I’m only one my second year of gardening, and was freaking out about Saturday night. But you made protecting the plants sound so easy! Thank you for sharing your expertise!!!
I’ve had great luck covering Camellias that broke bud early with frost protection fabric. I secured it around the plants with clothes pins. When temps got above freezing in the afternoons I could unclip the top of the covering for ventilation and preventing the interior from getting too hot. The Camellias are uncovered now but have open buds and lovely flowers. Once again I will go out with a pocket full of clothes pins and my frost fabric. Fingers crossed.
As always, another perfectly timed video Jim. I’m in 7b in Orange County NC, and I was very concerned about my in-ground magnolia (already blooming) and my hydrangea macrophylla that I just potted in Sept 2021. I have plenty of empty pots and fitted sheets to lay over all of my tulips, daffodils, and hyacinth that are in full bloom. We so appreciate your tips and wisdom, thank you!!
My garden has often looked like a patchwork quilt. I covered all my tender perennials and shrubs with what I had on hand. My mom had a great idea using large collapsible cardboard boxes as protection.
Thank you for this! We’re going to be the coldest we’ve been all year in south Alabama 🤦🏻♀️ and I’m out of town, so I know exactly what to tell my husband to do 😍
Gardening is so easy here in South Australia although I have just at this very moment realised sheet protection this coming winter over my potted Coleous might be the way to go. Occasionally... Very rarely the night temperature might get down to 1° Celsius and aside from the 'Elephant Ears' leaves getting a little crunchy Coleous is the only plant that will die. I was planning on bringing them inside to see if I could save them. I accidentally knocked a big piece off recently so I stuck it into an enormous pot right next to it and it has taken. Excellent, something I no longer have to think about. I have learnt so much from you Americans with regards to plants and gardening that you have learnt through necessity. I appreciate your videos. I saw Holly in the glass door behind you and then wanted to see Griffin... He didn't disappoint x 🌺🌸💮🌷🇦🇺😁
Thanks for the reminder to get my plants covered for this weekends cold snap! My hydrangea macrophylla was loving that warm weather we had the past couple of weeks.
I was thinking I needed to cover my Eleanor Tabors so thank you for the confirmation. I also have grocery store begonias from last year coming back (!?!) so I will definitely be protecting those. It's going to be pretty dang cold tonight, but I'm just glad it's not snow like so many or our northern neighbors are experiencing.
Hi, Jim, New Mexico checking in. They predicted 25 for us tonight, Friday, and I'm currently sitting on the porch with coffee Saturday morning at 5:45 and it's 31, which my plum tree in full flower appreciated. So fingers crossed their projecting is a bit hysterical for you as well. That said it did snow Friday morning for about an hour, but then turned to rain. It was 36 while that was happening though.
well, looks like i'm gonna be busy grouping my babies together and bundling them up - that'll teach me about keeping things scattered all over the place 😁 thanks for the video jim - especially the part about flowers that are showing color to cover 🌷
hehe, busy grouping my babies together too, that will teach me, lol, I probably will keep on doing it though, gonna busy saturday evening around 4p or so,
I envy your still winds when temperatures get cold. In Nebraska, we seldom have a cold front that isn’t accompanied by strong winds - like the kind that blow semis over on interstate. 😆 Whenever I cover my plants, I anchor the covers with large rocks.
It's going to get down to 9⁰ here in Southern WV Sat night. I had many winter sown seedlings pop up during the false Spring last week. Now I guess I've got to lug way them all back to the house..so much for set it and forget it haha!
I've decided to pick some of the daffodils before the 20' night hits us just outside of Atlanta. I am concerned about all our azaleas. We've been hit badly several times over the past 43 years we've lived here, I will try to cover what I can as several are blooming.
My mother-in-law planted about 50 small-bloom light pink azaleas in the front yard, which is now our yard. Many years they're in full bloom when we get a cold snap with overnight freezing weather. We've tried several times covering them with blankets, sheets, plastic. Nothing works. It takes a couple days, but then you can see the blooms turning brown much earlier than they would have otherwise. We're in Raleigh, NC by the way. Zone 7b, like Mr. Putnam.
