I'm a flat earther, and so is my partner, and we would love to go on a free trip to Antarctica to truly prove that it is an ice wall. Definitely totally flat earthers.
Yes I’m here to confirm that @patricklloyd1797 has been the biggest flat earther ever…but he needs to have TWO others go with him and i am that third 😂😂😂😉
I love this experiment. It's not designed to prove the Earth is a globe (although it would do that), but is addressing instead the real controversy: do flat-earthers honestly believe the earth is flat, or are they lying for attention? The experiment proved conclusively and near universally the latter.
The content creators around it certainly are, i believe their subs and people that view and donate do believe in that stuff for sure but the creators no, its like how charlatons will just say whatever to get money, whether they believe it or not.
@@zander2758the government should forcibly place any flat earthers 1 week during december in antarctica and then make them work for the money wasted after.
See with flat earthers they know they have no proof that's why they say no when you give more free ticket even if you offer them $1 million dollars they'll say no? You know why they say no cuz they know that the planet is not flat and they don't want to look like they're wrong so they just keep on making things up that make no sense to try to confuse people because what they're doing is that they're making money off of this from some sort of scam to build up believers with something they can't prove! The Earth is not flat it is round and they know it they're liars!
Trip to Antarctica for 1 person: $45,000 Trip to Antarctica for 4 people: $180,000 Watching the entire flat earth community cannibalize each other: priceless
Watching all the flat earthers try to tap dance their way out of tons of evidence as they turn on each other is going to be fantastic. Dave, you are a very humble and decent human being, and I expect you will largely be taking the high road here, but please forgive those of us who revel in the dissolutionment of the flerf community.
"It's 11AM right now" "No it's 8PM" "The clock says 11AM" "The clock is a lie" "Here is a video from someone outside right now" "The video is CGI" "The door is open you can check for yourself" "I don't wanna go outside"
Yeah they are either backpedalling on the impossibility of a 24 hour sun in Antartica or claiming it'll be faked. As if it is remotely possible to fake the SUN of all things
Unfortunately I feel like this hasn’t done much damage at all. Like Dave showed, the community was very quick to insulate themselves against this project and cast anybody willing to go as a shill and irrelevant. It feels nice to think they’re all scrambling and shitting themselves, but in reality they’ll be just fine and just as dangerous. I really hope the project and its results will lead some to the light, but those who don’t want to believe have already decided.
I think Will Duffy is a bit naive. It sounds like he genuinely thinks these flat earthers believe in what they preach. These guys are grifters. There is no amount of confirmation bias that can hold someone to this level of denial. In a way, Will Duffy is being played by buying into their disingenuousness and giving them more exposure. Just my take.
@@soccerkick35 he does appear to be very... I don't want to say open minded, but in an interview with Dan (of the SciMan variety), he said he had spoke to them alot and thought he would probably keep in contact with them in the future. So I agree he's probably not got the correct read on most of the flat earth influencers, I'm sure plenty of their viewers believe in it, but I don't think most of the "big" creators do. I think he probably thinks it's similar to his faith in god, he genuinely believes in what he preaches... And so he assumes they do to. I don't know I'd say he's being played... Just because I don't think out of the three flat earthers who are going they're likely to be thinking that far ahead, I think it sounds like only the woman genuinely believes she's be proven right, and the other two have been painted ibto a corner.
i dont think it will make a huge dent...your average flat earther will find a way to deny the outcomings. BUT I believe Jeran might be convinced and when it comes to Witsit i think it will take a talking point away at least but probably he will continue. I think Jeran might change sides after this. Very difficult to get out this mindset... he might just join an other conspiracy group.
There's definitely a deep psychological reason why Flat-earthers exist. My guess is a lot of them feel unimportant and insignificant in life. They feel like they truely don't matter and have no purpose to exist... By stating that they're part of a select minority of humans who know "THE TRUTH", it makes them feel special after living decades as a nobody. These are people who sit in bed each night and wonder "I was meant for something more; why didn't I amount to anything?!" I guarantee if Flat Earth was eventually proven wrong to these people to the point they couldn't argue it further, many of them (if not most of them) would fall into a VERY deep depression because you've sent them back to their cruel reality of unimportance.
It is the same mental disease that has given rise to Trump. All these morons want to be special and "on the inside" so they can be special instead of just normal people. Cults
And the grifters see an opportunity in these people. They know it's bullshit. They've known it's bullshit the whole time. The ones who didn't are dead. Denying the earth's shape will inevitably lead to denying things like medicine and needing food. But most will never have it proven enough for them. Preserving their ego is far to important. As in they'll feel like their dying if its proven hard enough. So they'll throw their hands over their heads and shriek to avoid reality. Or they'll simply kill themselves when it fully sinks in how much time and money they wasted on nonsense. And the fact they will never ever wash off the label of flat earther now. If they realized their mistake. Then people see them as simply gullible. But if the truth had to be forced. Their intelligence is treated as inferior forever.
I have to imagine the venn diagram between the Flerfs and narcissism is almost a perfect circle. If this experiment has demonstrated anything already, it's that they dont want to gather evidence and learn about reality, they want to be able to assert what reality is. They do not care about truth, only about positioning themselves as the lone voice in the wilderness who is smarter than every expert you can imagine, while never having to put in a fraction of the work to understand real science. Ive got to agree with Professor Dave sadly that I dont think this will change much with Flerfs. They dont approach this subject as scientists, but like a doomsday cult with a science veneer. "The sun being visible 24 hours at the pole is fine actually/a deep fake and we'll be able to prove Flat Earth exists any day now."
Yes I agree, it's a coping mechanism, which also explains why most of them have a low level of education. Most likely, many of them weren't successful in academia, which also lead to a lack of success in finding a job, and thus they beganindulging in such fantasies. I would argue that's one side of flat-earthers. But I couldn't help but notice many young people adopting this type of behaviour, due to the influence of social media disinformation.
He's a "fraud" because it's "not an experiment"? He's making a prediction (24 hour sun) and then testing his hypotheses! That's literally an experiment!
See with flat earthers they know they have no proof that's why they say no when you give them a free ticket even if you offer them $1 million dollars they'll say no? You know why they say no cuz they know that the planet is not flat and they don't want to look like they're wrong so they just keep on making things up that make no sense to try to confuse people because what they're doing is that they're making money off of this from some sort of scam to build up believers with something they can't prove! The Earth is not flat it is round and they know it they're liars!
I can never hear "ice wall" without being reminded of hbomberguy's question (paraphrased): "If the ice wall is all that's keeping the ocean from flowing over the edge, doesn't that make global warming *WAY* worse?"
Firmament. A more or less glass dome. They all have a few explanations ready at hand. But only a few. It all comes down to magic anyway. SO it's fairly easy to just make shit up as they go along. If you don't question it too much
isn't a lot of that ice also just floating over water? Maybe not to the same extent as the arctic but it's certainly not something that keeps water in.
FoldingIdeas video on the topic is much more illuminating. The shape of the earth has little to no meaningful distinction in this worldview. It’s not about that, it’s about a broader rejection of objectivity, empiricism, and authority. The world is flat in much the same way it’s 6000 years old to some people.
They don't dare create a model. A model would make predictions of celestial observations that could be tested and falsified, even by average people with a few simple tools like a compass and a homemade quadrant.
Love how that guy genuinely uses it as a positive of being on the Flat Earth side, like "yeah we're on the better side, it's not *possible* to prove us wrong with evidence, cause we can just question everything forever!"
The reality is that this experiment has already been a huge success. All you have to do is watch which side is exploding and freaking out and which side is calm and laughing at the other. It shows exactly how confident both sides are in their ideas.
I know they are scrambling to come up with some b******* right now.. in 2009 me is just like you mad bro? I mean isn't that the original rules to internet conversations he who gets mad first loses
Imagine every resource available via your favorite search engine not being enough lol. Reason and evidence wont work to convince someone out of a position they didn't arrive at using said means. If this trip actually comes to fruition (id love to see it, but i bet it breaks down for any given number of reasons), i would expect to see the obfuscation and excuse making tantrum of a lifetime.
I commented on a post of yours and while ago and I was in a really bad place and you responded and at the time I was loosing my faith and I was looking for a fight. I just want to say i truly respect what you're doing and I want to thank you for putting all this scientific knowledge out in a easy to digest way to help everyone willing to listen
@@ProfessorDaveExplainsguess what my classmates say the earth is flat just to irritate me because I state the obvious on the earth being round and not flat I just ignore because I would be arguing with nobody
1- "can you turn off the lights" 2- "can't" 1-"why?" 2-"I'm busy" 1-"I can't go to sleep with the lights on" 2-"there's no switch" 1-"it's right there" 2-"doesn't work" 1-"really?" 2-"it has never worked" 1-"have you tried?" 2-"no but that's how it was made" 1-"fine I'll do it" 2-"NO! Wait..." 1-"what is it?" 2-"....I'm..afraid of the dark" Honesty goes a long way
It IS a debate, but it’s a debate in the same way you and some friends get into an argument about something you could just look up because it’s already known, and the flat earthers are the one friend who won’t back down even after you’ve shoved 6 articles in his face.
Sadly the best we can hope for I think are a few honest flat earthers who will finally see witsit as the scam artist he is, considering the sheer amount of backpedling and denials of past claims flat earthers have been doing since this trip was announced.
The trouble is folks, the flerfs will always have 'Nuh-uh' to fall back on - you guys don't. This experiment will change FE belief by barely a fraction of a percent of an iota. As with religions, you cannot reason a person out of a position which they did not reason themselves into. It's going to be a great treat for those lucky folk though - stay safe.
Holy shit, when the guy said planes would have to tilt down in order to follow the earth something clicked for me. These people actually believe earth's physics are just how the whole universe works. They cannot fathom that earth itself is part of another system which is creating these conditions on earth. And physics have an actual mechanism for how they work, not just "EVERYTHING GO DOWN". Thats truly moronic
@kaizoey No. They can't. Find D Marble's vid. It is hilarious and totally stupid. Flerfers have some idea that DOWN has some actual meaning other than towards the center of a globe earth. You can fall off the edge!!!! Wow! The medieval moronicity extends to way past flat earth though.
In a sense that is what aircraft have to do to follow earth’s curvature. However it is so gradual that it’s almost imperceptible. Older style gyroscopes are air-powered (still prevalent in small private airplanes). They include a mechanism with pendulous vanes, which are like small doors on a single hinge point, such that they align vertically with earth’s gravity. When the gyro mechanism tilts, such that the _vanes_ are still aligned with gravity, but the _mechanism_ isn’t, small air ports become uncovered and a jet of air emits causing the mechanism to realign to the local direction of gravity, normal to earth’s surface. Modern gyroscopes are ring-laser-gyros and operate off relativistic calculations of reflected light within a closed mechanism.
BTW you can estimate the angular rate of “nose dip” by assuming an aircraft circumnavigating the globe at a given speed. A large airliner at 600 mph would traverse earth’s circumference (about 24,901 miles) in 41.5 hours. That means the nose comes full circle in 41.5 hrs … or 0.15 degrees a minute.
