I think you haven't covered 1 crucial point. If you take damage in the round and you stay alive, next round u dont have to buy a new light sheild, you save the shield with some regen points. After pistol rounds where you bought a regen shield and won, u can almost always buy phantom/vandal and if u decided to buy shield on round 2 and stay with the pistol, you can buy a rifle on your next round no matter what happens during the round. Regen shields are good for many wins in a row
It’s also important to consider that one can play around regen shields. If I’m playing a very tight angle where my goal is to get of one or two shots and then tuck, I might get hit a bit as well… then a regen shield is useful
I think regen shields could be useful if you have a heal agent on your team. Think about it you take 120 damage go down to 5 hp the regen shield gives you 25 shields and then skye/sage gives you 100 health putting you back to 125. Putting you back up to 4 body shots before dying.
I was thinking the same thing. Any self-sustain agent (and Skye to a degree) can really maximize their utility with heals since the shield takes full damage first and then regens back. Can definitely makes those agents more viable
@@veloz1tyy With that logic then heavy shields are useless since you still get 1 tapped, the point of regeneration is WHEN you survive you will be in a better shape to engage again
theoritically in a world where every1 one taps, heavy shield would be useless but since were human heavy shields are not useless, they are just better to have in most situations like against an eco, unlucky 140 phantom moment, outlaw etc regeneration has its benefits which makes it not entirely useless but you usually only get to heal If the enemy missed their 1 tap or chip damage which in the highest of play, usually at first contact one of them will die unable to be healed which makes it situational I've played with the regen shield a bit, I barely get any value from it and lose more money from using it compared to small shields, its just too situational healing and combining both is interesting if it works, however if it doesn't its just a waste and I would rather use the normal shields the chances of me living two gunfights left at 5 hp with the regen strat is just unlikely healing is more of a plus, teams don't pick skye or sage for their healing but for their utility because its not needed 100% of the time
Regen shields usefulness are actually more agent dependant. Regen shields nerf "chip" damage agents like kj, viper, raze, sova, and buff healing agents on the other side obviously.
I think I've only played one game since the regen shield was released, and I found an interesting benefit: economy. I used the same regen shield three rounds in a row because I only took one or a few shots of damage before it had any time to regenerate, so I had what basically was a light shield three round in a row for 650 creds
Another thing to consider would be characters who can regen some of their own health or heal others as well, like Pheonix, Reyna, Sage and Sky. This would be so valuable, since the armor will be ticked of first and then you are less likely to lose as much hp, making it easier to heal yourself to full plus having shield after that.
I def think the self sustain agents like Phoenix, Reyna, Clove and Sage (and to a degree Skye/Yoru/Iso) benefit from this a lot since the armor takes the damage first completely, you can really capitalize on any heals/overhealth in your kit. Like for example, with Reyna/Clove you may not need to use your Overhealth after a kill because the shield will just give you what you need. Not sure if it will inherently shake up the meta (though in ranked makes these agents even stronger), but it is something I think can be experimented with.
Just wanna mention: I like the fact in the recent weeks music got quieter in your videos. When it was first introduced it was waaay too loud but now it seems much improved. GJ mr. Thinker
In the couple of games that I played with it, the thing that comes up the most is the fact that it usually ends up being three different instances of light shield across three rounds, because taking a fight and losing your shield but still having light shield in the next round and not having to buy it again can be a huge boost to Econ
When playing for example phoenix, if u have 5 hp you can heal urself back up with molly + wall or by using ult and you will be back on 125 hp if ur using a regen shield
Regen shields only seem useful to me in two cases: Anti-Ecos where you can't get heavy shields, and Pistol rounds on specific agents where only one of your abilities matters and it costs 150.
I think you're underestimating it a bit. Against a team that plays mostly vandals, which especially in ranked is super common, it is a straight upgrade to a full shield. Though more people will start playing phantom, where at max range having full shields actually can matter for sure.
I think a big part we are missing is carrying the shield over to the next round. if you take a fight and lose the first shield and even the second, you don't need to rebuy the next round. it's similar in concept to the fpx buy, you take a riskier first round to snowball into the next round. I think this idea makes it really good on antiecos pistols, and oping. it also wouldn't be the worst as a snowball tool to save a few creds on bonus while trying to snowball your rounds.
also phantom buff may have made full shield less impactful anyway. since most phantom maps are close quarter, ie split, the greater distance makes fewer fights a disadvantage for it. there are only 5 angles on split where it's common to peak beyond 20m. so now if you aren't planning on peaking mid or main, phantom clears. in that case the only times it matters to have heavy is if you entry or are part of the strong side. obv different maps make this more difficult but still
@@owenmilledge789it’s not economically that great. You’re only saving 150 credits by carrying over into the next round, because it cost you 250 extra credits for the opportunity to do that in the first place.
I changed my mind, I like the regen shield. For only 250 more credits, it ensures that it will absorb all the damage (unlike Light shield 67% of damage) and even if you don't get the full value every round, it's not a big investment loss over the Light Shield, and you die to some rifle headshots anyway, even with Heavy Shield. I would not be surprised if over time, Riot will round up the Regen Shield cost to 700 credits, for that beautiful price symmetry of shields at 400 / 700 / 1000.
The question I have been waiting for all the youtubers to answer is just doing the math as to how much effective health you have with the regen compared to normal light shield because I don't want to do that math myself.
I think they're also pretty good if you're planning to go on fights you can safely back away from where its hard for the enemy to trade, for example long range duels (so pretty huge for sniper users). Like if you win the fight and you got hit, you can regen safely then go back at it with minimal to no damage. With the bonus of being able to carry it next round without needing to buy another armor. In the simplest terms, the shield forces you to play slow and defensively to utilize it fully
I think this was in part riots attempt to nerf chip damage from things like odin on ascent and lotus. In these cases regen shields are exremely beneficial as if taking chip damage regen shields easily match the more costly heavy shields and sometimes, while not common, would even be better than the heavy shields
I have been using regen almost exclusively, but I believe it it rank dependent a little bit. I was asc and hit imm during this, so people hit hs most the time so when you don’t die, you most likely win the fight and then 5 seconds later can take another. And it transfers over each round so I can even save more money on top of the 350 per round.