Hey Jim, just wanted to say thanks for all the videos you have put out sharing the wealth of knowledge you hold. I look forward to continuing to learn from you as long as you are willing to share. Huge amount of gratitude to you, from the SC lowcountry.
Gotta love our wonky NC weather! LOL I'm new to the limelight hydrangeas...established last year in bush and tree form. Because we had early summer-like weather for awhile, they are covered in buds. Thinking it might be a good idea to cover these during the freezing overnight temps we're now getting, right? Also, new to guara and have a number of these pretty plants in my garden. I trimmed and cleaned up the woody stalks last week when it was warm. Hope it wasn't too early, but they are all full leafy green mounds and not sure how susceptible they might be. Thoughts? I'm in the Piedmont area for reference.
Any guidance on roses? We’re in the same area as you and our knock out and drift roses are all leafing out. I know on the whole they’re pretty tough plants, but I do worry about the fresh growth with this cold snap. This has been a really helpful video, Jim, you’re keeping my plant worries in check!
Thank you Jim. Very helpful. We are in zone 6b, 7a VA. Getting same weather here Saturday. Do you recommend covering hellebores? All of mine are up and blooming. Good luck!
I’ve seen hellebores with snow on them. My hunch is they will be fine as long as they’ve been in the ground through the hardest part of the winter. If they are new, then you may want to cover them this year just to be safe.
For the Feb 2021 snowmageddon freeze in Austin zone 8b that lasted a week (low of 3F), all I had were leftover heavy moving blankets and I threw them over all my builder landscaping planted late summer 2020 and all of it survived. Covered everything down to the ground so the ground could keep it warm. Worth a try if it goes really really cold and 5 degree frost protection will not be enough.
Thanks so much for practical, timely info! I’m in zone 7b just north of Birmingham, AL and we are expecting the same front to come through this weekend.
I have a callistemon citrinis (sp) that was grown at bracys in south Alabama and frankly I'm pushing it here in Georgia. It gets a little damage each year and did fine this year until I covered it a few weeks ago and it got really zapped then. I think it can sometimes do more damage covering some things because it holds the cold closer to the plant rather than give the wind a chance to dissipate the cold... that is just my experience and I can't prove anything but it is just an observation...
Thank you for this content, it was great to have reassurance of my methods for protecting plants from cold conditions. Those (concrete?) planters next to you are lovely-may i ask where they are from?!! I really enjoy watching you, lol and the two dogs in the window is priceless!!!
Both the grapefruit tree and lemon tree are full of flowers. Hope the forecast 29 degrees for Slidell doesn't happen. If it does, hopefully for not too long.
I live in Blowing rock, nc and have peonies just breaking the surface and lenten roses that have flowered. Should I mulch them to protect from the predicted snow showers and below freezing temps that we are expecting this weekend. Or use some kind of container covering. Our problem also is expected winds of 15-20 mph with higher gusts!
QUESTION: how long can you keep tomato plants covered before it starts to affect them? It seems we're going to have where I live three more days or so of cold weather tomorrow will be down to 31. I've had my tomato plants covered up since Friday.
What about hydrangea quercifolia? I want to protect the newly opened buds on old wood, but on the other hand it’s zone 5 hardy so 20 degrees might not be a big deal.
This video was right on time. I'm 7B in Charlotte. Still have lots of plants in their containers. I'll be sure to start bringing them into the garage tonight or put plastic garbage bags over them. I've got a forsythia that has already bloomed. Do I need to do anything to protect it?
Hi Jim, 7B North Alabama. We are supposed to get down to 19° Friday night. Should I cover Hydrangea bushes that have started to get green foliage? Thanks so much for all your informative videos.
Would you protect a Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry in your area of NC that is starting to bud out and has one or two open flowers? Most of the tree is still budding but it's getting there...