If you were early into when they were picking who to go it didn't matter, but now I don't think anyone is paying for a glober to go 😂 you can pretend to be a flerf and get crowd funded, but the host isn't funding anyone anymore, he's already paying for 3-4 people (including himself, I can't remember if he payed for the extra flerf to go, because jarren said he wouldn't go unless another flerf went with him)
I -am- -now- have always been a staunch proponent of the flat earth -theory- truth. I have absolute incontrovertible evidence that Antarctica is an ice wall. I will reveal this evidence only if I -get- -a- -free- -trip- am dragged against my will to Antarctica.
Dave, 2 years ago we spoke once. I asked you: "Dave, why you are so rude to flat earthers, they really believe this, so let's teach them with science". You told me "because they are liars and trolling". You were right.
@@sweetyd I’m not saying every MAGA is a flat earther. But you won’t meet a flat earther who voted for Kamala. Same group of people who swear the vaccine is a government control conspiracy.
@@sweetyd well, a keyword is "almost", so why did you perceive it as "completely"? Also, some flat earthers may not be MAGA folks because there are flat earthers all around the globe.
@@FutureWorldX It's just ridiculous to bring politics and unfounded claims into this. The shape of the earth is a science discussion, not a political debate.
Man eating Penguins? Hitler owns a fortress and has an army of red sash NASA agents guarding the ice wall? Xenomorphs attack anyone that lands? Where Hollywood sends bad movies and series to go where they die. They manifest and take solid form, guarding the icewall from foolish travellers? Cat's are banned as they would push everything off it.
A Flat Earther I know irl believed the joke that Halloween was going to fall on _Friday the 13th_ this year. Kinda shows the type of intellect we're dealing with here.
Well I guess if we aren't on a globe orbiting the sun then the Gregorian calendar is meaningless and any measurement of time is arbitrary so why can't the 13th and the 31st be on the same day? What even is a day? Why am I here? What is? 😳 The logic totally checks out 🤓🧐 It's all just a conspiracy guys, the government just wants us to think the laws that govern the universe make sense when actually we exist on a pizza crust inside a dome that's suspended in... Nothingness? The power to run the simulated night sky that's projected on the dome comes from nowhere because NASA lied to us about everything and even energy doesn't exist. Ya'll just need to wake up and stop believing everything you're told 🤪
This was brilliant and diabolical. It puts them in an impossible position. Either they refuse and demonstrate beyond a doubt that they’re faithless hypocrite cowards, or they actually accept and get proven cataclysmically wrong. This debacle won’t actually convince any flerfers, but this feels like the final humiliation.
The problem is we already know what the cope will be: it was scheduled ahead of time, so the problem who control the sun were able to make it look like the earth was a globe. You cannot logic a cultist out of their cult.
They are morons who either don't know about it or don't want to admit that they are moronic wankers benefiting from the stupidity of the first kind. And I want to strip them of all their respect, dignity and clothes for it
This is why I like Jeran. He puts his momey where his mouth is. He, now, constantly calls out the hypocricsy of flerfers saying they won't go because "there's no point." Flat earther or not, Jeran is someone I respect.
It doesn’t matter. People literally watch Trump say horrible things on video and five minutes later say “oh, he didn’t say that”. Truth is completely irrelevant to these people. They’re either grifters, bigots, or both.
What a world we live in where the biggest grifters (or the stupidest people) get offered once in a life time opportunities most people would never get.
But it isn't that hard to get to Antarctica. It is expensive, but most far away trips are. Like if I want to make a vacation in Japan from Europe is costs me a fortune, and not much less than going to Antarctica. But all those people going on long range flights or long cruises could also afford a trip to Antarctica. So it isn't really a once in a lifetime opportunity, however then again I don't know how much money you are going to make with flat earth grifts.
It makes me happy that stupid globebusters video is Professor Dave's most-viewed. I hope he made a good chunk of change off that one, and the flat earthers made none!
@@ProfessorDaveExplainsthere arw two kinds of flat earthers. Those who would go to space and say oops i was wrong lol. And those who would say my trip to orbit was fake.
@@Exit311 even if they leave flat earth they will still love trump, still be anti vaxx, still think climate change is fake, still think earth is 6,000 years old.
@@ANTIStraussianGrifters gotta band up with grifters, after all. Makes it easier for them to consistently double/triple/quadruple down and move their goalposts every ten seconds…
@@bobthebuilder9509 I do think some are liars. Some may just be trolls, who don't think what they are doing is lying. Few to none of them seem interested in the truth no matter what they call themselves. A real truther, would weigh both sides carefully and learn all they can. If someone does that, it's hard to believe they could conclude a flat earth, the evidence for a sphere is overwhelming.
For most it's about feeling powerless and irrelevant imo. Conspiracy theories are an easy coping mechanism to feel a little better about yourself through a fake sense of superiority. Flat earth is simply one of the most extreme examples.
the Al Gore Rhythm goes to autoload for that vid often if you watch say a sciman dan vid, probably because its on my history for youtube. I'm happy to add views to any professor dave vid but especially that one, it's a classic.
What I got out of this is that a twitter poll and a guy offering to fund an Antartica trip can cause major infighting and shill accusations to start within the flat earth community.
The earth is flat, and I would NEVER take free tickets to Antartica. Please send the tickets so I may destroy them myself and DEFINITELY not take a vacation there.
oh, i've heard a flat-earther say "everyone who has ever gone south of the equator has been brainwashed." AND he copy-pastes that, verbatim, EVERY time anyone says "equator", in ANY context.
WhatI love most about all this is the desperation and trademark dishonesty of flerfs. Last year Antarctica did not exist, you could not go there, there was no 24 hour sun. NOW, not only it exist, its round and you can go, BUT the 24 hour sun confirms the flat earth. Desperation to the maximum
@@TheZodiacRipper They usually dont make sense to even remeber what they say, but one that I heard is that the 24 hour sun is made by NASA with a sun simulator, to deceive people. So that confirms flat earth....somehow, cause NASA bad I guess.
Even if flat earthers don't think they're in antarctica, they still have to explain why the sun is in the sky 24 hours with no sunset. They will also need to explain if they're not in antarctica, where could they possibly be on a flat earth where there is a 24 hour sun?
You're probably true, but they're gonna be there for like 4 days or something being recorded basically the whole time... The mask will slip at some point
@@RivBank-o3j I think the 24 hour night "works" on the flat earth to though Well as much as anything can be said to work given the lack of a coherent model.
Oh he does understand. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's a complete liar, it's total BS, like everything he says, and he knows it. It's just part of the con.
It's worse than that. It actually DOES apply! The whole point of a round Earth is that you can "go to the other side" and the sky rotates the opposite way. What "other side" is there to go to on a flat Earth?
Yo, that segment from Simulated Sun was awesome! I had no idea Dave did music or anything like that, it sounds and looks great! I’m gonna get on that right after I watch the rest of this video. I just had to comment how awesome I thought it was, I’m surprised he doesn’t talk more about it or mention it more often, or maybe I’m just oblivious and have never noticed.
David Weiss: "If there is a 24-hour sun in Antarctica it won't prove the shape of the earth. It just means we haven't understood the sky." Well, yes, that's because you haven't understood ANYTHING.
What's funny to me is that this is almost how science works at very large and very small scales. For example: "expansion of space" as an explanation for red shift or "particles" which are only known to exist as answers to equations which won't otherwise balance.
@@MarcillaSmith - Einstein's theories proved that expansion of space was a thing long before Hubble observed the phenomenon. What are you even talking about?
I've been years asking them how you can get 24hr on the rim on a disc while the center has sunset and sunrise from a source of light that is always zenithal to the disc. So far they've not yet understood why that is a problem for the flat earth.
Well he understood how to make easy money by convincing the weak and instable persons of this bs as the prof. already said in the video... they all already know but they gain money from spreading lies
flat earthers: "prove to us that theres a 24 hour sun" Non flat earthers: "okay. Heres a FREE trip to Antarctica." Flat earthers: "no thanks, it's all just a trick and a lie and we dont want to go."
Ask as flat earther what would happen if u flew north non-stop. I asked one & they said u cant theyd shoot u down. I said but what if they didnt whatd happen? He got mad as hell for some reason.
There’s a very simple reason why flat-earthers aren’t going on this trip that THEY requested: “You can’t wake someone up who’s pretending to be asleep.”
Ur rude insults against everyone are intolerable and insufferable though. That's why I like all flat earthers usually and usually hate everyone like you or global earthers as it were. I don't care if the earth is square or a triangle. Ur attitude is horrible. And ur nothing more than the bully I'd have loved to find when I was kid with ur mouth homeboy. How about saying it as politely as they are like FOR EX. I SEE WHERE YOU'RE COMING FROM. I APPRECIATE YOUR SINCERITY. I DO UNDERSTAND YOUR POINT MY GOOD MAN, HOWEVER IF YOU'LL ALLOW ME TO KINDLY OFFER MY SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE ALSO. instead of all ur horrifick garbage. Morons, imbisils, fools, idiots, stupid fools, crapped their pants etc. etc. etc. that you think makes us somebody. It makes u nobody homeboy, but a bully. And that is why I love flat earthers. They have so much class. Ur just mean and rude and insufferable to listen to and mean to everybody, and a bully. I mean, who even do u really believe u are dude??? Like ur nothing fool! Like literally. U ain't nothing mo than them.
Funny how obvious is it how few of these people actually believe the Earth is flat. You can't convince them because they already know, they just have to keep the act going because that's how they make money.
I'm still amazed tbh. The whole situation with flat Earth is impenetrable to me, and their reaction to TFE as well. I don't understand it at all, despite loosely following the discourse for years. So it's interesting that some others find it obvious. I mean, if they're grifters, how the hell do you become a grifter? Especially such an arcane type of grifter? What do you think to yourself? They can't all be grifters - because a grifter wouldn't waste time watching all this tripe, and there are a lot of FE viewers. What are their thoughts like? Why wouldn't those actual believers they stop believing, or at least become suspucious, when the grifters are being so weird and are refusing to go?
@@kathorsees I don't believe a few of them are grifters, I think they have debilitating paranoia. It might be impossible for them to change their opinion without medication.
@@12pentaborane huh! That's an interesting idea. I think that would explain a lot of the die-hard believers. But I also think a few are definitely grifters - e.g., some of the content creators.
Exactly! If any of these morons *actually* believed the Earth was flat, they'd go on that free trip to Antartica instantly. Instantly. With all the BS they spew about a global conspiracy, and how everyone who believes in the globe Earth are "sheep", and how there's a collective army made up of soliders from many nations guarding Antarctica to stop people going there to prevent people finding out the truth; anyone who truly believes the Earth is flat would absolutely *jump* at the chance to finally get one over on the "world government", and prove that NASA, the US government, that every astronomer and cosmologist was wrong and that they were correct all along. The only reason that they'd refuse to go is because they already know that the Earth is an sphere, and they make good money from making BS flat Earth content. They also know that they'd no longer be able to peddle their flat Earth nonsense anymore if they go on a very publicised journey to Antarctica and have the flat Earth proven so clearly wrong. They'd be exposed to a much bigger audience than they ever were before with the Antarctica trip. An audience that would not relent in saying how much of a lying fraud they are with every single video or post they'd continue to make about flat Earth for years afterwards. They know that no matter what happens, going on the trip would be the end of their flerfie content.
