This took me about an hour end-to-end to complete, and it eliminated that horrible squeaking sound. Thanks so much for sharing! Can't believe Wahoo wanted to waste all of that time and money on shipping a replacement for such a simple fix.
Just wanted to give you my thanks, I didn't really have the same noise but there was definitely vibration from the flywheel. Not sure what I would have done without your video, I'm way out of warranty. Just taking it apart and giving it a couple taps made it good as new! Thanks so so so much!
HOLY CRAP!! If I had this problem, I would just send it back for a replacement. Too many parts. Knowing me, I would have a few pieces left over! GOOD JOB FIXING THIS!
Followed your directions today after purchasing yesterday. Worked for me. Wahoo need to get onto their Chinese manufacturer and sort this out. A simple fix if your capable.
glad to hear my video helped! yeah by inspecting, it looks like the assembly line did not push the key all the way in, and QC department didn't bother checking. Otherwise, a great trainer though.
I just got a KICKR Dec. 2019. I was curious to see the inside of one and saw your video. Good to know how to adjust belt tension, etc. and to see how it's engineered but I would have never guessed the cause of your noise issue. Very interesting...
Worked perfectly! Easier than attaching my through-axel bike to the Kicker! But I have the tools. My new Kickr has hex nut axel bolt rather than needing a socket wrench. The root design problem appears to be the key slipping out of the retaining washer on the axel. The hammer/punch tap spreads the washer explaining the 1 - 2 mm movement inward. I did not use torque wrench for the bolts, aiming for same tightness as for Vector pedals basically tight enough to undo with mild-moderate effort on the hex driver. Helpful point about reducing the belt tension from the Audi tech.
thanks for this video; i think i have the same problem. out of curiosity, why did you fully remove the belt to recess that piece? couldn't you have just slightly loosened it and then done the same thing? how is it holding up?
Hello, do you notice a vibration in cranks when you increase the power of the pedals? just when you push down with energy, after the cadence stabilizes it doesn't feels as much. this is happening to me, is it normal? Thanks a lot!
I have EXACTLY as you describe. I've had/have this on 3 Cores now, also on Neo 2T. All new drive train on the bike (and BB etc) and never solved it. I now just consider it a
Hi thank you for the video. It has been very helping in servicing Wahoo Kickr. Could you please tell me the screw driver head you used to remove the back plastic plate of wahoo? Thank you!
제가 구독하는 몇 안되는 채널 중에 하나 입니다. 저도 공돌이인데, 영상의 내용, 구성, 설명 등등 공들이스러움이 최고로 마음에 듭니다. 너무 좋은 영상들이라 링크 형식으로 제 블로그에 게시를 할까 합니다. 링크 형식이라 피토님의 수익에는 전혀 지장이 없을 것이고 오히려 좋을 것이라 예상됩니다. 혹시라도 불편하시다면 말씀 부탁 드립니다. 항상 좋은 영상 감사합니다.
@@ptorider ㅎㅎ 덕분에 용기내어 커버를 잘 열었는데.. 녹가루가 한티스푼정도 커버에 고여(?)있길래... 사진찍고 녹가루 닦아내고 다시 조립했습니다. 워런티 진행하려고요~~^^ 안그래야 하지만.. 다음에 또 소음이 나면 다시 도전해 볼까 해요~~^^ 감사합니다~^^
6:55 전 키커 산지 지금 약 3일째 되어가는데 오늘 쇠가는 소리가 들려서 까보니 6:55에 나와있는 나사가 밖으로 튀어나와있어서 그거랑 플라스틱이랑 스치면서 소리가 났습니다. 저 스크루가 어떤 용도로 박혀있는지 궁금하네요. 다시 돌려서 가장안쪽까지 넣어주고 돌려보니 쇠가는 소리가 잡혔습니다.
Fantastic video, thanks! Do you still have the KICKR and if so is it still working for you? I'm curious if the issue came back after a set amount of time.
Hello there even I got a Kickr Core Last Oct, and it is making strange sounds especially when under load i.e. if I am climbing. and on my first ride, the chain broke. still, it makes that noise after 5 rides and as the slope increases, it starts to make the sound as if something is loose or misaligned.
i would follow the video to remove the cover and see whether anything is rubbing against the belt. also, try to tighten the best tension too as it needs to be checked regularly.
No they did not. They will send a replacement bolt for wahoo kickr, but kickr core does not require that bolt. And I had the tools in the video already.
My flywheel is to close to the plastic. When I done what you did in this video it sorted it until I tightened the big bottom bolt then it just put it back to the previous position
감사합니다영상 덕분에 문제 해결했읍니다한국에서 구입한 키커와 클라입을 베트남에서 사용 중이었는데문제 해결할 방법이 없어서 무척 고민이 었읍니다영상에 나와 있는 방법으로 깔끔하게 해결 되었읍니다키에 록타이트 도포하면 고정이 되어 다시 문제 발생하지 않을까요다시는 이런 문제가 발생 안되었으면 하는 바램입니다다시 한번 감사드립니다.
