Jerusalem is so beautiful, with dusk my favorite, when the light hits just right on the Jerusalem stone turning it pink or purple the City truly amazing.
@@shubham943the land of cannan known as Palestine "Israeli Kingdom" build by prophet Daud (David) before 3000 years. Today ancient Cannan known as Palestine. Jews who are living in Israel are Russians , African, American, Indian's and others they were not living in ancient Israeli Kingdom. Pashtuns (Pathan) were largest ethnic groups in kingdom of Israel who accepted Islam in 7th century. Palestinian Muslims , christians and Jews are the ancient Cannan people of this land. Islam and Christianity is separated from Judaism religion all abrahmic religions have right to live in Jerusalem not Zionist people. India is for indians same for Palestine belongs to palestanians. It's sound funny Russians, German, indians , African, American, french, Persians and others Jews says that this my country??? Lol they have there own countries. Neetanyahu ancestors are from Poland so ,Poland his country.
@@Naomi-f1g so , united states of America is appear on bible??? Iraq, India , Germany, France, Australia and others name appears in bible?? But these are the countries many countries name change today it's 21st century. The word Palestine come from ancient country palestina which is the neighbor country of kingdom of Israel in ancient era . Ashdod, ashkelon and Gaza were cities of Palestina . If you do DNA test mostly palestanians are known as the Cannan ancient people who accepted Islam and Christianity. Few Jews remaining in Palestine they are palestanians. If Palestine is never existence so ,why palestanians christians and Jews are proud to be a palestanian??? Today if you do DNA test to Israeli people they are Russians, Americans, European, African, American, Indian's and others they should go back to there own countries. The land of Palestine belongs to all abrahmic religions including christians and Muslims not for only Jews. Russians , African , indians, German , french, Persians Jews were not living in kingdom of Israel. The Greek people follow helanism religion before Christianity and British followed paganism religion before Christianity now they follow Christianity so , can you say that Jerusalem is a Greek city or British city due to reason of Christianity??? No way the land of Jerusalem belongs to palestanians Muslims, christians and Jews who are the ancient palestina and Cannan people neetanyahu ancestors are from Poland so , Poland his country
The hostess talks like she is addressing children with every word emphasized with enthusiasm, bouncing, and great hand and arm movements. Please...she goes too far in trying to show her interest. Dial it down some.
I prefer her clear diction and attractive accent to most British, American, Australian, Canadian presenters whose English sounds slurred and drunk. Besides she’s pleasing to the eye and I like her bubbly childlike enthusiasm.
As a Christian, Church of the Holy Sepulchre is really of no importance to me or any Bible believing Christian. Specifically: Act 17:24)The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; And to be honest, God has Heaven, why would He ever come down here, we will go to Him, not Him down to us...
I agree 💯% I have never ever been the slightest bit interested in that church there that they built supposedly over the spot where the lord was crucified for that reason it's a building that wasn't there before and so now to me it's to be ignored because if they respected the lord enough they would leave that area alone to some it is sacred and last thing would be to build overtop of it .
@@allahjr.8522 brothet it was build by prophet Ibrahim(Abraham) Who is a main and most respected prophet in islam, it was build for muslims not for other, but later God gave that land to prophet dawood (king David) Who is also a main and most respected prophet in islam and his son too prophet suleiman (king Solomon) and later God send prophet Isa ibn mariyam (jesus christ son of Mary) whose whole chapter is in holy Quran, and later it was conquerored by Omer ibn al khattab second chalip of rashidun chilaphet. So, this place is for muslim more than Jews and Christians bcuz we believe in all prophets and had all mentions in holy Quran by last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Jerusalem needs to be the place where we come together. In love not war. Muslims, Christians, Jews ❤. As a muslim Turkish male. I have been always attracted to Armenian Christian and Syrian Christian Girls.