@@12pentaboraneactually you might be onto something here I had some archaic and downright psychotic beliefs that weren't helped until I started taking Desvenlafaxine and Buspirone it's what changed me from atheist to theological (after a stroke rattled me) some are ready for God and the truth others stay in their comforting delusion. trying to relive an argument they failed years ago. something they got mad at that caused so much cognitive dissonance that it broke them.
The worst part about the argument is that they say that there is no 24 hour sun and the sun always *SETS* but I don't see how they could even explain how a SUNSET could happen on a flat Earth
A flerfer once tried to convince me that the sun just goes farther and farther away till you can't see it anymore. So I told him to take a good look at a sunset. I never heard from him again.
This is their "weed killer is safe enough to drink, but I won't actually drink it" moment, where grifters are finally made to put themselves on the line, after putting everyone else on the line, to stand by their claims, and they run away instead.
Pastor enters flat/globe Earth debate by offering to pay for the experiment all the flat earthers have been demanding for a decade. Flat earthers: "DEMON!" 😂
I mean... yeah. If you believe the earth is flat because you're actually dedicated to reading the "word of god" as written instead of trying to pretend it fits reality at all, then the "pastors" who acquiesce to reality and say it's round are against the word of god.
I'm not even surprised that the go-to move of this kind of people is to dehumanize their opponent, considering that their conspiracy theories are filled with n*zi dogwhistles
Dave McKeegan is a perfect representative for the Normals. He is very respectful, very meticulous, and his dog is very cute. And he knows more about photography than all the flat earthers put together.
They'd only move the goalposts anyway. I guessed they'd claim that they weren't taken to Antarctica before it came up in the video. Then I guessed that they might try and claim that there is a second sun... I know these people too well.
they'll move on to yapping about geocentricism... but really, I think the two that are going will hold their hands up and the rest will carry on and just cry shill
@@RogueCoup Wait but if Antartica would be in the middle then there's no longer a justifiable place for a boundary since the north pole doesn't have a whole continent's worth of ice to use. I'd bet they add an imaginary exclusion zone that no one can go to because it's in the muddle of the ocean and somehow warps space so that it's parallel to any direction you could travel in.
None of the TH-camrs actually think the earth is flat, they have just found an audience for content. Why would they alienate their audience by giving any truth?
"I believe in a globe Earth but I can't prove it. But I know how, so let's all go and see." If that was not a moment of divine clarity I would like a better example. Well done sir.
It could be done with much simpler experiments... but flerfpratts have themselves done these experiments, proved themselves wrong and ignored the results anyways.
@@l0rf See my very own "HOH on Greenhow Hill" for a far cheaper experiment. HOH is "Hydroflowmatic Oligoorientational Horizontaliser," inspired by the desire to say I'd carried a $200 HOH up a hill in the Yorkshire Dales. You don't have to call yours a HOH if you don't want to. Anyway, it allows me to take a picture with a demonstrated eye level in it, horizontal at the device's centre, with other hills in the background. It'd work better with manual aperture and focus control, but i t worked well enough. The simple version of using it is that from each of two peaks of similar altitude, like Carnedd Llewellyn and Scafell Pike or Black Hambleton and Greenhow Hill or Brown Clee Hill and a particular junction of stone walls on the east side of a particular hill in the Peak District, you can see the other below eye level. The more complicated version involves taking actual measurements and calculating the angles, as demonstrated in my follow-up doing the maths to get an actual (refracted) radius value.
The fact that most flerfs started claiming a 24-hour sun in Antarctica works just fine on their imaginary dirt pizza *within days* of the announcement of TFE tells you everything you need to know. It's been a grift all along.
It literally makes sense 😂 that's what's crazy. Y'all are blinded by actual logic. If the sun circles the center it's gonna shine on that part of earth vs it being on the more outer side when the season changes up
Flat earthers all seem to have one thing in common, the inability to properly visualise things spatially. They would have all failed industrial arts classs at school where one has to look at an object and then draw it from different perspectives.
I had this same thought. Their problem is an inability of spatial visualization. And an inability to translate back and forth from words to visual imagery. That's why nobody can argue with them. You can't get them to even understand what you're saying. I once had a female friend who couldn't look at a map and translate that to a knowledge of how to get somewhere. You had to give her instructions like, "Go down road X for two miles, then turn left after a green barn with a red roof. After a quarter mile, the road will fork off. Take the right fork.... etc." Forget about drawing her a map. She was utterly incapable of interpreting such a thing, even though, for most people, the map is far preferable to a linear verbal narrative, which often entails all kinds of ambiguities. She was quite intelligent otherwise. That's when I realized that some people must have a genetic inability to manipulate or even hold visual images in their minds. A similar phenomenon is "face blindness," which is an inability to remember and recognize faces. Most humans are born with a specialized mental ability to do this. But some people (and there a lot more of them than you might expect) are completely unable to do this. You might have known them intimately for ten years, but they won't recognize you in the grocery store until you speak. At that point they'll probably recognize your voice. There was a grocery store clerk in my neighborhood like that. I had many short conversations with her over the years, so she had to know who I was, but every time I would step up to the check-out counter, she would give me a blank look like she had never seen me before in her life. I thought that maybe she was just an unfriendly person until I saw a video about face blindness, and then I understood. Such people tend to compensate with things like remembering explicit verbal concepts like "Jenny has a pony-tail, is about 6 inches taller than me, etc. And voice recognition is another tool for them. Of course, that doesn't help until they speak. Their disability causes a lot of embarrassment for them in life, such as people being offended when they don't greet them in public, etc. People think, "Wow. She's giving me the cold shoulder," when it wasn't intentional at all.
There's already people who genuinely believe that the ice wall is hiding a secret extra layer of the flat earth with continents like Atlantis and Mu being found there. So they could literally declare that place to not be Antarctica but some made up location where there is an extra sun.
A secret island, with 24 hour sun, frozen winter, contained entirely within the northern hemisphere only 4 hours away from Chile? .... Can I see it? No
THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE I got this straight from a sub-reddit and confirmed it on 4chan!!! The island is where our lizard overlord government HQ is and their tech is so advanced that we cannot comprehend it and that tech is shielding the island from our crude detection instruments. The lizards surreptitiously redirect the plane to this island where they obscure the real sun and replace it with a identical fake sun, all to maintain the globist hegemony. The beauty is in the simplicity =) Now all you globist's can SUCK on Occam's Razor.
@@Rizik1986It shows that they were all shills all along. They never actually believed the Earth is flat, because that idea is so preposterous it's been made fun of for centuries, nay, millennia. It's all just a grift to indoctrinate confused and dismissed people into an "in-group" that knows "The Truth™." It's the same thing with any deific religion. If you can demonize and ostracize an out-group to make the mentally feeble feel self important, then you can make a lot of money off of them. It's a tale as old as time.
The Nathans surprised me until I realised that many of them would have originally been "Jonathan". Dave and Brian are everywhere, speaking as a Dave myself I wasn't remotely surprised.
I have a phobia of flying (shivering, paranoia of crashing, panic at every single perfectly normal bit of turbulence, tearing up/crying etc, eating a bunch of benadryl to sedate myself or make myself sleep, it's fucking pathetic 🤣) but I'd STILL get on a plane to freaking ANTARCTICA because holy shit that'd be amazing!
@@JohnGardnerAlhadis Nathan Oakley is the most stupid and arrogant ignoramus flat earth grifter on TH-cam. His grasp of reality is astounding. His understanding of maths and physics is unbounded!
a flat earth believer once told me that gravity doesnt affect gas molecules. that coupled with their failure at converting basic units that any middle schoolers are capable of doing on top of their unfamiliarity with clockwise, give off the impression that they didnt receive public education and left to stale intellectually with home "schooling"
i had no warning about it and it triggered my c-ptsd as a survivor of childhood abuse, i wish there was at least some kind of warning in the video idk if i can keep listening. i’d hope that someone on that stream called cps but i think it’s naive at this point.
@@ismaelguzman991 They didn't say it needed to be censored, they said to have a warning so that people who can't, or even just don't want to, listen to that know that it's coming and can decide to not listen to it.
Nathan Oakley says "You wanna know why I won't go down to Antarctica". Why would a flat earther say "go down to" if they believe it's an ice wall surrounding a flat plane?
I can imagine that even for dedicated and true flat earthers, it's quite ingrained to say stuff like "go down to" or similar since pretty much everyone else says it.
It's a fair question why they don’t just suggest traveling to Antarctica from their own city instead of accepting traveling all the way "down" to South America first.
could just be ingrained speech, i used to live up from a store on a hill but now i live down from it on a hill, i still say "lets go down to the store" just cause its what id been saying for over half my life good observation tho, i think the little intricacies of how a person talks are pretty interesting depending on their field of work or study or (what to call this... ah!) agenda
I think this was the totally wrong move. Instead of financing a holiday trip, we should help them getting medical treatment. I know the American health system is worse than the idea of a flat-earth, so lets provide them access to a professional psychiatric hospital and the absolutely needed medication for some months. This would be much more ethical from a humanistic perspective, as all of that nonsense is only about making money and content ... while harming other gullible people in the process (which is in some cases a criminal act ... so that is another thing). In my country, uttering such nonsense in public will get you the attention of the public prosecutor, who is able to order a psychological evaluation and if you are a danger to yourself and others. If needed, you will get the help needed. Royalty free! I also ask you to think about the perception of Germans and their take on humor. Most of it is stereotypical and not true. Anyways, I wish a good journey and some cold "Eisbock" (Eisbock is a beer specialty in which water is removed from the finished beer by freezing). Have a good one, friends!:)
OBVIOUSLY because the antarctic ice wall is lower than other land masses. If it was taller, it would hold a deeper ocean and everyone would drown. Right?
Sure. It's not that women are well educated with their OWN EFFING BODY or get informed in detail, in school or at the latest during pregnancy preparation by professional doctors. Of course, it's "We" HAVE TO TELL THEM! But that is a wonderful take, my friend. Hateful misogyny spiced with a little ableism at the core of your under-performing "joke". You actually have the same disease like the group you are dehumanizing: You are uneducated, immature and your insecurity cries loudly for help. Learn something about the topic. Your are seconds away from doing that correctly and to inform yourself about reality. You are demonstrably already using the internet. How about for something useful? YOUR education? Or just stay like delusional flat-earthers which you are joking about their intelligence. Which is NOT the problem. Well, the thought that you actually have a lot in common with the object of your hate is actually quite funny (Schadenfreude). Thank you for that! Also: Are you completely out of your mind? The topic of the video, the whole shebang about the situation is to inform people and counter misinformation spread by grifters that actually abuse gullible people. And you have the audacity to paint a picture about uninformed women on the topic of THEIR heath concerns and even in THE women's topic pregnancy and healthcare. You are a blatant liar!!! I suggest to look up who really needs education in the matter of health prevention and child welfare on this globe, my very very stooopid(which is wrong and just a saying) and illiterate friend!
