433mhz Sonoff RF Bridge using Tasmota and Portisch to scan Raw RF Codes for Zemismart Roller Shades
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- NOTICE: New versions of the RFBridge come with a different RF chip and are no longer compatible with the Portisch firmware.
This only works with old version 1 RFBridges.
I suggest you look into the openmqtt project ( docs.openmqttg... ) to capture codes from RF devices that the current RfBridge does not see,
Zemismart Solar Roller Shade Motor:
Tasmota/Portisch flashing instuctions:
Buy RF Bridge
iTead: www.itead.cc/s...
AliExpress: s.click.aliexp...
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I went ahead and flashed my RF Bridge R2 after the stream. Wanted to say that theres no need to sever those pathways to flash the RF chip. Just leave your USB to Serial/FDTI connected (or at least the 3v3 and GND wires) after flashing the first ESP chip, and power the bridge that way for the second flash. You only need to sever the 2 pathways for the RF chip flash if powering the bridge via the micro-usb port during the flash. After the RF chip flash, you are free to power the bridge by micro-usb again. This is also in the official Tasmota docs for the RF Bridge, but I guess we all missed it during the stream! The stream was great though, 2 action packed hours of sleuthing!
which position you keep the switch under LED to flash the RF chip? should it OFF or ON position to be able to flash RF chip the way you describe?
@@warfanax I'm afraid I can't remember as it's been 4 months since, however I think it would be whichever position is specified in the official tasmota documentation on their website
oh boy thank you! I watched your video 4 years ago and had this flashed to get curtain codes running 24/7 since then. Today I changed vlans and set the wrong ssid to the wrong vlan and it got stuck in limbo not being able o connect or reset. Had to reflash it. Wife could not open the gate today as it's used for this and other jobs.
This couldn't be more timely. I just ordered one of these from Aliexpress a few days ago. So it should be here sometime before I die... :)
Followed these instructions for my Zemismart blinds (non solar - very discreet) and they have been performing flawlessly since October. They haven't even been recharged yet. All the control is done in HA through Node Red as part of my overall lighting scheduling.
Thanks for stepping through this in detail and highlighting these blinds (as did @The Hook Up). Your pain was my gain - all in all a home automation win!
Its a long shot, but if you see this message, I would love to know how you set this up in node red
@@jackofmosttrades.masterofsome Putting aside the actual code scraping shown in DrZzs video and the Portisch information, the Node RED part was pretty straightforward.
For each blind I created an Input Boolean to use as a manual switch in my dashboard. In Node-RED I also created two Switch nodes for each blind - one for up and one for down. Each Switch node contains the relevant code captured for the respective operation for the blind in the message payload (a long hex string) and the correct Sonoff Bridge command in the topic.
In my automations, the blind is either commanded to go up or down (based on sun angle/azimuth, sunrise/sunset, heat warning, etc.). The switch node sends the command to the correct MQTT queue for the Sonoff Bridge AND toggles the Input Boolean to make sure that it always reflects the current blind state.
It's easier to see than explain, so I have exported part of the Node-RED flow below that you can import and look at. I hope this helps!
[{"id":"ba5d49db.d079c8","type":"change","z":"f4508d01.03759","name":"Blind 1 Up","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"cmnd/sonoff_bridge/Backlog","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"rfraw AAB036050809B0065E014A028A15C2C092B2B2A3B2A3A3A3A3B2A3A3A3B2A3B2A3B2A3A3A3A3A3B2B2B2A3A3A3A3A3A3A3B2B2A3A3A3B2B2B255; rfraw 0","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":1950,"y":820,"wires":[["d06d9930.3f86d8","37f0ada2.af37c2"]],"info":"Send code scraped via Portisch."},{"id":"d06d9930.3f86d8","type":"mqtt out","z":"f4508d01.03759","name":"Sonoff Bridge","topic":"","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"955eb2ac.8fa89","x":2380,"y":1060,"wires":[]},{"id":"37f0ada2.af37c2","type":"api-call-service","z":"f4508d01.03759","name":"LR Blind 1 Switch","server":"YourHA.Server","version":5,"debugenabled":false,"domain":"input_boolean","service":"turn_off","areaId":[],"deviceId":[],"entityId":["input_boolean.living_room_blind_1"],"data":"","dataType":"json","mergeContext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[],"queue":"none","x":2550,"y":820,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"955eb2ac.8fa89","type":"mqtt-broker","name":"Mosquitto on SAL","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","autoConnect":true,"usetls":false,"compatmode":false,"protocolVersion":4,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","closeTopic":"","closeQos":"0","closePayload":"","willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":""}]
@@sdfhjklhsfdjdsflhkds Many thanks! :)
Just followed your tutorial 'cause I've bought a zemismart motor too. Worked like a charm. Thank you so much
Fantastic stuff DrZzs! For 3 years I've been trying to find a suitable solution to control my QMotion GenII blinds. I ended up connecting a 2 channel wifi relay to a spare remote but it always annoyed me that I could only open or close all the blinds at once. Now I've successfully flashed Tasmota and Portisch to an RF-bridge I can control each blind individually. Thanks for showing us how to do this. I would have been lost following the instructions on my own.
