As a landowner here in Mississippi, there is nothing worse than watching some guy's deer hounds chase deer through my land while I'm trying to hunt with my kids. If you can't keep your dogs on your own land, don't turn them loose!
@@kevinbrooke3478 No, more like chasing deer out of the county! They're not doing anyone any favors. Deer don't just run off their land and stop on mine. That sounds ignorant. What gives you that Idea? Also, when they've only got 80 or so acres and decide to run their mutts, they pretty much ruin the hunting for all the surrounding landowners. That's why dog running is illegal in most states now. When asked why it's not made illegal in the few remaining states where it's not, the game and fish's general reply is that "It's dying a slow miserable death on its own." I agree. Anyhow. Happy hunting! Thanks for your reply!
@@kevinbrooke3478 Do you really believe that the deer simply just run from THEIR land onto mine and stay there from then on for me to hunt? You clearly don't actually own land!
@ actually I own 630 acres in dog country . I know exactly how it works. Someone moves in buy 5.3 acres surrounded by 1000s of acres of land that’s been dog hunted for 100 years or more and starts posting videos of dogs running through their property running “their” deer away . No my land is not club run but I do let them come in twice a year and run it. No when dogs come through it doesn’t mess up my hunt if I’m not hunting with club. I’ve had packs run a chase through entire property and killed a mature but hour later coming through normally . The deer in dog country have more than adapted to how it works . He’ll I’ve watched deer feeding just watch as a chase went by within 100 yards. It’s pressure that changes them no different than the massive man drives in non dog states. I’ve hunted in Iowa, Wisconsin and Ny with family and also been in on their drives where there’s 10-20 drivers and name amount of standers . Now yes there are some guys doing it outlaw style just like there’s guys baiting , road hunting , trsspsssing , night hunting and everything else can also bet your ass real houndsman report them or confront them if seen doing the outlaw bs
@@kevinbrooke3478 I own about 2000 acres myself. There is no place for dog running or any other foolishness on any of my land. YOU can bet YOUR ass that real deer hunters don't need dogs to kill deer. Thanks again for your reply!
Outstanding video! I think you speak for many of us who hunt and respect others right to hunt. However, the lack of respect that I have encountered by some who hunt deer with dogs. I grew up hunting Quail with English Setters and still/stand hunting deer. I have always loved the skill of trying to identify the movements of the deer I want to hunt. I am extremely fortunate enough to now live on more than 30 acres in a rural area of Central Virginia. It is extremely irritating to put in the time and energy to set up on my own property, only to have deer dogs run across my property and disrupt my hunt. Not only that, but my wife and I have non-hunting dogs or our own and we walk those dogs around the property on a daily basis. Those dogs are trained and where training collars so that we can keep them under our control. When those deer dogs run through our property, including coming up around our house, it riles up our dogs. This is NOT OKAY. The first time I spoke with one of the deer hunters about their dogs, I tried to explain that one of the dogs, in particular, may kill or maim one of their dogs during an encounter. The response I got was, "Well, that wouldn't be your fault." Yeah, no kidding. But I don't want to see that happen. One of the other problems is that the landowner beside us only allows three hunters on their property. That hunter belongs to one of the local hunt clubs, so they cut the dogs loose on that land. The have absolutely NO CONTROL over where those dogs go. During a conversation with one of those club members a few days ago (New Years Eve day), he told me they had put out 20-25 dogs earlier that day. WTH?!? Those guys must not pay any attention to what really goes into wildlife management and what a bonus it would be in Virginia to STOP that kind of hunting. That causes an incredible amount of stress on the animal AND interferes with the ability for the deer to get bigger and older (specifically the bucks). These guys and gals line up right along the road and stay within feet or a few yards from their trucks, with their shotguns resting on a fence or on their shoulder, waiting for a deer to run across the field. Having a long and extensive history with firearms and a complete knowledge of ballistics, I know the limitations of buckshot range and penetration. This type of hunting results in countless deer being injured, but not killed, and then dying somewhere else. I know this from finding dead deer during hunts I have been on. When I see kids being taught to hunt like this rather than being taught how to get out in the wilderness and learn about the outdoors and wildlife management, I think about how my father taught me to respect the outdoors and how to explore the woods and look for signs of various animals. Like you said, only kill what you need to for food. Hopefully, something more will be done through legislation, but I'm not holding my breath. I was told the man representing the area in which I live grew up hunting deer with dogs.