영상 잘 봤습니다. 미국에 계셔서 그런지 와후의 대응이 아주 좋네요. 저는 워런티 보낸지 열흘째 입니다만 아직도 소식이 없네요;;;; 말씀하신대로 새 제품을 먼저 받고나서 문제가 있는 제품을 보내는 게 상식적인 것이 맞습니다만 여기는 안 그래요. 문제있는 제품을 받은 것도 화가 나는데 워런티 진행도 구매자 위주가 아닌 수입사 위주의 워런티가 진행되죠...
@@ptorider 안녕하세요, 예거 입니다. 어제 제품의 국내 유통사인 나눅스를 통해서 수리를 받았습니다. 그런데... 결과는 똑같습니다. 소음은 여전히 나고 있고요, 심지어 제품을 조립하는 볼트와 전용 공구도 누락해서 보냈어요... 와 이놈들 대체 뭐지 ㅂㄷㅂㄷ 상황입니다...
@@ptorider 나눅스에서 연락을 해서 받았는데요, 일단 부품 누락건에 대해서는 사과를 받았고 제품도 새 제품으로 교환해준다고 합니다. 재고가 있냐고 물어봤더니 소량 AS용으로 갖고있는게 있으니 그걸 보내준다고 하네요. 최초에 증상 발생했을 때 교환을 해줬다면 열흘이나 사용못하는 상황이 없었을텐데 이제 와서 새 제품 재고가 있다니 분통이 터지는군요... 피토라이더님께서는 이후로는 문제가 발생하지 않기를 바라겠습니다. 저도 새로 받는 제품이 이상없기를 바라고요.
hi, i have the same issue, it comes and go. i had it last year too and they replaced it but I leave on an island and the warranty doesn't cover the shipment costs, so I would like to try myself. I am not great on fixing thing but do you think I should give it a try? thank you
I think it is a pretty easy fix. No electronic involved, just a few screws and tapping the key in. Keep this video on and follow one by one and you will be fine!
I've heard kickr could be fixed with a new bolt wahoo will send upon problem reported. The method is pretty similar up until the 2mm key bolt removal step :)
@@ptorider I open case with wahoo but they want me to contact to shop (I live in Thailand) and I want to fix my self . Can you send me link website to fix it.
혹시 아직도 키커코어를 사용하고 계신가요? 문제 없이요? 저는 베어링을 분해해보니 베어링 문제여서 베어링을 교체 했습니다. 진동은 좀 있지만 소음은 없어졌거든요. 아직도 키커코어를 사용하고 계신지 문의드려봅니다. ^^ 추가적인 문제는 없었는지요. 시간이 너무 지난 동영상이지만 부탁드려요 ^^;
@@ptorider 빠른답변 너무 감사드립니다. ^^ 결론은 아직 잘 사용하고 계신다는거군요. 문제는 생기지 않았다는 이야기구요. 자잘한 이슈들이 좀 많던데 혹시나 보드쪽의 문제가 발생할까 싶어 일어나지도 않은일에 걱정부터 하고 있네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ^^; 항상 영상 잘보고 있습니다. 다시한번 감사합니다~!
Hi There. I got a brand new Kickr Power (2018) a few weeks ago and although I don't hear a metallic noise, I feel it is running very rough when my chain is in either extremities of the cassette - especially in the 11T to 15T ( first 2-3) gears. I had the difficulty for Zwift at 80-100% and I was having to change gears quite often, and could also feel the belt slip sometimes. But more importantly, I felt the Wahoo had too much vibrations (or more like it was turning rough) that I could feel at he pedals... even when I turn the pedals with my hand such as when I was trying to make adjustments to my gears. (I have Di2 and making adjustments are easier than for cable mechanical systems.) When the chain is in the middle cogs, everything feels very smooth as quiet, like its running like butter... but as soon as I go to my lower or higher gears the vibration comes back.... What could it be? Before I call Wahoo and they tell me to return it I want to know if I can do anything on my end... thanks..
mm.. it's hard to tell without actually seeing the unit. I would check the belt tension first, and see if chain wear and trainer cassette wear is at the similar level. Sometimes if wheel cassette and trainer cassette is at different wear level, it makes noise on certain gears.
@@ptorider first: Thanks for your reply. After i have hammered the Key carefully more in, it went ~3mm Inside. The flywheel however did not Move at all. Even if i pushed it, it did not Move at all. But since the Gap between the flywheel and the kickr itself was like 2-3mm , i assumed it was alright... wrong?
이 소음 외에도 탠션이 풀려서 소음 나는 경우와, 새 제품인데도 QR과 허브쪽에 방청이 안 되서 녹이 엄청난 경우도 있습니다.(전부 제 케이스 ㅜㅜ) 이 글을 먼저 봤더라면 수리해서 썼을 것 같기도 한데, 저 래치 구조가 또 재발할 수 있을 것 같다는 불길한 예감이.... 무튼 매번 좋은 정보 감사드립니다.
@@ptorider Is it gift card which can be used only in Wahoo Shop or you can spend it for example on Zwift subscribtion? I'm asking cause just found this noise in my trainer.... after 3 weeks. It's very confusing.
@@ptorider I think it's horrible that they didn't actually give you cash rebate... Just imagine how much time, shipping and other expenses they saved by getting you to do it... And what if you don't want to buy anything else for a year... Putting a time limit is Bullshit if you ask me.
My core kickr needs the same. 2 questions: 1 - Have you heard any noise after your repair ? 2- Calibration, noticed if the tainer is accurate or is giving more or less watts.