I'm in Knoxville too, thanks for asking. Nothing I have read or heard says that frost blankets or covers help with 16 -18 degrees below freezing, seems like they are usually for 4 - 8 degrees below freezing at best. Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best! Early dogwood winter on steroids :(
I have a Nikko blue hydrangea in a pot. New leaves are popping up, should I protect this plant or will in be fine? Down the road in Aberdeen,NC! *update* you addressed already! Thanks
In Las Vegas we get a couple of cold nights close to freezing, so we cover our cape honeysuckle and yellow bells with sheets. I’ll bet the neighbors laugh, I took a picture so I can laugh and say thank god I covered my plants.
Hi Jim. Thanks so much for doing this. Live in Hillsborough, NC. I purchased and planted a Wildfire Japanese maple from the Pine Knot sale a couple of weeks ago. Planted it. It is not leafing out, but is so small and thin, I’m worried. Should I protect it? I’ve already decided to dig up my new camellia. Also….What about clematis - close to the ground, but definitely leafing out already . Was thinking of just piling leaves over them to keep them warm. Argghh.
Thank you for this video. I am in Georgia right on the line between 7B and 8A and my native azaleas (about 3' high) are in bud and about to open. The are situated between my house and my neighbors' along a privacy fence. Is that enough of a sheltered location or should I cover the azaleas?
Thank you so much for this video! I just ordered a covering from Amazon and luckily it comes tomorrow. My Tulip trees have huge buds opening, should I cover that also? Thank you
I have a Mayer Lemon in a container on my deck. I’ve put a small string of lights around it and have covered it every night that was below 50 degrees. Because of the very warm weather the past weeks, it is covered in buds or flowers ( not sure what to call them). Should I bring it inside since it’s blooming and not accustomed to 26 degree nights?
I have daylilies, sedums, salvias and other perennials that have broken dormancy in 7b north of Atlanta. Should I cover them? Thanks for all you do! We really appreciate your expertise.
This is so helpful! Thanks Jim! I have a tiny Top Hat blueberry bush I haven't planted in its pot yet. Do I plant it and bring it inside? Or just bring it inside in the nursery can? Or can I just leave it out. It is budded up but not blooming yet. I'm in 6b/7a. Our low on Saturday is supposed to be 20.
So I have some of the containers my plants came in as well I am going to put them over some of the daylilies and canna lilys i have that are coming back up what about the drains holes will that be enough to where the cold air gets in and damages the plant or at least the tips???
I keep checking the weather. The hourly doesn’t seem to be matching with the daily forecast. But we are expecting a hard freeze 20 degrees Saturday night. The rain will determine when I actually get things covered. Then there’s the wind, 🙄. I don’t think I can cover all of my daffodils, I may just make some bouquets. My pineapple sage is coming back. Will covering them with leaves help?
I have lorapedlum and some others that wee planted two elks prior to our first snow. We didn’t have blankets until a few days to week later. Ive not cut damage off. I believe you said to leave it until its time to trim. I could have done it this past week but like I said it’s freezing again.. should I still leave the damage on until after this freeze? Yep we have to put ours back out. Snow in Dallas again?!? 4th time in 29 years., Ugg.,
Hey Jim, Dothan AL here, zone 8b. Thanks for this video! What about my Oakleaf hydrangeas, or hydrangeas that bloom on old wood? I wondered if bloom buds would already have developed on them and if so, should I cover these plants?
@@Usernameblahblahnblah Thanks JoJo! I’m so glad Spring is almost here so I can actually see what this landscape will do! And it’s fun to see you on here! I’ve got some plants to bring In the garage and cover up tonight, temps in the 20’s!!
Newbie here: So what I hear you saying is I overreacted!😂 tulips, crocus, blueberries, hydrangea all covered up! only the crocus have bloomed. I didn’t know they were so hardy
Never heard of covering daffodils, they are super hardy and I've never seen a daff with any frost damage. What happens with your daffs that makes you cover them? Thanks Jim.
