Only way I can see it being doable is to kill Genji mid unsheathing and immediately resurrecting him on the spot. You can’t stun him out of a ”transformation” type ultimate, nor is there anyway to shorten the duration time.
SUPPORT Ana: nano is a projectile she has to aim, when the effect ends her ally gets vulnerable, takes more damage after the effect of the chemicals wears out Baptiste: enemies's attacks through it are also amplified Brigitte: she can't unequip the big shield, her movement is even slower because of the size. she can move normal once the shield is destroyed or the ult ends Illari: the sun energy on her weapon is so bright she's blinded by it Juno: her allies start levitating like it's an abduction Kiriko: Haste spell from D&D makes you faster, and gives you and extra action or extra attack (can translate to faster attacks) but when the spell ends you get lethargic for a turn, so when the ult ends, all allies affected get stunned for a duration Lifeweaver: fire instantly breaks the tree Lucio: everyone affected by the beat is deafened for a duration Mercy: vakyries take the fallen to valhalla, when resurrecting with valkyrie her allies just move to spawn Moira: she gets damaged or healed randomly while ulting, bc it's mixing both damage and healing fluids Zen: his allies experience so much tranquility they fall asleep
Illari nerf: Whenever she ults she kills everyone in the entire match excluding her (she kills her allies and also enemys. Lowkey also a buff but who cares.) Sojourn nerf: Whenever she ults and shoots a railgun shot, the recoil will cause Sojourn to get knocked back and stunned for 0.8 seconds Bap nerf: Whenever Baptiste ults, the enemy team deals 100% more damage to baptiste and baptiste cant use his Abilitys. Therefore Window stays up for an additional 50%.
Nerf ideas: Ana: Nanoboost is a stoppable projectile now. Ashe: Delete the tank/dps passive inside Bob Bap: (Not mine) Window amp also benefits enemies as well Bastion: Give back the old unli artillery glitch, however 3s duration. Brig: Rally also morale boost enemies as well Cass: if not fully charged/locked on, it always misses no matter the hitbox. Dva: Don't give baby dvas the satisfaction. Ult points to 50% after self destruct. Doomfist: He's still human. Stunned for 2 seconds after ulting. Echo: Sacrifices a random ally at the cost of duplicating an enemy. Genji: Hand fatigue. If he slashes at least 50% of the duration of the ult, can't fire or use abilities Hanzo: just like his brother, the pullback on the arrow takes a toll on it that their arms are fatigured. Illari: if april fools taught us anything, dont use her at night. Half the damage and duration of ult at night stages. Junkrat: tire doesn't climb over walls Junker Queen: Remember how Ana in mirrorwatch esp her anti-nade gets nerfed? Yeah that instead of antihealing. Juno: Anti to all heroes whenever stepped on the ult Kiriko: Firing error inside ult increased by 20% LW: Don't give it overhealth ez Lucio: Overhealth decay increased Mauga: so you know how Nanoswarm Hive is the most useless Red Alert 3 support superweapon? Yeah that. 1v1 only, can't go in, can't go out, ult duration increased 10fold. Mei: No movement penalty on ult Mercy: You're a support? Too bad. You're now mirrorwatch mercy but worse. Cannot equip staff. Moira: Give it so that moira gets her ability of switching heal or dps like in junkenstein but don't give it any multipliers, give it dividends like 0.5x healing or dps only Orisa: Ult damage does not increase at all Pharah: just make it so that the rockets are precise like dvas lmao Ram: ult does not slow down its cooldown even if it hits an enemy Reaper: make them suffer. Give them samira's F to S shenanigans from league. Yes you have to gain ult charge and you need to hit 6 headshots just to ult. It's not an automatic spin2win now. Rein: Tanks have a shorter duration of stun. Roadhog: 60% percent chance to not knockback an enemy during ult. Sigma: just decrease the max hp damage to like 35% Sojourn: I mean it's called overclock so you can't shoot after that railgun monstrosity. You also set yourself on fire for a while Soldier: Change so that the primary fire isn't pure hitscan and as slow as a Junkrat bomb. Don't give aimbotters of fps the satisfaction. Sombra: Friendly fire activated, and if allies hit, voice and text channel off for the rest of the game. Also for fun, disable scoreboards too. Symmetra: I'm putting valorant in this one. Make it so Sym's wall has Astra's wall properties. Includes: no sound from the other side and cant see for shit Torb: Friendly fire, but burn damage tick in general is 2.5x more than usual. Tracer: Put the "pulse" in pulse bombs. Enemies stuck by these bombs while moving works like normal, but when stationary, damage reduction increased by a lot. Venture: Decrease ult charges by 2 Widow: Each subsequent wall hack takes +100% more ult charge to accumulate. (Example 100% on first then 200% on second) Winton: Primal rage is just instinct so it kinda lingers by random leap activations 15 seconds after or if theyre on fire. Hammond/WB: Mines aren't always functional so there's a 60% chance that some mines are duds. Zarya: Enemies still have a chance to get out of the graviton surge like an inconvenient Ram E skill Zenyatta: Invincibility to self, or damage reduction to all instead of just invincibility to all
For mercy make her fall every 3-4 seconds in valk, for dva she can die to her own bomb again, for widowmaker her ultimate reveals the location of EVERYONE 😂
Support special Ana - > her ultimate drug effefct is delayed AND it kills the nano target after 15 seconds (or if not drastically debuffs them afterward) Kiriko -> When in Kitsune, abilities are spammed off cooldown/random buttons are pressed and aim sensitivity is increased randomly. Plus, allies affected by Kitsune rush get fatigued from the sugar rush, massively slowing them down after it ends. Brig - > Forceably pull in allies towards her to actually rally with her AND all that temp hp is heavy, drastically slowing down any ally near her Moira - > Drains all of her resources rather than fill it up and Jarates all of her allies Lucio - > deafens (or gives them tinnitus) and constantly stuns all allies, including getting rid of the HUD Zenyatta - > Immobilizes allies and puts them into 3rd person, an out of body experience indeed Illari - > Burns all allies in sight, if possible, like the bugged Ashe dynamite from april fools, have it spread and deal more damage the closer allies are together Baptiste - > transforms all enemies into Mauga for the duration of the ult cause why not, they all get their ults Mercy - > Heroes never die, so enemy heroes can be immortal and brought back during her ult Lifeweaver -> any ally in the vicinity of the tree is rooted/caged to it, enemies are also alive, so they receive a small regenerative bonus next to it too
