As black people, we have to start thinking with our heads and not our skin color. We can have our own opinions without worrying about "not being black" or being considered an "uncle tom"
As opposed to whites, Asians, LatinX etc. How do blacks think with their skin color? Why is that bad for only blacks? Didn't the Biden administration just pass an Asian protection bill? I need some answers here 🤔
Chris, Blacks AND Whites need to.... And everyone else. It's way too easy for us all to just go with the flow and shut our mouths to avoid conflict but it's starting to get out of control. If we show courage and stand up first then surely others are thinking what we are thinking and will join us. Be brave!
@@Mr._Moderate Well 1, I'm sure you've seen black people being ridiculed by other black folks for expressing their opinions on racism that dont line up with the "grrr white man bad black man good narrative" Second, I never said it was only bad for blacks, but Its a growing concern especially with black folks blindly following the BLM movement without looking into their hidden agenda. Also what does Biden and the asian protection plan have anything to do with what i said?
I was watching a show with my son and there was a scene where a student was disagreeing with his college professor during class. The student was portrayed as bad. My son was shocked when I told him the student did nothing wrong and a good professor would welcome disagreement and discussion.
Tell us more about that show. I'd like to see that scene. After all, who knows what he said? How's That for discussion? Provide the show and context please.
I had a drill sergeant tell us,"There are a lot of reasons to dislike someone. The color of their skin is never one of them. Let them open their mouth and they will give you a good reason."
true, but people can dislike others for ridiculous and irrational reasons too; The way they walk, the way they talk. Not saying it's right but it is a facet of human nature.
@Warlock you are talking about the upper echelons of military. The working ranks don't give two shots about colour. Its about the guy stood next to us.
@Warlock personally served back when communism was still the enemy. Hitler’s Aryian Iranian racism came after reading Arthur De Gobineau’s racist-narcissistic book “Ancien Regime old Order”. Racism can never be stopped as long as Nobility Divine Rights of Kings and Established religions with their inseparable religious-judicial codes view non complying as Dogs!
@@damonburn5273 just thinking of that movie the Tuskegee airmen....or that movie windtalkers....Damon do you think the real life characters of these films would agree...I get what you are saying tho...
As someone who has lived in foreign nations, among very different cultures than my own, I applaud you. Too many people in the U.S. today, live in a bubble. They really do not know what true diversity and equality are. Diversity and equality cannot be forced upon the whole of a society, based on the ideals of one group. That approach, in and of itself, completely negates the idea of diversity and equality. As soon as we stop pointing out how different we all are on the outside, the sooner we can learn to focus on what's inside.
What floors me is our race issues were created in and by Americans. We have come up with various American 'solutions ' up to and including CRT. Our pho king 'solutions' continue to make our society worse, yet we lecture other countries about diversity and inclusion. Um why? Because we have it nailed down???
Hers is intellectual anger. It's sharp and dangerous. Most people dont know how to handle that. And it stings deep, more effective than emotional anger.
Can we start calling it right wing propaganda? Cause that's what shes talking about, definatly not critical race theory Edit: clarifying. Shes using a strawman fallacy and arguing agenst a version of CRT that no one believes in and that dosent honestly represent what people actually say and do when using crt. Hense right wing propaganda and fearmongering.
Well, honesty time... There are lots of black people in my church, work, personal life, always have been. But since the past year with BLM, crt, etc., I have been having a negative feeling when I encounter black people I don't personally know. I feel awkward and uncomfortable around them and just try to avoid.
@@moop111 Nice Self-Roast. You even deleted your own comment out-of-shame, huh? Man, some people are really the tiniest of brains. Being tricked and not fact-checking regarding CRT is one thing, but wow.
amen being anti- "critical race theory" (the CRT recently created wholecloth by literally FOX News, not the original legal concept) is one such tyranny
This recorded stream of consciousness in the form of one logical fallacy after another is anything but graceful. Ask any formal debater from any walk of life and any political background and they will agree, that I stand by 100%.