1. no problem after months of usage so far ;) 2. calibration has nothing to do with this procedure as we are just aligning flywheel. I own stages too and haven't noticed any changes. hope it helps!
영상에 설명이 있기는 한데 와후측에 연락을 하면 먼저 새 유닛을 보내주고, 그 다음 가지고있던 유닛을 보내는 식으로 훈련못하는 기간을 없게 해주는 옵션도 있습니다. 저같은 경우는 얼마의 보상을 받고 자가 수리 옵션을 선택한거구요. 두 경우 다 1년 워런티는 보장된다고 하네요.
제가 플럭스 사용하면서 겪었던 증상과 비슷하네요. 소음을 잡기 위해 팬벨트를 바꾼 거 같은데 그게 탁스나 비슷한 모양입니다. 제 플럭스도 멀쩡하다가 6개월쯤 지나니 소리가 나기 시작해서 뒤에 오는 녀석들은 처음부터 애먹여 세 번 교체를 한 후 반품했습니다. ㅠㅠ 교환에 대개 2주 정도 걸렸는데 한 달을 날린 셈이죠.
I just adjusted it with the current one. From the forum, looks like the new part will definitely make the key in place regardless of 2mm bolt though. I asked wahoo to send the new parts just in case though.
@@ptorider thanks for the video, really informational. may i know which forum you are referring to, so i can check the details of the new parts they will provide?
Ich kotz grad voll ab, jede dritte Fahrt muss ich abbrechen weil der scheiss kickr core ständig den ERG modus verliert und sich neu verbinden muss. Wenn er funktionieren würde wäre ja schön aber da war der alte Tacx Flow ohne smart doch irgendwie besser. Ich will den grad irgendwie zurück schicken aber dann bekomm ich warscheinlich erst nen neuen wenn der Winter rum ist..... echt voll zum kotzen.
@@Deep0623 I tightened it as it was assembled by wahoo. Previous generations (ive used 1st gen) had the belt grooves perpendicular to the belt, where this version is parallel (which is how they reduced noise). Wahoo recommends to tighten it so it won't slip (probably tighter for this one than other versions due to groove direction) no details was given so I made it as it came first.
한글 자막도 있으니 유툽에서 자막기능 켜고 보세요~
This took me about an hour end-to-end to complete, and it eliminated that horrible squeaking sound. Thanks so much for sharing! Can't believe Wahoo wanted to waste all of that time and money on shipping a replacement for such a simple fix.
yeah i'm glad it helped! :D i hope this reaches those who are having the same problem.
Thanks so much for sharing this! You've done a huge service to Kickr users, since I'm betting that most of us have experienced that problem.
Glad that it helped! I hope nobody suffers from this problem after this video :)
Just wanted to give you my thanks, I didn't really have the same noise but there was definitely vibration from the flywheel. Not sure what I would have done without your video, I'm way out of warranty. Just taking it apart and giving it a couple taps made it good as new! Thanks so so so much!
Glad it helped! Ride on~
You know you're a boss when your trainer is fitted with a dura-ace cassette :-D Thank you for the video !
Haha it is actually 105 with only dura lockring (shhh)
@@ptorider haha, no problem, you got me there ;-)
HOLY CRAP!! If I had this problem, I would just send it back for a replacement. Too many parts. Knowing me, I would have a few pieces left over! GOOD JOB FIXING THIS!
Hahah yeah it's a bit of work, and they have an option to send it back which I think is very fair :) thanks for your comment!
Great video! Thanks, it saved me a lot of time trying to return my Kickr Core. Took me about an hour to complete these steps.
Glad that this helped!
Followed your directions today after purchasing yesterday. Worked for me. Wahoo need to get onto their Chinese manufacturer and sort this out. A simple fix if your capable.
glad to hear my video helped! yeah by inspecting, it looks like the assembly line did not push the key all the way in, and QC department didn't bother checking. Otherwise, a great trainer though.
Thanks for sharing this. Helped me sort out the problem myself. Special thanks for adding the Torque values in captions :)
i really reallly want to thank u. soo much for posting this video. it saved me from returning it and waiting.
Glad to hear that! Let anyone around know :)
its pretty simple. but doing it the first time can take a little time. but now i know what to do sk piece of cake. all because of u
정말 감사합니다. 갑자기 거슬리는 소리가 나서 황당했는데 영상대로 따라했더니 해결됐어요 잠 못잘뻔 했는데 후련하네요 너무너무 감사해서 작지만 후원금 남기고 갑니다.👍👍👍👍👍
앗 후원금 너무 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ 해결됐다니 다행입니다!
I just got a KICKR Dec. 2019. I was curious to see the inside of one and saw your video. Good to know how to adjust belt tension, etc. and to see how it's engineered but I would have never guessed the cause of your noise issue. Very interesting...
yeah it's always interesting to see how things are made and work :)
Helpful in seeing how to disassemble but what caused the noise? Was it just the 2mm clearance was incorrect?
thank you for sharing. Just got my Core yesterday. this will come handy when it happens
i hope it doesn't happen to you at least!
