@Wendy Range -- Those I see on social media criticizing Critical Race Theory don't seem to have a very good understand of what it is. The way I see it, if they can't answer at least half of the following basic questions about Critical Race Theory correctly, they can't possible have well informed opinions on the topic.
In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? (If you can't define something in one sentence, you don't have clear idea of what it is). Why would the Nazis have hated Critical Race Theory? What problem did legal scholars wrestle with in the 1970s that eventually led to the founding of the Critical Race Theory movement? Who is the Godfather of Critical Race Theory and how did he shatter the shining image of a celebrated Supreme Court civil rights ruling? What is the Interest-Convergence Dilemma? What was “The Alternative Course?” Name three of the founders of the Critical Race Theory movement? Who coined the term "Critical Race Theory" and what did it mean? Is Critical Race Theory a noun or a verb? Name one of the key tenets of Critical Race Theory?
God is THE deception. God is a theory, it is not real, so how can you possibly have a relationship with that? You be much better off drinking wine and smoking marijuana. At least that is real, and creates a “unreal” mindset. Not suggesting that is a good relationship to have, but better then one with an imaginary one with something that is not real, not even unreal. Now there is a philosophical point to ponder over.
@@robertholland7558 if you are right, no harm in us believing, but if we are right, you have lost all for eternity. You are gambling with your very soul. By the way, you cannot see the wind but the evidence says it’s real. The evidence for God is everywhere.
@@Solidrock-jq6rp evidence? Where? And yes there is a lot of harm in you believing, a enormous amount. And I can see the wind, how blind are you? Besides what a dumb analogy. It has nothing to do with gambling, that is false statement too. If one is in the second dimensional sphere, one can not understand the third dimension, just like we , in the third dimension can not understand the fourth dimension. The mistake you folks make is believing the fourth dimension is God, it is not, just as we are not gods over the second dimension. Just because we humans do not understand certain things does not prove the existence of gods, that is just pure nonsense. God is nothing but a tool used by those that seek power to control the masses, and as long as the masses believe that to be the case there is an enormous danger to mankind. Why I say God is a deception, and an extremely dangerous one. We, the realists, are the only ones with a soul, the reliefs are just weak brainwashed soulless fools that fail the realities, but it is there alright, and God is not real.
@@robertholland7558 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power & Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:20-22 By the way we can FEEL wind or SEE or HEAR the results of wind but not actually SEE wind. You are taught that in grade school & children know that.
@@Solidrock-jq6rp you are a delusional nutcase. I can not see, feel or hear you either, just read the words you type, as you can with me. Keep your God delusions. Even if one entertained the existence of a God, there can be only one judgement, it is a arsehole that needs killing off. A disgusting vile entity! I would love nothing more then standing before it and kicking its pathetic useless lily arse of its throne. But hence there is no God that idea is pure delusional too.
Play with words, kinda like Republicans play with "liberals, political correctness, crt, hard-working taxpayers, tax and spend, the swamp, voter fraud, treehuggers, and...."woke-ists"!
Yeah, I'm not a FAN of these Non-Dom Churches or the Mega-Churches!!! I was a member of a Non-Dom Church, but when they started flying a pride flag, I knew I needed to find a NEW Church!!! 1+1 does not equal 3!!!
When people ask me, a Baptist preacher, what "non denominational" means I just always say "anything goes". I don't know how to sum it up any better than that.
@@charlesburroughs9770 Sadly even churches with "Baptist" on the sign are engaging in this nonsense. The SBC itself is even an absolute disgrace now and has been for years. Yet we sit around wondering why our culture is in an absolutely rapid freefall.
@@eladiocofresi5202 So many people are trying to start Churches for Tax Exemptions!!! They don't believe in the "Word of GOD"...False Prophets are what they are!!!
-- You can't possibly have a well-informed intelligent opinion on Critical Race Theory unless you can answer these basic questions about it. In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? When and why did Critical Race Theory spring up? Critical Race Theory draws from from certain European philosophers and theorists. Name one of them and explain how he influenced Critical Race Theory. Is the following statement true or false? Critical Race Theory draws from Booker T. Washington and the principles of the Atlanta Compromise. What idea did Critical Race Theory borrow from critical legal studies? What is triumphalist history? How do the favorable racial equality precedents, like Brown v. Board of Education, tend to deteriorate over time? What feminism insights did Critical Race Theory build on? What did Critical Race Theory take from conventional civil rights thought? Who is considered to be the intellectual father figure of Critical Race Theory? Did Martin Luther King believe the United States was systemically racist? What is the goal of the Critical Race Theory movement? What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory? According to Critical Race Theory, is race biologically real or is it socially constructed? According to Critical Race Theory, is racism in the United States normal or aberrational? According to Critical Race Theory, what two important purposes are served by our system of white-over-color ascendancy? According to Critical Race Theory, what forms of racism are color-blind conceptions of racial equality incapable of curing or addressing? According to Critical Race Theory, why do large segments of American society have little incentive to eradicate racism? Who is the White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who founded the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement? What is one of Christopher Rufo's lies about Critical Race Theory? What Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory has been incorporated into Anti-Critical Race Theory ideology?
@@agentprovocateur1702 Brother, don't start an argument about the root causes and what's behind all this CRT. If you're a student of the Bible, it is because the sin of man. When we as believers(leaders or not) start to listen to the voice of a movement by man and not God then we better be careful, because we are doing the work of the enemy and have shifted from our intended mission. Once upon a time- there was a very dark time in the SBC. It took quite some work to bring the denomination to a conservative view of the Bible. I don't align myself completely with any denomination because it is man mad and lead too. At the end of the day- we must ask, "What does the Bible say about this issue called Critical Race Theory?"
If you can find a copy, get the book "The Good Pagan's Failure" by Rosalind Murray. She saw this coming in 1939! Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.
@@dnzswithwombats you're the first person I've heard talk about fighting for their church and keeping it out or getting it out of your church. 😀 I think what you said would inspire many people.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
This Bible verse exposes the immorality of critical race theory: So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 8:26-28
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 Let God be found true and every man a liar. In Christ Jesus, there are no racial or sexual or national divides. We are one in love in Christ. You sir, have a Marxist fixation on lying about history and race. There is zero institutional racism in America. That went out when we abolished the Democrat Party's Jim Crow laws. To prove the point that America is one of the best places on Earth for black people, just look at the millions of black people who have emigrated to America. Immigrants are not so stupid as to believe cultural Marxist hogwash. They come to America in droves because America is the best nation on Earth for them. CRT is anti-Christ and anyone who purports that it is truth is simply a racist. For when you judge everyone by the color of their skin, by their race, you are being a racist.
"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." (Revelation 13:10)
That needs to happen quickly. Hypocrisy has been plaguing the church for decades, also no political/social stand due to fear of lack of attendance, money or being placed in a bad light. Most churches I’ve seen haven’t taken the good fight. Pastors need to wake up, it’s mostly to late now but at least something might get salvaged.
This is why I joined Intercessor for America; the backbone of the church had better be a prayer that keeps us sensitive to the needs of the church & knowing his will as an intercessor, He hears us. If we pray according to his will, HE hears us.
@@paulrock4816 I certainly hope it helps. Seems that Christ is beginning the judgement process on this country. And hopefully churches begin to repent. Decades of injustice, hypocrisy, arrogance, hurting the sheep while pastors sit back….it’s a mess that does need a lot of prayer. Repentance is so needed to turn hearts to Christ
@@markdixon1537 he's married already. And you might be surprised to see how many southern White Evangelicals are in an interracial marriage. I am one of them.
@@agentprovocateur1702 stop spreading your racist nonsense. You're a tare trying to do the devil's work and making him quite happy spreading your lies.
This man is so clear on this subject, but when it comes to Christian nationalism he finds no flaw in particular groups that wears that label. These ideology where by flaw men, and im thinking i could name several in both groups. But somehow, this wise smart man can't with Christian nationalism. My side is right with God. Yours is not. Who doesn't want to be on the of justice. He said like all those in American that claim to be Christian fought for justice for everyone.
We are idol makers. We believe in God but do not believe God in His Word. All of these theories take us away from God’s truth and justice and leads us to man’s idea of justice. Praise God for Voddie Baucham and his courage to call this heresy out!
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey What makes CRT a man made construct is that I have only seen it create division and hate. That’s it. No debate. Only demonization of an entire race and culture. No teaching of forgiveness, love or moving on. I have had discussions with CRT activists and they are the most aggressive, unyielding, hardened spirit, convinced they have the right to call out your sin individuals I have ever met. You can see the anger and spirit of deception in them. You either yield to them or the name calling begins! No interest in your perspective, none! Their right! Your white. Your racist! You can’t help it! Unbiblical, ungodly and woe to churches who don’t direct their members correctly in love. “If you are without sin him him throw the first stone.”
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
You would think by listening to this that critical race theory was something that was invented by black people, but the truth is, critical race theory is just a cheap version of what the white structual society in america has used for over 200 years, including many white christian denominations. What type of race theory used was used to create slavery and Jim Crowe law? Although I agreee that looking at any people groups usig Critiacal race theory is sinful, I feel the more troubling thing is, when people show their blindness in believing this is something new. You see this same type of double standard with the 2nd amendment, in the right to bear arms. It appear a lot of people are will to fight and die for this right, but when black people tried to exercise this right, the goverment, (Gov Ronald Reagan, and then President Nixion along with the NRA) Created the Mulford Act. Would that be considered a form of citical race theory?
So I understand what Voddie is saying, but aren’t there actual injustices that Christians should fight for? Like I’m trying to stay away from the term “social justice” and whatever because I know those are tarnished with the movement, but it’s hard for me to get totally behind Voddie’s train of thought when it doesn’t seem like there is any action coming from the church to combat injustices.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@Coury Landers Dr. Tony Evans supports CRT, praise God! He was saying that he weighs and looks at everything according to the Bible. Therefore, there are benefits from having CRT. I’m amazed at how you all rationalize demonizing CRT because it hurts your feelings, instead of, as the Word of God tells us “examining yourselves” and repent from your incredible hypocrisy.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
I was looking for churches to attend in a new area I moved to. The first church website I pulled up had their home page plastered with BLM all over it. The only other church close by had a female pastor.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
This is sad to watch. He is a great man of God. Unfortunately brainwashed. The Church has been divided long before now, it’s just that black people are just recently finding out. 🤦♀️
Sad you would use "brainwashed" to describe him. That's a very strong word, and inappropriate to apply to someone you feel is misled on one specific issue.
@@kvernon1 It’s not just one issue. I’m careful about critiques and I actually really like Dr. Baucham. But it’s hard to watch a black man not fight for justice for his own people. Maybe I’m missing something. Help me understand.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702the Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Rom 3:23. The Bible condemns discrimination based on a person's skin color. Focusing on the white race to the exclusion of other races is racist. I'm afraid CRT is creating the very thing you say you abhor
Pastor Voddie has been a very good teacher of the Gospel for years. I often share his videos of when he explained the reason we can know Scripture is true to college students. Truly blessed and aligned with first verses of Luke 1 and 1 John 1. That video is one of my favorites by him and I find other biblical teaching by him to be very supported with Scripture. Love listening to him and Paul Washer. In this video, I think he misses a point as do too many churches in America. Why do we need carnal-minded people (no matter what their background) to explain why racism is wrong in the form of CRT or any other theoretical structure when WE as the salt of the earth/lights in the world have the commission to explain sin and not avoid any subjects on it? Many Christians address abortion and gay life style as sin while gaslighting on topics that have hurt the Body of Christ as those same topics cause unbelievers to look at us before questioning our faith due to our blasé attitudes. Our blasé attitudes about a few topics that make us look hypocritical: Racism, apathy concerning racism, and racial stereotyping are right alongside a horrible deflective gaslighting attitude about the adulteries, molestations, and abuses we allow among us. With all these other issues we practically embrace in our avoidance, we're worried about CRT infiltrating the church??? First apathy filled the church a loooong time ago. Had we not Been so apathetic about so much other sins, CRT wouldn't have had a way in the door. Be careful. Because the world might also try to impose other theories on us about the adulteries, molestations and abuses we've allowed. If we don't do ALL of what we are called to do, then yes, the world will do what the world does and invade us with its own approaches to right and wrong. We opened this door with attitudes like (sorry to say) the one in the video. It only panders to people who want to pretend nothing is wrong among us and blame CRT.