Every Jerusalem, in the bible, is an allegory of a solstice. The Jerusalem of the summer solstice is allegorical for the free woman and son (Sarah and Isaac). The Jerusalem of the winter solstice is allegorical for the slave woman and her son (Hagar and Ishmael). Remember where Jesus (the sun) rides the mare and her foal (two stars in the Cancer constellation) into Jerusalem. The Jerusalem of the free = spring equinox - fall equinox (six days/signs in Gen. one). The Jerusalem of the slave = fall equinox - spring equinox (6 nights/signs in Gen. one). The Temple that is "destroyed" is not a building but the human body represented as the summer/growth season. One March 20, 2022, we in the northern hemisphere will "enter" the Jerusalem of the free which is nothing more than the biblical Promised Land. We simply move from darkness of the mind to light of the mind. The Let there be light, in Genesis one, is the switching on of the light bulb between your ears. The mythical Moses and the mythical Israelites wandered in search of their promised land without realizing this "Kingdom of God," is within all.
Jerusalem is like a huge Combo for Jews, Christians and Muslims. But I don't understand when she says, "The Armenian Quarter" as if they were separate from the other three. Aren't Armenians Christians that would likely fit inside the Christian Quarter?
Amen Achoti India. "Ir hako'desh Yerushalayim" the city of holiness Jerusalem. I'm sorry if I spelled it wrong. Be-virkat Elohim Israel 🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱. Yerushalayim is God's holy city not Rome.
The Temple Mount is so “holy” to Muslims that they stand on the plaza and turn their back to the holiest place on earth for all the Jewish people. The Muslims turn their backs and bow low in the direction of MECCA and all of them are pointing their asses directly at Har Habayit, the Temple Mount Mohammed was a historical figure who was born in Mecca and died in Medina and he never set foot outside of what is now Saudi Arabia. It’s pure fiction that he traveled “on his winged donkey to the farthest mosque” Al-aqsa means the farthest mosque. Only one problem with that story. In Mohammeds lifetime, Jerusalem was controlled by the Christians and there was NO MOSQUE in Jerusalem for him to visit!
While I did enjoy the video, I would make some comments: First, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not the world's three major religions. At the very least, Hinduism and Buddhism should also be counted on that list. Second, the Western Wall is not the last remaining part of the Temple. There is nothing left of the Temple. The wall is part of the old retention wall of the Temple Mount. Its importance stems from the fact that it is the place where Jews can come closest to where the ancient Holy of Holies probably once stood. Third, the Old City is not the oldest part of Jerusalem. The oldest part of Jerusalem is the City of David archaeological site, just south of the Old City Wall.
להיות ירושלים אנחנו חוגגים את איחוד ירושלים, עיר הבירה של העולם, עיר שלם, עיר שלום. יותר מהכול אנחנו צריכים לגעת במילים היפות האלה הקשורות בה ולהרגיש אותן מבפנים. לחיות אותן. ירושלים היא עיר מיוחדת, שבעצמה לא נמצאת עכשיו בדרגה הרוחנית שהיא קרויה על שמה, וגם אנחנו לא מתייחסים אליה ככזו. בינתיים היא מין סמל עבורנו, משחק קטן, אבל לעתיד לבוא, אם נעלה את עצמנו כאומה לדרגה המותאמת למושג ירושלים, אז נרגיש שזו לא העיר עצמה, המקום הבנוי אבן בהרי יהודה, אלא סמל השלמות, מרכז האחדות והרוח של העולם. לבנות את העיר זו לא בעיה גם אם נדרשת לכך עבודת כפיים ויגיעה. המשימה הגדולה היא להיבנות. לבנות את האדם שידע מהי עיר שלמה, איזו היא יראה שלמה. עבודה גדולה מונחת לפנינו. מאז חזרנו לארץ ישראל ולירושלים הבירה, אנחנו חיים כאן בלי להיות מודעים למהות המקום בו אנחנו נמצאים ומה נדרש מאיתנו כלפיו. זו בעיה. כל המתחים והטרור שמשתוללים בעיר, כולם נובעים מחוסר עבודה שלנו היהודים, שלא מוכנים לקרב את עצמנו לאחדות ושלום בינינו, למושג ירושלים הרוחנית, הקדושה. יש לנו הכנה רבה לעשות כדי לזכות בעיר הזאת. להיות מוכנים לחיבור הלבבות, להתחדשות הקשרים בינינו, מתוך לימוד והבנה מי אנחנו עם ישראל. ההכנה הזו לחיבור בינינו תכוון אותנו לחגיגה האמיתית של ירושלים וארץ ישראל כולה.