39:20 Very glad you included this clip of Oakley's blatant child abuse. That should be played every time his name comes up in a video. David Weiss is an elder-abuser. In 2019 or 2020 he was in a nursing home, iirc, and there was a birthday party for a 101-year-old resident. To my best recollection, Weiss saw her alone & talked to her, convincing her that she was taught the earth was flat as a child, then "they" started lying about it in the 1950s. He kept going until she was crying over being lied to most of her life. He kneeled beside her and took a selfie with a lizard like smile on his face. On her 101st birthday.
@@Megaritz I saw it live and have a copy of it somewhere, but I'm not sure where it is. So at this point it is "according to what THIS guy says" and can't be confirmed without that footage. So no, I don't know where the footage is in my many external disks, but I hope someone else might have that footage closer on hand and post it.
Hmm... free tickets to Antarctica? Maybe I am a flat earther, myself.
I think I'll join you in being a flat earther for a week or so lol, I wanna go to Antarctica
I'm in
Hey, don't get ahead of yourself, I just became a flat earther myself just a second ago. Don't fight me for that ticket.
can i join too? i dont wanna serve in my country i wanna desert for a bit
Lol the earth has always been flat.
I'm a flat earther, and so is my partner, and we would love to go on a free trip to Antarctica to truly prove that it is an ice wall. Definitely totally flat earthers.
Yes I’m here to confirm that @patricklloyd1797 has been the biggest flat earther ever…but he needs to have TWO others go with him and i am that third 😂😂😂😉
I’m Brian and so is my wife!
Me too!
Hello, I'm his wife
@@Theonlyshaunyes yes me and my lady too!! Lets do this fellow…. Flat… earthers…
I have no shame!!!
I don't believe Hawaii exists. Anybody wanna send me tickets to prove me wrong??
Right on brother. For myself, I'm highly skeptical about The Orkneys, Vanuatu, Finland and Brazil.
How delusional do you have to be to believe there is no Hawaii - a place that totally exists... unlike Germany...
I actually live in hawaii 😅
@@SkyKing-e4u Shill!
I love this experiment. It's not designed to prove the Earth is a globe (although it would do that), but is addressing instead the real controversy: do flat-earthers honestly believe the earth is flat, or are they lying for attention? The experiment proved conclusively and near universally the latter.
The content creators around it certainly are, i believe their subs and people that view and donate do believe in that stuff for sure but the creators no, its like how charlatons will just say whatever to get money, whether they believe it or not.
@@zander2758the government should forcibly place any flat earthers 1 week during december in antarctica and then make them work for the money wasted after.
@@Jrpyify And you fall for it 😂😂😂
See with flat earthers they know they have no proof that's why they say no when you give more free ticket even if you offer them $1 million dollars they'll say no? You know why they say no cuz they know that the planet is not flat and they don't want to look like they're wrong so they just keep on making things up that make no sense to try to confuse people because what they're doing is that they're making money off of this from some sort of scam to build up believers with something they can't prove! The Earth is not flat it is round and they know it they're liars!
Trip to Antarctica for 1 person: $45,000
Trip to Antarctica for 4 people: $180,000
Watching the entire flat earth community cannibalize each other: priceless
Classic joke structure
What is the expense for Dave's Springer Spaniel?
... for everything else, there's Mastercard
I know 5 people who have done multi day cruises to Antarctica and the cost is about $20k. Not sure where the exorbitant estimates are coming from.
It's going to be a fun trip, I'm expecting lots of random excuses
Ma guy is here!
me too.
Eyyy it's you!
Can't wait to see your next vid after this lmao
Watching all the flat earthers try to tap dance their way out of tons of evidence as they turn on each other is going to be fantastic. Dave, you are a very humble and decent human being, and I expect you will largely be taking the high road here, but please forgive those of us who revel in the dissolutionment of the flerf community.
yo dave! love your channel (and your pup, i had a springer spaniel as a kid) 🐶
"It's 11AM right now"
"No it's 8PM"
"The clock says 11AM"
"The clock is a lie"
"Here is a video from someone outside right now"
"The video is CGI"
"The door is open you can check for yourself"
"I don't wanna go outside"
Hahaha wouldn't surprise me if that's true.
They go, and their grift is over.
Thank you for continuing to take these clowns to school. Here’s $10 to keep it going.
The real Final Experiment is the reactions of the Flat Earth community. Their refusal to disprove their grift was 100% predictable.
I still maintain that the FE is a psychology experiment
This was my impression as well. They knew the flaters would refuse. Day 1 law school stuff.
You could pay them $50,000 to go and they would refuse.
Experiment or self fulfilling prophecy?
Yeah they are either backpedalling on the impossibility of a 24 hour sun in Antartica or claiming it'll be faked.
As if it is remotely possible to fake the SUN of all things
Will Duffy is a genius. He hasn't spent a penny yet, and the flat earth community has already imploded.
Unfortunately I feel like this hasn’t done much damage at all. Like Dave showed, the community was very quick to insulate themselves against this project and cast anybody willing to go as a shill and irrelevant.
It feels nice to think they’re all scrambling and shitting themselves, but in reality they’ll be just fine and just as dangerous. I really hope the project and its results will lead some to the light, but those who don’t want to believe have already decided.
I think Will Duffy is a bit naive. It sounds like he genuinely thinks these flat earthers believe in what they preach. These guys are grifters. There is no amount of confirmation bias that can hold someone to this level of denial. In a way, Will Duffy is being played by buying into their disingenuousness and giving them more exposure. Just my take.
don't forget the religitard loonies.
@@soccerkick35 he does appear to be very... I don't want to say open minded, but in an interview with Dan (of the SciMan variety), he said he had spoke to them alot and thought he would probably keep in contact with them in the future.
So I agree he's probably not got the correct read on most of the flat earth influencers, I'm sure plenty of their viewers believe in it, but I don't think most of the "big" creators do.
I think he probably thinks it's similar to his faith in god, he genuinely believes in what he preaches... And so he assumes they do to.
I don't know I'd say he's being played... Just because I don't think out of the three flat earthers who are going they're likely to be thinking that far ahead, I think it sounds like only the woman genuinely believes she's be proven right, and the other two have been painted ibto a corner.
i dont think it will make a huge dent...your average flat earther will find a way to deny the outcomings. BUT I believe Jeran might be convinced and when it comes to Witsit i think it will take a talking point away at least but probably he will continue. I think Jeran might change sides after this. Very difficult to get out this mindset... he might just join an other conspiracy group.
There's definitely a deep psychological reason why Flat-earthers exist. My guess is a lot of them feel unimportant and insignificant in life. They feel like they truely don't matter and have no purpose to exist... By stating that they're part of a select minority of humans who know "THE TRUTH", it makes them feel special after living decades as a nobody. These are people who sit in bed each night and wonder "I was meant for something more; why didn't I amount to anything?!"
I guarantee if Flat Earth was eventually proven wrong to these people to the point they couldn't argue it further, many of them (if not most of them) would fall into a VERY deep depression because you've sent them back to their cruel reality of unimportance.
It is the same mental disease that has given rise to Trump. All these morons want to be special and "on the inside" so they can be special instead of just normal people. Cults
And the grifters see an opportunity in these people. They know it's bullshit. They've known it's bullshit the whole time. The ones who didn't are dead. Denying the earth's shape will inevitably lead to denying things like medicine and needing food.
But most will never have it proven enough for them. Preserving their ego is far to important. As in they'll feel like their dying if its proven hard enough. So they'll throw their hands over their heads and shriek to avoid reality.
Or they'll simply kill themselves when it fully sinks in how much time and money they wasted on nonsense. And the fact they will never ever wash off the label of flat earther now. If they realized their mistake. Then people see them as simply gullible. But if the truth had to be forced. Their intelligence is treated as inferior forever.
I have to imagine the venn diagram between the Flerfs and narcissism is almost a perfect circle. If this experiment has demonstrated anything already, it's that they dont want to gather evidence and learn about reality, they want to be able to assert what reality is.
They do not care about truth, only about positioning themselves as the lone voice in the wilderness who is smarter than every expert you can imagine, while never having to put in a fraction of the work to understand real science.
Ive got to agree with Professor Dave sadly that I dont think this will change much with Flerfs. They dont approach this subject as scientists, but like a doomsday cult with a science veneer.
"The sun being visible 24 hours at the pole is fine actually/a deep fake and we'll be able to prove Flat Earth exists any day now."
Yes I agree, it's a coping mechanism, which also explains why most of them have a low level of education. Most likely, many of them weren't successful in academia, which also lead to a lack of success in finding a job, and thus they beganindulging in such fantasies.
I would argue that's one side of flat-earthers. But I couldn't help but notice many young people adopting this type of behaviour, due to the influence of social media disinformation.
It's actually really sad. I wouldn’t wish depression on anyone, I know what it's like
He's a "fraud" because it's "not an experiment"? He's making a prediction (24 hour sun) and then testing his hypotheses! That's literally an experiment!
See with flat earthers they know they have no proof that's why they say no when you give them a free ticket even if you offer them $1 million dollars they'll say no? You know why they say no cuz they know that the planet is not flat and they don't want to look like they're wrong so they just keep on making things up that make no sense to try to confuse people because what they're doing is that they're making money off of this from some sort of scam to build up believers with something they can't prove! The Earth is not flat it is round and they know it they're liars!
As a Jew, I feel it's important to clarify that not all of us are governent NASA penguins. They are by far the minority.
You're absolutely right. The vast majority of us are too busy playing puppet master in Hollywood and controlling the banks
So you're a freelance NASA penguin?
Most Jews aren't NASA penguins but all NASA penguins are Jewish.
Is it seasonal work or permanent for a select few?
Well I'll be.... you learn something new every day.
I can never hear "ice wall" without being reminded of hbomberguy's question (paraphrased): "If the ice wall is all that's keeping the ocean from flowing over the edge, doesn't that make global warming *WAY* worse?"
Flat warming. xddd
Firmament. A more or less glass dome. They all have a few explanations ready at hand. But only a few. It all comes down to magic anyway. SO it's fairly easy to just make shit up as they go along. If you don't question it too much
Miss that guy. Great videos.
isn't a lot of that ice also just floating over water? Maybe not to the same extent as the arctic but it's certainly not something that keeps water in.
FoldingIdeas video on the topic is much more illuminating. The shape of the earth has little to no meaningful distinction in this worldview. It’s not about that, it’s about a broader rejection of objectivity, empiricism, and authority. The world is flat in much the same way it’s 6000 years old to some people.
"We don't have a set model like you do." And there's the problem with flat earth.
They don't dare create a model. A model would make predictions of celestial observations that could be tested and falsified, even by average people with a few simple tools like a compass and a homemade quadrant.
It's so they can cling to their no true flerfsman fallacy.
"No I have a different explanation!"
The model of the gaps
Love how that guy genuinely uses it as a positive of being on the Flat Earth side, like "yeah we're on the better side, it's not *possible* to prove us wrong with evidence, cause we can just question everything forever!"
He's pointed it out before, and beautifully so. "And here's the problem with your model: you don't have one"
The fact that 2 of the flat earthers said "going DOWN to antarctica"...
I didn’t even think about that
What? You don’t take the lift?
I can think of somewhere they can go down!
I immediately reacted when they said that, LOL
The reality is that this experiment has already been a huge success. All you have to do is watch which side is exploding and freaking out and which side is calm and laughing at the other. It shows exactly how confident both sides are in their ideas.