I think two other things about the shields are also notable. Firstly, you often wont have to rebuy light shields in the next round if you survive because it will regen and only with less reserve. Secondly, if your opponents are on a light buy with spectre etc or you can't afford full shields, regen shields will still protect you against the spectre super well
I feel like there are a couple of scenarios that werent talked about. 1. Since regen shield acts as a pure extension of your health bar since it has 100% damage negation if you give it to a raze or a jett or a neon where you might get accidental leg shots and then they ult you mid air. Meaning you still stay above the break points. 2. Since Sages self heal change it means that she will always go back to a 2 bodyshot break point no matter what health she was left at. Same would go to pheonix and reyna. Needing less time to full heal meaning there is less down time with their self heals. Sage would also be able to heal you back to full light health and full light shield again. This would also be a "cheaper version of heavy shields" if you had these self heal agents on your team you would always be 3 shot+ 3. Random chip damage from things like kj turret or fighting inside of vyse slow or walking through a molly for a split second to help a teammate since the damage reduction on the regen shield is 100% they never affect your actual health pool meaning that util didnt really stop you from doing anything allowing for more aggressive team play. Then on top of that if you win the round you get to keep the shield. Which lets you economically snowball faster Since youre spending less money on shields every round and youre able to kinda replicate the light shield meta. We had a while back. Its more of an economical gamble in the long run.
While irrelevant for pro, i think that its probably extremely good on reyna and clove who can overheal and save the stored shield. They can quite plausibly get 3 rounds of light shields, which in most cases amounts to the same value as full shields, for 650 credits. essentially twice as cost effective as the already very efficient light shield.
I think the regen shield stills good when it's on agents that can self-heal/overheal like Reyna, Clove, Phoenix, Sage (add Skye as an extra healer for the team). For pro teams who want to experiment those comps, pick Phoenix+Sage and on specific small maps like Sunset and Split to play early aggressive map controls.
played some games with the regen shield on an anti-eco, feels better than my usual buy of spectre+heavy buy, and the credits saved helped in the bonus where i reup the regen. i saved some credits over those 2 rounds compared to buying down on the lights after a heavy buy, yeah it's 100 creds, but on the first full buy, makes a difference
the regen shield will have a lot of value against chip damage util. It will completely block 25 damage, which means you will barely take damage from util and regain your shield. Healing is also a good pairing with regen shield since you will heal back to 100 hp and still have a 25 shield (meaning 4 bullet block again)
So here's the biggest question: "Will I survive one/multiple fights with 125?" Lets look at few guns I thought had intersting talking points. Vandal: You live a triple bodyshot, but are left so low you die to a 4th regardless of the regen. You are also 1-tapped to the head. The heavy shield suffers the same fate, so regen is better due to it being cheaper. Phantom: Before the buff this patch, a long ranged HS (I think) would have done 124, but now it does 140. Heavy shield will always be two shots, so heavy shield is better against it. Outlaw: hard counters the Regen Shield. Guardian: soft counters the Regen Shield. Similar to the Outlaw, requires one less bodyshot to kill, however, if a regen shield user is able to regen between the two shots, can survive three. Bulldog: Regen can tank 3 shots to the body (a full burst), but die to a fourth shot unless they regen, which they can survive the same number of shots as the heavy (5). Other: For some guns (Operator, Marshal) there's no difference between 125 and 150. The sheriff will 1-tap you long range, but takes 3 bodyshots regardless. Shotguns require a little luck, because you're usually dead if you encounter one under their terms. The difference in body shots between 125 and 150 for a lot of guns is 1 bullet. The SMGs and LMGs fire so fast, the extra bullet usually doesn't matter. There are quite a few other guns that take the same amount of bullets to kill with headshots regardless of the shield type. Bottom line: regen is a better light shield. If you can't afford heavy, you should probably be buying regen unless you're mega broke or are trying to save. Something to keep in mind is that some agents actually have better synergy with regen shield than others. These include: Sage, Pheonix, Reyna, Iso, and Skye. Having a way to heal off or mitigate damage is SO good with the regen shield because surviving every fight is like if you never took damage to begin with. Me personally? I stand regen shield. The gunfighys I get into I'm usually dead to rights even if I had a heavy shield, and I play some of those agents who synergize well with the regen shield, so I buy it even more on them. Hopefully this helps you when deciding which shield to buy and when.
regen shield work great when playing with a skye or clove/sage ult. I can respawn with a shield and I can tank 125hp, get healed back to 100+25 regen shield
If you have or play a healing agents (like I play phx a lot) I buy regen shield 100% of the time, even when I have money for heavy shield its really good
I feel like the usefulness of Regen Shield depends on the meta. If the meta is just Vandal + Operator, then Regen Shield will see more play than the Full Shield since the Vandal is one-hit headshot and the Operator is one-hit bodyshot regardless of shield, but if people start to buy more Phantom or Outlaw, then Full Shield will be more useful than Regen Shield since the Phantom will not be one-hit headshot and the Outlaw will not be one-hit bodyshot if you have full shield.
I’m not sure the point about healing up to 30 hp and still being one vandal body shot matters much, since that is also true if you had full shields. While I agree that when getting vandal headshot or bodyshot 3 times regen shields are essentially the same as half shields (and full for that matter), if you’re getting chipped it’s better than both full and half shields since it has a larger pool of 75hp. There are also situations where it could be better than other shields, like if you’re defusing and getting spammed, but your shield is regenerating while getting spammed, or you took damage a couple times earlier but can survive one more bullet of spam. There’s also the question of whether the benefit of full shields outweighs its higher price compared to regen shields, similar to how teams buy half shields instead of full even when they have money for full armor. I think regen shields to me seem like expensive half armor that is more spam and chip proof (or even cheaper full armor that’s better against spam and chip but worse against phantom), and that’s how it should be used.