Absolutely, they know that Critical Race Theory is based on current and past facts on systemic racism. One of the issues that they are having is that their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on will be educated on the racist and horrific things that they have done to other races to get ahead in life. They are fearful of the truth being taught in these institutions and educational systems. I'm sure they are afraid of the harm that the truth on systemic racism can cause their race. This is NOT about biblical principles, this is about guilt and power and control. Unfortunately, Voddie Baucham in just the Black TOKEN Leader that is being used to advocate for their agenda in suppressing the TRUTH.
@@r-fac6031 This is definitely about Biblical principles. God called His children to be witnesses and representatives of Him on every single issue in this world. My point has been that Critical Race Theory would not even HAVE to exist in and around the church if believers would step up to the plate and, while telling all to repent (telling people repent in general, or repent of abortion, or repent of gay life as is typically done), we should preach repentance of racism as well. Furthermore, the Biblical behavior toward those who are different from us should absolutely be practiced within our community of believers. Sadly, there has been failure in that area as well. If racial diversity had been presented to Christians in the form of a precious, priceless ornament, it would have been shattered into a thousand pieces by now. Even in the worldly sense, there's not a book out there that is supposed to educate kids nor communities in order to impose shame. When facts are given, the chips fall where they may and wherever the shoe fits, it may or may not be worn (because many people are stubborn and unrepentant). But educating the world and even the church on race should have a clear intent of "change for the better". I had mentioned a preacher by the name of Paul Washer, who made a good point that social justice movements and even such dissertations as CRT (which he did NOT mention btw) will not do the work on an unchanged heart as will the Word of God. He has made such statements very briefly before he goes on and uses the message of the Gospel to minister to his listeners. From pure Word, people are changed and repent because we then want to please the Lord in every single area. In the church, that Gospel is our tool to introduce Jesus Christ as the Sole way of changing completely. We preach the gospel on streets, circles of people, and on various platforms for that purpose making it available to unbelievers for their salvation and for believers in discipleship. But for a believer of Jesus Christ to have to rely on CRT or on our movements to do what the church could/should do far more effectively if we use the tool God gave us is like us turning our calling over to the Sadducees of the Bible. (Not believing in the resurrection, they could offer no hope but only arguments to refute those self-righteous Pharisees.) That's just not what this is about for a believer. Sadly, many churches' tendencies (especially predominantly white conservative churches that push Republican as doctrine) missing the point for so long has hurt so many in the Black community. How? Well, if a police officer is in church (and many do go), how will he feel convicted about brutalizing somebody or how will he discern whether he is racially profiling. Political leaders attend church and push adverse agendas without a small fraction of self-awareness on how they may hurt a community directly or indirectly. Divisive points are made right in the pulpit just like what's said by Voddie Baucham. As a result people walk right out of church with their self-righteous chests stuck out, convinced that nobody should tell them any corrective thing about their attitude toward another ethnic community. But hurt for hurt will take us down a darker path. Inform. But don't inform for the purpose of hurting anybody. Facts can either produce change (to a much lower degree than our Gospel that Jesus gave to us) or facts can do some form of damage. We're not trying to hurt kids. I certainly would hope that facts would hurt an evil racist person who feels superior to our community. But facts wouldn't hurt somebody like that. Facts can only help change those around such people (again, in a lesser degree). I am just so disappointed on so many levels - at a pastor I used to really enjoy listening to and at so many other churches that self-righteously squeeze their eyes shut tight (shaking their heads adamantly) at the mention that racist issues are among us. I am not a proponent of making CRT a weapon of any kind any more than I am for lgbt agenda of BLM as an organization (though the statement is absolutely true and should offend nobody any more than CRT should offend anybody). And if CRT was a weapon, surely I do believe that no weapon formed against any true believer will prosper. But just like many (though not all) of our churches fail to lament and speak as adamantly on issues like sexual crimes among us (ex: R. Zacharias) by false converts in leadership, adultery among us (C. Lenz) by false converts in leadership, and abusers of all kinds, they fail to point out racism as sin but instead build a huge argument against CRT and present it as if it is a monster of monsters. I'm disgusted and disheartened. And I'm done.
@@yvonnerobert-carr8809 I understand what you're saying, but, when have predominantly white churches ever spoke out on racism? When have predominantly white churches ever spoke out against any hurt that racism has caused any group of people. You are right, a Christian organization does not need Critical Race Theory to engage in doing what's right. But, how many of them do it if it doesn't meet and/or cater to their predominantly white agenda? I attended a well known Southern Baptist Church in the South, they were behind movies such as Fireproof and Courageous. One would assume that this congregation of people were loving, kind, fair, and just. However, it was one of the most blatant racist organizations that I had ever encountered, my children also attended their private school and the same thing for their educational system. This was my experience with these type of Christian organizations. So, the Truth that is now being revealed (CRT is merely a component) of the racist systemic practices that involve hatred, oppression, injustices, and so many other things that have harmed and continue to harm blacks and other races are being revealed because Yahweh is allowing it to be revealed. It is not being revealed to hurt their children, it is being revealed because it is just that - The Truth. Once The Truth is told and accepted, then we will begin to heal as a nation and unite. How can we heal under a lie? How can we heal with hatred and bigotry in our hearts? We cannot. Voddie Baucham is a well spoken man who knows the word. However, he is blatantly pushing the agenda of blocking the truth from being told, makes me wonder, is he intentionally doing so for his own personal gain, because he knows the Truth! Have you ever noticed that Voddie Baucham's audience is predominantly white, he has to appeal to his audience and who has put him on that high podium. We as people have to ensure that we do not worship pastors and remain faithful to Yahweh and his word and his expectations. Voddie Baucham is just a man, he is not God. We cannot be so religious until we miss what Yahweh is showing us. Now that social media has exposed so much of The Truth behind past and current racist systemic practices which included CHRISTIANS, they can longer control the narrative. The same love, compassion, and empathy that you have for their children, I pray that they can one day display that same love, compassion, and empathy for black children. 🤔
@@r-fac6031 I understand you. I really like that movie Fireproof btw and see it as life-changing, as I love War Room (which I as a wife desperately needed as encouragement). I'm so sorry about what you went through. I've also belonged to a predominantly white Southern Baptist Church as I also belonged to a predominantly white charismatic church longer ago. I was always treated decently at both and encountered great experiences for the most part. One incident that did upset me was when two children's church volunteers didn't want to give me my child back after service unless I presented ID. My child looks hispanic like my husband, who's hispanic. After going in and out of children's church countless times, the woman who gave me the hardest time (stern-facing me, unmoved at all) didn't even want to go on her recognition of me as my child's mother. I didn't argue - while jokingly saying "yall are welcome to give me free babysitting service if that's what you want." I went to get my purse from my mom and sister who waited for me and presented ID. The children's church claim sticker that I had worn on my blouse must have come off from hugging so many people because that's what we did a lot at that church. And I knew a lot of people there, including in the children's ministry. On the other side of the building where they kept the babies, the ladies who worked on that side used to always greet us because they knew us. The head of the side where the women gave me a hard time is a man who greeted us. But there was this impersonal spirit on attack. And I call it a spirit. I don't even agree with the doctrine taught at Lakewood anymore. But they treated us with the utmost kindness and respect when they did NOT know us until they got to know us and would greet the family with familiarity. Paul Osteen himself spoke so kindly to me right outside their children's church. I miss them and pray God does a great move of Gospel Truth over there. I love them. Anyway...My husband and I changed our family's membership within weeks of that incident in 2014. But that pastor is a very loving person (a friend of my dad's) who does Biblically teach against racism. And I saw it did make a difference to so many people there. Messages like Dr. Baucham's video would definitely have fueled people to continue mistreating others and to miss the mark of how we in Christ are to all love one another so the world would see our lights. Anyway, since 2014, we now belong to a predominantly black church in the same area of the previous church. Ironically, after the George Floyd murder shook the whole Body of Christ up based on various reactions among Black and nonBlack Christians, my pastor set up a meeting with black and white pastors in the city to address this publicly. And my previous pastor was there in agreement to address the race issue in ministry from a Biblical perspective - to prefer the Bible approach to race over political approaches. No CRT. No criticizing of CRT. There really were no major discussions of CRT last year when people dealt with the grief of what had happened so close to home for us. (George Floyd's funeral was only minutes from my house. And people in our community knew him when he went to Jack Yates High School with others we knew who attended with him.) Anyway, the pastors just agreed to address what hurts ultimately everyone from a Biblical perspective and disciple people into living with a clear view of the Bible. I have ZERO respect for what is done in this video and other videos in which he speaks about CRT being a problem for the American church as if the demonic activities of sexual sins and other deep-rooted sins haven't been comfortably hiding there from back row to leadership in some places. (Recently I've been doubting myself for loving so many of his messages and looking at other things he has said in the past about other topics. So, I'm learning this is not the only subject which he's ruffled feathers on. As a formerly betrayed wife in a marriage I decided to stay in and fight for, I can NEVER hear him again on marriage. What he has said in the past about the needs of a man versus fidelity was alarming and gave me answers on how a man can hear a preacher and feel completely free to commit adultery. Now, there are people who can hear a man preach on race like this and feel completely free to mistreat somebody they feel either superior to, envious of, or just leery about. I'm just done!) Sometimes it's not about whether somebody is doing something for gain (and I don't know in this situation). Sometimes it's plainly about lack of discernment, lack of self-awareness, and certainly lack of humility.
@@yvonnerobert-carr8809 Thank you for sharing your story with me, it definitely helped me gain more insight. I too am sorry for the hurtful things that you experienced. Healthy Families are the foundation to the community and Healthy Communities are the foundation to a Healthy Society! Of course it begins with a Healthy Man!
This is very sad. I find what you are sharing with people is dangerous, not Critical Race Theory. You will get a lot of likes from far right Christians who are more committed to nationalism than following Christ. Jesus would be accused of Marxim and Socialism if he were on earth today. I am proud to be in his company.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
I am so happy that CRT has not gained any foothold in the Church; just in the machines with churchy names on them. True Christians cannot be racist, and see no need to address it in any way other than salvation.
I’m sure the insults will fly but I’ll post anyway. I’ve never understood the animosity and down right hatred towards CRT and those who study it. I’ve researched it and have yet to see the link to Marxism or how, as a white man, I should be feeling guilty for being white. As a history major in college we were trained to use critical theory to understand why things were the way they were in order to achieve a greater understanding. In terms of social justice I would think we would all like to understand why things are the way they are rather than cower from the truth. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior but somehow there’s this narrative that one can’t be a Christian if they study CRT. PLEASE explain that one to me. You know when something goes wrong, say with a rocket launch, scientists and engineers will perform what’s called “root cause analysis.” The purpose being is to get to the root of the problem, not to cast blame but to resolve the issue. If I want to understand how we, as a country, got here then I expect to research as deeply and completely as I can to get to the truth. It’s the same methodology I’ve been using in my faith walk. I don’t wholesale throw out facts or processes just because they make me feel uncomfortable. I’m far more secure in my faith than to let non biblical, secular ideas somehow diminish my faith. I look to understand the human condition in order to fully empathize with and, as I’m commanded, love my neighbor as myself. Should I NOT try to understand my neighbor? If CRT demonstrates an example of oppressor/oppressed in our country, does that somehow make me or anyone else a Marxist? To say there is evidence that a few of our laws at one time or another served one group of people better than another is only an observation, not a declaration. I don’t look at those laws and immediately become a hateful, Marxist racist so why are so many anti-CRTers making that claim? History is strewn with examples of oppressors and oppressed people. Why would we think it’s any different now. Again, just because I make that observation doesn’t make me a Marxist. Personally it seems more folks are against CRT because they fear what they might discover. You can’t fix what you don’t understand.
If you really want the answer to the questions you pose I would suggest you begin listening to the new discourses channel / podcast. Critical theory is at its bottom a hermetic gnostic religion that requires an unquestioned acceptance of premise and does not allow for criticism lest you prove the thesis. This is not rigorous honest scholarship. Critical theory positions itself as the only lens through which one may correctly view the realities of this world. It makes it self antagonistic to the way, the truth and the life by claiming to be just that.
