Luna Class Starship

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2022
  • The Luna Class like the USS Titan was a fulfillment of Starfleet's post Dominion War promise to return to deep space exploration missions and for the most part, it held true to that Federation ideal.
    For the most part. It still has a massive torpedo pod.
    Music from, and
    Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World.
    Star Trek, Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine/Discovery/Lower Decks/Picard/Prodigy and The Next Generation are all owned and distributed by CBS.
    Star Trek Films are owned and distributed by Paramount Pictures
    Image stills are from Trekcore
    This Video is for critical purposes with commentary.
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ความคิดเห็น • 282

  • @THATGuy5654
    @THATGuy5654 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    "We will name this new Luna class ship... the Ganymede!"
    "We're onto Sol System moons? Wow, did we run out of British Imperial ships and Earth rivers to name our multi-species federation's ships after?"
    "Yes, actually. But don't worry; we have plenty of Earth writers, philosophers, cities, activists, trees, and nostalgic sitcoms to name ships after. It'll be a long time before we have to resort to naming any our ships after, I don't know, Bolian or Tellarite stuff."
    "...sir, I AM a Bolian."
    "...a noble and accomplished race, to be sure. Now you'll excuse me, I need to be… somewhere else."

  • @Lazarus1095
    @Lazarus1095 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Ah, the Pocket-Sovereign!

  • @Reddotzebra
    @Reddotzebra ปีที่แล้ว +152

    Since the bulk of its generated energy for defensive purposes is generally used to power those ridiculously powerful shields, I'd still say it's a much better exploration vessel than most other Starfleet vessels. The galaxy can be a dangerous place after all...

    • @Lawcoom
      @Lawcoom ปีที่แล้ว

      A dangerous place but the Federation with its naïve deluded ideals would rather let people die than build a ship capable of defending anyone. They allowed with the treaty of Algeron to let every major galactic power to have cloaking tech which gave them a clear advantage. If the Federation was real it would be conquered in a flash

    • @apparentlynot1stLeonchubbs
      @apparentlynot1stLeonchubbs ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ah ha 🥇

    • @logicplague
      @logicplague ปีที่แล้ว +20

      No kidding, how'd you like to be 30,000 light years away and stumble into an uncharted sector of Borg space in an Oberth?

    • @zeighy
      @zeighy ปีที่แล้ว +3

      **squints** I see what you did there......................
      **angry upvote**

    • @vic5015
      @vic5015 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@logicplague Oberths aren't really suited for deep space exploration. They're more for doing science experiments in low-threat environments. Space is a pretty dangerous place, full of weird interstellar phenomena and the occasional space monster. And that's even without hostile aliens actively trying to blow your ship up.

  • @jimmyryan5880
    @jimmyryan5880 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    In my mind most species dont see a human majority in star fleet as a bias but rather a sacrfice by earth. The andorians continue to have a navy, the vulcan science accademy is their navy, earths is the vestigial earth defence force. Instead earth allows itself to put researches and people into starfleet for the good of the federation rather than splitting their focus between their own and starfleet like most do.

    • @trilldrake1211
      @trilldrake1211 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That also explains why every invader always goes after earth. Earth is basically the lynch pin of the federation, not only serving as its headquarters but also putting basically every resource it has into the federation. If earth falls so does most of the federation forces.

  • @chrisbennett6236
    @chrisbennett6236 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Ironically it's design was shelved for the war but once they were deployed (Titan) it turned out to be a juggernaut. They even ran circles around the Sovereign and Akira class initially.
    It also inspired overhauls of the shielding and sensor system for nearly every active ship design in service.
    A lot of people seeing a Luna defeat a Sovereign, Defiant, Akira and Prometheus class in online can't figure out why a long range explorer class is beating ships designed for combat in some way.
    My answer: is it's like the Kirk era Constitution class, being alone for years at a time with no backup it quite literally needed to be better.

  • @Merennulli
    @Merennulli ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I wish there was more of an on-screen explanation, but I like how the large Swiss Army Knife ship classes all have an overall similar design that amounts to "current Enterprise, but without a piece and the nacelles go down". Miranda/Soyuz based on refit Constitution, Nebula based on Galaxy, and now Luna based on Sovereign. It was a brilliant way to make the ships look like they fit while being clearly different, and the utility pod gave it a clear niche each time they revisited it. Obviously, each was designed in different ways by different people with different goals, but they ended up similar and filling a similar niche.

    • @13legomania
      @13legomania 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think in universe it could be easy of manufacturing. Asimple matter of they have the facilities to build these parts, so they might as well use them. Scaling an existing design up or down would probably be easier than designing a whole new part and any infrastructure that might be needed to build it. It would also probably make maintenance easier.