I think a good time to buy regen shield is when you're confident you are gonna win the round. So, 2nd round or vs ecos in general. You essentially buy 2 light shields for 650 credits. I think pistol round regen shield isn't that good if you dont have a healer or if you aren't on reyna or iso because in my experience, most fights I survive in pistol round usually costs me a least 50 hp, so with regen shield I'm still 1 shot to ghost hs, or 2 tap deagle.
What about for a round 2/14 buy? Some people would buy light shields for economy, so the regen shield would be even better and would probably leave you with armor for round 3 even if you get tagged
I use it every round cause it's very versatile cause of how you have 75 shield in a round and also because I always play slow and passively so I can take my time peeking and re peeking
all i want to know is if mollies kill players with regen shields or full shields first. if the latter dies first then regen shield actually has a purpose
I think theres something to be said about the comp your playing against like Bind playing against the default comp being able to regen chip damage from raze nade gecko molly viper molly brim molly
2 keys that copied from cs with some creative work the 650$ price, can buy in pistol round and not having to rebuy if took damage and survive also nerf to chip damage it took less money to take chip damage even if it regen once (150 total hp as full shield) also buff to phantom and outlaw if enemy buy it instead of full
Phantom and Outlaw exist in this game, especially when Phantom is getting a buff. Don't risk your life with something that "can be recovered" in the next fight; try to live in the present.
I actually think the regen shield is gonna be very good against utility. Agents like Raze and Sova that can chip damage you will only hit the shield. Saves your HP and armor for fights.
Hi, @TMV I think u missed a point. I think regen shield would be good for slow paced scenarios and healing agents especially. Since you mentioned that 1-2 body shot example what if instead of omen there was phoenix/sage with regen shield then it might be (60 to 80 health)+25. Or If a team runs skye then on small maps both teams usually buy phantom and its body shot range increased. So instead of buying light shield u buy regen shield take control of area+ take damage then rotate with skye heal and now u again have approx 125 hp. I know its long maybe u might understand my point😅.
you aren't going to talk about the balance difference this makes for Sage, Skye and Phoenix? they first showed this shield on Phoenix for a reason. Clove and Reyna can already heal up to 150, but now anyone could get healed up to 125 back to a full 4 vandal bodyshots, and notably Phoenix can get back up to 125 after being killed in ult.
5:01 in my opinion this round was a showcase of why heavy shield is useless if you keep track whether the enemy are vandal or phantom player in my games if i find 4 or 5 are vandal players i never buy heavy because here they had 5 vandals and 4 players of the defense died with a headshot vandal buying heavy or regen would make no difference and the fifth died from 4 vandal boddies so no difference as well i think the heavy shield is very overrated and i argue with myself do i but half shield or regen
I genuinely dont see a situation where i would ever buy the regen shield except raidbossing someone round 1 or in round 2 after winning the first round.
If in full buy rounds you're going to die immediately a lot with vandal/phantom one-taps, isn't that why you should buy it? Since at that level kills will probably be one-taps, why not go with the option that is almost half price?
Feels like you forgot to mention the economic benefits. If you win a gun fight but tank some body shots and win the round, you still have what is basically a full light shield for the next round. At pro play I don't know how much this will matter. But in ranked where I can mutliple rounds in a row go through a round just taking a body shot or 2 from a vandal, regen shields can boost my economy a lot over an entire half. Though the problem is that you could also just get 1 tapped and basically lose 250 credits. In anything below immo or asc, buying regen shields is probably a good idea, if you cant buy full shield.
No. No. Just No. The most crucial point is the level of expertise. You are comparing normal ranked gameplay with Pros. Of course, Pros hit headshots most of the time so it doesn't make sense to use Light Shield+More Money against them cuz it will all go down the drain. But for players below Ascendant, I think they often hit body shots and it will be helpful for them. Also, you didn't take into account the different agents that can take full advantage of Regen Shield but aren't used in Pro matches cuz they aren't in the meta. Example: Reyna. You can get a kill, dismiss, and if anybody hits you right before dismissing, you can heal that damage without using your heal. Even better, you can do that twice now. And if you are on Ult... well, well, well. Clove can heal. Sage can heal everyone in the team. They just aren't meta. But imagine you take damage. Your shield is broken. You get a kill. Sage heals you. You are back to 125. Do that again. Or if you have Clove. So yeah. You didn't take into account 1) Level of gameplay/Average Ranked Games 2)Agents that aren't in meta and might be used in Average Ranked Games
You keep it on rez, i was in a game where clove self revived and the shield recharged for her. So maybe its good if sage has rez or if you are clove. Two lifes, two shields.
would the regen shield be favoured for characters with there own way of gaining there health back or maybe a whole team if they have skye on there team with her group heal ?
honestly, maybe if the just removed light shield and swapped it with this for the price of 500??? or 600? like wouldnt that make the whole concept more interesting and useful
They might gonna buff it like increase AP to 35 and increase the pull to 70 First fight with 120 damage taken 135 - 120 = 15 Regen 15 + 35 = 50 Two bullets to body to kill you Second fight with 40 damage taken 50 - 40 = 10 Regen 10 + 35 = 45 Still two bullets to kill you Third fight with 40 damage taken 45 - 40 = 5 Round ended with you having 5 hp Either they can only buff AP and decrease the pull to 35 or just keep it 50 So you can take only 2 fights max
I think to use the regen shield in full potential you need to have a healer (Sage, Skye) or self healing agents (Phoenix, Reyna, Clove), so you can take more fights with 125 hp First fight 120 damage taken 125 - 120 = 5 Regen + Full health heal 5 + 100 + 25 = 125 Second fight 120 damage Regen + Full helth heal Third fight 120 damage taken Full health heal Scenario A: Fourth fight 120 damage taken Dead Scenario B: Fourth fight 80 damage taken Alive 4 fights where you took 120 damage is crazy
Regen shield is just straight up better against vandal buyers. its everything that the light shield meta was but now you get an extra 25hp. in pro league all you saw were headshots and double peeks. even more so of an argument that the heavy shield wouldn't have performed better whilst costing more.