More importantly about the Dome of the Rock is that it is the site of the story of Abraham & Isaac in the Book of Genesis. The Rock is known in Judaism as The Foundation Stone, where Heaven & Earth meet.
@@لاغالبالاالله-ك2ظ إن كان دليل التوارة فهذا تحريف التقديس والطهارة كلها تعني مكان واحد أول بيت وضع للناس جميع الأنبياء كانوا هناك لم يدخل نبي واحد لفلسطين ! أنتهى .......
@@لاغالبالاالله-ك2ظ هل تقصد أوشليم ؟ ثانياً وش دخل السعودية والحجاز ؟!! الأرض المقدسة هي مكة المكرمة : اسمها في التوارة "عُرش السلام" ولكنهم حرفوها إلى أورشليم ولا يوجد ذكر للقدس في القرآن أو التوارة
The Mystery of Babylon the Great is a prophecy for the Earthly Jerusalem. They have made all the inhabitants of the earth drunk by their religious doctrines. Jerusalem became rich because of the trade of pilgrims from all over the world. Jerusalem is called the mother of harlots because she was the first harlot (Ezekiel 16). Revelation 17 _18 And the woman which thou sawest _*_is that great city,_*_ which reigneth over the kings of the earth._ Revelation 16 _19 And _*_the great city was divided into three parts,_*_ and the cities of the nations fell: _*_and great Babylon came in remembrance before God,_*_ to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath._ Now the city of Jerusalem has been divided into the holy city of three religions. Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Just as Babylon was once a holy city of many religions so is Jerusalem today, that is why God remembered Jerusalem as Babylon when the city was divided into three parts. The red beast that carrieth the women was the State of Israel. This beast came out of the abyss. (Revelation 11:7 & 17:8) The State of Israel is the only country in the world that once existed and then disappeared and came back as a state. (Revelation 17:8,11) Revelation 17 _9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman _*_(Jerusalem)_*_ sitteth._ _10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen _*_(The Kingdom of Israel, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greece)_* _and one is _*_(Roman Empire)_* _, and the other is not yet come _*_(Arab Kingdoms);_*_ and when he cometh, he must continue a short space._ _11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven _*_(The State of Israel),_*_ and goeth into perdition._ _12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; _*_(the Rashidun Caliphs, Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Seljuks, Crusaders, Ayyubids, the Mamluk sultans of Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, the British.)_*_ but receive power as kings one hour with the beast._ Because there will be a new Jerusalem coming down from heaven, Jerusalem which is on earth full of false worship must be destroyed. After Jerusalem on earth is completely destroyed, that is a sign of Christ's coming to pick up his chosen 144,000 people to rule with him in the new Jerusalem in heaven by resurrecting them in the first resurrection. (Revelation 20:4-6) This is how Babylon the great (earthly Jerusalem) will be destroyed: Revelation 18 (NIV) _2 With a mighty voice he shouted:_ _“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’_ *_She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit,_* _a haunt for every unclean bird,_ _a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal._ _21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:_ *_“With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,_* *_never to be found again._* _22 The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters,_ *_will never be heard in you again._* _No worker of any trade_ *_will ever be found in you again._* _The sound of a millstone_ *_will never be heard in you again._* *_23 The light of a lampwill never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again._*_ Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray._ _24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”_ No more humans will be able to live in that City. The only way a city can be destroyed to make it uninhabitable is by dropping a nuclear bomb. Revelation 18 _4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:_ *_“‘Come out of her, my people,_* _so that you will not share in her sins,_ _so that you will not receive any of her plagues;_
There is currently no Palestine. Jerusalem is where palestinians would like to be the capital of a future palestinian state. Though none of jerusalem will be offered in any future offers regardless
@@goldengun9970 no lies please . Jerusalem is the historic capital of Palestine throughout history . look at the map of the world before 1948 . even the British mandate stated in the Belfour declaration stated that they wanted to establish a Jewish homeland in palestine . meaning that palestine existed in the past and israel was to become a future invention
@@m.da.l8067 Wrong. Jerusalem isn't the capital of the country palestine, there was never a country named palestine. The piece of land was named palestine.
