My daughter passed away suddenly this year. She lit up any room she came into, like a horse with its mane on fire, this song moves me in so many ways and has eased my grief, the whole album is so cathartic.
This song is almost too hard to listen to. Nick Cave has always had the amazing talent of being able to convey moods and feelings of such magnitude that can make listeners feel like they are experiencing the exact same emotions that he was feeling when he wrote the song. No one does it better. And when someone of his calibur writes a song about an event so tragic, and so unimaginably heart breaking- such as the death of a child- the end result is possibly the closest one can get to experiencing it first-hand without it actually happening to you. Nick Cave has been one of my all-time favorite artist for a little over 20 years, and even after two decades of thinking as highly of him as someone possibly could, I gained so much more admiration and respect for him for giving us a completely open and brutally honest look into his soul, for the amount of respect and love he showed us all by sharing his experience of such pain and suffering, and for the amount of trust it must have taken on his part to willingly let himself be seen in such a vulnerable and defeated state. There are very few people in the world that have the strength and bravery to let that side of themselves be seen by others.
I never knew how to grieve until I heard this album. Somehow Nick opened the floodgates for me, for a lifetime of struggling with that emotion. Thanks and Love.
As hauntingly beautiful as the first time I heard it. It makes this 57 year old man cry every time he hears it. This is why Nick is my favourite songwriter, he writes songs that touch people's hearts like no one. So looking forward to seeing him again in November.
Songwriters of Nick Cave's calibre, there are only a few in a generation. He manages to put all of life and human existence in five minutes. At the best of times, hearing his songs "from the outside", they are magnificent and heartbreaking. But when you're going through something yourself, they just rip you apart from the core and let all the emotion break out. Songs like these save lives, because one part of the message they carry is always, "you're not alone." I'm grateful - the world is a better place for having Nick in it, and creating.
This album has carried me through the death of my mother and now I listen to it as I mourn the loss of my shadow, my soul little, black Mishka. Thank you for sharing this journey through grief with us Nick. Love you to the Moon and back my darling. Love you mum. 💔
Me too. My wife and I lost our baby girl when she was just 3 days old and this song just resonates so much with me. It’s both so soothing and painful. Nick Cave is one of a kind
Achingly gorgeous and beautiful song ...Also "There's no shortage of Tyrants and no shortage of fools" may be the best summation of the times we are living through I've ever read... in two lines !
He is speaking about the balance between both the weakness and the strength of humanity's eagerness to find symbolism and divinity, even if there is rarely (if ever) truly such a thing. He is saying our ability to stretch the truth into fantasies can be a beautiful and cathartic trait of us people - and he embraces it logically, accepting the fantasy of bright horses and a dancing light (his son) returning on the 5 o'clock train. Because, at the end of the day, why not? It is beauty and it is hope, and all the merrier if you harness it knowingly. So devastatingly beautiful..
You project your own materialistic worldview onto this beautiful song of far more depth. He is right in this tune saying people are SICK and TIRED of seeing things only "as they are."
I have to think of "Bright Horses" and "Waiting for You" as 1 song with 2 acts. Guarded optimism followed by inescapable reality. Sounds a little too familiar these days, but I still draw comfort here while sobbing inconsolably.
I lost my incredibly brilliant artistic son, Austin , who had "bipolar disorder" four years ago this month two days after a freakishly beautiful, and extremely rare snow in Tucson Az. He died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl. There's not a lot of grief help for the most horrible of grief, that of losing a child...I stumbled upon Nick Cave's book as I'm a librarian. I knew of his sorrow times two of mine. Just reading the first few pages and listening to Ghosteen is exactly what I need to heal...there will be no sense of this loss... ever...but it can be beautifully horrible and bearable...and may be a huge release of creative love and thinking about what is truth
Nick made the album 4 years after he lost his son, so if you just discovered this now you are exactly where he was when he recorded these amazing songs. My condolences for your boy. You would like the Carnage album as well, being sort of a follow up to Ghosteen by Nick and Warren alone without all the Bad Seeds. When Nick and Warren toured recently they played most of Ghosteen + Carnage.
It's a bleak and grey December afternoon in 2021. The world is sad and I have the blues. I've heard Ghosteen loads of times and perhaps, this is my stand out song on the album. This wonderful body of work. Reading the comments and what this song means to so many of you, it's difficult not to feel the sting of tears in my eyes. An emotional rollercoaster of mixed thoughts of where my life is right now and the comments other posters have made about love. And loss. I am a 56 year old bloke and admit that I am unusually sensitive. And I've hated myself for it all of my life. But at least at derive comfort knowing that at least when it comes to music, I am usually in the company of good strangers. Thank you. 🙏
I'm very sensitive too. It's actually a good quality but also hard that we feel everything we see and hear extremely deeply...affects us.. Wonderful that people can come together and feel the same beauty and melancholy of music like this xx
Such an impossibly moving song. I know of no other artist in music who has consistently produced such beautiful, life affirming music. I can never thank him enough.