I think you using that second clip as an example is bad. Most of them got headshot, they are not benefiting from regen shields OR heavy shields. I don’t think they lost that BECAUSE they got regen shields. Also, in the third clip? and during the math you talked about how that regened health doesn’t matter (if you end up at 30). What you fail to acknowledge is that if you bought full shields, YOU’D BE AT 30 TOO. There’s a lot of things you didn’t think about.
That's overanalyzing in my perspective. It only costs 250 credits more than a light shield and can be up to 3 light shields. Even if you only get value every 3rd round it still seems reasonable to buy
I don't see the point of regen, if it cost a tiny bit less I'd understand but when it comes down to it compared to a piece of utility I would take util over it
It is but it's very common for teams to not run all vandals and you will have a bunch of phantom and odin users in ranked. And then someone (usually a Jett) will ruin the fun with an outlaw.
it's just a light shield x3 but only for 250 more creds. buying light shield is pointless now, and u could also force more effectively with this shield now
If you use some of your reserve shield, like 25/50, and live to the next round, does it refill the reserve shield? If so it is probably good for round 2 as you're likely to take some damage but not die
lI THINK that's this regen shield is more usefull then u think . like if u play a agetn as phenix or sage that's can heal them self its gonna be more usefull because u gonna get ur sheil back and u gonna have ur heal back so its gonna be a 125 again. or if use it withe an agent as jett is gonna be good because u can't heal your self so u could just fight when u take a bit of damage u dash back and u wait of healing
i don't agree on this one sadly. Regen shields + healing agents ex. Skye, Sage, Phoenix really changes things. Imagine playing phoenix: U kill 1 but get 3 body shots, 120 gone. Skye heals u back to 100 + regen shield = 125 hp again. which makes u take take a LOT more bullets.. let alone phoenix self heal. I geniunly like the way u look at topics but I fr think u missed on this one
Regen sheild is broken on pheniox lets say you buy 50 shield and take 2 bodyshots and instead now you have 12 sheild and 68hp with pheniox you heal but instead you 112 with regen sheild you will have 125 which is 1 more bodyshot
isnt regen shield still better than full? Its cheaper, and its sooooo rare to die from something that you would've lived, maybe like once a game to two. The bigger reason why people had died with light shields is from chip damage u til that makes them no longer a 4 shot target but a 3 shot. This is how most light shields deaths come from that you would've lived from. But the regen shield completely negates that. Light shields were also always better than full shields unless your ridiculously rich, the benefits of getting more eco to never do a eco round were much higher than possibly dying once a game from where you wouldve lived
I think you haven't covered 1 crucial point. If you take damage in the round and you stay alive, next round u dont have to buy a new light sheild, you save the shield with some regen points. After pistol rounds where you bought a regen shield and won, u can almost always buy phantom/vandal and if u decided to buy shield on round 2 and stay with the pistol, you can buy a rifle on your next round no matter what happens during the round. Regen shields are good for many wins in a row
This is the biggest factor for me:the econ game of not having to rebuy light shields
Took the words out of my mouth. You can get into two different engagements and still have light shield for free in the next round
I think they will definitely nerf it later.
thats insane dude, 250 extra creds for potentialy 2 ligthshealds
This, not only I get benefit from early peeking for info without worries, I can keep my shield for up to 3-5 round if lucky
Here before the "I was wrong about the Regen Shields" video by ToryManValorant
Here before the “I just realized that regen shields hard counter kj and other damaging util better than heavy armor” video
@@TheCookieCookIt's rare players losing hp to KJ's utility, and when it happens the dmg is very low.
It’s also important to consider that one can play around regen shields. If I’m playing a very tight angle where my goal is to get of one or two shots and then tuck, I might get hit a bit as well… then a regen shield is useful
I think regen shields could be useful if you have a heal agent on your team. Think about it you take 120 damage go down to 5 hp the regen shield gives you 25 shields and then skye/sage gives you 100 health putting you back to 125. Putting you back up to 4 body shots before dying.
I was thinking the same thing. Any self-sustain agent (and Skye to a degree) can really maximize their utility with heals since the shield takes full damage first and then regens back. Can definitely makes those agents more viable
Problem is skyes the only good healer in the game, sage is... yea
healing already is kinda useless in this game since you're still getting 1 tapped
@@veloz1tyy With that logic then heavy shields are useless since you still get 1 tapped, the point of regeneration is WHEN you survive you will be in a better shape to engage again
theoritically in a world where every1 one taps, heavy shield would be useless but since were human heavy shields are not useless, they are just better to have in most situations like against an eco, unlucky 140 phantom moment, outlaw etc
regeneration has its benefits which makes it not entirely useless but you usually only get to heal If the enemy missed their 1 tap or chip damage which in the highest of play, usually at first contact one of them will die unable to be healed which makes it situational
I've played with the regen shield a bit, I barely get any value from it and lose more money from using it compared to small shields, its just too situational
healing and combining both is interesting if it works, however if it doesn't its just a waste and I would rather use the normal shields the chances of me living two gunfights left at 5 hp with the regen strat is just unlikely
healing is more of a plus, teams don't pick skye or sage for their healing but for their utility because its not needed 100% of the time
Regen shields usefulness are actually more agent dependant.