Great step by step video. It helped me with opening and closing my fence. Keep up the good work.
For those if you who can't flash because you receive md5 mismatch error, use 5v on the ftdi instead of 3.3v. Worked like a charm after many hours of frustration. (I have a CH340 flasher)
Thanks for the video. I used Tasmotizer but followed your general instructions and got there. With Portisch (the non-cut-trace version) I am now able to capture RF from my 6-speed and reverse ceiling fans. The old firmware did not twitch when I triggered those remotes.
I can now work on linking the bedroom fan speed to temp overnight.
Thank You for your help.
A little advice: You should put the links in the description.
Have a good day! 🙂
Thanks for the tip!
Good timing... you must be watching my search history because I have been searching for ways to use some RF433 switches with this bridge to turn on and off outlets/lamps/whatever. This should put me onto the correct path. Just really need to commit to HA and Tasmota at this point instead of just tinkering here and there every few weeks.
16:26 - exactly how I felt after flashing my RF bridge today, could now grab the RF codes for my ceiling fan remote :)
Thanks AGAIN for a fantastic video! Took me a bit but I finally got there in the end... Now to decide what I need to set up first!!! lol...
Hey, please make a video doing a automations with sending and receiving those new codes PLEASEEEEE! Btw, great work on your videos.
3 years later i can confirm it still works!!!!
That's what I like to hear!
I really understand your satisfaction because I went thru this cumbersome process a year ago. And still a lot of RF devices (with "rolling codes") could not be detected. At least I one set of RF power plugs working. After that my ambitions were saturated also because the Portish Software is no longer maintained. (Last version from Jul 2019)
Freaking awesome explanation and walkthrough - Thanks Dr Zzs
Omg this is GREAT! I was celebrating right along side you. Got a new RF Bridge, flashed Tasmota, flashed the one you(me) can’t say, after some messing around got it to learn my remote for the power sliding door from my pet tag, figured out how to make it into a script and it works there too! One problem, how the heck can I make Alexa run it? It doesn’t come up in scripts or scenes, and I don’t pay for the HA cloud thing, I’m 99% there... Totally new to HA, on day 3 here and I’m lost but it’s so cool.
Happy new year DrZzs. Thank you for everything you're doing here and for this very good video. Take good care of yourself.
Just picked up the bridge and flashed it with Tasmota hoping I could use it to integrate motion sensors and door sensors from an old alarm system which i hope are 433MHZ
I assume if the RF chip could see them id see entries in the console as I walk around the house?
Guess I'll make up some jumper cables and flash Portisch and see what happens.
Thanks for the help so far Doc
And one year later exactly I got my RFBridge in the mail :D
Worked wonderfully to automate my blinds
Genius!!!!!!!!! thanks so much for share this amazing things
Thanks for this! It helped me during my setup.
Glad it helped!
To get the Broadlink pro to read 433 you need the broadlink app then setup a user defined button in the app. Then hit sweep frequency and hold the button you want to learn until it picks it up, then the app will ask you to press the button again DON'T DO THAT. Do the Broadlink learn in HA then press the button. I found these instructions on the forums, it worked great on my cheap fan controllers.
DrZzs, now that Sonoff RF Bridge 2.2 is not supported by Portisch, what is a boy to do?
finally got the portisch to synch the chip; kept getting magic byte error and then another error.
