The meaning of life is to work really hard for some big international corporation before they lay you off to reduce costs. But only after you've gone into heavy debt to pay for a degree that signals to that corporation that you are worth hiring. And then another part of the meaning of life is to get a 30 year mortgage for a shack in the middle of nowhere, so you can store the kids you'll have that will also experience the meaning of life in all of its glory. You should pay that mortgage religiously until they fire you and your wife decides to leave you for her gym instructor. After that you should also pay it but this time from a rented apartment since the gym instructor will take your place. But the biggest thing you can do here to give meaning to your life is to pay taxes. Politicians generally only have a couple of mansions, and if you work really hard they could get another one. I hope this illuminates what the meaning of life is for all of you who are unaware. Keep paying those taxes!
For many years I thought that the meaning of life was love... But then after a while of seeing the harsh reality I realised that the real meaning of life is all about survival, money, getting things done, achieving goals and stuff, desires and more endless desires because most humans are dissatisfied, many people are in a constant quest to get something that we dont have... Its sad but truth..
Yeah, this dissatisfaction or discontent is a double edged sword. Without it, we would never try to achieve anything. Without it there would be no progress of any kind......but at the same time because of it we are never happy for too long, because we are never satisfied with what we have or the way things are. I had this discussion with someone a few years ago. Can we be truly happy if we are never satisfied?
These are all the things I think about daily. Great video and I agree this world is fooked up. You are a real one and people don't like that they want to live a lie.
@@gmarchenko u r half right there mate. Except no matter what purpose you give to life it eventually fades away pretty soon as everything loses it's initial charm. Life is nothing but repetitive bs of some definite chores and errands.
This is the most common reply I hear around me to 'what is the meaning of life' question. Not that is not true, good on you, but can somebody please come with a more original answer?
There is no meaning to life, it just is. The Universe is just pointless, brutal indifference. Entropy means it will all dissipate into pure energy, in infinite, eternal space.
I think we all come to this Earth just to serve our parents' ego needs. It is our parents who brought us here for self-centered reasons. So we are just dolls/puppets of our ancestors to keep their DNA (their symbolical 'immortality') alive.
Exactly. And this shows how parents come from a selfish perspective. They created a child for selfish reasons (to perpetuate their DNA, to have an old age carer, to get unconditional love, to get a cute 'human pet' aka 'baby' to play with, etc.). But what about the child? The child gets suffering/death in this universe as a 'gift' from their parents.
@@roseaminty4887 I have also thought the same parents bring a cute pet aka baby in to this world for their own ego or just because everyone else is having 2 child so they all jump on that band wagon rich or poor. Then that baby grows up to be an adult in this hell realms and suffers. And people are okay with this world and smiling at work is beyond me.
Yes. Becoming a parent is all an EGO trip. Why people reproduce? In its deepest core it is all because the parent wanted to get some use from the baby: receive unconditional love, boost their ego by creating somebody who has a similar looks, getting a praise from society who applauds pregnancy, etc...
You’re right I feel the same way The meaning of life would likely be different for everybody As everybody has a different purpose You’re doing a lot of good by talking about the real things open and honestly Stay strong
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know it’s tough and have been there. My parents and grandparents have all passed away and I have no family except for my husband and few friends. I have been left with a huge whole in my heart and dealing with rage that I could delete God myself for this disgusting creation and its filth. This life has choked all the purity out of me and life circumstances beyond my control has made me do things outside my own moral compass just for survival. It just doesn’t make sense to be born to suffer, rot and die while being someone else’s work horse and trading my time for a few crumbs. Getting an education only made fat cats and I have learned just because you work hard doesn’t mean it will pay off. Then there is always risk of losing everything by theft or some other misfortune which I have had my share outside my control. The chaos in the United States in just the first week of this new year is a reminder that I made the right choice to not go out of my way to celebrate the holidays. The older I get the more fake holidays become with an underlying more sinister nature about them. We are only valued as long as we are buying their junk and participating in their draconian system but as soon as we can no longer work we become useless. We can spiral into poverty, disease, depression, or some disaster and there is no one coming to save us except for ourselves. We were not incarnated here by love we were incarcerated here by evil. This world should be for everyone including animals and we should not be living in this manufactured scarcity that was created by our criminal overlords let alone money being attached down to the rocks.
Hello Nick. Another great video as always, thank you. This life all depends on the Han you are felt when you come out of of this world. If you are born in to a wealthy family then life’s a gift. If on the other the other hand you are born into poverty then life is a struggle. If you’re interested in a video topic perhaps one who created the soul, what happens to our souls when we die and where does the soul go after life on this planet.
Im sorry to hear that about your grandmother , Ive lost my dad 6 januari this year at 65 years old. Very suddenly. Wished him good health on newyears eve.... our funeral guy was actually very realistic in this.. he told me, the meaning of life is to die.. in 100 years time 200 years time from now, nobodys wil know what u did here.. Life happens fast he said.. he burried more people at 65 instead of 85.. Live! is what he said.
The way this is designed ,the purpose and meaning is something we are not programmed to comprehend. The video game character is on the run for what the game player wants to entertain himself with, when he wants to play the game...the character in the game doesn't ever turn around and look in the eyes of the game player over the screen. It's not in the design and never happens. Same with our experience of life. We're most likely producing energy which is non tangible from our seemingly tangible world, for the beings we can't see, hear or feel.
even chester bennington said one time in some short talking that no matter what you do in this life it leads you nowhere, and it's still true to this very day but he was exposed as someone who was depressed which i call bs.