Hi Jim, thank you for your video. Love the idea of fitted sheets to cover the plants. However, I am still concerned with the wind. I am in zone 8a and the wind gust will be 35. How do you keep the sheets staying on the plants? Thanks for your feedback!
Great information, thanks. Have to rewatch video because I was paying too much attention to Holly and Griffin.
I’m only one my second year of gardening, and was freaking out about Saturday night. But you made protecting the plants sound so easy! Thank you for sharing your expertise!!!
I’ve had great luck covering Camellias that broke bud early with frost protection fabric. I secured it around the plants with clothes pins. When temps got above freezing in the afternoons I could unclip the top of the covering for ventilation and preventing the interior from getting too hot. The Camellias are uncovered now but have open buds and lovely flowers. Once again I will go out with a pocket full of clothes pins and my frost fabric. Fingers crossed.
Great minds Carolyn, commented above.
As always, another perfectly timed video Jim. I’m in 7b in Orange County NC, and I was very concerned about my in-ground magnolia (already blooming) and my hydrangea macrophylla that I just potted in Sept 2021. I have plenty of empty pots and fitted sheets to lay over all of my tulips, daffodils, and hyacinth that are in full bloom. We so appreciate your tips and wisdom, thank you!!
My garden has often looked like a patchwork quilt. I covered all my tender perennials and shrubs with what I had on hand. My mom had a great idea using large collapsible cardboard boxes as protection.
Thank you for this! We’re going to be the coldest we’ve been all year in south Alabama 🤦🏻♀️ and I’m out of town, so I know exactly what to tell my husband to do 😍
This video is awesome and just in time. I’m also in zone 7b (northern GA) and we are expecting frost this weekend. Thanks so much, Jim!
Thanks for watching!
Gardening is so easy here in South Australia although I have just at this very moment realised sheet protection this coming winter over my potted Coleous might be the way to go. Occasionally... Very rarely the night temperature might get down to 1° Celsius and aside from the 'Elephant Ears' leaves getting a little crunchy Coleous is the only plant that will die. I was planning on bringing them inside to see if I could save them. I accidentally knocked a big piece off recently so I stuck it into an enormous pot right next to it and it has taken. Excellent, something I no longer have to think about. I have learnt so much from you Americans with regards to plants and gardening that you have learnt through necessity. I appreciate your videos. I saw Holly in the glass door behind you and then wanted to see Griffin... He didn't disappoint x 🌺🌸💮🌷🇦🇺😁
Thanks for this video! Expecting snow here in Milwaukee after a false spring. So much in luscious bloom. Appreciate your approach to gardening!
Excellent! Thank you! I always feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to cover and what to not cover. This helped a lot!
I use clothespins to attach sheets to my plants when it’s windy. It works well.
Thanks for the reminder to get my plants covered for this weekends cold snap! My hydrangea macrophylla was loving that warm weather we had the past couple of weeks.
Lovely content friend thanks for sharing ✅😍
I was thinking I needed to cover my Eleanor Tabors so thank you for the confirmation. I also have grocery store begonias from last year coming back (!?!) so I will definitely be protecting those. It's going to be pretty dang cold tonight, but I'm just glad it's not snow like so many or our northern neighbors are experiencing.
Hi, Jim, New Mexico checking in. They predicted 25 for us tonight, Friday, and I'm currently sitting on the porch with coffee Saturday morning at 5:45 and it's 31, which my plum tree in full flower appreciated. So fingers crossed their projecting is a bit hysterical for you as well. That said it did snow Friday morning for about an hour, but then turned to rain. It was 36 while that was happening though.
Thanks Jim for another timely video!
well, looks like i'm gonna be busy grouping my babies together and bundling them up - that'll teach me about keeping things scattered all over the place 😁 thanks for the video jim - especially the part about flowers that are showing color to cover 🌷
hehe, busy grouping my babies together too, that will teach me, lol, I probably will keep on doing it though, gonna busy saturday evening around 4p or so,
The difference between 7a and 7b is amazing! You are way ahead of us.