I did everything the written guide said but my PHYSICAL connections with the wires to those tiny terminal ports on the board were not strong/consistent enough. some bending and electrical tape did the trick!
Easy to follow instructions. Everything seems to be in place after Porstich FW upload, however I get the same message every time I issue an RFRAW command.
Is this by design or am I doing it wrong?
01:29:19 CMD: rfraw
01:29:19 MQT: stat/Sonoff_RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"OFF"}
01:29:25 CMD: rfraw 255
01:29:25 MQT: stat/Sonoff_RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"ON"}
01:29:32 CMD: rfraw 177
01:29:32 MQT: stat/Sonoff_RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"ON"}
01:30:07 CMD: rfraw 192
01:30:07 MQT: stat/Sonoff_RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"ON"}
01:31:38 CMD: rfraw
01:31:38 MQT: stat/Sonoff_RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"ON"}
01:33:22 CMD: rfraw 0xA6
01:33:22 MQT: stat/Sonoff_RF_Bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"ON"}
I got a couple of Zemismart roller blinds and able to control it with Portisch. What's depressing though after a couple of months (< 6mos), it stopped working. Issue is not with RF nor Homeassistant since it does not respond via its own remote too. Seems the roller blinds stopped responding to RF. Resetting the blinds does not bring it back to life. Tried opening it up and able to confirm that the dyno motor is still working. Now I got a couple of Zemismart roller blinds accumulating dust. Since the community is vibrant, am still hoping that somebody smarter managed to fix same issue as mine and kind enough to share. Tried getting support from Zemismart but nothing comes out of it yet.
Followed it all the way through (excellent) I'm not too familiar with MQTT and didn't understand where you got RF-Bridge_raw from as you never called your device that earlier in the video, nut followed your example but that stumped me for two hours!
I had to go read too.
Example using MQTT:
cmnd/sonoffRFBridge/Backlog RfRaw
You are the best Aden!
Would you know if this "Portisch" can "learn" more RF than an OMG using a generic receiver?
I have a chinese blind motor "just like yours" that the control has never been read.
Great video!
For upgrading sonoff bridge v1 Portisch flashing via ota, take notis for rx tx crossing to flash the chip
hello . I have a problem with the file
RF-Bridge-EFM8BB1.hex doesnt work its named different at yours....can you help me please to find the correct file. thanks
Hi Great video, but I have a little problem. I flashed my Bridge with Portisch a year ago, and working with some plugs (brand does not know) but is working fine with the short code. Also having two Sonoff remotes with the short codes. Now I have something thats build in the Netherlands, and its a tricky thing. But, I have it working, the problem is, once I send the rfraw long code (plug is working/listening} the the Sonoff remotes and plugs don't work any more. Until I restart the Bridge, then its oke again. I have the MQTT but its already happening with the codes directly in the Bridge/tasmota console. Also tried to read the long code with rfraw 177 from the Sonoff remote, but that's not working either. Any suggestions about this?
Hi, do you think flashing portisch is the best thing to do now when setting up any rf bridge?
@DrZzs, this RFRaw 177 doesn't last for long, appears it auto shut off rfraw for some reason. Do you or anyone know how to maintain rfraw 177 on while sonnof bridge on? I have lot of motion alarm sensors in my house and they're only read iif rfraw is on...
HI Doc, Help please...since flashing the rf bridge with tasmota and Portisch, I am completely lost on how to setup the binary sensors again?
it used to be
#hall PIR
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "tele/Sonoff_RF/RESULT"
name: 'hall sensor'
value_template: '{{value_json.RfReceived.data}}'
payload_on: '"AAA055"'
payload_off: 'AAA055_old'
device_class: motion
qos: 1
but what should the payload be now? the RAW code before conversion, or after, or not that at all?
Thank you in advance
Hi, I have done this but I have a problem. The bridge can't handle more commands. For example, when i ask Google to turn my bedroom off. Only 1 of my 433mhz devices turns off.
Hi @DrZzs, Great tutorial! Got a quick question regarding using the Portisch firmware with ESPhome though. I'm having issues on ESPhome (Original Sonoff Firmware on RF Chip) with detecting Sonoff's own DW2 Door sensor (The RF Version). Sending a RF Trigger on the Sensor causes the orange light on the bridge to register, but there are no sniffed codes. Is this something that Portisch would fix?