@@kevinmote2369 Yes, still looking for answers and I’d really like to view the references you are basing your comments on. “Only lens”? Never come across such a claim. “Requires an unquestioned acceptance of the premise”? No scholarly framework ever makes that claim. Somehow tying CRT to a religious construct is a fantastic leap and borders on fantasy. So if CRT says to look at a law that negatively impacts a particular group of people, it’s up to me and not some professor or fanatical sect of a political party, to determine whether or not I accept the assertion. The problem isn’t what someone says. The problem is the weak-minded fools that believe everything they’re told or hear without taking the time and effort to discern whether it’s actually true.
@@Shared4you First you have misread me (accidentally or purposefully) in that my claims are more broadly about the premise of critical theory (not just CRT). The pedantic obfuscation between the literal texts and their modern application is a cute game. Critical theory adherents make clear the notion that there is "no other way to properly see the world and its realities but through the ct lens" by treating any criticism of it as proof of its thesis. I agree no scholarly framework does that... which is why I assert it is not scholarly. If you haven't found the gnostic center of the ct lollipop yet just keep licking!
@@kevinmote2369 clearly you’ve found the “gnostic center” of this lollipop. Suspect it’ll continue to remain a secret. All I’m hearing is that it’s evil but given no hard evidence other than unsubstantiated opinions. “Just cuz” might work for some but not me. Whether it’s faith, politics or the latest social issue, “just cuz” is a foolish way to establish one’s beliefs but not surprising more people are doing just that. So just to paint a picture, someone makes the claim that Hitler was evil. The proof is irrefutable. Tons of documented evidence that proves this. But when it comes to CRT or CT, all I’m hearing is it’s evil. Just making the claim doesn’t prove that it is one way or the other. Inflammatory language and fear mongering rhetoric shouldn’t take the place of pure evidence. Have any of the founders of CRT or any of its proponents ever come forward to say that their method is the only way, that any other view is wrong and only they have the answers? That would be pretty significant evidence against CRT. You can go to the BLM organization (not to be confused with the movement) and find pretty damning evidence against them in terms of how they want to subvert our way of life. (See Weathermen). One might say “well there’s this professor who claimed CRT is the only way to view history.” Does that then make it true? No. It’s still only the opinion of a misinformed professor. And there are pastors out there that use their pulpit to politicize the Christian faith. Does that make Christianity bad? Of course not! If the last fours years have shown me anything it’s that all one has to do is say something, anything, and it should be accepted as true.
@@Shared4you The hermetical gnostic alchemy of the Hegelian dielectic posits that man and the state can (and will) perfect one another unto utopia. In this way the state becomes God. This is a primary (but mal-appreciated) cornerstone of CTs and the Gramci / Marcuse and the Frankfurt school gang on back (while roping in a lot of post modernism) to Marx and obviously then to Hegel who was a hermetic at heart. It takes a lot cognitive dissonance to hold this notion and the deity of Christ simultaneously. Can you acknowledge that equality is not proven or disproven by any measures of equity? If you can then there may be hope for you... If you cannot then you are on the road to communism. You then need to rationalize how you claim Christ as your Lord while believing in the Perfectability of man (and his state) apart from the blood of Christ. Just keep licking... you'll get there.
Should Voddie continue to say "CRT has infiltrated the church"? Or should he just say that teachers who teach or proselytize CRT are not Pastors and congregations that sit comfortably under the preaching and teaching of CRT are not churches or part of the Church".? I'm all about warning true born again believers about CRT and I'm all about preserving our country's heritage and founding through the Church and the preaching of the Gospel.
Instead of complaining all the time, why not actually go out and help a homeless person? The homeless have no time to try to figure out who’s theories are right or wrong.
Two groups with different ideologies; one in Marxism, the other in capitalism, both are religious. Both are part of the "Beast" empire. Which one should I choose? I choose Jesus🤔✝️
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
My preachers cited the (blacked out) clause in the contract to his house which said that you could not sell the home to blacks or malays (brown.) My preacher, being an attorney, could also as easily have told you that that clause, being blacked out, has not been applicable for over 60 years. And hence systems of oppression, have been wiped out. The systemic racism, has been removed from the system. That's what that's an example of. Instead, he leads people in my church to believe that it is an actual example of systemic racism and a reason that we should all stand together against systems of oppression. Oh, and theyre changing the systems! He actually cited someone that works at Kendy's center for anti racist research, in one of his sermons. If that's not throwing up a flag, I don't know what is.
SELLING BOOKS IN CHURCH ? Only time Jesus was angry and turned tables upside down was when people were selling in the 'house of the Lord' - Your effort to mislead Christians in order to sell books is wrong. James 5:2-4 The institutional decisions made NOT TO PAY SLAVE LABORERS AND IMMIGRANTS - are not biblical! God has heard their cry and judgement is coming starting with the 'house of the Lord' Pay those who worked without just wages or God will bring even worse judgement. GOD IS A GOD OF JUSTICE - JUSTICE from all perspectives Economic, Legal, Educational etc James 5: 2-4 - is the basis of JUSTICE ... if in doubt? PRACTICE JUSTICE.
Slaves don't rate pay. God sanctions slavery but he also put rules around it. Some people deserved to be slaves. Some people enslaved themselves. The Apostle Paul send a slave back to his master. There is Godly slavery . American Slavery was not that type.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
What is this guy's problem?! You just admit you've sinned. You were a racist, or you've benefited from racism. What could possibly be wrong about that?! We are at a place here where preachers are preaching AGAINST repentance, telling others 'Don't dare admit you sinned!' The Lord's coming can't be far off!
This guy's problem has something to do with a false religion insinuating itself within the church. Scripture is or is not sufficient. It looks like you believe scripture is insufficient. That it somehow requires this alternative lens of critical theory to properly see the world and the sinful nature of man. At its bottom critical theory is a hermetic gnostic religion. It is not rigorous honest scholarship in any way.
The problem is, I haven't actually done anything racist And we live in a country where people of color, from all over Asia, the Philippines, China, India, and a couple of other countries, can come over here and make more money on average than white people so the system is actually not racist. And I don't believe in the false ideology Robin D'Angelo promotes that every white person is just intrinsically racist. Or Ibram X Kendi's anti-racist BS that says that discrimination now is the solution to discrimination of the past and that you can't be racist to white people. Both of those are the biggest crocs of BS I've ever heard and that's where the society is going and that's why we don't like it. Because promoting any small facet of it, promotes the end result which is division, anti-White racism, Marxism. It's a Marxist ideology. And severely flawed at that. How does that combine with Christianity? When the end result is this kind of anti-white racism and discrimination, how could that be a biblical cause? There's not a better way to even the system out or help people? We have to hurt people? My White friends at Boeing can't get promotions. Disney is quoted as saying they won't hire straight white men. Major casting roles in Hollywood are going diverse. I listen to a comedian on Joe Rogan tell the story of how he's in a lawsuit against a company for racial discrimination because they told him that they would not hire him, because he was white. And here's my problem with the racial reconciliation process. The United Methodist Church says that I have to admit that I'm part of the problem, and then I have to stand with them against systems of oppression, and then I have to help them tear down the systems, and then I have to reconcile myself to God and the oppressed for being a part of the problem, and then I have to repeat the process.. Problem number one is that the process never ends. There's no end to you asking me to get down on a knee. And anything that asks me to get down on a knee because of my skin color, because of something that happened in the past, that I don't have anything to do with, is as evil as anything that would ask somebone of color to get down on their knee, because of their skin color (system of oppression.) Furthermore, I don't have to reconcile myself to anyone that I have not specifically wronged. And let's not confuse the reconciliation process, it's my job to reconcile people to God like he reconciled me. And let's talk about systems of oppression for a moment. Voting. Jails. Prisons. And any other GD thing that people can point out a disparity in. Call it racist until you control it, see? We already called the cops racist and defunded them and removed them, so bad, that now in Seattle, we're trying to replace them with the illegal immigrants. You see? The problem with standing with the church against systems of oppression is that systems of oppression are anything that anybody woke, says that a system of oppression is. I'm not doing that. There are places in the United States where we're now calling grading systems in schools, racist. According to Maxine Waters, if you don't agree with her policy, you're a racist. I won't let them define anything they feel like defining, as racist and then stand with them, or you, to help anybody to tear that down. None of this stuff makes any sense. Call it racist until you control it. And so let's please take a moment to define what racism actually is If you want to ask someone if they've benefited from it. Because I don't believe that anyone has ever benefited from not getting a job because of their skin color. I don't believe that anyone has ever benefited from segregation. But that's what we're calling for. We're asking for white people to say that they benefit from racism, while we're racist to them. What is this tomfoolery? What is this kooky talk? What is this, crazy making? And then, I get to repeat the process with you. So let's keep redefining what systems of oppression are, and let's keep redefining what's actually racist and then I'll help you tear that down too. And then when there's nothing left we can look back at that silly comment you made that started it all. What's wrong with saying it just a little bit? My white friends at Boeing can't get promotions because they're white. Disney is quoted as saying that they will not hire straight white men. A very popular comedian on The Joe Rogan show is in an active lawsuit because he recorded someone telling him that they would not hire him because he was white, and had been told this several times. I had some ass hole, who also happened to be black, take a machine from me at the gym and told me that I could have it when he got done. Just get down on your knee. Admit you're part of the problem and that you're a racist. Take our racist discrimination against you. Confess your sins against me, even if it wasn't you that directly committed them. Oh, wait. I need you to be willing to repeat this process over and over and over and over and over and over and over. How does that sound to you my friend? That sounds like absolute FN tyranny. Here's the link to the United Methodist Church five-step process. I just left my non-denominational church for this junk. The Bible says that we're supposed to stand as one in the body of Christ. The Bible says that there are no slave and no free among us, we are all one in the body of Christ. There is nothing in the Bible that mentions race. And so therefore there is nothing in the Bible that mentions racial reconciliation. And when you tell me that I can't stand, as one with you in the body of Christ, until I go through a racial reconciliation process, there's something wrong with that my friend. There's something evil about that. If I don't take the mark. Then I'm canceled. I'm a bigot. I'm a racist. Even if I disagree because the ideology is flawed in every single possible way. Even if I say that I want to stand with you against specific examples of systemic racism and fight those, when I disagree, I'm still racist! That's the problem! You don't see? www.umc.org/en/content/racial-reconciliation-no-handholding-kumbaya
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man. He lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 Communists are very clear that late stage capitalism will either "evolve" into communism (through dialectical progression of tearing away the contradictions of society) or "devolve" into fascism. This mindset comes through clearly with a reading of Herbert Marcuse ("father of new left") and you spout it here as well. Communist take the position that anti-communism is (in their minds) "by definition" fascism or the road to fascism (ie your words neo-nazism). Sure is handy to just paint all logical arguments against your position as "evil"... It's a stupid Kafka trap and therefore dishonest argumentation. CRT is ultimately illiberal leftist political activism with an intention to challenge and upend the liberal order instead of working within its framework for incremental improvements to society. This is stated plainly in the first paragraph of the introduction in the book "CRT an Introduction" by R. Delgado and J. Stefancic. CRT is just one of many leftist tools. The basic tenents of CRT are being used to foment racial hatred and division. They are primarily focusing on the equity argument that different groups aught to have perfectly equitable share of everything. Problem is that isn't how the world works. We can't create equal outcomes for children of the exact same families since the oldest sibs as a group outperform younger sibs. There is no evidence that people when left alone to sort themselves out will do so with all groups getting equal shares. Half the world is not as smart as the other half... should the less smart half of the population get equal shares as surgeons in the operating rooms of our hospitals? Where does the group equity argument end? The notion that equity (or equal outcomes by groups) is proof of equality of opportunity and that dis-equity is proof that equal opportunity isn't present is laughable and childish. Communism is categorically opposed to Christianity in that the core assumption of communism is an unconstrained view of natural man's potential to be perfected apart from God. Communism posits that natural man and the state can perfect one another unto utopia. This utopian state replaces and becomes God (Hegal). Marx called religion the opium of the masses. All the critical theories spawned from the Frankfurt school which CRT is definitely a spawn of that "dialectical enlightenment" thinking are communist at there core and are therefore anti-christian. If man can perfect himself without the atoning blood of Christ then what did Christ die for?
10's of thousands of different churches tells me we are not all led by the Spirit. I'm afraid in these last days if you are not in the vine (Jesus) you will be doing your own thing. I am the vine you are the branch outside of me, You can do nothing. I believe most Christians are of religion & not "In Christ" the Hope of Glory. Examine yourself. Follow Paul because he follows Jesus.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man. He lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
One of the tactics the enemy has always used to push bad ideas onto the church is ambiguity in the pulpit. I can't count how many times I've heard a sermon that used flowery, Hallmark, ambiguous language to secretly introduce to the mind of the hearers ideas that are harmful and anti-biblical. Scripture repeats itself and explains itself time and time again. Scripture interprets scripture. Scripture uses a very specific language, and if you don't get the idea its intending in one passage, there's many other passages that teach the very same thing. But dishonest people will always try to push propaganda through vague, flowery expressions.
