Thank you for watching! This film is one of seven short films about cycling in Seoul, all filmed during this same trip - you can watch them all here:
As a korean and fixed gear rider, i didn't know that messengers are actually in seoul but since i watched this video i'm really into this guy and his company I think his mindset is so cool, riding bike instead of polluting environments and I regret taking a taxi or electric scooter despite of short distance
I sold my Mercedes 13 years ago and became a Bicycle Rider for my life. I am For 8 Years a fat-bike lover and driving for 4 years the Track Farly 5, which is a monster-Bike in Berlin-Germany in all seasons. If someone asked me to describe Bicycle in one word, I would answer: FREEDOM. I salute you from here for what you do in your beautiful country South Korea and who knows, maybe one day I come there for a long ride across there. Good luck young man and stay tuned.
omg I loved everything about this mini doc. great story, and great videography. Also loved how you can tell he just wants the scene to be bigger cause he WANTS to have a competitor, instead of being like "I´ll be the king of this", hope he does great, Also, just realized I saw your other doc from the girl in Berlin, so nice too. If you ever come to Rotterdam, Amsterdam I know some people with incredible stories too. one is a "retired" messenger but works in a bike shop now and the other still works as a courier now
@@mataiasagm Yes! Exactly. I like that was your takeaway from it. And thank you - there are some extra bits here, if you’re interested: I’m glad Nike stuck in your mind (I’m assuming it was her video). I think (or hope) most people have amazing stories, however big or small they might seem.
Claire this was a lovely doc, thank you for making and putting it out there. Love the message here - this isn’t about life being about choosing what’s “right”, “sensible” or “expected”, it’s about striking out and forging your own path and having the passion, will and determination to try, even if we fail. What’s astounding to me too is that this takes guts at the best of times in western countries like the US where I live. But to do this in a very socially conformist country based on strict hierarchies and expectations in S Korea is HUGE and I think may be a little less noticed by those not super familiar with south Korean culture. Hats off to Eui, not just for striking out and trying to make his dream a reality, but doing so against a back drop that is not necessarily set up to be supportive of entrepreneurial spirit trying something “crazy” like this. Also very telling is Eui’s hope for a competitor - not to have someone to compete against, but to help “grow the scene” and be mutually supportive. If only we all looked at competition in the same way. What a guy, what a story, thanks again Claire!
I'm a bike courier in Worcester, UK. I love it. Sadly, we don't make enough money so I have to go get a proper job. I will continue to ride from time to time because it gets in your blood.
Thanks for the comment. That's a very familiar feeling here for me too in Berlin. I hope you find some kind of balance of money vs. working-on-a-bike joy.
@@DayYytonaI don't understand how he does it. His right foot is off the pedal but he manages to lift the left pedal higher? I guessing this requires that you be clipped in? at 2:27
Seoul was where I started riding bicycle again 12 years ago. Although there are pretty good cycling paths all over Seoul, I agree that messengers were far and few in between. On a different note, the fixed gear scene seems to be alive and well.
Beautiful video of Korean bicycle messenger scene. I'l cyclist in Seoul and agree that Seoul isn't bicycle friendly city. and also competition between motobike couriers etc. I've been following Gig's instagram since their start. and happy to see them growing.
Thank you! Beautiful - that's very kind. What kind of cycling in Seoul do you tend to do? I just put up a ride-around video using the fun bits that didn't make the main documentary, you might like that too -
@@detourrr I do road cycling and Gravel bikes as well. I've been cycling in Seoul for 15 years now. lot of things/environment has changed for cycling communities. And I did go over all the videos you have created. Great series!
@@paolocruz8392Eui Ho Kim used to work in Japan (as you might have heard). It didn’t make the final edit, but he compared Seoul and Tokyo, and iirc he said Japan was more cycle friendly. It sounded like these was a pretty substantial difference? I haven’t ridden bikes in Japan or Taiwan yet. I’m looking forward to doing it!
