@@saxglend9439 I don't believe that accounts for very much money in the whole scheme of things but it is true that lots of foreigners work very long stressful hours in the NHS for very little pay so I guess we should be grateful to them for that.
This broadcast is so much more relevant now that our amazing NHS is under such huge pressure. It's OUR NHS and with it's 750,000 volunteers we will get through this.
Most countries in the world have an american style health care system and extending mass immigration to the entire world as Labour plan to do will overwhelm and destroy it
@@saxglend9439 speaking as a disabled person (spina bifida) who, as you can imagine I'm sure, has made considerable use of the NHS since the mid 70's, weekly for the last few years, I can safely say without any doubt that the NHS always always always gets worse under a Tory government. They don't give a flying fuck about the disabled and vulnerable, they wouldn't shed a tear, and actually don't, when one of us dies, they see it as a good thing, decrease the surplus population and all that, Corbyn is the only one bothered, and anyone against him isn't bothered about us either. #JC4PM!!!
@@markorollo. I agree with you to a point about the Tories not giving a flying fuck, but it was actually Blair who started to sell bits of the NHS of to people like Branson, and what is the use in Labour throwing money at it while encouraging every Tom, Dick and Harry to use it? That really is counterproductive.
As a retired nurse, and now a carer for my husband and also working part time as a school cleaner until I reach my state pension age in three years time, I can tell you that the NHS has been sold of bit by bit since the Time of Mrs Thatcher. PFI's did continue under the slightly less Neoliberal rule of Mr Blair's Labour, but even under his tenure the NHS wasn't being seriously underfunded. In the last decade I have seen the worst assault on the NHS in my 63 years on this planet. It saddens me to think that the changes to this service have had detrimental effects on the service users. My husband suffered brain damage because of the disjointed care he received from 2011 onwards. His brain damage happened in March 2012 and the help and expertise he needed had been stripped away at that time for two years, they called it a Cinderella service. It was found in an Ombudsman's investigation that the nursing and medical care 'fell so far short of the applicable standard as to amount to service failures'. None of it should have happened, but my husband was left with brain damage at the age of 52. I don't blame the NHS, I blame the culture at the top, I blame Mr Hunt, the then Health Secretary, I blame the Lib Dem leader at the time, Mr Clegg, for helping sign off the Health and Welfare Act of 2012 which paved the way for drastic changes that cut services and laid the front line staff out to dry, taking these never events and covering up the forced inadequacies of our NHS. The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman covered up the worst of the mishaps, and there were many, and that is where I lay the blame. To cover up and to silence whistle blowers when they speak up about understaffing, when blunders are covered up from the CEO's doing the bidding of a neoliberal agenda on high wages, with underlings also on high wages, you have to ask yourself what's happening to the foundations of this still great institution. Bring back Matron! forget the CEO's they don't belong in the NHS, it's not a business, it's a service for the people of this country. There will always be mistakes in the NHS, BUT we have to understand that none of it is an exact science, a lot of it is trial and error, so many illnesses mirror each other, it's a challenge, we have to be forgiving in part, when the front line staff are so understaffed, and the expertise is now so limited that mistakes will happen. When my daughter was having her baby I noticed that on the front of the doors at the maternity wing there was a sign stating that they were seriously understaffed on that unit. The likelihood of mistakes happening, which can and sometimes will affect lives, increases. Who do you blame? Forget litigation, unless it's an out and out misdemeanor, if it's a case of disjointed care because of the volume of workload along with no staff, blame those who run the country, that's where the buck stops. I still fight for our NHS, it's still the best option for the likes of you and I, and even though it let my family down I still love it and all it stands for. The Ombudsman on the other hand is only there as a gatekeeper for the establishment and they, along with our judiciary, are owned by the establishment alongside our MSM/Press. #VoteLabourDecember12, I am and so are my family.