That's not a piece of holy temple wall that's a wall of the Roman legions fortress .The temple was destroyed and that's not the location of the temple either 😂😂😂
Is my prayer for God to grant me long life and bless me financially so I can visit the Holy land of Israel 🇮🇱 so I can also tell the world about this great God we serve❤.
Thanks for sharing this holy land view I am so excited after watching Allah is one who created us from dust as we know Hazarat Adam A s first person made an angel under commond Allah so Allah send Prophets for convey message to the people only follow me(Allah) or God. We know there was thousands Prophet but Muhammad S A A S is the last Prophet of Allah . May Allah (God) bless us and follow his rules .By Allah Hafiz
Jerusalem is so beautiful, with dusk my favorite, when the light hits just right on the Jerusalem stone turning it pink or purple the City truly amazing.
Jerusalem will always be in the heart of Israel
The heart of Palestine not Israel.
@@shehrozrajput9174Israel before Islam came into existence
The Bible calls this THE LAND OF ISRAEL. The word “pal Lie stan” never appears even once in the Bible
@@shubham943the land of cannan known as Palestine "Israeli Kingdom" build by prophet Daud (David) before 3000 years. Today ancient Cannan known as Palestine. Jews who are living in Israel are Russians , African, American, Indian's and others they were not living in ancient Israeli Kingdom. Pashtuns (Pathan) were largest ethnic groups in kingdom of Israel who accepted Islam in 7th century. Palestinian Muslims , christians and Jews are the ancient Cannan people of this land. Islam and Christianity is separated from Judaism religion all abrahmic religions have right to live in Jerusalem not Zionist people. India is for indians same for Palestine belongs to palestanians. It's sound funny Russians, German, indians , African, American, french, Persians and others Jews says that this my country??? Lol they have there own countries. Neetanyahu ancestors are from Poland so ,Poland his country.
@@Naomi-f1g so , united states of America is appear on bible??? Iraq, India , Germany, France, Australia and others name appears in bible?? But these are the countries many countries name change today it's 21st century. The word Palestine come from ancient country palestina which is the neighbor country of kingdom of Israel in ancient era . Ashdod, ashkelon and Gaza were cities of Palestina . If you do DNA test mostly palestanians are known as the Cannan ancient people who accepted Islam and Christianity. Few Jews remaining in Palestine they are palestanians. If Palestine is never existence so ,why palestanians christians and Jews are proud to be a palestanian??? Today if you do DNA test to Israeli people they are Russians, Americans, European, African, American, Indian's and others they should go back to there own countries. The land of Palestine belongs to all abrahmic religions including christians and Muslims not for only Jews. Russians , African , indians, German , french, Persians Jews were not living in kingdom of Israel. The Greek people follow helanism religion before Christianity and British followed paganism religion before Christianity now they follow Christianity so , can you say that Jerusalem is a Greek city or British city due to reason of Christianity??? No way the land of Jerusalem belongs to palestanians Muslims, christians and Jews who are the ancient palestina and Cannan people neetanyahu ancestors are from Poland so , Poland his country
*There is nothing like Jerusalem* 🇮🇱
Your name is India and I'm from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳 lots of love from India.
