Fantasy Adventurer Archery Advice | LARP arrow Speed Shooting

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 75

  • @mitchellkarl6382
    @mitchellkarl6382 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yeah I've done archery all my life and really gotten into the speed archery thing too. I picked up lapping about 6yrs back. So if anyone who is reading this wants to know how to knock those heavy larp arrows a bit more quickly here's what I've learned...
    I draw straight from the quiver and instead of flipping the arrow, bring that arrow head to your bow hand. Your fingers open up to accept it while you bring your draw hand back along the shaft of the arrow, pushing it through your bow hand fingers and knock. I've gotten to ok speeds with this method. 5 arrows in 10s hope this helps

  • @Gender_Nightmare
    @Gender_Nightmare 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sweet vid, was also inspired by Lars Anderson vids as a goal to reach for my larpchery. I usually can have 8-9 arrows on me at a time, 4 in my draw hand and then 4-5 in the quiver with the heads facing down going for quality over quantity if you will. Mostly because I've found given the chaotic nature of some larp battles it's more important for me to have greater accuracy than speed, but I want to make sure I have an arrow knocked as quickly as possible to discourage any would be rushers.

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, good points. I recently had a conversation with someone where they made the same point. The threat of having an arrow on the bow, is more powerful than pure speed. So knocking fast is more important than just firing fast. Important distinction, thank you.

  • @thatguyfromaus1
    @thatguyfromaus1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is why I always carry a shield, even when I'm an archer myself!

  • @619soysauce
    @619soysauce 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    For historical context, archers tended to mainly use falchons, hand axes, and knives that they could use the axe to hammer into the visor of helmets to kill wounded men. Most tended to sell swords thst they scavenged off the dead. At least this is what English records show for their bowmen.

    • @nomadicwolf6132
      @nomadicwolf6132 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for that nugget of history!
      Falchon was the first weapon I thought of. Something small enough to be comfortably strapped to your thigh. A parang style blade would be nice for more chopping power, although I don't know how useful that would be in combat. Helps in camping.

    • @619soysauce
      @619soysauce 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nomadicwolf6132 thehistorysquad did an amazing video on what an English bowman took on campaign and its really interesting to see what regular soldiers had access too or choose to use as kit.

  • @dunedainrangers1309
    @dunedainrangers1309 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Great video!
    Lots to unpack here. :)
    First of all, on behalf of everyone who witnesses speed-shooting a la Lars Anderson, the natural question is, how does this work with a heavier bow, i.e., something you'd actually use in battle or hunting.
    Also, notice that historically archers (let's start with Agincourt) wore very short swords if at all, often falchions and the like. These won't interfere with archery. Longswords of course, were worn by a different class of warrior. Of course, in Middle Earth Ranger Reenactment, we assume a longsword with a longbow. :) Viggo had a VERY little bow (and it was a movie prop) and he used it only once in the movie. I don't think he carries a bow at all in the books. :)
    And a fine point for your archery: as you nock your arrow, you're looking at the bow instead of the target; you CAN learn to nock your arrow while keeping your eyes on the target. I suggest that's a good skill to develop.

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      All excellent points! I do plan on making my own bow, my heavier recurve doesn't allow for left handed shooting. Through this maybe we can discover a bit more about how realistic the movie Aragorn is and what would need to change if not! :) I've seen lots of "self bows" that are around 3 feet but still theoretically powerful enough to hunt with. The question is, can you speed shoot. As for aiming without looking at the bow, definitely a skill I'm developing. Much easier when not on camera ;)

    • @Ozarkwonderer
      @Ozarkwonderer 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism i

    • @Ozarkwonderer
      @Ozarkwonderer 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ive just come aross the speed shooting scene an have begun practicing it with bows of various lengths pulls and weights that i have made. And i do believe speed shooting is possible with a hunting weight bow...ig 49 to 50 pounds. But not necessarily with a full war bow draw of 100 plus pounds. You can get up to a good rate of fire. But i doubt you could juggle several arrows in the hand and also pull a "heavy" bow.
      But this is also situational i beleave. Stealthy mobile woods sniper vs a heavy battlefield arrcher