Watching this video, I realized that the vibes generated by urban cycling are much broader than just getting on a bike. It generates all kinds of emotions and I am very proud that other people share this passion as well. I really enjoyed watching this video, it is very inspiring for me and I wish you much success with your company. Greetings from Corrientes - Argentina
Such a lovely comment, thank you. I think I had similar feelings whilst editing these all together. (There are 6 other short films you can find here if you like: It's really exciting hearing where people are watching from too - it gives a similar feeling of broadness. What's cycling like in Corrientes?
@@detourrr well I started one on my own for a few months here in East London , where I live ..a very small city/town compared to Seoul...I did it awhile as I was out of work... thoroughly enjoyed it and was quite busy ..but , there are lots of motor bikes here doing deliveries ..
@@kentswarroom8919 It must be hard to be competing with motorbikes. But really cool that you enjoyed it so much and got a lot of deliveries. Super nice.
Claire Tayler..... apart from being intrinsically interesting, and Eui Ho Kim being charming and impressive and full of natural positive energy, this creation is very very classy in every respect. the signal-to-noise ratio is excellent! (unusual in the extreme these days, when FX substitute for content). the final on-screen words are "thank you". thank YOU!
Oof, what a compliment. Thank you very much. It really was a coming together of many good things in one, and I’m glad you enjoyed how the final result - all the deliberations during editing - came out.
Seoul is such a delightful city. Surprised they don't have more bike infrastructure built by now, but that is in keeping with averseness to change in the older generation. We have that here in Seattle, too.
Thank you! Appreciate that. It really was a special story to hear. It’s one of a series of seven short films about Seoul cycling culture - here if you want to see more
greeting from Indonesia, i was a bike commuter for more than a decade, i had a job as a bike mechanic, also tried to be bike fitter, now im quite far away from my cycling habit because of hard situations. i didn't regret my choice to chose bicycle as my first form of transformation, and i want to go back cycling again someday.
You've got to keep riding brother! I ride a $25 single speed bike. I keep it going using parts I scavenge. It's the best form of cycling ... the purest.
Love this! I actually made six other shorter films about bike culture when I was in Seoul, and Bike Makes Me Happy - the shop Hacheon Park runs together with his wife Kwihyun Kim - was one of the interviews. You can see it here if you like -
Bicycle culture is so damn big in South Korean why is it the only one Bike Massanger company? I have been hang out with Soul Fixed Gear community some of my friends need a jobs but never got to know this company exists
Love the video.. well made and very interesting...... But Kim should wear high visual colors and have lights on his bike imo because with the amount of riding he has to do daily so is the risk higher. Plus on the high vis he could have advertising about his green messenger service.
there are masks that are used in construction work that provide a stream of constant fresh air to the person wearing it. You have a full face mask and the motor is worn as a belt. It runs the air trough filters before you breath it in and it will run the air out after that so it cools you down and cleans the air. Might be useful in a city like that if your concerned about the pollution.
I think theres always gona be a market for bike messengers in big cities with large cooperate sectors. Highly personal, discreate and stealth delivery of documents
Although I ride a bicycle in the first lane of the Korean road, most drivers hate it when the bicycle moves in the first lane. And the delivery culture became popular after motorcycles took first place. However, with the creation of a delivery app, anyone can participate by walking delivery, bicycle delivery, and kickboard delivery
I'm a courier in NYC, I have a motorcycle (Piaggio,) and I have my Cannondale Topstone 4 gravel bike with slicks. I can make it anywhere faster on my bike than my motorcycle, like if I have a 2 hour window, I can knock out 30+ minutes on my bicycle than motorcycle since I don't have to wait in traffic, and I can go up the opposite sides with not much issue, plus I also lost over 25lbs riding for 2 months riding 5 days a week for 4 or more hours. Ride bike 👍
This is so exciting. I would love to visit Seoul and ride with you. If you go to cmwc Zurich this year, I hope we can meet. I work in NYC currently and have done mess work in Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, and Richmond Va (with one delivery in CDMX). I have yet to visit Asia but Korea would be amazing place to start
@@southernfixed9857 Thanks for the comment! I don’t think Eui Ho Kim will make it to CMWC this year, but the films will be being screened and I’ll be there with a handful of Gig Courier zines, if you’d like one! Say hi to Claire with red hair.