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 Is this satire? Or is this how far the indoctrination of our culture has gotten, that a grown adult who can string enough words together to form a semi coherent thought actually thinks that anything you said has any basis in fact or reality? Honestly, I'm both embarrassed for you and impressed. Embarrassed because there's no possible way to understand the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and come anywhere near what you wrote. Impressed that your skill in eisegesis and linguistic acrobatics allows for you to read godless, satanic ideas such as CRT into the scripture. I can only surmise that you completely ignored the Law of God in the OT, which builds the very worldview from which the rest of scripture is to be exegeted, came at carefully selected NT passages through an ideological framework rooted in Marxist worldview, and smashed in that puzzle piece that came from a completely different box. I know that brainwashing and Indoctrination isn't easy to reverse, and being that your ideas are championed by big tech, big eva, big entertainment, big pharma, every major corporation, big academia, and every other institution now owned by the establishment elite, countless dollars went into your conditioning, so it really is up to God whether you can awake from it. Obviously nothing I say can break it. You're a part of a cult. And most cults are founded on reading into the Bible ideas foreign to it and completely ignoring the OT and tracing our doctrine back through history by the faithful who passed down reformed teachings and shed their blood for it. Voddie's teachings agree with the faithful throughout church history. Yours agrees with the godless institutions currently leading America astray. And you want to say his father's the devil?
I live in Deep East Texas... We have black churches and white churches, black Jesus, and white Jesus.. Im so embarrassed at how we as 'Christians' act like God cares how our skin reacts to the sun !
Biblical Repentance never ended slavery or sexism, it’s CRT and law that did it. Once biblical repentance ends racism in the church or America, you wouldn’t need to worry about CRT.
It’s not the Church, The Church is that body of Glorified Believers. The church has been and always will be a thing of man. See the first few chapters of Revelation.
Another moral strike against American. Similar to Gay (i.e. Same Sex) Marriage, which started off small in 1970 and eventually grew to full legalization in 2015, despite the vigorous protests to the contrary. The CRT movement is here to stay and will only grow stronger over time, but at a more rapid pace due to the current governmental leadership. It is an unfortunate reality. The same can be said of the Temperance Movement which was abolished constitutionally in 1933, and now there is a push to legalize Marijuana today on a federal level.
Please be aware of DEI. It is an off shoot of CRT. Many schools are adopting it saying we're not teaching CRT but DEI. Do your research cause it also will be in the church if it's not already. Fault Lines is an EXCELLENT book and must read for all who profess Christ. Solid biblical truth.
Voddie, did not share all that the SBC resolution 9 said about CRT and Intersectionality. He failed to define CRT. The resolution below defines it and states how it has been used, while at the same time declaring that Scripture is greater and the only hope is not CRT but the gospel of Jesus Christ. Voddie failed to share the following from the resoulition..."RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, June 11-12, 2019, affirm Scripture as the first, last, and sufficient authority with regard to how the Church seeks to redress social ills, and we reject any conduct, creeds, and religious opinions which contradict Scripture; and be it further RESOLVED, That critical race theory and intersectionality should only be employed as analytical tools subordinate to Scripture-not as transcendent ideological frameworks; and be it further RESOLVED, That the gospel of Jesus Christ alone grants the power to change people and society because “he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6); and be it further..." The resolutioncan be read in its entirety here. www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/on-critical-race-theory-and-intersectionality/
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
I like this gentlemen a lot. I believe, unlike a good many pastors, Dr Baucham aspires to bring the the entire council of God to a dying world. But issues in the church such as CRT should not come as a surprise to any person that has been saved of God. Not the people who simply "join up." For God himself tells us that "satan will take his seat in the temple" ( the corporate church ) and be worshipped as God himself. The sad part is that the majority will never recognize it. He also says "when you see the abomination of desolation as spoken by Daniel, in the holy place, than ye who are in Judea flee to the mountains ." Mountains being, fleeing to God himself. People, open your eyes, pray, and I do mean pray for GOD's wisdom. All this sinful nonsense should not be surprising but expected.
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Close to 40% of Americans have attended college. Compared to 8% in 1960. I took sociology, but that's not CRT. There were other classes like Philosophy that asked ethical questions, but that's been going on since Socrates. Previously, I looked CRT schools and I only found a hand full of colleges, none of which were Ivey league. Now, Kimberly Crenshaw the author of CRT says that CRT is not taught in K - 12. It is only taught in the universities in the law department. So, I see Voddie as a liar. We know that the Democrats left the Democratic party over school desegregation. So, these racist ideas are emerging again, but this time they put a Black face on it.
I know where I come from, God made me, he made white female, and made me for his glory, he also made black people and all other race for his glory, simple as that. praise the Lord.
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
In my opinion CRT is a matter of covetousness; people wanting to be something they aren't or can not be. You need to work within the confines as to how you were created and quit blaming others for your own shortcomings.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Talk about racism . . . Check out the history of the country of Belize after the American civil war. Eye opening. The racism and attitudes remain today.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Preacher . When have man not high jacked any moment in society? This has always been a trick of the enemy to make those who opposed it to think that its really nothing going on, and for those who condone it to be tricked to think that its always worse than they really know. We know that sin is still here. Any Pastor or preacher should know this , because why do we still preach? To call unsaved individuals to Salvation. To keep the saints equipped. It's simple as that. You know this Preacher , but is everything and every situation , social injustice or social Equality. No. Does sin exists ? Yes. Don't be fooled following some political party that's nothing but what the world call. The lesser of two evils. They are all according to God's Word. Sinking sand. Period. That's why we have His Word. Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. Preacher I pray that we begin to have real Pastors and Preachers begin to stand for the cause of Righteousness instead of some weak political party that's nothing but fools gold. Temporary fixes. Nothing eternal. Sin exists. No matter who's and where it's coming from . What color. What party. What people. That covers it all .
I am 100% against CRT, but CRT is not the problem with the modern day church. What the problem with the modern day church is they have left their first Love; Christ. And also clowns like this guy Voddie Baucham who are preaching man’s wisdom. Though it might look like he is bring awareness and a possible solution to the church. Yet what he is really doing is nothing more than babbling about a current day philosophy… As Paul said….”And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified….And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” The church’s problem is they are not reading and studying the Bible on a daily basis and nor are they trusting in what Christ did on the Cross as the finished work. And clowns like this guy Voddie, is nothing more than a distraction to the already ignorant saints.
The gospel is this: JESUS 'requires' one to be HIS SLAVE (Ephesians 6). Getting rid of slavery is destroying THE ONLY WAY to be saved by GOD's grace alone (Ephesians 2).
Sadly millions of people call themselves Christians when in fact they aren’t. Many just take the word of some “pastor” or some other title they have been given rather than trusting the word. James says that scripture is “God breathed” and if people don’t listen to the word they are not listening to Jesus. Jesus told us how to be saved. And I is way more than just belief alone. That is the biggest false teaching there is. Once saved always saved. We have to believe in Jesus, confess and repent of our sins, be baptized for the forgiveness of sins, and then live an obedient life. Acts 2:38. Jesus also told Nicademus we must be “born again of water and the Spirit or we will not enter Heaven”. Being born again of water is being baptized ( immersed) for forgiveness. As soon as we come up out of the water we are given the Holy Spirit. We have buried our old sinful selves and been raised a new creation free from the bondage of sin. But we can fall away. This is the biggest problem in all of Christianity. It is why there is so much division. There is only ONE true Church. It amazes me how many people refuse to believe the truth. But the Bible also says that many will say to Jesus on judgment day “didn’t I perform miracles and cast out demons in your name?” And Jesus will say “away from me, I never knew you”. They will be cast into Hell for eternity. It doesn’t matter how much good someone does, we cannot earn our salvation. Yes we have to have works, but they do not get us in. Only faith and being covered by the blood of Jesus Christ will suffice. And sadly there are millions that aren’t.
its a play that repeats under the sun, man thinks there just son of man and doubt Gods kingdom in them, so judge all you want to but you better know who in doing what they do by who? laugh is the only thing you should do at yourself.
Watch the full event with Dr. Voddie Baucham, here: th-cam.com/video/yEL7KtQ673w/w-d-xo.html
@Wendy Range -- Those I see on social media criticizing Critical Race Theory don't seem to have a very good understand of what it is. The way I see it, if they can't answer at least half of the following basic questions about Critical Race Theory correctly, they can't possible have well informed opinions on the topic.
In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory? (If you can't define something in one sentence, you don't have clear idea of what it is).
Why would the Nazis have hated Critical Race Theory?
What problem did legal scholars wrestle with in the 1970s that eventually led to the founding of the Critical Race Theory movement?
Who is the Godfather of Critical Race Theory and how did he shatter the shining image of a celebrated Supreme Court civil rights ruling?
What is the Interest-Convergence Dilemma?
What was “The Alternative Course?”
Name three of the founders of the Critical Race Theory movement?
Who coined the term "Critical Race Theory" and what did it mean?
Is Critical Race Theory a noun or a verb?
Name one of the key tenets of Critical Race Theory?
When you really don’t have the right relationship with GOD then you allow Deception in the church!!!
God is THE deception. God is a theory, it is not real, so how can you possibly have a relationship with that? You be much better off drinking wine and smoking marijuana. At least that is real, and creates a “unreal” mindset. Not suggesting that is a good relationship to have, but better then one with an imaginary one with something that is not real, not even unreal. Now there is a philosophical point to ponder over.
@@robertholland7558 if you are right, no harm in us believing, but if we are right, you have lost all for eternity. You are gambling with your very soul. By the way, you cannot see the wind but the evidence says it’s real. The evidence for God is everywhere.
@@Solidrock-jq6rp evidence? Where? And yes there is a lot of harm in you believing, a enormous amount.
And I can see the wind, how blind are you? Besides what a dumb analogy. It has nothing to do with gambling, that is false statement too. If one is in the second dimensional sphere, one can not understand the third dimension, just like we , in the third dimension can not understand the fourth dimension. The mistake you folks make is believing the fourth dimension is God, it is not, just as we are not gods over the second dimension.
Just because we humans do not understand certain things does not prove the existence of gods, that is just pure nonsense. God is nothing but a tool used by those that seek power to control the masses, and as long as the masses believe that to be the case there is an enormous danger to mankind. Why I say God is a deception, and an extremely dangerous one. We, the realists, are the only ones with a soul, the reliefs are just weak brainwashed soulless fools that fail the realities, but it is there alright, and God is not real.
@@robertholland7558 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power & Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:20-22 By the way we can FEEL wind or SEE or HEAR the results of wind but not actually SEE wind. You are taught that in grade school & children know that.
@@Solidrock-jq6rp you are a delusional nutcase. I can not see, feel or hear you either, just read the words you type, as you can with me. Keep your God delusions. Even if one entertained the existence of a God, there can be only one judgement, it is a arsehole that needs killing off. A disgusting vile entity! I would love nothing more then standing before it and kicking its pathetic useless lily arse of its throne. But hence there is no God that idea is pure delusional too.
remember these are " mans ideas " , God's justice is Pure , Holy & Good and for ALL . these WOKEISTS play with words .
We don't want justice we want grace.
Play with words, kinda like Republicans play with "liberals, political correctness, crt, hard-working taxpayers, tax and spend, the swamp, voter fraud, treehuggers, and...."woke-ists"!
"WOKEISTS play with words"!! That's calling the kettle black!! Lol!
Woe unto those who call evil good and good evil...
Look up the slave bible
Yeah, I'm not a FAN of these Non-Dom Churches or the Mega-Churches!!! I was a member of a Non-Dom Church, but when they started flying a pride flag, I knew I needed to find a NEW Church!!! 1+1 does not equal 3!!!
When people ask me, a Baptist preacher, what "non denominational" means I just always say "anything goes". I don't know how to sum it up any better than that.
@@SimpleManGuitars1973 TRUTH...Thank You for Preaching the Word of GOD!!!