My wife was also a nurse until she developed brain lesion and serious epilepsy - which turned out to be a progressive genetic disorder which we've discovered our son has too ... He was tested after a movement disorder became worse and started having seizures. She speaks exactly the same as you. Our hospital is now part being run by Richard Branson ... A&E often looks like they're trying to deal with an apocalyptic event. I really don't know how they manage. You see nurses and Doctors emotionally stressed. We need Labour ... a Jeremy Corbyn Labour at the helm. #votelabour #jc4pm 🌹👍
@@ProjectOverseer I agree with you Chris, we have to fight for this great institution, with all it's imperfections, we are none of us infallible, and thank heaven I got through my nursing years without making mistakes, mind you I had the back up of incredible people, a lot of nurses don't have that now. Wishing you, your wife and family the very best in all you have to overcome. PS the 'nasty' folk are showing themselves up on this thread.
right lets get this straight...if you dont have a penny in youre pocket and regardless of where youre from...not one person who is involved with british health care will NOT let you down..they are angels..its not perfect but they got youre back...pride doesnt quite cover it...
That was then. He also told farmers that they wouldn't allow imports which broke out food safety standards. He's reneged on that, and is already negotiating with private healthcare firms in the US
@@caliandris If Boris Johnson did that, he and the Conservatives would lose the next general election by a country mile. Even I, as a life long Conservative voter, would not vote for the Tories.
@KLJF many reasons for being a weak leader and follys during a crisis. Though im not stupid enough to think that the problem with antisemitism is as bad as reported. Mainly its his stance on Brexit. I do believe labour should be hard remain. But the neutrality is ammendable and I respect that hes never pretended to be remain and supports a PV. But I would vote for him 1000 times before I ever vote for Johnson and his crooks.
Sorry about your loss, I have seen you on TV over here and admire your level headedness . So, the Tories are in and what has happened to privatising the NHS? Nothing Mr Delaney you are wrong. The NHS is going to stay wonderfull, having lived through the pandemic, the Tories did what was neccessary to protect the NHS and therefore the population. Labour would have signed up to the EU vaccine procurement programme and where would we have been now??? It's not all doom and gloom. If any party tried to touch the NHS there would be riots. It is a valid form of socialism that we are rightly proud of.
Not to put down his love for the NHS or to side with any political side, but I would really doubt any party would enjoy giving the NHS to trump, I sure everyone weather left or right would hate that decision entirely.
Question ? When you used the NHS which we pay for did you offer to pay or did you just expect us to foot the bill ? Imagine you pay for private care and someone is prioritised for treatment and you have to wait even though you have paid and they have not ? And before you give it the “ how can the NHS function without the foreign nurses and doctors “ .??? Those nurses and doctors have been trained at great expense, some by us , others by countries who can barely afford to train them let alone lose them , Maybe if those staff were not poached by the NHS , people in more needy countries would get the care they deserve , so why not concentrate on them ???
Dan for someone who has taken far more from someone else’s health service than he may have been forced to contributed to , he seems to think he can Also tell us who to vote for to save the NHS ?? I do not begrudge the care given to his son , he should be grateful however , WE PAY FOR THE NHS , it’s not some righteous glowing heavenly object beyond criticism by mortal souls , it is something british people have built payed for and used , Labour are using the NHS as a political hammer presently while planning to increase the demand for the limited services the NHS scan supply , a point this gentleman has CONVENIENTLY failed to mention , so ,,, before he feels comfortable telling us how our national insurance deductions are spent perhaps he should pay for the services he has used , or are we expected to ? America and most other countries would certainly charge you and I ,
Again, he pays taxes, which pay for the NHS. Of course you'd have to pay in other countries, because they have worse health care systems. I've read the Tory manifesto and I don't remember anything about restricting access of the NHS to only non-immigrants, so no matter who you vote for that will remain the same, except if you vote labour, then the funding increases are much more vast and overarching.
Dan the Tory manifesto says nothing about unchecked immigration either unlike labour who want to get rid of the “ hostile immigration debate “ ?? So with Dianne Abbott in charge of immigration issues trying to convince joe public who by the way have been called racist little Englanders whenever we dare raise any concerns,,,,, well let’s just say the population of Calais is about to significantly decline, ?? Interesting though ,, the usual far right slurs from labour have dropped sharply recently?? Wonder why ?? I’m sure after this election business is done , they’ll be back , gotta blame someone,
So that's a big pivot. If the Tory's win, this guy will still be able to use the NHS, and so will other immigrants. It's fine to raise concerns with immigration, if you can back them with statistics, however a lot of people don't do that. Also, you can't just neglect to use commas correctly, and then throw a bunch in at once as if that makes it grammatically correct.