Hah! I think you’re right. I’m just finishing editing a behind-the-scenes which features a “reality of riding a fixed gear up a hill in Seoul” moment. Should be up in the next day or two if you’re interested in seeing more.
@@detourrrIn Seoul, there a hills and then there are hills. I used to ride fixed on the pretty steep stuff in UK near me, but I would’ve struggled with some of the streets around HBC
@@tchmilfan Some of them were humbling! I arrived at midnight pretty jet lagged, built up my bike and went for a ride, and within about 2 minutes was in a thin residential alley going up a steep climb that had me doing a u-turn pretty quickly. I walked it the next day and realised exactly how steep it’d been. Do/did you ride in Seoul a lot? It really helped that I was riding gears whilst filming this! I think Eui Ho Kim’s switched bikes since filming too, and mostly rides a Maverick with gears for day-to-day deliveries now.
각자의 도시와 지리적 환경에 맞춰서 최적합한 자전거로 일을 하는 모습을 많이 봐왔습니다. 픽스드기어는 정비가 쉽고 고장날 일이 적다는 것으로 뉴욕처럼 도시 범위가 작고 주로 평지인 곳에서 많이 사용하는 반면에 스위스나 독일의 알프스 산맥 지역에서는 기어 달린 자전거를 주로 사용하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 제가 개인적으로 느끼기에도 서울은 장거리 배송과 언덕이 많은 도시여서 픽스드기어는 부적합하다고 봅니다만, 체력이 받쳐주고 픽스드기어를 즐기면 충분히 사용해도 좋다고 생각합니다.
@@yakimuo6772 Cool is subjective. Fast, comfortable and safe are objective. My track bikes have been gathering dust since I built my hybrid/mountain bikes to ride around the city.
Must be hard dealing with city riding when it's not even your city contributing the bulk of the bad air quality. China needs to figure out its pollution problem. Ironically their bad economy is reducing vehicle traffic, so that does help in a small way.
저도 서울에는 왜 자전거 메신저가 없을까 생각 했던적이 있는데.. 없지 않군요 ㅎㅎ 한때 남산북악을 거쳐 서울시내 라이딩을 즐겨하며 자동차의 시내 평균속도가 10키로 내외로 자전거의 절반밖에 안된다는걸 알게되었죠.. 서울시내에서 자전거타기는 늘 긴장감을 느끼게 합니다 그래서 더 살아있음을 깨어주죠 ㅎ 근데 궁금한게 왜 변속기없는 싱글기어를 타는거죠? 서울시내 곳곳 경사진곳이 많고 평지에서도 급가속 하기 위해선 기어비가 큰게 유리하고 평지에서 빠르게 가야할땐 그 반대기어가 필요하지 않아요? 시내에서도 순간순간 50키로 이상 속도를 내기 위해선 고단기어가 필요할텐데요? 단순함과 경량에서 오는 잇점도 있지만 다단변속기에서 주는 잇점이 훨씬 큽니다 한편으로 그런자전거를 고집하는건 겉멋든것처럼 보이기도 합니다 늘 안전하게 주행하시고 사업 번창하길 바랍니다
말씀하신 것처럼 겉멋도 있습니다. 그러나 단순히 효율적인 방법 이상으로 제가 즐기면서 만족감과 성취감을 느끼기 걸 더 중요하게 생각해요. 약속된 배송 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 한해서 말이죠. 영상은 평평하고 교통체증이 혼잡산 사대분 안에서 촬영하였기 때문에 고정기어로 촬영하였고(제가 제일 좋아하는 자전거이기도 하고) 배송 주문이 장거리거나 언덕이 많은 코스를 지나면 로드로 가곤 했습니다. 그래서 당시에도 로드바이크와, 현재는 그래블바이크와 함께 하고 있습니다:)
I was also surprised to hear that there wasn’t a messenger culture in other South Korean cities. It’s how this entire project started - we were travelling around different cities by bike, and asked Eui Ho Kim if he knew any other bike messengers in any other cities. And he said, “No, it’s just us!” Which surprised me. It’s been very interesting seeing where cycling (in general) is flourishing in Seoul and how it still hopes to. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I got the impression that Seoul is somewhat leading in terms of cycling culture in the country, too?