    • @Merennulli
      @Merennulli 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@13legomania Rescaling doesn't really work for manufacturing things with critical internal dimensions like crew decks, but it could easily reflect a design trend of an era. Something we see in oceangoing vessels across history where you can almost immediately tell an Edwardian ship from a Victorian or other eras with each feeling cohesive within a culture, industry and generation.

  • @AigisAppreciator
    @AigisAppreciator ปีที่แล้ว +56

    Ah yes, returning to Star Fleet's values of peaceful research and exploration with *checks notes* quantum torpedoes and ablative armour

    • @canisarcani
      @canisarcani ปีที่แล้ว +17

      they learned a very hard lesson between the borg and the dominion. honestly its better this way, it was always arrogant and frankly idiotic to assume youd never encounter anything out there that was a major threat. federations better off now.

    • @davidlewis5312
      @davidlewis5312 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      considering how arrogant and naive the Federation was at the start of next gen, I am fine with that. Better for the Federation to have ships that can keep their crews alive than to fully de-militaritize.

    • @mylesbarrett2031
      @mylesbarrett2031 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it’s not for the timid." Starfleet learned to Heed Q's warning.

  • @vic5015
    @vic5015 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Given the truly *insane* number of moons that both Jupiter and Saturn have, there are certainly *plenty* of names for Starfleet to choose from, with both planets known to have over 50 moons each.

    • @jeremydale4548
      @jeremydale4548 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I referee to believe there are 50 spheres orbiting around Jupiter and Saturn.
      Before anyone says anything, I’m not keeping up with space stuff beyond shows and the like.

    • @The_Viscount
      @The_Viscount ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Don't forget Uranus and Neptune!

    • @fluffly3606
      @fluffly3606 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Most of them are not spheres, and I'm pretty sure most of them aren't named but rather given an alphanumeric designation. Though considering people definitely live on them in the future they've probably been named by the time of the late 24th century.

    • @mackenziebeeney3764
      @mackenziebeeney3764 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@fluffly3606 good point, if it doesn’t have a name, people will name it. If it has a name, they might change it.

    • @PerryWhyte
      @PerryWhyte 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Current count of moons in the solar system is now 290, that's a lot of Luna Class ships.

  • @tonyah.960
    @tonyah.960 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ''OUTSTANDING" show and A super great starship! We need an animated show about Captain William T. Riker on the U.S.S. TITAN on Paramount Plus!

  • @danielshemwell2662
    @danielshemwell2662 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I like the tighter placement of the nacelles to the hull, makes it look more sturdy

  • @lastationproductions
    @lastationproductions ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The design of this ship is awesome

  • @SuperGamefreak18
    @SuperGamefreak18 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    I’ve always seen the Luna class as a counterpart to the intrepid class as well both being modern constitution class ships. A ship that prioritizes science but has teeth and looks more elegant and friendly than actually agressive. Even with how armed the Luna class is it would be better to send that ship than something like a galaxy class or sovereign to an alien species you are trying to be diplomatic with

    • @Thatslifebro_
      @Thatslifebro_ ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I feel Galaxy class ships are far better suited to diplomacy and negotiation for several reasons.
      They are well armed and shielded, especially the Dominion War refits, but not to the same degree as a Sovereign that would seem threatening to others. They are large yet elegant in design and full of research labs and leisure areas you can show guests in a more relaxed situation. The Galaxy is honestly the perfect ship to host such events since it shows everything Starfleet truly wants to be and everything its capable of.

    • @SuperGamefreak18
      @SuperGamefreak18 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@Thatslifebro_ they are but they are also VERY imposing with their size alone they are 50/50 going to scare someone and inspire someone. Galaxy class best for a lot of occasions but it’s also old and even with its flaws still one of the most powerful classes the federation can send into battle. The galaxy class is a warship that masquerades as a cruise ship. A lot of times a galaxy class is a sledgehammer for diplomacy. The Luna class is a powerful mid size ship that is at worse on par with an old nebula. And while that might be needed for some groups the Luna is more than enough in a lot of occasions

    • @irregularassassin6380
      @irregularassassin6380 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I would probably send a Nebula or (especially after Voyager returned) an Intrepid on a diplomatic mission to a middling power, rather than a Galaxy or Luna. The Nebula is a "pocket" Galaxy, all of the features in a slightly smaller package. Wow them with staterooms without waving a battleship in their face. The Intrepid is a design that was rapidly supplanted by evolving technology, but has demonstrably proven to be an excellent all-rounder. Impress them with tales of Voyager, and then explain how all the things that make that ship, and yours, cool are actually dead-end research projects.

