Great job! I have been thinking about making one of these from a V8 for a while. I was thinking of putting a crank size gear on the camshaft that might do the same thing. I never thought of double lobing the cam. You've got me thinking again.
Thanks, nice work. Could you try changing the intake to just a very light spring & no lifter so it's operating like a reed valve, just for the hell of it? Also much weaker springs for this low rpm range.
That’s very slick. Nice work !!
Love it when people save a little piece of history and give it life again in a new way.
That is very impressive, and runs so simple. 😊
That's super cool! I'm definitely going to have to do this one one of my more common engines!!
Great job! I have been thinking about making one of these from a V8 for a while. I was thinking of putting a crank size gear on the camshaft that might do the same thing. I never thought of double lobing the cam. You've got me thinking again.
Looks great !!
I have been thinking about that for a few years, so now I will try that for sure with your ideas!
Very cool. Now just mount it on a mower, add a boiler and have a steam powered lawnmower.
That is sweet dude! Nice job!!
Have you tested it to see what kind of power you are generating?
Thanks, nice work. Could you try changing the intake to just a very light spring & no lifter so it's operating like a reed valve, just for the hell of it? Also much weaker springs for this low rpm range.
Are u supply steam or compressed air?