I grew up in SW Missouri and I was allowed to use the property all around me. It was almost like all the neighbors took care of and used each others land for various things. So when I bought land in Gloucester County VA it never phased me when hunters hunted it. I even have a game camera and stand on the property that ain’t mine. So I don’t mind, but at the same time I’m sure if they were causing problems I would feel differently. Just have some respect you’re absolutely right.
I was raised hound hunting and still hunting as well, due to the county were I was born where it did not allow hounds for deer. We travelled to a county where we had permission on all the land around, to hunt with hounds. Later in my life (11 years old), we moved to another county where I currently reside and we hound hunted for deer, I have raised both my daughters, both still hunting and hound hunting. Here is the hanger, after my military service, I became a law enforcement officer in the county, and I learned the "right to retrieve" language. I never really understood it, why can't one just drive up and knock on the door? We never had to worry about that, our hounds would run the deer through the property or the deer would circle and come back for some reason or another, or our dogs would come out on their own. Most land owners around the area at that time were a pleasure to deal with about hunting and openly gave us permission. We never have nor do we drop dogs on another's land without permission to hunt the land. We've been hunting some of the same property for over 40 years, its shrinking, no doubt. We have tracking collars, we only have 3 or 4 dogs now. Our dogs enjoy the chase, we do our level best to keep them out of subdivisions, and off other property. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The issue here, is the board is not willing to do anything to mediate, or set into action a plan to protect the property owners, or the hunters like my family and friends. There are groups that don't give a hoot about your land or my land for that matter. They will drop on my land that I have permission and blow 20 dogs through a subdivision, and who looks like the bad guys??? Then again there those that "own everything", I can be stopped on the shoulder of a state road near a subdivision and they "own everything" and I cant be where I am... On a state road trying to keep our dogs out of the road, or going onto another person's property... Sadly there are bad apples on both sides of this coin. The non action of the board to empower both sides and to help regulate both sides is insane. I think more can be done and more should be done. I also think this should not just be limited to deer and bear hound hunting, all hunting with dogs. There are more complaints with open field trial fox hunts that deer hunting. I enjoying listening to the hounds in a race, no doubt. I used to coon hunt, beautiful sound echoing through the night. I've also almost hit, 10 to 15 fox hounds in the road lingering around waiting to be picked up, each with at least 2 tracking collars on them. I am for fair regulations that protect the sport of hound hunting, while protecting the property owners.
TN deer hunter and landowner here. We have a neighbor that horseback hunts with foxhounds. They have ZERO respect for others lands, livestock, or pets. They have even ripped down no trespassing signs, and have been caught galloping their very expensive horses through our pastures. Their hounds run EVERYTHING including our cattle. I am a dog lover, but really really damned tired of this sh!t, especially when sitting in a stand during archery.
I am a land owner, I own tree parcels in tree different county . I do not want hound on my property, I paid taxes I paid lot of money for the land.Were is my justice? I am a hunter for many years. No dogs!!!!!!
How hard would it be to get out of the truck and make an effort to stop your hounds before they get on someone's property that you know doesn't want them? I am referring to hunting season when the dogs are equipped with GPS collar that relays the dog's location, direction and rate of speed to the handheld receiver on a lanyard around the owner's neck and the big screen monitor in the truck. Wouldn't this make the issue go away? I understand all bets are off after hunting season when the collars are removed and your beloved family members are on a journey to overburden the local humane shelters. Why all the dislike for come here's and people in the northern states, aren't they the majority of people adopting the discarded hounds from rescue groups?