Stunning! I'm in tears... For all of those whiney small minded folk who state Nick's earlier work is his best! You must not respect this man's genius and journey! He is a poet, a true artist!
When I first heard this song it was all about death, a loss that is irreparable, I felt the pain. Now, strangely, I feel the love, it is a magical love song as well.
Let's just let life flow. It's simple and weightless unless we make it otherwise. There's beauty all around us if we care to open our eyes. A life uncovering new avenues is beautiful. Let's relax and embrace the blessings we receive in our lives. There's beauty in it if you really look at it. Let's relax and let life flow.
It's a stunningly brilliant song. Probably the best of a long and illustrious career! Paul Weller played it on his Boxing Day radio show on Soho Radio and said it was one of the best songs he'd ever heard in his life! Just wonderful. And so is the rest of the album. Thank you Nick.
Hey. As someone who got out (April 4, 2022), you can get through this. It took me 22 years and it damn near killed me, but I made it. I left with nothing, and now have a stable job that I enjoy, an amazing set of friends, and am about to have an apartment of my own this coming weekend. Keep on fighting.
Sending you so much love. May you be protected and may you be able to hold on. I got out too but it took decades, it sounds so silly to be an adult and still be terrified of, and hurt by, my family, but that's the reality. If you can, plan. Make as many plans as possible to get out but don't write anything down that can be found. Plan, save money, slowly and carefully remove any small thing that is of meaning to you and hold it somewhere safe out of the house, and then one day just go. I started out in a shared house, in a disgusting room with no possessions at all. I worked 2 jobs and did college at night. It was hard for a few years but then it starts to get easier and easier. I believe in you and your future too. One day all this pain will just be a memory. But you must hold on. Keep fighting for your life. Believe you will one day be safe and happy because you will be! Please, please don't take your life. My brother did a few years ago, he just couldn't cope any longer and while I understand his decision, it hurts so much. You are needed. Your life matters. There is love and happiness waiting for you in the future. I know this is just a comment online but talk to me if you ever need to. I will always check my notifications on here ok! I'm sending you all the love in my heart and I will pray for you sweetheart ❤❤❤
The deep roots of this song we all know, but it relates to all parents. I see my kids every fortnight and literally the 17:30 train home destroys me when I have to leave them and wait another two weeks to see them. Goodness knows how Nick copes with this total hideous pain that he and his family are suffering and having to endure. This is the most time stopping 04:50 minute song anyone could ever enjoy, reflect and if you find it hard to cry this song will open you up and make you realise, just something.
Yesterday was Remembrance Day in The Netherlands, where we remember the war dead. It hit so much harder this year. I played this for my friends and we collectively broke into tears
Nick, I have listened and you since I was 9 or ten. I’m 45. I love you man. Love to you, friends and family. I really appreciate the gifts you gave and continue to give. Good man. Nick is a good man. X
My grandma passed away two years ago. I went to a festival that year and they happened to be part of the line up. I only knew one song but as soon as Nick started to sing this tears started to rush down my cheeks. I miss my grandma so bad
Wrote to you on red hand files. Whenever i hear this song. I sing your words with you with my tears falling for our adorable son lost in terrible circumstances aged 34 January 2021. We miss him so much ❤️ 20 months later his mum has terminal lung cancer. Sure the intensity of grief destroyed her imune system. She is now fighting for her life with imunotherapy. Mums heart was broken but your words have always made her feel she is part of your life Nick.
Listening to Nick Cave it's a religious experience. I believe in God and I believe that God himself chosen Nick to speak through him by music. Listening to this song with our eyes closed is like being a little bit closer to Our Lord. I'm very sorry for those who doesn't feel anything like this and I hope one day they will. Best regards from Brasil.