Jerusalem not for hindu and indian not allowed 🤣🤣🪓🪓
The hostess talks like she is addressing children with every word emphasized with enthusiasm, bouncing, and great hand and arm movements. Please...she goes too far in trying to show her interest. Dial it down some.
U have a point. I think she does
She is Indian her name is India and her parents Indian living in Isreal
I’m finding a different video. Lord.
I prefer her clear diction and attractive accent to most British, American, Australian, Canadian presenters whose English sounds slurred and drunk. Besides she’s pleasing to the eye and I like her bubbly childlike enthusiasm.
God! She is Wonderful!
As a Christian, Church of the Holy Sepulchre is really of no importance to me or any Bible believing Christian. Specifically:
Act 17:24)The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands;
And to be honest, God has Heaven, why would He ever come down here, we will go to Him, not Him down to us...
I agree 💯% I have never ever been the slightest bit interested in that church there that they built supposedly over the spot where the lord was crucified for that reason it's a building that wasn't there before and so now to me it's to be ignored because if they respected the lord enough they would leave that area alone to some it is sacred and last thing would be to build overtop of it .
I love holly city Jerusalem
I love jesus
Bless you them
One day I will go it's my fvt place ❤
Masjid al Aqsa ❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸❤️🇮🇳
@@allahjr.8522 brothet it was build by prophet Ibrahim(Abraham) Who is a main and most respected prophet in islam, it was build for muslims not for other, but later God gave that land to prophet dawood (king David) Who is also a main and most respected prophet in islam and his son too prophet suleiman (king Solomon) and later God send prophet Isa ibn mariyam (jesus christ son of Mary) whose whole chapter is in holy Quran, and later it was conquerored by Omer ibn al khattab second chalip of rashidun chilaphet. So, this place is for muslim more than Jews and Christians bcuz we believe in all prophets and had all mentions in holy Quran by last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
@@omer_hyderabadi i have learned so many things after reading your comments .tnx bro
@@activeboy378 you have learned deception
Yes yes God is one please no conflict over religion we are equal God always want love and peace
Jerusalem is the historic and eternal capital of Palestine .
Definitely need to visit this holy place called Jerusalem
Shalom Israel 🇮🇱 I love you see you in January
Jerusalem needs to be the place where we come together. In love not war. Muslims, Christians, Jews ❤. As a muslim Turkish male. I have been always attracted to Armenian Christian and Syrian Christian Girls.
Is it just me or does She always seem to be fake? Like she is forcing herself to be enthusiastic about what she's talking about.
If you talk about being fake, start to use your real name
It's my channel name
May God blessings us and Israel in Jesus Christ name Amen ✝️❤️✝️🇮🇱✝️🇧🇩✝️
Jetusalem holy land israel
Blimey, shes very over the top this lady
holy city that have drawn to many bloodshed throughout the history
Beautiful Palestine 🇵🇸
Beautiful israel🇮🇱
Jerusalem the place of our lord
Every Jerusalem, in the bible, is an allegory of a solstice. The Jerusalem of the summer solstice is allegorical for the free woman and son (Sarah and Isaac). The Jerusalem of the winter solstice is allegorical for the slave woman and her son (Hagar and Ishmael). Remember where Jesus (the sun) rides the mare and her foal (two stars in the Cancer constellation) into Jerusalem. The Jerusalem of the free = spring equinox - fall equinox (six days/signs in Gen. one). The Jerusalem of the slave = fall equinox - spring equinox (6 nights/signs in Gen. one). The Temple that is "destroyed" is not a building but the human body represented as the summer/growth season. One March 20, 2022, we in the northern hemisphere will "enter" the Jerusalem of the free which is nothing more than the biblical Promised Land. We simply move from darkness of the mind to light of the mind. The Let there be light, in Genesis one, is the switching on of the light bulb between your ears. The mythical Moses and the mythical Israelites wandered in search of their promised land without realizing this "Kingdom of God," is within all.