Regen shields nerf "chip" damage agents like kj, viper, raze, sova, and buff healing agents on the other side obviously.
Was thinking this too- like maps where chip damage happens more frequently makes these shields pretty good.
And buffs outlaw
iala o br
I think I've only played one game since the regen shield was released, and I found an interesting benefit: economy. I used the same regen shield three rounds in a row because I only took one or a few shots of damage before it had any time to regenerate, so I had what basically was a light shield three round in a row for 650 creds
Another thing to consider would be characters who can regen some of their own health or heal others as well, like Pheonix, Reyna, Sage and Sky. This would be so valuable, since the armor will be ticked of first and then you are less likely to lose as much hp, making it easier to heal yourself to full plus having shield after that.
I def think the self sustain agents like Phoenix, Reyna, Clove and Sage (and to a degree Skye/Yoru/Iso) benefit from this a lot since the armor takes the damage first completely, you can really capitalize on any heals/overhealth in your kit. Like for example, with Reyna/Clove you may not need to use your Overhealth after a kill because the shield will just give you what you need. Not sure if it will inherently shake up the meta (though in ranked makes these agents even stronger), but it is something I think can be experimented with.
I think the biggest thing is when you’d get shot you don’t have to buy shield next round at all unless you get tagged in 3 different engagements
Just wanna mention: I like the fact in the recent weeks music got quieter in your videos. When it was first introduced it was waaay too loud but now it seems much improved. GJ mr. Thinker
Came for the regen shield tutorial and stayed for the amazing horizontal stability when you're drawing around the duelist helth and shield😮 1:51
I agree with u, I’ve recently discovered ur channel and you have great content, keep it up.
its useful on cypher when you spam at someone you often get spammed back at taking a bit of damage
In the couple of games that I played with it, the thing that comes up the most is the fact that it usually ends up being three different instances of light shield across three rounds, because taking a fight and losing your shield but still having light shield in the next round and not having to buy it again can be a huge boost to Econ
When playing for example phoenix, if u have 5 hp you can heal urself back up with molly + wall or by using ult and you will be back on 125 hp if ur using a regen shield
Regen shields only seem useful to me in two cases: Anti-Ecos where you can't get heavy shields, and Pistol rounds on specific agents where only one of your abilities matters and it costs 150.
I think you're underestimating it a bit. Against a team that plays mostly vandals, which especially in ranked is super common, it is a straight upgrade to a full shield. Though more people will start playing phantom, where at max range having full shields actually can matter for sure.
I think a big part we are missing is carrying the shield over to the next round. if you take a fight and lose the first shield and even the second, you don't need to rebuy the next round. it's similar in concept to the fpx buy, you take a riskier first round to snowball into the next round. I think this idea makes it really good on antiecos pistols, and oping. it also wouldn't be the worst as a snowball tool to save a few creds on bonus while trying to snowball your rounds.
also phantom buff may have made full shield less impactful anyway. since most phantom maps are close quarter, ie split, the greater distance makes fewer fights a disadvantage for it. there are only 5 angles on split where it's common to peak beyond 20m. so now if you aren't planning on peaking mid or main, phantom clears. in that case the only times it matters to have heavy is if you entry or are part of the strong side. obv different maps make this more difficult but still
2nd round after pistol win its op. It needs a reserve nerf from 50 to 25 tbh little overtoned
@@owenmilledge789it’s not economically that great. You’re only saving 150 credits by carrying over into the next round, because it cost you 250 extra credits for the opportunity to do that in the first place.
I changed my mind, I like the regen shield.
For only 250 more credits, it ensures that it will absorb all the damage (unlike Light shield 67% of damage) and even if you don't get the full value every round, it's not a big investment loss over the Light Shield, and you die to some rifle headshots anyway, even with Heavy Shield.
I would not be surprised if over time, Riot will round up the Regen Shield cost to 700 credits, for that beautiful price symmetry of shields at 400 / 700 / 1000.
The question I have been waiting for all the youtubers to answer is just doing the math as to how much effective health you have with the regen compared to normal light shield because I don't want to do that math myself.
@@danshakuimo effective health is still 125 because you can die to anything lightshields dies to but total is 175
I think they're also pretty good if you're planning to go on fights you can safely back away from where its hard for the enemy to trade, for example long range duels (so pretty huge for sniper users).
Like if you win the fight and you got hit, you can regen safely then go back at it with minimal to no damage.
With the bonus of being able to carry it next round without needing to buy another armor.
In the simplest terms, the shield forces you to play slow and defensively to utilize it fully
For ranked regen shield is a huge buff for an agent like reyna who have over heal, she can have the best of both worlds
Its exactly what Valorant needed. A ranked Reyna buff.
And for Clove's overheal too
Playing regen shields with a heal agent is also really interesting. You could bounce right back up to 125 HP for your next duel.
5:55 what a callback to a legendary game...
Thought the same thing lmao
COD black ops 1 reference 🙂🙂
I think this was in part riots attempt to nerf chip damage from things like odin on ascent and lotus. In these cases regen shields are exremely beneficial as if taking chip damage regen shields easily match the more costly heavy shields and sometimes, while not common, would even be better than the heavy shields
I have been using regen almost exclusively, but I believe it it rank dependent a little bit. I was asc and hit imm during this, so people hit hs most the time so when you don’t die, you most likely win the fight and then 5 seconds later can take another. And it transfers over each round so I can even save more money on top of the 350 per round.
I think two other things about the shields are also notable.
Firstly, you often wont have to rebuy light shields in the next round if you survive because it will regen and only with less reserve.
Secondly, if your opponents are on a light buy with spectre etc or you can't afford full shields, regen shields will still protect you against the spectre super well
I feel like there are a couple of scenarios that werent talked about.