Nerf ideas. Ana: The nanoboosted target dies from an heartattack when the duration ends. Ashe: Bob deals friendly fire during his charge and will target the nearest person wether they are enemy or ally Bap: Window can be used by enemies. Bastion: instead of 3 you only get 1 shot Brig: Shieldbash doesnt stun during rally and briug has only her default shield again. Cass: His ult now locks him into place and doesnt provide any damage reduction. Dva: Doesnt get her mech back. so has to go to spawn to remech. Bomb can kill her Doomfist: His ult now deals fall damage to him. Echo: She no longer gains increased ult gain and she is no longer invunerable during the transistion. Genji: Can't dash or reflect while ulting. Hanzo: Dragons now move at 2m a second Iliari: Her ults now afflicts everyone with sunstruck, even allies and herself Junkrat: If he dies the tire selfdestructs. Tire now deals damage to friendlies as well. Junker Queen: She no longer phases through enemies while ulting and can be bodyblocked. Any slows now also reduce distance. Juno: Beam doesn't move, If allies stand in it for 5 seconds they get overdosed and die. Kiriko: The fox spirit is with you! but he also stole your mags. ammo capacity is half inside Kiri ult. LW: When the tree dies it explodes with a junkrat explosion that can hit allies. Lucio: Using beat now deafens/mutes everyone in range. (no voicelines) Mauga: Cage now traps allies as well. allies cant shoot through it. Mei: Ult now freezes allies as well Mercy: Rezzes during her ult only extends the life of the rezzed person till the end of Mercy's ult. during this time the rezzed target can;t generate ult charge but it's death will be awarded to the person who killed them initially and grunt full ult charge. Moira: Coalescence locks her into place and she can;t fade anymore either. Orisa: No longer fortified during ult. Pharah: So many rockets generate a lot of heat. Pharah is set on fire while barraging and will continue to burn for 10 seconds after the ult ends. During this time healing on her is only 50% effective. Ram: Ram's pruple vibe phushes everyone away from him. including allies (reverse grav essentially) Reaper: He dies at the end of his ult. Rein: lifts in the air and enters a charge state, the longer he charges the longer the stun will be. Every second charging is a second of stun. max of 5 seconds. Not charging the shatter will only ministun and not knockdown enemies. Roadhog, can't use hook or breather during ult, moves at 50% speed. Sigma: deals non lethal damage. Sojourn: After the ult ends her gun breaks and she has to go to spawn to get a new one. Soldier: Ult is non lethal, and your screen turns orange because of the visor. Sombra: EMP hacks everybody including herself. Symettra: Walls now blocks friendly shots as well and stops all projectiles. Torb: Burns allies and himself as well. If torb is killed and he has charges left he drops them all on his location. Tracer: Using pulse bomb disables your movement abilities and gives the enemy a 20% speed boost. It also takes 4 seconds before detonation. Venture: Range of ult halved. Slows enemies and allies in it. Widow: Her ult drains a lot of energy from her helmet. Damage ramp is 300% slower during ult. Winston: Can deal friendly fire during ult, HUD is removed during ult. Wrecking Ball: Mines deal friendly fire damage Zayra: Grav affects allies and Zayra as well. Zenyatta: Now truly transcends the mortal plane, dies at the end of his ult.
Self destruct nerf: Dva blows up no matter where she is on the map Bob nerf: Bob rebels Nano boost nerf: swaps effects with sleep dart Death blossom nerf: heals enemies instead of damaging them Meteorstrike nerf: fall damage enabled Infra-sight nerf: Enemies see widow through the walls instead of Widow seeing them Tactical visor nerf: Soldier misses all shots no matter what Terra surge nerf: Orisa falls through the floor when she slams the javelin down Sound barrier nerf: its so lound that his team becomes deaf Annihilation nerf: Rammatra suffers a fate worse than death. What does that mean? I have no idea but it should do something really funny Orbital Ray nerf: Juno’s race wants to take her back Emp nerf: Causes Sombra’s entire team to have insane lag Blizzard nerf: Mei dies of frostbite Duplication nerf: Echo does whatever the copy does. Yes it does mean she can kill her own teamates Rally nerf: Enemies double their size and movement speed Transcendence nerf: Zenyatta becomes vulnerable and can’t heal High noon nerf: Actually its midnight and Cassidy needs his sleep Valkire nerf: All if mercy’s controls are now randomized Coalescence nerf: Moira uses her life force to deal half the damage and healing she normally does Dragon blade nerf: It deals very little damage and genji has 1% of his normal movement and attack speed Dragonstrike nerf: its eats teamates and does nothing to enemies Cage fight nerf: Mauga is locked in the cage until his teamates destroy it Configuration Artillery nerf: the bombs take 10 mintues to come down Earthshatter nerf: Breaks reinhardts weapons R.I.P tire nerf: if the tire dies then junkrat dies. The tire also has 1hp Kitsune rush nerf: doubles cooldowns and quarters attacking speed Molten core nerf: He lights himself on fire and burns until death Tectonic shock nerf: Venture gets stunned every time they use primary fire Rampage nerf: Junker queen goes too fast and falls into the nearest death zone Primal rage nerf: He’s too angry to move or respond to controls Barrage nerf: Pharah faces the nearest wall Tree of life nerf: It kills anyone who enters its radius Overclock nerf: Railgun no longer charges for the rest of the match Whole hog nerf: Roadhog pushes himself aways when he fires it Amplification matrix nerf: Halves damage and healing that travels through it. It also triples baptistes next three cooldowns Gravitational surge nerf: Zarya gets sucked in and her barriers no longer work Photon Barrier nerf: Anything that travels through it has their speed halved Gravitic flux nerf: Sigma gets propelled up until he dies Captive sun nerf: blinds Illari and her damage now effects allies Pulse bomb nerf: homes in on teamates and detonates on them Ok I think I’m done. The only order is when i thought of the nerfs. I really hope i didn’t miss anything
Kistune rush nerf : when Kiriko or one of her allies lose the Kitsune rush effect (either at the end of the ult of when they get out of the area), they are unable to use their abilities and weapon for 5 seconds. Gravitic flux nerf : Ennemies who got fluxed don't get slammed, instead they have free flight for 5 seconds. And Sigma does not get free flight during the ult Captive sun nerf : Emongg calls it the better pulse bomb. So make it a worse pulse bomb : the explosion radius is way smaller and Illari doesn't get free flight during the ult. Dragonstrike nerf : Make the dragons deflectable (like in the Dragons cinematic) and blockable by anything (barrier/Sigma eat/Orisa spin/DVa matrix) Valkyrie nerf : Mercy just gets free flight. The rest of the abilities are not enhanced : beam does not chain, GA/staff range/healing from her staff are not increased, no passive healing (outside of the support passive), her blaster has limited ammo and projectiles have the same speed as normal. EMP nerf : Sombra hacks herself when casting EMP, and the effects last for 50 % longer on her : Ability lockout lasts for 4.5 seconds and she is revealed to the enemy team for 12 seconds. She can't get rid of the hack with translocator (ally cleanses like suzu and Zarya bubble can still get rid of it) Tactical visor nerf : Can no longer headshot, and Soldier : 76 can't use his abilities during the ultimate. Duplicate nerf : If the enemy hero Echo duplicated dies, she transforms back. If the copy dies, Echo dies instead of transforming back. And the copy has the pre-season 9 HP of the copied hero : 300 HP for tanks, 50 less HP for non-tank heroes between 250 and 350 HP, 25 less HP for heroes between 175 and 225 HP. Rally nerf : Brig's shield does not longer increase in HP and size, shield bash can no longer stun and she gets overhealth instead of armor like her allies. Also you can't proc Inspire during Rally. Basically a worse version of what she had before season 4. Configuration : Artillery nerf : Bastion can take damage from his own ult again, and artillery strikes take way longer to land.