is this being shown as a party political broadcast if not it should be ,and if labour dont then they deserve to lose ,also they should tell the British public that until the NHS came in labour tried 21 times to get it in but were voted down by the tories and liberals every time .the worst thing about this election will be that hundreds of thousands of working class people will vote tory without even thinking about the long term consequences
A quick google and: "Rob Delaney's Net Worth Rob Delaney is one of the successful comedian and actor. He made $3.4 million fortune with Rob Delaney Live at the Bowery Ballroom. The average salary of a stand-up comedian is $92k per annum but Delaney is active in the industry since a decade-long. So, he might earn more than the average salary. Delaney has an estimated net worth more than $1 million but no official confirmation has come about it. He earned between $300k-$500k per episode from his appearances in Catastrophe. He also owns luxurious properties in London and California"
@Deep ThoughtTalking about shameless, what about the NHS bosses personally requesting that in their words "the NHS is not used as a political weapon in the up and coming general election" any thoughts on that one Thoughtless?
@unitedwestand I actually wanted Thoughtless's thoughts but yours will do, every general election we get the same tiered old chestnut about privatisation of the NHS, no matter how many times the Tories win we still have the health care that has not been privatised, but out it rolled again just because Labour really have nothing to offer apart from free broadband in 2030, Lol, The bosses have asked not to use the NHS as a political weapon but obviously Labour are that desperate that they won't honour that request.
The 28 year-old Duke of Westminster inherited a $10 billion fortune, can you even imagine how little effort it takes for a multi-billionaire to make another 3 million? Rob worked for decades to achieve his success, he wasn't born into a family whose ancestor, a 'favorite' of some gay King, was given prime real estate in London to generate massive unearned income for eternity. And inheritance is the source of most wealth and almost all obscene wealth in this country.
+Graham Boffey We take it for granted a lot, just like Americans are clueless about how good socialised medicine is, we are clueless about how bad Americans have it. If the average British person got to experience American healthcare just once, they wouldn't complain anymore probably.
You don't choose which taxes you pay, again, that's not how society works. You can still get private health care, but if you can't afford it, guess which institution has your back.
You don't have to pay twice, you have to pay once, and can pay for private care, if you feel you need/want/can afford it. If society didn't work like that, then stuff like healthcare would be far more expensive and more restrictive for the vast majority of people. Taxes aren't theft, they pay for services you use.
@A smoking ChickenFish Don't be silly. When you go 'private', all you are buying is a nicer room and a bit of queue-jumping but you are still using NHS doctors, NHS hospitals and NHS machinery and facilities which we are all paying for. People don't have children but they still pay for schools and teachers; they don't have cars but they still pay for roads to be built; they have never used the police force but they still pay for them; their house has never caught fire but they still pay for a national fire service; they may be pacifists but they still support the armed forces with their taxes. That's the way tax works. Moreover, if the general public are kept healthy, it is less likely that you will catch some horrible disease from them.
Nope, the NHS has plenty of problems. My mother can't get basic treatment in time because of waiting times. At least in America if you have decent insurance you'll be seen straight away.
Why does Corbyn want to give the vote to anyone who is a resident of the UK from 16 and over? Do you know that to be a resident means having a 'home' in the UK and staying 31days a year! A lot of Russian oligarchs...
@@ExpendableRedshirt that does not apply to my example. People with a property and who reside in the UK for 31 days a year are UK residents not non doms. Do you know why the labour party are failing to deal with anti semitism? www.google.com/amp/s/www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/labour-candidate-apologises-for-gassed-tweet-about-israel-a4296226.html%3famp Stand up to racism. Labour area?. VOTE for the BREXIT PARTY 😀👍🇬🇧
As someone with a 25 year history of involvement with the NHS, I can categorically state that the levels of cronyism, managerial incompetence, unnecessary waste and healthcare rationing dependent on post code are out of control. I also question why this person who was in the UK (by his own admission) for about a year, was able to access thousands of pounds worth of treatment -- unless of course he paid, which rather invalidates his argument.
@@jaywest3734 Oh, Christ! Here we go. "The extent to which immigrants and visitors make use of NHS services is difficult to determine, with most routine data not recording information on who is using services. The use of NHS services by immigrants and visitors will also vary across the country, depending on the number and type of immigrants in the area. However, in some cases the United Kingdom is recouping the costs of treating non-British nationals through reciprocal agreements with their respective governments or, from April 2015, through up-front fees that temporary residents need to pay before they enter the United Kingdom. Alongside this, immigrants make up a substantial part of the NHS workforce. With some key areas of the NHS workforce already in very short supply, this contribution is very significant." So, not really. Okay?
