Oh yes, it’s the most important job to live in joy. And it is not so easy. I try to manifest it by practicing meditation, calmness, going out in nature, hearing birds singing in the morning Concert and so on.
I am not anxious about the shadow, because I know, if there is shadow, there is light at the same time. But there are often painful feelings and low energy in me. My english is not so well, I hope you‘ll understand me. 😊 Yesterday I began with hearing your spiritual report. I have to support me with subtitles. That is exhausting and I Fell into a very very deep sleep. After an hour I woke up and there was a feeling I cannot express really accurately. There was no time at all, no day, no night, it could had been passed a second or a few years. I was confused where I have been during my sleep and during my awakening.
Oh yes, it’s the most important job to live in joy. And it is not so easy. I try to manifest it by practicing meditation, calmness, going out in nature, hearing birds singing in the morning Concert and so on.
Thanks for your sharing. Wishing you much joy, always! 🥰
I am not anxious about the shadow, because I know, if there is shadow, there is light at the same time. But there are often painful feelings and low energy in me. My english is not so well, I hope you‘ll understand me. 😊 Yesterday I began with hearing your spiritual report. I have to support me with subtitles. That is exhausting and I Fell into a very very deep sleep. After an hour I woke up and there was a feeling I cannot express really accurately. There was no time at all, no day, no night, it could had been passed a second or a few years. I was confused where I have been during my sleep and during my awakening.
Thank you Brad. Our job to hold the vibration of joy. Love that.
Thank you, Daryl! Hope you're having a joyful day. 😀💛
I dayly enjoy the meditation of flying offered by Leslie. ❤ Many thanks to Leslie. ❤
Es liegt eine wirklich lange Reise hinter uns.
Beautiful, Beautiful what a gift your are🙏🍀❤️ Blessings to you on the other side of the pond🕊
Thanks for your thoughtfulness! Blessings right back!! 🥰🙏
I love the Song Bird 😍