i’ve got one for junker queen: during her little dash, she dies if she makes contact with a wall or obstacle (cause she’s running face first into a wall at full speed)
Sombra nerf: makes enemies invisible Ramattra nerf: nanites heal instead of hurt Genji nerf: every swing does 10% of their max health as damage instead (and gives them regen) Pharah nerf: immediately gets grounded (hope you’re not aiming down) Rein nerf: spawns mei ice wall directly forward from him, so anyone directly in front of him doesn’t get hit Soldier nerf: just make his ult targeting visual so you have to still aim lol Bastion nerf: once he ults, he can’t change back to his regular forms. He’s just stuck like that forever lol (but make a way to kill self so you can change/respawn) Cass nerf: make high noon target slower Mei nerf: makes the enemies a lot faster Kiri nerf: kitsune rush now has cars running through it because it looks like a road or something idk just kill anyone and everyone who walks into it ig
When I was first reading the title, my immediate thought was "but surely he didnt bufd Juno right????"... But I continued reading and was pleasantly suprised to know he DID buff Juno!!!! Thank you for the heads up.
Zenyatta nerf: Make him locked in place for his ult duration Sombra nerf: EMP affects her too Lifeweaver nerf: Tree has 12 health. Reinhardt nerf: The big swing throws his back out and knocks him down Soldier nerf: He gets kicked from the game for using aim hacks
One buff I've always thought of with junker queen is make it to where if someone gets struck by her ult gets the axe stuck in them then they get pulled towards you like the knife
Ana Nano nerf: Make it a projectile so u have to aim it and if it hits an enemy they get nanoed Mei Blizzard Nerf: Slows and freezes everybody in the game. Wrecking Ball Nerf: He becomes one of the mines and can’t move until killed/destroyed or until ult is finished
possible nerf ideas: Orisa: takes self damage and isnt fortified Winton: No health refill and max hp stay at whatever his normal form max hp is Sojourn: Explodes when the charge reaches 100 due to overload Lucio: Breaks the eardrums of everyone including himself in like a 20m radius and with that killing them Genji: Hanzo: shouts and shoots a normal arrow because that ultimate makes no sense with there being "no magic" in overwatch Kiriko: same as hanzo Mauga: Cage lasts forever and he cant cancel it unless he dies (could be a situational buff but i dunno) Ana: mixes up her syringes and sleeps the targeted teammate Ram: "SUFFER AS I HAVE" Everyone gets depressed and cant attack or contest objectives for the rest of their life I could go on way longer but i think these are enough for now lol also you simply changed brig into her ow1 launch state
For Cassidy, either he can’t use his ultimate on night time maps or his ultimate can’t one shot on night time maps as he says high noon witch refers to the sun being at its highest point
A funny one for Cassidy would be giving him an overly long death animation when he dies while ulting. Y’know like how in western movies the enemy will fall down very slowly if they lose a duel. Idk if this is possible though but it would be funny if it is.
That genji one was pretty interesting because you have to aim it right on to get the dash slash combo. But blizzard wouldn’t ever let this happen so :(
After ult, Rein is unable to do anything except shield until his shield breaks Edit: another idea is that it makes you look at the nearest hole in the map and charge
Illari ult only kills her teammates, aka her family. This also leaves her very sad, meaning she can’t do any damage or use any abilities for 3-5 seconds afterwards Junker Queen: Instead of giving them an Anti Nade effect, give them the Double Healing effect during her ult Mauga: His ult just hits himself, meaning it’s really small
Lucio ult nerf: 1st idea: His ult now affects enemies giving them shields, could also make it so lucio’s healing and speed buffs also affects enemies after ult. 2nd idea: Lucio has a really bad taste of music and will put his teammates to sleep when he ults
Lucio ult nerf Reduce gravity to 10% while you use it until you hit the ground (Itll take ages to hit the ground, and will have to do it preemptively or do it onto higher ground to counter ults and stuff, as well as able to be shot down)
King Kong Winton!! 😋 Winton nerf: Jump pack doesn’t make you jump that far anymore Cassidy nerf: If he get shot while ulting, he technically loses his Cowboy duel and instantly drop dead, even if it’s 1 hp. Echo nerf: If duplicate target is moving => event player allowed to move If duplicate target is holding primary fire => event player primary fire allowed If duplicate target dies => event player dies If duplicate target does nothing => event player does nothing. If duplicate target has status => event player has status (If I get duplicated, my guy, I’ll jump off the map 😊) Wrecking ball nerf: when ult, modify size of ball to be very small and make him be stuck as the middle bomb the whole ult duration. He just stuck there doing nothing. If anything, if someone blow up the middle bomb, he gets freed. Could cook it up with a ray cast magic? Idk what I’m asking for with this one. Doomfist nerf: will be stunned and fall through the earth upon landing and damage anyone of his team if they are in radius of landing.