Worked perfectly! Easier than attaching my through-axel bike to the Kicker! But I have the tools. My new Kickr has hex nut axel bolt rather than needing a socket wrench. The root design problem appears to be the key slipping out of the retaining washer on the axel. The hammer/punch tap spreads the washer explaining the 1 - 2 mm movement inward. I did not use torque wrench for the bolts, aiming for same tightness as for Vector pedals basically tight enough to undo with mild-moderate effort on the hex driver. Helpful point about reducing the belt tension from the Audi tech.
glad it worked! :) plz spread for anyone having the same issue :D
So was the noise rectified purely by hitting the flywheel closer ? If so, Nothing was loose so why did it creep?
thanks for this video; i think i have the same problem. out of curiosity, why did you fully remove the belt to recess that piece? couldn't you have just slightly loosened it and then done the same thing? how is it holding up?
I suppose you could, but I wanted to disassemble just for fun. Plus its easier to take parts out that way. So far its been good! No noise at all.
Awesome video 👏 I’ve got a kickr 1 making this same noise. Hopefully it’s as simple as this to fix
i hope so! some common problems are just belt tension or rubbing on plastic frame so you can try that too
Hello, do you notice a vibration in cranks when you increase the power of the pedals? just when you push down with energy, after the cadence stabilizes it doesn't feels as much. this is happening to me, is it normal?
Thanks a lot!
that might be due to a lose belt tension. Follow the direction till @4:41 and instead of unbotling, tighten the tension adjust bolt couple turns.
I have EXACTLY as you describe. I've had/have this on 3 Cores now, also on Neo 2T. All new drive train on the bike (and BB etc) and never solved it. I now just consider it a
I'm sending mine back
@@leslie7922 I sold mine and bought a set of rollers
Hi thank you for the video. It has been very helping in servicing Wahoo Kickr. Could you please tell me the screw driver head you used to remove the back plastic plate of wahoo? Thank you!
i believe it was a long, small + driver
제가 구독하는 몇 안되는 채널 중에 하나 입니다. 저도 공돌이인데, 영상의 내용, 구성, 설명 등등 공들이스러움이 최고로 마음에 듭니다. 너무 좋은 영상들이라 링크 형식으로 제 블로그에 게시를 할까 합니다. 링크 형식이라 피토님의 수익에는 전혀 지장이 없을 것이고 오히려 좋을 것이라 예상됩니다. 혹시라도 불편하시다면 말씀 부탁 드립니다. 항상 좋은 영상 감사합니다.
물론 괜찮습니다 ㅎㅎ 여기저기 추천해주시고 퍼지면 저야 좋지요 ㅎㅎ
How do I get into the motherboard thing to swap ac cable
전에 영상 보고.. 유용하겠다 생각했는데.. 저의 6개월된 키커가 비슷 한 증상이 있네요. 워런티 전에 피토님 따라 해봐야 할듯요.
퇴근후 행복한 시간을 중단없이.. 쭈욱~~
성공하고 후기남길께요~~ㅎㅎ
화이팅!! 잘 될거예요~~
@@ptorider ㅎㅎ 덕분에 용기내어 커버를 잘 열었는데.. 녹가루가 한티스푼정도 커버에 고여(?)있길래... 사진찍고 녹가루 닦아내고 다시 조립했습니다. 워런티 진행하려고요~~^^
안그래야 하지만.. 다음에 또 소음이 나면 다시 도전해 볼까 해요~~^^
@@nhyk1607 앗 녹가루면 부품 어딘가서 부식이 진행되었으려나요.. 아님 벨트가 갈렸을수도 있겠네요.. 와후가 워런티 정책도 좋으니 교환받으시고 잘 쓰시길!
6:55 전 키커 산지 지금 약 3일째 되어가는데 오늘 쇠가는 소리가 들려서 까보니 6:55에 나와있는 나사가 밖으로 튀어나와있어서 그거랑 플라스틱이랑 스치면서 소리가 났습니다. 저 스크루가 어떤 용도로 박혀있는지 궁금하네요. 다시 돌려서 가장안쪽까지 넣어주고 돌려보니 쇠가는 소리가 잡혔습니다.
앗 저건 벨트 라이너 볼트가 풀려나오지 않게 잡아주는 역할인데 저게 안조여 있었으면 검수 불량이네요...
Great video!!!
I was wondering, have you ever replaced the bearings of the flywheel? And if yes, where you able to remove the flywheel pulley?
I have not replaced the bearings yet. But I've seen people do it with 3rd party bearings that shares the same spec.
Any ideas on how to remove a really tight crank bolt? (The one that says 12.9 on it). No matter what I do, it does not budge. I'm at my wits end.
that will probably need mechanic's help :O
와우, 영어로 들으니 새롭고 좋은데요. 완전 네이티브시네요. 영어공부에도 도움이 될것같습니다. 이참에 영어에 도전해야겠습니다.ㅎㅎㅎ 도움되는 영상 만들어주셔서 감사합니다.
ㅎㅎ 자전거 취미를 이용한 영어까지 잡는 일석이조?!!
At 4:45 what are you using to unscrew? It looks like a pretty long and narrow hex!?
i believe it is 2.5mm hex? any bike hex key will have that!
Fantastic video, thanks! Do you still have the KICKR and if so is it still working for you? I'm curious if the issue came back after a set amount of time.