1. Since regen shield acts as a pure extension of your health bar since it has 100% damage negation if you give it to a raze or a jett or a neon where you might get accidental leg shots and then they ult you mid air. Meaning you still stay above the break points.
2. Since Sages self heal change it means that she will always go back to a 2 bodyshot break point no matter what health she was left at. Same would go to pheonix and reyna. Needing less time to full heal meaning there is less down time with their self heals. Sage would also be able to heal you back to full light health and full light shield again. This would also be a "cheaper version of heavy shields" if you had these self heal agents on your team you would always be 3 shot+
3. Random chip damage from things like kj turret or fighting inside of vyse slow or walking through a molly for a split second to help a teammate since the damage reduction on the regen shield is 100% they never affect your actual health pool meaning that util didnt really stop you from doing anything allowing for more aggressive team play. Then on top of that if you win the round you get to keep the shield. Which lets you economically snowball faster Since youre spending less money on shields every round and youre able to kinda replicate the light shield meta. We had a while back. Its more of an economical gamble in the long run.
While irrelevant for pro, i think that its probably extremely good on reyna and clove who can overheal and save the stored shield. They can quite plausibly get 3 rounds of light shields, which in most cases amounts to the same value as full shields, for 650 credits. essentially twice as cost effective as the already very efficient light shield.
I think the regen shield stills good when it's on agents that can self-heal/overheal like Reyna, Clove, Phoenix, Sage (add Skye as an extra healer for the team).
For pro teams who want to experiment those comps, pick Phoenix+Sage and on specific small maps like Sunset and Split to play early aggressive map controls.
played some games with the regen shield on an anti-eco, feels better than my usual buy of spectre+heavy buy, and the credits saved helped in the bonus where i reup the regen. i saved some credits over those 2 rounds compared to buying down on the lights after a heavy buy, yeah it's 100 creds, but on the first full buy, makes a difference
the regen shield will have a lot of value against chip damage util. It will completely block 25 damage, which means you will barely take damage from util and regain your shield. Healing is also a good pairing with regen shield since you will heal back to 100 hp and still have a 25 shield (meaning 4 bullet block again)
I abandoned the full shield and opt for this instead. Economical and just makes sense. Good luck on understanding the math cool kids.
So here's the biggest question: "Will I survive one/multiple fights with 125?" Lets look at few guns I thought had intersting talking points.
Vandal: You live a triple bodyshot, but are left so low you die to a 4th regardless of the regen. You are also 1-tapped to the head. The heavy shield suffers the same fate, so regen is better due to it being cheaper.
Phantom: Before the buff this patch, a long ranged HS (I think) would have done 124, but now it does 140. Heavy shield will always be two shots, so heavy shield is better against it.
Outlaw: hard counters the Regen Shield.
Guardian: soft counters the Regen Shield. Similar to the Outlaw, requires one less bodyshot to kill, however, if a regen shield user is able to regen between the two shots, can survive three.
Bulldog: Regen can tank 3 shots to the body (a full burst), but die to a fourth shot unless they regen, which they can survive the same number of shots as the heavy (5).
Other: For some guns (Operator, Marshal) there's no difference between 125 and 150. The sheriff will 1-tap you long range, but takes 3 bodyshots regardless. Shotguns require a little luck, because you're usually dead if you encounter one under their terms. The difference in body shots between 125 and 150 for a lot of guns is 1 bullet. The SMGs and LMGs fire so fast, the extra bullet usually doesn't matter. There are quite a few other guns that take the same amount of bullets to kill with headshots regardless of the shield type.
Bottom line: regen is a better light shield. If you can't afford heavy, you should probably be buying regen unless you're mega broke or are trying to save.
Something to keep in mind is that some agents actually have better synergy with regen shield than others. These include: Sage, Pheonix, Reyna, Iso, and Skye. Having a way to heal off or mitigate damage is SO good with the regen shield because surviving every fight is like if you never took damage to begin with. Me personally? I stand regen shield. The gunfighys I get into I'm usually dead to rights even if I had a heavy shield, and I play some of those agents who synergize well with the regen shield, so I buy it even more on them. Hopefully this helps you when deciding which shield to buy and when.
@moreskuxx5400 yapyapyasp
regen shield work great when playing with a skye or clove/sage ult. I can respawn with a shield and I can tank 125hp, get healed back to 100+25 regen shield
I normally buy light shield, so for me regen shield is like 'buy 1 get 1 free' IF I manage to tank some damage and live through a round
If you have or play a healing agents (like I play phx a lot) I buy regen shield 100% of the time, even when I have money for heavy shield its really good
I feel like the usefulness of Regen Shield depends on the meta. If the meta is just Vandal + Operator, then Regen Shield will see more play than the Full Shield since the Vandal is one-hit headshot and the Operator is one-hit bodyshot regardless of shield, but if people start to buy more Phantom or Outlaw, then Full Shield will be more useful than Regen Shield since the Phantom will not be one-hit headshot and the Outlaw will not be one-hit bodyshot if you have full shield.
I’m not sure the point about healing up to 30 hp and still being one vandal body shot matters much, since that is also true if you had full shields. While I agree that when getting vandal headshot or bodyshot 3 times regen shields are essentially the same as half shields (and full for that matter), if you’re getting chipped it’s better than both full and half shields since it has a larger pool of 75hp. There are also situations where it could be better than other shields, like if you’re defusing and getting spammed, but your shield is regenerating while getting spammed, or you took damage a couple times earlier but can survive one more bullet of spam. There’s also the question of whether the benefit of full shields outweighs its higher price compared to regen shields, similar to how teams buy half shields instead of full even when they have money for full armor. I think regen shields to me seem like expensive half armor that is more spam and chip proof (or even cheaper full armor that’s better against spam and chip but worse against phantom), and that’s how it should be used.