For a couple of years now i have been almost thinking daily that same shit and it doesent make any sense. Life is also very boring. Life is full of risks that can fuck you up good what ever you do even if you stay at home the whole day. It's pretty rare to be able to live in the moment when you become more aware of life. Couple of days ago i was "living in the moment" i was driving my car and actually enjoying it and someone lost control of their car and almost hit me. Well there goes again that "living in the moment" back to that unsure reality where everything bad is possible.
My dog is perfectly happy without having any meaning to its existence,,,, No other creature requires a meaning,,, Except the human creature,,,, Realize something important; That human creatures are Cursed with an intellect,,, That may demand a meaning,,, And life never requires one
I think the meaning of life is to suffer as everyone of us here suffers in one way or another, sooner or later. Happiness and love is not guaranteed. But Every single one of us here experiences suffering without exception. I think this place cannot be fixed because it is not broken. Like Morpheus in the Matrix tells Neo that we are useful for our (negative) energy.. Loosh farm. So far, sounds to me like the most logical explanation for all this madness. This world is a very sinister place, still most people fail to realize this and keep bringing more people into it 😢 When I asked some people what it is about this human experience that they so eagerly want their kids to also experience as to put them into this world... They looked at me as if they saw water burning.. It never even crossed their mind to think about such a thing... To me that is CRAZY Came to find along my journey that most people dont think deeply, just acting on hormones and emotions. It is dissapointing man.
It feels like life in general is just an anomaly and there really is no purpose. I do agree that if thats the case then we should be able to enjoy this more but the universe doesent care. In the largest possible scale that we understand we really are the universe experiencing itself.
If you point to a stone and ask what the meaning of it is it doesn't really mean anything it just formed through natural processes over time. If you point to an animal or plant their meaning is to survive and pass on their genes. If you point to humans in general then that would be something like to attain greater understanding of ourselves within the greater context of life and how it's best to live, while also surviving and passing on our genes/cultures/knowledge. If you point to an individual person they'll have their own personal meaning that is meaningful to them. If you point to the universe in general it doesn't really mean anything it just formed through natural processes over time.
Hi. Regards from Balkan, Eastern Europe. You are great and inteligent and mostly important, honest as much as one can be. I watched your videos and i have to admit you, after watching your videos i feel smarter and wiser, but not happier and better at all. 😂😂😂. I need some love songs or new age positive fake motivational stories just to recover after you 😅😅 I agree with your conclusions in 99,9% and i also think that this world and this time we are living in are not for normal human to endure. It takes bull and superman to go through everything you need to do just to stay alive and healthy and pay bills and take care of family. You people from West didnt tell us what is Capitalism in real aplication on life. 😂 We were envy on western life style and we imagine it totally diferent. This is a cold, harsh, dog fighting, only money chasing show, with people stayin far from each other and looking only for themselfs and money. Eighties seems like paradise comparing to this. People where different and warmer and closer to each other. Wish you all luck with your channel and in your private life. Stay well and all best
@David.5035 tottaly, 100%, if you ask me. Money and status obsesed. Old patriarch moral and house keeping qualities and women charm, warmt and support to men they had in decades before, its all gone. Thats my opinion.Dont chase here if you are looking for that. All gone. Sorry if i give you false picture, but i am afraid, i am right.
Life In itself has no meaning.. It doesn't mean that you can't give it any purpose, but we're just animals trying to survive. We as humans are just fortunate enough to be on top of the food chain.. Animals that live in the wild struggle on a daily basis to survive.. Can you imagine the constant fear of being eaten alive by another animals? Imagine the constant stress? Life is really brutal when you think about it.. We have to eat each other to survive.. People say that there's gotta be more than this, but that's just something people say to make sense of it.. Most people can't phantom the reality that once you die, its a wrap..Is there a possibility of some sort of afterlife? Sure there is, but there is no evidence at all to believe in any of it, so ill go under the assumption that once im dead, that's a wrap.. Enjoy the time you have with those that you love and remember that all of this is only temporary. Keep your self physically and mentally sharp. Stay engaged with life and make your own purpose, because no one else can live life for you..
When the world turns in the hunger games, and it likely will, it is gonna be just like us being animals in the wild if you are not on the top of the global elite chain.
Life is meaningless. All we need to do is look around us and we can see life means nothing by the way we are forced to live. We can’t even function without money and we are land locked without transportation. The way society treats its homeless, veterans, elderly, disabled, and animals proves life is meaningless. We are obviously meaningless to God or evil and suffering would have been dealt with long ago.
I know the answer to this question: What is the meaning of life? My answer: To wait like a zombie, bored to death, until the day we die. Our purpose is to wait .....until we die. That is it. According to all ancient books and lore, it is exactly that. We are only living on borrowed time from our faith. But our faith has been duped! We live in a fake reality.
Sorry about yr Grammy Nick. I hope in spite of everything she did have some blessings during her long life. Maybe that "thing" out there really does feed off our energy, especially the "negative" type. Maybe every time we cry from the pain of losing loved ones, funerals, diseases, serial ki!!rrs, disappointments and failures, embarrassments, toothaches, labour pains, failed exams, self-deletion, floods, famines, outbreaks, everything else l cant even begin to list, "it" feeds off us, it gets some sick gluttonous pleasure from our misery. Just reminds me of that Stephen King villain IT. I don't know Nick. Will we EVER really know?😢
Even if life does get better someday (I highly doubt it), I’m still not gonna have a family. Too many humans already on this planetarium. I just mostly live life like it’s Silent Hill.
