Ethiopia formers army lost the victory because of Luck of army leaders in Ethiopia army . That was very very heart broken!!! I'm crying when I'm listening this History!!!
Sabotage and inside jobs made the gallant army not to consolidate its victories that were achieved by huge sacrifices here and there. Everyone of us wanted Derg to be finished including some of those in the army. That was the main problem but even today we want the government to go only to cry and regret afterwards. Unfortunately, this is a description of our political mindset always. Pushing the government blindly and then cry. We cried after the Emperor and then after Derg and what have we learned from all that? Nothing!!!
I wish the writer understands basic military strategy otherwise he would not defend the defeat of ET army this way. Fighting at a front is a small part of a war. Still Ethiopians knowledge of war hasn’t gotten better since Adewa war. I wouldn’t be surprised if the King’s war skills was better than our generation ET generals. Even the writer after all these yrs, still hasn’t realized spying a big part of waging a war. The current ET PM told the whole country that he went to the front to fight the Tigray army. Still ET mentality is that war takes place at the front where you shoot an enemy. It looks bad his knowledge of war and it makes sense why the Shabia leadership outsmarted them while they had full support of the Soviet Union. Imagine the Soviet support was 10B US dollars(more than $100 adjusted to inflation) and their experts. All this was to crush an army less than 20k!
Why did we have to psy all that prices in such remote God forsaken land like Alegena??? Has any of the Derg officials read the concept of war and military science written by the legends like Sun Tzu? One of the key military doctrine is not to engage the enemy atextraordinaristancetance from
We were many in number and we are expandable. We don't give a rat's as* about the lives of the common peasant. They can born and walk by the coming summer.😂😂😂😂
They had Soviet advisers. Lots of frontal attacks after mass bombing of enemy positions. The problem was they couldn’t corner and trap the Eritrean fighters for any length of time for that to work at the cost high casualties. The Eritreans operated in smaller and fluid units that could come together very quickly for counter offensives.
You are still slaves. Not free. This is seen by Lots of immigrants fleeing the country. The army of ET at the time was a world class army .Sabbotag from inside and unpopularity of the regime are the failures. The golden opportunity to live with ET was gone by the ignorant ,cruel &shot sighted political leaders. Unity is power, prosperity, mutually benefiting.Learn from European, learn as civilized society.
You are still slaves,ruled by a cruel dictator,cruel than mengistu. Sabotages,double standards with in ET, political divisions. are the reason for failure. Shabia well knows the strength of the Northern command at the time. ET at the time had a world class army.