@@1jotun136 re: debater, due to knowledge of widely used logical fallacies. Care to actually rebut on the topic at hand instead? Edit: Right, you'd have nothing substantive to argue, as your reply would demonstrate.
@@R0bstar-YT Her content was unpolished but demonstrated she had some valuable insights. She has discovered her own patterns from a variety of data points she has been exposed to in her unique experiences and she expressed many of those patterns fairly well. I was particularly interested in her expression of her understanding of the myriad contradictions in Postmodernism and in CRT which has some Postmodernist roots. She didn't mention Rawlsian analysis which likely also has had some effect on CRT evolution, and also contributes to its contradictions, nor did she mention the influence of the financial elites in funding and otherwise promoting CRT for their own nefarious purposes, but she still had something interesting to say.
Imagine if someone back then said you shouldn't murder Jewish people because they are Jewish. People would be saying that's advocating for genocide in this insane backwards thinking The religion of not committing genocide. Fun.
@@breadfan9 It is a race, it is ALSO a religion. The two are not mutually exclusive. Not all jews practice judaism and not all who practice judaism are jewish.
Don’t forget the elites & international & our national businesses who profit from it, if commies are allowed to maintain their current roles. Who is, in NY, running as republicans & libertarian? Also in Watters & Pelosi’s in Calif?? IF voting can be Trued. The dems are fighting tooth& mail to continue their rule, as in 2020, by hook or by crook ! !
Actually, the media wants us to dislike each other as much as they claim so that they can control and profit off of us. They know good stories don't attract as many eye balls as they would like and they know that is we are not afraid of each other and are united, we won't care what they have to say, so they need to keep us afraid and hateful cos we would then easy to control. They are evil. Enemies of the people.
As a gay man, I think this should apply to the LGBTQ+ community too. I grew up during a time when gay people literally were "oppressed". Today's LGBTQ+ is acting like we're horrifically oppressed but we're not. Of course there's still quite a bit of prejudice around, but the law protects us and people largely leave us be. Eventually we have to forgive people who did us wrong previously, otherwise we're going to become a permanent victim of the past.
Why no Paul. It never ends until the Oppressed overthrows the Oppressor and forcibly integrate them into the new egalitarian society, the meaning of which is of course dictated by the new Oppressor, and if the newly Oppressed don't fall into line peacefully (and they never do) then as Tyrion Lannister said, heads, spikes and whatever.
Glad you say this. With the pushing diversity I feel I beginning to hate it where a few years ago I was still all for it. But now we all have to think the same but people should not force me in what to say or think
@pauldilley8974 Today’s “LGBTQ+” doesn’t only consist of the Western world. Even if there are laws protecting queer communities, that does not mean society as a whole accepts them. It’s like saying women today aren’t oppressed because we can vote, go to work, etc, but sexism still exists in cultures.
I am in N. Italy and I am crying with joy to hear this young person KNOWING THE TRUTH and sharing this with intellectual individuality with epic courage and wonderfully so! Thank you and in you the truth will shine and blind all the others of fakenesses!!!
Just wanna thank you for this. Surprised the algorithm even let it pop up. I'm a straight white dude just tryin to get along like everyone else and it's good to see people of all kinds calling this craziness out for what it is.
CRT, is part of an agenda, people who think the same, are easier to control... CRT is just a 1st step in getting people used to being Openly told by Gov't what is "Right Think" & "Right Speech" - they've been conditioning us & our Kids towards accepting it for decades. Somebody needs to tell the government the People were doing fine, as long as you (the gov't) stick to doing fine by the people & get back in your lane - work on OUR jobs, OUR fuel, OUR security. You've made us poorer again, in spirit, in hope, economically, allowed & caused chaos & so it's easy to manipulate the people- we're scared about our future but the gov't's made it about one race against another to distract us from what they're doing-their mistakes...
@@paulinefinn7075 Nah, man. It's been prevalent since 2014-15. It's been festering underground for even longer. I graduated college in 2010. Now that I look back at my classes I recognize that this ideology was being ever so slightly pushed. A few teachers were outright communists/socialists and pushed their opinions as fact exclusively.
