Hi there. Very informative. I recently fitted the W502 but found the map detail hard to see, it seemed bigger on my Tomtom Ride 550. Is the map appreciably larger/easier to see on the Ricoel 7?
Yes it is larger and easier to see on the C7 compared to the 5 inch units. I will be doing a comparison video between 5 inch and 7 inch soon. I did a quick video for one of the chaps from the Smart Riding Group on Facebook comparing the 6 inch to the 7 inch displays, you can see that here: th-cam.com/video/2WWqTj5ohWQ/w-d-xo.html
Thank you Nadeem!
Glad you like it!
Strange as my W702 switches to dark mode at night, probably due to it being linked to Carplay and recognising the time
It's generally the apps themselves switching at dusk.
Hi there. Very informative. I recently fitted the W502 but found the map detail hard to see, it seemed bigger on my Tomtom Ride 550. Is the map appreciably larger/easier to see on the Ricoel 7?
Yes it is larger and easier to see on the C7 compared to the 5 inch units. I will be doing a comparison video between 5 inch and 7 inch soon. I did a quick video for one of the chaps from the Smart Riding Group on Facebook comparing the 6 inch to the 7 inch displays, you can see that here: th-cam.com/video/2WWqTj5ohWQ/w-d-xo.html