I dont even dislike working. But my parents forced me to do an education I hated and I was a people pleaser. So this gave me a bad start to pursue a career path which I would have liked. Needless to say I did not end up with a job in the field that I studied for. I ended up with a mediocre job in IT that I totally despise. Me, I wanted to study psychology badly. If I would do it now in partial time it would take me 10 years. I would never force such major life choices upon my kids, life sucks already enough so better pursue what you do love. My parents failed to realize that passion brings money. Every job interview I had to lie about why I made the choices I made and pretend to have passion for the things I did. When you despise what you do you will never be great. Anyway I will never put children into this reality to start with. It is pure selfishness!
I’m trying to rent an Airbnb and to get something where it isn’t a shared house it’s like 3k a month. And I feel like I’m fighting over getting it with others
I hate that saying life is what you make it. The people that say that are the absolute fakest from my experiences It’s just a ploy an easy way out of not taking any accountability for how shitty the world is and how unachievable that things really can be for some people
We're not even supposed to build a personal life for ourselves here. Most of the people here are NPCs anyway. I have never seen anyone get out of here being rich.
The meaning of life is what ever it is you choose for it to be and success is whatever it is that makes you happy. It’s all meaningles. Live, learn and die
I recently revisited „the meaning of life" by monty phyton i think i was in my twentys when i saw it for the first time, watching it again was mindblowing, they really depicted every part of this freakshow damn good. My personal take about the meaning of this place is, that humanity is somekind of cargo cult that developed out of various ancient slaveraces. Basicaly some visitors just came to earth to exploit it, they needed a fast reproducing slaverace, not to smart, just smart enough to obey orders. The hole human genome is full of evidence that our bodys are the product of relatively crude gen splicing, humans like we know it probabaly should never existet on earth in the first place. Mani animals are superior in many many ways to us, eyes, ears, bonestrength, regrowing teeth, regrowing limbs etc. But the self proclaimed space gods probably needed a creature that was able to do more complex tasks then animals, so the only thing we got is a bot more braincapacity. They probably bread different races like we bread animals, a perfect mirror. What is not really clear to me how the spiritual component works, maybe these beeings didn‘t gave a rip that we would also have a spiritual aspekt from them, or they even fully enslaved once free spirits into these meat bags, there are ancient sources that support both theories. After they got what they wehre looking for on earth they just took of and left humans on its own, they probably left behind the first secret societys, maybe as a bandaid to guide the slaverace they created. But all the magicians and priests of old never really shared their superior knowledge, they used it as a power differencial to reign as kings and pharaos, and today we call em Bidens, Trumps and Musks, presidents and CEOs I see earth just as a slave collony, there is as little meaning here for me as it is for cow on a farm, maybe our spirit will be free after this shitshow is over, that leaves at least some hopium in my pipe 🤷♂️
@@RedPillOption the shitty thing is that it´s almost impossible to really figure out this place, but sadly it resembles a farm or a slave collony in so many was.
The latest California fire! Let's react! Let's investigate! Let's discuss! What do we do about!? Absolutely nothing! Just wait until the next distraction event and investigate, react, and discuss again! It's all about getting our attention which they extract our energy through the use of the black screen devices. "Those of us that have been doing this long enough see the strange repeating pattern of distracting us over and over again. it is as if the reality itself is conscious and its main goal is to keep the subjects in fear and distracted. I use to say they are doing something over there while we focus on this but that excuse doesn't work anymore.. they have everything already so whats the point now? it seem "THEY" exist as a scapegoat to the reality that wants us to think there is a they and not an IT."
Monty phythons “ the meaning of life”. Old classic that’ll cheer you up for a little while from this rat race, over taxed, crazy world we deal with daily. 😢
@@RedPillOption Maybe it'll pick up your spirits for a moment. Sorry about your Grandparent, 98 is a very good age span, but still it's never good to lose a loved one.
God is neither good nor bad...God is everything...God is source energy...God is like a life force that inscribes itself on every object that exists in the universe...I feel like you're trying to anthropomorphize God...Misery exists because happiness exists...Darkness is the absence of light...the meaning of life is contained within the Yin Yang are the universe experiencing itself
Nick, I would like to give you an advice as a viewer of your channel. Please use more lights in your videos. Either a lamp or a natural source like the sun, It'd be an amazing improvement. That's all man, have a nice day. Edit: I made this comment before watching the whole video, I'm very sorry about grandparent.
ohh, james cameron's titanic. not the real story :D i was waiting for a good analogy with titanic then you mentioned iceberg and i was like whaaaaat :D just another story of a explosion by rich bankersters eliminating opponnents :D
Making s#!t up ... NDE's have become a lucrative business. I keep seeing *the same people over and over again* on YT. They had 17 NDE's and are now offering coaching, selling books, offering spiritual healing, healing sessions, healing vibration coher.... adjusting chakras .....I mean 🙄
I am not talking about the ones who are scam artists but I do believe that some have seen something but not the light to heaven. It probably was the astral.