Em qual 'Deus" vc acredita? Pq nenhum deus de nenhuma religião existe. Falando da Bíblia, especificamente....os hebreus em relação ao Antigo Testamento, copiaram as principais histórias dos Sumérios, a cultura mais antiga da história da humanidade. Durante o cativeiro na Babilonia, os hebreus souberam das histórias das tabuletas escritas em tipo cuneiforme, por meio das traduções acádias. O "deus" de Israel, o deus dos hebreus, é Enlil, um Anunna (Anunnaki ). Enki, seu meio-irmão, foi quem nos criou, via engenharia genética, pegando óvulo de uma femea primata e esperma Anunnaki. Ninmah, meia-irmã de Enlil e ENKI, ficou responsável pela gestação de Adamu (o Adão biblico). Os Anunnaki não eram deuses, mas foram considerados "deuses" pelos babilonios. Os Anunnaki eram uma raça de forma humana, com tecnologia avançada. Eles vieram para a Terra há 450 mil anos, em busca de um minério, o ouro, para transformá-lo em ouro monoatomico.Eles precisavam de tal minério pois a atmosfera do planeta deles (Nibiru) estava se deteriorando rapidamente. Enki decidiu nos criar pq o DNA Anunnaki era de certa forma, muito semelhante ao DNA dos primatas de Abzu (Sul da África). Mas depois que os Anunnaki tiveram que deixar nosso planeta, Enlil escolheu Ibru-Um (Abraão na língua suméria) para guiar o povo hebreu. Os hebreus foram escolhidos pq Abraão tinha como ancestrais os seguidores de Enlil. Ur (de onde veio Abraão) era a cidade onde ENLIL era a 'divindade' adorada nos tempos sumérios. Leia O Livro Perdido de Enki. A Bíblia causou danos irreversíveis ao mundo...esconderam a verdade da humanidade durante milenios. O Livro Perdido de Enki lhe revelará tudo o que a Bíblia escondeu. O Livro Perdido de Enki foi traduzido de 800 tabuletas sumérias, encontradas em Nínive, no Palácio do último rei Assírio, Assurbanipal. As tabuletas datam de 6 mil anos, mais antigas do que a própria existencia dos hebreus. Os hebreus e todos os povos vieram da mesopotamia....nos tempos de Ibru-Um (Abraão)..os Sumérios já não existiam, mas todos aqueles povos....incluindo os caldeus (como Abraão) descendiam dos Sumérios. Os Anunnaki deixaram a Terra quando a Suméria foi destruída. Enlil escolheu Ibru-Um justamente pq queria passar aos terrestres a sua moral. Enquanto isso, ENKI, nosso criador, foi demonizado, chamado de "Satanás" (que na língua falada pelos hebreus significa Acusador, Adversário, que era um termo difundido para os que eram contra uma Lei, normal, estilo de comportamento adotado de acordo com as regras impostas por Enlil).
I cannot even find the words to describe how this song makes me feel. It is in in its own vortex of profundity. Written from the soul of a man with so much wisdom, love, empathy and courage.
I have listened this song countless times while I was experiencing my most lonely and hardest days on earth. Now that days past, but now I am not able to listen this song without bursting into tears 😭
Mr. Cave and band members. This is another unbelievable musical masterpiece. Thanks for your efforts putting into this. This stuff is really getting me into a good mood everytime it strikes my ears. You people are incredibly gifted.
Amazing that only now am I getting into Nick's work. This track caught my attention and now I'm hooked. A wonderful album that affirms life, makes you cry and makes you smile. All in sync. Stunning, truly stunning.
I never can stop listening to this song. It requires so much effort, mentally as well as physically, to move on with my day. I've been kinda lucky so far, I never had to deal with so profoundly sad things like so many others here. But listening to that wonderful song I can feel every single tear, all of the despair so many here had to experience. Every single time I'm close to crying. And that makes me sad but also thankful and happy that HE has the power and skill and insight to make us step into the shoes of the ones before us.
It's strange, this song was released only a few weeks after my mother's death. I remember this song felt like a beacon of light guiding me along those dark November mornings.
This song had an instant big impact on me the first time I listened to it. ....a sheer rare authentic beauty that made me was only a little later that I learned the deep tragedy behind it.
@@gersomvanslooten9456 It really started at eight years old for me, my dad would play an SD card full of his favourite 60s-90s music. To this day, there's something about present music that just doesn't appeal to me, the rawness just isn't there, the feeling the music makes me feel just isn't there. I definitely got it from my father it's very difficult to explain, it seems very deep but the feeling I get listening to this song is such a surreal feeling, my whole body goes numb and I get that same tingling feeling. I definitely hope I shall grow more and I really hope that my interest in this music never ever stops, even though my friends are always shocked at how I find it possible to listen to this kind of music because they think it's 'old-fashioned'. Sorry about this long comment😂I tend to lose control when I'm replying to comments😂
Never ever heard Nick Cave, heard of Nick Cave, or would have even likely bothered to have cared about what "Nick Cave" is... until I stumbled upon this today; and I've found, something incredibly incredibly special that just hits right in all the right places. Thank you Nick, this is wonderful.