Some of my ideas Ana kills her nano boosted team mate Baptiste’s window heals enemies Cassidy just dies (speeds up the regular process) Doomfist jumps up in the air forever and will not come down Diva’s bomb will only do damage at under 3 metres Lucio gets a noise violation and is sent to prison Genji’s ult is unchanged from the base game Mercy can’t fly Moira can only heal Roadhog has to clean up all the scrap he leaves after Sigma has a 90% chance to have his ult randomly cancelled due to the voices Symmetra’s wall has 1 hp Venture’s ult’s cone is even narrower Zenyatta transcends from the earth and dies
R.I.P Tire does 25% Damage and sets enemies on fire for 5 seconds dealing 20% of the damage dealt per second which ends up doing the same amount as the explosion. So at max you will deal 50% of normal R.I.P Tire (300 damage) with only half being burst (150 burst + 150 dot).
hi, big fan of your work, ive been looking at ur tutorial, i was just wondering if you could make another tutorial explaining how you have done this project (sorry for my english im french) thank you and have a good day!
i would genuinely keep bastions,brigs,dooms,genji,junks,junos,kiri,lucio,mei,moira,pharas,reapers,soujours(with tweaks),sym, tracer,i also always thougt that whats widow could do so keep widow,winston,hamster,zen like beinf fr
Giga nerf Sombra: devs beat you to it. But for her EMP to giga nerf it even more, make it remove everyone’s Ult progress including your own teammates. Everyone starts at zero again.
Tracer nerfed pulse bomb: She can only stick it onto teammates and herself or her bomb is so slippery that she always drops it Widowmaker nerfed infra-sight: Instead of revealing enemies, she goes blind
Junk tire nerf: tire “rolls backwards” so the tire always goes backwards but you still have the front facing camera. Technically still the same but it’s just a nightmare to hit anything.
ILLARI IS SOOOO TRAUMATIZED THAT SHE GETS RID OF HER SUN POWERS AND WHEN SHE ULTS HER 'SUN' DOES 1 DAMAGE SINCE IT IS COOLING and also it make lifeweaver faster and get immortality since he got lots of photosynthesis!
symm nerf idea, cause the ult uses so much hardlight to make such a large wall it should destroy all her deployable, empty her ammo and drain all of her shield health upon casting
Bastion artillery should do damage by helldropping og bastions in their turret form with the shield and that last for the rest of the game or until killed and count as allied heroes too. Would be an epic omnic invasion
Widow ult nerf: she actually gives walls to the enemy team instead of her own, and also her visor covering her eyes makes it where she cant see anything and is totally blind
Genji ult nerf: reduce the duration so that Genji only has enough time to draw his dragon blade before sheathing it. There is nothing he can do.
Only way I can see it being doable is to kill Genji mid unsheathing and immediately resurrecting him on the spot. You can’t stun him out of a ”transformation” type ultimate, nor is there anyway to shorten the duration time.
That’s a buff though
That’s a gigabuff to Genji tho?
Still too strong. On ult he restores his dash, you need to think on it more :|
@@DaniSoFurryand it sets all cooldowns to 20 seconds
For doomfist nerf, push enemies away from the targeting circle so he can never actually land on someone
That already happens, have YOU ever seen a doom land on someone? Thought so
That's actually a buff, because you can separate enemies
Make doom lose health when ulting instead. So you can never use it as an escape!
@@coinbongo4694 you must be a doom main
@ 🌚
Tracer ult nerf: Pulse bomb timer is now 60 seconds
Sticking someone turns pulse bomb into an emotional debuff
Illari burns up when she flies too high.
Should have remembered sunscreen
@@Knightgob i like that
Nerf to Pharah's ultimate: when she ults, the force of all the rockets coming out repels her backwards very fast. If she hits a wall she dies.
Almost like a deflating balloon? It shouldn’t be too hard to make in the workshop
Dude I was about to comment for a pharah ult recoil nerf
Sigmas ult launches himself into the air, and slams himself back down, dealing self damage and damage in a small radius
If junkerqueen hits a wall in her ult, she dies, if she doesnt hit a wall she gets stunned because of the dizziness
Ana: nano is a projectile she has to aim, when the effect ends her ally gets vulnerable, takes more damage after the effect of the chemicals wears out
Baptiste: enemies's attacks through it are also amplified
Brigitte: she can't unequip the big shield, her movement is even slower because of the size. she can move normal once the shield is destroyed or the ult ends
Illari: the sun energy on her weapon is so bright she's blinded by it
Juno: her allies start levitating like it's an abduction
Kiriko: Haste spell from D&D makes you faster, and gives you and extra action or extra attack (can translate to faster attacks) but when the spell ends you get lethargic for a turn, so when the ult ends, all allies affected get stunned for a duration
Lifeweaver: fire instantly breaks the tree
Lucio: everyone affected by the beat is deafened for a duration
Mercy: vakyries take the fallen to valhalla, when resurrecting with valkyrie her allies just move to spawn
Moira: she gets damaged or healed randomly while ulting, bc it's mixing both damage and healing fluids
Zen: his allies experience so much tranquility they fall asleep
I just watched the video and I feel unoriginal because of the illari and juno changes you made 🥴
Illari nerf: Whenever she ults she kills everyone in the entire match excluding her (she kills her allies and also enemys. Lowkey also a buff but who cares.)
Sojourn nerf: Whenever she ults and shoots a railgun shot, the recoil will cause Sojourn to get knocked back and stunned for 0.8 seconds
Bap nerf: Whenever Baptiste ults, the enemy team deals 100% more damage to baptiste and baptiste cant use his Abilitys. Therefore Window stays up for an additional 50%.
Genji ult nerf: his ult ends after 1 slash, because his pool noodle is unable to survive the impact of a slash.
Nerf ideas:
Ana: Nanoboost is a stoppable projectile now.