We will have it for as long as we fight for it. If your going to roll over for them.. then you wont have it and dont deserve it. We as americans MUST keep the pressure
I'm 46 years old! I learned about slavery and Hitler and the haulicaus! Learning these things did not make me hate white people or hate myself as a black man! Reading those lessons made feel good on how far we came as a nation!! Don't be afraid of Learning American history! True American history! And don't ignore it or wish it away!! Learning a person history help you to understand different cultures!
@@hym3323 Tell that to the countries that gave up their gun rights. Tell that to the Chinese that send you to re-education camps if you speak out against the 1 party system. We are only 1 party away from a 1 party system.
As part of a minority in North America , I have only one thing to say about wokeness and critical race theory : when one's life is defined by being a victim, there's simply no way out of victimhood. One is stuck in that role. Winning or becoming successful at anything will turn one into one of the oppressors. So.... if you don't want spend your whole life whining about injustices.... just snap out of it. Get a life and do something of your life. Pity the victims (the true victims) , help them if you can ... but don't .... just don't join them. Make them see you as what they can become once they grow out of victimhood. Peace.
@@Just_a_turtle_chad To a point. Let me explain. So I teach contemporary art history and I use Critical Theory a great deal in my course. CRT is an outgrowth of CT so logically, I think it is worthwhile to employ, but the current crop of CRT writers and thinkers are a breed apart. Having long achieved acceptance in academia they are now seeking something else, exclusivity. CRT doesn't just want to be a theory it wants to be the institutional lens through which all endeavors are viewed, it is a tool that thinks it's the whole toolbox. When you start enforcing that kind of conformity you are no longer in the category of "truth" or earnestly seeking knowledge. You have crossed over into the category of dogma for the sake of it. Let me give you an example. Latinx is a term that has gained popularity in academic circles of late. It was no doubt made with the best intentions, to be more inclusive to represent the trans or non-binary individual who is of Latin extraction. I use it myself when I am talking about contemporary art by a person who is Hispanic and non-binary etc. But the term originates almost entirely from white, elite institutions in academia and the media. Most people of Latin extraction object to the term being applied universally, not just to Latin people who don't fit the gender binary but to every topic that can be called Latin. Recently I have heard it applied with near total universality to topics such as Pre-Columbian studies or Viceregal Colonial Art. This is absurd. Spanish and Portuguese are gendered languages and the vast majority of Latin peoples have no objection to that and actually object to the the term Latinx. Forcing Latinx on every conceivable iteration of Latin culture is a form of Neo-Colonialism by mostly white people, to be blunt and it's wrong. It's why CRT has become so controversial. Should it be taught? Absolutely. Should it subjugate all other disciplines and even common sense. No.
Hehehe. Wayne. Well one can say they forgive but it is not their place. It is God's work. The holy spirit can guide and help us to forget, and pray for them. This is why we forget so we cannot drink that poison and die.
"In my experience, if there is a bad taste in your mouth, you spit it out instead of swallowing it back." -Amzing Grace Amazing movie about William Wilberforce and his work to abolish slavery in the British Empire
I appreciate you speaking out. As a Hispanic immigrant, I initially swallowed the victim mentality idea, but as I worked and saw my check deductions and started to research them, I learned to appreciate this country for the opportunity it gave me.
@@jaspermatty If you're going by Charles Darwin's Evolution Theory, he claims that black people evolved from Homo Erectus and Homo Hablis, and Caucasians evolved from Neanderthals. Life started in Iraq where the Garden of Eden was at. Iraq is in West Asia known as the Middle East. In Iraq they still speak the ancient language Aramaic and these people are called Chaldeans.
When the alarm went off and after realizing it wasn’t mine and you said “excuse me my meatloaf is ready “ I connected with you on a whole other level!!
Students often have gotten Misinformation. Sunday Towns and what is generally known about them are a good Example for this. 'Illuminatinaughtii' just made a video named 'Sunday Towns / Prism of the Past' about it.