DrZz thanks for this explanation, I was able to flash my sonoff bridge with the portisch firmware.
I hope I can read 433MHz temperature sensors etc.
Sweet! Hopefully the klik aan klik uit also works now!
Good to know. I tried flashing the RF bridge before but did not succeed. With this video I suddenly understand how to do it. It would be nice to start reusing the Klik-aan-Klik-uit switches that are currently without use.
Hi, I tried at the moment do make my bridge useing for RF sniffng. I could flash the Tasmota and switch to 25 Bridge. But unfortunately I couldn't flash the RF IC over the Tasmota Fimeware flash. So I saw that you have another Firmware to flash, not the downloaded RF-Bridge... .hex. From where have you the portisch.hex file? Or what could I make wrong? But I must say, that I have a nwere release named V.2.2 without a switch an the PCB. THX ahead.
doc you the man!
Before I go to the trouble of attempting to flash the RF firmware, can anyone confirm if this will enable frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) ? I have a driveway alert transmitter that does not show up in the logs. On the back of the TX, it says 433mhz FSK + FHSS. I'm guessing no, but would love confirmation.
Interestingly, I've never had a device that works in the sonoff RF bridge without using RFRAW, I just assumed it was a conspiracy against me.
It's because you always buy "AAA Robert's level" equipment, here at Neverland (Brazil) we only have generic Chinese things, usually they work easily(for a while). :)
I must have just been lucky then because I had a couple different door sensors and those little key-fob remotes that worked with just Tasmota. The Universe is just against you Rob. Sorry. :P
@@DrZzs I find this easier with Node-Red, but my use case is to capture sensor's commands instead of sending them. Also, I had to add a rule `ON System#Boot do rfraw 177 ENDON` for it to turn on RFRaw on boot.
@@DrZzsReally useful guide!
I have a button that I can only receive the raw codes in 177 mode, no other modes pick it up. My problem is that parts of the received code differ every time, with a constant string in the middle.
How on earth do I create a value template for something that 'contains' a string of characters??
@@AdamRhoadesuk That is the benefit of using Node Red to parse the received JSon data...there is a contains function in the Switch node. If you're not using Node-Red I see your predicament...
I get Upload Error Error 210 when trying to flash Portisch firmware. Cannot find a way around it. Followed instructions exactly, tried it on and off, reset the Tasmota firmware, tried almost everything. Running v9.5 of Tasmota. Frustrating!
NVM, managed to sort it. I switched it off, then powered it with 3.3V and GND direct to the board rather than via USB, and it worked.
Very nice and useful tutorial. I just finished flashing the rfbridge with tasmota and portish. I managed to read the code of my rf blind motor and tested it through the tasmota console with rfraw AAAA....... etc. How would you implement the backlog command in a home assistant cover ( in order to have a cover on the interface with on/off and stop. Thank you again
this was super helpful thank you!
I have a RF sonoff for a while and I tried to connected to the network but it doesn't. It is recognized but when I check on the ewelink app, it says it is offline, and the blue led keeps blinking. Flashing Tasmota and Portisch will fix it?
Great video.
Do you think it's possible to purchase a mass produced RF bridge capable of reading Rolling Codes. I like the Sonoff R2 bridge but don't want to be flashing firmware to make it read these codes...
Soooo, we now succesfully tested this service. The question now is, how do I configure this to use it?
Hi Drzzs! I have my bridge all flasher as per your instructions! Thanks a lot. I have mqtt broker addon in home assistant - the tasmota appears to connect to it but I can't seem to send any commands from HA. They work fine from the command line in tasmota though. Am I missing something? I see in MQTT config on tasmota the Host is empty. Should this have the IP of the HA? Not sure. The broker does not seem to be listening properly to the tasmota bridge.
Hi everyone, bbconv.hrbl.pl/ isn't working ... anyone have a different option to get the code? thank you
hi! thanks for the video! do you know where i can buy a RF Bridge with Tasmota already flashed ?
Awesome guys! Thanks much!!
Hello DrZZs,
thanks for your great video! Do you have any solution, because the Online-Converter seems to be down?