@@charlesburroughs9770 Sadly even churches with "Baptist" on the sign are engaging in this nonsense. The SBC itself is even an absolute disgrace now and has been for years. Yet we sit around wondering why our culture is in an absolutely rapid freefall.
Feeling is mutual. And I live in a city where it seems as though there is a church or two (or three) on each block.
@@eladiocofresi5202 So many people are trying to start Churches for Tax Exemptions!!! They don't believe in the "Word of GOD"...False Prophets are what they are!!!
Yep- I was very disappointed with my own denomination! We need pastors who will be bold enough to stand on the word of God and not back down!
Have you figured out the hidden agenda behind the GOP attacks on CRT?
-- You can't possibly have a well-informed intelligent opinion on Critical Race Theory unless you can answer these basic questions about it.
In one sentence, what is Critical Race Theory?
When and why did Critical Race Theory spring up?
Critical Race Theory draws from from certain European philosophers and theorists. Name one of them and explain how he influenced Critical Race Theory.
Is the following statement true or false? Critical Race Theory draws from Booker T. Washington and the principles of the Atlanta Compromise.
What idea did Critical Race Theory borrow from critical legal studies?
What is triumphalist history?
How do the favorable racial equality precedents, like Brown v. Board of Education, tend to deteriorate over time?
What feminism insights did Critical Race Theory build on?
What did Critical Race Theory take from conventional civil rights thought?
Who is considered to be the intellectual father figure of Critical Race Theory?
Did Martin Luther King believe the United States was systemically racist?
What is the goal of the Critical Race Theory movement?
What are the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory?
According to Critical Race Theory, is race biologically real or is it socially constructed?
According to Critical Race Theory, is racism in the United States normal or aberrational?
According to Critical Race Theory, what two important purposes are served by our system of white-over-color ascendancy?
According to Critical Race Theory, what forms of racism are color-blind conceptions of racial equality incapable of curing or addressing?
According to Critical Race Theory, why do large segments of American society have little incentive to eradicate racism?
Who is the White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who founded the Anti-Critical Race Theory movement?
What is one of Christopher Rufo's lies about Critical Race Theory?
What Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory has been incorporated into Anti-Critical Race Theory ideology?
@@agentprovocateur1702 Brother, don't start an argument about the root causes and what's behind all this CRT. If you're a student of the Bible, it is because the sin of man. When we as believers(leaders or not) start to listen to the voice of a movement by man and not God then we better be careful, because we are doing the work of the enemy and have shifted from our intended mission. Once upon a time- there was a very dark time in the SBC. It took quite some work to bring the denomination to a conservative view of the Bible. I don't align myself completely with any denomination because it is man mad and lead too. At the end of the day- we must ask, "What does the Bible say about this issue called Critical Race Theory?"
If you can find a copy, get the book "The Good Pagan's Failure" by Rosalind Murray. She saw this coming in 1939! Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.
Wow, did she see lynchings and Jim Crow as well?
If this is in your church I advise getting out of that church. You are in a church that's in apostasy
I will NOT surrender Christ's bride over to those wanting us to simply leave & let them have their way with her.
@@dnzswithwombats you're the first person I've heard talk about fighting for their church and keeping it out or getting it out of your church. 😀 I think what you said would inspire many people.
@@JC-DC That's very kind and I'm very encouraged by what you say there. Thank you. God bless you, friend.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
This Bible verse exposes the immorality of critical race theory:
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 8:26-28
This is how you become in Christ.....The Hope of Glory.
Would Jesus want us to speak out against a system that divides people along those lines?
Paul was talking to Israelites when he said this.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 Let God be found true and every man a liar. In Christ Jesus, there are no racial or sexual or national divides. We are one in love in Christ.
You sir, have a Marxist fixation on lying about history and race. There is zero institutional racism in America. That went out when we abolished the Democrat Party's Jim Crow laws. To prove the point that America is one of the best places on Earth for black people, just look at the millions of black people who have emigrated to America.
Immigrants are not so stupid as to believe cultural Marxist hogwash. They come to America in droves because America is the best nation on Earth for them.
CRT is anti-Christ and anyone who purports that it is truth is simply a racist. For when you judge everyone by the color of their skin, by their race, you are being a racist.
I really don't like term "Racial Justice".
Racial justice eventually will lead to system that you will be judged base on your skin color or race.
"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." (Revelation 13:10)
Like we are now. 🤷🏾♂️
Wow, isn't that what blacks and other minorities have suffered from for many years? It's just a thought...🤔
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT.
If you hate black people just say so hahahaha😂😂😂
That needs to happen quickly. Hypocrisy has been plaguing the church for decades, also no political/social stand due to fear of lack of attendance, money or being placed in a bad light. Most churches I’ve seen haven’t taken the good fight. Pastors need to wake up, it’s mostly to late now but at least something might get salvaged.
This is why I joined Intercessor for America; the backbone of the church had better be a prayer that keeps us sensitive to the needs of the church & knowing his will as an intercessor, He hears us. If we pray according to his will, HE hears us.
@@paulrock4816 I certainly hope it helps. Seems that Christ is beginning the judgement process on this country. And hopefully churches begin to repent. Decades of injustice, hypocrisy, arrogance, hurting the sheep while pastors sit back….it’s a mess that does need a lot of prayer. Repentance is so needed to turn hearts to Christ
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT.
We love Dr Voddie Baucham such a wonderful man. He’s so smart.
He is first adam who likes to judge.
but would you let your daughter marry him?
@@markdixon1537 he's married already. And you might be surprised to see how many southern White Evangelicals are in an interracial marriage. I am one of them.
@@markdixon1537 why this foolish daft question?
@@agentprovocateur1702 stop spreading your racist nonsense. You're a tare trying to do the devil's work and making him quite happy spreading your lies.
They wanna teach that in the schools that’s why my child may be homeschooled😮👀.
Do it! 💯 I did it before homeschooling was "a thing". Daughter just took LSAT. Don't regret.🙏🏾
We send our kids to private school to avoid all this nonsense. By FAR the best decision we've ever made in our lives!
MAY BE....how but MUST be homeschooled.
I never thought I would be happy about NOT being blessed with children. I’ll be praying for you & your little ones. Lord bless you.
Good for you. You won't regret it.
It’s interesting how a completely emotional movement like CRT with statistics that run counter to the narrative put critical in the title.
Yes!Thank you.
The reaction to CRT is the emotional response. CRT is a social Science. Rooted in the statistics.
@@genderbender 100% false. The statics do NOT support this race baiting CRT nonsense. Enjoy your victimhood misery.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT.
This man is so clear on this subject, but when it comes to Christian nationalism he finds no flaw in particular groups that wears that label. These ideology where by flaw men, and im thinking i could name several in both groups. But somehow, this wise smart man can't with Christian nationalism. My side is right with God. Yours is not. Who doesn't want to be on the of justice. He said like all those in American that claim to be Christian fought for justice for everyone.
The modern church (organized religion) is of the world. It left orthodoxy a long time ago.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT.
We are idol makers. We believe in God but do not believe God in His Word. All of these theories take us away from God’s truth and justice and leads us to man’s idea of justice. Praise God for Voddie Baucham and his courage to call this heresy out!
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey What makes CRT a man made construct is that I have only seen it create division and hate. That’s it. No debate. Only demonization of an entire race and culture. No teaching of forgiveness, love or moving on. I have had discussions with CRT activists and they are the most aggressive, unyielding, hardened spirit, convinced they have the right to call out your sin individuals I have ever met. You can see the anger and spirit of deception in them. You either yield to them or the name calling begins! No interest in your perspective, none! Their right! Your white. Your racist! You can’t help it! Unbiblical, ungodly and woe to churches who don’t direct their members correctly in love. “If you are without sin him him throw the first stone.”
How can someone believe in Critical Racist Theory unless they're Racist themselves and believe they aren't forgiven by God?
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 Typical lies.
You would think by listening to this that critical race theory was something that was invented by black people, but the truth is, critical race theory is just a cheap version of what the white structual society in america has used for over 200 years, including many white christian denominations. What type of race theory used was used to create slavery and Jim Crowe law? Although I agreee that looking at any people groups usig Critiacal race theory is sinful, I feel the more troubling thing is, when people show their blindness in believing this is something new. You see this same type of double standard with the 2nd amendment, in the right to bear arms. It appear a lot of people are will to fight and die for this right, but when black people tried to exercise this right, the goverment, (Gov Ronald Reagan, and then President Nixion along with the NRA) Created the Mulford Act. Would that be considered a form of citical race theory?
Thank heaven for this educated, Godly, pastor Bauchan.
i know what you mean.... kinda reminds me of that wonderful pastor from Guyana..... whats his name? oh yes jim Jones
@@markdixon1537 translation: V.B. disagrees w your victim hood
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT.
@@agentprovocateur1702 oh look, someone who just created a fake yt account last month to spread the racist lies ^^^
There are 1400 years old Churchs in Ethiopia
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT.
So I understand what Voddie is saying, but aren’t there actual injustices that Christians should fight for? Like I’m trying to stay away from the term “social justice” and whatever because I know those are tarnished with the movement, but it’s hard for me to get totally behind Voddie’s train of thought when it doesn’t seem like there is any action coming from the church to combat injustices.
God has turned away & left man to his own reprobate mind. His Will be done. Blessings to all of the believers & I pray for all mans' salvation.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Dr Tony Evans simplified it Look at what the bible says about CRT.A lot of churches that accept CRT don't preach the bible.
@Coury Landers Dr. Tony Evans supports CRT, praise God! He was saying that he weighs and looks at everything according to the Bible. Therefore, there are benefits from having CRT. I’m amazed at how you all rationalize demonizing CRT because it hurts your feelings, instead of, as the Word of God tells us “examining yourselves” and repent from your incredible hypocrisy.
@Coury Landers Furthermore, to your point, a lot of people who DON’T accept CRT don’t LIVE the Bible.
@@nimo4503 Absolutely!
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
I was looking for churches to attend in a new area I moved to. The first church website I pulled up had their home page plastered with BLM all over it. The only other church close by had a female pastor.
Just wake up, you don't need a church made with hands.
@@berglen100 Uh... okay?
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
This is sad to watch. He is a great man of God. Unfortunately brainwashed.
The Church has been divided long before now, it’s just that black people are just recently finding out. 🤦♀️
Sad you would use "brainwashed" to describe him. That's a very strong word, and inappropriate to apply to someone you feel is misled on one specific issue.
@@kvernon1 It’s not just one issue. I’m careful about critiques and I actually really like Dr. Baucham. But it’s hard to watch a black man not fight for justice for his own people. Maybe I’m missing something. Help me understand.
I'm sorry he didn't agree with your brainwashed thoughts.
@@mickeytollison Sure, sure.
Any black man who is against teaching about slavery in schools is a BOOTLICKER
Teaching is neglected in many churches
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702the Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Rom 3:23.
The Bible condemns discrimination based on a person's skin color. Focusing on the white race to the exclusion of other races is racist. I'm afraid CRT is creating the very thing you say you abhor
Pastor Voddie has been a very good teacher of the Gospel for years. I often share his videos of when he explained the reason we can know Scripture is true to college students. Truly blessed and aligned with first verses of Luke 1 and 1 John 1. That video is one of my favorites by him and I find other biblical teaching by him to be very supported with Scripture. Love listening to him and Paul Washer.
In this video, I think he misses a point as do too many churches in America. Why do we need carnal-minded people (no matter what their background) to explain why racism is wrong in the form of CRT or any other theoretical structure when WE as the salt of the earth/lights in the world have the commission to explain sin and not avoid any subjects on it? Many Christians address abortion and gay life style as sin while gaslighting on topics that have hurt the Body of Christ as those same topics cause unbelievers to look at us before questioning our faith due to our blasé attitudes. Our blasé attitudes about a few topics that make us look hypocritical: Racism, apathy concerning racism, and racial stereotyping are right alongside a horrible deflective gaslighting attitude about the adulteries, molestations, and abuses we allow among us. With all these other issues we practically embrace in our avoidance, we're worried about CRT infiltrating the church??? First apathy filled the church a loooong time ago. Had we not
Been so apathetic about so much other sins, CRT wouldn't have had a way in the door. Be careful. Because the world might also try to impose other theories on us about the adulteries, molestations and abuses we've allowed. If we don't do ALL of what we are called to do, then yes, the world will do what the world does and invade us with its own approaches to right and wrong.
We opened this door with attitudes like (sorry to say) the one in the video. It only panders to people who want to pretend nothing is wrong among us and blame CRT.