@@RedPillOption I have yet to hear someone who is not a scammer. They all seem fishy, to say the least. And it's probably just like a dream (NDE). NDE is most likely something we experience in our a dream. I don't believe in any of that spiritual stuff 😢
I had 150 NDE´s. For example last week I got hit by a bus-sized meteor and I hoovered into the light and saw gaaawd and gaaawd told me all the secrets of the universe, and afterwards I saw the ones who ended themself in eternal suffering because being forced to end oneself is a sin because a book written in the stone-age says so, and gaaawd told me my holy purpose in life and the secrets of the universe is praying working and sleeping, but most important is working like a donkey with the crippled body just to be allowed to eat and have a roof above the head, and even more important is praising him day and night because any good narcissist needs to get enough attention all around the clock - in his case for this awesome planet he created where all animals have to rip each other apart just to survive and eat, and all humans have to betray and lie all day and work their a.. off until they drop dead oh joy oh wonder halleluja such a wonderful creation praise gaaaawd. You see he is PURE LOVE, for example bunnies and deer-babies getting ripped apart by hyenas is another sign of gaaawds PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in this wonderful flawless creation that is a mirror of his limitless love, including all the wars and unfairness! What is even more a sign of his unlimited love and grace and gloriousness is the raging wildfires - he is just testing the faith of the animals and humans who burn alive and the flames are currently showering them with the pure love of gaaaaawd. The pure and unconditional love of gaaaaawd the allmighty works in such mysterious ways and our tiny human brain just cannot comprehend that love sometimes needs to hurt a little bit while burning alive. In my NDE I also saw the next 1000 years of mankind and it will be glorious we will mutate into beings consisting of pure light and the return of gaaaawd is near, yadda yadda yadda. Just kidding I never had a NDE, and I write only crime and horror and mystery without ever having earned one cent with my stories. :D Do you think I should begin to make up some of this NDE or new age nonsense to make my first million?
but yeah, meaning can be whatever human like it to be in hell my brother. we just servin time. and seems like no way out and some people set kingdom in this hell hole. we all have vices and addictions it seems like, a whole lotta demons in hell. maybe if one remembers past lifes you can learn something but seems like forever never ending cycle of birth and death in this realm. hell with illusions and traps we can get cleaner thoug what we eat and out comes out of our mouth and maybe avoid sickness and cancer, but world sure is getting worst every year. no god no nothing, i dont even belive assension, some of those 'holy men' with long hair and beard belives in assension but i dont know man, dont know nobody who assened from this hell hole,. and sorry for your loss :(
when people say life is meaningless, its like saying having kids in this world doesn't matter or is inconsequential, its plain stupid. Of course it means something for life to exist and we can define what that meaning is. You can be an atheist and know that existence means you can have an experience that leans towards bad. People follow nihilism like it makes any sense, but religion is also non sense.
@jamaludin5887 suffering is meaningless? So if you were born with a skin condition that caused excruciating pain, you say that means nothing? You are an idiot
The meaning of life is to work really hard for some big international corporation before they lay you off to reduce costs. But only after you've gone into heavy debt to pay for a degree that signals to that corporation that you are worth hiring. And then another part of the meaning of life is to get a 30 year mortgage for a shack in the middle of nowhere, so you can store the kids you'll have that will also experience the meaning of life in all of its glory. You should pay that mortgage religiously until they fire you and your wife decides to leave you for her gym instructor. After that you should also pay it but this time from a rented apartment since the gym instructor will take your place. But the biggest thing you can do here to give meaning to your life is to pay taxes. Politicians generally only have a couple of mansions, and if you work really hard they could get another one.
I hope this illuminates what the meaning of life is for all of you who are unaware. Keep paying those taxes!
Excellent summary of the meankng of life. As you so explicitly explained, it all boils down to just one word - MONEY.
For many years I thought that the meaning of life was love... But then after a while of seeing the harsh reality I realised that the real meaning of life is all about survival,
money, getting things done, achieving goals and stuff, desires and more endless desires because
most humans are dissatisfied, many people are in a constant quest to get something that we dont have... Its sad but truth..
Yeah, this dissatisfaction or discontent is a double edged sword. Without it, we would never try to achieve anything. Without it there would be no progress of any kind......but at the same time because of it we are never happy for too long, because we are never satisfied with what we have or the way things are.
I had this discussion with someone a few years ago. Can we be truly happy if we are never satisfied?
We are lied to all our lives, from cradle to grave.
That’s what I hate.
@@Tawgesahnu22And I hate that we are degraded from cradle to grave.
It should be our birthright to know who we are, why we are here, and where we are going.
Everything you've said in this video is the absolute truth! No one could've said it better.
so far u are one of the very few sane people on utube
keep making sense
Did you check millions of others?
How many TH-camrs talk about this? I have only found maybe 6 or 7
Life is not what you make it, its what other people make it for you.
These are all the things I think about daily. Great video and I agree this world is fooked up. You are a real one and people don't like that they want to live a lie.
I rather face the truth no matter how ugly and inconvenient it may be.
Yes. Me too. I rather face the reality, than live in a blissful ignorance that most humans do.
Life is unpredictable. We are all at risk of death everyday. The most random affliction can hit us .
Life has no meaning except for what meaning we choose to give it.
@@gmarchenko u r half right there mate. Except no matter what purpose you give to life it eventually fades away pretty soon as everything loses it's initial charm. Life is nothing but repetitive bs of some definite chores and errands.
This is the most common reply I hear around me to 'what is the meaning of life' question. Not that is not true, good on you, but can somebody please come with a more original answer?
You mean what we choose to do to distract ourselves until we die and get out of this hell?
There is no meaning to life, it just is. The Universe is just pointless, brutal indifference. Entropy means it will all dissipate into pure energy, in infinite, eternal space.
The meaning of life is to be prepared for whats to come.