Thank you for watching! This film is one of seven short films about cycling in Seoul, all filmed during this same trip - you can watch them all here:
"As long as you don't give up, you'll change the world someday"
Thank you for this gift
Such a precious line to be told. Happy it stood out to you.
As a korean and fixed gear rider, i didn't know that messengers are actually in seoul
but since i watched this video i'm really into this guy and his company
I think his mindset is so cool, riding bike instead of polluting environments
and I regret taking a taxi or electric scooter despite of short distance
자전거 만세
there is a certain romance (for me) about being a bicycle courier. the flow and dynamics between man and machine; weaving through the streets...magic.
magic, mojo ,, whatever ... pray to god and remember the force ✊ 🥹
Like a pebble thrown into the pond, the world is already changed in atleast a small way from your initiative. Great doco and best of luck always.
Lovely image. I always felt, as he talked, that even if Gig didn’t last, its existence in itself was a success already, just from being.
I sold my Mercedes 13 years ago and became a Bicycle Rider for my life. I am For 8 Years a fat-bike lover and driving for 4 years the Track Farly 5, which is a monster-Bike in Berlin-Germany in all seasons. If someone asked me to describe Bicycle in one word, I would answer: FREEDOM. I salute you from here for what you do in your beautiful country South Korea and who knows, maybe one day I come there for a long ride across there. Good luck young man and stay tuned.
omg I loved everything about this mini doc. great story, and great videography. Also loved how you can tell he just wants the scene to be bigger cause he WANTS to have a competitor, instead of being like "I´ll be the king of this", hope he does great,
Also, just realized I saw your other doc from the girl in Berlin, so nice too. If you ever come to Rotterdam, Amsterdam I know some people with incredible stories too. one is a "retired" messenger but works in a bike shop now and the other still works as a courier now
@@mataiasagm Yes! Exactly. I like that was your takeaway from it. And thank you - there are some extra bits here, if you’re interested:
I’m glad Nike stuck in your mind (I’m assuming it was her video). I think (or hope) most people have amazing stories, however big or small they might seem.
Claire this was a lovely doc, thank you for making and putting it out there. Love the message here - this isn’t about life being about choosing what’s “right”, “sensible” or “expected”, it’s about striking out and forging your own path and having the passion, will and determination to try, even if we fail.
What’s astounding to me too is that this takes guts at the best of times in western countries like the US where I live. But to do this in a very socially conformist country based on strict hierarchies and expectations in S Korea is HUGE and I think may be a little less noticed by those not super familiar with south Korean culture. Hats off to Eui, not just for striking out and trying to make his dream a reality, but doing so against a back drop that is not necessarily set up to be supportive of entrepreneurial spirit trying something “crazy” like this.
Also very telling is Eui’s hope for a competitor - not to have someone to compete against, but to help “grow the scene” and be mutually supportive. If only we all looked at competition in the same way. What a guy, what a story, thanks again Claire!
I'm a bike courier in Worcester, UK. I love it. Sadly, we don't make enough money so I have to go get a proper job. I will continue to ride from time to time because it gets in your blood.
Thanks for the comment. That's a very familiar feeling here for me too in Berlin. I hope you find some kind of balance of money vs. working-on-a-bike joy.
so wholesome and sincere, we need more people like Kim in our modern world
I love how he dismounts from the bike. I wish I could do that
Haha right! I like it.
Practice and u will be able to
@@DayYytonaI don't understand how he does it. His right foot is off the pedal but he manages to lift the left pedal higher? I guessing this requires that you be clipped in? at 2:27
@@jazzfan7491 It requiers a fixed gear bike and any sort of foot retention, after that its pretty easy...