Ashe: Delete the tank/dps passive inside Bob
Bap: (Not mine) Window amp also benefits enemies as well
Bastion: Give back the old unli artillery glitch, however 3s duration.
Brig: Rally also morale boost enemies as well
Cass: if not fully charged/locked on, it always misses no matter the hitbox.
Dva: Don't give baby dvas the satisfaction. Ult points to 50% after self destruct.
Doomfist: He's still human. Stunned for 2 seconds after ulting.
Echo: Sacrifices a random ally at the cost of duplicating an enemy.
Genji: Hand fatigue. If he slashes at least 50% of the duration of the ult, can't fire or use abilities
Hanzo: just like his brother, the pullback on the arrow takes a toll on it that their arms are fatigured.
Illari: if april fools taught us anything, dont use her at night. Half the damage and duration of ult at night stages.
Junkrat: tire doesn't climb over walls
Junker Queen: Remember how Ana in mirrorwatch esp her anti-nade gets nerfed? Yeah that instead of antihealing.
Anti to all heroes whenever stepped on the ult
Firing error inside ult increased by 20%
Don't give it overhealth ez
Overhealth decay increased
so you know how Nanoswarm Hive is the most useless Red Alert 3 support superweapon? Yeah that. 1v1 only, can't go in, can't go out, ult duration increased 10fold.
Mei: No movement penalty on ult
You're a support? Too bad. You're now mirrorwatch mercy but worse. Cannot equip staff.
Give it so that moira gets her ability of switching heal or dps like in junkenstein but don't give it any multipliers, give it dividends like 0.5x healing or dps only
Orisa: Ult damage does not increase at all
Pharah: just make it so that the rockets are precise like dvas lmao
Ram: ult does not slow down its cooldown even if it hits an enemy
Reaper: make them suffer. Give them samira's F to S shenanigans from league. Yes you have to gain ult charge and you need to hit 6 headshots just to ult. It's not an automatic spin2win now.
Tanks have a shorter duration of stun.
60% percent chance to not knockback an enemy during ult.
just decrease the max hp damage to like 35%
I mean it's called overclock so you can't shoot after that railgun monstrosity. You also set yourself on fire for a while
Change so that the primary fire isn't pure hitscan and as slow as a Junkrat bomb. Don't give aimbotters of fps the satisfaction.
Friendly fire activated, and if allies hit, voice and text channel off for the rest of the game. Also for fun, disable scoreboards too.
I'm putting valorant in this one. Make it so Sym's wall has Astra's wall properties.
Includes: no sound from the other side and cant see for shit
Friendly fire, but burn damage tick in general is 2.5x more than usual.
Put the "pulse" in pulse bombs. Enemies stuck by these bombs while moving works like normal, but when stationary, damage reduction increased by a lot.
Decrease ult charges by 2
Each subsequent wall hack takes +100% more ult charge to accumulate. (Example 100% on first then 200% on second)
Primal rage is just instinct so it kinda lingers by random leap activations 15 seconds after or if theyre on fire.
Mines aren't always functional so there's a 60% chance that some mines are duds.
Enemies still have a chance to get out of the graviton surge like an inconvenient Ram E skill
Invincibility to self, or damage reduction to all instead of just invincibility to all
For mercy make her fall every 3-4 seconds in valk, for dva she can die to her own bomb again, for widowmaker her ultimate reveals the location of EVERYONE 😂
Widow nerf: it’s just sombra’s passive, you can only see low health targets instead of everyone
Mei ult nerf: if she’s inside of the blizzard, she gets frostbite meaning she can’t use her hands (her gun) until she warms back up!
Support special
Ana - > her ultimate drug effefct is delayed AND it kills the nano target after 15 seconds (or if not drastically debuffs them afterward)
Kiriko -> When in Kitsune, abilities are spammed off cooldown/random buttons are pressed and aim sensitivity is increased randomly. Plus, allies affected by Kitsune rush get fatigued from the sugar rush, massively slowing them down after it ends.
Brig - > Forceably pull in allies towards her to actually rally with her AND all that temp hp is heavy, drastically slowing down any ally near her
Moira - > Drains all of her resources rather than fill it up and Jarates all of her allies
Lucio - > deafens (or gives them tinnitus) and constantly stuns all allies, including getting rid of the HUD
Zenyatta - > Immobilizes allies and puts them into 3rd person, an out of body experience indeed
Illari - > Burns all allies in sight, if possible, like the bugged Ashe dynamite from april fools, have it spread and deal more damage the closer allies are together
Baptiste - > transforms all enemies into Mauga for the duration of the ult cause why not, they all get their ults
Mercy - > Heroes never die, so enemy heroes can be immortal and brought back during her ult
Lifeweaver -> any ally in the vicinity of the tree is rooted/caged to it, enemies are also alive, so they receive a small regenerative bonus next to it too
For Junkrat's Riptire Nerf:
The tire has a limited amount of speed, the longer it is active, the slower it gets exponentially
Nerf ideas.
Ana: The nanoboosted target dies from an heartattack when the duration ends.
Ashe: Bob deals friendly fire during his charge and will target the nearest person wether they are enemy or ally
Bap: Window can be used by enemies.
Bastion: instead of 3 you only get 1 shot
Brig: Shieldbash doesnt stun during rally and briug has only her default shield again.
Cass: His ult now locks him into place and doesnt provide any damage reduction.
Dva: Doesnt get her mech back. so has to go to spawn to remech. Bomb can kill her
Doomfist: His ult now deals fall damage to him.
Echo: She no longer gains increased ult gain and she is no longer invunerable during the transistion.
Genji: Can't dash or reflect while ulting.
Hanzo: Dragons now move at 2m a second
Iliari: Her ults now afflicts everyone with sunstruck, even allies and herself
Junkrat: If he dies the tire selfdestructs. Tire now deals damage to friendlies as well.
Junker Queen: She no longer phases through enemies while ulting and can be bodyblocked. Any slows now also reduce distance.
Juno: Beam doesn't move, If allies stand in it for 5 seconds they get overdosed and die.
Kiriko: The fox spirit is with you! but he also stole your mags. ammo capacity is half inside Kiri ult.
LW: When the tree dies it explodes with a junkrat explosion that can hit allies.