Absolutely, they know that Critical Race Theory is based on current and past facts on systemic racism. One of the issues that they are having is that their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on will be educated on the racist and horrific things that they have done to other races to get ahead in life. They are fearful of the truth being taught in these institutions and educational systems. I'm sure they are afraid of the harm that the truth on systemic racism can cause their race. This is NOT about biblical principles, this is about guilt and power and control. Unfortunately, Voddie Baucham in just the Black TOKEN Leader that is being used to advocate for their agenda in suppressing the TRUTH.
@@r-fac6031 This is definitely about Biblical principles. God called His children to be witnesses and representatives of Him on every single issue in this world. My point has been that Critical Race Theory would not even HAVE to exist in and around the church if believers would step up to the plate and, while telling all to repent (telling people repent in general, or repent of abortion, or repent of gay life as is typically done), we should preach repentance of racism as well. Furthermore, the Biblical behavior toward those who are different from us should absolutely be practiced within our community of believers. Sadly, there has been failure in that area as well. If racial diversity had been presented to Christians in the form of a precious, priceless ornament, it would have been shattered into a thousand pieces by now.
Even in the worldly sense, there's not a book out there that is supposed to educate kids nor communities in order to impose shame. When facts are given, the chips fall where they may and wherever the shoe fits, it may or may not be worn (because many people are stubborn and unrepentant). But educating the world and even the church on race should have a clear intent of "change for the better". I had mentioned a preacher by the name of Paul Washer, who made a good point that social justice movements and even such dissertations as CRT (which he did NOT mention btw) will not do the work on an unchanged heart as will the Word of God. He has made such statements very briefly before he goes on and uses the message of the Gospel to minister to his listeners. From pure Word, people are changed and repent because we then want to please the Lord in every single area. In the church, that Gospel is our tool to introduce Jesus Christ as the Sole way of changing completely. We preach the gospel on streets, circles of people, and on various platforms for that purpose making it available to unbelievers for their salvation and for believers in discipleship.
But for a believer of Jesus Christ to have to rely on CRT or on our movements to do what the church could/should do far more effectively if we use the tool God gave us is like us turning our calling over to the Sadducees of the Bible. (Not believing in the resurrection, they could offer no hope but only arguments to refute those self-righteous Pharisees.) That's just not what this is about for a believer. Sadly, many churches' tendencies (especially predominantly white conservative churches that push Republican as doctrine) missing the point for so long has hurt so many in the Black community. How? Well, if a police officer is in church (and many do go), how will he feel convicted about brutalizing somebody or how will he discern whether he is racially profiling. Political leaders attend church and push adverse agendas without a small fraction of self-awareness on how they may hurt a community directly or indirectly. Divisive points are made right in the pulpit just like what's said by Voddie Baucham. As a result people walk right out of church with their self-righteous chests stuck out, convinced that nobody should tell them any corrective thing about their attitude toward another ethnic community.
But hurt for hurt will take us down a darker path. Inform. But don't inform for the purpose of hurting anybody. Facts can either produce change (to a much lower degree than our Gospel that Jesus gave to us) or facts can do some form of damage. We're not trying to hurt kids. I certainly would hope that facts would hurt an evil racist person who feels superior to our community. But facts wouldn't hurt somebody like that. Facts can only help change those around such people (again, in a lesser degree). I am just so disappointed on so many levels - at a pastor I used to really enjoy listening to and at so many other churches that self-righteously squeeze their eyes shut tight (shaking their heads adamantly) at the mention that racist issues are among us.
I am not a proponent of making CRT a weapon of any kind any more than I am for lgbt agenda of BLM as an organization (though the statement is absolutely true and should offend nobody any more than CRT should offend anybody). And if CRT was a weapon, surely I do believe that no weapon formed against any true believer will prosper. But just like many (though not all) of our churches fail to lament and speak as adamantly on issues like sexual crimes among us (ex: R. Zacharias) by false converts in leadership, adultery among us (C. Lenz) by false converts in leadership, and abusers of all kinds, they fail to point out racism as sin but instead build a huge argument against CRT and present it as if it is a monster of monsters. I'm disgusted and disheartened. And I'm done.
@@yvonnerobert-carr8809 I understand what you're saying, but, when have predominantly white churches ever spoke out on racism? When have predominantly white churches ever spoke out against any hurt that racism has caused any group of people. You are right, a Christian organization does not need Critical Race Theory to engage in doing what's right. But, how many of them do it if it doesn't meet and/or cater to their predominantly white agenda? I attended a well known Southern Baptist Church in the South, they were behind movies such as Fireproof and Courageous. One would assume that this congregation of people were loving, kind, fair, and just. However, it was one of the most blatant racist organizations that I had ever encountered, my children also attended their private school and the same thing for their educational system. This was my experience with these type of Christian organizations. So, the Truth that is now being revealed (CRT is merely a component) of the racist systemic practices that involve hatred, oppression, injustices, and so many other things that have harmed and continue to harm blacks and other races are being revealed because Yahweh is allowing it to be revealed. It is not being revealed to hurt their children, it is being revealed because it is just that - The Truth. Once The Truth is told and accepted, then we will begin to heal as a nation and unite. How can we heal under a lie? How can we heal with hatred and bigotry in our hearts? We cannot. Voddie Baucham is a well spoken man who knows the word. However, he is blatantly pushing the agenda of blocking the truth from being told, makes me wonder, is he intentionally doing so for his own personal gain, because he knows the Truth! Have you ever noticed that Voddie Baucham's audience is predominantly white, he has to appeal to his audience and who has put him on that high podium. We as people have to ensure that we do not worship pastors and remain faithful to Yahweh and his word and his expectations. Voddie Baucham is just a man, he is not God. We cannot be so religious until we miss what Yahweh is showing us. Now that social media has exposed so much of The Truth behind past and current racist systemic practices which included CHRISTIANS, they can longer control the narrative. The same love, compassion, and empathy that you have for their children, I pray that they can one day display that same love, compassion, and empathy for black children. 🤔
@@r-fac6031 I understand you.
I really like that movie Fireproof btw and see it as life-changing, as I love War Room (which I as a wife desperately needed as encouragement).
I'm so sorry about what you went through. I've also belonged to a predominantly white Southern Baptist Church as I also belonged to a predominantly white charismatic church longer ago. I was always treated decently at both and encountered great experiences for the most part. One incident that did upset me was when two children's church volunteers didn't want to give me my child back after service unless I presented ID. My child looks hispanic like my husband, who's hispanic. After going in and out of children's church countless times, the woman who gave me the hardest time (stern-facing me, unmoved at all) didn't even want to go on her recognition of me as my child's mother. I didn't argue - while jokingly saying "yall are welcome to give me free babysitting service if that's what you want." I went to get my purse from my mom and sister who waited for me and presented ID. The children's church claim sticker that I had worn on my blouse must have come off from hugging so many people because that's what we did a lot at that church. And I knew a lot of people there, including in the children's ministry. On the other side of the building where they kept the babies, the ladies who worked on that side used to always greet us because they knew us. The head of the side where the women gave me a hard time is a man who greeted us. But there was this impersonal spirit on attack. And I call it a spirit. I don't even agree with the doctrine taught at Lakewood anymore. But they treated us with the utmost kindness and respect when they did NOT know us until they got to know us and would greet the family with familiarity. Paul Osteen himself spoke so kindly to me right outside their children's church. I miss them and pray God does a great move of Gospel Truth over there. I love them.
Anyway...My husband and I changed our family's membership within weeks of that incident in 2014. But that pastor is a very loving person (a friend of my dad's) who does Biblically teach against racism. And I saw it did make a difference to so many people there. Messages like Dr. Baucham's video would definitely have fueled people to continue mistreating others and to miss the mark of how we in Christ are to all love one another so the world would see our lights.
Anyway, since 2014, we now belong to a predominantly black church in the same area of the previous church. Ironically, after the George Floyd murder shook the whole Body of Christ up based on various reactions among Black and nonBlack Christians, my pastor set up a meeting with black and white pastors in the city to address this publicly. And my previous pastor was there in agreement to address the race issue in ministry from a Biblical perspective - to prefer the Bible approach to race over political approaches. No CRT. No criticizing of CRT. There really were no major discussions of CRT last year when people dealt with the grief of what had happened so close to home for us. (George Floyd's funeral was only minutes from my house. And people in our community knew him when he went to Jack Yates High School with others we knew who attended with him.) Anyway, the pastors just agreed to address what hurts ultimately everyone from a Biblical perspective and disciple people into living with a clear view of the Bible.
I have ZERO respect for what is done in this video and other videos in which he speaks about CRT being a problem for the American church as if the demonic activities of sexual sins and other deep-rooted sins haven't been comfortably hiding there from back row to leadership in some places. (Recently I've been doubting myself for loving so many of his messages and looking at other things he has said in the past about other topics. So, I'm learning this is not the only subject which he's ruffled feathers on. As a formerly betrayed wife in a marriage I decided to stay in and fight for, I can NEVER hear him again on marriage. What he has said in the past about the needs of a man versus fidelity was alarming and gave me answers on how a man can hear a preacher and feel completely free to commit adultery. Now, there are people who can hear a man preach on race like this and feel completely free to mistreat somebody they feel either superior to, envious of, or just leery about. I'm just done!) Sometimes it's not about whether somebody is doing something for gain (and I don't know in this situation). Sometimes it's plainly about lack of discernment, lack of self-awareness, and certainly lack of humility.
@@yvonnerobert-carr8809 Thank you for sharing your story with me, it definitely helped me gain more insight. I too am sorry for the hurtful things that you experienced. Healthy Families are the foundation to the community and Healthy Communities are the foundation to a Healthy Society! Of course it begins with a Healthy Man!
It’s American history get over yourself
I'm so glad we got some intelligent people here.
This is very sad. I find what you are sharing with people is dangerous, not Critical Race Theory. You will get a lot of likes from far right Christians who are more committed to nationalism than following Christ. Jesus would be accused of Marxim and Socialism if he were on earth today. I am proud to be in his company.
Thank you for all you do
As the church we must get back to the unity of the Spirit. Man-made "analytical tools", whatever they are, only serve to divide.
-- Voddie Baucham is lying his ass off about CRT. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 I guess you're entitled to your progressive fake christian delusion.
Thank God the church was never a building.
I am so happy that CRT has not gained any foothold in the Church; just in the machines with churchy names on them. True Christians cannot be racist, and see no need to address it in any way other than salvation.
Is Dr. Baucham still in Florida? He is a great teacher, I was wondering if my husband and I can get to hear him if he is preaching here.
I’m sure the insults will fly but I’ll post anyway. I’ve never understood the animosity and down right hatred towards CRT and those who study it. I’ve researched it and have yet to see the link to Marxism or how, as a white man, I should be feeling guilty for being white. As a history major in college we were trained to use critical theory to understand why things were the way they were in order to achieve a greater understanding. In terms of social justice I would think we would all like to understand why things are the way they are rather than cower from the truth. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior but somehow there’s this narrative that one can’t be a Christian if they study CRT. PLEASE explain that one to me. You know when something goes wrong, say with a rocket launch, scientists and engineers will perform what’s called “root cause analysis.” The purpose being is to get to the root of the problem, not to cast blame but to resolve the issue. If I want to understand how we, as a country, got here then I expect to research as deeply and completely as I can to get to the truth. It’s the same methodology I’ve been using in my faith walk. I don’t wholesale throw out facts or processes just because they make me feel uncomfortable. I’m far more secure in my faith than to let non biblical, secular ideas somehow diminish my faith. I look to understand the human condition in order to fully empathize with and, as I’m commanded, love my neighbor as myself. Should I NOT try to understand my neighbor? If CRT demonstrates an example of oppressor/oppressed in our country, does that somehow make me or anyone else a Marxist? To say there is evidence that a few of our laws at one time or another served one group of people better than another is only an observation, not a declaration. I don’t look at those laws and immediately become a hateful, Marxist racist so why are so many anti-CRTers making that claim? History is strewn with examples of oppressors and oppressed people. Why would we think it’s any different now. Again, just because I make that observation doesn’t make me a Marxist. Personally it seems more folks are against CRT because they fear what they might discover. You can’t fix what you don’t understand.
If you really want the answer to the questions you pose I would suggest you begin listening to the new discourses channel / podcast.