대단하십니다. 저도 한국에 자전거메신저회사가있었으면 했는데 성공하셔서 전국에 메신저회사가 넘쳐나길 기원하고 행운을빕니다.
감사합니다! 💛
Love seeing him bicycle through the city and seeing neighborhoods from a bicycle point of view ❤️
Seoul was where I started riding bicycle again 12 years ago. Although there are pretty good cycling paths all over Seoul, I agree that messengers were far and few in between. On a different note, the fixed gear scene seems to be alive and well.
Beautiful video of Korean bicycle messenger scene. I'l cyclist in Seoul and agree that Seoul isn't bicycle friendly city. and also competition between motobike couriers etc. I've been following Gig's instagram since their start. and happy to see them growing.
Thank you! Beautiful - that's very kind. What kind of cycling in Seoul do you tend to do?
I just put up a ride-around video using the fun bits that didn't make the main documentary, you might like that too -
@@detourrr I do road cycling and Gravel bikes as well. I've been cycling in Seoul for 15 years now. lot of things/environment has changed for cycling communities.
And I did go over all the videos you have created. Great series!
Love this whole film and what he's doing in Seoul. Keep riding!
Compare to Bangkok where I live, Seoul looks like a heaven for cycling.
Indeed. Similar to Japan and Taiwan.
It was really fun! Everyone was pretty respectful on the roads. (But then my version of what is respectful might also be different to a local’s too)
@@paolocruz8392Eui Ho Kim used to work in Japan (as you might have heard). It didn’t make the final edit, but he compared Seoul and Tokyo, and iirc he said Japan was more cycle friendly. It sounded like these was a pretty substantial difference?
I haven’t ridden bikes in Japan or Taiwan yet. I’m looking forward to doing it!
This was lovely. Thanks
Watching this video, I realized that the vibes generated by urban cycling are much broader than just getting on a bike. It generates all kinds of emotions and I am very proud that other people share this passion as well.
I really enjoyed watching this video, it is very inspiring for me and I wish you much success with your company.
Greetings from Corrientes - Argentina
Such a lovely comment, thank you. I think I had similar feelings whilst editing these all together. (There are 6 other short films you can find here if you like: It's really exciting hearing where people are watching from too - it gives a similar feeling of broadness. What's cycling like in Corrientes?
This is extremely inspiring. As an older Cyclist ( 😊) I appreciate these videos a great deal. Good vibes here for sure. Beautiful city too.
You are coooool!
wonderful story, Eui keep it up! #ridebikes to save the world!
Same as in South Africa...thanks for sharing your experience as bike messenger
Are there any similar initiatives?
@@detourrr well I started one on my own for a few months here in East London , where I live ..a very small city/town compared to Seoul...I did it awhile as I was out of work... thoroughly enjoyed it and was quite busy ..but , there are lots of motor bikes here doing deliveries ..
@@kentswarroom8919 It must be hard to be competing with motorbikes. But really cool that you enjoyed it so much and got a lot of deliveries. Super nice.
Claire Tayler..... apart from being intrinsically interesting, and Eui Ho Kim being charming and impressive and full of natural positive energy, this creation is very very classy in every respect. the signal-to-noise ratio is excellent! (unusual in the extreme these days, when FX substitute for content). the final on-screen words are "thank you". thank YOU!
Oof, what a compliment. Thank you very much. It really was a coming together of many good things in one, and I’m glad you enjoyed how the final result - all the deliberations during editing - came out.
Amazing work! Really well edited and filmed, and such a compelling story. Man I love watching people ride bikes in big cities ❤️
Thank you! Appreciate that multi-pronged compliment.
Seoul is such a delightful city. Surprised they don't have more bike infrastructure built by now, but that is in keeping with averseness to change in the older generation. We have that here in Seattle, too.
Much respect. Best of luck growing your business.
a wonderful piece of art. Well done- Thank you!