Try this one. Just put the code b1 without the rfraw part. npm.runkit.com/b1-to-b0-convertor
Hi Dr Zzzz. Great videos. Flashed the sonoff bridge with tasmota as described. Flashed fine. It rebooted but I cannot find the IP. Used Fing and my router tool. Notthing under the name is appearing. Do I need to disconnect the flash cables, switch it back on and plug in the normal usb? Thanks
Dear Drzzs, would like to know, after we flashed tasmota or with potisch. is it a way to flash back to stock firmware? tq.
Doc, this is a great refresh about rf433 and portish firmware, despite that the trend is to abandon this for zigbee & co, due to the statelessness. I was a bit shocked when you said you want to replace your great blind systems x7, done in a previous video. You said 3 out of 7 are no longer working. Rather than giving up so quickly the original idea, can you shortly make a video on what failed in the blinds motors design? When you said this i was on the way to reproduce your motor blinds for home...
Ohhhh…...I just finally got my Broadlink RF Pro today. I'm just about to take it out of the box and I hear in this video that the RF scanning isn't working. Is that still true? If so, I'll just pack it up and send it back to Amazon. I've got one Sonoff RF bridge. I can get another one and just get the IR Broadlink for my other remotes. I have more than 4 RF devices so I thought that the Broadlink would be good.
Hi, I have a problem. With "rfraw 177" I can detect my control activity, then I convert to B0, but with "rfraw B0covertCode" nothing happans... I am missing something ??
Hi, I need help with sonoff rf bridge tasmota portish.
Every time I cut the power and it restarts, it emits the RF signal that activates the opening of the garage.
How do i disable that?
00:00:00 CFG: Loaded from flash at FB, Count 17
00:00:00 SER: Set to 8N1 19200 bit / s
00:00:00 Project tasmota sonoff_bridge Version 8.4.0 (tasmota) -2_7_2_1
00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 xxxxx Channel 5 BSSId xxxxxxxxx in mode 11N as sonoff_bridge ...
00:00:03 WIF: Connected
18:46:05 HTP: Web server active on sonoff_bridge with IP address xxxxxxxx
18:46:06 MQT: Attempting connection ...
18:46:07 MQT: Connected
18:46:07 MQT: tele / sonoff_bridge / LWT = Online (retained)
18:46:07 MQT: cmnd / sonoff_bridge / POWER =
18:46:07 MQT: tele / sonoff_bridge / INFO1 = {"Module": "Sonoff Bridge", "Version": "8.4.0 (tasmota)", "FallbackTopic": "cmnd / sonoff_bridge_fb /", "GroupTopic" : "cmnd / tasmotas /"}
18:46:07 MQT: tele / sonoff_bridge / INFO2 = {"WebServerMode": "Admin", "Hostname": "sonoff_bridge", "IPAddress": "xxxxxxxxx"}
18:46:07 MQT: tele / sonoff_bridge / INFO3 = {"RestartReason": "Power On"}
18:46:07 MQT: stat / sonoff_bridge / RESULT = {"RfCode": 0}
18:46:07 MQT: stat / sonoff_bridge / RESULT = {"RfRaw": "ON"}
18:46:07 MQT: stat / sonoff_bridge / RESULT = {"RfRaw": "OFF"}
18:46:10 MQT: tele / sonoff_bridge / STATE = {"Time": "2020-08-29T18: 46: 10", "Uptime": "0T00: 00: 11", "UptimeSec": 11, "Heap ": 26," SleepMode ":" Dynamic "," Sleep ": 50," LoadAvg ": 19," MqttCount ": 1," Wifi ": {" AP ": 1," SSId ":" xxxxxxxx " , "BSSId": "xxxxxxxx", "Channel": 5, "RSSI": 100, "Signal": - 32, "LinkCount": 1, "Downtime": "0T00 : 00: 05 "}}
Enviar comentarios
I was able to duplicate a doorbell following this guide. It took all day to get it working. My new laptop does not like any of the flasher tools that I have. :-( The old laptop worked just fine. But I did get interrupted ALOT. Is there a video on how to use the data/codes in home assistant and nodered?
thank you great content cheers!
interesting. i wonder if this can be used to control Somfy blinds as I know they use a special RF to control their blinds. I would like to utilize this to clean up my solution
I wonder the same .... with Rolling code & RTS protocol
@@sebydocky5080 i would love it. right now i rigged up a ZEN16 to a modified remote to make it "smart", but it's such a clunky solution
oh crap I just ordered Somfy Roller shutter assuming this would work
I was wondering the same!