    • @SuperGamefreak18
      @SuperGamefreak18 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@irregularassassin6380 that is a great idea and some nice choices. Then again they could always send an excelsior...the ship they never stop making for some reason. Also I agree with using an intrepid, because without Voyager giving them more prestige. It was the perfect show ship, one of the most advanced at the time, the perfect balance of beauty and elegance with teeth that makes it a class that shouldn't be underestimated. Voyager's journey's just proved the full potential of the ship, which was already seen as pretty high, the luna class is designed for what Voyager was forced to endure.

    • @darklordofsword
      @darklordofsword ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I view it as the counterpart to the Sovreign-class in the same way as the Miranda to the Constitution or the Nebula to the Galaxy.

  • @danielfiene7770
    @danielfiene7770 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I like to think that Starfleet Engineering basically came up with the Luna class design when they took an Akira and filled all of its hangar space with sensors and labs.

    • @Hartzilla2007
      @Hartzilla2007 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      They do have a few design similarities.

  • @may86bear
    @may86bear ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Looks like a cross between the ole reliable Miranda Class and a Nebula Class. 🖖

  • @jimmythomas3077
    @jimmythomas3077 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love the USS Titan!

  • @jadestephan7395
    @jadestephan7395 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I played a Star Trek adventures game in a Luna for 3 years! Glad to see this ship get cannonized

  • @SchneeflockeMonsoon
    @SchneeflockeMonsoon ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The Luna was such a cool design. It was an excellent merge of the militarized style from the Post-Borg Scare & Dominion War (Defiant, Akira especially, Norway, Sabre, Sovereign, Steamrunner, & Intrepid) with the original scientific style of the Post-Cardassian War era (Galaxy, Cheyenne, Niagara, Nebula, New Orleans, Freedom, etc.).

  • @uss_04
    @uss_04 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I always see the Luna class from the forward section. Didn’t even realize that there was a significant secondary hull most of the time and only really saw it as a Akira class

  • @Wesley_H
    @Wesley_H ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Where some might see an identity crisis, others might see a well rounded individual.

  • @XanderKHD
    @XanderKHD ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Whatever direction you're going with these "Starship Index" videos, keep it up! The starships are one of my favorite aspects if Star Trek!

  • @Z-42
    @Z-42 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I would love to see a series about this ship. This is the type of Star Trek I've been wanting.

    • @IIISentorIII
      @IIISentorIII ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Star Trek is dead Jim

    • @Z-42
      @Z-42 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@IIISentorIII Damnit Sentor, I'm an optimist not an optometrist!

  • @darklordofsword
    @darklordofsword ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love my Luna-class in STO. I run it as a support ship using Tetryon arrays, for the bonus shield drop effect. I don't kill much, but I help drop enemy shields faster.

  • @Peaceforall20111
    @Peaceforall20111 ปีที่แล้ว +6


  • @almightytitan2354
    @almightytitan2354 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm glad you mentioned the design contest that spawned the Luna-class. I was working on my own submission (but life got in the way) that was very similar to the winner. A few design tweaks here and there (let's face it, there's only so many ways you can configure 2 hulls and nacelles and call it original) but my design featured dual axis thrust-vectored impulse engines for increased maneuverability, as well as 4 nacelles at first. I dropped the extra 2 because I was worried it wouldn't look good on a 2D book cover, but if I had known it would be featured on screen I would have pushed on! I want a do-over, where's Q when you need him?

  • @deanlawson6880
    @deanlawson6880 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Thanks for this review Rick! The Luna, like the Sovereign and Akira classes, are my favorite ship classes! The nacelles pointed downward just seems like a better, more compact and sleeker look, and I'm just partial top that look! Nicely done video!

  • @forestwells5820
    @forestwells5820 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I still sit in the camp that exploratory ships should be well armed. Perhaps not battleship level, but they need enough shields and weapons to successfully defend themselves against hostile races they come across. Otherwise there is a much greater chance they won't make it home at all.

    • @logicplague
      @logicplague ปีที่แล้ว +7

      "I remember having an argument with Captain Jeffreys once, he was one of the designers of the NX-class. I told him I didn't want to be in command of Starfleet's first warship...I was wrong. We needed those weapons, and a hell of a lot more."
      - Capt. Jonathan Archer

    • @AdamantLightLP
      @AdamantLightLP ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's super funny how starfleet always gets surprised when their dinky fleet of exploration ships gets annihilated by raves that actually have real military forces. Like, we get that the UFP is full of pacifists, but I don't think the romulans or the klingons or the dominion cared.

  • @nobodyyouknow1065
    @nobodyyouknow1065 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Never heard of anything that could be described as “luxury life support systems” until now.

  • @ODST_Parker
    @ODST_Parker ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Another of my absolute favorite ships in Star Trek. It's my third favorite canon ship, right behind the Akira and Sovereign. I'm so glad the design has undergone basically no changes since it's original non-canon appearance. The Titan showing up in Lower Decks actually made me really happy, to see all that work had finally resulted in a canon on-screen appearance in an official Star Trek show. Now TWO, considering she was part of that fleet in Picard, alongside my other two favorites.