Failed state & under slavery by a cruel dictator who separated people with similar culture. Immigrants risking a dangerous route to ET & Europe explains every thing.
Shabia was bitten many times by the Northern command at the time . double standard role played by Eritreans(Ethiopians), divisions with in are the reason for failure to Liberate from unpopular Shabia.
ምርጥ ገጾች፡- “አልጌና.. የሹክሹክታው መንደር!”
ናቅፋ… የደም ምድር
የቀይ ኮከብ ዘመቻ….የሻእቢያና የኢትዮጵያ ጦር ትንቅንቅ በአልጌና
ክፍል 4
- የቀይ ኮከብ ዘመቻ ቀይ እምቡጦች፤
- የአብዮታዊው ሰራዊት ፈተና በናቅፋ ተራሮች፤
- በአብዮታዊ ሰራዊቱ ውስጥ ያሉ የሻእቢያ ሰላዮች ሚና፤
በኤርትራ ህዝብና በደርግ ወታደር የተደረገ ትንቅንቅ ብትለው ይሻል ነበር። ፍትሃዊ እና ሃቅ የተሞላ ሰው ለመሆን ሞክር፡ ደደብ ደንቆኦሮ ውሸታም። ኢትዮጵያ አሁን ያለችበት ሁኔታ ትላንት ኤርትራ ላይ በተሳሳተ የጦር ሂሳብ ስሌት ያደርጋቹት ወታደራዊ ጉዞ ውጤት ነው። የሚገርመው ካለፈ ቦሃላ እንካን እውነት እንድታወሩ ያልታደላቹህ እንክብል ፍጥረቶች ናቹህ። አስመሳዮች
Yewishet Tireka ,Shabia Gigna bileh emen❤🎉❤
ሻዕብያ ጀግና በተግባር ነው የሚያሳየው ጠላቱ ከሜሬቱ ጥርግርግ ነው ያደረገው💪🇪🇷♥️👍
ህዝባዊ ግምባር ጀግና ሁኖ ኣያውቅም በ ወያነ ኣመካይነት ነው ወደ ድል የበቃ።
ምን ታዉቃለህ አንተ
የሻእቢያ ጦር በዛንግዜ 10,000 እንደነበር ያውቁ ይሆን? የኢትዮጵያንስ እስከ 85.000 ጦር እንደነበርስ ያውቁ ይሆን? የትጥቁን ትተን ማለትነው: የሶቭየት መሳሪያ ተጨምሮበት ደግሞ የትየለሌ አቅምነው የነበረው: ግን አላማና ጽናት አልገዛም ያለን ሰራዊት በምንም ተአምር ማሸነፍ እንደማይቻል ለአለም ያሳየ ህዝብነው።
85 ,000ብቻ ኤርትራ የነበረ ጦር ከ 170,000 በላይ ጦር ነበር
ምን አለበት ተሸንፈን ነዉ ብትሉ መፈክር መቸሞ በሀል ሆነባቾሁ ሰታሰቁ።
እስከ መቼ ነው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የምትታሉት ሽንፈታቹ ለመደበቅ የምትጥሩ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አይበቃውም እንዴ የውሸት ትረካ ይብቃ።ምን ጊዜም ወራሪ ወራሪ ቦታ የለውም
ኤርትራውያን ምን ጊዜም ጀግኖች ናቸው ።
በደርግ መሪዎች እና የሻዕብያ መሪዎች ሉዩነታቸው የደርግ ወታደራዊ መሪዎች ድክመራቸው ከመቅብል ምክንያት ያበዛሉ ደክመታቸው ሊገመጉሙ ኣለመቻላቸው እና ሌሎች መሪዎች መላከክ ነው ሻዕብያ ድክመቱ በረቀቀ ግምገማ ነው የሚመረምረው ። የደርግ መሪዎች በዉስጣቺን ተከድተን ነው ብለው ምክንያት ያበዛሉ
Shabia 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷💪💪💪💪💪💪
የእርስ በእርስ ኣትበል። ኣንተ ኢትዮፕያዊ እኛ ኤርትራዊ
ዝምበል ሃጠራው!
ሁሉ መሳርያ ከክላሽ ታንክ እስክ ነፋሪት ሩስያ ሰጠች ኣማከረች
ለታጋዮች ትጥቅ ከነንት ቦምቡ ከናነት መንበሩ ብትጠቅስ ታሪኩ የሚታመን መሆነ
ታሪክ ሃቅ ቢተረክ ለትውልዱ ጥሩ ነው
ፉከራ ባህላችሁ ነው ዉጤቱስ ምን ሆነ ብዙ ብትፈክሩም ብትዋሽም ግን ተጠርገህ ነው የውጣሀው ሻብያ እንዳንተህ ዝምብሎ ኣይቀደድም በተግባር ነው የሚያስይህ ብጸሎት ኣይደለም ፈርጥጠህ ኣገራችን የለቀቅከው ወደህ ኣደለም ኣምበሳ በል ተራራው በል መብረቅ በል ዉቃው በል በበልባል በል ኣመድ ሆነዋል ውሸት ዋጋ የለዉም ጸሃይ እስከምትጠልቅ ነው ኢትዮጵያ የተረት ኣገር ናት ምስኪን ህዝብ
ሻዕብያ ጂግና ነዉ።
Ethiopia formers army lost the victory because of Luck of army leaders in Ethiopia army . That was very very heart broken!!! I'm crying when I'm listening this History!!!
Sabotage and inside jobs made the gallant army not to consolidate its victories that were achieved by huge sacrifices here and there. Everyone of us wanted Derg to be finished including some of those in the army. That was the main problem but even today we want the government to go only to cry and regret afterwards. Unfortunately, this is a description of our political mindset always. Pushing the government blindly and then cry. We cried after the Emperor and then after Derg and what have we learned from all that? Nothing!!!