    • @andrewlustfield6079
      @andrewlustfield6079 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@LivingAnachronism This is an interesting discussion you've launched into here. It's actually something I've given quite a bit of thought and research to. Most fantasy adventurers, at least ones who are even remotely successful will probably have some kind of mount, which is where you'd carry bags of arrows. As far as side arms, yes arming swords and falchions are easier to carry and still be able to draw a bow. The longer hilt of a long sword makes this problematic, as you've discovered. I would imagine archers also being quite adept at sword and buckler style of fighting, which you see well covered in many treatises. In LTOR, I just assumed the bow Aragorn used was a composite war bow in the mines of Moria, which would have been plenty to get the job done. For instance, an ash long bow can have up to an 80lbs draw weight as I understand it, beyond that and you start getting cracks in the bow. The problem you encounter with smaller flat bows is that they don't have the penetration needed to penetrate mail armor. Tod, from Todd's workshop is doing wonderful experimentation with arrows vs armor. It's well worth a watch. It's one of those things I wish we would see a lot more of in movies--arrows bouncing off armor. From a fantasy role playing aspect, I've come to a place in my games where a character needs a 15 or greater strength just to be able to draw a war bow, and lesser bows take real penalties against opponents clad in mail or better armor.
      That said, really interesting channel. You've earned a subscriber.

  • @leman7277
    @leman7277 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Hi, I'm from a russian larp archery community, and I have been busy over the past 2 years actually exploring very similar concepts, techniques and forms of application, it is fascinating, although somewhat expected, to see larp archers around the world ask themselves the same questions. If you are interested we can exchange more indepth experience in private messages, with examples of set ups i have been able to arrive at as a result of a 2 year search for what works. As to the substance of the video, a couple of things that I think are very important to take into consideration when thinking about the larp bow, sword etc. 1) in what scenario does the sword come out, if you are intending to fight of a charging opponent, I have found through practice that there is simply no time to ditch bow/draw sword, unless you are aware that the charge is happening and start rearming while he/she is at least 4/5+m away, but at that range you can still take them out with a bow, so it's a chicken and egg game, take the chances with the final shot or take a chance with fencing them, or at least holding them with your sword until your buddies take them out if you are in the back of a squad. A different scenario is when you are out of arrows and then choose to switch to close combat rather then searching for arrows, in that case it doesn't matter where the sword is, and how long it takes to draw because you pick the time and safe place to rearm. 2) if you are talking about quick drawing from a larp quiver and using a short bow, through ample practice I have arrived at an interesting technique where I would (first preferably get a slightly lower quiver, but it would work with your one as well) swivel the quiver more to the front where it's resting on the front of my right hip rather then behind it, I would go to pick the arrow with my bow hand first, getting it where I need it on the bow, and then as I draw it out with the bow hand, I would guide the nock with my arrow hand (right hand if you are right handed). This allows a faultless quick nocking technique because there is no "balance" element to it. I have arrived at this method as a result of multiple fumblings with the arrow amidst a battle, it's easy to learn and handle the "balance" nocking in a calm scenario of home/range practice, but as soon as you are running/ducking/aiming, eyes fixed on target, it becomes a 50/50 game. Not saying it doesn't work out with enough practice, I'm saying it doesn't work consistently, this is yet amplified by the quiver moving, at home you get comfy with it's position and can draw/nock quick, but running and gunning it always moves, breaking the habbit, and making balancing a gamble more then a reliable tool. With the bow hand nocking I was able to get to a steady speed of 1 arrow per 3 seconds with full draw, sometimes a bit faster, but not reliably, with half draw especially. I would very much like to know more about your experience and share mine if you find it valuable, or explore various options together. Excuse the long worded comment, just got very excited with finding someone who is exploring the same subject as I am, half the world away :)

    • @neivisancho2978
      @neivisancho2978 หลายเดือนก่อน

      With the bow it doesn't matter whether you are a right-hand or left-hander, but with which eye you see better.

  • @Helliconia54
    @Helliconia54 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    hmmm If you were an archer then your secondary weapon would most likely have been an ARMING sword and NOT a two handed long sword. The grip would NOT have got in the way.