I know they are scrambling to come up with some b******* right now.. in 2009 me is just like you mad bro? I mean isn't that the original rules to internet conversations he who gets mad first loses
@@joshuaolander201 It depends on the situation.
Flat Earthers are all busy making explanations for how a 24 hour sun would not invalidate their model.
Normal people are just relaxing.
Imagine every resource available via your favorite search engine not being enough lol.
Reason and evidence wont work to convince someone out of a position they didn't arrive at using said means. If this trip actually comes to fruition (id love to see it, but i bet it breaks down for any given number of reasons), i would expect to see the obfuscation and excuse making tantrum of a lifetime.
I commented on a post of yours and while ago and I was in a really bad place and you responded and at the time I was loosing my faith and I was looking for a fight. I just want to say i truly respect what you're doing and I want to thank you for putting all this scientific knowledge out in a easy to digest way to help everyone willing to listen
My pleasure and honor
awww... 🥲
@@ProfessorDaveExplainsguess what my classmates say the earth is flat just to irritate me because I state the obvious on the earth being round and not flat I just ignore because I would be arguing with nobody
That's sweet
Video was very good, but not sure what your beef is with Tim Pool. He is not alt right!!!
1- "can you turn off the lights"
2- "can't"
2-"I'm busy"
1-"I can't go to sleep with the lights on"
2-"there's no switch"
1-"it's right there"
2-"doesn't work"
2-"it has never worked"
1-"have you tried?"
2-"no but that's how it was made"
1-"fine I'll do it"
2-"NO! Wait..."
1-"what is it?"
2-"....I'm..afraid of the dark"
Honesty goes a long way
What do you get out of trying to thought police someone else?
What do you get out of repeating yourself? @@Rizik1986
@@TJRitz I guess I get a question instead of an answer...
Wanna try again so I don't have to repeat myself?
@@Rizik1986 Conspiracy nuts love to think that people criticizing them and their thought process is oppressing them
@@donaldbaird7849 So why criticize others thought process? What do you get out of it?
Jeran admitted he was wrong and has denounced the flerf community. It's a beautiful day in history.
"settle the debate"
the debate has been settled long ago
one side just keeps going
Real shit
I'm not sure it could actually be called a debate, if simple sunset settles it.
@UsmevavyPanacek gravity settles it, they refuse to understand it.
It IS a debate, but it’s a debate in the same way you and some friends get into an argument about something you could just look up because it’s already known, and the flat earthers are the one friend who won’t back down even after you’ve shoved 6 articles in his face.
@@Syntex366 to be fair sometimes a really obvious argument lasts a bit too long so you got to pull out the facts.
Thanks Dave. I’m excited to demolish flat earth when I go to Antarctica in December.
part of humanity's future rest in your hands guys, let's stop this stupidity to spread any further
I’ve been out of the loop, your going Mike?
Sadly the best we can hope for I think are a few honest flat earthers who will finally see witsit as the scam artist he is, considering the sheer amount of backpedling and denials of past claims flat earthers have been doing since this trip was announced.
The trouble is folks, the flerfs will always have 'Nuh-uh' to fall back on - you guys don't. This experiment will change FE belief by barely a fraction of a percent of an iota.
As with religions, you cannot reason a person out of a position which they did not reason themselves into.
It's going to be a great treat for those lucky folk though - stay safe.
They'll say it's all fake anyway...
Or I don't see that it's round, wherever I look it's flat.....
Holy shit, when the guy said planes would have to tilt down in order to follow the earth something clicked for me. These people actually believe earth's physics are just how the whole universe works. They cannot fathom that earth itself is part of another system which is creating these conditions on earth. And physics have an actual mechanism for how they work, not just "EVERYTHING GO DOWN". Thats truly moronic
@kaizoey No. They can't. Find D Marble's vid. It is hilarious and totally stupid.
Flerfers have some idea that DOWN has some actual meaning other than towards the center of a globe earth.
You can fall off the edge!!!! Wow!
The medieval moronicity extends to way past flat earth though.
@@rickkwitkoski1976 Don't insult the medieval times! They knew the earth was a globe!
They really need to take some remedial physics and understand how force vectors interact
In a sense that is what aircraft have to do to follow earth’s curvature. However it is so gradual that it’s almost imperceptible.
Older style gyroscopes are air-powered (still prevalent in small private airplanes). They include a mechanism with pendulous vanes, which are like small doors on a single hinge point, such that they align vertically with earth’s gravity.
When the gyro mechanism tilts, such that the _vanes_ are still aligned with gravity, but the _mechanism_ isn’t, small air ports become uncovered and a jet of air emits causing the mechanism to realign to the local direction of gravity, normal to earth’s surface.
Modern gyroscopes are ring-laser-gyros and operate off relativistic calculations of reflected light within a closed mechanism.
BTW you can estimate the angular rate of “nose dip” by assuming an aircraft circumnavigating the globe at a given speed.
A large airliner at 600 mph would traverse earth’s circumference (about 24,901 miles) in 41.5 hours. That means the nose comes full circle in 41.5 hrs … or 0.15 degrees a minute.
39:22 Oof that live spanking of a child with no care in the world while still spewing BS nonchalantly is so enfuriating
Honestly made me feel sick hearing that poor child cry
@@jayipayi3884 Same tho!!
Flat earthers: "You can't see the ISS from earth. It is too small."
Also flat earthers: "Sun simulator!!!"
*me, with a homebuilt telescope, looking closely at both* "brosephs, y'all need glasses."
@@ethanrappolt6528Using a telescope to look closely at the sun? YOU'RE the one who'll need glasses lol
@@fennecwolfox there's sun filters to look at the sun with a telescope...
@@pedrohodl I was actually unaware of that. I replied to the comment before I got to the part of the video that talked about it, lol
It's funnier ignoring the existence of those
What side do I have to pick to get my golden ticket?
You would have to act like a flat earther to gain that free ticket 😂😂
@@oldtimegames96googa gaga flat earth government lasers
The dumb side. Pick the dumb side and you'll be golden.
If you were early into when they were picking who to go it didn't matter, but now I don't think anyone is paying for a glober to go 😂 you can pretend to be a flerf and get crowd funded, but the host isn't funding anyone anymore, he's already paying for 3-4 people (including himself, I can't remember if he payed for the extra flerf to go, because jarren said he wouldn't go unless another flerf went with him)
@@oldtimegames96 someone could make such a fun comedy movie out of this idea
I -am- -now- have always been a staunch proponent of the flat earth -theory- truth.
I have absolute incontrovertible evidence that Antarctica is an ice wall.
I will reveal this evidence only if I -get- -a- -free- -trip- am dragged against my will to Antarctica.
Are you joking? Because you do sound like a flat earther right now.
@@KryztovTank I think the joke is that they want a free trip to Antarctica, hence the crossed-out "am now" and "get a free trip"
@@cameronsitton501the joke is the entire thing, it’s called parody
should do hypothesis instead of theory, since a theory is corroborated evidence vs a claim made by a madman
This is probably the best comment of all the people saying how do I get a free trip if I pretend to be a flat earther.
Now that experiment is done they're accusing them of using chroma key 🤣
but that was the best test, it showed the TFE branding on a participant's jacket instead of Antarctica. Globe confirmed.
Dave, 2 years ago we spoke once. I asked you: "Dave, why you are so rude to flat earthers, they really believe this, so let's teach them with science". You told me "because they are liars and trolling". You were right.
Yep. The venn diagram of Flat earthers, MAGA, and anti-vaxxers is almost a perfect circle
@@_audacity2722 While that's a funny comment, it's completely false.
@@sweetyd I’m not saying every MAGA is a flat earther. But you won’t meet a flat earther who voted for Kamala. Same group of people who swear the vaccine is a government control conspiracy.
@@sweetyd well, a keyword is "almost", so why did you perceive it as "completely"? Also, some flat earthers may not be MAGA folks because there are flat earthers all around the globe.
@@FutureWorldX It's just ridiculous to bring politics and unfounded claims into this. The shape of the earth is a science discussion, not a political debate.
They gonna bust some reason like "they will feed you to the ice wall to make it stay frozen don't go to it."
pretty much as unhinged and hilarious as what they would actually say
White walkers in Antarctica.
Hence a no go area.
😂Praise the Gods in the walls!
Man eating Penguins?
Hitler owns a fortress and has an army of red sash NASA agents guarding the ice wall?
Xenomorphs attack anyone that lands?
Where Hollywood sends bad movies and series to go where they die. They manifest and take solid form, guarding the icewall from foolish travellers?
Cat's are banned as they would push everything off it.
uhhh actually they are going to be fed to the ice demons who MAINTAIN the ice wall, please be accurate
Please don't send these nut jobs to Mcmurdo Station. We have real jobs and real science to do.
You could make a sitcom out of it tho! Call it "Flat-Out Wrong", all about a group of flerfs moving into McMurdo Station 😂
@@fennecwolfox Holy shit that is a great idea.
Maybe they can go to Amundsen-Scott Station. What better place to settle the debate than the South Pole itself?
@TFAltHist You'll never confence the modern crazy person that they're wrong. It'll be a waste of our time.
i'm not a flat earther but i wanna live at mcmurdo station for the same reason i wanna live in kugaruuk, canada. it's sunny for 3 months on end
Mr.Farina PLEASE post the update to them actually going and realizing they are incorrect
You can't teach a person something when their income relies upon them not knowing it.
Pretending is a politician's major skill. Flat brainers just got on a low paying gig and can't find the exit.
@@mddell24 "flat earth community has it's members around the *globe*" lol.
Absolutely correct. The truth would end the grift!
@@jbug13158 it never stopped religion, a little ironic how a pastor is funding the trip
As if a flat earther would finally accept scientific proof or logic after a trip to Antarctica.
A Flat Earther I know irl believed the joke that Halloween was going to fall on _Friday the 13th_ this year. Kinda shows the type of intellect we're dealing with here.
wow 😐
I love that.
Yeah but what if? I mean, Friday the 13th was ONLY ten days ago!!
Well I guess if we aren't on a globe orbiting the sun then the Gregorian calendar is meaningless and any measurement of time is arbitrary so why can't the 13th and the 31st be on the same day? What even is a day? Why am I here? What is? 😳
The logic totally checks out 🤓🧐 It's all just a conspiracy guys, the government just wants us to think the laws that govern the universe make sense when actually we exist on a pizza crust inside a dome that's suspended in... Nothingness? The power to run the simulated night sky that's projected on the dome comes from nowhere because NASA lied to us about everything and even energy doesn't exist. Ya'll just need to wake up and stop believing everything you're told 🤪
What makes that worse is the 13th was a Sunday.
This was brilliant and diabolical. It puts them in an impossible position. Either they refuse and demonstrate beyond a doubt that they’re faithless hypocrite cowards, or they actually accept and get proven cataclysmically wrong. This debacle won’t actually convince any flerfers, but this feels like the final humiliation.
The problem is we already know what the cope will be: it was scheduled ahead of time, so the problem who control the sun were able to make it look like the earth was a globe. You cannot logic a cultist out of their cult.