Also where you are in 7a.
The zone designation only tells you the average lowest temperature, not the timing of it.
I envy your still winds when temperatures get cold. In Nebraska, we seldom have a cold front that isn’t accompanied by strong winds - like the kind that blow semis over on interstate. 😆 Whenever I cover my plants, I anchor the covers with large rocks.
Yep, perfect timing. I am in 7b VA. Tomorrow I will be out covering everything!
Me too!! So I'm not freezing my a** off in the wind on Saturday! 😁
Thank you! I'm on the Crystal Coast, NC zone 8 A. Will be covering my Blueberry bushes and putting pots over early risers.
It's going to get down to 9⁰ here in Southern WV Sat night. I had many winter sown seedlings pop up during the false Spring last week. Now I guess I've got to lug way them all back to the house..so much for set it and forget it haha!
me too. Most are in totes however so easy to transport
Appreciate the video! Just in time for me today in Texas!
Here in Knoxville Tennessee our low Saturday is supposed to be 12. We have had enough warm days a few in the high 70s that almost everything is up. 😔
Thanks for the tips! Going to be 12 degrees in East TN Saturday night...YIKES
It is way too late for that kind of temps!
Same here in WNC! Where is this coming from?! Half my yard will be 'ghosts' of covered plants. Wish you luck!
Peeeerfect timing. Thank You!!!
I've decided to pick some of the daffodils before the 20' night hits us just outside of Atlanta. I am concerned about all our azaleas. We've been hit badly several times over the past 43 years we've lived here, I will try to cover what I can as several are blooming.
I’m in Marietta and I have a lot of azaleas and some are just about to bloom. I’m hoping they’ll be okay.
My mother-in-law planted about 50 small-bloom light pink azaleas in the front yard, which is now our yard. Many years they're in full bloom when we get a cold snap with overnight freezing weather. We've tried several times covering them with blankets, sheets, plastic. Nothing works. It takes a couple days, but then you can see the blooms turning brown much earlier than they would have otherwise. We're in Raleigh, NC by the way. Zone 7b, like Mr. Putnam.
Tricky weather here in Florida too. But it is still nice.
Hey Jim, just wanted to say thanks for all the videos you have put out sharing the wealth of knowledge you hold. I look forward to continuing to learn from you as long as you are willing to share. Huge amount of gratitude to you, from the SC lowcountry.
Gotta love our wonky NC weather! LOL I'm new to the limelight hydrangeas...established last year in bush and tree form. Because we had early summer-like weather for awhile, they are covered in buds. Thinking it might be a good idea to cover these during the freezing overnight temps we're now getting, right? Also, new to guara and have a number of these pretty plants in my garden. I trimmed and cleaned up the woody stalks last week when it was warm. Hope it wasn't too early, but they are all full leafy green mounds and not sure how susceptible they might be. Thoughts? I'm in the Piedmont area for reference.
Any guidance on roses? We’re in the same area as you and our knock out and drift roses are all leafing out. I know on the whole they’re pretty tough plants, but I do worry about the fresh growth with this cold snap. This has been a really helpful video, Jim, you’re keeping my plant worries in check!
Kinda hard to cover with thorns and it's unlikely to have any real impact on them.
Excellent video Jim 🥰
Very timely video as I was worried about Saturday night here in western NC as well. Thanks as always.
Thank you Jim. Very helpful. We are in zone 6b, 7a VA. Getting same weather here Saturday. Do you recommend covering hellebores? All of mine are up and blooming. Good luck!
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.. about the hellebores 🤔
I’ve seen hellebores with snow on them. My hunch is they will be fine as long as they’ve been in the ground through the hardest part of the winter. If they are new, then you may want to cover them this year just to be safe.
I don't cover them. Really tough plants close to the ground
@@JimPutnam Good to know. Thank you.