  • @IodoDwarvenRanger
    @IodoDwarvenRanger 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Very cool :)
    I wish I had a basement big enough for archery, and I wish my local archery club didn't forbid shooting from the so called "wrong" side of the bow, apparently it's dangerous, but at some point I'm going to find somewhere to try it

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Dangerous? No no. Surely I'm preaching to the choir, but all you have to do is slightly change your point of aim. I hope you are able to find somewhere to practice freely!

    • @IodoDwarvenRanger
      @IodoDwarvenRanger 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism I know, according to insurance anything that isn't normal is dangerous by default :(

    • @IodoDwarvenRanger
      @IodoDwarvenRanger 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@neoaliphant I know, although there is none of that near me but I have an archery club in my town, Also my grandparents back yard seems to make a decent range, that's where my archery video's have been filmed

  • @khodexus4963
    @khodexus4963 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is very interesting to me. This gives me some food for thought for a sample character I've designed for my game, a dwarf who carries a ritual warhammer (worships the god of the forge) and a recurve bow. His quiver is sizable and carried on the side like the one you've depicted (I actually used one of Shad's quivers for reference), and the warhammer is carried on the other side of the waist. This weapon might be a little heavier than your sword, but it's overall dimensions are smaller so I don't know if it would get in the way as much. I might point out that as a cleric, both the hammer and bow are backup/utility weapons since he invokes primarily divine prayers in combat. Its also worth noting that the weight of both pieces of equipment is not on the belt itself, but on straps over each shoulder, which also go under his belt, in the style that Roman legionaries carried their gladi.
    But as I said, some things for me to consider. Thanks!

  • @hunterbarnett2141
    @hunterbarnett2141 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    9:00 My brother and I were shooting LARP arrows at each other and I caught his arrow a fired it back at him.

  • @adriandavis3931
    @adriandavis3931 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome vid, thanks. Looks like some fun.

  • @marinaboy
    @marinaboy ปีที่แล้ว

    amazing video, also if i encountered a LARPer doing this I would nope the Eff out of that area and fight someone else lol

  • @FattyMcFox
    @FattyMcFox 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If i showed up at a larp and people Lars andersoned larp arrows at me, i would throw birdseed at them because i always play as a wizard. And when i say throw birdseed, i don't mean a handfull, i throw 30 pound bags of it. There is a reason i am not invited to larps anymore.

  • @amara8092
    @amara8092 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a question where did you get your clothes from?

  • @saul94923
    @saul94923 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you don't mind having a bare blade I would highly recommend a hook back scabbard, better for larp weapons but lots of fun to use. You got me curious about archery now. My ranger uses throwing knives atm and a two hander, so a bow for long long range engagements would be cool.

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If you watch Shadiversity, I am actually making a leather "Shabbard" for my larp sword, that will be a video sometime as I find the time to finish it. Bows are cool, but make sure your larp doesn't have really strict rules about the types of arrows you can use. Mine doesn't allow home made larp arrows for instance.

    • @saul94923
      @saul94923 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@LivingAnachronism his most recent video actually covered the new and improved model. I like hook scabbard simply because it's just for larp. I feel like I would want Shads if I had an actual weapon.

  • @kstarwalker4905
    @kstarwalker4905 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    For me, My sword and knife /swords on my hip and arrows on my arrows on my back beacause, I find my hand near my back, so I'm able to be faster with archery and I'm able to use my blades at a moments notice too because of my fighting style. P.S. What's your fighting style with your adventuring gear on?

    • @stormlewis5214
      @stormlewis5214 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dude you're so cool 😲. I'm being serious rn

  • @Blondie42
    @Blondie42 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love 🏹 but I would misuse those LARP arrows something fierce. Being a playful smartass I'd want to swing them around like a mace. And deliberately jab people with them, while holding it. 🙃😉

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is tempting. They have some good weight to them!

  • @mansfieldtime
    @mansfieldtime ปีที่แล้ว

    The best way to discover what works for you is a personal obstacle course over everything you might encounter.