@@danzel1157 No really, if it's non conclusive like that it means they're having an impact, plus all the immigrants are having children in the UK so that's even more people putting a strain on our services.
If you win my dad can't afford to take me to the amazing school I go to now because we won't have enough money cos you will have taken it. I hate you Jeremy you are breaking my family apart
@KLJF How can propaganda be a right wing idea? Thats some of the dumbest shit i have read. Propaganda is simply using misleading or fake information for a cause, it has no political party or side.
I thought I couldn’t love Rob Delaney any more. It seems I can.
Wow - thats a really tough watch. And does really show the value of our NHS. We must not ever lose it or do anything that puts it at risk.
"As far as I can tell the NHS is basically the pinnacle of human achievement"
@@saxglend9439 I don't believe that accounts for very much money in the whole scheme of things but it is true that lots of foreigners work very long stressful hours in the NHS for very little pay so I guess we should be grateful to them for that.
@@saxglend9439 You've got way too much time on your hands.
This broadcast is so much more relevant now that our amazing NHS is under such huge pressure. It's OUR NHS and with it's 750,000 volunteers we will get through this.
Fuck the nhs
I truly hope so I think we will take care
I love him in catastrophe. He puts a smile on my face during these dark times. Many thanks Mr delaney.
Unbelievable courage to share this. Thank you.
The NHS is a beautiful thing that must be protected. Jeremy Corbyn, please save us from another Conservative government.
Most countries in the world have an american style health care system and extending mass immigration to the entire world as Labour plan to do will overwhelm and destroy it
@@5656156516516 Labour isn't plural.
@@saxglend9439 speaking as a disabled person (spina bifida) who, as you can imagine I'm sure, has made considerable use of the NHS since the mid 70's, weekly for the last few years, I can safely say without any doubt that the NHS always always always gets worse under a Tory government. They don't give a flying fuck about the disabled and vulnerable, they wouldn't shed a tear, and actually don't, when one of us dies, they see it as a good thing, decrease the surplus population and all that, Corbyn is the only one bothered, and anyone against him isn't bothered about us either. #JC4PM!!!
@@markorollo. I agree with you to a point about the Tories not giving a flying fuck, but it was actually Blair who started to sell bits of the NHS of to people like Branson, and what is the use in Labour throwing money at it while encouraging every Tom, Dick and Harry to use it? That really is counterproductive.
@unitedwestand Really? It doesn't work like that, when I go away I have to have a little thing called travel insurance.
Truly heartbreaking but inspiring from Rob Delaney, thank you so much for your words and support. #JC4PM #GTTO
As a retired nurse, and now a carer for my husband and also working part time as a school cleaner until I reach my state pension age in three years time, I can tell you that the NHS has been sold of bit by bit since the Time of Mrs Thatcher. PFI's did continue under the slightly less Neoliberal rule of Mr Blair's Labour, but even under his tenure the NHS wasn't being seriously underfunded.
In the last decade I have seen the worst assault on the NHS in my 63 years on this planet. It saddens me to think that the changes to this service have had detrimental effects on the service users. My husband suffered brain damage because of the disjointed care he received from 2011 onwards. His brain damage happened in March 2012 and the help and expertise he needed had been stripped away at that time for two years, they called it a Cinderella service.
It was found in an Ombudsman's investigation that the nursing and medical care 'fell so far short of the applicable standard as to amount to service failures'. None of it should have happened, but my husband was left with brain damage at the age of 52. I don't blame the NHS, I blame the culture at the top, I blame Mr Hunt, the then Health Secretary, I blame the Lib Dem leader at the time, Mr Clegg, for helping sign off the Health and Welfare Act of 2012 which paved the way for drastic changes that cut services and laid the front line staff out to dry, taking these never events and covering up the forced inadequacies of our NHS.