Wedach Shabia Gigna new
ኤርትራ የሚባል ሀገር አናቅም ኖሮም አያቅም ። የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ክፍለሀገር ነበረች
ይህ ትረካ መተረኩ አሁን ላለው ወጣት የአባቶቹና ወንድሞቹ ታሪክ ማወቅ ስላለበት ይመስለኛ እንጅ አሁን ወጣቱን ለመማገድ አይደለም ጣርነት መፍትሄ አይደለም የአሁኑ ትዉልድ አባቶቹ ኢትዮጲያ የባህር በር ባለቤት አንድትሁን የተደረገው ተጋድሎ ማወቅ ይገባል አባቶቻችን የሟቱት ለመንግስቱ ኃ/ማርያም ሳይሆን ለእናት አገራቸው ነው ይህ በሚገባ መታወቅ አለበት ። 1000 ኪ/ሜትር የባህር በር ቆልፎ መቀመጥ መፍትሄ አይደለም ጥያቄው ይቀጥል የኢትዮጲያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች ብቅ ሲሉ ጥያቆውን በአግባባ ተሠንዶ ለኤርትራ ህዝብ ያቀርባል ይህ አይቀርም ጦርነት ግን መፍትህ አይደለም ጦርነት ይበቃል ።
Eritreawyan jegnoch nachew derg mulubemul yedemesesubet zemen neber murkona bztachew wede Ethiopia yshenut neber betam jegnnet malet neber ye Ethiopia serawit betam befrat srew segera tebelashto new yemmarek yenebere beayne yayehut new ye maweralach mgerm new yeneber
በኤርትራ ህዝብና በደርግ ወታደር የተደረገ ትንቅንቅ ብትለው ይሻል ነበር። ፍትሃዊ እና ሃቅ የተሞላ ሰው ለመሆን ሞክር
የሻእቢያ ምሽጎች ፣- ፊደል- ፐ፣ ፈርኔሎ፣ ቮሊቦል ፣ ደንደን ፣ ጓል-ደንደን ፣
I wish the writer understands basic military strategy otherwise he would not defend the defeat of ET army this way. Fighting at a front is a small part of a war. Still Ethiopians knowledge of war hasn’t gotten better since Adewa war. I wouldn’t be surprised if the King’s war skills was better than our generation ET generals. Even the writer after all these yrs, still hasn’t realized spying a big part of waging a war. The current ET PM told the whole country that he went to the front to fight the Tigray army. Still ET mentality is that war takes place at the front where you shoot an enemy. It looks bad his knowledge of war and it makes sense why the Shabia leadership outsmarted them while they had full support of the Soviet Union. Imagine the Soviet support was 10B US dollars(more than $100 adjusted to inflation) and their experts. All this was to crush an army less than 20k!
lying is ur special skill, don't act as if u have got special knowledge abt military knowledge.
Derg yeteshenefew bewust hodamoch new....
Aye Ethiopia mewashet telatachun kashenfachut tadya men hunachu teshenefachu
በዓሉ ግርማ (ኦሮማይ) መጽሓፍ ሲጽፍ
ኦሮማይ ትርጉም ኣበቃ ኣለቀ ድቀቀ
ማለት ነው ።በኣሉ ግርማን እውንነትን
ሓቅን የማየቀበሉ ደንቕሮ የደርግ ባልስልጣኖች
ገድለውታል። Oromai
Why did we have to psy all that prices in such remote God forsaken land like Alegena??? Has any of the Derg officials read the concept of war and military science written by the legends like Sun Tzu? One of the key military doctrine is not to engage the enemy atextraordinaristancetance from
We were many in number and we are expandable. We don't give a rat's as* about the lives of the common peasant. They can born and walk by the coming summer.😂😂😂😂
They had Soviet advisers. Lots of frontal attacks after mass bombing of enemy positions. The problem was they couldn’t corner and trap the Eritrean fighters for any length of time for that to work at the cost high casualties. The Eritreans operated in smaller and fluid units that could come together very quickly for counter offensives.
ተስፋ ማርያም አምሃ ኦጋዴን ቀብሪ ደሃር የ1ኛ ሜካናይዝድ ክ/ጦር አዛዥ የነበሩ ናቸው ።ሻዕቢያ አሸነፈች የማያቋርጥ ሳቅ ።ለሁሉም ጊዜ ጊዜን ይፈተዋል ።
በጣም ጉሩም እውነተኛ ታሪክ ነው በተለይ 18ኛ ተራራ ክ/ጦር ባንድ ለሊት ሻብያ 18 ግዜ ማጥቃት መጥቶ 18 ግዜ የመለሳቸው በዛን ሰአት ነበር 18 የብረት አጥር የተባለው ራሱ ሻብያ 18 የውቀዋል
ጅል የተነገረክ ዝም ብለህ ኣትመን 99%100 ውሸት ነው
Hizbawi Ginbar ende simu hizbawi new ena Gigna new
መሸነፉን የሚያምን ከሽንፈቱ ይማራል።
ከሌሎች የተለየ መስሎን እንጂ ከባለፈው የዉሸት ታሪክ ለዉጥ የለውም ሽንፈትንና ድክመትህ መቀበል ለትውልድ ያሰተምራል
ክክክክክክክ ስራ ይጣ ሴጣን ቆለጡ እየቆጠረ ያድራል ይውላል!
Miskinu wetader lehageru demun hiwetun legisuwal ❤❤❤
ከዚ ሁሉ ጦርነት ማን ኣተረፈ? ማንም።
እኛ ኣትርፈናል ምክንያቱም ለ 500 ኣመት በተለያዩቀኝገዥዎች እየተሳቃየች የነበረች እናታችን ኤርትራ ኣንድና ለምጨረሻ ውድ ደማችንና ሂወታችን ገብረን ከጠላት መንጋጋ ኣወጣናት 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 ክብር ለተሰው ኣባቶቸ እና እናቶቸ።
@@wediabay1982 እኛ አትርፈናል። መሬታችንን ባህራችንን ትፈልጉ ነበር እኛን ግን በሳንጃ በቦንብ በታንክ ትገድሉን ነበር። አረመኔዎች ሰይጣኖች ናቹህ። የነጭ ተላላኪ አስመሳዮች
Is this a fiction? Because it does sound like it.