This song brought to my mind the awful train accident in Greece, which happened this past spring. The train that crushed had mostly students going back to their university after the easter holidays, many young people died that day. My heart goes to their parents, those childless parents.
Lovely as a song can be. One of the greatest story tellers. This band is so amazing and powerful live,seen them 8 times now,and will see them every time they come to the USA. GHOSTEEN rules! Hollywood is my favorite track,but this is my second favorite. Cheers to all you bad seeds!
I casually listened to this song cleaning the stables in the sunshine. I had no idea about this song, I just knew about the death of his son. This song hit me like a truck when I realized the lyrics I started crying. Never happened before but DAMN what a beautiful song.
Just heard it today, this song is transcendental and it touches my soul like few songs do, keep holding back the tears, just simply heartbreakingly poignant!!!!!!
Fantastic song that s keeping me going on and have faith during the chemo therapy of my lovely wife :-)
Tim De Heel I hope your wife is healing day by day and makes a full recovery. ❤️
Laura Chareh thank you very much !!
Veel sterkte
God bless, I hope things are going well
Sending you both love 💓
My daughter passed away suddenly this year. She lit up any room she came into, like a horse with its mane on fire, this song moves me in so many ways and has eased my grief, the whole album is so cathartic.
I’m sorry for your loss.💗
Bless you mate 🙏❤️
🙏❤️Bless u mate
I am 57 and Ghosteen, the album, might be the most important and heartfelt album I have heard in my life. Thank you Nick Cave.
Your a music student my friend 🙏
I agree. I'm 54, and this album broke me open, in a good way ultimately.
Yes ❤️
It's a masterpiece
One of the most beautiful and moving songs I have ever heard
🥲It is.
I'm so glad that I've discovered Nick at very young age.
Thank you for everything
Thank you for all these years.
When did you discover Tom Waits? :))
I recommend you also Leonard Cohen, Townes Van Zandt, Tim Buckley, Nick Drake and Jackson C. Frank.
This song is almost too hard to listen to. Nick Cave has always had the amazing talent of being able to convey moods and feelings of such magnitude that can make listeners feel like they are experiencing the exact same emotions that he was feeling when he wrote the song. No one does it better. And when someone of his calibur writes a song about an event so tragic, and so unimaginably heart breaking- such as the death of a child- the end result is possibly the closest one can get to experiencing it first-hand without it actually happening to you. Nick Cave has been one of my all-time favorite artist for a little over 20 years, and even after two decades of thinking as highly of him as someone possibly could, I gained so much more admiration and respect for him for giving us a completely open and brutally honest look into his soul, for the amount of respect and love he showed us all by sharing his experience of such pain and suffering, and for the amount of trust it must have taken on his part to willingly let himself be seen in such a vulnerable and defeated state. There are very few people in the world that have the strength and bravery to let that side of themselves be seen by others.
DukeOfDeath27 beautifully stated.
DukeofDeath27 .... wonderfull words !!!
Bravo. Bravo...🩸
The image of the 'little white shape dancing at the end of the hall' is so beautiful
This song has helped me cope with the loss of my father. I love you dad
Same like me. He is in heaven now..
He lost two sons.
I never knew how to grieve until I heard this album. Somehow Nick opened the floodgates for me, for a lifetime of struggling with that emotion. Thanks and Love.
Careful, this album will change you, for the better
As hauntingly beautiful as the first time I heard it. It makes this 57 year old man cry every time he hears it.
This is why Nick is my favourite songwriter, he writes songs that touch people's hearts like no one.
So looking forward to seeing him again in November.
This song helps me to release all the pain I have left inside. The tears I cry when I listen to it are cleaning my soul.
Same here
100% right soul cleansing
Facts. Just..nevermind....nevermind.
Songwriters of Nick Cave's calibre, there are only a few in a generation. He manages to put all of life and human existence in five minutes. At the best of times, hearing his songs "from the outside", they are magnificent and heartbreaking. But when you're going through something yourself, they just rip you apart from the core and let all the emotion break out. Songs like these save lives, because one part of the message they carry is always, "you're not alone." I'm grateful - the world is a better place for having Nick in it, and creating.
This album has carried me through the death of my mother and now I listen to it as I mourn the loss of my shadow, my soul little, black Mishka.
Thank you for sharing this journey through grief with us Nick.
Love you to the Moon and back my darling.