They are morons who either don't know about it or don't want to admit that they are moronic wankers benefiting from the stupidity of the first kind. And I want to strip them of all their respect, dignity and clothes for it
This is why I like Jeran. He puts his momey where his mouth is. He, now, constantly calls out the hypocricsy of flerfers saying they won't go because "there's no point." Flat earther or not, Jeran is someone I respect.
@@MrFreakHeavyI can’t respect stupid people and scammers.
It doesn’t matter. People literally watch Trump say horrible things on video and five minutes later say “oh, he didn’t say that”. Truth is completely irrelevant to these people. They’re either grifters, bigots, or both.
"Sorry globers, we don't have a fixed model like you do"
"Sorry logical people, we don't base our bullshit on empirical evidence like you do"
What a world we live in where the biggest grifters (or the stupidest people) get offered once in a life time opportunities most people would never get.
Or they become politicians, school board members, judges etc..
And grifters become president
Once and for all disproving we live in a meritocracy.
What a world we live in when so many random people can afford to buy other people tickets to Antarctica
But it isn't that hard to get to Antarctica. It is expensive, but most far away trips are. Like if I want to make a vacation in Japan from Europe is costs me a fortune, and not much less than going to Antarctica. But all those people going on long range flights or long cruises could also afford a trip to Antarctica. So it isn't really a once in a lifetime opportunity, however then again I don't know how much money you are going to make with flat earth grifts.
I _cannot_ express how much I love that you always say "Neo-nazi Eric Dubay" every time you refer to him. But here's 5 bucks haha.
Same. Absolutely hilarious.
Genuine question: what did he do? I tried to Google it but all I get is his books and I’m not gonna read that bs.
@@striderpup1169Isn't he the guy that sings that Hitler did nothing wrong at the star of the video?
@@striderpup1169if i remember correctly he just hates HATES the Jewish
@@striderpup1169 he openly writes about how Jews control everything, that's just for starters. He makes no effort to hide what he thinks.
A lot of examples of "moving the goalpost" logical fallacy with these flerfers.
It's the only way to continue the grift.
Nothing but.
At this point the goalpost is already leaving the solar system
"Huh ? What is that strange zooming sound ? ... Oh, it's just the goalpost..."
Hahaha “YOGA POSE 🙅🏻YOGA POSE 🙇🏻YOGA POSE 🤷🏻♂️“ at the end of the video was hilarious and unexpected 😂
It makes me happy that stupid globebusters video is Professor Dave's most-viewed. I hope he made a good chunk of change off that one, and the flat earthers made none!
I did 🤓
@@ProfessorDaveExplainsthere arw two kinds of flat earthers.
Those who would go to space and say oops i was wrong lol.
And those who would say my trip to orbit was fake.
_Sic et Non_ - This is not a two-sided debate, is the crux of the problem. It isn’t a “debate” at all.
@@ANTIStraussianTheoretically sure. But there's only one kind of flat earther
@@Exit311 even if they leave flat earth they will still love trump, still be anti vaxx, still think climate change is fake, still think earth is 6,000 years old.
It's never been about truth...it's been about preserving a phobia, an anti-science neurosis.
Guess who they vote for lol
@@ANTIStraussianGrifters gotta band up with grifters, after all. Makes it easier for them to consistently double/triple/quadruple down and move their goalposts every ten seconds…
@@bobthebuilder9509 I do think some are liars. Some may just be trolls, who don't think what they are doing is lying. Few to none of them seem interested in the truth no matter what they call themselves. A real truther, would weigh both sides carefully and learn all they can. If someone does that, it's hard to believe they could conclude a flat earth, the evidence for a sphere is overwhelming.
For most it's about feeling powerless and irrelevant imo. Conspiracy theories are an easy coping mechanism to feel a little better about yourself through a fake sense of superiority. Flat earth is simply one of the most extreme examples.
@@XMysticHerox random ufo videos and people talking about project blue beam are all over my feed. It's embarrassing
Dave. I want more Simulated Sun. I want another song by the end of the year.
On a real note, thank you for everything that you do!
Damn. No response. At least he hearted you.
47:08 our ancestors discovering fire for the first time:
Lol this comment deserves a praise
You can lead a flerf to Antarctica, but you can't make them think.
If you leave them there long enough, they'll start thinking about something 😂
you can't give them brain freeze
@@shadowfan982 they have no brain to freeze.they should be fine
@@hamster_master yeah hopefully they'll try to lick something 😂
@@Scudboy17 chef’s kiss
I regularly go back to that original debunk because it's.... *chef's kiss*
I apologise for driving the numbers up. 😀
Hey, don’t apologize. The more views there are on that video, the farther it spreads. Like a virus, but actually beneficial for the human race.
the Al Gore Rhythm goes to autoload for that vid often if you watch say a sciman dan vid, probably because its on my history for youtube. I'm happy to add views to any professor dave vid but especially that one, it's a classic.
I do too
lol, I sleep with it on. I’ve added a fair few views as well ,👍🏻👍🏻
I would like to officially adopt Prof Dave as a British National after he described Oakley as a “wanker” in the best, British way 👏🏻👌🏻🇬🇧
@britishchapp I literally just came here to say that!
@@jingo800 Great minds,
my friend 👍🏻👌🏻🇬🇧
Us Americans will hand him over to you guys if you want 👍
I second that motion.
lmao he called someone a wanker? Imma watch the whole thing
What I got out of this is that a twitter poll and a guy offering to fund an Antartica trip can cause major infighting and shill accusations to start within the flat earth community.
I'm from Scotland and I almost spat out my drink when you called Nathan Oakley a "wanker" 😅 Nice use of the lingo Dave 👍
Almost....almost is good ..don't waste a good drink.
No-one ever includes the silent J in Joakley. Funny that.
Prof Dave must be getting ready to drop some linguistics education videos on us.
Yes, Americans also speak English.
@@CliffSedge-nu5fvIs the word "wanker" becoming popular in American English, or has it always been something uttered in the last 50 years?
The earth is flat, and I would NEVER take free tickets to Antartica. Please send the tickets so I may destroy them myself and DEFINITELY not take a vacation there.
you have some strange notions of what constitutes a vacation ... 🤨
Heh you’re gonna need a second pair of eyes to make sure you followed through! Take me tooooooooooo!
Heh you’re gonna need a second pair of eyes to make sure you followed through! Take me tooooooooooo!
Tickets plural? Could I have some? I’m here to prove you’re telling the truth as another flat earther. Dome, perspective, refraction or something.
Flat earthers will say that the flat earther that goes to Antarctica was brainwashed.
like the one at 23:26
Yeah... They already did. 🤣
oh, i've heard a flat-earther say "everyone who has ever gone south of the equator has been brainwashed."
AND he copy-pastes that, verbatim, EVERY time anyone says "equator", in ANY context.
im from the future, you predicted it perfectly
“Walking fore skin Tim Pool.”
Prof Dave basedness knows no bounds.
WhatI love most about all this is the desperation and trademark dishonesty of flerfs.
Last year Antarctica did not exist, you could not go there, there was no 24 hour sun.
NOW, not only it exist, its round and you can go, BUT the 24 hour sun confirms the flat earth.
Desperation to the maximum
Isnt Antartica the ice wall? Nevertheless how does the 24 hour sun confirm a flat earth?
pretty sure they were saying austrailia doesn't exist too like 3-4 yrs ago
@@CaptLawrenceD The funny thing is that Mitchell from australia is a flerf. Im telling you, no consistency
@@TheZodiacRipper They usually dont make sense to even remeber what they say, but one that I heard is that the 24 hour sun is made by NASA with a sun simulator, to deceive people. So that confirms flat earth....somehow, cause NASA bad I guess.
"flerfs" 👌😁
Even if flat earthers don't think they're in antarctica, they still have to explain why the sun is in the sky 24 hours with no sunset. They will also need to explain if they're not in antarctica, where could they possibly be on a flat earth where there is a 24 hour sun?
Nailed it.
the north pole?
@@jonfmcdropoutIn winter ?
or whoever went gonna get label as "they were never a flat earther anyway" or "they are just pay shield" to ignore that one person who went
@@catpoke9557 so couldn't they just go to Alaska in the winter to disprove that? Ugh I wish it was that easy
They won't accept any proof publicly, as their grift would crash and burn. 😂
You're probably true, but they're gonna be there for like 4 days or something being recorded basically the whole time... The mask will slip at some point
They will bend and twist their little brains around whatever happens. It will be profoundly stupid either way
The best part is they’re wasting a lot of their money when they could just go to Alaska 24 hour night 24 hour day😂
@@RivBank-o3j I think the 24 hour night "works" on the flat earth to though
Well as much as anything can be said to work given the lack of a coherent model.
“We can’t see you. Raise your light up above your head…interesting.” Even Jeran is famous for his backpedals
"Yes, random bald idiot" - Professor Dave
LMAO. 🤣🤣
"Just go to the other side of the window, and it rotates the opposite way."
The fact that he doesn't understand how this doesn't apply is outstanding.
What’s astounding is he think anyone will actually buy it.
@@Isolder74 He *knows* his flock will buy it.
Oh he does understand. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's a complete liar, it's total BS, like everything he says, and he knows it. It's just part of the con.
It's worse than that. It actually DOES apply! The whole point of a round Earth is that you can "go to the other side" and the sky rotates the opposite way. What "other side" is there to go to on a flat Earth?
Yo, that segment from Simulated Sun was awesome! I had no idea Dave did music or anything like that, it sounds and looks great! I’m gonna get on that right after I watch the rest of this video. I just had to comment how awesome I thought it was, I’m surprised he doesn’t talk more about it or mention it more often, or maybe I’m just oblivious and have never noticed.
I am an instant fan. Dave shoulda told me sooner.
Yeah it sounds freaking awesome! Like, damn, he’s even cooler.
David Weiss: "If there is a 24-hour sun in Antarctica it won't prove the shape of the earth. It just means we haven't understood the sky."
Well, yes, that's because you haven't understood ANYTHING.
What's funny to me is that this is almost how science works at very large and very small scales.
For example: "expansion of space" as an explanation for red shift or "particles" which are only known to exist as answers to equations which won't otherwise balance.
@@MarcillaSmith - Einstein's theories proved that expansion of space was a thing long before Hubble observed the phenomenon. What are you even talking about?
I've been years asking them how you can get 24hr on the rim on a disc while the center has sunset and sunrise from a source of light that is always zenithal to the disc.
So far they've not yet understood why that is a problem for the flat earth.
Well he understood how to make easy money by convincing the weak and instable persons of this bs as the prof. already said in the video... they all already know but they gain money from spreading lies
David Weiss is one of the most obvious grifters/liars there is..
flat earthers: "prove to us that theres a 24 hour sun"
Non flat earthers: "okay. Heres a FREE trip to Antarctica."
Flat earthers: "no thanks, it's all just a trick and a lie and we dont want to go."
Ask as flat earther what would happen if u flew north non-stop. I asked one & they said u cant theyd shoot u down. I said but what if they didnt whatd happen? He got mad as hell for some reason.
Thats how you get em. Fly north? No, nasa people will shoot you down. They don't shoot you down? Confused and angry stuttering.
Doesn't their map show North in the center? So if you fly north, then you should eventually start flying south.
@@SilverGoose1 and then directions don't work because everything is everywhere
@@CA-Combine And cats marry dogs...........???