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman covered up the worst of the mishaps, and there were many, and that is where I lay the blame. To cover up and to silence whistle blowers when they speak up about understaffing, when blunders are covered up from the CEO's doing the bidding of a neoliberal agenda on high wages, with underlings also on high wages, you have to ask yourself what's happening to the foundations of this still great institution. Bring back Matron! forget the CEO's they don't belong in the NHS, it's not a business, it's a service for the people of this country.
There will always be mistakes in the NHS, BUT we have to understand that none of it is an exact science, a lot of it is trial and error, so many illnesses mirror each other, it's a challenge, we have to be forgiving in part, when the front line staff are so understaffed, and the expertise is now so limited that mistakes will happen. When my daughter was having her baby I noticed that on the front of the doors at the maternity wing there was a sign stating that they were seriously understaffed on that unit. The likelihood of mistakes happening, which can and sometimes will affect lives, increases. Who do you blame? Forget litigation, unless it's an out and out misdemeanor, if it's a case of disjointed care because of the volume of workload along with no staff, blame those who run the country, that's where the buck stops.
I still fight for our NHS, it's still the best option for the likes of you and I, and even though it let my family down I still love it and all it stands for. The Ombudsman on the other hand is only there as a gatekeeper for the establishment and they, along with our judiciary, are owned by the establishment alongside our MSM/Press. #VoteLabourDecember12, I am and so are my family.
My wife was also a nurse until she developed brain lesion and serious epilepsy - which turned out to be a progressive genetic disorder which we've discovered our son has too ... He was tested after a movement disorder became worse and started having seizures.
She speaks exactly the same as you. Our hospital is now part being run by Richard Branson ... A&E often looks like they're trying to deal with an apocalyptic event. I really don't know how they manage. You see nurses and Doctors emotionally stressed.
We need Labour ... a Jeremy Corbyn Labour at the helm.
#votelabour #jc4pm 🌹👍
@Bunny Spangle 'You must think people are as stupid and gullible as you' Naw just you wabbit!
@@ProjectOverseer I agree with you Chris, we have to fight for this great institution, with all it's imperfections, we are none of us infallible, and thank heaven I got through my nursing years without making mistakes, mind you I had the back up of incredible people, a lot of nurses don't have that now. Wishing you, your wife and family the very best in all you have to overcome. PS the 'nasty' folk are showing themselves up on this thread.
right lets get this straight...if you dont have a penny in youre pocket and regardless of where youre from...not one person who is involved with british health care will NOT let you down..they are angels..its not perfect but they got youre back...pride doesnt quite cover it...
Very good!
'The NHS under no circumstances will be on the table for negotiation' - Boris Johnson - 27th November 2019
That was then. He also told farmers that they wouldn't allow imports which broke out food safety standards. He's reneged on that, and is already negotiating with private healthcare firms in the US
I don't trust the geezer, bumbling idiotic mess of a prime minister
@@caliandris If Boris Johnson did that, he and the Conservatives would lose the next general election by a country mile. Even I, as a life long Conservative voter, would not vote for the Tories.
And if you believe bozo, you are in denial.
I like rob delaney. He seems like a really nice man.
Well done Delaney
we love you Rob
Abso'flippin'lutely ! :)
I don't like Corbyn very much, but I miss my country and fear for the future.
Never Tory. We cant let them win.
@KLJF many reasons for being a weak leader and follys during a crisis. Though im not stupid enough to think that the problem with antisemitism is as bad as reported. Mainly its his stance on Brexit. I do believe labour should be hard remain. But the neutrality is ammendable and I respect that hes never pretended to be remain and supports a PV.
But I would vote for him 1000 times before I ever vote for Johnson and his crooks.
Sorry about your loss, I have seen you on TV over here and admire your level headedness . So, the Tories are in and what has happened to privatising the NHS? Nothing Mr Delaney you are wrong. The NHS is going to stay wonderfull, having lived through the pandemic, the Tories did what was neccessary to protect the NHS and therefore the population. Labour would have signed up to the EU vaccine procurement programme and where would we have been now??? It's not all doom and gloom. If any party tried to touch the NHS there would be riots. It is a valid form of socialism that we are rightly proud of.
Not to put down his love for the NHS or to side with any political side, but I would really doubt any party would enjoy giving the NHS to trump, I sure everyone weather left or right would hate that decision entirely.
JC4PM ❤️
Sadly the NHS would never have been created today's corporate dis united kingdom.