  • @cheersbro7347
    @cheersbro7347 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorry for commenting on a video thats 10 months old (cuz you may improved a lot since than) but dont you think you should pull back the string further back? Shad said a warbow is needed for an adventurer and I disagree. I think a lighter draweight bow is much more practical for someone who travels a lot and you rarely need the power of a warbow. But you rarely pull back the string even near your ear. Honestly Im a noob I dont know much about archery. I only tried it like less than 10 times in my life (its a shame since I hungarian so I should know some recurve bow skills) but I think those shots wont stop an uruk.

    • @alexanderflack566
      @alexanderflack566 ปีที่แล้ว

      ...have you _seen_ the Monster Manual for D&D? Half the things in there wouldn't be tickled by a 50# bow.

  • @brynmarcum1031
    @brynmarcum1031 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you wanna shoot your bigger recurve try left handed

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I practice left handed with my smaller bow, the arrow shelf on my normal recurve actually makes any moderately quick style of archery very difficult. I might put it in a video one day.

  • @OurAdventuringParty
    @OurAdventuringParty 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video, I Iearned alot! But some of stuff you do here would get all of our archers pulled up on safety by our refs. Archery is probably one of the most dangerous aspects of larp, and some speed shooting techniques would give our insurers a field day. :(

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Very true. All depends on where you are. Follow your rules, practice discretion and saftey first!

    • @OurAdventuringParty
      @OurAdventuringParty 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism Exactly! I've subbed btw, looking forward to the next one!

    • @crunchydragontreats6692
      @crunchydragontreats6692 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism I hope you’ll pardon my ignorance here. I am not familiar with LARP combat and rules.
      I’m assuming here that rate of fire is the issue with speed drawing that makes it “reckless”. If the rate of fire is the same between two archers, wouldn’t the one doing a speed draw be more accurate, given that they have more time after nocking the arrow to aim or choose an opening on the target? Would this still make doing a speed draw worth doing, even if you had to limit the rate of fire?
      Grab your ketchup and crunch away my friend.

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@crunchydragontreats6692 I think it depends on the rules for each game and how the marshals feel about it. At a certain point, even if it isn't provably safer one way or another, the majority opinion wins out. I'd argue that while safety is important, by virtue of launching any projectile at another person, the risk of injury can only be mitigated so much, and by playing a character who is a combatant, you have to accept that it may result in personal injury. Since my videos are technically about nocking faster, not the speed at which you loose your arrow or increasing the speed of the arrow itself, I think you are correct that one who knocks more quickly will have more time to aim. This makes for an interesting discussion, since larp rules do tend to prohibit "shot gunning" your strikes with a sword, since larp swords are lighter and faster, though arguably, larp arrows are heavier and therefore harder to shoot quickly, even with speed loading, so I'm not sure the same line og logic applies.

    • @crunchydragontreats6692
      @crunchydragontreats6692 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism Thank you for the response.
      I do hope that this discussion does continue. Hopefully, it will lead to a valid argument for the implementation of your technique in LARPs world wide. If nothing else, it may lead to a strong argument that you can present when you implement it in your LARP.
      Happy hunting.
      Thanks again for the great videos.
      Grab your ketchup and crunch away my friend.

  • @KanchoStar
    @KanchoStar 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    maybe not in european context, but historically korean soldiers had both bow and sword equipped at the same time

    • @Glimmlampe1982
      @Glimmlampe1982 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      In europe too. Just not longswords, but one-handed arming swords

  • @Islanderjr
    @Islanderjr ปีที่แล้ว

    Where can I get that bow? What's the name?

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The larp bow is just a cheap kids fiberglass bow with brown duck tape on it. Good for a first larp bow because the poundage won't hurt anyone and I was still quite young when I bought it, but you could do/find much better bows

  • @justinsmith5016
    @justinsmith5016 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Historically archers side arms were things like Warhammers, picks, and mace's.

    • @alexanderflack566
      @alexanderflack566 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No, that type of weapon was primarily used by people with heavier armor, given that it lacks defensive utility and has poor reach. English archers tended to use hanger or arming sword and buckler, while in other places it was usually some type of sword local to the area paired with a buckler or small shield. The exceptions to this that I'm aware of are heavy cavalry in the Near/Middle East, the Mongols, and a few other groups in which the higher class of warrior (their equivalent to knights or men-at-arms) also carried bows while fighting from horseback; the more heavily armored of these tended to use maces and such. Samurai started as mounted archers before their battlefield role diversified, and the bow retained a place in their arsenal essentially until the end of the samurai themselves (though they did start to use matchlocks in large numbers as soon as those were introduced to Japan).

