes
Major General Abera Abebe
Major General Merid Negussie
Major General Fanta Belay
Major General Demissie Bulto
Major General Amaha Desta
Brigadier General Solomon Begashaw
Brigadier General Desalegn Abebe
Brigadier General Tesfu Desta
Brigadier General Engeda Gebreamlak
Brigadier General Erekyehun Bayessa
Brigadier General Negash Woldeyes
Brigadier General Genanaw Mengistu
Brigadier General Tesfaye Terfe
ደርግ የተወራለት ሰራዊት አሁን ስሰማው ያሳፍራል አገራችንን ለጠላት አሳልፎ ሰጣት😂
እንደዚህ ኣትበል ወንድሜ!
በተለይ በኤሪትራ ጠ/ግዛት ሁለተኛ ኣብዮታዊ ሰራዊት የተራራ፡ የእስፓርታ ውግያ ልምድ የነበራቸው እንደ፡ 18ኛ ክ/ጦር፡ 3ኛ ክ/ጦር፡ 21ኛ ክ/ጦር,,,ወዘተ የሚጠሩ ለሻዕቢያ ጎምበስ ቀና የሚያሰኙት በጣም ኣንበሳዎችና ጉዙፍ ክፍለ ጠሮች ነበሩ በኔ ኣስተያየት የኣስተዳደር እና የኣመራር ጉድለት ነው ወደ ሽንፈት የደረሰው።
እውነቱ እሱ ነው ።ምስራቅ አሸነፈ፣ ሰሜን ብትንትኑ ወጣ😢
ተስፋዬ ትርፌስ
እንደ ኤርትራዊ ይህን ትረካ ሰማ ምን ያህል ኤርትራኖች ጀግኖች እንድሆን ነው። 3 ሚሊዮን ህዝብ ከ80 ሚልዮን ህዝብ አሸንፈን መውጣታችን ያኮራኛል።
ጦርነቱ የህዝብ አልነበረም
አይ ፍኮራ ሁላ ሙርኮኛና ሸሸተኛ ብቻ መቀለዲያ ታሪክ
Where is General Hussein now?I hope he is alive.
He passed away recently.
የሁለተኛው አብዮታዊ ሰራዊት (ሁአሠ) ዋና አዛዥ የነበሩት የመጽሀፉ ደራሲ ሜ/ጀ ሁሴን አህመድ በተወለዱ በ 85 ዓመታቸው በስደት በሚኖሩባት ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ግንቦት 15 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ህይወታቸው አልፏል። ሥርዓተ ቀብራቸውም ግንቦት 18፣ 2015 ተፈጽሟል፡፡
የናቴ ቀሚስ አደናቀፈኝ! በቃ ተሸነፋቹ ከኤርትራ ህፍረት ተከናንባቹ ወጣቹ። ጀግና የኤርትራ ህዝብ ቂጥ ቂጣቹ እየ ገረፈ ከመሬቱ አባረራቹ። የምን ምክንያት ማብዛት ነው።
የቀይ ኮኮብ ዘመቻ ክሽፈትና ሽንፈት የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት ድክመት ነው ለምን ኣሁን ለሶቬቱ ጀነራል ምክንያት ያደርገዋል ክክክክክ
Skahun ye derge. Resa ena atint beye botaw ye eritrea beraha ytayal metachu wsedut
ሙዚቃውን አጥፋው በናትህ፡ ዝም ብለህ አንብበው
ለቆሻሻ ሻብያ አሩን ያስበላው ጀኔራል ጀግናው ሁሴን
ብዙ ማውራት ኣይጠበቅብህም
ማን ነው ኣሳሩን ያየው ታሪኩ ይነግርሃል ።ሻዕብያ የምን ግዜም ጀግና
ይሄ ሽንታም ጀነራል ማን ኣሩን እንደበላ እየነገረህ ነው፡ በ 🇪🇷#ኤርትራ🇪🇷 ምድር 1ሚ ወታደር ነው የ ኣራዊት ሲሳይ ሆኖ የቀረው
ማን እንደ ሻብያ