I live in pa where it’s illegal to use dogs for deer hunting other than tracking. So I don’t have a “dog” in this fight 😂 But, I can understand someone’s frustration when their hunting public land and somebody’s dogs ruin the hunt. It’s legal in some parts of Virginia but not ALL of Virginia from what I understand. Now if I was hunting my own private land in Virginia and dogs ran through, it would be an issue. It does come down to a respect thing. Have enough respect to do better with your dogs. Have enough respect to keep them off private land. I personally wouldn’t use dogs for hunting. I saw a commenter earlier doubt your ability to sneak up on deer. Buddy, you just need to do the homework. Get out there, find the travel corridors, food sources, bedding areas etc. Go HUNT your prey animal. Actively pursue your game. I’ve had deer walk right past me sitting in front of a tree or ground blind. I’m a stick bow hunter so I HAVE to close the distance. I’m also an active flintlock hunter. I take my flintlock all through rifle season and into late flintlock. I hunt strictly on the ground either stalking or natural blinds. Watch Ryan Gill, Clay Hayes or even Fred Bear and I guarantee your opinion will change. There’s always going to be a bad egg in the bunch. But division will be our downfall. The simple answer to this issue in Virginia is do better with your dogs. Plain and simple… private land is not your land… stay off of it… you see a parked car on public land, have some common courtesy and go to a different spot with your dogs. Yes you have a right to be there but what if that person joined you. Got down from their tree stand you walked passed and said fuc$ it I’m gonna follow you. How would you react if they shot everything your dogs spooked? They have a right to be there so you can’t tell them to leave. Just have common courtesy and the issue resolves itself and everybody gets along.
I’m primarily a hound hunter, I have around $10k worth of equipment and countless hours training to control my hounds. I’ve not had a dog anywhere they don’t belong in years. I know not everyone does this, you have bad apples in everything but why should the bad ones cause a full ban for those of us who do things the right way? If still hunters start trespassing problems should there be a full ban on still hunting too? Most of the complaints are from folks like you who purchase a small parcel next to large clubs who have been there for decades. In one part of your rambling you talked about folks moving in and changing traditions which is exactly what your goal is.
@TheBuckAssassin91 You're absolutely right on the first part. The hunt clubs I belonged to in Virginia back in the day did exactly what you do without equipment. No, I am not trying to change tradition but just plea for respect and control of the dogs. I don't hunt with dogs unless I am retrieving something. I respect the tradition up until it tramples on my rights. I do not want to see the tradition destroyed, but if we don't as a hunter work with landowners that "moved" in, it most likely will be. I am on both sides of the fence even though I'm labeled as anti-dog. The numbers for homeowners are growing, and lines are being drawn. Communication is everything, and thank you for this comment. I would love to see your equipment because I believe that is the future for the tradition. Thank you
As a hunter in Southern VA and primarily a bow hunter i have a unique opportunity to see both sides of this argument. The private land i hunt has a hunting club about 3 miles down the road and they own swaths of land plus the club adjacent, they drop dogs from Opening rifle season until the end of the hunting season. I know its a way of life here, generations of have done this and i dont dislike the people but the practice itself. Its not hunting in my eye, its running dogs to shoot at stuff they are hunting. Now with that said the issue i see is if you are running dogs your dogs regardless of the situation should never cross property lines or property you do not have permission to run them on, even if you shoot something or jump something. The prey is no longer on land you have permission on, also it should be illegal for you to drop dogs from the road and push them through other property to get to adjacent property of the club or what not, because now youre impeding everyone hunter in the area not part of your club. Dog running should be restricted to Club lands only and if club land runs adjacent to you private land do not drop your dogs in a way to run that private land and your club land at the same time.
I never had any issues with running dogs back in the 80s and 90s. To many city folks moving to the country. I still don't have any issues running dogs now. Maybe it's because my club has a great repour with the community 🤔.