I'll give it a try next weekend
I am dutch, we put 'sch' at the end of a word as often as we put it on the beginning of a word 😁
If you are powering the device with a computer, OTG adaptor, or FTDI when you flash the RF chip you do not need to cut the traces. You cut the traces to prevent those two GPIOs from being shorted together when a "compliant" USB POWER only port is used since it shorts together D+ and D- (these traces). But everyone needs to learn how to cut a trace, and these are the two data lines from the USB plug that serve no purpose without a USBUART chip so I encourage everyone to give it a go.
You're awesome
Thanks, how do I switch off the sonoff bridge without powering down? It is working as an alarm that cannot be put off which is a pain, when I am home or has to keep going off because I am there, unplugging the unit doesn't sound right, what should I do
Maybe turn off WiFi to it? My Google WiFi integration allows this.
Firstly thanks for your videos, truly helpful. Having a great time with HASS although my YAMLs are crap :) I tried this tasmota flash on my sonoff 433 RF Bridge today. I have flashed my 4ch sonoffs perfectly but this bridge failed to flash I used Tasmotizer and it backed the device up, erased memory to half way and the bar stopped. Message said this could take some time but eventually it returned an error "timed out, waiting for packet header". It does the same with ESP flasher. Any clues on this please. Had no problems with other sonoff basics so far. Regard Rodoz
Website is dead and I can't get the py file to work. Can't convert to B0
The new RFBridges have a different RF chip and do not accept the Portisch firmware.
When I connect my sonoff to my serial adapter, the port (and the adapter) disappears in my Device Manager on my computer. Anyone knows what to do?
You should join the discord server. You will get a lot more support there. Details are in the description. It's just really hard to troubleshoot over comments.
How would you configure tasmota to just add the RF id payload into a URL you specify ?
Awesome, wonder if tasmota can be replaced with Esphome
I use it with esphome
@@osborne82 Perhaps he is asking if it will support the added functionality after flashing the RF chip.
@@jmr I use the RF bridge with porstch firmware and esphome so yes it works
@@osborne82 That's good to know! I couldn't comment on that aspect since I don't have experience with esphome.
@@osborne82 Very interesting... Do you know some tutorial about the RFbridge & ESPhome ?
At 15:55 you are using the website bbconv.hrbl.pl to convert the code. The page was really useful!!! Unfortunately it is down now and I can't run the python code as "pycurl" isn't available or something. Are you or is anyone aware of a similar page or a video describing how to create the B1 code out of the B0 one? THANK YOU!
Please let me know as well. Have been searching myself without luck :-(
It is not down, just needed at the front bbconv.hrbl.pl/ Although I have not managed to control any devices yet.
@@nhojnildo thanks a lot! It is back online! :)
It's still not avalable 😭
strange : I'm up to the part when i receive the codes via the rfraw 117 , past the code into the B0 Converter .. get the new code string out ... then back the CLI and rfraw with the New code nothing. no error messages . I have tried removing spaces from the code still nothing ... any ideas ? note i have left the jumpers connected
Same here :-( Please from 16:00 minute there are 20 magic seconds where I'm lost too. I did a copy from BBconverter - just, select all and Ctrl+C, than what ? Should the spaces be deleted ? should put rfraw in a front of the string ? should the string be in "" ? And why you click on CLI ? DrZzs .. could you please help us ? i sniffed this string:"{"RfRaw":{"Data":"AA B1 05 0136 0A5A 00BE 04C4 283C 481828382838283828383828382838283828283828383828382838282838382828382838283828383828382828383828283828383828283838282838283828382838 55"}}" what will be the command ?
@@dorayout rfraw is the command to send in the Tasmota console.
I have the r2 bridge. Tasmota 13.3.0 . When I try to flash the Portish firmware Version 0x04 ( I connected the 2 jumper cables like you did ). I just get the error:
Upload Failed
Upload error code 210
Please does anyone know what I have done wrong here ?
My fault I forgot to cut the 2 connection. Now it worked!
For future reference the best way to troubleshoot this sort of stuff is to join the discord channel. There are lots of people that are available to help. It's just really difficult to troubleshoot over comments.