  • @sokagofferenginar8669
    @sokagofferenginar8669 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Even before the Dominion Wars there were some ships mainly geared towards science that were still fairly well armed like the Intrepid class the Voyager which was lost in the Delta quadrant before the Dominion Wars even began was pretty well armed

    • @davidlewis5312
      @davidlewis5312 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Intrepid and Nova class are still post Borg ships that had their developmental life influenced by the Defiant. Ablative armor and quantum weaponry were Dominion refits to deal with the Dominions nonsense and thus not present the Intrepid and the Nova class. Ablative Armor being a direct counter to the polaron weapons that sap shields, and quantum weaponry being a hard counter to thick skinned Dominon cruisers and Cardassian ships.

  • @PolarasDominion
    @PolarasDominion ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Your editing efforts are appreciated.

  • @VulpisFoxfire
    @VulpisFoxfire ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Hmm. I might point out that other Starfleet ships could vary gravity and temperature on a room by room basis, though that could possibly mess with power requirements. Also, it be pointed out that all of Fleet we see other than Lower Decks are still all-hominid crews.

  • @kaitlyn__L
    @kaitlyn__L ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I don’t have much to add, but an excellent overview!
    I suppose I could say it’s interesting they revived paused designs rather than make new ones, while the latter is more common with the military IRL. But then Starfleet have often thought a bit more long-term.

    • @AdamantLightLP
      @AdamantLightLP ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Technology develops very rapidly in our day and age, there's only so much you can do with decades old designs before you need to rebuild the whole thing.

    • @kaitlyn__L
      @kaitlyn__L ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AdamantLightLP even a 5 year old design can be too outdated and fail to go beyond prototypes!
      But most ship design tech does seem more mature in Trek, it’s really sensors and computers that seem to change a lot. Warp coils haven’t changed that much in centuries in Trek, versus rapid jet engine development.

    • @AdamantLightLP
      @AdamantLightLP ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kaitlyn__L Exactly, this is doubly true during an actual conflict. Trek tells us about how much more powerful their shields or phasers or warp drives are, but it really takes a long time, and fundamentally the tech is the same.

  • @jakehanifee8856
    @jakehanifee8856 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It would seem as though the Luna Class has struck the right balance of all requirements. You talk about all-rounders; well, I think this is the best of them. She seems sturdy as hell.

  • @NimbleTack
    @NimbleTack ปีที่แล้ว +4

    On a side-note, there is a series of books by James White that covers the issue of truly diverse aliens. That's the Sector General series about a deep space hospital. The first book - Hospital Station - was written in the early '60s with the final book, Double Contact, in the late '90s. They're really worth looking for.

    • @richmcgee434
      @richmcgee434 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Absolutely. I've mentioned them on this channel's comments many times in the past. Grossly underappreciated author these days.
      For those unfamiliar with the, they're scifi medical mystery stories, often involving first contact situations arising from the fact that in a large galaxy full of unexplored places, hyperspace distress signals (common to any FTL-capable civilization, the techs are connected) are one of the easiest ways to find new species. Those frequently have injury or illness as a cause for the signal, so "ambulance ships" responding to them need to be ready for strangers, and nothing makes for universal good will better than saving lives in an emergency.
      It's a really bright, optimistic future worthy of Roddenberry's original vision for Trek.

  • @hughsmith7504
    @hughsmith7504 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I always thought of the Akira and Luna classes as sister ships. Same basic design cues, but specialized for their specific mission profiles. Would not surprise me if both ships missions pods are actually interchangeable with each other down the road.

  • @VT-zc9ln
    @VT-zc9ln ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We did a Star Trek RPG game and used the Luna Class ship, The Europa, as the hero ship[. It's perfect in that role.

  • @jaysgamingcorner8539
    @jaysgamingcorner8539 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    These starship profiles are awesome videos. Keep up the great work.