I'm glad you're not wearing a mask, good job. 🕎
India is in Jerusalem.
My favourite place to visit... Still under vision...
I'm a Muslim, and literally Cried after watching the Holy City..........................
Hy India 😅😀 I'm from India
jerusalem heart of palestine 🇵🇸
Jerusalem is like a huge Combo for Jews, Christians and Muslims. But I don't understand when she says, "The Armenian Quarter" as if they were separate from the other three. Aren't Armenians Christians that would likely fit inside the Christian Quarter?
Masjid al aqsa😍🥰..
Correction;This is the holy city of Jerusalem and this is NOT situated in Israel
Excellent presentation!
It's is duty of every one to respect other relionious noms.
No it's not
if we stop to think you cant force religion into others but we need to acept all religions, pretty weird
Jerusalem is the hart of Palestine 🇵🇸 al qudus
There is no such thing called a holy city
Amen Achoti India. "Ir hako'desh Yerushalayim" the city of holiness Jerusalem. I'm sorry if I spelled it wrong. Be-virkat Elohim Israel 🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱. Yerushalayim is God's holy city not Rome.
Very good.
Free Palestine
Her name is INDIA🇮🇳
Palestine is beautiful
Shalom, Salam, Peace To All Mankind. I Am Confused, As New Data, Inform Us That David's City Is Slightly Off The Hill.
Juraslam batuful love you ❤🇵🇸🇵🇸
The Temple Mount is so “holy” to Muslims that they stand on the plaza and turn their back to the holiest place on earth for all the Jewish people. The Muslims turn their backs and bow low in the direction of MECCA and all of them are pointing their asses directly at Har Habayit, the Temple Mount
Mohammed was a historical figure who was born in Mecca and died in Medina and he never set foot outside of what is now Saudi Arabia.
It’s pure fiction that he traveled “on his winged donkey to the farthest mosque” Al-aqsa means the farthest mosque.
Only one problem with that story.
In Mohammeds lifetime, Jerusalem was controlled by the Christians and there was NO MOSQUE in Jerusalem for him to visit!
You told us three religions in the Jerusalem but your name is India belongs to Hindutva. So all four religions are there. Holy city Jerusalem 🙏🏻
I almost cried seeing the church of the Holy sepulchre what an amazing and incredible place
From Hinduism to Islam
Allahu ma barik
Ma sha Allah,,,brother
Help me my sister l want to be there lm enjoying to see all holy places
Your name is india?
Its sucks always being 3rd-holiest. It's like you're not even Buzz Aldrin or Scottie Pippen or Rudolph Hess
She keeps saying "they say" well, this is a problem because "they" are wrong.
Al aqsa mosque Palestine
While I did enjoy the video, I would make some comments: First, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not the world's three major religions. At the very least, Hinduism and Buddhism should also be counted on that list. Second, the Western Wall is not the last remaining part of the Temple. There is nothing left of the Temple. The wall is part of the old retention wall of the Temple Mount. Its importance stems from the fact that it is the place where Jews can come closest to where the ancient Holy of Holies probably once stood. Third, the Old City is not the oldest part of Jerusalem. The oldest part of Jerusalem is the City of David archaeological site, just south of the Old City Wall.
Your name is India😅😅
And I'm from India😂😅
Worlds least holy city
להיות ירושלים
אנחנו חוגגים את איחוד ירושלים, עיר הבירה של העולם, עיר שלם, עיר שלום. יותר מהכול אנחנו צריכים לגעת במילים היפות האלה הקשורות בה ולהרגיש אותן מבפנים. לחיות אותן.
ירושלים היא עיר מיוחדת, שבעצמה לא נמצאת עכשיו בדרגה הרוחנית שהיא קרויה על שמה, וגם אנחנו לא מתייחסים אליה ככזו. בינתיים היא מין סמל עבורנו, משחק קטן, אבל לעתיד לבוא, אם נעלה את עצמנו כאומה לדרגה המותאמת למושג ירושלים, אז נרגיש שזו לא העיר עצמה, המקום הבנוי אבן בהרי יהודה, אלא סמל השלמות, מרכז האחדות והרוח של העולם.