Thanks for the instructions; I was always nervous about doing this but your demo has made me more confident. Would it be possible to do without severing the tracks on the circuit board by using a USB power only lead rather than one with data?
I'd check the cable and make sure because I think in a power-only usb cable those data contacts might be shorted together. If that's true (and I really could be wrong here) that cable would still cause problems when trying to use pin 4/5 for flashing the RF chip.
You do not need cutting any traces, if you have a USB/serial adapter to supply power, both while flashing Tasmota and also Portisch. USB to the RF Bridge only for normal operation.
Thanks for the suggestions; I am not sure why the tracks have to be cut and if it would affect normal operation; I guessed that there must be some good reason. I will have to try it out and see what happens. I have a spare Sonoff RF Bridge, so if magic smoke appeared or it gets bricked it's not the end of the world!
@@MrJozza65 What you gain by cutting traces is: 1) The ability to power via USB while flashing. I prefer powering from USB/serial adapter while already attaching wires to the board. 2) The ability to expand with extra stuff (like sensors), as extra gpio pins are freed up if you have such urges. This is valid for flashing Tasmota, I'm not certain if additional consideration apply if flashing other firmware.
@@JohnnieHougaardNielsen Thanks, that makes it a bit clearer, so I will probably leave the trace cutting as I don't need the extra GPIO inputs at the moment and will power up with the adapter for flashing.
Would be interesting to see if you can also use this for a car remote. To for instance send out a lock-the-doors signal 15 minutes after comming home. Or when your home alarm goes to armed state. From what I can see my Mazda does use a 433Mhz key
I'd be pretty surprised if your car remote has such excessively bad security that it would work with the RF bridge.
Well if you can grab the raw data sent by the key and repeat that signal. There is no need for decryption or changing the signal.
@@ragnoto Nope. The security features for car keyfobs stop this simplistic replay attack form working. Short version: Sent data change every time you use the keyfob.
Great info, thanks.
hey, why 3 RFBridge ??
That's really nice. I'll add the portish part to my tasmotized RF bridge.
Do you know if it does handle Somfy blinds? Those use a proprietary and an unusual frequency :/
Hi everyone
Does anyone get this error on flashing the portisch hex?
Upload Failed
Upload error code 211
Tasmota v9.2
Answer to my own question:
I haven't set the SerialLog 0 command before flashing..
I just followed the short DrZzs's video and didn't mention that.
What's the website you used to convert the code? It don't seem to exist any more
New versions of the RFBridge have a different RF chip and no longer work with Portisch firmware.
@@DrZzs arr, mine is a few years old. It did flash but had a lot of issues in sending the copied code. It has worked when using the non raw code, but getting that working g in code was difficult. And not 100% sure what tweek actually got it working
Greetings from Mexico, i can control now my roller blinds with hacked sonoff rf brifge, but dont know how to configure the device on HA, can you please show us your configuration?
@DrZzs would it be possible for you to show us how to setup scripts in HA with the Sonoff RF Bridge with Portisch Firmware?
Thanks - I followed all steps and I was successful!
can you load Tasmota after cutting the lines ?
Yes, but you don't need cutting any lines. Just have the USB/serial adapter to supply power, also when flashing Portisch.
Hey Doc,
Just recently got into Home automation and found your channel a god send. I managed to find the FTDI adapter online but not the cable that I connect with to the sonoff bridge, any idea where I can find this?
You can use a set of dupont jumper wires (good search term), probably female/male.
Modifying the board is not really recommended. I did not, and had the board powered by the USB/serial adapter while flashing Portisch. Worked perfectly, with the switch in the OFF position. USB power only used during normal operation.
Same he😊re😅😅😅
What's up with the overhead camera?
It looks like you record in slow motion and interpolate new frames in between.
my PC was unhappy and that camera had some serious lag. It's usually better but to fix it I would have had to shut down OBS and restart it. Not ideal in the middle of a live stream. Sorry about that.
Can I buy a modified sonoff from you?
I am not a programmer,
This video is out dated. Sonoff no longer sells this model with a chip that is portisch flashable.
Try a Bond branded device.
DrZzs, is there an .stl file available for your pvc tube adapter?
🤔. Interesting Doc. Does it maybe work with my outside temperature sensors that came with the weather station.? They are also 433 MHz.
