"Fujitsu is engaged" congrats on the marriage of antiquated + late2party. i used to think these Keiretsu were at all relevant, but they have slacked the quantum ball in their court. pls scare us (the west) with quantum, the way you -almost- scared us in the 80s-90s. i used to be a fanboi, and would love to buy ur products. but u just dont have any. or, u are making us think u dont have any. when will ur quantum prowess finally be revealed. pls scare us with ur advancements.
need to get the horizon software fixed while you're at it
Клевый ролик
When will the Riken Quantum Computer be accessible through the cloud ( online ) ?
I agree with your statement, I hope soon that will be possible.
Future will be way more different than majority of people think.
Quantum computing can be minimized and put in to laptops
"Fujitsu is engaged" congrats on the marriage of antiquated + late2party. i used to think these Keiretsu were at all relevant, but they have slacked the quantum ball in their court. pls scare us (the west) with quantum, the way you -almost- scared us in the 80s-90s. i used to be a fanboi, and would love to buy ur products. but u just dont have any. or, u are making us think u dont have any. when will ur quantum prowess finally be revealed. pls scare us with ur advancements.
No more quantum