לבנות את העיר זו לא בעיה גם אם נדרשת לכך עבודת כפיים ויגיעה. המשימה הגדולה היא להיבנות. לבנות את האדם שידע מהי עיר שלמה, איזו היא יראה שלמה. עבודה גדולה מונחת לפנינו.
מאז חזרנו לארץ ישראל ולירושלים הבירה, אנחנו חיים כאן בלי להיות מודעים למהות המקום בו אנחנו נמצאים ומה נדרש מאיתנו כלפיו. זו בעיה. כל המתחים והטרור שמשתוללים בעיר, כולם נובעים מחוסר עבודה שלנו היהודים, שלא מוכנים לקרב את עצמנו לאחדות ושלום בינינו, למושג ירושלים הרוחנית, הקדושה.
יש לנו הכנה רבה לעשות כדי לזכות בעיר הזאת. להיות מוכנים לחיבור הלבבות, להתחדשות הקשרים בינינו, מתוך לימוד והבנה מי אנחנו עם ישראל. ההכנה הזו לחיבור בינינו תכוון אותנו לחגיגה האמיתית של ירושלים וארץ ישראל כולה.
More importantly about the Dome of the Rock is that it is the site of the story of Abraham & Isaac in the Book of Genesis. The Rock is known in Judaism as The Foundation Stone, where Heaven & Earth meet.
I love Allah and Mohammad.
Palestine 🇵🇸
أقدس مدينة في العالم هي مكة وليس فلسطين 😂🖐
بسبب التحريف المتعمد والمتكرر
@@لاغالبالاالله-ك2ظ إن كان دليل التوارة فهذا تحريف
التقديس والطهارة كلها تعني مكان واحد
أول بيت وضع للناس
جميع الأنبياء كانوا هناك
لم يدخل نبي واحد لفلسطين !
أنتهى .......
@@لاغالبالاالله-ك2ظ عطني ذكر لفلسطين
@@لاغالبالاالله-ك2ظ هل تقصد أوشليم ؟
ثانياً وش دخل السعودية والحجاز ؟!!
الأرض المقدسة هي مكة المكرمة : اسمها في التوارة "عُرش السلام" ولكنهم حرفوها إلى أورشليم
ولا يوجد ذكر للقدس في القرآن أو التوارة
Our Country name India...
It's a palestane city
No way
It's a heavy millstone around the neck of the world
She’s beautiful. But she also moves like an NPC.
Are there Muslims🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋
The Mystery of Babylon the Great is a prophecy for the Earthly Jerusalem. They have made all the inhabitants of the earth drunk by their religious doctrines. Jerusalem became rich because of the trade of pilgrims from all over the world. Jerusalem is called the mother of harlots because she was the first harlot (Ezekiel 16).
Revelation 17
_18 And the woman which thou sawest _*_is that great city,_*_ which reigneth over the kings of the earth._
Revelation 16
_19 And _*_the great city was divided into three parts,_*_ and the cities of the nations fell: _*_and great Babylon came in remembrance before God,_*_ to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath._
Now the city of Jerusalem has been divided into the holy city of three religions. Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Just as Babylon was once a holy city of many religions so is Jerusalem today, that is why God remembered Jerusalem as Babylon when the city was divided into three parts.
