To explain the shortcut keys, f5 supplies power to the weapon, f6 supplies power to the thrust, and f7 supplies power to the shield. f8 is initialization. Usually, when there is no problem with my shield, I supply power to the weapon to increase the number of ammo for the weapon. The shortcuts I described must be held to be applied.
아~ 옴니스키... 충전탄수가 조금만 더 많았으면 좋았을 것을 말이에요. ㅎㅎ
How you can have 17 shoot with Omni sky bro , I have 12 😅. Nice fight bro I love the buccaneer my favorite
To explain the shortcut keys, f5 supplies power to the weapon, f6 supplies power to the thrust, and f7 supplies power to the shield. f8 is initialization. Usually, when there is no problem with my shield, I supply power to the weapon to increase the number of ammo for the weapon. The shortcuts I described must be held to be applied.