Wish he would have recorded "sneaking up on a deer with a bow". Wonder if he knows deer see 300 degrees and they see different from our sight. They see the full horizon at 300 degrees and see every movement even when feeding. Unless you are directly behind them? They're going to see you. May have surprised one that was preoccupied with something else. But sneak? I doubt that.
@@steelyankee it takes skill... Sent... Wind direction... Good camouflage... And you move like a deer 🦌... When the head goes down to forage you move. And yes that is my goal to get it on camera. With today's technology I will. Polaroids are just too loud in the woods LOL 😂
I don't know why people can't just live and let live. I am a man and i have dominion over all living things so if i want to take an animal to eat i'm going to because that's part of the reason they are here with us. In having dominion it's up to us men to take these animals in a reasonable way. They are renewable so as long as we don't over harvest, and we manage predators they will thrive for years to come. I have been in a stand and had hounds mess up my hunt before. It's a bit annoying but i wasn't mad. Most of the time deer just make a big circle and if they go very far they will just sneak back in that night after things get calmed down. I don't hound hunt but i have seen it and growing up i did hunt rabbits with hounds. For many people it's just tradition or way of life. Just because it may not be one man's thing he shouldn't attack it. If you give up that right then next time it may be a right to something you enjoy. I think they should have no hounds the 1st part of season. To let guys hunt scrapes and rub lines, food plots and whatever for a chance at the deer they want. Then after things are stirred up, many deer have been taken and the rut has wound down let the hound guys have their time. All hunters need to respect the land and another's property but live and let live like people have done for years and got along. Now days everybody just wants to bash others while 1st they need to look in the mirror.
I don’t know how you video showed up on my feed but I think you are “uneducated” or “inexperienced” to dog hunting. A rabbit dog does not come back to owner to keep from getting shot. Take one freedom and it opens the door to other freedoms.
You just think you should own the woods just like people think they own lakes streams etc because they own the land near it. All animals don't belong to anyone they are God's
I'm sick of it...i hunt public land where youre not allowed to run dogs and guess what happens? the dogs get on the property and thats a wrap. The argument hat kills me is "whats the difference between my dogs walking thru your property and your neighbors dogs walking thru your property", the answer is "intent" my neighbors dogs do not chase deer with the intent to kill....yours do
You really are clueless aren’t you . Out of 17 mounts in my living room alone , 9 were with now couple with BP but the shotgun rifle ones were mostly on lands that are dog hunted while still hunting in the evening after a dog hunt . To many people give up once dogs come through . These deer have been conditioned to it and know if they’re running a deer already they just hold right till gone and go back to whatever they were doing . The ones I really get sick out of are ones with 10-20 acres and then complain about dogs running deer through their property that in all reality doesn’t “hold” a deer while club property has the 1k+ acres surrounding it . . If a hound run a deer to you enjoy the free chase and deer that 99% of time came from another property . Now are there guys doing shady shit ? Sure just like guys shoot them out of cemetery’s with crossbows , at night and trespassing list goes on . End dog hunting and then what’s next , you’ll take out an entire faction of hunters as alot will quit .
@@kevinbrooke3478 let them quit and watch the age class go thru the roof. 3,4 ,5 year old deer would be much more prevelant instead f a 2 year old 75 inch buck being considered a trophy
Then insurance would go up, farmers crops, people’s gardens will go down. It’s a bigger picture than you know dog hunting is just as much as a tradition than your ar-10 on a 200 acre cut bean field or your pile of corn. We can work together but not with that attitude have a good day
As a landowner here in Mississippi, there is nothing worse than watching some guy's deer hounds chase deer through my land while I'm trying to hunt with my kids. If you can't keep your dogs on your own land, don't turn them loose!