  • @DocWolph
    @DocWolph ปีที่แล้ว +14

    The Luna-Class' overall shape is more tightly compacted allowing for easier shielding, and a "less big" targeting profile. The Luna Class was clearly designed with defense in the primary, not exploration. Although all-out combat may be, in certain variants, a secondary purpose. Starfleet seems a bit more tepid in fielding super large vessels, like the Sovereign and Odyssey classes, for this same reasons. Ships best used for their staying power in battle or command ships for a overtly military purposes*. This coming back to Starfleet not being allowed to be a proper military and the Federation, more for PR reasons, being needlessly adverse to treating the word "military" as anything less than a "swear word".
    I would not be surprised if the Luna was pushed HARD, by Starfleet, because other similar displacement-sized designs were throwbacks to the spread out, hard to defend hard to maneuver, "tall" ships of the past but would easily pass the Federation's approval boards. Despite citing the need for preparedness throughout the fleet, building ships that can fight effectively and win decisively, which makes having a peaceful stance overall MUCH easier, Starfleet has to "sell" new ship designs with the most PC terminology possible.
    This however goes to how the writers and producers look at Star Trek as a Whole. You have an advanced, ostensibly post-scarcity, spacefaring civilization and nation and you can not have a dedicated Science Corps with its own fleet? This foisting onto Starfleet more responsibilities and capabilities than any proper defensive military force should have and can use. Defense of Federation territory and her interests, maritime enforcement, search and rescue, projection of power needed for diplomacy, security, and stability of the union. Frankly, I am more than a little peeved the UNITED Federation of Planets has not fractured or lost members permanently because they feel Starfleet can NOT protect them and is often too far away to try even if they could. Stop demanding member worlds not have their own fleets is Starfleet is very frequently going to be out of position to properly defend them.
    *I see Starfleet using ships such as the Galaxy, Nebula, Sovereign, and Odyssey classes as command ships to coordinate large task forces for defensive, maritime enforcement and combat purpose. However, in peacetime, these -fleet- formations (I have been calling them "Sentinel" Formations in my head canon), can coordinate larger exploration and investigatory taskforces, especially in more dangerous and difficult regions. If one exploratory "Feeler" ship gets into trouble it is not days, months, or years away from the nearest assistance.

    • @Groza_Dallocort
      @Groza_Dallocort ปีที่แล้ว

      Isent that the deal with a small 10 ship fleet exploring the delta quadrant granted two of the ships are like moving industri plants

    • @highlorddarkstar
      @highlorddarkstar ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Starfleet suffers from a fan misperception that it is an analog of the WWII US Navy, the better analogs are the US Coast Guard and the predreadnaught/Age of Sail British Navy. Both examples have armed ships that also do research. Battleships/First Rate ships are rare (nonexistent in USCG case) but frigates/corvettes are everywhere, representing Federation interests and showing the flag.

  • @dhotnessmcawesome9747
    @dhotnessmcawesome9747 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's the Titan!

    • @kevinramsey417
      @kevinramsey417 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ahead warp factor 5, 6, 7, 8

    • @richmcgee434
      @richmcgee434 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think you mean "another Enterprise" there. :)

    • @dhotnessmcawesome9747
      @dhotnessmcawesome9747 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@richmcgee434 Well, keep trying Pakled and one day you'll wear a bigger hat... It's definitely the Titan though. Now, please... step away from that self destruct button and just... Oh! Go to the bathroom. That'll help us out greatly.

    • @Jayjay-qe6um
      @Jayjay-qe6um ปีที่แล้ว

      Red alert! A Pakled party, and I wasn't invited?

  • @violetlight1548
    @violetlight1548 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I hope Lower Decks will feature more of the Titan's non-human crew at some point. It looks like Tuvok is unfortunately not serving on the Titan in canon. However, I do hope that Counselor Sen’kara and Dr. Ree might make an appearance at some point.

  • @alderwolf7687
    @alderwolf7687 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    When entering the unknown, you always take as big and powerful of a weapon as you can with you. Dead fools are the ones who didn't because it violated their ethics.

  • @ProvokeMe64
    @ProvokeMe64 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All of youir ship summaries have been SO well done. Thanks!!

  • @ditzydoo4378
    @ditzydoo4378 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Looking at the Luna's slim narrow design. It looks to be near tailor made for Slip-Stream Drive.

  • @Marconius6
    @Marconius6 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    One thing that bothers me about the whole "tubes filled with water" thing: aquatic species presumably still breathe air, like dolphins; there's not enough oxygen dissolved in water to allow for advanced brains like a sapient species would require. So... how do these aquatic crew members actually breathe? I imagine they can hold their breath for quite a bit longer than the others, but still, just being stuck in pipes with no air around seems like it'd get unnerving.

    • @momokochama1844
      @momokochama1844 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      As far as I know the Titan novels there is only one aquatic crew member: Aili Lavena from the planet Pacifica.
      Her species (Selkie) changes after around 35 years of lifetime from amphibian to fully aquatic.
      Aili is in her aquatic phase, wich means she has gills and needs a special suit to survive in a standart class M athmosphere.
      Her quarters are more or less a big aquarium with speacial airlocks to hold said water inside her rooms.

    • @vic5015
      @vic5015 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I wouldn't be so sure about that. Octopuses are very fish-like but are considered to be extremely intelligent, possibly on par with a parrot or dolphin.
      As for adaptability for different environments goes, beta Canon indicates that the Galaxy class had the ability to modify individual crew quarters to accommodate a wide variety of environments. Something completely in line with Starfleet's ideals. You never know when you'll encounter a non-humanoid species whose home planet is *very* different from Earth.