Critical theory is at its bottom a hermetic gnostic religion that requires an unquestioned acceptance of premise and does not allow for criticism lest you prove the thesis. This is not rigorous honest scholarship. Critical theory positions itself as the only lens through which one may correctly view the realities of this world. It makes it self antagonistic to the way, the truth and the life by claiming to be just that.
@@kevinmote2369 Yes, still looking for answers and I’d really like to view the references you are basing your comments on. “Only lens”? Never come across such a claim. “Requires an unquestioned acceptance of the premise”? No scholarly framework ever makes that claim. Somehow tying CRT to a religious construct is a fantastic leap and borders on fantasy. So if CRT says to look at a law that negatively impacts a particular group of people, it’s up to me and not some professor or fanatical sect of a political party, to determine whether or not I accept the assertion. The problem isn’t what someone says. The problem is the weak-minded fools that believe everything they’re told or hear without taking the time and effort to discern whether it’s actually true.
First you have misread me (accidentally or purposefully) in that my claims are more broadly about the premise of critical theory (not just CRT).
The pedantic obfuscation between the literal texts and their modern application is a cute game.
Critical theory adherents make clear the notion that there is "no other way to properly see the world and its realities but through the ct lens" by treating any criticism of it as proof of its thesis. I agree no scholarly framework does that... which is why I assert it is not scholarly.
If you haven't found the gnostic center of the ct lollipop yet just keep licking!
@@kevinmote2369 clearly you’ve found the “gnostic center” of this lollipop. Suspect it’ll continue to remain a secret. All I’m hearing is that it’s evil but given no hard evidence other than unsubstantiated opinions. “Just cuz” might work for some but not me. Whether it’s faith, politics or the latest social issue, “just cuz” is a foolish way to establish one’s beliefs but not surprising more people are doing just that. So just to paint a picture, someone makes the claim that Hitler was evil. The proof is irrefutable. Tons of documented evidence that proves this. But when it comes to CRT or CT, all I’m hearing is it’s evil. Just making the claim doesn’t prove that it is one way or the other. Inflammatory language and fear mongering rhetoric shouldn’t take the place of pure evidence. Have any of the founders of CRT or any of its proponents ever come forward to say that their method is the only way, that any other view is wrong and only they have the answers? That would be pretty significant evidence against CRT. You can go to the BLM organization (not to be confused with the movement) and find pretty damning evidence against them in terms of how they want to subvert our way of life. (See Weathermen). One might say “well there’s this professor who claimed CRT is the only way to view history.” Does that then make it true? No. It’s still only the opinion of a misinformed professor. And there are pastors out there that use their pulpit to politicize the Christian faith. Does that make Christianity bad? Of course not! If the last fours years have shown me anything it’s that all one has to do is say something, anything, and it should be accepted as true.
The hermetical gnostic alchemy of the Hegelian dielectic posits that man and the state can (and will) perfect one another unto utopia.
In this way the state becomes God.
This is a primary (but mal-appreciated) cornerstone of CTs and the Gramci / Marcuse and the Frankfurt school gang on back (while roping in a lot of post modernism) to Marx and obviously then to Hegel who was a hermetic at heart.
It takes a lot cognitive dissonance to hold this notion and the deity of Christ simultaneously.
Can you acknowledge that equality is not proven or disproven by any measures of equity?
If you can then there may be hope for you...
If you cannot then you are on the road to communism.
You then need to rationalize how you claim Christ as your Lord while believing in the Perfectability of man (and his state) apart from the blood of Christ.
Just keep licking... you'll get there.
They try to act like we were not taught about slavery and bigotry in years gone by. We were taught that forever.
Should Voddie continue to say "CRT has infiltrated the church"? Or should he just say that teachers who teach or proselytize CRT are not Pastors and congregations that sit comfortably under the preaching and teaching of CRT are not churches or part of the Church".? I'm all about warning true born again believers about CRT and I'm all about preserving our country's heritage and founding through the Church and the preaching of the Gospel.
Instead of complaining all the time, why not actually go out and help a homeless person? The homeless have no time to try to figure out who’s theories are right or wrong.
Two groups with different ideologies; one in Marxism, the other in capitalism, both are religious. Both are part of the "Beast" empire. Which one should I choose? I choose Jesus🤔✝️
Thank you sir for saying this.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Thanks for the the most medieval pope since the borgias.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
I applaud Dr Baucham forbid insights and perspectives on CRT and Social Justice.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
The devil has been in the church a long time
The devil was in God's perfect Garden Of Eden.
There is NOTHING new under the sun.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
What text book is he referring to? The discussion of CRT seems to never come with a citation or source.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
My preachers cited the (blacked out) clause in the contract to his house which said that you could not sell the home to blacks or malays (brown.)
My preacher, being an attorney, could also as easily have told you that that clause, being blacked out, has not been applicable for over 60 years. And hence systems of oppression, have been wiped out. The systemic racism, has been removed from the system. That's what that's an example of.
Instead, he leads people in my church to believe that it is an actual example of systemic racism and a reason that we should all stand together against systems of oppression. Oh, and theyre changing the systems!
He actually cited someone that works at Kendy's center for anti racist research, in one of his sermons. If that's not throwing up a flag, I don't know what is.
SELLING BOOKS IN CHURCH ? Only time Jesus was angry and turned tables upside down was when people were selling in the 'house of the Lord' -
Your effort to mislead Christians in order to sell books is wrong.
James 5:2-4 The institutional decisions made NOT TO PAY SLAVE LABORERS AND IMMIGRANTS - are not biblical! God has heard their cry and judgement is coming starting with the 'house of the Lord'
Pay those who worked without just wages or God will bring even worse judgement.
GOD IS A GOD OF JUSTICE - JUSTICE from all perspectives Economic, Legal, Educational etc
James 5: 2-4 - is the basis of JUSTICE ... if in doubt? PRACTICE JUSTICE.
Slaves don't rate pay. God sanctions slavery but he also put rules around it. Some people deserved to be slaves. Some people enslaved themselves. The Apostle Paul send a slave back to his master. There is Godly slavery . American Slavery was not that type.
Love the book Fault Lines, it makes sense now what I was hearing in my church. Thankfully the elders have repented after many of us raised concerns.
-- Voddie Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
There is only one race that is the human race. But many cultures.
Thank you for being alert and alerting the public
Thanks for watching!
Thank you Voodie for all you do. I trust your opinion
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
What is this guy's problem?! You just admit you've sinned. You were a racist, or you've benefited from racism. What could possibly be wrong about that?! We are at a place here where preachers are preaching AGAINST repentance, telling others 'Don't dare admit you sinned!' The Lord's coming can't be far off!
This guy's problem has something to do with a false religion insinuating itself within the church.
Scripture is or is not sufficient.
It looks like you believe scripture is insufficient.
That it somehow requires this alternative lens of critical theory to properly see the world and the sinful nature of man.
At its bottom critical theory is a hermetic gnostic religion.
It is not rigorous honest scholarship in any way.
The problem is, I haven't actually done anything racist And we live in a country where people of color, from all over Asia, the Philippines, China, India, and a couple of other countries, can come over here and make more money on average than white people so the system is actually not racist. And I don't believe in the false ideology Robin D'Angelo promotes that every white person is just intrinsically racist. Or Ibram X Kendi's anti-racist BS that says that discrimination now is the solution to discrimination of the past and that you can't be racist to white people. Both of those are the biggest crocs of BS I've ever heard and that's where the society is going and that's why we don't like it. Because promoting any small facet of it, promotes the end result which is division, anti-White racism, Marxism.
It's a Marxist ideology. And severely flawed at that. How does that combine with Christianity? When the end result is this kind of anti-white racism and discrimination, how could that be a biblical cause? There's not a better way to even the system out or help people? We have to hurt people?
My White friends at Boeing can't get promotions. Disney is quoted as saying they won't hire straight white men. Major casting roles in Hollywood are going diverse. I listen to a comedian on Joe Rogan tell the story of how he's in a lawsuit against a company for racial discrimination because they told him that they would not hire him, because he was white.
And here's my problem with the racial reconciliation process. The United Methodist Church says that I have to admit that I'm part of the problem, and then I have to stand with them against systems of oppression, and then I have to help them tear down the systems, and then I have to reconcile myself to God and the oppressed for being a part of the problem, and then I have to repeat the process..
Problem number one is that the process never ends. There's no end to you asking me to get down on a knee. And anything that asks me to get down on a knee because of my skin color, because of something that happened in the past, that I don't have anything to do with, is as evil as anything that would ask somebone of color to get down on their knee, because of their skin color (system of oppression.) Furthermore, I don't have to reconcile myself to anyone that I have not specifically wronged. And let's not confuse the reconciliation process, it's my job to reconcile people to God like he reconciled me.
And let's talk about systems of oppression for a moment. Voting. Jails. Prisons. And any other GD thing that people can point out a disparity in. Call it racist until you control it, see? We already called the cops racist and defunded them and removed them, so bad, that now in Seattle, we're trying to replace them with the illegal immigrants. You see? The problem with standing with the church against systems of oppression is that systems of oppression are anything that anybody woke, says that a system of oppression is. I'm not doing that. There are places in the United States where we're now calling grading systems in schools, racist. According to Maxine Waters, if you don't agree with her policy, you're a racist. I won't let them define anything they feel like defining, as racist and then stand with them, or you, to help anybody to tear that down. None of this stuff makes any sense. Call it racist until you control it.
And so let's please take a moment to define what racism actually is If you want to ask someone if they've benefited from it. Because I don't believe that anyone has ever benefited from not getting a job because of their skin color. I don't believe that anyone has ever benefited from segregation. But that's what we're calling for. We're asking for white people to say that they benefit from racism, while we're racist to them. What is this tomfoolery? What is this kooky talk? What is this, crazy making?
And then, I get to repeat the process with you. So let's keep redefining what systems of oppression are, and let's keep redefining what's actually racist and then I'll help you tear that down too. And then when there's nothing left we can look back at that silly comment you made that started it all. What's wrong with saying it just a little bit?
My white friends at Boeing can't get promotions because they're white. Disney is quoted as saying that they will not hire straight white men. A very popular comedian on The Joe Rogan show is in an active lawsuit because he recorded someone telling him that they would not hire him because he was white, and had been told this several times. I had some ass hole, who also happened to be black, take a machine from me at the gym and told me that I could have it when he got done.
Just get down on your knee. Admit you're part of the problem and that you're a racist. Take our racist discrimination against you. Confess your sins against me, even if it wasn't you that directly committed them. Oh, wait. I need you to be willing to repeat this process over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
How does that sound to you my friend? That sounds like absolute FN tyranny.
Here's the link to the United Methodist Church five-step process. I just left my non-denominational church for this junk.
The Bible says that we're supposed to stand as one in the body of Christ. The Bible says that there are no slave and no free among us, we are all one in the body of Christ. There is nothing in the Bible that mentions race. And so therefore there is nothing in the Bible that mentions racial reconciliation. And when you tell me that I can't stand, as one with you in the body of Christ, until I go through a racial reconciliation process, there's something wrong with that my friend. There's something evil about that. If I don't take the mark. Then I'm canceled. I'm a bigot. I'm a racist. Even if I disagree because the ideology is flawed in every single possible way. Even if I say that I want to stand with you against specific examples of systemic racism and fight those, when I disagree, I'm still racist! That's the problem! You don't see?
Justice needs no qualifier.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man. He lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Communists are very clear that late stage capitalism will either "evolve" into communism (through dialectical progression of tearing away the contradictions of society) or "devolve" into fascism. This mindset comes through clearly with a reading of Herbert Marcuse ("father of new left") and you spout it here as well. Communist take the position that anti-communism is (in their minds) "by definition" fascism or the road to fascism (ie your words neo-nazism).
Sure is handy to just paint all logical arguments against your position as "evil"...
It's a stupid Kafka trap and therefore dishonest argumentation. CRT is ultimately illiberal leftist political activism with an intention to challenge and upend the liberal order instead of working within its framework for incremental improvements to society. This is stated plainly in the first paragraph of the introduction in the book "CRT an Introduction" by R. Delgado and J. Stefancic.
CRT is just one of many leftist tools. The basic tenents of CRT are being used to foment racial hatred and division.
They are primarily focusing on the equity argument that different groups aught to have perfectly equitable share of everything.
Problem is that isn't how the world works. We can't create equal outcomes for children of the exact same families since the oldest sibs as a group outperform younger sibs.