@@BigdaddyE71 oh chasing deer off THEIR land onto yours oh the treachery of them
@@kevinbrooke3478 No, more like chasing deer out of the county! They're not doing anyone any favors. Deer don't just run off their land and stop on mine. That sounds ignorant. What gives you that Idea? Also, when they've only got 80 or so acres and decide to run their mutts, they pretty much ruin the hunting for all the surrounding landowners. That's why dog running is illegal in most states now. When asked why it's not made illegal in the few remaining states where it's not, the game and fish's general reply is that "It's dying a slow miserable death on its own." I agree. Anyhow. Happy hunting! Thanks for your reply!
@@kevinbrooke3478 Do you really believe that the deer simply just run from THEIR land onto mine and stay there from then on for me to hunt? You clearly don't actually own land!
@ actually I own 630 acres in dog country . I know exactly how it works. Someone moves in buy 5.3 acres surrounded by 1000s of acres of land that’s been dog hunted for 100 years or more and starts posting videos of dogs running through their property running “their” deer away . No my land is not club run but I do let them come in twice a year and run it. No when dogs come through it doesn’t mess up my hunt if I’m not hunting with club. I’ve had packs run a chase through entire property and killed a mature but hour later coming through normally . The deer in dog country have more than adapted to how it works . He’ll I’ve watched deer feeding just watch as a chase went by within 100 yards. It’s pressure that changes them no different than the massive man drives in non dog states. I’ve hunted in Iowa, Wisconsin and Ny with family and also been in on their drives where there’s 10-20 drivers and name amount of standers . Now yes there are some guys doing it outlaw style just like there’s guys baiting , road hunting , trsspsssing , night hunting and everything else can also bet your ass real houndsman report them or confront them if seen doing the outlaw bs
@@kevinbrooke3478 I own about 2000 acres myself. There is no place for dog running or any other foolishness on any of my land. YOU can bet YOUR ass that real deer hunters don't need dogs to kill deer. Thanks again for your reply!
Outstanding video! I think you speak for many of us who hunt and respect others right to hunt. However, the lack of respect that I have encountered by some who hunt deer with dogs. I grew up hunting Quail with English Setters and still/stand hunting deer. I have always loved the skill of trying to identify the movements of the deer I want to hunt. I am extremely fortunate enough to now live on more than 30 acres in a rural area of Central Virginia. It is extremely irritating to put in the time and energy to set up on my own property, only to have deer dogs run across my property and disrupt my hunt. Not only that, but my wife and I have non-hunting dogs or our own and we walk those dogs around the property on a daily basis. Those dogs are trained and where training collars so that we can keep them under our control. When those deer dogs run through our property, including coming up around our house, it riles up our dogs. This is NOT OKAY. The first time I spoke with one of the deer hunters about their dogs, I tried to explain that one of the dogs, in particular, may kill or maim one of their dogs during an encounter. The response I got was, "Well, that wouldn't be your fault." Yeah, no kidding. But I don't want to see that happen. One of the other problems is that the landowner beside us only allows three hunters on their property. That hunter belongs to one of the local hunt clubs, so they cut the dogs loose on that land. The have absolutely NO CONTROL over where those dogs go. During a conversation with one of those club members a few days ago (New Years Eve day), he told me they had put out 20-25 dogs earlier that day. WTH?!? Those guys must not pay any attention to what really goes into wildlife management and what a bonus it would be in Virginia to STOP that kind of hunting. That causes an incredible amount of stress on the animal AND interferes with the ability for the deer to get bigger and older (specifically the bucks). These guys and gals line up right along the road and stay within feet or a few yards from their trucks, with their shotguns resting on a fence or on their shoulder, waiting for a deer to run across the field. Having a long and extensive history with firearms and a complete knowledge of ballistics, I know the limitations of buckshot range and penetration. This type of hunting results in countless deer being injured, but not killed, and then dying somewhere else. I know this from finding dead deer during hunts I have been on. When I see kids being taught to hunt like this rather than being taught how to get out in the wilderness and learn about the outdoors and wildlife management, I think about how my father taught me to respect the outdoors and how to explore the woods and look for signs of various animals. Like you said, only kill what you need to for food. Hopefully, something more will be done through legislation, but I'm not holding my breath. I was told the man representing the area in which I live grew up hunting deer with dogs.