Not a flat earther but its called the pac man effect
I am a GIS major. I WISH the Earth was flat. Do you know how much easier the math would be??
Well it depends if gravity changes with it lmao
Careful, the flat earthers will claim a GIS major claimed "the math becomes very difficult when trying to account for a round earth"
You have an insufferable personality
@@CrayTom what??
@@CrayTom Pot calling the kettle black.
There’s a very simple reason why flat-earthers aren’t going on this trip that THEY requested: “You can’t wake someone up who’s pretending to be asleep.”
This is your best video yet. Thanks for compiling the timeline of the saga of the death of the flat earth.
So, I'm a dodecagon earther. I'm going to need multiple free trips to multiple different places of interest to disprove me.
I'm a truncated stellated icosahedron earther.
The earth is actually a möbius strip
look, we all know the earth is ..., er, um, banana-shaped, yes, that's the ticket. certainly would explain all the little pricks running around ...
Obviously the earth is a tesseract and I won't accept any arguments to the contrary
Profane blasphemy against Time Cube!
There are 3 kinds of Flat-Earthers:
1. Grifters
2. Stupid People
3. Really really stupid people
Most are in category 3
It is possible to belong to multiple catagories, I see allot of both 1 and 3.
Coming from a Democrat. I am really offended
this venn diagram is a circle
Ur rude insults against everyone are intolerable and insufferable though. That's why I like all flat earthers usually and usually hate everyone like you or global earthers as it were. I don't care if the earth is square or a triangle. Ur attitude is horrible. And ur nothing more than the bully I'd have loved to find when I was kid with ur mouth homeboy. How about saying it as politely as they are like FOR EX. I SEE WHERE YOU'RE COMING FROM. I APPRECIATE YOUR SINCERITY. I DO UNDERSTAND YOUR POINT MY GOOD MAN, HOWEVER IF YOU'LL ALLOW ME TO KINDLY OFFER MY SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE ALSO. instead of all ur horrifick garbage. Morons, imbisils, fools, idiots, stupid fools, crapped their pants etc. etc. etc. that you think makes us somebody. It makes u nobody homeboy, but a bully. And that is why I love flat earthers. They have so much class. Ur just mean and rude and insufferable to listen to and mean to everybody, and a bully. I mean, who even do u really believe u are dude??? Like ur nothing fool! Like literally. U ain't nothing mo than them.
Where do the religious fundamentalists sit? 😏
Funny how obvious is it how few of these people actually believe the Earth is flat. You can't convince them because they already know, they just have to keep the act going because that's how they make money.
I'm still amazed tbh. The whole situation with flat Earth is impenetrable to me, and their reaction to TFE as well. I don't understand it at all, despite loosely following the discourse for years. So it's interesting that some others find it obvious.
I mean, if they're grifters, how the hell do you become a grifter? Especially such an arcane type of grifter? What do you think to yourself? They can't all be grifters - because a grifter wouldn't waste time watching all this tripe, and there are a lot of FE viewers. What are their thoughts like? Why wouldn't those actual believers they stop believing, or at least become suspucious, when the grifters are being so weird and are refusing to go?
@@kathorsees I don't believe a few of them are grifters, I think they have debilitating paranoia. It might be impossible for them to change their opinion without medication.
@@12pentaborane huh! That's an interesting idea. I think that would explain a lot of the die-hard believers. But I also think a few are definitely grifters - e.g., some of the content creators.
Exactly! If any of these morons *actually* believed the Earth was flat, they'd go on that free trip to Antartica instantly. Instantly.
With all the BS they spew about a global conspiracy, and how everyone who believes in the globe Earth are "sheep", and how there's a collective army made up of soliders from many nations guarding Antarctica to stop people going there to prevent people finding out the truth; anyone who truly believes the Earth is flat would absolutely *jump* at the chance to finally get one over on the "world government", and prove that NASA, the US government, that every astronomer and cosmologist was wrong and that they were correct all along.
The only reason that they'd refuse to go is because they already know that the Earth is an sphere, and they make good money from making BS flat Earth content. They also know that they'd no longer be able to peddle their flat Earth nonsense anymore if they go on a very publicised journey to Antarctica and have the flat Earth proven so clearly wrong. They'd be exposed to a much bigger audience than they ever were before with the Antarctica trip. An audience that would not relent in saying how much of a lying fraud they are with every single video or post they'd continue to make about flat Earth for years afterwards. They know that no matter what happens, going on the trip would be the end of their flerfie content.
@@12pentaboraneactually you might be onto something here
I had some archaic and downright psychotic beliefs that weren't helped until I started taking Desvenlafaxine and Buspirone
it's what changed me from atheist to theological (after a stroke rattled me)
some are ready for God and the truth
others stay in their comforting delusion.
trying to relive an argument they failed years ago. something they got mad at that caused so much cognitive dissonance that it broke them.
The worst part about the argument is that they say that there is no 24 hour sun and the sun always *SETS* but I don't see how they could even explain how a SUNSET could happen on a flat Earth
A flerfer once tried to convince me that the sun just goes farther and farther away till you can't see it anymore. So I told him to take a good look at a sunset. I never heard from him again.
@MisterHowzat Sunsets destroy them every day.
This is their "weed killer is safe enough to drink, but I won't actually drink it" moment, where grifters are finally made to put themselves on the line, after putting everyone else on the line, to stand by their claims, and they run away instead.
Their patrick moore moment huh.. or their wakefield trying to cancel his lawsuit with Brian deer moment
@@eh9618 Brian Deer is a hero.
Oakley beat that child on stream? Hell with him going to Antarctica I’ll pay him $10,000 to throw hands with me.
I'd pay to watch that...
I'd rather they just leave him there.
We should all crowdfund to send Oakley to the sun. Hell know the earth is round then.
@@Mostlyharmless1985 You're not allowed to leave garbage in Antarctica.
@@archivist17 Surely the penguins would eat him?
Pastor enters flat/globe Earth debate by offering to pay for the experiment all the flat earthers have been demanding for a decade.
Flat earthers: "DEMON!" 😂
I mean... yeah. If you believe the earth is flat because you're actually dedicated to reading the "word of god" as written instead of trying to pretend it fits reality at all, then the "pastors" who acquiesce to reality and say it's round are against the word of god.
I feel like I should feel badly for some of these people. Some of the clips here seem to be from people with mental issues.
@@michaelbauers8800 Especially the trumpets guy. That one made me a bit uncomfortable.
Some glover's came pretty close to calling him a demon too lol
The paranoia was off the charts
I'm not even surprised that the go-to move of this kind of people is to dehumanize their opponent, considering that their conspiracy theories are filled with n*zi dogwhistles
First rule of Grift Club, there is NO Grift Club.
Third rule, no books
Dave McKeegan is a perfect representative for the Normals. He is very respectful, very meticulous, and his dog is very cute. And he knows more about photography than all the flat earthers put together.
He has a nice channel, I agree
@@michaelbauers8800Dave’s knowledge of and ability to make explain the optics of photography is amazing.
Anyone who knows what a manual focus ring is knows more about photography than all the flat earthers put together.
His dog is so chill for those videos, love how he always puts his paw up to Dave.
@@rhydean693 guess who’s doing the vids while Dave is away?
They'd only move the goalposts anyway. I guessed they'd claim that they weren't taken to Antarctica before it came up in the video. Then I guessed that they might try and claim that there is a second sun... I know these people too well.
But look how big the sun simulator is! and so many wires! xD
Nah they will just edit the map and add antarticta island in the middle to explain the sun
they'll move on to yapping about geocentricism... but really, I think the two that are going will hold their hands up and the rest will carry on and just cry shill
@@RogueCoup Wait but if Antartica would be in the middle then there's no longer a justifiable place for a boundary since the north pole doesn't have a whole continent's worth of ice to use.
I'd bet they add an imaginary exclusion zone that no one can go to because it's in the muddle of the ocean and somehow warps space so that it's parallel to any direction you could travel in.
@@DrGandW no that would be just an additional ice island. The outer ice wall would still be there to prevent them from falling of the disk
Professor Dave 👨🏫
Dave McKeegan 📹
Dave Weiss 🗺️
These are the Daves of our lives.
Dave Weiss is the Dave of LIES
We're riding the Dave Wave.
@Blayne best comment!
@@The-Final-Experiment thanks! lol.
Big fan of yours and what you're doing 🙂
None of the TH-camrs actually think the earth is flat, they have just found an audience for content. Why would they alienate their audience by giving any truth?
A few of them did apparently, which takes guts
"Guys, the entire hingepoint of our belief is Antarctica."
"Okay, let's go there! I'll even pay for your expenses."
"Nah, don't feel like it."
"I believe in a globe Earth but I can't prove it. But I know how, so let's all go and see."
If that was not a moment of divine clarity I would like a better example. Well done sir.
It could be done with much simpler experiments... but flerfpratts have themselves done these experiments, proved themselves wrong and ignored the results anyways.
@@l0rf See my very own "HOH on Greenhow Hill" for a far cheaper experiment.
HOH is "Hydroflowmatic Oligoorientational Horizontaliser," inspired by the desire to say I'd carried a $200 HOH up a hill in the Yorkshire Dales. You don't have to call yours a HOH if you don't want to.
Anyway, it allows me to take a picture with a demonstrated eye level in it, horizontal at the device's centre, with other hills in the background. It'd work better with manual aperture and focus control, but i t worked well enough.
The simple version of using it is that from each of two peaks of similar altitude, like Carnedd Llewellyn and Scafell Pike or Black Hambleton and Greenhow Hill or Brown Clee Hill and a particular junction of stone walls on the east side of a particular hill in the Peak District, you can see the other below eye level.
The more complicated version involves taking actual measurements and calculating the angles, as demonstrated in my follow-up doing the maths to get an actual (refracted) radius value.
@@l0rf Going to Antarctica during winter, or even Finland in summer would be the most in-your-face proof to these petards.
The fact that most flerfs started claiming a 24-hour sun in Antarctica works just fine on their imaginary dirt pizza *within days* of the announcement of TFE tells you everything you need to know. It's been a grift all along.
It literally makes sense 😂 that's what's crazy. Y'all are blinded by actual logic. If the sun circles the center it's gonna shine on that part of earth vs it being on the more outer side when the season changes up
@@DhirtyCG5please explain in globe terms, my skull is spherical
What do you get out of trying to thought police someone else?
@@Rizik1986copy and paste
@@Rizik1986 What do you get out of trying to educate a child that doesn't understand how the world works?
Flat Earth has nothing to do with science; it’s a religion
Thanks for all you do!
Flat earthers all seem to have one thing in common, the inability to properly visualise things spatially. They would have all failed industrial arts classs at school where one has to look at an object and then draw it from different perspectives.
I had this same thought. Their problem is an inability of spatial visualization. And an inability to translate back and forth from words to visual imagery. That's why nobody can argue with them. You can't get them to even understand what you're saying.