Love you mum. 💔
I hope you a better now
Your comment was very beautiful, I also love a black cat called Midnight, who has been missing for 3 days, a soulmate also. Blessings to you.
Nick cave is a friend to everyone.
Except Roger Waters
Lately, it's very hard to be his friend. @@PeterSteele-eq2lk
One of those songs, that when it ends I instantly play again. One of the best albums I’ve ever heard. Pure emotion.
Makes me cry every single time I listen to it. Thank you Nick.
Same here ❤
Me too. My wife and I lost our baby girl when she was just 3 days old and this song just resonates so much with me. It’s both so soothing and painful. Nick Cave is one of a kind
@@jordanr474 so sad to read that... Hope it all worked out well for you two years on. All the best.
Beautiful for anybody who’s lost someone .
You rigth !!!!!!!🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
For anyone with grief.
Song of the century for me, Nick Cave, I love you.
Achingly gorgeous and beautiful song ...Also "There's no shortage of Tyrants and no shortage of fools" may be the best summation of the times we are living through I've ever read... in two lines !
The most beautiful song I've heard in a while. The song sometimes reminds me of music by Olafur Arnalds or Sigur Ros.
Kathe S I thought about Sigur Ros too
@@usernamemaybe Same I thought of Sigur also. the Nothing Song
Sigur Ros - that's exactly the resemblance I see! Or hear, to be exact.
This song breaks your soul apart and in the process of putting it all together u realize how life is both scary and beautiful :)
Nick Cave is the only guy, the only one singer who is able to reach my soul that deep, so precious.
He is speaking about the balance between both the weakness and the strength of humanity's eagerness to find symbolism and divinity, even if there is rarely (if ever) truly such a thing.
He is saying our ability to stretch the truth into fantasies can be a beautiful and cathartic trait of us people - and he embraces it logically, accepting the fantasy of bright horses and a dancing light (his son) returning on the 5 o'clock train.
Because, at the end of the day, why not? It is beauty and it is hope, and all the merrier if you harness it knowingly. So devastatingly beautiful..
Excellent description of this gorgeous song. Thank you.
You project your own materialistic worldview onto this beautiful song of far more depth. He is right in this tune saying people are SICK and TIRED of seeing things only "as they are."
My favorite of the new album.
I agree
I have to think of "Bright Horses" and "Waiting for You" as 1 song with 2 acts. Guarded optimism followed by inescapable reality. Sounds a little too familiar these days, but I still draw comfort here while sobbing inconsolably.
We have played "Bright Horses" at the funeral of my dad, such a beautiful, amazing song. Thank you!
Same! Beautiful song!
I lost my incredibly brilliant artistic son, Austin , who had "bipolar disorder" four years ago this month two days after a freakishly beautiful, and extremely rare snow in Tucson Az. He died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl. There's not a lot of grief help for the most horrible of grief, that of losing a child...I stumbled upon Nick Cave's book as I'm a librarian. I knew of his sorrow times two of mine. Just reading the first few pages and listening to Ghosteen is exactly what I need to heal...there will be no sense of this loss... ever...but it can be beautifully horrible and bearable...and may be a huge release of creative love and thinking about what is truth
Nick made the album 4 years after he lost his son, so if you just discovered this now you are exactly where he was when he recorded these amazing songs. My condolences for your boy. You would like the Carnage album as well, being sort of a follow up to Ghosteen by Nick and Warren alone without all the Bad Seeds.
When Nick and Warren toured recently they played most of Ghosteen + Carnage.
@@johnarundell7951 thank you. I will check it out as well. 🙏🏼
A legend and master songwriter at his very best. This is as good as it gets.
Every Night I have to listen this beautiful song before going to sleep❤😑 It gives me peaceful mind.
It's a bleak and grey December afternoon in 2021. The world is sad and I have the blues.
I've heard Ghosteen loads of times and perhaps, this is my stand out song on the album. This wonderful body of work.
Reading the comments and what this song means to so many of you, it's difficult not to feel the sting of tears in my eyes. An emotional rollercoaster of mixed thoughts of where my life is right now and the comments other posters have made about love. And loss.
I am a 56 year old bloke and admit that I am unusually sensitive. And I've hated myself for it all of my life.
But at least at derive comfort knowing that at least when it comes to music, I am usually in the company of good strangers.
Thank you. 🙏
Well please don’t hate yourself for being sensitive. Yeah this song means many things to many people in different ways including you.
@@carolyngrand9246 ❤
We need more sensitive men in this world so thank you
I'm very sensitive too. It's actually a good quality but also hard that we feel everything we see and hear extremely deeply...affects us..
