U.S. Army Ranger School: Benning Phase
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- The mission of the Ranger Training Brigade is to further develop the combat arms skills of Soldiers assigned to units whose primary mission is to engage in a close combat, direct fire battle.
The goal is to develop the finest combat leaders in the military and so we continue our series on Ranger School.
Being a Ranger and being Ranger qualified are two different animals. Ranger school is itself a combat leadership school open to any branch of the military and open to many foreign armies as well. Being a Ranger is being a member of the 75th Ranger regiment. It has its own selection called RASP (Ranger assessment and selection) It is an 8 week course designed to separate those who want to be Rangers from those who think they want to be Rangers. Hope that cleared up any misunderstandings.
That sounds about right...
tanberetO but eventually either way ALL rangers will still HAVE to attend ranger school anyways so it be a better idea for future rangers to get Ranger school for their enlistment contract.
Think? Pffft I know I want to be a Ranger and i’m going to get the tan beret after my senior year so i’m going to train really hard for it because it definitely won’t be easy but i did hear it gets tougher after you earn the tan beret so i have to dedicate my life for this. Thank you for your service and RLTW!!
You are correct.
tanberetO I heard Special Forces are better then Rangers.............
For those of you watching because you want to go. YOU CAN DO THIS. But you need to show up prepared and with the right mindset. Ranger School is a marathon, not a sprint. And it will take real GRIT in order to get your Tab. 👍
My brother said when he was at Sand Hill they would look up and a bunch of Kiowas and Little Birds would go screaming overhead with Rangers hanging off of them. They would disappear beyond the trees and there would be explosions. Then the helicoters would reappear minus the Rangers. He said it was awesome watching this as they ran.
i live in georgia, our insturctor in rotc was a ranger instructor way back.
he was the best ranger in the year 1995
SFC. White Eric
rangers lead the way! hooah!
Stand behind our soldiers. If you dont, feel free to stand in front! i saw this on a bumper sticker
Greatly Inspiring! Living a "life of danger" with patience, strength, and great efficiency!
@Drummerwithagroove well for beginners, tihs is the process of becoming a ranger. u first go to One Station Unit Training at Fort Benning. there you will learn the basics of life in teh Army and also learn how to be an infantry soldier. you learn the basic patrolling stuff there. then youll go to Airborne School to learn how to become a paratrooper. Then you attend Ranger Assessment and Selection Process (RASP- i think thats what it stands for). there you learn to become a Ranger.
true and it made for some stories back at bay
Both Ranger and Green Berets are BA and deserve berets, Both units are exteremly well trained and good at what they do
Oh man, I've always wanted to be a Ranger, my life long dream. I know its a hard title to earn, but I'm not giving up. The training may be intimidating, but that's not going to stand in the way of my passion.
did you go and pass?
Since your post is from 7 years ago, did you do it? Did you achieve your dream and become a Ranger?
Did you live you’re dream ?
You can be assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment as a REMF. If you want to be a Ranger in the Regiment, there's a whole lot more to it than just RASP or Ranger school...
Actually, contrary to popular belief, Rangers are officially Light Infantrymen. They participate in Special Reconnaissance missions, but their main role is direct action as any other Infantryman in the United States Army. The US Army Special Forces are Special Forces. :-P
@anakkapalsedia Recon Does go through Ranger School, yes.. Ranger School is only a stepping stone to Recon Marine Training. Marine Corps Infantry can also go. I'm infantry, and wil try to go to Ranger school in a few short years. After my deployment
When I went through in 05 it was R.I.P. I think what your asking is if you don't have RASP in your contract what will happen after you finish BCT. If it's not in your contract there's a chance, (slim one but it exists) that you can pick one up in OSUT or airborne school. If not they'll put you where they need you. Could be Hawaii, could be the 82nd. You can request it in your contract, just make sure you're ready, Cole range will break you off. RLTW.
company standerds are higher than general army standards
good luck man, im going army within a year and even thats no cake walk.
rangers lead the way...follow me or stay behind..