Lucio: Using beat now deafens/mutes everyone in range. (no voicelines)
Mauga: Cage now traps allies as well. allies cant shoot through it.
Mei: Ult now freezes allies as well
Mercy: Rezzes during her ult only extends the life of the rezzed person till the end of Mercy's ult. during this time the rezzed target can;t generate ult charge but it's death will be awarded to the person who killed them initially and grunt full ult charge.
Moira: Coalescence locks her into place and she can;t fade anymore either.
Orisa: No longer fortified during ult.
Pharah: So many rockets generate a lot of heat. Pharah is set on fire while barraging and will continue to burn for 10 seconds after the ult ends. During this time healing on her is only 50% effective.
Ram: Ram's pruple vibe phushes everyone away from him. including allies (reverse grav essentially)
Reaper: He dies at the end of his ult.
Rein: lifts in the air and enters a charge state, the longer he charges the longer the stun will be. Every second charging is a second of stun. max of 5 seconds.
Not charging the shatter will only ministun and not knockdown enemies.
Roadhog, can't use hook or breather during ult, moves at 50% speed.
Sigma: deals non lethal damage.
Sojourn: After the ult ends her gun breaks and she has to go to spawn to get a new one.
Soldier: Ult is non lethal, and your screen turns orange because of the visor.
Sombra: EMP hacks everybody including herself.
Symettra: Walls now blocks friendly shots as well and stops all projectiles.
Torb: Burns allies and himself as well. If torb is killed and he has charges left he drops them all on his location.
Tracer: Using pulse bomb disables your movement abilities and gives the enemy a 20% speed boost. It also takes 4 seconds before detonation.
Venture: Range of ult halved. Slows enemies and allies in it.
Widow: Her ult drains a lot of energy from her helmet. Damage ramp is 300% slower during ult.
Winston: Can deal friendly fire during ult, HUD is removed during ult.
Wrecking Ball: Mines deal friendly fire damage
Zayra: Grav affects allies and Zayra as well.
Zenyatta: Now truly transcends the mortal plane, dies at the end of his ult.
Symmetra: when she uses her ult it takes all her shield health to creat the wall.
Oh damn 34 seconds. Anyway goated video, also is the "one freaky change for every overwatch hero" video still happening? Id love to see it.
It’s an idea but I need freaky changes for every hero which may take forever
6:42 dang I'm the one who suggested that😂
Self destruct nerf: Dva blows up no matter where she is on the map
Bob nerf: Bob rebels
Nano boost nerf: swaps effects with sleep dart
Death blossom nerf: heals enemies instead of damaging them
Meteorstrike nerf: fall damage enabled
Infra-sight nerf: Enemies see widow through the walls instead of Widow seeing them
Tactical visor nerf: Soldier misses all shots no matter what
Terra surge nerf: Orisa falls through the floor when she slams the javelin down
Sound barrier nerf: its so lound that his team becomes deaf
Annihilation nerf: Rammatra suffers a fate worse than death. What does that mean? I have no idea but it should do something really funny
Orbital Ray nerf: Juno’s race wants to take her back
Emp nerf: Causes Sombra’s entire team to have insane lag
Blizzard nerf: Mei dies of frostbite
Duplication nerf: Echo does whatever the copy does. Yes it does mean she can kill her own teamates
Rally nerf: Enemies double their size and movement speed
Transcendence nerf: Zenyatta becomes vulnerable and can’t heal
High noon nerf: Actually its midnight and Cassidy needs his sleep
Valkire nerf: All if mercy’s controls are now randomized
Coalescence nerf: Moira uses her life force to deal half the damage and healing she normally does
Dragon blade nerf: It deals very little damage and genji has 1% of his normal movement and attack speed
Dragonstrike nerf: its eats teamates and does nothing to enemies
Cage fight nerf: Mauga is locked in the cage until his teamates destroy it
Configuration Artillery nerf: the bombs take 10 mintues to come down
Earthshatter nerf: Breaks reinhardts weapons
R.I.P tire nerf: if the tire dies then junkrat dies. The tire also has 1hp
Kitsune rush nerf: doubles cooldowns and quarters attacking speed
Molten core nerf: He lights himself on fire and burns until death
Tectonic shock nerf: Venture gets stunned every time they use primary fire
Rampage nerf: Junker queen goes too fast and falls into the nearest death zone
Primal rage nerf: He’s too angry to move or respond to controls
Barrage nerf: Pharah faces the nearest wall
Tree of life nerf: It kills anyone who enters its radius
Overclock nerf: Railgun no longer charges for the rest of the match
Whole hog nerf: Roadhog pushes himself aways when he fires it
Amplification matrix nerf: Halves damage and healing that travels through it. It also triples baptistes next three cooldowns
Gravitational surge nerf: Zarya gets sucked in and her barriers no longer work
Photon Barrier nerf: Anything that travels through it has their speed halved
Gravitic flux nerf: Sigma gets propelled up until he dies
Captive sun nerf: blinds Illari and her damage now effects allies
Pulse bomb nerf: homes in on teamates and detonates on them
Ok I think I’m done. The only order is when i thought of the nerfs. I really hope i didn’t miss anything
Nah it would be funny though if Zen’s ult just gave him the increased movement speed
reaper's ult cancels if he takes a single point of damage because that's what it feels like using it 💀
Thank you for having someone create my idea. It was beautiful.
np lol
10:04 i love this idea
I’m so happy they did it.
Kistune rush nerf : when Kiriko or one of her allies lose the Kitsune rush effect (either at the end of the ult of when they get out of the area), they are unable to use their abilities and weapon for 5 seconds.
Gravitic flux nerf : Ennemies who got fluxed don't get slammed, instead they have free flight for 5 seconds. And Sigma does not get free flight during the ult
Captive sun nerf : Emongg calls it the better pulse bomb. So make it a worse pulse bomb : the explosion radius is way smaller and Illari doesn't get free flight during the ult.
Dragonstrike nerf : Make the dragons deflectable (like in the Dragons cinematic) and blockable by anything (barrier/Sigma eat/Orisa spin/DVa matrix)
Valkyrie nerf : Mercy just gets free flight. The rest of the abilities are not enhanced : beam does not chain, GA/staff range/healing from her staff are not increased, no passive healing (outside of the support passive), her blaster has limited ammo and projectiles have the same speed as normal.