I think what you're doing is amazing and inspiring, specifically in this era. Environment needs to heal! Thank you and best of luck to you!
서울에서 정말 쉽지 않을 것 같은데 멋진 도전이네요! 응원합니다!
Awesome! I ride all the time bicycling is my passion! Great video thank you!
What a Great video 👍🏼
very good service and a large heart ❤, done a few bike messenger trips myself in India, just deliver some things when my relatives ask now & then....😇
Awesome content, excellent editing and a cool bike 👌
Thank you! Appreciate that. It really was a special story to hear. It’s one of a series of seven short films about Seoul cycling culture - here if you want to see more
Mad respect man ❤❤❤ keep it up
I wish I could've brought my bike there when we visited. Greetings from Manila!
that was amazing and inspiring, greetings from Indonesia ❤❤
미국에 오리지널 바이크 메신저 다큐멘터리 봤었는데 한국에도 있다니 놀랍네요 ㅎㅎ 응원합니다.
Great! Kepp it up you guys!!!
Thanks for watching! Happy you enjoyed it.
greeting from Indonesia,
i was a bike commuter for more than a decade, i had a job as a bike mechanic, also tried to be bike fitter, now im quite far away from my cycling habit because of hard situations.
i didn't regret my choice to chose bicycle as my first form of transformation, and i want to go back cycling again someday.
You've got to keep riding brother! I ride a $25 single speed bike. I keep it going using parts I scavenge. It's the best form of cycling ... the purest.
@@natureseyemusic happy for u
Seoul is nicer than I thought. Might have to visit someday.
This was real cool. 🤘🏾🤙🏼 Great job.
as long as you don't give up, you'll change the world of bike messengerial someday :)
Decade ago... when I found Korean fixed gear rider Hacheon Park. Good 'ol days when fixed gear scene exploded.
Love this! I actually made six other shorter films about bike culture when I was in Seoul, and Bike Makes Me Happy - the shop Hacheon Park runs together with his wife Kwihyun Kim - was one of the interviews. You can see it here if you like -
Bicycle culture is so damn big in South Korean why is it the only one Bike Massanger company? I have been hang out with Soul Fixed Gear community some of my friends need a jobs but never got to know this company exists
Good question.
11:01 now there’s a perfect example of a driver who uses the “Park-by-Feel” technique.
What a legend
포기하지 마세요. 메신저로 함께 할 날을 고대해 봅니다. ^^
Nice doco! I loved riding a bike in Seoul
Love the video.. well made and very interesting...... But Kim should wear high visual colors and have lights on his bike imo because with the amount of riding he has to do daily so is the risk higher. Plus on the high vis he could have advertising about his green messenger service.
Very nice! I love riding bikes in Seoul too
Love this! Do you have a favourite spot in Seoul to ride?
absolute art
there are masks that are used in construction work that provide a stream of constant fresh air to the person wearing it. You have a full face mask and the motor is worn as a belt. It runs the air trough filters before you breath it in and it will run the air out after that so it cools you down and cleans the air. Might be useful in a city like that if your concerned about the pollution.
I think theres always gona be a market for bike messengers in big cities with large cooperate sectors. Highly personal, discreate and stealth delivery of documents
Although I ride a bicycle in the first lane of the Korean road, most drivers hate it when the bicycle moves in the first lane. And the delivery culture became popular after motorcycles took first place. However, with the creation of a delivery app, anyone can participate by walking delivery, bicycle delivery, and kickboard delivery
Really wish you a success Sir, and of kdrama writers will put your story in scene ... 👍👍....just remember "Premium Rush" around 2012 ?
I would love to see that! Or at least some nice bikes in the background 😏
Beautiful video. Good job.
Thank you. And thanks for watching.
Cool vid, I like bikes too :) Hope your gig things works out.