I suffer not for what I do and not know. Shit happens..
I think we all come to this Earth just to serve our parents' ego needs. It is our parents who brought us here for self-centered reasons. So we are just dolls/puppets of our ancestors to keep their DNA (their symbolical 'immortality') alive.
Agreed. And once they are all gone we are left here to suffer even more.
Exactly. And this shows how parents come from a selfish perspective. They created a child for selfish reasons (to perpetuate their DNA, to have an old age carer, to get unconditional love, to get a cute 'human pet' aka 'baby' to play with, etc.). But what about the child? The child gets suffering/death in this universe as a 'gift' from their parents.
GOLD ⭐ Absolute truth right there ✍
@@roseaminty4887 I have also thought the same parents bring a cute pet aka baby in to this world for their own ego or just because everyone else is having 2 child so they all jump on that band wagon rich or poor. Then that baby grows up to be an adult in this hell realms and suffers. And people are okay with this world and smiling at work is beyond me.
Yes. Becoming a parent is all an EGO trip. Why people reproduce? In its deepest core it is all because the parent wanted to get some use from the baby: receive unconditional love, boost their ego by creating somebody who has a similar looks, getting a praise from society who applauds pregnancy, etc...
Sorry to hear. I’ve recently survived someone’s passing. It makes one think of everything even more so.
You’re right I feel the same way
The meaning of life would likely be different for everybody
As everybody has a different purpose
You’re doing a lot of good by talking about the real things open and honestly
Stay strong
The meaning of life is to survive & thrive. That’s what all animals seek to do.
Survive - yes. But thrive? How many animals achieve such a goal? Not many...
@ they all seek it the same.
@@adonaiel-rohi2460which animal have u seen getting out from this nonsense..?
You mean survive and reproduce.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know it’s tough and have been there. My parents and grandparents have all passed away and I have no family except for my husband and few friends.
I have been left with a huge whole in my heart and dealing with rage that I could delete God myself for this disgusting creation and its filth. This life has choked all the purity out of me and life circumstances beyond my control has made me do things outside my own moral compass just for survival.
It just doesn’t make sense to be born to suffer, rot and die while being someone else’s work horse and trading my time for a few crumbs. Getting an education only made fat cats and I have learned just because you work hard doesn’t mean it will pay off. Then there is always risk of losing everything by theft or some other misfortune which I have had my share outside my control.
The chaos in the United States in just the first week of this new year is a reminder that I made the right choice to not go out of my way to celebrate the holidays. The older I get the more fake holidays become with an underlying more sinister nature about them. We are only valued as long as we are buying their junk and participating in their draconian system but as soon as we can no longer work we become useless.
We can spiral into poverty, disease, depression, or some disaster and there is no one coming to save us except for ourselves. We were not incarnated here by love we were incarcerated here by evil. This world should be for everyone including animals and we should not be living in this manufactured scarcity that was created by our criminal overlords let alone money being attached down to the rocks.
You are absolutely correct. It is all chaos and destruction and for what? To end up suffering and in pain only to die in the end.
Hello Nick. Another great video as always, thank you. This life all depends on the Han you are felt when you come out of of this world. If you are born in to a wealthy family then life’s a gift. If on the other the other hand you are born into poverty then life is a struggle. If you’re interested in a video topic perhaps one who created the soul, what happens to our souls when we die and where does the soul go after life on this planet.
We are here to produce energy for the machines. 🔋🔋🔋
Im sorry to hear that about your grandmother , Ive lost my dad 6 januari this year at 65 years old. Very suddenly. Wished him good health on newyears eve.... our funeral guy was actually very realistic in this.. he told me, the meaning of life is to die.. in 100 years time 200 years time from now, nobodys wil know what u did here.. Life happens fast he said.. he burried more people at 65 instead of 85.. Live! is what he said.
Very true. No one will remember any of us in 100 years from now.
I enjoy your vids… will subscribe 🙏🏻
Thank you for the support. Really appreciate it.
@ you are genuine, you are an old soul frustrated with the matrix. I completely understand 🙏🏻
Real meaning of life is only understood when u r in the deep shit of life .
The way this is designed ,the purpose and meaning is something we are not programmed to comprehend. The video game character is on the run for what the game player wants to entertain himself with, when he wants to play the game...the character in the game doesn't ever turn around and look in the eyes of the game player over the screen. It's not in the design and never happens. Same with our experience of life.
We're most likely producing energy which is non tangible from our seemingly tangible world, for the beings we can't see, hear or feel.
hello again, dr. nick❤,💊💊, ahhhhhhh, another good dose, thanks doc❤
I find Nick's truth telling to be healing, too. In my opinion, the truth hurts at first, but heals, too, because it allows us to grow.
@roseaminty4887 hahaha,yah ❣️👊
even chester bennington said one time in some short talking that no matter what you do in this life it leads you nowhere, and it's still true to this very day but he was exposed as someone who was depressed which i call bs.
Sometimes depressed people have a more realistic view of life. I remember hearing David Benatar saying something similar to this
For a couple of years now i have been almost thinking daily that same shit and it doesent make any sense. Life is also very boring. Life is full of risks that can fuck you up good what ever you do even if you stay at home the whole day. It's pretty rare to be able to live in the moment when you become more aware of life. Couple of days ago i was "living in the moment" i was driving my car and actually enjoying it and someone lost control of their car and almost hit me. Well there goes again that "living in the moment" back to that unsure reality where everything bad is possible.