I grew up in SW Missouri and I was allowed to use the property all around me. It was almost like all the neighbors took care of and used each others land for various things. So when I bought land in Gloucester County VA it never phased me when hunters hunted it. I even have a game camera and stand on the property that ain’t mine. So I don’t mind, but at the same time I’m sure if they were causing problems I would feel differently. Just have some respect you’re absolutely right.
I was raised hound hunting and still hunting as well, due to the county were I was born where it did not allow hounds for deer. We travelled to a county where we had permission on all the land around, to hunt with hounds. Later in my life (11 years old), we moved to another county where I currently reside and we hound hunted for deer, I have raised both my daughters, both still hunting and hound hunting. Here is the hanger, after my military service, I became a law enforcement officer in the county, and I learned the "right to retrieve" language. I never really understood it, why can't one just drive up and knock on the door? We never had to worry about that, our hounds would run the deer through the property or the deer would circle and come back for some reason or another, or our dogs would come out on their own. Most land owners around the area at that time were a pleasure to deal with about hunting and openly gave us permission. We never have nor do we drop dogs on another's land without permission to hunt the land. We've been hunting some of the same property for over 40 years, its shrinking, no doubt. We have tracking collars, we only have 3 or 4 dogs now. Our dogs enjoy the chase, we do our level best to keep them out of subdivisions, and off other property. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The issue here, is the board is not willing to do anything to mediate, or set into action a plan to protect the property owners, or the hunters like my family and friends. There are groups that don't give a hoot about your land or my land for that matter. They will drop on my land that I have permission and blow 20 dogs through a subdivision, and who looks like the bad guys??? Then again there those that "own everything", I can be stopped on the shoulder of a state road near a subdivision and they "own everything" and I cant be where I am... On a state road trying to keep our dogs out of the road, or going onto another person's property... Sadly there are bad apples on both sides of this coin. The non action of the board to empower both sides and to help regulate both sides is insane. I think more can be done and more should be done. I also think this should not just be limited to deer and bear hound hunting, all hunting with dogs. There are more complaints with open field trial fox hunts that deer hunting. I enjoying listening to the hounds in a race, no doubt. I used to coon hunt, beautiful sound echoing through the night. I've also almost hit, 10 to 15 fox hounds in the road lingering around waiting to be picked up, each with at least 2 tracking collars on them. I am for fair regulations that protect the sport of hound hunting, while protecting the property owners.
Yes.. This is the story I hear all the time. Thank you for your input.
TN deer hunter and landowner here. We have a neighbor that horseback hunts with foxhounds. They have ZERO respect for others lands, livestock, or pets. They have even ripped down no trespassing signs, and have been caught galloping their very expensive horses through our pastures. Their hounds run EVERYTHING including our cattle.
I am a dog lover, but really really damned tired of this sh!t, especially when sitting in a stand during archery.
I am a Va land owner and I am 100% for banning dogs !
I am a land owner, I own tree parcels in tree different county . I do not want hound on my property, I paid taxes I paid lot of money for the land.Were is my justice? I am a hunter for many years. No dogs!!!!!!
Same problem here in Mississippi! Why should my land participate in some redneck's dog running?
How hard would it be to get out of the truck and make an effort to stop your hounds before they get on someone's property that you know doesn't want them? I am referring to hunting season when the dogs are equipped with GPS collar that relays the dog's location, direction and rate of speed to the handheld receiver on a lanyard around the owner's neck and the big screen monitor in the truck. Wouldn't this make the issue go away? I understand all bets are off after hunting season when the collars are removed and your beloved family members are on a journey to overburden the local humane shelters. Why all the dislike for come here's and people in the northern states, aren't they the majority of people adopting the discarded hounds from rescue groups?