It’s gonna be big on healing agents -> Reyna, Phoenix, sage, skye etc
and Clove's overheal
I feel it is added because riot wanted to deal with this post plant/ molly scenarios
I think a good time to buy regen shield is when you're confident you are gonna win the round. So, 2nd round or vs ecos in general. You essentially buy 2 light shields for 650 credits. I think pistol round regen shield isn't that good if you dont have a healer or if you aren't on reyna or iso because in my experience, most fights I survive in pistol round usually costs me a least 50 hp, so with regen shield I'm still 1 shot to ghost hs, or 2 tap deagle.
What about for a round 2/14 buy? Some people would buy light shields for economy, so the regen shield would be even better and would probably leave you with armor for round 3 even if you get tagged
I think it will be like the light-shield meta before the outlaw.
I use it every round cause it's very versatile cause of how you have 75 shield in a round and also because I always play slow and passively so I can take my time peeking and re peeking
all i want to know is if mollies kill players with regen shields or full shields first. if the latter dies first then regen shield actually has a purpose
Didnt they say regen shield takes all damage until it breaks?
i think the recent shield actually takes full dmg from mollies and stuffs
@@keptarareach4810 normal shield tank 2/3 of the damage, the regen tank all of the damage
I think theres something to be said about the comp your playing against like Bind playing against the default comp being able to regen chip damage from raze nade gecko molly viper molly brim molly
2 keys that copied from cs with some creative work
the 650$ price, can buy in pistol round
and not having to rebuy if took damage and survive
also nerf to chip damage
it took less money to take chip damage even if it regen once (150 total hp as full shield)
also buff to phantom and outlaw if enemy buy it instead of full
Phantom and Outlaw exist in this game, especially when Phantom is getting a buff. Don't risk your life with something that "can be recovered" in the next fight; try to live in the present.
in my games yesterday, if i lost pistol round i would just force every 2nd round with regen shield stinger and it always worked lmao
regen shields could be good with an agent like skye or sage, then you can get up to say 70-80hp and an wxtra 25
I actually think the regen shield is gonna be very good against utility. Agents like Raze and Sova that can chip damage you will only hit the shield. Saves your HP and armor for fights.
they should make the regenshield an upgrade for 250 or 350 credits that you can use with both heavy and small shields (you pay for the regenpool)
Hi, @TMV I think u missed a point. I think regen shield would be good for slow paced scenarios and healing agents especially. Since you mentioned that 1-2 body shot example what if instead of omen there was phoenix/sage with regen shield then it might be (60 to 80 health)+25. Or If a team runs skye then on small maps both teams usually buy phantom and its body shot range increased. So instead of buying light shield u buy regen shield take control of area+ take damage then rotate with skye heal and now u again have approx 125 hp.
I know its long maybe u might understand my point😅.
Regen on pistol round is really good
as an op player this shield saves me a fortune; I can buy way more ops
you aren't going to talk about the balance difference this makes for Sage, Skye and Phoenix? they first showed this shield on Phoenix for a reason. Clove and Reyna can already heal up to 150, but now anyone could get healed up to 125 back to a full 4 vandal bodyshots, and notably Phoenix can get back up to 125 after being killed in ult.
the time to buy regen shields is round 2 that is the round it makes the best sense.
5:01 in my opinion this round was a showcase of why heavy shield is useless if you keep track whether the enemy are vandal or phantom player in my games if i find 4 or 5 are vandal players i never buy heavy because here they had 5 vandals and 4 players of the defense died with a headshot vandal buying heavy or regen would make no difference and the fifth died from 4 vandal boddies so no difference as well
i think the heavy shield is very overrated and i argue with myself do i but half shield or regen
Yet to see how will it work with Iso or Reyna, or Sage and Clove
Against vandals regen shields are just a straight upgrade compared to heavy shields
Regen shield stays if you are sage revived or use Clove ult which is very good I think!
I genuinely dont see a situation where i would ever buy the regen shield except raidbossing someone round 1 or in round 2 after winning the first round.
You missed tge part where you get skye/sage healed back to 125 hp
overthinking man's Valorant is definitely right
If in full buy rounds you're going to die immediately a lot with vandal/phantom one-taps, isn't that why you should buy it? Since at that level kills will probably be one-taps, why not go with the option that is almost half price?
Feels like you forgot to mention the economic benefits. If you win a gun fight but tank some body shots and win the round, you still have what is basically a full light shield for the next round. At pro play I don't know how much this will matter. But in ranked where I can mutliple rounds in a row go through a round just taking a body shot or 2 from a vandal, regen shields can boost my economy a lot over an entire half.
Though the problem is that you could also just get 1 tapped and basically lose 250 credits. In anything below immo or asc, buying regen shields is probably a good idea, if you cant buy full shield.
You either win or lose your first fight, and regen most likely will only give one more bullet of health in the second. This is just chip proof light
No. No. Just No. The most crucial point is the level of expertise. You are comparing normal ranked gameplay with Pros. Of course, Pros hit headshots most of the time so it doesn't make sense to use Light Shield+More Money against them cuz it will all go down the drain. But for players below Ascendant, I think they often hit body shots and it will be helpful for them. Also, you didn't take into account the different agents that can take full advantage of Regen Shield but aren't used in Pro matches cuz they aren't in the meta. Example: Reyna. You can get a kill, dismiss, and if anybody hits you right before dismissing, you can heal that damage without using your heal. Even better, you can do that twice now. And if you are on Ult... well, well, well. Clove can heal. Sage can heal everyone in the team. They just aren't meta. But imagine you take damage. Your shield is broken. You get a kill. Sage heals you. You are back to 125. Do that again. Or if you have Clove. So yeah. You didn't take into account 1) Level of gameplay/Average Ranked Games 2)Agents that aren't in meta and might be used in Average Ranked Games
You keep it on rez, i was in a game where clove self revived and the shield recharged for her. So maybe its good if sage has rez or if you are clove. Two lifes, two shields.