Hope your not too depressed bro i like watching your content. Hope you find some beauty in this hell realm
I think anyone who is able to think inevitably got a depression one time or the other
Not depressed but also not happy. It's like purgatory when it comes to how I feel if that makes sense.
You call it depression because you don't understand.
My dog is perfectly happy without having any meaning to its existence,,,,
No other creature requires a meaning,,,
Except the human creature,,,,
Realize something important;
That human creatures are Cursed with an intellect,,,
That may demand a meaning,,,
And life never requires one
Escape the reincarnation trap, the only cope I have left
I think the meaning of life is to suffer as everyone of us here suffers in one way or another, sooner or later. Happiness and love is not guaranteed. But Every single one of us here experiences suffering without exception. I think this place cannot be fixed because it is not broken. Like Morpheus in the Matrix tells Neo that we are useful for our (negative) energy..
Loosh farm. So far, sounds to me like the most logical explanation for all this madness. This world is a very sinister place, still most people fail to realize this and keep bringing more people into it 😢
When I asked some people what it is about this human experience that they so eagerly want their kids to also experience as to put them into this world... They looked at me as if they saw water burning.. It never even crossed their mind to think about such a thing...
To me that is CRAZY
Came to find along my journey that most people dont think deeply, just acting on hormones and emotions. It is dissapointing man.
It feels like life in general is just an anomaly and there really is no purpose. I do agree that if thats the case then we should be able to enjoy this more but the universe doesent care. In the largest possible scale that we understand we really are the universe experiencing itself.
life is a curse
I kind of feel sorry for people who believe Jesus is coming back. Really? Exactly how bad do things have to get?
No one is coming to save us.
If you point to a stone and ask what the meaning of it is it doesn't really mean anything it just formed through natural processes over time. If you point to an animal or plant their meaning is to survive and pass on their genes. If you point to humans in general then that would be something like to attain greater understanding of ourselves within the greater context of life and how it's best to live, while also surviving and passing on our genes/cultures/knowledge. If you point to an individual person they'll have their own personal meaning that is meaningful to them. If you point to the universe in general it doesn't really mean anything it just formed through natural processes over time.
The creator/s of this universe is certainly not good in my opinion. He/she/it/they are evil as hell.
Hi. Regards from Balkan, Eastern Europe. You are great and inteligent and mostly important, honest as much as one can be. I watched your videos and i have to admit you, after watching your videos i feel smarter and wiser, but not happier and better at all. 😂😂😂.
I need some love songs or new age positive fake motivational stories just to recover after you 😅😅
I agree with your conclusions in 99,9% and i also think that this world and this time we are living in are not for normal human to endure. It takes bull and superman to go through everything you need to do just to stay alive and healthy and pay bills and take care of family.
You people from West didnt tell us what is Capitalism in real aplication on life. 😂 We were envy on western life style and we imagine it totally diferent.
This is a cold, harsh, dog fighting, only money chasing show, with people stayin far from each other and looking only for themselfs and money.
Eighties seems like paradise comparing to this. People where different and warmer and closer to each other.
Wish you all luck with your channel and in your private life.
Stay well and all best
Are women in Eastern Europe becoming like the western women?
@David.5035 tottaly, 100%, if you ask me. Money and status obsesed. Old patriarch moral and house keeping qualities and women charm, warmt and support to men they had in decades before, its all gone. Thats my opinion.Dont chase here if you are looking for that. All gone. Sorry if i give you false picture, but i am afraid, i am right.
@@noblesseoblige2448 😭 Absolutely depressing to hear.
The meaning of life is simply to experience being a cog in the machinery of existence
The meaning of life is to die in debt.
Its about survival thats it
Survival for dying lol
@@finaldestination41 Realm of inversion
The meaning of this life no meaning some kind of experience till will go up I hope
Life In itself has no meaning.. It doesn't mean that you can't give it any purpose, but we're just animals trying to survive. We as humans are just fortunate enough to be on top of the food chain.. Animals that live in the wild struggle on a daily basis to survive.. Can you imagine the constant fear of being eaten alive by another animals? Imagine the constant stress? Life is really brutal when you think about it.. We have to eat each other to survive.. People say that there's gotta be more than this, but that's just something people say to make sense of it.. Most people can't phantom the reality that once you die, its a wrap..Is there a possibility of some sort of afterlife? Sure there is, but there is no evidence at all to believe in any of it, so ill go under the assumption that once im dead, that's a wrap.. Enjoy the time you have with those that you love and remember that all of this is only temporary. Keep your self physically and mentally sharp. Stay engaged with life and make your own purpose, because no one else can live life for you..
When the world turns in the hunger games, and it likely will, it is gonna be just like us being animals in the wild if you are not on the top of the global elite chain.
Life is meaningless. All we need to do is look around us and we can see life means nothing by the way we are forced to live. We can’t even function without money and we are land locked without transportation. The way society treats its homeless, veterans, elderly, disabled, and animals proves life is meaningless. We are obviously meaningless to God or evil and suffering would have been dealt with long ago.
You are absolutely right.
I know the answer to this question: What is the meaning of life? My answer: To wait like a zombie, bored to death, until the day we die. Our purpose is to wait .....until we die. That is it. According to all ancient books and lore, it is exactly that. We are only living on borrowed time from our faith. But our faith has been duped! We live in a fake reality.
Sorry about yr Grammy Nick. I hope in spite of everything she did have some blessings during her long life.