    • @justinsmith5016
      @justinsmith5016 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alexanderflack566 I ask this question so I can educate myself better. Do you have source material you are willing to share specifically to the Welsh/English Bowman? I'm very interested in learning more about those groups.

  • @marcusfridh8489
    @marcusfridh8489 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    the bow looks like the racoon recurve from everlox, but with painted limbs.

  • @LokarofWS
    @LokarofWS 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have you watched the Shadiversity video on shooting on the right side? tilt the top of the bow to the opposite side. Keeps the arrow on the bow while drawing. Also, have you tried a thumb draw?

  • @kevinr97
    @kevinr97 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please make an archery video of you just practicing

  • @Ozarkwonderer
    @Ozarkwonderer 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a bushcrafter and looking at a native American approach to archery ... historically speaking. I see the short draw speed shooting a very viable concept in both battle and hunting. Particularly for smaller quicker game you may flush from bushes and such.
    Imagine having to try and shoot a rabbit or bird ,on the run or wing. Getting several fast shots would increase your odds for getting dinner.
    In combat its obvious the advantage it would carry over. Remembering that native Americans didnt have as heavy bows to draw. The same bow would serve in hunting and they weren't contending with armor outside heavy clothing...that is outside early conquistadors.
    In a larp setting for points...flick away my friend. You may start a new trend

  • @rakatika
    @rakatika 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gonna be sad when I run out of vids to binge. Also, I'm becoming more and more interested in LARPing.

  • @bokkenwielderful
    @bokkenwielderful 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If I remember correctly Lars started archery in LARP. So there you go.

  • @RawhideRohirrimAndRanger3777
    @RawhideRohirrimAndRanger3777 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video, can I ask you where you got your bow from?Thank you!

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  ปีที่แล้ว

      This is just a cheap children's fiberglass bow, available at any sporting goods store. It has brown duck tape on it, it was my first larp bow. There's way better/more accurate stuff out there

    • @RawhideRohirrimAndRanger3777
      @RawhideRohirrimAndRanger3777 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism Thanks for the advice!

  • @beksc9209
    @beksc9209 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am only at the beginning of building my kit and have no idea where I'm going with it, but I really appreciate what you said about not getting locked into someone else's method. So true, and so easy to do!

  • @austinhamby3088
    @austinhamby3088 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What bows do you recommend?

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't have enough variety in actual bow brands to recommend a specific product. There are other archery channels that could probably give you a better answer. For this style of shooting, look for bows that don't have an arrow shelf or "bare-bows". Kramer Ammons (coincidental name) has lots of bow reviews.

    • @austinhamby3088
      @austinhamby3088 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism Thank you very much.

  • @fabledzero
    @fabledzero 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm also in New England! What LARPs are you looking forward to returning to?

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Knight Realms is the Larp I have the most experience with!

  • @alainaspivey482
    @alainaspivey482 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome technique to learn and super cool to see it in use with the bulkier larp arrows! I was wondering where you got the quiver, it looks big enough for the amount of larp arrows I carry 😆. Thanks for the awesome content and have a great day!!

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This quiver was hand made by someone who attends the CT larps, and then I bought it from a man who was acting as my "mentor" when I started larping back in like 2010. Calimacil might have some properly sized larp quivers if you are in the market.

    • @alainaspivey482
      @alainaspivey482 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism Thank you!! Have good day!

  • @stormlewis5214
    @stormlewis5214 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I subscribed to shad when he had 700K subs so i wasn't an old fan but this guy is going to be as big as shad some day

    • @LivingAnachronism
      @LivingAnachronism  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you! I hope so, that would be crazy

    • @stormlewis5214
      @stormlewis5214 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LivingAnachronism look at shad, he was making videos about the differences between longswords and really long swords. I hope the best for you.