I'm a courier in NYC, I have a motorcycle (Piaggio,) and I have my Cannondale Topstone 4 gravel bike with slicks. I can make it anywhere faster on my bike than my motorcycle, like if I have a 2 hour window, I can knock out 30+ minutes on my bicycle than motorcycle since I don't have to wait in traffic, and I can go up the opposite sides with not much issue, plus I also lost over 25lbs riding for 2 months riding 5 days a week for 4 or more hours.
Ride bike 👍
This is so exciting.
I would love to visit Seoul and ride with you. If you go to cmwc Zurich this year, I hope we can meet. I work in NYC currently and have done mess work in Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, and Richmond Va (with one delivery in CDMX). I have yet to visit Asia but Korea would be amazing place to start
@@southernfixed9857 Thanks for the comment! I don’t think Eui Ho Kim will make it to CMWC this year, but the films will be being screened and I’ll be there with a handful of Gig Courier zines, if you’d like one! Say hi to Claire with red hair.
4:15 Cafe dress code is strict! 😂
5:40 mobile refrigerator ?
5:53 Harley lounging edition ?
7:55 Army cargo bikes ?
8:35 Beautiful
Superb highlights thank you 😊😏
Great video.
The man is riding a fixie in Seoul? He must have buns of steel. Great doc.
Hah! I think you’re right. I’m just finishing editing a behind-the-scenes which features a “reality of riding a fixed gear up a hill in Seoul” moment. Should be up in the next day or two if you’re interested in seeing more.
@@detourrr stoked to see more.
@@samiyoqk Here we go! Hope you enjoy some extras 😊
@@detourrrIn Seoul, there a hills and then there are hills. I used to ride fixed on the pretty steep stuff in UK near me, but I would’ve struggled with some of the streets around HBC
@@tchmilfan Some of them were humbling! I arrived at midnight pretty jet lagged, built up my bike and went for a ride, and within about 2 minutes was in a thin residential alley going up a steep climb that had me doing a u-turn pretty quickly. I walked it the next day and realised exactly how steep it’d been. Do/did you ride in Seoul a lot?
It really helped that I was riding gears whilst filming this! I think Eui Ho Kim’s switched bikes since filming too, and mostly rides a Maverick with gears for day-to-day deliveries now.
keep safe hope your bussiness grew
More of 10 years ago i watch some documentary about bikes scene in korea , it called seoul got soul
And im wondering how the scenes now
Nive video! What kind of pants are those? They look perfect for biking around
@@zer0292 “My favorite pants of all time. The uniqlo tapered cargo pants”
@@detourrr Thank you! I'll have to get a pair for myself
I dig the messenger bag, and your bike. Care to share the details of each?
bike is Squid Bike Soez
bag is in-house brand made by Tserv of Tokyo
a very very car centric city.
Cool guy! Wonder where he learned his English since he has almost not accent.
fighting bro....
I'll come work for free. Just feed me some noodles and let me sleep on the shop floor.
The real star (I’m joking)
Keep pushing and tide safe.
I’ve been desperately scouring the internet for that ‘Hurry Porter’ hoodie! If anyone know’s the source please link me ❤
It was made personally by a messenger friend from Tokyo just for friends😂 Probably won't be produced any time soon
다른 나라 자전거 메신저들도 픽시를 많이 타던데 특별한 이유가 있나요?
각자의 도시와 지리적 환경에 맞춰서 최적합한 자전거로 일을 하는 모습을 많이 봐왔습니다.
픽스드기어는 정비가 쉽고 고장날 일이 적다는 것으로 뉴욕처럼 도시 범위가 작고 주로 평지인 곳에서 많이 사용하는 반면에 스위스나 독일의 알프스 산맥 지역에서는 기어 달린 자전거를 주로 사용하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
제가 개인적으로 느끼기에도 서울은 장거리 배송과 언덕이 많은 도시여서 픽스드기어는 부적합하다고 봅니다만, 체력이 받쳐주고 픽스드기어를 즐기면 충분히 사용해도 좋다고 생각합니다.
@@yakimuo6772Thank you Eui Ho Kim! 🙏
Zählt noch jemand die Hemden mit? Bin aktuell bei 27, richtig?