    • @MikePhantom
      @MikePhantom ปีที่แล้ว +2

      pretty sure the tech in trek has come far enough to reliably pump oxygen into the water to keep aquatic lifeforms alive. not to mention the Traversal applications when being boarded. grab a oxygen pack and swim trough those corridors and ambush intruders.

    • @jamegumb7298
      @jamegumb7298 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@vic5015 Cephalopods also have copper based (blue) blood to better extract and transport what little oxygen there is (okay techncially purely numbers iron is better but look up the very long form one about why it is better under pressures and overall efficiency etc) instead of iron based (red) blood.
      Any species that is fully aquatic and smart has something better for oxygen transport (or something not oxygen) to function than just hemoglobine.

  • @markbigbadbear
    @markbigbadbear ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Really digging the side profile of the Luna class. The underslung warp nacelles give it a faster, sleeker look. Like a sports car or a fighter jet.

  • @matthewjay660
    @matthewjay660 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Federation personnel have the right to explore AND make it home alive.

  • @shadowqueen1701
    @shadowqueen1701 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    In the books the CMO is a Dinosaur.

  • @bipolarminddroppings
    @bipolarminddroppings ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yay, more "Rick, here!"
    Honestly, its my favourite opener on youtube, short and to the point.

  • @MattCollisson
    @MattCollisson 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I really wish we'd had a Titan series with Captain Riker!

  • @MagnanimousEntropy
    @MagnanimousEntropy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Another excellent video. I love your Star Ship breakdowns.

  • @Momo-tc7sc
    @Momo-tc7sc ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is the only Eaglemoss model I own currently and it was worth every penny. Love the Luna class!

  • @ArtistryBranson
    @ArtistryBranson ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Another fantastic video. I'll add my name to the ever-growing list of folks asking for more content like this, Rick. I'm really enjoying your ship breakdowns. More, please!

  • @anothergoogleuser
    @anothergoogleuser ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @spaceace1006
    @spaceace1006 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice looking Ship!!

  • @stevehagen9804
    @stevehagen9804 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Starfleet: Despite how it looks, the Luna Class is a science vessel
    Romulans: what’s with all the guns and shields?
    Starfleet: Today we’re going to learn how many torpedos we can shoot up your tailpipe!

  • @thestanleys3657
    @thestanleys3657 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "it's another enterprise"- pakled officer

  • @dominik8005
    @dominik8005 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    WOW like Luna very much

  • @JeffreyRandall
    @JeffreyRandall 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really enjoy this class. I even made a story around a new Cardassian Captain who took command or the NCC-80109 Collisto. A sister ship of the Titan.

  • @Peaceforall20111
    @Peaceforall20111 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like how u did this review. Very informative…. A+ from me

  • @karlsmith2570
    @karlsmith2570 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Luna Class looks like a a combination of the USS Reliant and the Intrepid Class

  • @apotheases
    @apotheases ปีที่แล้ว

    So much diversity and representation!

  • @goransekulic3671
    @goransekulic3671 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seems like an interesting ship. Thanks for pointing out to me.

  • @WyrmLimion
    @WyrmLimion ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Surprised Starfleet didn't just mass produce more of the Interpid class due to how well Voyager did.

    • @NemFX
      @NemFX ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Borg were intimately familiar with the Intrepid class, so they wanted to grind out a bunch of random ships, to at least slow the Borg ships. The Borg would be able to learn really fast, as always, but an extra minute or two in a firefight can make a huge difference.
      "That looks like a Galaxy, firing weapons, oh its shields are still holding, okay try again but with an extra 10% energy."
      In that time, the ship has fired off a few torpedoes.

  • @Chris-rp9df
    @Chris-rp9df ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The difference between the NCC1701 and every other ship seen afterwards is the original Enterprise looked like a tall ship on screen.
    It might just have been the filming angles but it seems every other ship since as looked hunkered down.

  • @JesseMcCullough
    @JesseMcCullough ปีที่แล้ว

    I like that the design choices of Star Fleet are realistic. Yes, it's not a traditional military like the Romulans or the Klingons. Fighting is secondary to its main mission of exploration, discovery and diplomacy. At the same time, they're not going to design a ship for peace when they need to defend themselves, and you can see that in the wake of Wolf-359. It's why they made the Defiant. It's why they made the Sovereign class a warship first. Then as the Dominion were no longer a threat, and relations with the Romulans were normalized, Star Fleet tried to get back to its main mission, but the Gamma Quadrant was still hostile territory. The Luna class needed to be that weird hybrid of warship/explorer because of the situation. Totally practical.