피토라이더님 안녕하세요? 제 와후 키커 코어가 갑자기 소리가 나서 영상 보고 따라해봤는데요, 그래도 소리가 나서 아무래도 베어링이 나간거 같습니다. 혹시 플라이휠은 어떻게 분리하는지 방법 좀 알 수 있을까요?
같은 4세대인데 (벨트, WF113 Ver 4.0) 내부 플라이휠쪽 기어에 측면 키가 없어요 ^^;;
Very helpful video - seems to have done the trick with mine, thanks
Glad it helped
Hello there even I got a Kickr Core Last Oct, and it is making strange sounds especially when under load i.e. if I am climbing. and on my first ride, the chain broke. still, it makes that noise after 5 rides and as the slope increases, it starts to make the sound as if something is loose or misaligned.
i would follow the video to remove the cover and see whether anything is rubbing against the belt. also, try to tighten the best tension too as it needs to be checked regularly.
so just to check, you don't actually have to take the belt of to do this fix right? you just have to push in that bolt?
hmm i think it'll be a lot easier with the belt off
구독자 천명 축하드려요!
오 어느새! ㅎㅎ 감사합니다~~
did wahoo send you the tools? I hate to be out like $100 to buy a torque wrench, sockets, and lube etc.
No they did not. They will send a replacement bolt for wahoo kickr, but kickr core does not require that bolt. And I had the tools in the video already.
Liked and Subscribed. Thanks, Peter
Hahaha look who this is!
My flywheel is to close to the plastic. When I done what you did in this video it sorted it until I tightened the big bottom bolt then it just put it back to the previous position
Did you tighten the 2mm bolt to prevent the key to come out again?
감사합니다영상 덕분에 문제 해결했읍니다한국에서 구입한 키커와 클라입을 베트남에서 사용 중이었는데문제 해결할 방법이 없어서 무척 고민이 었읍니다영상에 나와 있는 방법으로 깔끔하게 해결 되었읍니다키에 록타이트 도포하면 고정이 되어 다시 문제 발생하지 않을까요다시는 이런 문제가 발생 안되었으면 하는 바램입니다다시 한번 감사드립니다.
반가운 소식이네요 ㅎㅎ 네 구조적으로 봤을때 록타이트 고정하면 키가 빠지지 않아 다시 소음이 날 확률이 확 줄어들거 같습니다. ㅎㅎ 베트남 라이더분 형희님 반갑습니다~ ㅎㅎ
Hi, thanks for the video. I couldn't quite see but did your fix cure the outer flywheel wobble? Mine has this issue straight out of the box!
Yeah it will fix most of the issue but you always have option to have it warrantied if it doesnt work. So nothing to lose!
영상 잘 봤습니다.
미국에 계셔서 그런지 와후의 대응이 아주 좋네요.
저는 워런티 보낸지 열흘째 입니다만 아직도 소식이 없네요;;;;
말씀하신대로 새 제품을 먼저 받고나서 문제가 있는 제품을 보내는 게 상식적인 것이 맞습니다만 여기는 안 그래요.
문제있는 제품을 받은 것도 화가 나는데 워런티 진행도 구매자 위주가 아닌 수입사 위주의 워런티가 진행되죠...
속이 많이 상하시겠어요 ㅠㅠ 수입사에서 워런티 제품을 보유한뒤 판매를 개시해야 하는거 아닌가 싶네요.. 혹시나 본사에 이메일을 보내면 적절한 보상을 주지 않을까 하는건 너무 많은 바람일까요? ㅠ
@@ptorider 안녕하세요, 예거 입니다.
어제 제품의 국내 유통사인 나눅스를 통해서 수리를 받았습니다.
그런데... 결과는 똑같습니다.
소음은 여전히 나고 있고요, 심지어 제품을 조립하는 볼트와 전용 공구도 누락해서 보냈어요...
와 이놈들 대체 뭐지 ㅂㄷㅂㄷ 상황입니다...
@@jagerkang291 와후로부터 답신을 받았는데 볼트와 공구는 키커에 필요한 부품이고 코어의경우는 제 영상처럼 자가수리를 하면 된다고 하던군요. 한국유통사에서 제대로 수리/테스트를 하지 않은게 아닐까 싶네요...ㅠㅠ
@@ptorider 나눅스에서 연락을 해서 받았는데요,
일단 부품 누락건에 대해서는 사과를 받았고 제품도 새 제품으로 교환해준다고 합니다.
재고가 있냐고 물어봤더니 소량 AS용으로 갖고있는게 있으니 그걸 보내준다고 하네요.
최초에 증상 발생했을 때 교환을 해줬다면 열흘이나 사용못하는 상황이 없었을텐데
이제 와서 새 제품 재고가 있다니 분통이 터지는군요...
피토라이더님께서는 이후로는 문제가 발생하지 않기를 바라겠습니다.
저도 새로 받는 제품이 이상없기를 바라고요.
@@jagerkang291 그렇군요. 정보 공유 감사합니다! 키커 코어도 새 부품으로 갈게 조치하는건가요?
How did you get the the fly wheel straight
tap it from the fly wheelside to push the axle in to have it sitted properly. I used rubber hammer.
hi, i have the same issue, it comes and go.
i had it last year too and they replaced it but I leave on an island and the warranty doesn't cover the shipment costs, so I would like to try myself. I am not great on fixing thing but do you think I should give it a try? thank you
I think it is a pretty easy fix. No electronic involved, just a few screws and tapping the key in. Keep this video on and follow one by one and you will be fine!