Wonderful that people can come together and feel the same beauty and melancholy of music like this xx
Such an impossibly moving song. I know of no other artist in music who has consistently produced such beautiful, life affirming music. I can never thank him enough.
Stunning! I'm in tears... For all of those whiney small minded folk who state Nick's earlier work is his best! You must not respect this man's genius and journey! He is a poet, a true artist!
When I first heard this song it was all about death, a loss that is irreparable, I felt the pain. Now, strangely, I feel the love, it is a magical love song as well.
Let's just let life flow. It's simple and weightless unless we make it otherwise. There's beauty all around us if we care to open our eyes. A life uncovering new avenues is beautiful. Let's relax and embrace the blessings we receive in our lives. There's beauty in it if you really look at it. Let's relax and let life flow.
It's a stunningly brilliant song. Probably the best of a long and illustrious career! Paul Weller played it on his Boxing Day radio show on Soho Radio and said it was one of the best songs he'd ever heard in his life! Just wonderful. And so is the rest of the album. Thank you Nick.
This song is helping me with the constant abuse i go through with my mother.... when i feel like taking my life i simply listen and it clams me
I hope you a better now
Hey. As someone who got out (April 4, 2022), you can get through this. It took me 22 years and it damn near killed me, but I made it. I left with nothing, and now have a stable job that I enjoy, an amazing set of friends, and am about to have an apartment of my own this coming weekend. Keep on fighting.
@@three_crows_all_day thank you for the light of hope❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sending you so much love. May you be protected and may you be able to hold on. I got out too but it took decades, it sounds so silly to be an adult and still be terrified of, and hurt by, my family, but that's the reality. If you can, plan. Make as many plans as possible to get out but don't write anything down that can be found. Plan, save money, slowly and carefully remove any small thing that is of meaning to you and hold it somewhere safe out of the house, and then one day just go. I started out in a shared house, in a disgusting room with no possessions at all. I worked 2 jobs and did college at night. It was hard for a few years but then it starts to get easier and easier. I believe in you and your future too. One day all this pain will just be a memory. But you must hold on. Keep fighting for your life. Believe you will one day be safe and happy because you will be! Please, please don't take your life. My brother did a few years ago, he just couldn't cope any longer and while I understand his decision, it hurts so much. You are needed. Your life matters. There is love and happiness waiting for you in the future. I know this is just a comment online but talk to me if you ever need to. I will always check my notifications on here ok! I'm sending you all the love in my heart and I will pray for you sweetheart ❤❤❤
@crowe2712 love this comment ❤
I keep trying to listen with dry eyes but I can't. There is just so much love in this song.
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard in my life. When the orchestra joins Warren's vocals at 2:57 = pure bliss.
The deep roots of this song we all know, but it relates to all parents. I see my kids every fortnight and literally the 17:30 train home destroys me when I have to leave them and wait another two weeks to see them. Goodness knows how Nick copes with this total hideous pain that he and his family are suffering and having to endure. This is the most time stopping 04:50 minute song anyone could ever enjoy, reflect and if you find it hard to cry this song will open you up and make you realise, just something.
I can't listen to this without weeping. This is definitely a weeping song, sad but also hopeful and joyous...
Yesterday was Remembrance Day in The Netherlands, where we remember the war dead. It hit so much harder this year. I played this for my friends and we collectively broke into tears
I have listened and you since I was 9 or ten.
I’m 45. I love you man. Love to you, friends and family.
I really appreciate the gifts you gave and continue to give.
Good man. Nick is a good man.
My grandma passed away two years ago. I went to a festival that year and they happened to be part of the line up. I only knew one song but as soon as Nick started to sing this tears started to rush down my cheeks. I miss my grandma so bad
Sorry for your loss. 😢
Wrote to you on red hand files. Whenever i hear this song. I sing your words with you with my tears falling for our adorable son lost in terrible circumstances aged 34 January 2021. We miss him so much ❤️ 20 months later his mum has terminal lung cancer. Sure the intensity of grief destroyed her imune system. She is now fighting for her life with imunotherapy.
Mums heart was broken but your words have always made her feel she is part of your life Nick.
Life affirming, life changing, hauntingly spiritual song... Wow.
I was riding in my car and heard this song.... and I loved it from the first notes...
Listening to Nick Cave it's a religious experience. I believe in God and I believe that God himself chosen Nick to speak through him by music. Listening to this song with our eyes closed is like being a little bit closer to Our Lord. I'm very sorry for those who doesn't feel anything like this and I hope one day they will.
Best regards from Brasil.