I once had a female friend who couldn't look at a map and translate that to a knowledge of how to get somewhere. You had to give her instructions like, "Go down road X for two miles, then turn left after a green barn with a red roof. After a quarter mile, the road will fork off. Take the right fork.... etc." Forget about drawing her a map. She was utterly incapable of interpreting such a thing, even though, for most people, the map is far preferable to a linear verbal narrative, which often entails all kinds of ambiguities. She was quite intelligent otherwise. That's when I realized that some people must have a genetic inability to manipulate or even hold visual images in their minds.
A similar phenomenon is "face blindness," which is an inability to remember and recognize faces. Most humans are born with a specialized mental ability to do this. But some people (and there a lot more of them than you might expect) are completely unable to do this. You might have known them intimately for ten years, but they won't recognize you in the grocery store until you speak. At that point they'll probably recognize your voice.
There was a grocery store clerk in my neighborhood like that. I had many short conversations with her over the years, so she had to know who I was, but every time I would step up to the check-out counter, she would give me a blank look like she had never seen me before in her life. I thought that maybe she was just an unfriendly person until I saw a video about face blindness, and then I understood. Such people tend to compensate with things like remembering explicit verbal concepts like "Jenny has a pony-tail, is about 6 inches taller than me, etc. And voice recognition is another tool for them. Of course, that doesn't help until they speak. Their disability causes a lot of embarrassment for them in life, such as people being offended when they don't greet them in public, etc. People think, "Wow. She's giving me the cold shoulder," when it wasn't intentional at all.
@@donnievance1942what you described with your friend seems very similar to aphantasia.
@@donnievance1942Y'know, that'd actually explain a lot
I agree that is probably true for the victims, but the scammers know the truth
Like drawing a cube. On paper. In 3d.
This whole thing is driving me absolutely googledebunkers.
Eyy a Miniminuteman fan!
They flat on my Earth until i googledebunkers.
I definitely don’t have a Milo Rossi Googledebunkers hoodie. Definitely not.
Milo fan spotted.
Oh fellow Milo fan in the hooouse.
Googledebunkers gang rise up!
They'd get to Antarctica and just say, "This isnt Antarctica. Must be an unexplored island." NEW CONSPIRACY THEORY!!
There's already people who genuinely believe that the ice wall is hiding a secret extra layer of the flat earth with continents like Atlantis and Mu being found there. So they could literally declare that place to not be Antarctica but some made up location where there is an extra sun.
An unexplored island? With an airport?
@@HoneyTone-TheSearchContinues It's a NASA Penguin outpost... or something.
A secret island, with 24 hour sun, frozen winter, contained entirely within the northern hemisphere only 4 hours away from Chile?
.... Can I see it?
I got this straight from a sub-reddit and confirmed it on 4chan!!! The island is where our lizard overlord government HQ is and their tech is so advanced that we cannot comprehend it and that tech is shielding the island from our crude detection instruments. The lizards surreptitiously redirect the plane to this island where they obscure the real sun and replace it with a identical fake sun, all to maintain the globist hegemony. The beauty is in the simplicity =) Now all you globist's can SUCK on Occam's Razor.
I’d like to go 🙋🏼♀️ I’ll even pretend to believe the earth is flat!
I thought this debate was over? And that we all agreed the earth was in the shape of a velociraptor?
You're mistaken the earth is clearly cube shaped 😉
@@XMissGX Yeah, last month I had a close friend of mine drive off of the edge of one of the sides. Tragic.
@@1tgb4yb25ub5ub the sacred hamster spins the world
Exactly. How can these globeheads and flatheads not see the truth.
I'm late at the party for the free trip joke, but I'll say this.
Those grifters don't believe in a flat earth, they never did, the mask's off.
Some of them actually do believe it.
So they'll go.
What do you get out of trying to thought police someone else?
@@Rizik1986It shows that they were all shills all along. They never actually believed the Earth is flat, because that idea is so preposterous it's been made fun of for centuries, nay, millennia. It's all just a grift to indoctrinate confused and dismissed people into an "in-group" that knows "The Truth™." It's the same thing with any deific religion. If you can demonize and ostracize an out-group to make the mentally feeble feel self important, then you can make a lot of money off of them. It's a tale as old as time.
non sequitur
I don't think the moon is real, and neither do my three best buddies, I will be awaiting my tickets in the mail thank you very much
Mars is fake. Now, time to wait for my ticket
Oooh, I'd love a trip to Antarctica, I'm gonna pet the NASA agent spy penguins!
There’s a surprising amount of Daves involved in the world shape debate
Lot of Brians and Nathans too.
The Nathans surprised me until I realised that many of them would have originally been "Jonathan". Dave and Brian are everywhere, speaking as a Dave myself I wasn't remotely surprised.
"These are the Daves I know" by The Kids in the Hall comes to mind. A fresh take on that song might be needed...
It's a plurality alright.
I guess the Daves are just destined to debate the world shape
Imagine denying a FREE trip to Antarctica. The only continent I still haven’t visited.
Mr money bags over here.
I have a phobia of flying (shivering, paranoia of crashing, panic at every single perfectly normal bit of turbulence, tearing up/crying etc, eating a bunch of benadryl to sedate myself or make myself sleep, it's fucking pathetic 🤣) but I'd STILL get on a plane to freaking ANTARCTICA because holy shit that'd be amazing!
Can you send that sun simulator to England please.
You could just move to Antarctica
You can either have tea or sunshine. You don't get both.
Unfortunately the British isles don't have the natural cooling the Antarctica provides
"the sun never sets in the British empire" -some British guy
@@tkts6672Yes, so?
Prof Dave, Pastor Will and MCToon are the best destroyers of flerf idiocy.
The part where the bloke rejected the explanation of metre/kilometre conversion absolutely SLAYED me. 😂😂
@@JohnGardnerAlhadis Nathan Oakley is the most stupid and arrogant ignoramus flat earth grifter on TH-cam. His grasp of reality is astounding. His understanding of maths and physics is unbounded!
a flat earth believer once told me that gravity doesnt affect gas molecules. that coupled with their failure at converting basic units that any middle schoolers are capable of doing on top of their unfamiliarity with clockwise, give off the impression that they didnt receive public education and left to stale intellectually with home "schooling"
@@stevenleonard7219 "His understanding of maths and physics is unbounded!" Actually it's bounded above by zero.
I know it's important to make sure everyone knows that Nathan Oakley abuses his kids, but listening to that is super hard.
yeah I had to skip that, I couldn't listen to it.
i had no warning about it and it triggered my c-ptsd as a survivor of childhood abuse, i wish there was at least some kind of warning in the video idk if i can keep listening. i’d hope that someone on that stream called cps but i think it’s naive at this point.
@@S3lkie-Gutzman, not to be mean... But come on... Not everything has to be censored.
@@ismaelguzman991 They didn't say it needed to be censored, they said to have a warning so that people who can't, or even just don't want to, listen to that know that it's coming and can decide to not listen to it.
@@ismaelguzman991 wouldn't have hurt to throw up a 2 second warning beforehand...
Nathan Oakley says "You wanna know why I won't go down to Antarctica". Why would a flat earther say "go down to" if they believe it's an ice wall surrounding a flat plane?
I can imagine that even for dedicated and true flat earthers, it's quite ingrained to say stuff like "go down to" or similar since pretty much everyone else says it.
It's a fair question why they don’t just suggest traveling to Antarctica from their own city instead of accepting traveling all the way "down" to South America first.
could just be ingrained speech, i used to live up from a store on a hill but now i live down from it on a hill, i still say "lets go down to the store" just cause its what id been saying for over half my life
good observation tho, i think the little intricacies of how a person talks are pretty interesting depending on their field of work or study or (what to call this... ah!) agenda
I think this was the totally wrong move. Instead of financing a holiday trip, we should help them getting medical treatment. I know the American health system is worse than the idea of a flat-earth, so lets provide them access to a professional psychiatric hospital and the absolutely needed medication for some months. This would be much more ethical from a humanistic perspective, as all of that nonsense is only about making money and content ... while harming other gullible people in the process (which is in some cases a criminal act ... so that is another thing).
In my country, uttering such nonsense in public will get you the attention of the public prosecutor, who is able to order a psychological evaluation and if you are a danger to yourself and others. If needed, you will get the help needed. Royalty free!
I also ask you to think about the perception of Germans and their take on humor. Most of it is stereotypical and not true. Anyways, I wish a good journey and some cold "Eisbock" (Eisbock is a beer specialty in which water is removed from the finished beer by freezing). Have a good one, friends!:)
OBVIOUSLY because the antarctic ice wall is lower than other land masses. If it was taller, it would hold a deeper ocean and everyone would drown. Right?
The earth being flat was disproven when they discovered it was a globe.
😂 your factually correct.
I had no idea Dave made music. Had to take a break from this video and jam to simulated sun. Just awesome music, you rock Dave!
I agree with you!
This is why we tell pregnant women not to drink and do drugs
Do drugs??? 🤑
hey my mom did that and im not as stupid as flat earthers. you forgot that flat earthers huff paint thinner 👍
And don't chug gorilla glue
@@1tgb4yb25ub5ub how careless of me to forget!
Sure. It's not that women are well educated with their OWN EFFING BODY or get informed in detail, in school or at the latest during pregnancy preparation by professional doctors. Of course, it's "We" HAVE TO TELL THEM!
But that is a wonderful take, my friend. Hateful misogyny spiced with a little ableism at the core of your under-performing "joke". You actually have the same disease like the group you are dehumanizing: You are uneducated, immature and your insecurity cries loudly for help. Learn something about the topic. Your are seconds away from doing that correctly and to inform yourself about reality. You are demonstrably already using the internet. How about for something useful? YOUR education? Or just stay like delusional flat-earthers which you are joking about their intelligence. Which is NOT the problem. Well, the thought that you actually have a lot in common with the object of your hate is actually quite funny (Schadenfreude). Thank you for that!
Also: Are you completely out of your mind? The topic of the video, the whole shebang about the situation is to inform people and counter misinformation spread by grifters that actually abuse gullible people. And you have the audacity to paint a picture about uninformed women on the topic of THEIR heath concerns and even in THE women's topic pregnancy and healthcare. You are a blatant liar!!! I suggest to look up who really needs education in the matter of health prevention and child welfare on this globe, my very very stooopid(which is wrong and just a saying) and illiterate friend!
39:20 Very glad you included this clip of Oakley's blatant child abuse. That should be played every time his name comes up in a video.
David Weiss is an elder-abuser. In 2019 or 2020 he was in a nursing home, iirc, and there was a birthday party for a 101-year-old resident.
To my best recollection, Weiss saw her alone & talked to her, convincing her that she was taught the earth was flat as a child, then "they" started lying about it in the 1950s. He kept going until she was crying over being lied to most of her life. He kneeled beside her and took a selfie with a lizard like smile on his face. On her 101st birthday.
Do you know the source for the David Weiss thing? Did he admit this himself in a stream or what?
@@Megaritz I saw it live and have a copy of it somewhere, but I'm not sure where it is. So at this point it is "according to what THIS guy says" and can't be confirmed without that footage.
So no, I don't know where the footage is in my many external disks, but I hope someone else might have that footage closer on hand and post it.
that was a disturbing recording. If youtube get to know about it Prof Dave could get a strike or have the video deleted.
@@LPCLASSICAL That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that.
All of these supposed Flat Earthers are refusing to go because they know that the earth isn't flat and going would cost them their grift.