@@ptorider awesome!!!! thank you!!!
@@ptorider i have the kickr, can I do this or it is only for the core? thank you
@@matteomanfio3152 it is pretty similar to the kickr as well, but I think wahoo has a replacement parts for kickr
음... 상당히 도움이 되는 내용이네요 많은도움이 되었습니다(는 개뿔 하나도 못알아들어요 ㅠㅠ) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
영어듣기연습?! ㅎㅎ
한글자막도 추가했어요~
오오옷! 감사합니다 영어잘하셔서 부럽군용 시애틀 놀러가는 날이 있다면 쳐들어가겠습니다
Hi, i have this problem on my kickr 18, can i follow this fix on the kickr or is only for the core? Thank you
I've heard kickr could be fixed with a new bolt wahoo will send upon problem reported. The method is pretty similar up until the 2mm key bolt removal step :)
I have noise problem
and you can expland about to do
what wahoo send you a spare parts?
I want to fix by my self.
Kickr core wont need any extra part, but kickr will. Go to wahoo webpage for help!
@@ptorider I open case with wahoo but they want me to contact to shop (I live in Thailand) and I want to fix my self . Can you send me link website to fix it.
@@pongpolpokasup9457 is it kickr or kickr core?
@@ptorider wahoo kickr v4 2018
@@ptorider finally I send to shop. They dont want me to fix it by myself may cause out of waranty . and wait for 1 and half month
Excellent video, thanks.
Glad you liked it!
혹시 아직도 키커코어를 사용하고 계신가요? 문제 없이요? 저는 베어링을 분해해보니 베어링 문제여서 베어링을 교체 했습니다.
진동은 좀 있지만 소음은 없어졌거든요. 아직도 키커코어를 사용하고 계신지 문의드려봅니다. ^^ 추가적인 문제는 없었는지요.
시간이 너무 지난 동영상이지만 부탁드려요 ^^;
저는 이동이 잦지 않고 써서 그런지 아직은 베어링이 괜찮네요. 다만 문제 생기면 영상처럼 열어서 교체할 생각입니다 ㅎㅎ. 플라스틱 커버는 열관리겸, 내부 확인겸 아예 열고 이용중이예요
@@ptorider 빠른답변 너무 감사드립니다. ^^ 결론은 아직 잘 사용하고 계신다는거군요. 문제는 생기지 않았다는 이야기구요. 자잘한 이슈들이 좀 많던데 혹시나 보드쪽의 문제가 발생할까 싶어 일어나지도 않은일에 걱정부터 하고 있네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ^^; 항상 영상 잘보고 있습니다. 다시한번 감사합니다~!
How much was the compensation Wahoo was willing to give you?
i believe it was $100
Hi There. I got a brand new Kickr Power (2018) a few weeks ago and although I don't hear a metallic noise, I feel it is running very rough when my chain is in either extremities of the cassette - especially in the 11T to 15T ( first 2-3) gears. I had the difficulty for Zwift at 80-100% and I was having to change gears quite often, and could also feel the belt slip sometimes. But more importantly, I felt the Wahoo had too much vibrations (or more like it was turning rough) that I could feel at he pedals... even when I turn the pedals with my hand such as when I was trying to make adjustments to my gears. (I have Di2 and making adjustments are easier than for cable mechanical systems.) When the chain is in the middle cogs, everything feels very smooth as quiet, like its running like butter... but as soon as I go to my lower or higher gears the vibration comes back.... What could it be? Before I call Wahoo and they tell me to return it I want to know if I can do anything on my end... thanks..
mm.. it's hard to tell without actually seeing the unit. I would check the belt tension first, and see if chain wear and trainer cassette wear is at the similar level. Sometimes if wheel cassette and trainer cassette is at different wear level, it makes noise on certain gears.
감사해요 똑같네요 제 문제랑 .... 핀문제가 딱딱 소리인줄 알았는데 피리리리릭~ 하는것도 있었군요 ㅋㅋㅋ
잘 해결되시길 바랍니다! ㅎㅎ
Did not Work for me. Still unbalanced flywheel and annoying queeking noise... any idea?
did you make sure to push the flywheel inwards as you adjust the key? Usually it is the essential part
@@ptorider first: Thanks for your reply.
After i have hammered the Key carefully more in, it went ~3mm Inside. The flywheel however did not Move at all. Even if i pushed it, it did not Move at all. But since the Gap between the flywheel and the kickr itself was like 2-3mm , i assumed it was alright... wrong?
@@AandA697 yeah usually the movement is so small that you cant see it moving. I am sorry it did not work to fix your noise :(
@@ptorider i also read that loosening the Belt Tension may help. It might be too tight what could Damage the bearings..
