I have this figure 4 years ago since the pandemic. And I also have the marvel legends and the 80 anniversary marvel legends big time spiderman. For my next plan. I’ll buy the marvel legends doctor octopus. 3 pack no way home. And the other no way home marvel legends Spider-Man
I have a group of buddies here in AZ that we always look out for each other. We are in different parts so we cover a lot of ground. It’s nice. We give each hunt lists.
Mine just arrived today and he looks awesome🖤, really hope for Venom 2 that Hasbro makes Action Figures that comes with Ooze Canisters and more Marvel Legends character from the movie🙏👍🖤😊 #WeAreVenom
Great figure for a fun movie. Also just a quick thing, Venom later admits to Eddie that he’s starting to enjoy Earth and much like Eddie he was a loser back on his home planet. Lol
MCUcollector24 I just watched it two days ago(it’saguiltypleasure) you’re right in that it completely starts that way but on the way to the final fight with Riot he admits that he likes Earth itself.
Everytime they put this figure in the Amazon Mexico Plataform it last like 1 minute, i ordered mine last week but i have to wait until november :(. Good review.
Rafael Garcia ¿5 horas? :() , me refería a estas últimas dos semanas la última vez que estuvo disponible fue la semana pasada, de hecho la compre a las 2 de la tarde el día martes 22 de septiembre. Felicidades, ahora solo queda esperar la figura .
Venom movie: Modern Venom Spider-Man 3: Classic Venom If you think about it, Spider-Man 3’s Venom is still the most accurate to the original comics. His origin, the face, no long tongue, spider on his chest, not the big hulking monster venom that everyone knows, etc. I don’t know, I have a strange obsession with Spider-Man 3’s Venom. I always have lol I still like Hardy’s Venom though. Anyone else hyped for Venom 2?
My mom doesn't want to buy this Venom for me because she said this was going to be my third Venom. I'm at Brazil, which further complicates buying the Venom, hahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhajajahjajajahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaha ... ha = one tear
I think he wasn't miscast but the role of Eddie Brock had no point in the movie. Harry is clearly Peters opposite. If anyone should have been Venom it should have been Harry. Same with Gwen and Captain Stacy. No reason to be in the film.
@@DesignIncase Definitely felt shoehorned in there when I first saw it. Years later found out Avi Arad forced Sam Raimi to include the character. Raimi wanted Peter's opposite, but I maintain it should have been a bodybuilder in his 40s. Todd McFarlane's intention was for Venom to be menacingly muscular where it would look like Spider-Man could never win in a fist fight, 6'3", 260lbs. That is one of the aspects McFarlane liked about the 2018 movie, where Venom was finally big.
Yes I 1 million percent think these will be worth so much money that one day I’ll be swimming in my personal vault Scrooge McDuck style and then I will be calling you the fool
Fun Fact:
I worked set security on Venom 2. Woody Harrelson is one of the best celebs I've worked around.
Have you ever gotten a movie you were looking forward to see spoiled because you were on security?
@@TripleDecker37 not really because to me it wouldn't be a spoiler per se. I'm a comic nerd so all the scenarios I've seen already. Lol...
No 🧢
That’s awesome!
@@bodydoublesecurity4987 are u excited for Venom3?
Best Venom from Marvel Legends
I Know right
I have this figure 4 years ago since the pandemic. And I also have the marvel legends and the 80 anniversary marvel legends big time spiderman. For my next plan. I’ll buy the marvel legends doctor octopus. 3 pack no way home. And the other no way home marvel legends Spider-Man
I have a group of buddies here in AZ that we always look out for each other. We are in different parts so we cover a lot of ground. It’s nice. We give each hunt lists.
venom said himself that he took a liking to earth.
I liked how you started at the part 2:41 after opening the package and said there it is the ''new venom figure'' :D
I laughed like 10 min man! :D
Good that they released it later cause it kinda matches for venom 1 and 2 . Can't wait for mine to arrive
Preordered one and have one coming in now from mercari, super excited
The Ghost-Spider name change was done when earth-65 Gwen enrolled into college in the 616 earth.
Mine just arrived today and he looks awesome🖤, really hope for Venom 2 that Hasbro makes Action Figures that comes with Ooze Canisters and more Marvel Legends character from the movie🙏👍🖤😊
I pre-ordered mine and it came 3 days ago! I love the figure it looks fantastic. It’s hard for me to get him to stand lol
From we’re did you order from
Enchanted Viper dark side toys!
I'm getting mine off Walmart and if u do be warned it was 10 extra bucks taxes and shipping for me
Honestly my brain was so confused when you showed the Spider-Man 3 Venom😂😂😂my eyes weren’t registering something ain’t right to my brain😂
My local comic book store ordered me a set hopefully it's here soon
Damn! I can't wait to find this wave! I only want Venompool and Carnage. Don't know what I'll do with the rest of the figures. 🤷🏾♂️
Id want all of them
*apart from miles and gwenom*
It's a very awesome looking figure
Awesome review sir!