Question ? When you used the NHS which we pay for did you offer to pay or did you just expect us to foot the bill ? Imagine you pay for private care and someone is prioritised for treatment and you have to wait even though you have paid and they have not ? And before you give it the “ how can the NHS function without the foreign nurses and doctors “ .??? Those nurses and doctors have been trained at great expense, some by us , others by countries who can barely afford to train them let alone lose them , Maybe if those staff were not poached by the NHS , people in more needy countries would get the care they deserve , so why not concentrate on them ???
This guy pays tax in the UK, so to an extent, the costs were incurred by him.
Dan for someone who has taken far more from someone else’s health service than he may have been forced to contributed to , he seems to think he can
Also tell us who to vote for to save the NHS ?? I do not begrudge the care given to his son , he should be grateful however , WE PAY FOR THE NHS , it’s not some righteous glowing heavenly object beyond criticism by mortal souls , it is something british people have built payed for and used , Labour are using the NHS as a political hammer presently while planning to increase the demand for the limited services the NHS scan supply , a point this gentleman has CONVENIENTLY failed to mention , so ,,, before he feels comfortable telling us how our national insurance deductions are spent perhaps he should pay for the services he has used , or are we expected to ? America and most other countries would certainly charge you and I ,
Again, he pays taxes, which pay for the NHS. Of course you'd have to pay in other countries, because they have worse health care systems. I've read the Tory manifesto and I don't remember anything about restricting access of the NHS to only non-immigrants, so no matter who you vote for that will remain the same, except if you vote labour, then the funding increases are much more vast and overarching.
Dan the Tory manifesto says nothing about unchecked immigration either unlike labour who want to get rid of the “ hostile immigration debate “ ?? So with Dianne Abbott in charge of immigration issues trying to convince joe public who by the way have been called racist little Englanders whenever we dare raise any concerns,,,,, well let’s just say the population of Calais is about to significantly decline, ?? Interesting though ,, the usual far right slurs from labour have dropped sharply recently?? Wonder why ?? I’m sure after this election business is done , they’ll be back , gotta blame someone,
So that's a big pivot. If the Tory's win, this guy will still be able to use the NHS, and so will other immigrants. It's fine to raise concerns with immigration, if you can back them with statistics, however a lot of people don't do that. Also, you can't just neglect to use commas correctly, and then throw a bunch in at once as if that makes it grammatically correct.
is this being shown as a party political broadcast if not it should be ,and if labour dont then they deserve to lose ,also they should tell the British public that until the NHS came in labour tried 21 times to get it in but were voted down by the tories and liberals every time .the worst thing about this election will be that hundreds of thousands of working class people will vote tory without even thinking about the long term consequences
A quick google and:
"Rob Delaney's Net Worth
Rob Delaney is one of the successful comedian and actor. He made $3.4 million fortune with Rob Delaney Live at the Bowery Ballroom. The average salary of a stand-up comedian is $92k per annum but Delaney is active in the industry since a decade-long. So, he might earn more than the average salary.
Delaney has an estimated net worth more than $1 million but no official confirmation has come about it. He earned between $300k-$500k per episode from his appearances in Catastrophe. He also owns luxurious properties in London and California"
So. Fucking. What. Now make a proper point. Let's talk about Tory donors for a start.
I don't understand your point. Are you suggesting only poor people are allowed to care about Tory cuts to the nhs?
@Deep ThoughtTalking about shameless, what about the NHS bosses personally requesting that in their words "the NHS is not used as a political weapon in the up and coming general election" any thoughts on that one Thoughtless?
@unitedwestand I actually wanted Thoughtless's thoughts but yours will do, every general election we get the same tiered old chestnut about privatisation of the NHS, no matter how many times the Tories win we still have the health care that has not been privatised, but out it rolled again just because Labour really have nothing to offer apart from free broadband in 2030, Lol, The bosses have asked not to use the NHS as a political weapon but obviously Labour are that desperate that they won't honour that request.
The 28 year-old Duke of Westminster inherited a $10 billion fortune, can you even imagine how little effort it takes for a multi-billionaire to make another 3 million? Rob worked for decades to achieve his success, he wasn't born into a family whose ancestor, a 'favorite' of some gay King, was given prime real estate in London to generate massive unearned income for eternity. And inheritance is the source of most wealth and almost all obscene wealth in this country.
In Boris we trust.