Wow! Thanks a lot you saved me!
glad that it worked! I hope this will help more people :)
awsome job, well done, thanks
thanks! i hope it helped
so you don't have noise issue anymore since then?
so far, so good :)
키커 코어 알아보는중인데 물량이 없어 못구하네요~ 나중에 사서 문제있을시 도움이 많이 될듯합니다
초기물량 불량조립이 좀 있어서 저처럼 자가수리 하는거 아니라면 기다렸다가 사시는거도 나쁘지 않을듯 합니다 ㅎㅎ 기계식 벨트구동은 결국엔 이런 문제가 생길 가능성이 있기 때문에 나중에 수리 매뉴얼 알아두는 거도 좋죠! ㅎㅎ
저는 증상이 더 심해서(베어링 깨진 소리) 세 번 교환했는데도 이런 저런 문제가 계속 생겨서 네오로 갈아탔습니다. 이번 키커는 QC에 문제가 좀 많은 거 같아요.
네 저도 열어봤더니 저 '키'가 끝까지 안밀어져 있더라고요. 수량 맞추면서 qc가 좀 문제가 있는거 같아요. 손 보고 일주일 째 테스트중인데 아직은 괜찮은거 같아요.
이 소음 외에도 탠션이 풀려서 소음 나는 경우와, 새 제품인데도 QR과 허브쪽에 방청이 안 되서 녹이 엄청난 경우도 있습니다.(전부 제 케이스 ㅜㅜ) 이 글을 먼저 봤더라면 수리해서 썼을 것 같기도 한데, 저 래치 구조가 또 재발할 수 있을 것 같다는 불길한 예감이.... 무튼 매번 좋은 정보 감사드립니다.
@@jasonkim3992 그런 문제도 있으셨군요 qc가 좀 아쉽네요. 네오로 잘 훈련하시면 되지요 ㅎㅎ 덕분에 노면구현까지 맛보실 수 있겠네요~
네오2는 국내에 내년중순출시된다는 루머에 키커로 가려고했는데 요세 소음이슈가 계속되는거같아 어떤걸가야할지 고민중이네요
저 플라이휠을 키로 잡아줘야하는 구조인데 그걸 끝까지 안 밀어넣고 qc통과시킨 제품이 생각보다 많은거같아요.. 일단은 영상후 일주일째 소음없이 쓰고있습니다.
Thanks buddy. I’ll try this
i hope it works!
피토라이더 . PTORIDER it worked for one ride!! Again sounding same!! 😌
Would it damage the Kickr if did not fix it?
that is possible as repetitive un-true movement may damage the bearing or engagement surface.
@@ptorider Thank you
hi how much did you get for compensation from Wahoo on gift card?
$100! it has an expiration of one year though. But I think it was worth it.
@@ptorider Is it gift card which can be used only in Wahoo Shop or you can spend it for example on Zwift subscribtion? I'm asking cause just found this noise in my trainer.... after 3 weeks. It's very confusing.
@@Whitas to be exact, it is a 'promo code' to be used in their webpage. It is not a giftcard or any other form :) hope it helps!
@@ptorider Sure, thank you.
@@ptorider I think it's horrible that they didn't actually give you cash rebate... Just imagine how much time, shipping and other expenses they saved by getting you to do it... And what if you don't want to buy anything else for a year... Putting a time limit is Bullshit if you ask me.
Thank you!
you are welcome!
How did you contact wahoo
their customer service email or here :
처음부터 저래서 원래 그런줄알고 썼는데 이 영상 아님 계속 쓸뻔했네요. LBS에서 구입하길 잘 했네요. 그냥 거기 던져주고 와야죠.
본사정책 30일 무조건 리턴/lbs자체 리턴도 가능하니 리턴도 좋은 옵션이죠 ㅎㅎ
잘 보고 갑니다.
did wahoo also wanted you to delete the video?
whoa.. no i haven't been contacted yet, but that's surprising
폐달을 토크걸리게 밟았을 때 ((끽해야 100W 정도인데요 ㅠㅠ) 자전거 전체에 드르륵드르륵드르륵 진동이 느껴지는데 이건 다른 문제일까요;
음... 영상이 있으면 이해하기 좀 더 나을거 같은데... 일단 불량이지 않을까 싶네요
피토라이더 영상을 찍어봤는데 이게 참 진동은 녹음이 안되서요. 다시 찍어서 보여드릴테네 이 소리가 정상인지 아닌지만 판별해주시면 감사하겠습니다 영상 올렸습니다
@@father_back 영상에서도 특별하게 잘 들리는 진동은 없는거 같긴한데.. 살짝 잉잉잉잉 이런 소리 말고는 영상으로만은 잘 모르겠네요 ㅠ
피토라이더 감사합니다 일단 그냥 써보고 추후 문제 생기면 뜯어봐야겠네요. 드륵드륵 혹은 북북하는 진동인데 소리로는 잘 안들리네요.
로라 스프라켓과 뒷드가 안맞아서 소리나네요
혹시 정비법도 알려주실수있나요~~?
네 정비 영상도 하나 둘 올려보도록 하겠습니다 ㅎㅎ
how often u need to do this?
that will vary between what braking power your kickr generates, how often it is used and all. A year or longer I suppose though.
My core kickr needs the same.
2 questions:
1 - Have you heard any noise after your repair
2- Calibration, noticed if the tainer is accurate or is giving more or less watts.
1. no problem after months of usage so far ;)
2. calibration has nothing to do with this procedure as we are just aligning flywheel. I own stages too and haven't noticed any changes.
hope it helps!
@@ptorider Still working good? I want to get one but am afraid due to possible problems.
@@mct319 couple thousand kms and still no problem!