I teach recall before I train my dogs anything else
I live in pa where it’s illegal to use dogs for deer hunting other than tracking. So I don’t have a “dog” in this fight 😂 But, I can understand someone’s frustration when their hunting public land and somebody’s dogs ruin the hunt. It’s legal in some parts of Virginia but not ALL of Virginia from what I understand. Now if I was hunting my own private land in Virginia and dogs ran through, it would be an issue. It does come down to a respect thing. Have enough respect to do better with your dogs. Have enough respect to keep them off private land. I personally wouldn’t use dogs for hunting. I saw a commenter earlier doubt your ability to sneak up on deer. Buddy, you just need to do the homework. Get out there, find the travel corridors, food sources, bedding areas etc. Go HUNT your prey animal. Actively pursue your game. I’ve had deer walk right past me sitting in front of a tree or ground blind. I’m a stick bow hunter so I HAVE to close the distance. I’m also an active flintlock hunter. I take my flintlock all through rifle season and into late flintlock. I hunt strictly on the ground either stalking or natural blinds. Watch Ryan Gill, Clay Hayes or even Fred Bear and I guarantee your opinion will change. There’s always going to be a bad egg in the bunch. But division will be our downfall. The simple answer to this issue in Virginia is do better with your dogs. Plain and simple… private land is not your land… stay off of it… you see a parked car on public land, have some common courtesy and go to a different spot with your dogs. Yes you have a right to be there but what if that person joined you. Got down from their tree stand you walked passed and said fuc$ it I’m gonna follow you. How would you react if they shot everything your dogs spooked? They have a right to be there so you can’t tell them to leave. Just have common courtesy and the issue resolves itself and everybody gets along.
I’m primarily a hound hunter, I have around $10k worth of equipment and countless hours training to control my hounds. I’ve not had a dog anywhere they don’t belong in years. I know not everyone does this, you have bad apples in everything but why should the bad ones cause a full ban for those of us who do things the right way? If still hunters start trespassing problems should there be a full ban on still hunting too? Most of the complaints are from folks like you who purchase a small parcel next to large clubs who have been there for decades. In one part of your rambling you talked about folks moving in and changing traditions which is exactly what your goal is.
@TheBuckAssassin91 You're absolutely right on the first part. The hunt clubs I belonged to in Virginia back in the day did exactly what you do without equipment. No, I am not trying to change tradition but just plea for respect and control of the dogs. I don't hunt with dogs unless I am retrieving something. I respect the tradition up until it tramples on my rights. I do not want to see the tradition destroyed, but if we don't as a hunter work with landowners that "moved" in, it most likely will be. I am on both sides of the fence even though I'm labeled as anti-dog. The numbers for homeowners are growing, and lines are being drawn. Communication is everything, and thank you for this comment. I would love to see your equipment because I believe that is the future for the tradition. Thank you
As a hunter in Southern VA and primarily a bow hunter i have a unique opportunity to see both sides of this argument. The private land i hunt has a hunting club about 3 miles down the road and they own swaths of land plus the club adjacent, they drop dogs from Opening rifle season until the end of the hunting season. I know its a way of life here, generations of have done this and i dont dislike the people but the practice itself. Its not hunting in my eye, its running dogs to shoot at stuff they are hunting. Now with that said the issue i see is if you are running dogs your dogs regardless of the situation should never cross property lines or property you do not have permission to run them on, even if you shoot something or jump something. The prey is no longer on land you have permission on, also it should be illegal for you to drop dogs from the road and push them through other property to get to adjacent property of the club or what not, because now youre impeding everyone hunter in the area not part of your club. Dog running should be restricted to Club lands only and if club land runs adjacent to you private land do not drop your dogs in a way to run that private land and your club land at the same time.
Mi has no dog hunting during deer season
I never had any issues with running dogs back in the 80s and 90s. To many city folks moving to the country. I still don't have any issues running dogs now. Maybe it's because my club has a great repour with the community 🤔.
Yessir 😊
Just like fishing docks people shouldn't be able to invade your hunt or activity just because they don't like it.