Maybe that "thing" out there really does feed off our energy, especially the "negative" type. Maybe every time we cry from the pain of losing loved ones, funerals, diseases, serial ki!!rrs, disappointments and failures, embarrassments, toothaches, labour pains, failed exams, self-deletion, floods, famines, outbreaks, everything else l cant even begin to list, "it" feeds off us, it gets some sick gluttonous pleasure from our misery. Just reminds me of that Stephen King villain IT. I don't know Nick.
Will we EVER really know?😢
If People really knew how we got here and how everything came into existence it will make everyone faint and have a heart attack 😅
What's your theory?
Please elaborate 🙂
The critical thinkers fall in line too.. they just are conscious of the fact they are captives.
Critical thinkers in many cases are some of the ones that got caught believing the lies easier.
@ no, I mean they fall in line by participating in the system. By choice or by force.
To me life is so unfair 😢
There isn’t one except the meaning that you give it. We all die
Even if life does get better someday (I highly doubt it), I’m still not gonna have a family. Too many humans already on this planetarium.
I just mostly live life like it’s Silent Hill.
I dont even dislike working. But my parents forced me to do an education I hated and I was a people pleaser. So this gave me a bad start to pursue a career path which I would have liked.
Needless to say I did not end up with a job in the field that I studied for. I ended up with a mediocre job in IT that I totally despise.
Me, I wanted to study psychology badly.
If I would do it now in partial time it would take me 10 years.
I would never force such major life choices upon my kids, life sucks already enough so better pursue what you do love. My parents failed to realize that passion brings money. Every job interview I had to lie about why I made the choices I made and pretend to have passion for the things I did. When you despise what you do you will never be great.
Anyway I will never put children into this reality to start with.
It is pure selfishness!
Kids gotta choose for themselves in order to be happy.
I’m trying to rent an Airbnb and to get something where it isn’t a shared house it’s like 3k a month. And I feel like I’m fighting over getting it with others
That's all this life is full of, competition and the highest bidder. If you don't have the paper you are screwed.
@ this lady is literally renting 6 rooms in a house Making 1800 a month off each room
I hate that saying life is what you make it. The people that say that are the absolute fakest from my experiences
It’s just a ploy an easy way out of not taking any accountability for how shitty the world is and how unachievable that things really can be for some people
Basically that's what it is.
And I bet you they don’t even believe what they say this stupid saying
They want to appear confident and not concerned about this hell world
We're not even supposed to build a personal life for ourselves here. Most of the people here are NPCs anyway. I have never seen anyone get out of here being rich.
Lost my grandma in October 2022. Philosophy doesn't make it unraw. 😢😢😢
Very sorry to hear that.
there isn't any meaning to this, in fact the only meaning is to escape this prison & go somewhere else.
The meaning of life is what ever it is you choose for it to be and success is whatever it is that makes you happy. It’s all meaningles. Live, learn and die
After 40 years of sincerely trying to figure that out, I'm just not sure there is one...
I recently revisited „the meaning of life" by monty phyton i think i was in my twentys when i saw it for the first time, watching it again was mindblowing, they really depicted every part of this freakshow damn good.
My personal take about the meaning of this place is, that humanity is somekind of cargo cult that developed out of various ancient slaveraces.
Basicaly some visitors just came to earth to exploit it, they needed a fast reproducing slaverace, not to smart, just smart enough to obey orders.
The hole human genome is full of evidence that our bodys are the product of relatively crude gen splicing, humans like we know it probabaly should never existet on earth in the first place.
Mani animals are superior in many many ways to us, eyes, ears, bonestrength, regrowing teeth, regrowing limbs etc.
But the self proclaimed space gods probably needed a creature that was able to do more complex tasks then animals, so the only thing we got is a bot more braincapacity. They probably bread different races like we bread animals, a perfect mirror.
What is not really clear to me how the spiritual component works, maybe these beeings didn‘t gave a rip that we would also have a spiritual aspekt from them, or they even fully enslaved once free spirits into these meat bags, there are ancient sources that support both theories.
After they got what they wehre looking for on earth they just took of and left humans on its own, they probably left behind the first secret societys, maybe as a bandaid to guide the slaverace they created. But all the magicians and priests of old never really shared their superior knowledge, they used it as a power differencial to reign as kings and pharaos,
and today we call em Bidens, Trumps and Musks, presidents and CEOs
I see earth just as a slave collony, there is as little meaning here for me as it is for cow on a farm, maybe our spirit will be free after this shitshow is over, that leaves at least some hopium in my pipe 🤷♂️
Well said. Anything is possible but what you said here is plausible.
@@RedPillOption the shitty thing is that it´s almost impossible to really figure out this place, but sadly it resembles a farm or a slave collony in so many was.
The latest California fire! Let's react! Let's investigate! Let's discuss! What do we do about!? Absolutely nothing! Just wait until the next distraction event and investigate, react, and discuss again!
It's all about getting our attention which they extract our energy through the use of the black screen devices.
"Those of us that have been doing this long enough see the strange repeating pattern of distracting us over and over again. it is as if the reality itself is conscious and its main goal is to keep the subjects in fear and distracted. I use to say they are doing something over there while we focus on this but that excuse doesn't work anymore.. they have everything already so whats the point now? it seem "THEY" exist as a scapegoat to the reality that wants us to think there is a they and not an IT."
I have to agree with this. Another distraction and loosh extraction.
Monty phythons “ the meaning of life”. Old classic that’ll cheer you up for a little while from this rat race, over taxed, crazy world we deal with daily. 😢
I am a big fan of Monty Python. Good idea, I should re-watch that.