EMP nerf : Sombra hacks herself when casting EMP, and the effects last for 50 % longer on her : Ability lockout lasts for 4.5 seconds and she is revealed to the enemy team for 12 seconds. She can't get rid of the hack with translocator (ally cleanses like suzu and Zarya bubble can still get rid of it)
Tactical visor nerf : Can no longer headshot, and Soldier : 76 can't use his abilities during the ultimate.
Duplicate nerf : If the enemy hero Echo duplicated dies, she transforms back. If the copy dies, Echo dies instead of transforming back. And the copy has the pre-season 9 HP of the copied hero : 300 HP for tanks, 50 less HP for non-tank heroes between 250 and 350 HP, 25 less HP for heroes between 175 and 225 HP.
Rally nerf : Brig's shield does not longer increase in HP and size, shield bash can no longer stun and she gets overhealth instead of armor like her allies. Also you can't proc Inspire during Rally. Basically a worse version of what she had before season 4.
Configuration : Artillery nerf : Bastion can take damage from his own ult again, and artillery strikes take way longer to land.
1:27 me too bro... me too.
If cassidy ults and its not 12 o'clock or if he's low to the ground it instantly ends because it's not high noon
i’ve got one for junker queen: during her little dash, she dies if she makes contact with a wall or obstacle (cause she’s running face first into a wall at full speed)
Lucio: He charges his ult 5 times slower and after hitting the ground he... dies XD
Thank for adding “including Juno!” in the title because I definitely thought it was every hero besides Juno
Sombra nerf: makes enemies invisible
Ramattra nerf: nanites heal instead of hurt
Genji nerf: every swing does 10% of their max health as damage instead (and gives them regen)
Pharah nerf: immediately gets grounded (hope you’re not aiming down)
Rein nerf: spawns mei ice wall directly forward from him, so anyone directly in front of him doesn’t get hit
Soldier nerf: just make his ult targeting visual so you have to still aim lol
Bastion nerf: once he ults, he can’t change back to his regular forms. He’s just stuck like that forever lol (but make a way to kill self so you can change/respawn)
Cass nerf: make high noon target slower
Mei nerf: makes the enemies a lot faster
Kiri nerf: kitsune rush now has cars running through it because it looks like a road or something idk just kill anyone and everyone who walks into it ig
Orisa : will fly on to sky like helicopter.
When I was first reading the title, my immediate thought was "but surely he didnt bufd Juno right????"... But I continued reading and was pleasantly suprised to know he DID buff Juno!!!! Thank you for the heads up.
Zenyatta nerf: Make him locked in place for his ult duration
Sombra nerf: EMP affects her too
Lifeweaver nerf: Tree has 12 health.
Reinhardt nerf: The big swing throws his back out and knocks him down
Soldier nerf: He gets kicked from the game for using aim hacks
Sombra ult nerf: her emp is too powerful and it hacks her gun 😓
One buff I've always thought of with junker queen is make it to where if someone gets struck by her ult gets the axe stuck in them then they get pulled towards you like the knife
Ana Nano nerf: Make it a projectile so u have to aim it and if it hits an enemy they get nanoed
Mei Blizzard Nerf: Slows and freezes everybody in the game.
Wrecking Ball Nerf: He becomes one of the mines and can’t move until killed/destroyed or until ult is finished
9:16 Black holes:
Ult nerf idea for Moira:
a)She only can heal
b)she doesn't heal herself
I’ll see if I can do something cooler but this works
@KendelR other idea. Moira ult range is just like her healing spray.
Torbjorn: Heals opponents, damages teammates
possible nerf ideas:
Orisa: takes self damage and isnt fortified
Winton: No health refill and max hp stay at whatever his normal form max hp is
Sojourn: Explodes when the charge reaches 100 due to overload
Lucio: Breaks the eardrums of everyone including himself in like a 20m radius and with that killing them
Hanzo: shouts and shoots a normal arrow because that ultimate makes no sense with there being "no magic" in overwatch
Kiriko: same as hanzo
Mauga: Cage lasts forever and he cant cancel it unless he dies (could be a situational buff but i dunno)
Ana: mixes up her syringes and sleeps the targeted teammate
Ram: "SUFFER AS I HAVE" Everyone gets depressed and cant attack or contest objectives for the rest of their life
I could go on way longer but i think these are enough for now lol
also you simply changed brig into her ow1 launch state
Nerf idea when Reinhardt uses his ult he falls through the map and can't knock down people
For Cassidy, either he can’t use his ultimate on night time maps or his ultimate can’t one shot on night time maps as he says high noon witch refers to the sun being at its highest point
Giganerf Brig: instead of you and your teammates gaining health from Rally, they lose health
A funny one for Cassidy would be giving him an overly long death animation when he dies while ulting. Y’know like how in western movies the enemy will fall down very slowly if they lose a duel. Idk if this is possible though but it would be funny if it is.
Hanzo surfing his wolf would be sick
Mei ult won't actually freeze if the map is in the middle of the day, after all, thats just a refreshing breeze.
That genji one was pretty interesting because you have to aim it right on to get the dash slash combo. But blizzard wouldn’t ever let this happen so :(
Brigs ult now makes all her hp in her shield, her own boddy having 1hp
lucio: would break the sound barrier cuases him to have a seizure
Lucio's ultimate is actually a very interesting concept.
Gotta remember wearing a mask in the nuclear fallout, it sure will help
Baptiste nerf idea: It’s just a window, you can’t shoot through it, just look through it
After ult, Rein is unable to do anything except shield until his shield breaks
Edit: another idea is that it makes you look at the nearest hole in the map and charge
Illari ult only kills her teammates, aka her family. This also leaves her very sad, meaning she can’t do any damage or use any abilities for 3-5 seconds afterwards
Junker Queen: Instead of giving them an Anti Nade effect, give them the Double Healing effect during her ult
Mauga: His ult just hits himself, meaning it’s really small
Nerf idea for Sym: She just places one Ramattra shield.
For venture ult nerf make it so when they say “Excavation Initiation!” They initiate an excavation and dig their way to the earths core and die
11:06 Yo thats me
Rein's shatter now aim's backwards and only stuns teammates, bonus if you replace the shatter animation with him farting.