Yeah I was gigging frogs on a pond one time and got run off
Wish he would have recorded "sneaking up on a deer with a bow". Wonder if he knows deer see 300 degrees and they see different from our sight. They see the full horizon at 300 degrees and see every movement even when feeding. Unless you are directly behind them? They're going to see you. May have surprised one that was preoccupied with something else. But sneak? I doubt that.
@@steelyankee it takes skill... Sent... Wind direction... Good camouflage... And you move like a deer 🦌... When the head goes down to forage you move. And yes that is my goal to get it on camera. With today's technology I will. Polaroids are just too loud in the woods LOL 😂
I don't know why people can't just live and let live. I am a man and i have dominion over all living things so if i want to take an animal to eat i'm going to because that's part of the reason they are here with us. In having dominion it's up to us men to take these animals in a reasonable way. They are renewable so as long as we don't over harvest, and we manage predators they will thrive for years to come. I have been in a stand and had hounds mess up my hunt before. It's a bit annoying but i wasn't mad. Most of the time deer just make a big circle and if they go very far they will just sneak back in that night after things get calmed down. I don't hound hunt but i have seen it and growing up i did hunt rabbits with hounds. For many people it's just tradition or way of life. Just because it may not be one man's thing he shouldn't attack it. If you give up that right then next time it may be a right to something you enjoy. I think they should have no hounds the 1st part of season. To let guys hunt scrapes and rub lines, food plots and whatever for a chance at the deer they want. Then after things are stirred up, many deer have been taken and the rut has wound down let the hound guys have their time. All hunters need to respect the land and another's property but live and let live like people have done for years and got along. Now days everybody just wants to bash others while 1st they need to look in the mirror.
@@ForgottenHillbilly Yes... Well said... Respect is everything. Giving up rights goes in both directions as a land owner/Hunter.
I don’t know how you video showed up on my feed but I think you are “uneducated” or “inexperienced” to dog hunting. A rabbit dog does not come back to owner to keep from getting shot. Take one freedom and it opens the door to other freedoms.
I hope virginia bans the use of dogs for hunting.
I agree 100%
Your opinion is comical
You think that's comical stay tuned.
Naw, I'm good
@@christopherpaige406 your opinion is probably biased towards dog hunting
You just think you should own the woods just like people think they own lakes streams etc because they own the land near it. All animals don't belong to anyone they are God's
I'm sick of it...i hunt public land where youre not allowed to run dogs and guess what happens? the dogs get on the property and thats a wrap.
The argument hat kills me is "whats the difference between my dogs walking thru your property and your neighbors dogs walking thru your property", the answer is "intent" my neighbors dogs do not chase deer with the intent to kill....yours do
You really are clueless aren’t you . Out of 17 mounts in my living room alone , 9 were with now couple with BP but the shotgun rifle ones were mostly on lands that are dog hunted while still hunting in the evening after a dog hunt . To many people give up once dogs come through . These deer have been conditioned to it and know if they’re running a deer already they just hold right till gone and go back to whatever they were doing . The ones I really get sick out of are ones with 10-20 acres and then complain about dogs running deer through their property that in all reality doesn’t “hold” a deer while club property has the 1k+ acres surrounding it . . If a hound run a deer to you enjoy the free chase and deer that 99% of time came from another property . Now are there guys doing shady shit ? Sure just like guys shoot them out of cemetery’s with crossbows , at night and trespassing list goes on . End dog hunting and then what’s next , you’ll take out an entire faction of hunters as alot will quit .
@@kevinbrooke3478 let them quit and watch the age class go thru the roof. 3,4 ,5 year old deer would be much more prevelant instead f a 2 year old 75 inch buck being considered a trophy
Then insurance would go up, farmers crops, people’s gardens will go down. It’s a bigger picture than you know dog hunting is just as much as a tradition than your ar-10 on a 200 acre cut bean field or your pile of corn. We can work together but not with that attitude have a good day
Also you are complaining about what happens on PUBLIC LAND??? I bet you see more people than dogs