@@RedPillOption Maybe it'll pick up your spirits for a moment.
Sorry about your Grandparent, 98 is a very good age span, but still it's never good to lose a loved one.
Survival 1st. Thriving next.
Survival is an instinct in every single sentient being. Thriving is not an instinct, it is a luxury that sadly, only few humans are able to achieve.
@ thriving is an instinct, lol. Animals are always seeking comfort and abundance. That’s why animals migrate
@ those who are losing don’t achieve it.
God is neither good nor bad...God is everything...God is source energy...God is like a life force that inscribes itself on every object that exists in the universe...I feel like you're trying to anthropomorphize God...Misery exists because happiness exists...Darkness is the absence of light...the meaning of life is contained within the Yin Yang are the universe experiencing itself
This might be possible that God is an energy source but I think we live in an advanced simulation or matrix as it were.
Nick, I would like to give you an advice as a viewer of your channel. Please use more lights in your videos. Either a lamp or a natural source like the sun, It'd be an amazing improvement. That's all man, have a nice day.
Edit: I made this comment before watching the whole video, I'm very sorry about grandparent.
I choose to film this video in the dark because I was not in the best of moods. Normally all my videos have good light. Thanks!
“The meaning of life is living life.”-Alan Watts.
doesnt really make sense if life is utter trash
@@fertblu5514 lol
Alan Watts is great. Listen to what he had to say a lot.
Loosh farm
ohh, james cameron's titanic. not the real story :D i was waiting for a good analogy with titanic then you mentioned iceberg and i was like whaaaaat :D just another story of a explosion by rich bankersters eliminating opponnents :D
vid request:
David Goblins is lying about a lot of stuff
do you follow Tony Sayers?
I don't but I will check his channel out. Thanks.
I'm sorry 😒😒😒😒
the only reason to be here is to experence others than that life is pretty pointless its all a game and there is levels to this shit
Making s#!t up ... NDE's have become a lucrative business. I keep seeing *the same people over and over again* on YT. They had 17 NDE's and are now offering coaching, selling books, offering spiritual healing, healing sessions, healing vibration coher.... adjusting chakras .....I mean 🙄
I am not talking about the ones who are scam artists but I do believe that some have seen something but not the light to heaven. It probably was the astral.
I have yet to hear someone who is not a scammer. They all seem fishy, to say the least. And it's probably just like a dream (NDE). NDE is most likely something we experience in our a dream.
I don't believe in any of that spiritual stuff 😢
I had 150 NDE´s. For example last week I got hit by a bus-sized meteor and I hoovered into the light and saw gaaawd and gaaawd told me all the secrets of the universe, and afterwards I saw the ones who ended themself in eternal suffering because being forced to end oneself is a sin because a book written in the stone-age says so, and gaaawd told me my holy purpose in life and the secrets of the universe is praying working and sleeping, but most important is working like a donkey with the crippled body just to be allowed to eat and have a roof above the head, and even more important is praising him day and night because any good narcissist needs to get enough attention all around the clock - in his case for this awesome planet he created where all animals have to rip each other apart just to survive and eat, and all humans have to betray and lie all day and work their a.. off until they drop dead oh joy oh wonder halleluja such a wonderful creation praise gaaaawd. You see he is PURE LOVE, for example bunnies and deer-babies getting ripped apart by hyenas is another sign of gaaawds PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in this wonderful flawless creation that is a mirror of his limitless love, including all the wars and unfairness!
What is even more a sign of his unlimited love and grace and gloriousness is the raging wildfires - he is just testing the faith of the animals and humans who burn alive and the flames are currently showering them with the pure love of gaaaaawd. The pure and unconditional love of gaaaaawd the allmighty works in such mysterious ways and our tiny human brain just cannot comprehend that love sometimes needs to hurt a little bit while burning alive.
In my NDE I also saw the next 1000 years of mankind and it will be glorious we will mutate into beings consisting of pure light and the return of gaaaawd is near, yadda yadda yadda.
Just kidding I never had a NDE, and I write only crime and horror and mystery without ever having earned one cent with my stories. :D
Do you think I should begin to make up some of this NDE or new age nonsense to make my first million?
There is no comsic meaning OF life. By what i can tell there can only be subjective meaning IN life
just be
but yeah, meaning can be whatever human like it to be in hell my brother. we just servin time. and seems like no way out and some people set kingdom in this hell hole. we all have vices and addictions it seems like, a whole lotta demons in hell. maybe if one remembers past lifes you can learn something but seems like forever never ending cycle of birth and death in this realm. hell with illusions and traps we can get cleaner thoug what we eat and out comes out of our mouth and maybe avoid sickness and cancer, but world sure is getting worst every year. no god no nothing, i dont even belive assension, some of those 'holy men' with long hair and beard belives in assension but i dont know man, dont know nobody who assened from this hell hole,. and sorry for your loss :(
BenedictineTheTruth 💪
@RedPillOption haha 😄 yeah ❤️
when people say life is meaningless, its like saying having kids in this world doesn't matter or is inconsequential, its plain stupid. Of course it means something for life to exist and we can define what that meaning is. You can be an atheist and know that existence means you can have an experience that leans towards bad. People follow nihilism like it makes any sense, but religion is also non sense.
Having kids is meaningle
They suffer once the parents are gone or even before in many cases pointless really
@jamaludin5887 suffering is meaningless? So if you were born with a skin condition that caused excruciating pain, you say that means nothing? You are an idiot