Eltham Disaster Cycle lanes

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024
  • This needs serious improvement before someone's seriously injured here.

ความคิดเห็น • 22

  • @thecraigmachine69
    @thecraigmachine69 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Depressing to watch this. It’s amazing how on one hand it’s all about protecting the environment, road safety, etc., and then on the other hand the blatant disregard to people on bicycles safety, the general public’s disrespect towards cyclists, motorists obsession with purchasing ever larger vehicles, etc. We should be designing for a future whereby by you don’t need a car and even not want a car. Cars have quite literally ruined ever village, town, city and countryside across the globe.

  • @kindnessark8064
    @kindnessark8064 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    A lot of of our cycle a lanes are nothing like the Netherlands. Sad really.

  • @axolotol
    @axolotol 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Looks like a hazard training course

    • @kindnessark8064
      @kindnessark8064 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Can certainly say that again. I hate when they have cycle paths that switch sides all the time too.

  • @gazzabiker8540
    @gazzabiker8540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Those wands look like they trap you in a really narrow space.

  • @katankya
    @katankya 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You call that a disaster?
    I call that a standard bike lake in Switzerland.

  • @PeterSdrolias
    @PeterSdrolias 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Definitely not designed by a Dutch city planner. Stay safe.

  • @markmorris3579
    @markmorris3579 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seeing this makes me glad I live in a rural area.My biggest headache is the wildlife.

  • @MorganBrown
    @MorganBrown 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    And those drainage grates 😱

  • @HanOfGod13
    @HanOfGod13 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a cyclist, I'd prefer not to have a segregate cycle lane. It limits the options i have when hazards do appear as you're boxed in. Especially the 2 way cycle lanes and shared use cycle lanes with pedestrians.
    It is very difficult to overtake slower Cyclists in a segregated cycle lane.
    Too many cycle lanes are poorly maintained, not regularly cleared of debris or leaves (especially in autumn).
    Using the road, whether in a car or on a bike, it is about judging risks and putting yourself in the safest position possible.
    Your position when going through the junction wasn't great. Either go in front of the bus at the ASL or stay behind it in primary position. By putting yourself on the inside of the bus of a leftish turning junction wasn't the best as the bus was always going to cut the corner because of the size of the vehicle. Also you're not putting yourself in the best position to be seen by the car. Never assume someone behind you can see you or "should" know you're there.
    I'm not criticising, I'm just want to let you know we all have areas to improve. I am by far not a perfect rider on the road and make mistakes in my positioning also.

    • @wonjez3982
      @wonjez3982 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Until there's proper infrastructure, you can't always behave correctly. Infrastructure makes traffic safe, not the people on them.
      I know you (and me) being a cyclist we feel pretty good about our driving, but as long as cars are not reminded/blocked from bikes next to them, there will be accidents. Sure, you can position correctly, but as long as we are going past cars, there will be risks. Think, how often do you make compromises when going in the road? Everytime you go past a moving or parked car at less than 1.5m you put yourself at risk, you cannot know if the door swings open, or somebody sverves around a pothole. I ride in the street too, but if you're honest about it, there is always situations where things could have gone wrong. Cars and people on bikes are not to be mixed, infrastructure has to leave room for mistakes.
      F.ex. Corners like 3:35 will always cause more conflicts (as in accidents) than with a proper bike lane. Yeah, stay behind the bus or go infront, but what if the light turns green just as you're passing? I don't want to jump from safe zone to safe zone just to be prepared for any mistakes, neither do people who aren't as fit to keep up or confident. Just think why there's no children on the bike routes, or so few elderly people, although many of them have a bike.
      That being said, you can ride in the street, but you shouldn't be obliged to. The curb at 2:50 is overly agressive and unsafe, in the netherlands bike lanes are simply kept above street level all together for this exact reason. They are also wider to allow overtaking, 2:50 just shows this bike lane was built as a compromise of street width, not for bike friendlyness. But, just because this lane sucks (which the video says btw) that doesn't mean there's no need for improvement.
      And your argument of poor maintenance just shows where the cities priorities lie, right? (To any people saying theres few cyclists anyways, think why that may be)

    • @HanOfGod13
      @HanOfGod13 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wonjez3982 Where infrastructure helps, unfortunately it also takes away people ability to assess risk as they assume they should be safe and not observe other road users and pedestrians as they should. Especially at junctions, side roads, crossings etc.
      I do feel there needs to be more done for education in road safety for cyclists and accountability. Yes, cars and motor vehicles have a greater responsibility as they can do more damage to vulnerable road users, but that should not mean cyclists have NO responsibility to be safe on the road. Unfortunately too many cyclists seem to think this, which makes it hard for the rest of us who do follow the rules of the road and ride safely.

    • @wonjez3982
      @wonjez3982 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@HanOfGod13 Didn't make it clear enough, sry. What i mean is that you will make mistakes even if you try your best, that's why we need infrastructure. Obviously everyone is obliged to behave correctly and education is surely needed. Before we start educating people how to ride on the road though, we should instead minimize the likelyhood of mistakes/risk by clear infrastructure first, after that we can approach the remaining dangers by education.

  • @patdoherty2414
    @patdoherty2414 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wouldn't a cyclist simply adjust their speed acccording to their surroundings !
    The slower you cycle goes the easier it would to take any necessary safety actions.
    It's seems unrealistic and dangerous to expect to cycle at speed all the time.
    There is a level of personal responsibility when cycling on the road.
    I use to cycle to and from work for 15 years...

    • @thegrowl2210
      @thegrowl2210  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Someone opening a door in your path and buses merging into your lane is dangerous regardless of the speed you travel at. Throughout this video I was going avg 10mph.

    • @wonjez3982
      @wonjez3982 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sure you can bike slower, but the point of a proper bike lanes is not just to be safe, but to be viable. Otherwise you could just as well walk.
      Cars are bigger and faster still, how come there's so few accidents between cars then? I'd say a good road design takes care of that.
      It seems unrealistic to go fast on a bike in the video, because nobody ever cared about bulding wide and continous cycle lanes.
      Yes, in the current state it's best for your health to put yourself after every other user on the road, but if anything that's even more of a reason to criticise the status quo and point out the problems with this halfway finished design. "The surroundings" are not a given, nor are they fixed, instead they are built by people. Cyclists should therefor not just adapt to anything there is, because that's what people always did, but they should proactively shape the new infrastructure that many people use these days.
      The only personal responsibility you can enact on this road is not to ride there all together. That's why there's so few cyclists by the way. Responsibility needs the room and right to behave correctly, all this cycle track does is push the cyclists to the side wherever possible while changing nothing about the really dangerous parts.

    • @CoolTransport
      @CoolTransport 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      how about we actually get drivers to drive slower, they're the ones with the dangerous vehicles...

  • @treeriders
    @treeriders 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s certainly better than nothing. I’m sure it’ll be improved in time.

  • @treeman5824
    @treeman5824 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    At least you have some thing . Better than nothing :)

  • @lukasmax6984
    @lukasmax6984 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This kind of street design is the reason why people will ride bikes on the sidewalk.

    • @wonjez3982
      @wonjez3982 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Good point, 0:46 is a great sidewalk to go around the bus station if you want to avoid traffic ;)

  • @Aubury
    @Aubury 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can scarcely remember Eltham High Street.
    Now this. Do a proper job of cycle lanes ..