Donde tú fuiste había mucho Marvel Legends Venom
I just got this from entertainment earth and it's 2 years old? Also have carnage from the same wave pre-ordered how is that possible?
Hasbro continued to produce them
Venom got Werewolf feet 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Great figure for a fun movie. Also just a quick thing, Venom later admits to Eddie that he’s starting to enjoy Earth and much like Eddie he was a loser back on his home planet. Lol
I thought it was more Eddie and not Earth, but haven’t seen the movie in a while
MCUcollector24 I just watched it two days ago(it’saguiltypleasure) you’re right in that it completely starts that way but on the way to the final fight with Riot he admits that he likes Earth itself.
Come on. preordered mine from gamestop and still nothing hopefully this week or next week 😫
A lot of this stuff are October products so really expect them more midway unless said otherwise.
I was strongly hoping that Tom Hardy’s portrayal of Venom would finally get him an action figure in Marvel legends.
I'm so definitely need to get this guy, along with the Marvel Legends Absolute Carnage figure. So when will he be out?
November 1
It’s hitting Walmart now so it’s out
@@MCUcollector24 you know why because I'm looking at Amazon
Huh? Retailers always get things at different times
@@MCUcollector24 yeah and I'm like how is everyone getting it if it's not out that's what confused me
Everytime they put this figure in the Amazon Mexico Plataform it last like 1 minute, i ordered mine last week but i have to wait until november :(. Good review.
En amazon usualmente dura como 5 horas, solo llegue a conseguir a carnage pero ya pedi a venom desde otra app
Rafael Garcia ¿5 horas? :() , me refería a estas últimas dos semanas la última vez que estuvo disponible fue la semana pasada, de hecho la compre a las 2 de la tarde el día martes 22 de septiembre. Felicidades, ahora solo queda esperar la figura .
They should make a Agent shield wave but I don't what bad it should be??
The Inhuman Lash
Where are you finding these?
Do you watch the video?
I say it in the video
yes I did I just can’t find them in my local Walmart
R these in stores
Starting to hit Walmart
Will you do the wolverine in the brown jacket next?
He will be after I complete the Venom wave
This figure is way too sick
What Walmart was this
Modesto, CA
How do people already have this figure
We buy it
MCUcollector24 bruh
Always either online preorders or finding in store. Mine came from in store. Some online shops shipped some out already
Venom is My Favorited Character is Anti hero
Venom movie: Modern Venom
Spider-Man 3: Classic Venom
If you think about it, Spider-Man 3’s Venom is still the most accurate to the original comics. His origin, the face, no long tongue, spider on his chest, not the big hulking monster venom that everyone knows, etc. I don’t know, I have a strange obsession with Spider-Man 3’s Venom. I always have lol
I still like Hardy’s Venom though. Anyone else hyped for Venom 2?
My mom doesn't want to buy this Venom for me because she said this was going to be my third Venom. I'm at Brazil, which further complicates buying the Venom, hahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhajajahjajajahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaha ...
ha = one tear
I do the videos when I can
Station Marvel Legends Venom ya lo quiero tener pero falta poco para mi cumpleaños Oye antes de irte quiero dar tu vida
Venom TOM hardy is best hasbro 2019
Hey, Topher Grace is arguably the most miscast actor for a role ever, but that figure is frickin' awesome lol.
I think he wasn't miscast but the role of Eddie Brock had no point in the movie. Harry is clearly Peters opposite.
If anyone should have been Venom it should have been Harry. Same with Gwen and Captain Stacy. No reason to be in the film.
@@DesignIncase Definitely felt shoehorned in there when I first saw it. Years later found out Avi Arad forced Sam Raimi to include the character. Raimi wanted Peter's opposite, but I maintain it should have been a bodybuilder in his 40s. Todd McFarlane's intention was for Venom to be menacingly muscular where it would look like Spider-Man could never win in a fist fight, 6'3", 260lbs. That is one of the aspects McFarlane liked about the 2018 movie, where Venom was finally big.
I MENT what baf
He is an alien
Por favor dime dónde está el Marvel Legends Venom la ando buscando como loco
Yo se donde la puedes conseguir, esta figura es muy cotizada pero yo se un lugar donde esta toda la coleccion a precio retail. Quieres el link?
Take a shot every time he says actually
Let me know how drunk you get
A nice figure for a bad movie
I wish Spider-Man can fight Venom in the MCU in the Future
Eminem venom is best
Mummy I’m
Serious why people getting Marvel Legends Movie Venom early I Wish mine as here already? 😰
This fool put 2 crappy movie venom's in a clam shell? R E T I R E M E N T
Yes I 1 million percent think these will be worth so much money that one day I’ll be swimming in my personal vault Scrooge McDuck style and then I will be calling you the fool