There is no evidence that people when left alone to sort themselves out will do so with all groups getting equal shares. Half the world is not as smart as the other half... should the less smart half of the population get equal shares as surgeons in the operating rooms of our hospitals?
Where does the group equity argument end?
The notion that equity (or equal outcomes by groups) is proof of equality of opportunity and that dis-equity is proof that equal opportunity isn't present is laughable and childish.
Communism is categorically opposed to Christianity in that the core assumption of communism is an unconstrained view of natural man's potential to be perfected apart from God. Communism posits that natural man and the state can perfect one another unto utopia. This utopian state replaces and becomes God (Hegal). Marx called religion the opium of the masses.
All the critical theories spawned from the Frankfurt school which CRT is definitely a spawn of that "dialectical enlightenment" thinking are communist at there core and are therefore anti-christian.
If man can perfect himself without the atoning blood of Christ then what did Christ die for?
10's of thousands of different churches tells me we are not all led by the Spirit. I'm afraid in these last days if you are not in the vine (Jesus) you will be doing your own thing. I am the vine you are the branch outside of me, You can do nothing. I believe most Christians are of religion & not "In Christ" the Hope of Glory. Examine yourself. Follow Paul because he follows Jesus.
SO true... Jesus us the same yesterday today forever Hebrews 13:8
Thank GOD for Doc. V.B.
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man. He lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines." CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
One of the tactics the enemy has always used to push bad ideas onto the church is ambiguity in the pulpit. I can't count how many times I've heard a sermon that used flowery, Hallmark, ambiguous language to secretly introduce to the mind of the hearers ideas that are harmful and anti-biblical. Scripture repeats itself and explains itself time and time again. Scripture interprets scripture. Scripture uses a very specific language, and if you don't get the idea its intending in one passage, there's many other passages that teach the very same thing. But dishonest people will always try to push propaganda through vague, flowery expressions.
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 Is this satire? Or is this how far the indoctrination of our culture has gotten, that a grown adult who can string enough words together to form a semi coherent thought actually thinks that anything you said has any basis in fact or reality? Honestly, I'm both embarrassed for you and impressed. Embarrassed because there's no possible way to understand the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and come anywhere near what you wrote. Impressed that your skill in eisegesis and linguistic acrobatics allows for you to read godless, satanic ideas such as CRT into the scripture. I can only surmise that you completely ignored the Law of God in the OT, which builds the very worldview from which the rest of scripture is to be exegeted, came at carefully selected NT passages through an ideological framework rooted in Marxist worldview, and smashed in that puzzle piece that came from a completely different box. I know that brainwashing and Indoctrination isn't easy to reverse, and being that your ideas are championed by big tech, big eva, big entertainment, big pharma, every major corporation, big academia, and every other institution now owned by the establishment elite, countless dollars went into your conditioning, so it really is up to God whether you can awake from it. Obviously nothing I say can break it. You're a part of a cult. And most cults are founded on reading into the Bible ideas foreign to it and completely ignoring the OT and tracing our doctrine back through history by the faithful who passed down reformed teachings and shed their blood for it. Voddie's teachings agree with the faithful throughout church history. Yours agrees with the godless institutions currently leading America astray. And you want to say his father's the devil?
Show me injustice and I will fight it with you; but show me some bullshit and I'm gonna call it out.
I live in Deep East Texas... We have black churches and white churches, black Jesus, and white Jesus..
Im so embarrassed at how we as 'Christians' act like God cares how our skin reacts to the sun !
Biblical Repentance never ended slavery or sexism, it’s CRT and law that did it. Once biblical repentance ends racism in the church or America, you wouldn’t need to worry about CRT.
It’s not the Church, The Church is that body of Glorified Believers.
The church has been and always will be a thing of man.
See the first few chapters of Revelation.
Another moral strike against American. Similar to Gay (i.e. Same Sex) Marriage, which started off small in 1970 and eventually grew to full legalization in 2015, despite the vigorous protests to the contrary. The CRT movement is here to stay and will only grow stronger over time, but at a more rapid pace due to the current governmental leadership. It is an unfortunate reality. The same can be said of the Temperance Movement which was abolished constitutionally in 1933, and now there is a push to legalize Marijuana today on a federal level.
Christian's like Vodie are really important in making things clear and identifying CRT iñ the church or community.
Please be aware of DEI. It is an off shoot of CRT. Many schools are adopting it saying we're not teaching CRT but DEI. Do your research cause it also will be in the church if it's not already. Fault Lines is an EXCELLENT book and must read for all who profess Christ. Solid biblical truth.
God help us
So grateful to see you 💕🙏🏼
Let no man deceive you. Stick with word.
Voddie Baucham Why don’t you talk on the epic of Gilgamesh?
Voddie, did not share all that the SBC resolution 9 said about CRT and Intersectionality. He failed to define CRT. The resolution below defines it and states how it has been used, while at the same time declaring that Scripture is greater and the only hope is not CRT but the gospel of Jesus Christ. Voddie failed to share the following from the resoulition..."RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, June 11-12, 2019, affirm Scripture as the first, last, and sufficient authority with regard to how the Church seeks to redress social ills, and we reject any conduct, creeds, and religious opinions which contradict Scripture; and be it further
RESOLVED, That critical race theory and intersectionality should only be employed as analytical tools subordinate to Scripture-not as transcendent ideological frameworks; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the gospel of Jesus Christ alone grants the power to change people and society because “he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6); and be it further..."
The resolutioncan be read in its entirety here. www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/on-critical-race-theory-and-intersectionality/
I just subscribed. Thank you for sharing this video. ❣️🙏🏼
Thanks for subbing!
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 I’ll stick to what the Bible says that we are all equal in His sight…
Any hate is wrong
One of the satan’s dirtiest tricks. Looks good. Sounds good. But doesn’t taste good. It is a half-truth.
I like this gentlemen a lot. I believe, unlike a good many pastors, Dr Baucham aspires to bring the the entire council of God to a dying world. But issues in the church such as CRT should not come as a surprise to any person that has been saved of God. Not the people who simply "join up." For God himself tells us that "satan will take his seat in the temple" ( the corporate church ) and be worshipped as God himself. The sad part is that the majority will never recognize it. He also says "when you see the abomination of desolation as spoken by Daniel, in the holy place, than ye who are in Judea flee to the mountains ." Mountains being, fleeing to God himself. People, open your eyes, pray, and I do mean pray for GOD's wisdom. All this sinful nonsense should not be surprising but expected.
Is very easy now to know who the enemy inside is just askthem if they are democrats
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
Close to 40% of Americans have attended college. Compared to 8% in 1960. I took sociology, but that's not CRT. There were other classes like Philosophy that asked ethical questions, but that's been going on since Socrates. Previously, I looked CRT schools and I only found a hand full of colleges, none of which were Ivey league. Now, Kimberly Crenshaw the author of CRT says that CRT is not taught in K - 12. It is only taught in the universities in the law department. So, I see Voddie as a liar. We know that the Democrats left the Democratic party over school desegregation. So, these racist ideas are emerging again, but this time they put a Black face on it.
I know where I come from, God made me, he made white female, and made me for his glory, he also made black people and all other race for his glory, simple as that. praise the Lord.
via Feminism.
Isn’t it all just Black Liberation Theology only under a new name?
Lucifer is a very sneaky guy. 😡
They need to stop calling it critical race theory and just call it American history. 🤷🏾♂️
We don’t want it, but yet it’s so prevalent in our country and churches ⛪️
-- Voddie Baucham is a very evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
In my opinion CRT is a matter of covetousness; people wanting to be something they aren't or can not be. You need to work within the confines as to how you were created and quit blaming others for your own shortcomings.
Simple Ezekiel 18:20.
Excellent job! The Bishops of the Catholic church continue this nonsense everyday w "restorative " justice, "social" justice, etc...
Think about it, even the title is illogical - how can a theory be critical?
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
This is part of the “apostasy” the great falling away, from the truth, from God. 2 Thessalonians 2
He’s a very sick guy
So, we're listening about Christianity from the Heartache Foundation ?? Omg!!!
Talk about racism . . . Check out the history of the country of Belize after the American civil war. Eye opening. The racism and attitudes remain today.
praise the Lord and God bless you amen
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Baucham even teaches and uses some of the same tenets espoused by CRT.
Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
It sounds like idiocy to anyone who can think.
Subscribed, thank you!
-- Voddie Baucham is an evil man - a deceiver. His father is the Father of Lies. Baucham lies his ass off about Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his book "Fault Lines."
CRT is rooted in Biblical values and aims to root out the vestiges of White supremacy in American society. Anti-Critical Race Theory (ACRT) is a far-right ideology rooted in Neo-Nazism and White supremacy and seeks to reestablish White supremacy as the official ideology of the United States.
@@agentprovocateur1702 I’m not surprised to see what you had to say, I wouldn’t expect anything less…you’re entitled to your opinion, take care.
Preacher . When have man not high jacked any moment in society? This has always been a trick of the enemy to make those who opposed it to think that its really nothing going on, and for those who condone it to be tricked to think that its always worse than they really know. We know that sin is still here. Any Pastor or preacher should know this , because why do we still preach? To call unsaved individuals to Salvation. To keep the saints equipped. It's simple as that. You know this Preacher , but is everything and every situation , social injustice or social Equality. No. Does sin exists ? Yes. Don't be fooled following some political party that's nothing but what the world call. The lesser of two evils. They are all according to God's Word. Sinking sand. Period. That's why we have His Word. Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. Preacher I pray that we begin to have real Pastors and Preachers begin to stand for the cause of Righteousness instead of some weak political party that's nothing but fools gold. Temporary fixes. Nothing eternal. Sin exists. No matter who's and where it's coming from . What color. What party. What people. That covers it all .
Why not pray it away?
I am 100% against CRT, but CRT is not the problem with the modern day church. What the problem with the modern day church is they have left their first Love; Christ. And also clowns like this guy Voddie Baucham who are preaching man’s wisdom. Though it might look like he is bring awareness and a possible solution to the church. Yet what he is really doing is nothing more than babbling about a current day philosophy…
As Paul said….”And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified….And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
The church’s problem is they are not reading and studying the Bible on a daily basis and nor are they trusting in what Christ did on the Cross as the finished work. And clowns like this guy Voddie, is nothing more than a distraction to the already ignorant saints.
Richard Grant can wake man up
The gospel is this: JESUS 'requires' one to be HIS SLAVE (Ephesians 6). Getting rid of slavery is destroying THE ONLY WAY to be saved by GOD's grace alone (Ephesians 2).
God is an excellent slave master. Man is not. That's the difference
God and Jesus Christ love us all.
Separation of church and state!!
Sadly millions of people call themselves Christians when in fact they aren’t. Many just take the word of some “pastor” or some other title they have been given rather than trusting the word. James says that scripture is “God breathed” and if people don’t listen to the word they are not listening to Jesus. Jesus told us how to be saved. And I is way more than just belief alone. That is the biggest false teaching there is. Once saved always saved. We have to believe in Jesus, confess and repent of our sins, be baptized for the forgiveness of sins, and then live an obedient life. Acts 2:38. Jesus also told Nicademus we must be “born again of water and the Spirit or we will not enter Heaven”. Being born again of water is being baptized ( immersed) for forgiveness. As soon as we come up out of the water we are given the Holy Spirit. We have buried our old sinful selves and been raised a new creation free from the bondage of sin. But we can fall away. This is the biggest problem in all of Christianity. It is why there is so much division. There is only ONE true Church. It amazes me how many people refuse to believe the truth. But the Bible also says that many will say to Jesus on judgment day “didn’t I perform miracles and cast out demons in your name?” And Jesus will say “away from me, I never knew you”. They will be cast into Hell for eternity. It doesn’t matter how much good someone does, we cannot earn our salvation. Yes we have to have works, but they do not get us in. Only faith and being covered by the blood of Jesus Christ will suffice. And sadly there are millions that aren’t.
Jesus Christ Saves From Sin-Acts 2:38🔥❤️
"Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed ?"-Acts 19:1-9🔥🙏🏾❤️
its a play that repeats under the sun, man thinks there just son of man and doubt Gods kingdom in them, so judge all you want to but you better know who in doing what they do by who? laugh is the only thing you should do at yourself.
only my opinion, a lot less tradition & a lot more scripture
Read the Bible yourself.
just like LED TV is better than crt.......crit-race-think is obsolete
I have yet to hear a real point
He is talking over your head.