  • @Hospitaller-hospitaliser
    @Hospitaller-hospitaliser 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I typically really dislike downward swept nacelles on Starfleet ships, but I do quite like the Luna regardless.

  • @davidponseigo8811
    @davidponseigo8811 ปีที่แล้ว

    200th comment, I can't get enough of starships.

  • @drewf41
    @drewf41 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    These tunnels, could they be filled with dirt for Horta?

    • @richmcgee434
      @richmcgee434 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Horta don't really live in dirt, which wouldn't naturally occur on their homeworld and is full of organic components that wouldn't be compatible with their own biology (although it probably wouldn't be harmful either, they're pretty tough and their acids would break down most carbon-based organic compounds with ease). They tunnel through stone normally, extracting minerals from it in the process. You could probably make some kind of artificial mix that would suit its metabolic need, but it wouldn't be much like anything we'd call dirt. Maybe more like sand, or something like a silicon-based insulation foam might be easier for life support engineers to work with.
      Easier to just use the replicators to make edible slabs of nutritious minerals for them, assuming they can survive long term without needing to tunnel. Not sure about that. They can obviously survive in open, human breathable air for a while, but they might have a physiological need for more pressure or to expel acids (likely carrying away waste substances in the process) or they might have a psychological need to be more enclosed at least part of the time. Might be something about it in a novel somewhere, and it might be something a good holodeck could deal with.

  • @ElbyStarfire
    @ElbyStarfire ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Odyssey class from STO is my favorite.

  • @KenshiImmortalWolf
    @KenshiImmortalWolf ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am surprised you didn't also bring in the events of voyager into the explanation for the Luna class being heavily armored. Not that voyager brought the equipment but that a ship mostly designed for short range operations got stranded and spent 7 years far from starfleet support. After all if the galaxy is dangerous then you still saw the efforts to keep their ships up to par with the galaxy class being well armed and equipped by it's era's standards while it did diplomatic and scientific missions. No the Luna's extreme cutting edge combat equipment including the armored hull suggests that they didn't want any ship caught out like Voyager was.

  • @The_Viscount
    @The_Viscount ปีที่แล้ว

    I love the idea that the Xindi join the Fed. Especially if they're early adopters.

  • @zintosion
    @zintosion ปีที่แล้ว +1

    tough little sciencey ship

  •  ปีที่แล้ว +2

    IMHO the Luna combines the best design elements of the Miranda and the Akira classes. Looks sleek af.
    Had quite a few hours of fun with it in Star Trek Online. Gone with the name USS Ganymede to follow the naming convention.

  • @ilpoomatili9549
    @ilpoomatili9549 ปีที่แล้ว

    What beter ship for Riker than an ass kicking, sciense focused, piece of art

  • @realitypoet
    @realitypoet ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Cruising speed of warp 8?!?! Do we just not care about ripping holes in subspace anymore!?!

    • @angelphoenix7784
      @angelphoenix7784 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      By the time of 2409, the engines were redesigned, so that no longer happens.

    • @realitypoet
      @realitypoet ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@angelphoenix7784 ah, good to hear I missed that memo. Thanks

  • @martinthomas1293
    @martinthomas1293 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok while the Prometheus and the defiant (ds9 version) are my favorite ships in trek cannon this one would take a close third

  • @-spook-2992
    @-spook-2992 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Luna class was my go-to science ship in seems it has not received a facelift yet?

  • @birdmonster4586
    @birdmonster4586 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    While i do Like the Luna it always struck me as a weird ship.
    It was specially designed for the Gamma Quadrant. Why? It's not like any other ship, like Intrepid or Galaxy would do worse because it's the Gamma Quadrant. It's not like it's a special area of space like the Expanse.
    Also, why do we need a new ship when the brand new Intrepid and Akira exist around this weight class?
    It is however still a cool ship despite some wonky Lore. Good Video Rick, Keep it up.

  • @andrewjohnson6716
    @andrewjohnson6716 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not just factors of life support, but that all of the furnishings and accessories need to be designed to endure those life support settings. One can't use leather in an aquatic environment nor wood in a chlorine-heavy one.

  • @johnfitzgeraldii1952
    @johnfitzgeraldii1952 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Luna Class, as well as the Intrepid Class, are the successful replacements for the Miranda Class.

  • @evanjohnson1299
    @evanjohnson1299 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Miranda is to constitution, nebula is to galaxy, the Luna is to sovereign a more utilitarian version of the flagship class

  • @rfarrr2817
    @rfarrr2817 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @IAmTheAce5
    @IAmTheAce5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think I remember my Luna from STO- E’Montgomery. When I was playing as a science officer on Federation science vessels, I was naming them after actresses who played witches on film

  • @crashmatrix
    @crashmatrix ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "putting it alongside the sovereign" 3:30, I think the fairer comparison is with the Intrepid class, since their warpfactors match exactly. 9.995 is quite a bit faster, going by the TNG scale definition on memory alpha.