We, in the UK moan about the NHS, and rightly so, in some cases. But, think about the alternatives.
+Graham Boffey We take it for granted a lot, just like Americans are clueless about how good socialised medicine is, we are clueless about how bad Americans have it. If the average British person got to experience American healthcare just once, they wouldn't complain anymore probably.
Tories should be running scared.
Nice but a little naive. Trump won't buy the NHS.
Yanks complain nhs is socialised medicine. That shows you socialism is good!
But it is for you, literally it's for everyone. Also, you can't opt out of taxes, that's not how society works.
You don't choose which taxes you pay, again, that's not how society works. You can still get private health care, but if you can't afford it, guess which institution has your back.
You don't have to pay twice, you have to pay once, and can pay for private care, if you feel you need/want/can afford it. If society didn't work like that, then stuff like healthcare would be far more expensive and more restrictive for the vast majority of people. Taxes aren't theft, they pay for services you use.
@A smoking ChickenFish Don't be silly. When you go 'private', all you are buying is a nicer room and a bit of queue-jumping but you are still using NHS doctors, NHS hospitals and NHS machinery and facilities which we are all paying for. People don't have children but they still pay for schools and teachers; they don't have cars but they still pay for roads to be built; they have never used the police force but they still pay for them; their house has never caught fire but they still pay for a national fire service; they may be pacifists but they still support the armed forces with their taxes. That's the way tax works. Moreover, if the general public are kept healthy, it is less likely that you will catch some horrible disease from them.
Nope, the NHS has plenty of problems. My mother can't get basic treatment in time because of waiting times. At least in America if you have decent insurance you'll be seen straight away.
Wish people could see this on the BBC, instead of their biased reports.
Why does Corbyn want to give the vote to anyone who is a resident of the UK from 16 and over? Do you know that to be a resident means having a 'home' in the UK and staying 31days a year!
A lot of Russian oligarchs...
He has already stated that NON-Dom status will be terminated.
@@ExpendableRedshirt that does not apply to my example. People with a property and who reside in the UK for 31 days a year are UK residents not non doms.
Do you know why the labour party are failing to deal with anti semitism?
Stand up to racism. Labour area?. VOTE for the BREXIT PARTY 😀👍🇬🇧
As someone with a 25 year history of involvement with the NHS, I can categorically state that the levels of cronyism, managerial incompetence, unnecessary waste and healthcare rationing dependent on post code are out of control. I also question why this person who was in the UK (by his own admission) for about a year, was able to access thousands of pounds worth of treatment -- unless of course he paid, which rather invalidates his argument.
If you love the NHS, think before you vote Tory.
You can have the NHS, or you can have the Tories. You can't have both.
@John Small And yet we have 4.4 million people waiting for an operation and a record shortage of nurses. That's how I work it out.
@@danzel1157 Mass immigration will do that shit.
@@jaywest3734 Oh, Christ! Here we go.
"The extent to which immigrants and visitors make use of NHS services is
difficult to determine, with most routine data not recording information on who is using services. The use of NHS services by immigrants and visitors will also vary across the country, depending on the number and type of immigrants in the area. However, in some cases the United Kingdom is recouping the costs of treating non-British nationals through reciprocal agreements with their respective governments or, from April 2015, through up-front fees that temporary residents need to pay before they enter the United Kingdom.
Alongside this, immigrants make up a substantial part of the NHS workforce. With some key areas of the NHS workforce already in very short supply, this contribution is very significant."
So, not really. Okay?
@@danzel1157 No really, if it's non conclusive like that it means they're having an impact, plus all the immigrants are having children in the UK so that's even more people putting a strain on our services.
@@jaywest3734 I get the feeling that you don't like foreigners. I think it's as simple as that.
If you win my dad can't afford to take me to the amazing school I go to now because we won't have enough money cos you will have taken it. I hate you Jeremy you are breaking my family apart
What on Earth are you talking about?
If you believe this, then someone somewhere is seriously misleading you.
@Deep Thought Run across this one before DT, just another regular troll with a different alias!
Yep ....we are not used to propaganda in the UK........yep.....this is what propaganda looks like in 2019.
@KLJF How can propaganda be a right wing idea? Thats some of the dumbest shit i have read. Propaganda is simply using misleading or fake information for a cause, it has no political party or side.