Orisa ult nerf (if possible): Deals damage over time based on a percentage depending on her primary fire overheat meter when casting her ultimate.
Lucio ult nerf: 1st idea: His ult now affects enemies giving them shields, could also make it so lucio’s healing and speed buffs also affects enemies after ult. 2nd idea: Lucio has a really bad taste of music and will put his teammates to sleep when he ults
Baptiste Matrix makes you take the amount of damage you deal through the window
Ramattra ult nerf : now the aura of the ult heals enemies.
For Lifeweaver nerf, it takes a long time for trees to grow normally so his tree of life won't spawn in until like an hour after it was casted
If this was super possible i would do it lol
echo: when she duplicates someone, she cannot use any abilities or ultimate
Love to see my sombra suggestion in the gamemode
Lucio ult nerf
Reduce gravity to 10% while you use it until you hit the ground
(Itll take ages to hit the ground, and will have to do it preemptively or do it onto higher ground to counter ults and stuff, as well as able to be shot down)
Illari ult nerf: Having the ult active deals heavy burn damage to yourself since you’re holding a sun in your hands
Sigma has schizophrenia, when he uses his ultimate he spins rapidly
Bastion all the shots fire at once
Cassidy ult nerf: he gets 1 hp, becomes SIGNIFICANTLY larger, and gets blinded.
King Kong Winton!! 😋
Winton nerf: Jump pack doesn’t make you jump that far anymore
Cassidy nerf: If he get shot while ulting, he technically loses his Cowboy duel and instantly drop dead, even if it’s 1 hp.
Echo nerf:
If duplicate target is moving => event player allowed to move
If duplicate target is holding primary fire => event player primary fire allowed
If duplicate target dies => event player dies
If duplicate target does nothing => event player does nothing.
If duplicate target has status => event player has status
(If I get duplicated, my guy, I’ll jump off the map 😊)
Wrecking ball nerf: when ult, modify size of ball to be very small and make him be stuck as the middle bomb the whole ult duration. He just stuck there doing nothing. If anything, if someone blow up the middle bomb, he gets freed. Could cook it up with a ray cast magic? Idk what I’m asking for with this one.
Doomfist nerf: will be stunned and fall through the earth upon landing and damage anyone of his team if they are in radius of landing.
Some of my ideas
Ana kills her nano boosted team mate
Baptiste’s window heals enemies
Cassidy just dies (speeds up the regular process)
Doomfist jumps up in the air forever and will not come down
Diva’s bomb will only do damage at under 3 metres
Lucio gets a noise violation and is sent to prison
Genji’s ult is unchanged from the base game
Mercy can’t fly
Moira can only heal
Roadhog has to clean up all the scrap he leaves after
Sigma has a 90% chance to have his ult randomly cancelled due to the voices
Symmetra’s wall has 1 hp
Venture’s ult’s cone is even narrower
Zenyatta transcends from the earth and dies
The ram nerf should be that the purple tendrils only attach to one person in a shorter radius and lasts half as long.
1:20 A-10 Thunderbolt II "Brrrrt"
R.I.P Tire does 25% Damage and sets enemies on fire for 5 seconds dealing 20% of the damage dealt per second which ends up doing the same amount as the explosion. So at max you will deal 50% of normal R.I.P Tire (300 damage) with only half being burst (150 burst + 150 dot).
Hearing you say milf mommy wad so hard to listen to
But I 100% agree
hi, big fan of your work, ive been looking at ur tutorial, i was just wondering if you could make another tutorial explaining how you have done this project (sorry for my english im french) thank you and have a good day!
i would genuinely keep bastions,brigs,dooms,genji,junks,junos,kiri,lucio,mei,moira,pharas,reapers,soujours(with tweaks),sym, tracer,i also always thougt that whats widow could do so keep widow,winston,hamster,zen like beinf fr
Ashe nerf idea:ramattra got to bob, he rebels against everyone but ashe, so he friendly fires like your tank and supports
Orisa ult nerf - She loses her ancient javelin skills and now deals self damage at an increased rate
Giga nerf Sombra: devs beat you to it. But for her EMP to giga nerf it even more, make it remove everyone’s Ult progress including your own teammates. Everyone starts at zero again.
So basically Doom is similar to Jeff and Reaper is similar to Storm, both from Marvel Rivals
Tracer nerfed pulse bomb: She can only stick it onto teammates and herself or her bomb is so slippery that she always drops it
Widowmaker nerfed infra-sight: Instead of revealing enemies, she goes blind
Venture ult nerf: After the first shot, she falls through the floor cause she's just that much of a klutz.
Junk tire nerf: tire “rolls backwards” so the tire always goes backwards but you still have the front facing camera. Technically still the same but it’s just a nightmare to hit anything.
ILLARI IS SOOOO TRAUMATIZED THAT SHE GETS RID OF HER SUN POWERS AND WHEN SHE ULTS HER 'SUN' DOES 1 DAMAGE SINCE IT IS COOLING and also it make lifeweaver faster and get immortality since he got lots of photosynthesis!
I may adjust the idea but it’s cool
@@KendelR Nw!
for Tracer sticky pulse bomb, make it so that she can't let go of the bomb, even with recall
symm nerf idea, cause the ult uses so much hardlight to make such a large wall it should destroy all her deployable, empty her ammo and drain all of her shield health upon casting
During transcendence, Zenyatta does not differ between enemy and ally and heals everyone across the whole map.
Bastion artillery should do damage by helldropping og bastions in their turret form with the shield and that last for the rest of the game or until killed and count as allied heroes too. Would be an epic omnic invasion
The brig change brings back not very pleasant memories
As a Moira main i absolutely approve of her change
Widow ult nerf: she actually gives walls to the enemy team instead of her own, and also her visor covering her eyes makes it where she cant see anything and is totally blind
Doomfist ult nerf: He jumps too high so he breaks his legs when he falls down, taking damage and being unable to move.
for ramattra, just make it do like 250 damage and instantly kill ramattra, he can take someone out of the fight but he dies too
Ram ult nerf: Just make it last 3 seconds without halting the progress by being near enemies
Orisa ult pushes people away from your ult OR gives a supercharger DMG boost to enemies... Or both
For Lucio's giga nerf it would be funny if he got launched way up when ulting.