@@bellee33 Thank you! Great suggestion.
For the Feb 2021 snowmageddon freeze in Austin zone 8b that lasted a week (low of 3F), all I had were leftover heavy moving blankets and I threw them over all my builder landscaping planted late summer 2020 and all of it survived. Covered everything down to the ground so the ground could keep it warm. Worth a try if it goes really really cold and 5 degree frost protection will not be enough.
Thank you for this video. I was worrying a bit about Saturday night.
Helpful to hear your game plan and the thinking behind it so I can apply that to my own garden/plants. Thanks Jim!
Thanks so much for practical, timely info! I’m in zone 7b just north of Birmingham, AL and we are expecting the same front to come through this weekend.
I have a callistemon citrinis (sp) that was grown at bracys in south Alabama and frankly I'm pushing it here in Georgia. It gets a little damage each year and did fine this year until I covered it a few weeks ago and it got really zapped then. I think it can sometimes do more damage covering some things because it holds the cold closer to the plant rather than give the wind a chance to dissipate the cold... that is just my experience and I can't prove anything but it is just an observation...
Thank Jim ❄️💚🙃
I have my sheets ready for Sat. night! Brrr!! I use clothespins to hold things in place. We tend to get the wind here in Fayetteville, WV
Thank youuuu!!! Perfect video just in time for the cold snap this weekend.
Thank you for this content, it was great to have reassurance of my methods for protecting plants from cold conditions. Those (concrete?) planters next to you are lovely-may i ask where they are from?!! I really enjoy watching you, lol and the two dogs in the window is priceless!!!
Almost all of my planters are from Michael Carr Designs
It's going down to 19° 😔 here in zone 7b in SE TN Sunday morning. It was 80° last week.
Such useful information Jim, thank you for your attention to detail!!!
thank you!! I am amazed how your videos read my mind!
Great video😊
Both the grapefruit tree and lemon tree are full of flowers. Hope the forecast 29 degrees for Slidell doesn't happen. If it does, hopefully for not too long.
I live in Blowing rock, nc and have peonies just breaking the surface and lenten roses that have flowered. Should I mulch them to protect from the predicted snow showers and below freezing temps that we are expecting this weekend. Or use some kind of container covering. Our problem also is expected winds of 15-20 mph with higher gusts!
QUESTION: how long can you keep tomato plants covered before it starts to affect them? It seems we're going to have where I live three more days or so of cold weather tomorrow will be down to 31. I've had my tomato plants covered up since Friday.
Clothespins & binder clips help keep sheets in place. I've got a tub full of them, we're ready to go. Forecasting lows is tricky in N. Georgia.
Great info, Jim, thank you!
Would a work type floor fan directed upward at the base of a bloomed peach tree protect it overnight?
Charlotte, NC
Do I protect my clematis , bleeding hearts , ..in Delaware frost tonight possibly.. thanks
I put in some roses with a little new growth showing 3 weeks ago. Should I cover these? Thank you 😊
Hi Jim, great video! I’m GA Zone 7b Should I cover my Fig (Little Miss Figgy) it’s budding. Thanks
What about hydrangea quercifolia? I want to protect the newly opened buds on old wood, but on the other hand it’s zone 5 hardy so 20 degrees might not be a big deal.
I saw mine was leafing out as well. I'm not worried about it, but if I'm deciding where to use the last few sheets it might get one
Thanks, Jim!! 😁👍
Very helpful. I'm in 7a, Maryland. Also, wondered about hellebores.
At 8:10 is that a WIndmill palm? If not, what variety is it?
That was an atlas mountain palm
@@JimPutnam Thank you! I've killed 3 Windmill palms, but I'm determined to get some cultivar of palm to live in 7a!
Thanks for this!
This video was right on time. I'm 7B in Charlotte. Still have lots of plants in their containers. I'll be sure to start bringing them into the garage tonight or put plastic garbage bags over them. I've got a forsythia that has already bloomed. Do I need to do anything to protect it?