Rene B no. But look into rf link. There is a home assistant add on for it as well. Working a treat for me with a few different sensors and weather stations.
Stripey Horse Hi. Yes I have seen that one but thought maybe with this new software it maybe connecting. It’s a lot $14 instead of $40 of this RF Link solution
@@reneb5222 i got my SDR on amazon. Im in aus but it only cost $24.95 so not much more than a sonoff bridge. I use the following to push it into home assistant. github.com/mverleun/RTL433-to-mqtt
@@stripeyhorse Looks interesting. Do you maybe have a link to the SDR on Amazon?
@@reneb5222 www.amazon.com/RTL-SDR-Blog-RTL2832U-Software-Defined/dp/B0129EBDS2/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=rtl+sdr&qid=1597192353&sr=8-4 (i like these metal ones.. it of course works with any that use the RTL2832U chipset)
Can you send/reseve things with rolling code?
I don't know for sure, but I don't think it would be usable with rolling codes.
Yeah, I'm looking at Somfy (mainly for WAF) and the integration looks 'interesting' for this and other reasons. But @DrZzs has got me thinking ...
Anyone having issues with the online conversion tool. Keep getting an 503 error when I click on the link.
Needs a https link instead ..
So i got it to work now i just have to find out to setup the config,yaml and the on/off button in lovelace have 50 rf switches i bought 5 years ago and never got working, so anyone wants to help? :-)
Do you think it will work with somfy pergola moter ? It looks a bit like these ones : www.aksutente.com/urun/pergola-star/. The remote is a somfy 74300 remote (telis 1) which seems to be transmitting at Frequency: 433.92MHz
Can you use this to steal RF remote codes for cars?
Just realized this...
They'd have to operate at 433 Mhz.
I don't think so, but I have a couple garage openers I could try....
Or your neighbours... Just as a precaution
They also generally use a rolling code, so you'd only be able to steal the last code used, which is then useless, because it rolls over to the next code.
It's theoretically possible to jam the frequency to keep the vehicle from receiving the code and rolling over, and then turn around and use that code once (and only once) at a later point, but it'd be tricky, considering that people are usually pretty close to their vehicle when they use their code; AND if it doesn't work, they'll just keep trying until it does.
Unless you can just so happen to be in the right place when the vehicle is in code-learning mode, and new remotes are being synced, you're not gonna get any useful data. And at that point, you'd be just as easily able to sneak in there and program your own remote with its own rolling code anyway, so it'd be pointless.
So from a practical standpoint the payoff for stealing a remote code for a keyless entry or garage door opener is virtually pointless outside of the movies.
Car keyfobs have security features making them not work with the very basic RF Bridge. Otherwise it would be excessively bad security.
Any luck in sniffing weather coded results from an RF433 sensor?
I don't have that weather sensor. I would expect you could use this method to sniff any 433mhz codes. It would be a matter of knowing which information from the weather station corresponds to which raw codes.
Better off using github.com/mverleun/RTL433-to-mqtt for weather stations. It’s made for it.. plus bonus it works with any 433 device.. I’ve tested aliexpress switches and pirs. Even picks up my cars tps.
My ceiling fan remotes say they are 434mhz, would the 433mhz sonoff bridge still work with the fans?
The only way to know for sure is to try it.
Do you have a broadlink rm pro? If so just capture the codes with that.
If you don't have an rmpro, stay tuned. I have a spare sonoff Bridge I'm about to flash portisch on the rf side.
Two of my fans codes were also not readable at all by the sonoff Bridge. Or my gate remote for that matter. Rmpro got them no problem & works awesome.
About to flash a sonoff z-bridge, so I'll do portisch on a rf bridge & see what happens.
Edit: both flashed successfully & the rf Bridge now reads my fans codes. ;-). (and a few others it never could)
I'll still be using the rmpro though, never failed in many years.
Oops, didn't see 434mhz. 434mhz is not in the 433mhz range, so no would be the correct answer there.
433 MHz is actually 433.92 MHZ, which some round to 434, just to confuse people. It may work, but the very messy old RF signaling has so many variations that it may not work....
This is an Update. After following this video I was able to send commands to my fans from the sonoff RF bridge and everything worked. My ceiling fans are the "Hunter" brand in case someone is interested.