Em qual 'Deus" vc acredita? Pq nenhum deus de nenhuma religião existe. Falando da Bíblia, especificamente....os hebreus em relação ao Antigo Testamento, copiaram as principais histórias dos Sumérios, a cultura mais antiga da história da humanidade. Durante o cativeiro na Babilonia, os hebreus souberam das histórias das tabuletas escritas em tipo cuneiforme, por meio das traduções acádias. O "deus" de Israel, o deus dos hebreus, é Enlil, um Anunna (Anunnaki ). Enki, seu meio-irmão, foi quem nos criou, via engenharia genética, pegando óvulo de uma femea primata e esperma Anunnaki. Ninmah, meia-irmã de Enlil e ENKI, ficou responsável pela gestação de Adamu (o Adão biblico). Os Anunnaki não eram deuses, mas foram considerados "deuses" pelos babilonios. Os Anunnaki eram uma raça de forma humana, com tecnologia avançada. Eles vieram para a Terra há 450 mil anos, em busca de um minério, o ouro, para transformá-lo em ouro monoatomico.Eles precisavam de tal minério pois a atmosfera do planeta deles (Nibiru) estava se deteriorando rapidamente. Enki decidiu nos criar pq o DNA Anunnaki era de certa forma, muito semelhante ao DNA dos primatas de Abzu (Sul da África). Mas depois que os Anunnaki tiveram que deixar nosso planeta, Enlil escolheu Ibru-Um (Abraão na língua suméria) para guiar o povo hebreu. Os hebreus foram escolhidos pq Abraão tinha como ancestrais os seguidores de Enlil. Ur (de onde veio Abraão) era a cidade onde ENLIL era a 'divindade' adorada nos tempos sumérios. Leia O Livro Perdido de Enki. A Bíblia causou danos irreversíveis ao mundo...esconderam a verdade da humanidade durante milenios. O Livro Perdido de Enki lhe revelará tudo o que a Bíblia escondeu. O Livro Perdido de Enki foi traduzido de 800 tabuletas sumérias, encontradas em Nínive, no Palácio do último rei Assírio, Assurbanipal. As tabuletas datam de 6 mil anos, mais antigas do que a própria existencia dos hebreus. Os hebreus e todos os povos vieram da mesopotamia....nos tempos de Ibru-Um (Abraão)..os Sumérios já não existiam, mas todos aqueles povos....incluindo os caldeus (como Abraão) descendiam dos Sumérios. Os Anunnaki deixaram a Terra quando a Suméria foi destruída. Enlil escolheu Ibru-Um justamente pq queria passar aos terrestres a sua moral. Enquanto isso, ENKI, nosso criador, foi demonizado, chamado de "Satanás" (que na língua falada pelos hebreus significa Acusador, Adversário, que era um termo difundido para os que eram contra uma Lei, normal, estilo de comportamento adotado de acordo com as regras impostas por Enlil).
This is majestic - so achingly beautiful.
Ghosteen is probably the most beautiful album I’ve listened in my life
And this song is the proof
I cannot even find the words to describe how this song makes me feel. It is in in its own vortex of profundity. Written from the soul of a man with so much wisdom, love, empathy and courage.
This song is a thing of beauty.
One of the greatest compositions Nick Cave ever made!
I have listened this song countless times while I was experiencing my most lonely and hardest days on earth. Now that days past, but now I am not able to listen this song without bursting into tears 😭
God’s got this on his jukebox
It heals wounds and grief …
Such a beautiful, hypnotic song.
Mr. Cave and band members. This is another unbelievable musical masterpiece. Thanks for your efforts putting into this. This stuff is really getting me into a good mood everytime it strikes my ears. You people are incredibly gifted.
I came here because of Blonde. Such a beautiful song. His dark yet gentle voice on this light angelic instrumental. Wow
When I'm listening to this Song I realize how much I love my children. Thank You Maestro Nick Cave.
Nick, thank you for the beautiful music that you and your bband have gifted us over the years. Much love.
Amazing that only now am I getting into Nick's work. This track caught my attention and now I'm hooked. A wonderful album that affirms life, makes you cry and makes you smile. All in sync. Stunning, truly stunning.
I never can stop listening to this song. It requires so much effort, mentally as well as physically, to move on with my day.
I've been kinda lucky so far, I never had to deal with so profoundly sad things like so many others here. But listening to that wonderful song I can feel every single tear, all of the despair so many here had to experience. Every single time I'm close to crying. And that makes me sad but also thankful and happy that HE has the power and skill and insight to make us step into the shoes of the ones before us.
How's that possible this unique song only has been played 391K times? I wanna cry.