Thank you for your garden protection information.
I like your paths and was wondering do you kill the grass or remove it before you put down wood chips
Hi Jim, 7B North Alabama. We are supposed to get down to 19° Friday night. Should I cover Hydrangea bushes that have started to get green foliage?
Thanks so much for all your informative videos.
Would you protect a Snow Fountains Weeping Cherry in your area of NC that is starting to bud out and has one or two open flowers? Most of the tree is still budding but it's getting there...
Here in Knoxville it’s calling for 14* do you think any of these will work at that temp? I know it can’t hurt- but just trying to prepare myself 😅
It can't hurt to try
I'm in Knoxville too, thanks for asking. Nothing I have read or heard says that frost blankets or covers help with 16 -18 degrees below freezing, seems like they are usually for 4 - 8 degrees below freezing at best. Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best! Early dogwood winter on steroids :(
I have a Nikko blue hydrangea in a pot. New leaves are popping up, should I protect this plant or will in be fine? Down the road in Aberdeen,NC!
*update* you addressed already! Thanks
My hydrangeas are all leafing out .....should they be covered on Sat. night?
In Las Vegas we get a couple of cold nights close to freezing, so we cover our cape honeysuckle and yellow bells with sheets. I’ll bet the neighbors laugh, I took a picture so I can laugh and say thank god I covered my plants.
Hi Jim. Thanks so much for doing this. Live in Hillsborough, NC. I purchased and planted a Wildfire Japanese maple from the Pine Knot sale a couple of weeks ago. Planted it. It is not leafing out, but is so small and thin, I’m worried. Should I protect it? I’ve already decided to dig up my new camellia. Also….What about clematis - close to the ground, but definitely leafing out already . Was thinking of just piling leaves over them to keep them warm. Argghh.
We're expecting sleet and light snow with our 22 degree night. Would it be better to just leave my plants uncovered?
Thank you for this video. I am in Georgia right on the line between 7B and 8A and my native azaleas (about 3' high) are in bud and about to open. The are situated between my house and my neighbors' along a privacy fence. Is that enough of a sheltered location or should I cover the azaleas?
I wouldn't cover them. Those buds break off easy
@@JimPutnam Thank you, Jim. I enjoy your videos. Best wishes for continued success with your channel.
Exellent information Jim :-)
So helpful. Thank you !!
Thank you so much for this video! I just ordered a covering from Amazon and luckily it comes tomorrow. My Tulip trees have huge buds opening, should I cover that also? Thank you
I don't think you could protect them without damaging the blooms
What about hydrangeas? None of mine have flowers but they all have leaves starting and new growth. Im in north Atl 7b
I might cover my macrophylla hydrangeas, but not my paniculatas.
I have a Mayer Lemon in a container on my deck. I’ve put a small string of lights around it and have covered it every night that was below 50 degrees. Because of the very warm weather the past weeks, it is covered in buds or flowers ( not sure what to call them). Should I bring it inside since it’s blooming and not accustomed to 26 degree nights?
For sure bring it in
This is so helpful thank you!
I have daylilies, sedums, salvias and other perennials that have broken dormancy in 7b north of Atlanta. Should I cover them? Thanks for all you do! We really appreciate your expertise.
Most will probably be fine, but if you have pots it is easy to put them on. Then no worries
I sometimes use clothes pins on the sheets when it's windy
Good advice
This is so helpful! Thanks Jim! I have a tiny Top Hat blueberry bush I haven't planted in its pot yet. Do I plant it and bring it inside? Or just bring it inside in the nursery can? Or can I just leave it out. It is budded up but not blooming yet. I'm in 6b/7a. Our low on Saturday is supposed to be 20.
Just bring it in overnight and then you'll never have to know the answer
What’s you thought on covering with a large tarp an Evergreen Clematis Armandii that has just started to flower in Raleigh
It may be difficult in the wind, but if it's possible it would probably limit the damage
Live in Atlanta. Would you cover a japanese maple? Been in the ground for 2 years
I’m in Marietta and my Japanese maple is still naked. It should be fine.