The red beast that carrieth the women was the State of Israel. This beast came out of the abyss. (Revelation 11:7 & 17:8)
The State of Israel is the only country in the world that once existed and then disappeared and came back as a state. (Revelation 17:8,11)
Revelation 17
_9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman _*_(Jerusalem)_*_ sitteth._
_10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen _*_(The Kingdom of Israel, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greece)_* _and one is _*_(Roman Empire)_* _, and the other is not yet come _*_(Arab Kingdoms);_*_ and when he cometh, he must continue a short space._
_11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven _*_(The State of Israel),_*_ and goeth into perdition._
_12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; _*_(the Rashidun Caliphs, Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Seljuks, Crusaders, Ayyubids, the Mamluk sultans of Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, the British.)_*_ but receive power as kings one hour with the beast._
Because there will be a new Jerusalem coming down from heaven, Jerusalem which is on earth full of false worship must be destroyed. After Jerusalem on earth is completely destroyed, that is a sign of Christ's coming to pick up his chosen 144,000 people to rule with him in the new Jerusalem in heaven by resurrecting them in the first resurrection. (Revelation 20:4-6)
This is how Babylon the great (earthly Jerusalem) will be destroyed:
Revelation 18 (NIV)
_2 With a mighty voice he shouted:_
_“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’_
*_She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit,_*
_a haunt for every unclean bird,_
_a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal._
_21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:_
*_“With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,_*
*_never to be found again._*
_22 The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters,_
*_will never be heard in you again._*
_No worker of any trade_
*_will ever be found in you again._*
_The sound of a millstone_
*_will never be heard in you again._*
*_23 The light of a lampwill never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again._*_ Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray._
_24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”_
No more humans will be able to live in that City. The only way a city can be destroyed to make it uninhabitable is by dropping a nuclear bomb.
Revelation 18
_4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:_
*_“‘Come out of her, my people,_*
_so that you will not share in her sins,_
_so that you will not receive any of her plagues;_
Why Armenians have their own separate quarter? Do they belong to different religion?
Holiest city is Mecca.
Targeting one religion. Please mention Al Aqsa mosque for Muslims.
Nice.... wishes....
My name is india that got me laughing out so loud
Ayo.. why is this lady moving like that.
Super Mam
Como a roupa branca fica muito bem nas meninas israelenses, ficam lindas mesmo.❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮😮😮😂😂😮😮😮😮😮😮😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊RfBrasil beijos 🎁 🧧 💋 🎁
No Foo Flip
Jerusalem belongs to Israel 🇮🇱 it’s the HOLY LAND GOD HAS WRITTEN HIS NAME ON TEMPLE MOUNT IN HEBREW 2 letters waiting
Yes jerusalem holybland city isrsel
Jerusalem is located in the heart of Palestine
There is currently no Palestine. Jerusalem is where palestinians would like to be the capital of a future palestinian state. Though none of jerusalem will be offered in any future offers regardless
@@goldengun9970 no lies please . Jerusalem is the historic capital of Palestine throughout history . look at the map of the world before 1948 . even the British mandate stated in the Belfour declaration stated that they wanted to establish a Jewish homeland in palestine . meaning that palestine existed in the past and israel was to become a future invention
Jerusalem isn't the capital of the country palestine,
there was never a country named palestine.
The piece of land was named palestine.
@@liron-hazan there was never israel . It is the land of Palestine . historic palestine
That's not a piece of holy temple wall that's a wall of the Roman legions fortress .The temple was destroyed and that's not the location of the temple either 😂😂😂
Hello india ,,, u have unique name ,,,,
Is my prayer for God to grant me long life and bless me financially so I can visit the Holy land of Israel 🇮🇱 so I can also tell the world about this great God we serve❤.
Heart of palestine you occupiers! Shame on you!!!
There is only one holy city, to God
Actually this is inside Palestine, not Israel.
The world must know that Israel was just created in 1948 on the land of the Palestinians
Thanks for sharing this holy land view I am so excited after watching
Allah is one who created us from dust as we know Hazarat Adam A s first person made an angel under commond Allah so Allah send Prophets for convey message to the people only follow me(Allah) or God.
We know there was thousands Prophet but Muhammad S A A S is the last Prophet of Allah .
May Allah (God) bless us and follow his rules .By Allah Hafiz
Good looking woman
¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ bs
It is a political state false
Nangal than true Israel.ipadiya strike nadakkum holy placeல்