I was with 2/75 in 81-82, and we had to go through both RIP, and pre Ranger.both done at Ft. Lewis.
@Drummerwithagroove You become a Ranger at RASP. After RASP youll attend Ranger School. i was told that ANYONE can attend Ranger school. its not limited to infantry or Rangers who have gone through RASP. even cooks could go. this is because Ranger School is a leadership course. it doesnt make you a Ranger. Thats the job of RASP. ive gathered this info from research and interviews from Rangers. Im going into the Army to try to become a Ranger, but if u have any questions, feel free to ask.
@DevinChief not true. The Green berets are called U.S army special forces. The rangers are Special operations.
Why are the army and marines so competitive with each other? It's like two brothers fighting.
That's the point
no problem!
Because of budget cuts, good luck getting this school.
Til this day, I still laugh when he says AVERAGE 3 TO 5 HOURS A NIGHT OF SLEEP. 🤣🤣🤣 3 is the MOST we got!
ranger school is over hyped. just got my tab yesterday
Nothing's wrong with video games when you have some free time.
go talk to your chain of command...
U.S. Army Rangers are somewhat "Special Operations." The Green Berets are THE Special Force but the Rangers are basically a heavy Infantry Special Response Team. So I would consider them to be Special Operations.
You should go 69H, really awesome MOS, you are needed and everyone loves you. Too bad it's garrison level only though.
no they are not SF USSOCOM is an acronym for United States Special Operation Command. Ranger are SOF Special OPERATION Command.
@juggernutlouie But are they correctly executed excersises. And do you run in an ACU with a 90Ib ruck, 60Ib IBA, flick, and rifle? Do you do this on little to no sleep and little to no food in the last week? Because it isn't always the poeple who can do the most sit ups, push ups, or pull ups, it's the ones who can keep going and do all that with no sleep, and no food. They are the ones who survive the cut.
@anakkapalsedia i'm pretty sure that only Recon Marines and MSOB Marines are eligible for ranger school.
pride leads to death
@wakeNbakePIZZA green berets and rangers. they are both special forces.
PLT should use squad level a lot in maneuvre's. But obviously you can't use all squad or fire team doctrine equally as PLT.
well yes but also airborne and rangers
Hey you say that but don't you need to go through Ranger School to become a Ranger? I am looking into becoming a Ranger and all signs point to me having to go through Ranger School in order to do so.
i think iam going to take a year off to train before i attempt ranger school
I think both SEALs and Rangers are both pretty badass. You shouldn't compare them they both do their job very well. This is coming from a Marine scout sniper who has actually worked with both branches
Being a Ranger isn't going to Ranger school. Ranger school is a combat leadership course. Being a Ranger is being in the 75th Ranger regiment and that's a different game.
rangers are awesome always wanted to be one infantry just doesnt cut it
I think he meant to say theyre a special operating force.
3:30 That was my CO OEF 2012
do they still sell the "ranger kits" at the Old Ranger surplus store in Columbus?
i recall they were just inside the door on a big table.
@RomeoSixOne They're SOF, not SF... SF are Green Berets.
should i go to 11b infantryman or ranger??
Yeah, I've heard. This process is called RASP, and I've been studying all of this during my downtime. One question, once you go through BCT and Airborne school, and if Ranger School is only optional, then whats next after those two training sessions?
@MrDahve marines can go through ranger school but they don't earn the title ranger because they aren't in the army.
@usindependent50 Who are you? have you completed BUD's? Ranger school? are you even in the army?
Alot of green berets were rangers at one point
@surfbumz ya
Army ranger.....FUCK YEAH
and for the people who think rangers are SF, your wrong. Just highly trained
Rangers are considered special forces just like the green berets.
Darby "Mile"? Didn't it used to be the "Darby Queen" ?
guys i am happy to say i can pass the ranger physical fitness test :D been training for a year now and i finally JUST make it.