Ist das eine hohe oder niedrige Zahl? 🤔
Why track bikes though, other than the “cool” factor? Isn’t a mountain/hybrid bike more safe, versatile and comfortable to ride in the city?
cool always comes first👌🏽 but i gave up the cool and ride a beautiful 11speed gravel bike now🤷🏻♂️
@@yakimuo6772 Cool is subjective. Fast, comfortable and safe are objective. My track bikes have been gathering dust since I built my hybrid/mountain bikes to ride around the city.
Must be hard dealing with city riding when it's not even your city contributing the bulk of the bad air quality. China needs to figure out its pollution problem. Ironically their bad economy is reducing vehicle traffic, so that does help in a small way.
2:11 We need answers to these questions mate
Universal questions 😏
저도 서울에는 왜 자전거 메신저가 없을까 생각 했던적이 있는데.. 없지 않군요 ㅎㅎ
한때 남산북악을 거쳐 서울시내 라이딩을 즐겨하며 자동차의 시내 평균속도가 10키로 내외로 자전거의 절반밖에 안된다는걸 알게되었죠..
서울시내에서 자전거타기는 늘 긴장감을 느끼게 합니다 그래서 더 살아있음을 깨어주죠 ㅎ
근데 궁금한게 왜 변속기없는 싱글기어를 타는거죠?
서울시내 곳곳 경사진곳이 많고 평지에서도 급가속 하기 위해선 기어비가 큰게 유리하고 평지에서 빠르게 가야할땐 그 반대기어가 필요하지 않아요?
시내에서도 순간순간 50키로 이상 속도를 내기 위해선 고단기어가 필요할텐데요?
단순함과 경량에서 오는 잇점도 있지만 다단변속기에서 주는 잇점이 훨씬 큽니다
한편으로 그런자전거를 고집하는건 겉멋든것처럼 보이기도 합니다
늘 안전하게 주행하시고 사업 번창하길 바랍니다
말씀하신 것처럼 겉멋도 있습니다. 그러나 단순히 효율적인 방법 이상으로 제가 즐기면서 만족감과 성취감을 느끼기 걸 더 중요하게 생각해요. 약속된 배송 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 한해서 말이죠.
영상은 평평하고 교통체증이 혼잡산 사대분 안에서 촬영하였기 때문에 고정기어로 촬영하였고(제가 제일 좋아하는 자전거이기도 하고) 배송 주문이 장거리거나 언덕이 많은 코스를 지나면 로드로 가곤 했습니다.
그래서 당시에도 로드바이크와, 현재는 그래블바이크와 함께 하고 있습니다:)
@@yakimuo6772 그렇군요 😂
자전거 메쎈져가 도통 뭔지 감이 안 잡히는데
서류 날라주는 건가? 그러면 우체국이 충분하지 않나?
probably E bike more sensible korean want everything fast. so in general people will chose motorcycle because it more faster
Nah - more trouble than they are worth if you are strong.
@@davidmurphy9151 that man on screen probably more older than your father.
Do I look that old?
@@yakimuo6772 probably same like me near touch 70
정말 한국은 자전거에 대한 인식이 좋지 않아요. 서울 뿐만아니라 전국이 그렇습니다. 대만이나 중국만 봐도 부러워요
I was also surprised to hear that there wasn’t a messenger culture in other South Korean cities. It’s how this entire project started - we were travelling around different cities by bike, and asked Eui Ho Kim if he knew any other bike messengers in any other cities. And he said, “No, it’s just us!” Which surprised me. It’s been very interesting seeing where cycling (in general) is flourishing in Seoul and how it still hopes to. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I got the impression that Seoul is somewhat leading in terms of cycling culture in the country, too?
사고 많이 나겠네...
횡단보도에서 끌고가라 자전거도로 표시도 없는 횡단보도에서 뭔짓이냐
gorgeous cross-over-toptube. professional dismount. yes sir!
Love that you spotted this! Yes 💅
I like seeing bicycles being used for more than just leisure 🥹