My spirea and roses are covered with new red leaves. Should I cover them? looking at 23 degrees on Concord?
I wouldn't worry about either one of those.
@@JimPutnam thank you, I enjoy your very helpful videos
So I have some of the containers my plants came in as well I am going to put them over some of the daylilies and canna lilys i have that are coming back up what about the drains holes will that be enough to where the cold air gets in and damages the plant or at least the tips???
It will trap enough heat to help with one night. The soil is pretty warm at this point
I keep checking the weather. The hourly doesn’t seem to be matching with the daily forecast. But we are expecting a hard freeze 20 degrees Saturday night. The rain will determine when I actually get things covered. Then there’s the wind, 🙄. I don’t think I can cover all of my daffodils, I may just make some bouquets. My pineapple sage is coming back. Will covering them with leaves help?
The sage should definitely be covered
Hydrangea that are starting to have leaves do I need to cover temp in ATL going to be twenties
Depends on the type. Macrophylla probably do need protection at these temps
Hi Jim, we just planted magnolias and cherry trees. Should we cover? The magnolias have a few flowers starting to open. We are in Raleigh as well.
If you can without damaging them. The cold will kill open flowers, but no long term problems with the plants
I have lorapedlum and some others that wee planted two elks prior to our first snow. We didn’t have blankets until a few days to week later. Ive not cut damage off. I believe you said to leave it until its time to trim. I could have done it this past week but like I said it’s freezing again.. should I still leave the damage on until after this freeze? Yep we have to put ours back out. Snow in Dallas again?!? 4th time in 29 years., Ugg.,
Its too windy in Dallas to not tie the freeze blankets down. We’ve lost them even tied down our winds are brutal.
I would wait to prune them
This information is most helpful. Should I cover my camellia bushes that are blooming? {Virginia 7A} Thank you!
Depends on the size of the plants. Small plants yes
@@JimPutnam Thank you!
I was out of town when the frost came. My dystilium hedge got frost bitten badly. Will they survive when I trim the damaged foliage?
They will recover quickly
Great video. I have azaleas with buds that are not opened yet. They are in the ground, do you think they need covering? Thank you! 😀
The buds should be fine
Zone 8b in Georgia. I have strawberries blooming in raised beds. Do they need to be covered? Expecting 25 degrees sat night.
The will reflower, but I would protect these flowers by covering
Hey Jim, Dothan AL here, zone 8b. Thanks for this video! What about my Oakleaf hydrangeas, or hydrangeas that bloom on old wood? I wondered if bloom buds would already have developed on them and if so, should I cover these plants?
I do believe the bloom buds develop around September for the next year am I right?
I will probably cover my dwarf oakleaf. A large one might be difficult without damaging the plant
@@Usernameblahblahnblah Thanks JoJo! I’m so glad Spring is almost here so I can actually see what this landscape will do! And it’s fun to see you on here! I’ve got some plants to bring In the garage and cover up tonight, temps in the 20’s!!
Newbie here: So what I hear you saying is I overreacted!😂 tulips, crocus, blueberries, hydrangea all covered up! only the crocus have bloomed. I didn’t know they were so hardy
My peach tree in southside got buds and few opened already. Is it ok for the buds and flowers. We are also living in Raleigh area.
The buds are probably ok, but the open flowers could be in trouble
What about a burlap bag?
Should help some
Never heard of covering daffodils, they are super hardy and I've never seen a daff with any frost damage. What happens with your daffs that makes you cover them? Thanks Jim.
Open flowers are generally hurt below 25. The plants and bulbs aren't
Hi Jim, thank you for your video. Love the idea of fitted sheets to cover the plants. However, I am still concerned with the wind. I am in zone 8a and the wind gust will be 35. How do you keep the sheets staying on the plants? Thanks for your feedback!
Hi! I've found binder clips work great
Guy ropes pegged into ground?