Let me tell you something about Christmas present wrapping specifically my grandma and wrapping presents, background info: my 5 sisters and I live with my grandparents, I moved in the latest besides my youngest sister who wasn’t born at the time because my great grandparents had passed who I will remember as my true parents. my sisters had always lived with my grandparents and this year my grandma had to wait until mid December to start wrapping which is difficult to hide from 6 kids in a trailer and I’m 17 currently not allowed to get a job because “I’m not responsible enough” so I’ve been trying to help as much as possible to prove that I am and I’m just doing it out of the kindness of my heart and my grandma refuses to let me help even if it’s just with my sisters presents and I’m like “just let me wrap the at night when you and my sisters are asleep and tell me who’s is who’s I will gladly do it” as you can tell she is very independent and a pain to deal with when trying to help her, like she even refuses to ask employees to help in stores when that is literally part of their job. Sorry for ranting so much I just get annoyed when she refuses help then says that I don’t help or am not responsible enough for a job. But I do understand that she is just super independent and doesn’t like asking for help
Let me tell you something about Christmas present wrapping specifically my grandma and wrapping presents, background info: my 5 sisters and I live with my grandparents, I moved in the latest besides my youngest sister who wasn’t born at the time because my great grandparents had passed who I will remember as my true parents. my sisters had always lived with my grandparents and this year my grandma had to wait until mid December to start wrapping which is difficult to hide from 6 kids in a trailer and I’m 17 currently not allowed to get a job because “I’m not responsible enough” so I’ve been trying to help as much as possible to prove that I am and I’m just doing it out of the kindness of my heart and my grandma refuses to let me help even if it’s just with my sisters presents and I’m like “just let me wrap the at night when you and my sisters are asleep and tell me who’s is who’s I will gladly do it” as you can tell she is very independent and a pain to deal with when trying to help her, like she even refuses to ask employees to help in stores when that is literally part of their job. Sorry for ranting so much I just get annoyed when she refuses help then says that I don’t help or am not responsible enough for a job. But I do understand that she is just super independent and doesn’t like asking for help