You forgot to talk about the autlaw, it still 1shots Even on regen shields
5:56 this scared the fuck outta me 😭
so it's actually strong with Skye and Sage, cause you can go back to 100 health + 25 shield multiple times in a round
I think Regen shields are good in place of the fanatic half armor but but otherwise is completely useless
would the regen shield be favoured for characters with there own way of gaining there health back or maybe a whole team if they have skye on there team with her group heal ?
honestly, maybe if the just removed light shield and swapped it with this for the price of 500??? or 600? like wouldnt that make the whole concept more interesting and useful
They might gonna buff it like increase AP to 35 and increase the pull to 70
First fight with 120 damage taken
135 - 120 = 15
15 + 35 = 50
Two bullets to body to kill you
Second fight with 40 damage taken
50 - 40 = 10
10 + 35 = 45
Still two bullets to kill you
Third fight with 40 damage taken
45 - 40 = 5
Round ended with you having 5 hp
Either they can only buff AP and decrease the pull to 35 or just keep it 50
So you can take only 2 fights max
I think to use the regen shield in full potential you need to have a healer (Sage, Skye) or self healing agents (Phoenix, Reyna, Clove), so you can take more fights with 125 hp
First fight 120 damage taken
125 - 120 = 5
Regen + Full health heal
5 + 100 + 25 = 125
Second fight 120 damage
Regen + Full helth heal
Third fight 120 damage taken
Full health heal
Scenario A: Fourth fight 120 damage taken
Scenario B: Fourth fight 80 damage taken
4 fights where you took 120 damage is crazy
Regen shield is just straight up better against vandal buyers. its everything that the light shield meta was but now you get an extra 25hp.
in pro league all you saw were headshots and double peeks. even more so of an argument that the heavy shield wouldn't have performed better whilst costing more.
I think you using that second clip as an example is bad. Most of them got headshot, they are not benefiting from regen shields OR heavy shields. I don’t think they lost that BECAUSE they got regen shields.
Also, in the third clip? and during the math you talked about how that regened health doesn’t matter (if you end up at 30). What you fail to acknowledge is that if you bought full shields, YOU’D BE AT 30 TOO. There’s a lot of things you didn’t think about.
now imagine a 50 regen shield
3:01 full buy no?
what if you take damage and survive? what if you take damage and get a heal (will take you to 125 instead of 100)
Regen shield is really really broken on pheonix.
He basically gets 3 full 125 healthbars, anti molly/nade/spam
That's overanalyzing in my perspective. It only costs 250 credits more than a light shield and can be up to 3 light shields. Even if you only get value every 3rd round it still seems reasonable to buy
I don't see the point of regen, if it cost a tiny bit less I'd understand but when it comes down to it compared to a piece of utility I would take util over it
This regen shield is not for radiant players. This is for my silver rank. Very useful.
Reyna players getting a mini ult every time they buy regen shields: 👁️👄👁️
It doesn't even help with 2 vandel body shots nor with phantom dink hmm.... i think this is good for wallbang heavy maps ascent maybe if you execute b
What would you guys pick on overtime? Heavy shield or regen shield?
Heavy, especially since you won't get to keep your shield to round 2
"at some point you're just gonna have enough money to buy full shields"
Are light shields not still meta when the opponents are buying mostly vandals?
It is but it's very common for teams to not run all vandals and you will have a bunch of phantom and odin users in ranked. And then someone (usually a Jett) will ruin the fun with an outlaw.
Riot should add heavy regen shield for funni
if regen shield was 35 it would be perfect and viable especially with the new phantom changes it woulsnt be broken but it would be more justifiable
it's just a light shield x3 but only for 250 more creds. buying light shield is pointless now, and u could also force more effectively with this shield now
why is buying light shield pointless now while it was useful in the past?
@ read my comment it's not that hard
7:20 but what about vs phantom?
If you use some of your reserve shield, like 25/50, and live to the next round, does it refill the reserve shield? If so it is probably good for round 2 as you're likely to take some damage but not die
Round 2 where you won round 1
It doesn't refill the pool
@@paulhorbenko9560 rip
@@damandatwin doesn't refill the pool but it's basically a free half shield, which is insane value tbh
@@caminhaodelixo2 yea I guess if you don't take much damage it has a bigger overall pool
I like buying it on clove round 1. with 2 smoke
Of course Tory Man's Valorant hates the regen shield
lI THINK that's this regen shield is more usefull then u think . like if u play a agetn as phenix or sage that's can heal them self its gonna be more usefull because u gonna get ur sheil back and u gonna have ur heal back so its gonna be a 125 again.
or if use it withe an agent as jett is gonna be good because u can't heal your self so u could just fight when u take a bit of damage u dash back and u wait of healing
i don't agree on this one sadly. Regen shields + healing agents ex. Skye, Sage, Phoenix really changes things. Imagine playing phoenix: U kill 1 but get 3 body shots, 120 gone. Skye heals u back to 100 + regen shield = 125 hp again. which makes u take take a LOT more bullets.. let alone phoenix self heal. I geniunly like the way u look at topics but I fr think u missed on this one
Regen sheild is broken on pheniox lets say you buy 50 shield and take 2 bodyshots and instead now you have 12 sheild and 68hp with pheniox you heal but instead you 112 with regen sheild you will have 125 which is 1 more bodyshot
isnt regen shield still better than full? Its cheaper, and its sooooo rare to die from something that you would've lived, maybe like once a game to two. The bigger reason why people had died with light shields is from chip damage u til that makes them no longer a 4 shot target but a 3 shot. This is how most light shields deaths come from that you would've lived from. But the regen shield completely negates that.
Light shields were also always better than full shields unless your ridiculously rich, the benefits of getting more eco to never do a eco round were much higher than possibly dying once a game from where you wouldve lived
stream where ?
but it has 100 damage reduction? i think thats a big difference