Sublime. Transcendental wonder. Thanks Nick and company. Thank you.
To niesamowite, ile jedna piosenka potrafi pomieścić. ❤
It's strange, this song was released only a few weeks after my mother's death. I remember this song felt like a beacon of light guiding me along those dark November mornings.
Thank you Nick Cave, and The Bad Seeds.
This is beyond beautiful.
This song had an instant big impact on me the first time I listened to it. ....a sheer rare authentic beauty that made me was only a little later that I learned the deep tragedy behind it.
Truly magnificent Nick Cave is the greatest musician of our time ❤
This song is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time
This music is of a unique human magnitude ❤
Congratulations Nick Cave
A magnificent song and an outstanding Nick & the Bad Seeds concert in Zagreb this year. Only happiness
I love this song, love from U Nick from Poland ❤️
At 13 years old, I am still a child at heart... but this song makes me sob hysterically
I'm glad that you're expanding your interests to this sort of music at your age. I'm curious to see to in what direction you'll grow!
@@gersomvanslooten9456 It really started at eight years old for me, my dad would play an SD card full of his favourite 60s-90s music. To this day, there's something about present music that just doesn't appeal to me, the rawness just isn't there, the feeling the music makes me feel just isn't there. I definitely got it from my father it's very difficult to explain, it seems very deep but the feeling I get listening to this song is such a surreal feeling, my whole body goes numb and I get that same tingling feeling. I definitely hope I shall grow more and I really hope that my interest in this music never ever stops, even though my friends are always shocked at how I find it possible to listen to this kind of music because they think it's 'old-fashioned'. Sorry about this long comment😂I tend to lose control when I'm replying to comments😂
We Curtins have good taste
@@dancurtin9362 I think I know who u are lol🤗
@@dancurtin9362 omg stopppp what if we're related 😂😂😂
Cant stop crying... my father showed me this song... with a lot of grief
This is not music, this is Art. God save Nick Cave. Or God is Nick Cave?
David Bowie is god. Nick Cave is the King!
Music is Art, my friend🎶🎼🎭💜
Never ever heard Nick Cave, heard of Nick Cave, or would have even likely bothered to have cared about what "Nick Cave" is... until I stumbled upon this today; and I've found, something incredibly incredibly special that just hits right in all the right places.
Thank you Nick, this is wonderful.
So schön,dass ich keine Worte finden kann. ❤
Condolences to you and your family. Yes this is beautiful music and there are beautiful people all around us. One was from your family.
This song changed my life.wonderful music and lyrics
Grief at things and people lost. Grief for what can never be, not in this life... Just grief. Music keeps me here...maybe..
This song brought to my mind the awful train accident in Greece, which happened this past spring. The train that crushed had mostly students going back to their university after the easter holidays, many young people died that day. My heart goes to their parents, those childless parents.
This song is a masterpiece, my favourite from this FANTASTIC album, thank you for this ART.
Can´t hear it enough. It´s always new, like the first time.
Exactly. Thank you!
Ком в горле и слезы не возможно сдержать
Oh man, how can a parent survive to this album?
I can't man, it tears me apart
@@nathanrice1757 i feel you my man.
Please take care.
This Song is Perfect.
Thank you Nick Cave for this album. It's magic. 🔮🙏
It's not the future. It happened in the beginning of 2019.
my favourite Nick Cave song. Nails me to the floor when I hear it.
It's just a wish that time can't dissolve...
It's going to be spectacular hearing this live.
i'll be there in Boston!
OMG this album floored me.. Amazing 10 out of 10.
Lovely as a song can be. One of the greatest story tellers. This band is so amazing and powerful live,seen them 8 times now,and will see them every time they come to the USA. GHOSTEEN rules! Hollywood is my favorite track,but this is my second favorite. Cheers to all you bad seeds!
So wonderful and moving. Tears in my eyes. Thank you, Nick! 💎❤
Just brilliant. Tears every time and so sorry for your loss.
Thank you Nick & Warren this is connecting with us so deeply in our journey of grieve 🙏❤️
One of the must beautiful and moving song😢
I casually listened to this song cleaning the stables in the sunshine. I had no idea about this song, I just knew about the death of his son. This song hit me like a truck when I realized the lyrics I started crying. Never happened before but DAMN what a beautiful song.
I listen to the album for the first time and just when I think that that's gonna be my favorite , the next ones keep blowing me away
Just heard it today, this song is transcendental and it touches my soul like few songs do, keep holding back the tears, just simply heartbreakingly poignant!!!!!!
Warren Ellis sei un maestro