  • @QuantaSolace
    @QuantaSolace ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful ship. Although, I find it odd how the Titan-A isn’t a Lunar or Titan class.

  • @90lancaster
    @90lancaster ปีที่แล้ว

    When a Nebula Class and an Akira Class love each other very much.........

  • @That80sGuy1972
    @That80sGuy1972 ปีที่แล้ว

    This seems to be the modern equivalent of what the Constitution class was in TOS, the top "everything" ship that only needs its chief engineer/refitters to make it borderline magical.

  • @TheSanien
    @TheSanien 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    35.000 light years is over half way the distance Voyager had to travel 😳 At that time Star Fleet could easily have picked up Voyager - imagine that 🤔

  • @chrisbingley
    @chrisbingley ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How much more exploring can Starfleet do? Thea map of the alpha and beta quadrants show us that the Federation is hemmed in on all sides. Often by politcal rivals and others who wouldn't want the Starfleet crossing their territory. Even travelling through the Bajoran Wormhole takes them into unfriendly territory.
    It seems to me that scientific vessels tasked with mapping and examining stellar an interstellar phenomena in Federation space would be of more use.

  • @CallmeKenneth-tb1zb
    @CallmeKenneth-tb1zb ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What are you on about? The Luna class was canonised in _Nemesis_ when Riker is promoted and takes command of the Titan. I double checked Memory Alpha to make sure I wasn't hallucinating this.

  • @charliesthill4790
    @charliesthill4790 ปีที่แล้ว

    it didn't have artificial hallway gravity that shifted as the crew moved around, but you got everything else right.

  • @zeddtheguru2882
    @zeddtheguru2882 ปีที่แล้ว

    I WANT ONE !!!!

  • @themobileprepper5730
    @themobileprepper5730 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gee. I wish could play this game.

  • @alexandercross9081
    @alexandercross9081 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To quote a friend of mine, "Exporers go out to see strange new sights and meet strange new people, but they'd be fools not to take a shot gun with them, in case of bears."
    I am pretty sure a shot gun will piss off a bear more than it would fend them off, but his point stands.

  • @yishumate
    @yishumate 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Post-Borg/Dominion War design philosophy: "Stay strapped or get clapped"

  • @Deltarious
    @Deltarious 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I like the Luna class but from the stats you give here it's mission seems to be significantly at odds with it's capabilities and capacity. Surely if you wanted a truly long range, long term exploration ship you'd essentially make a replacement for the Galaxy class? Something that can go nearly a decade without resupply? *Especially* if your intent was to go into the Gamma quadrant though the wormhole- which there is no guaranteed access to. You'd essentially want a ship with a cruising speed greater than Voyager ended up with, and one with *much* more endurance and many more facilities. Hell if you were going that far and *potentially* for that long it actually makes a ton of sense to bring back the idea of having crew onboard and perhaps having a purpose built warp capable detachable module for them to live in before you go somewhere even remotely dangerous, like a purpose built dedicated version of saucer separation that doesn't compromise the ship in any way.
    The Luna class as specified is basically a really good multi purpose medium endurance ship, someone said pocket-sovereign and I have to agree with them. It seems like a more multi-mission adapted cut down sovereign, where less of the in-built focus is on combat but strong all round capability remains in a smaller package. This is basically an 'a-tier' ship in a smaller more cost efficient package than the larger flagships, but you loose that truly long range endurance as a result and a little bit of the absolute top end capabilities + combat capacity

  • @berniebaer9199
    @berniebaer9199 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    first off: cool video. please do make more of these on the various ship classes. second: sorry to be so nitpicky, but I'm genuinely interested to know: where do you get your info from that the Luna-class was eventually upgraded with type 13 phasers? I've only ever heard of type 12s on the Sovvy and contemporary classes. is there a canon or licensed source for the type 13? thanks :)

  • @bermanmo6237
    @bermanmo6237 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You have US Coast Guard Patrol Cutters that armed like mavy frigates and corvettes. You also have the latest generation of Russian icebreakers that also can be heavily armed with antiship misdkes.

  • @jeffreyatlee8785
    @jeffreyatlee8785 ปีที่แล้ว

    I never thought about this but Starfleet really just runs aircraft carrier analogues.

  • @markdavidson1049
    @markdavidson1049 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish they made it look like an updated Nebula class with the warp nacelles further forward and underneath/protected by the saucer section. Now it looks like every other Starfleet starship out there with the nacelles far back held on by two spars that are either above or below the saucer section :/