크~ 정비성공 하셨으니 피토님은 똥손아닌 금손이시군여! 19년형 키커 구매예정인데 키커와 키커코어는 무슨 차이가 있을까요?
키커가 좌우 안정성이 조금 더 있고, 최대파워 구현이 가능합니다 ㅎㅎ 하지만 보통의 유저라면 코어로도 충분할 정도구요 ㅎㅎ
앗 피토님 영상 보면서 월요병을 달래고 있었는데 답글이! ㅋ 키커코어로 가야겠군요 한국은 곧 장마기간이라 얼른 준비해야겠어요. 계신곳은 주말 저녁이겠네요~ 남은 주말 즐겁게 보내세요~^^
@@GrooveHM 현민님도요~ ㅎㅎ 여긴 월욜이 휴일이라 여유있는 주말이네요 ㅎㅎ
any problems since?
no problems yet!
키커가 보증1년인데 저런식으로 소음이슈에 as보내면 기본 1~2주씩 기다려야할듯하고 사용자입장에서는 분통터질듯합니다
영상에 설명이 있기는 한데 와후측에 연락을 하면 먼저 새 유닛을 보내주고, 그 다음 가지고있던 유닛을 보내는 식으로 훈련못하는 기간을 없게 해주는 옵션도 있습니다. 저같은 경우는 얼마의 보상을 받고 자가 수리 옵션을 선택한거구요. 두 경우 다 1년 워런티는 보장된다고 하네요.
Thanks that help me
i'm glad it did! :)
제가 플럭스 사용하면서 겪었던 증상과 비슷하네요. 소음을 잡기 위해 팬벨트를 바꾼 거 같은데 그게 탁스나 비슷한 모양입니다. 제 플럭스도 멀쩡하다가 6개월쯤 지나니 소리가 나기 시작해서 뒤에 오는 녀석들은 처음부터 애먹여 세 번 교체를 한 후 반품했습니다. ㅠㅠ 교환에 대개 2주 정도 걸렸는데 한 달을 날린 셈이죠.
위로의 말을 드립니다 ㅠ 교환할때는 신제품을 먼저 보낸게 아닌가요..?
@@ptorider 네, 새제품을 늘 받았는데 받는 제품마다 소음 이슈가 생겨서 결국 네오로 바꿨어요.
이게 임시방편인가요? 또 이런소리가 날 수 있는거에용? ㅠㅠ 계속 이렇게 수리해야하면 골치아플거같아요
다시 소리가 나면 워런티로 교체해준다고 하네요. 일주일째 쓰고 있는데 아직은 문제 발생하지 않았습니다.
Did you replace the parts from the parts sent from Wahoo or did you just adjust your current unit? Thanks for the video.
I just adjusted it with the current one. From the forum, looks like the new part will definitely make the key in place regardless of 2mm bolt though. I asked wahoo to send the new parts just in case though.
Thanks I did this when I got home and sorted the issue for the time being, legend
@@edhawkins6741 nice work :) plz let anyone around know too!
@@ptorider thanks for the video, really informational. may i know which forum you are referring to, so i can check the details of the new parts they will provide?
Ich kotz grad voll ab, jede dritte Fahrt muss ich abbrechen weil der scheiss kickr core ständig den ERG modus verliert und sich neu verbinden muss. Wenn er funktionieren würde wäre ja schön aber da war der alte Tacx Flow ohne smart doch irgendwie besser.
Ich will den grad irgendwie zurück schicken aber dann bekomm ich warscheinlich erst nen neuen wenn der Winter rum ist..... echt voll zum kotzen.
죄송 영어 잘 못 해요ㅎㅎ
해외 유저들도 같이 공유하려고 영어로 만들었습니다 ㅎㅎ
한글 자막도 추가됐어요~
@@ptorider 번거롭게 해드렸네요;; 자막 감사합니다.
@@SoBeItok 아니예요~ 이미 제작하고 있었는데 늦게 첨부했을 뿐입니다 ㅎㅎ
I am a Audi technician, that belt need to have more slack in it or you will wear out the bearing.
Thanks for the info!
How slack should the belt be?
@@Deep0623 I tightened it as it was assembled by wahoo. Previous generations (ive used 1st gen) had the belt grooves perpendicular to the belt, where this version is parallel (which is how they reduced noise). Wahoo recommends to tighten it so it won't slip (probably tighter for this one than other versions due to groove direction) no details was given so I made it as it came first.
Warum fummelt man mit einer Zange an Schraubenköpfen rum?
you have to push the key in
나만 그런게 아니였구나 키커코어 문제많네..
Qc에 문제가 있었던거 같습니다. 저 키가 끝까지 안밀어지고 출시된 유닛이 생각보다 있나봐요
Might regret using red loctite 🤞
i used blue but red might even be stronger and hopefully you won't have to unscrew it again!
피토라이더 my apologies, it looked like red in the video.
haha yeah they made the tube color pretty confusing
Yo bro 난 한쿡싸람
ㅋㅋ 현재 이 이슈가 꽤 나는 편이라 해외 유저들하고도 정보공유하려고 영어로 만들었네요
한글 자막도 추가됐습니다!
대체 머라고 하는겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋ 현재 이 이슈가 꽤 나는 편이라 해외 유저들하고도 정보공유하려고 영어로 만들었네요