ስንት፡ዓይነት፡ደነዝ፡አለ።ይህ፡፤ካልገባህ፡ገደል፡ግባ።ይህንን ገፅ፡ፍንዳታ፡አትየው። ቀሽም፡ምን፡ታውቅ፡እና።አንብብ።ደግሞ፡አንተን፡ብሎ፡ኤርትራዊ፡በመጀመሪያ፡ይህ፡አስተያየት፡ምን፡ማለት፡እንደሆነ፡ገምት፡እና አውራ።ውውውውውራራራራራራ።አንተኛው፡ደግሞ፡ፋራራራራራራራራ።🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
እረ መዋሸት ስንት ግዜ ነው የምትዋሹ?
ናቅፋ ሳታያት የተደመሰሰው ሰራዊት እንዳያት ኣርገህ ማቅረብ ከምን ይቆጠራል?
የኢትዮፕያ ሰራዊት ስም ብቻ ነው የያዘው።
1። ኣንበሳ፥ ግስላ፥ ደምሥስ፥ ተራራው፥ ስፓርታ ክያ፥ መንጥር እዝ፥ እረ ስንት ብለህ ይቆጠር?
Ye Eritrea mereteee.mekeberiaaa..telate
I can't see, who is waiting here?
Is there any Shabia with you?
ኣንተ ለፍላፊ የትኛው ምሽግ ነው ያፈረሰው? ኣትዋሽ።
Whet tarik whetam
በቦታው ሳትኖሩ ( ሳትወለዱ) እዚህ መጥታችሁ አፋችሁን ስትከፍቱ እፈሩ ቢያንስ በቦታው ተገኝቶ የተዋጋ ሰው ነው ጸሐፊው። እናንተን ያተረፋችሁ ወያኔ ነው
ነዉ እንዴ ተባለ የዉሸት ተረት ተረት ደግነቱ ሻዕቢያ የለት እለት ዉሎዉ በካሜራ የተሰነደ ታሪክ ነዉ ።የዉሸት ታሪክ ተረት ተረት አታዉራ ማፈሪያ
በጣም የተገነነ እውነት የተደበቀበት ነው ትረካውን ከማዘጋጀትህ በፊት ኦሮማይ አንብቦ
Eplf was though for you and you have lost that's all. Don't say blabla now
You are still slaves. Not free. This is seen by Lots of immigrants fleeing the country.
The army of ET at the time was a world class army .Sabbotag from inside and unpopularity of the regime are the failures. The golden opportunity to live with ET was gone by the ignorant ,cruel &shot sighted political leaders. Unity is power, prosperity, mutually benefiting.Learn from European, learn as civilized society.
Be kentu wetatochen atefachuhwachew wenjelegnoch nachu
ባአጠቃላይ ታሪኩ ሲጠቃለል
እንጀራ የለም እንጂ ወጥ ቢኖር ኖሮ እንበላ ነበር።
አይ ሻለቃ ከሞቱት ይልቅ አንተ ታሳዝናለህ
😂😂😂😂 don't be harish to the general please.
የሚያስዝነዉ ኢርትራዊያን እራሳችሁን እንዳተለቃችሁ አምባገነ መሪያችሁን "ታቦት" አድርጋችሁ ከሰላሳ ዓመት "ነጻነት" ከምትሉት በኃላም በድህነት ትማቅቅላችሁ።ወጣቱ ስደት ላይ ነዉ ፣ትምህርት የለም ፣ታዲያ ምን ሞራል አላችሁ ስለሌላ ለመናገር።ባዶ ፊኛ!
You are still slaves,ruled by a cruel dictator,cruel than mengistu.
Sabotages,double standards with in ET, political divisions. are the reason for failure.
Shabia well knows the strength of the Northern command at the time.
ET at the time had a world class army.
Failed state & under slavery by a cruel dictator who separated people with similar culture.
Immigrants risking a dangerous route to ET & Europe explains every thing.
Shabia was bitten many times by the Northern command at the time . double standard role played by Eritreans(Ethiopians), divisions with in are the reason for failure to Liberate from unpopular Shabia.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 atfrm yai wusat tarik bamqrb 😂😂😂😂
Always you have excuse Wrong information Please leave us alone 😂😂😂😂😂😂
እዚህ የምታወራው ውሸታም ከዩቱብ ሳንቲም ለመልቀም ስትል የውሸት ታሪክ አትተርትር እዛው የነበርን ሰዎች እኮ ዛሬም በህይወት አለን!
Were bicha sakes
የውሸት ታሪክ