Nothing to brag about because i can only do exactly 49 pushups and 65 situps. but yes i did it. sad part is i'm fit (muscle) but i have the worst stamina/cardio vascular system of all time. I literally got worse. So i'm now i'm upping my dose of cardio because i'm going to basic next summer. :p
How’s it going? 👀
Army Rangers in the 75th Ranger Regiment are special operations soldiers, not special forces. :)
that's what he means. Rangers are a special ops unit like SF and Delta.. All of them are special forces in the Army but all have different missions
Were or are you a ranger too?
@VxfreddyVx no shit i worded it wrong. god why must every single little thing be corrected! i'm pretty sure everyone who watches these videos knows the difference. i was accidental i didn't mean to put special forces i meant spec ops. jesus christ.
and your unit is? You in a MEU?
@LteeP every day i do 210 pull ups 150 push ups 200 situps and i run 6 miles in jungle boots and yes i Am only fourteen preparing for a successful military career in the Naval special operations.
Navy Seal's
At 1:55 I thought he was going to drop on the ground..
NVM I just found my answer via yahoo. Thanks anyway.
@cyn33667 Thats the shit that happens in Marine Corps Boot Camp.... I fucking hate burpees and star jumps
ChromeyCN dam right
Those of you who are fighting between Seals, Rangers, and SF might wanna step back and think about how you look like tools. Typically grunts involved in any of the 3 highly respect each other and don't say who is better. Those who typically do are POGs that were attached to us and wear our combat patch.
no they are sof not sf sf is green berets
@Luitenet1 ranger isn't an mos
you weren't in the Army though
50%, not 40%.
Oh Your God, you also said a whole bunch of clueless bullcrap such as rangers cant survive hellweek. and your born a seal and more....
theire also not my friends
Your not a ranger if you pass this leader ship school you need to go to selection (RASP)..however you won’t stay in the 75th if you can’t pass ranger school.
thats what i just said
you think this looks fun i got put on detail cleaning the ranger feilds once at fort benning haha i think they yelled at us more than they got yelled at
lol, I get 4 hours a sleep per day.
Rangers aren't Special Forces. Special Forces are Special Forces. Don't give that guy shit over making a mistake when you turn around and do the same shit. I've been in the Army 7 1/2 yrs. 6 of those in Ranger Batt. I think I'd know if I went through SFAS or not. Besides SF selection is in Camp McCall, not Ft. Benning. We do fall under SOCOM though but so do the 160th Aviation. Are they SF too?
You are seeing thing, no Female has ever attended the Ranger Course.
@juggernutlouie You're fourteen and dissing other branches? You're reeeaal cool dude. You don't have experience with any branch so you can't say shit.
Are you kidding me! Sabbath66 I hope you know that Rangers are a Special Operations Elite Infantry Unit. I Marine grunt pretty much waits for war to happen. Rangers task 2500 Raids a year. What does a USMC grunt do... Nothing unless war comes, so please dont post shit up that you dont know. and 77Musica, I cant believe you are actually talking shit about rangers, RECONs dont even get into firefights often, they scope out the battlefield before, thats about it. Dont say Rangers are shit. There BA
@VxfreddyVx sorry i had to take a shit and so i was really ansy. lol
or a jealous marine haha nah jk we coo devil dogs
Bingo, TB. SF is SF. Ranger is Ranger, & you're not a Ranger if you only have a tab. Sounds like Romeo might need a visit to the million-dollar shitter...
-LRSD/LLVI 95-05
i thought military is only for physical training. real warriors don’t need brainwashing.
I see too many people at MEPS with ranger tabs. I know they're not Rangers, but they're qualified. Quit exaggerating Army, I've seen many women with tabs. you can't base your whole branch to 2300 people.
good for you, but the army standards are way lower than the Corps...your pft is a joke...
boot camp is just the beginning for USMC but once you reach the Marine grunt fleet things become way fucking harder and to be RECON you have to run 3 miles in 18 minutes way faster than piece of shit rangers...
The uniform was to fight wars in the moon .