I would love to see critiques of critical race theory. But I have no idea what she's talking about because its definatly not CRT. Some sort of right wing religion called something similar?
@@Parousia001 what kind of bizarro world do you live in? CRT is not being tought in schools, except for maybe a few really nitch college courses. And she dosent seem to know what CRT is cause what she is describing isnt even remotely close.
"Transporting oppression from from history to a generation that haven't even experienced opression" is the one best critisism i've heard of CRT. You are the Superhero here=)
@ Yes ButActuallyNo... Here is what you and a lot of people like yourself do not understand. After 246 years of slavery and 100 years of racial oppression, there is an aftermath. The aftermath of 346 years of slavery and Jim Crow laws that created a psychological condition that evolved into the characteristic makeup of the mind and develop into a trait that predisposed people to become a certain way. When you are born out of certain conditions it nurtures your mentality and establishes your attitude. You become a product of your environment and in the same way customs and traditions are passed on from one generation to the next so too are the learnt behaviors from the practices of slavery, Jim Crow laws and marginalization. The history of racism and injustice against Black people in America is etched in the minds of most Black people and permeates from one generation to the next. It is something that lives in infamy and the damage is permanent. There is no amount of statistics that you can come up with that will ever convince Black people that racism no longer exist. It will never undo the psychological damage that 346 years of racial oppression has done. America will never redeem itself from all what it inflicted upon Black people because it refuses to hold itself accountable and there will never be any closure for Black folks until America acknowledge its sins.
@@garthreid5088 Ah, yes, in other words, after that long diatribe, you try to excuse the _"characteristic makeup"_ and _"attitude"_ of *victimization.* Guess what, genius, throughout the history of mankind, many, if not most peoples have a history of being enslaved at one time or another. Slavery is not particular to blacks (sub-Saharan Africans), in fact the word slave originates from the Slavic people in Eastern Europe/Eurasia (It is generally assumed that the use of the word sclavus with the meaning of slave is related to the enslavement of Slavic warriors by Otto I of Saxony). Therefore according to your victim mentality, most of the world should be pissed at one another and keep reliving any and all injustices of the past, not just black Americans (sorry, not sorry). And if it's so bad here in the USA, then you and people like you are free to move back to Africa and be among the majority, and of your own preferred skin color. I'm sure you'll be very happy there and if things go wrong or don't go your way, you won't have "whitey" around to blame it on. Although that latter part may actually dissuade people like you, because that would mean having to take responsibility for yourselves and jettison your entitled feelings of victimization. It is telling that hardly any black Americans and white guilt leftist actually do leave this awful, racist country to move over to the "motherland"―meanwhile, millions of Central, South American and people from all over the world are illegally trying to get in here. Maybe LeBron James, who has it so hard here, will move out of his wealthy and predominately white neighborhood and into Africa and start a trend?
@@garthreid5088 If the damage is 'permanent',why are there Black billionaires and millionaires.Why have there been a Black President,Black Secretary of state,Black Cheif of staff.What did they do that others arent What did the Jews do once theyd rightly pursued the Nazi perpretators of that generation? Do you hear them talking about the Psychological effects of their (more recent) past? Maybe because by looking back continuously it would torture most of them,hence they (mostly) looked forward and produced some of the finest scientists/inventors etc in the world Its not hard to find ways of being resentful,but the vast majority of the 'sinners' are long gone.You need to move on
And when people justify the current wave of anti-White discrimination because they claim "White people haven't experienced discrimination before" like its supposed to be some "ha, now you know how it feels" initiative, they have COMPLETELY LOST THE PLOT.
Hi Kimi, Douglass Murray in his latest work "The War on The West" gives the subject a more thorough and scholarly treatment than any others I've read so far. I highly recommend it. You have a solid grasp of the problems associated with this "movement, and I applaud you for that. Keep on learning and best of luck in what I'm sure will be a great future.
What? I thought we were all the same. Drats. And worse yet if you push back on any of the far left WOKE religious tenants you’re an apostate (right winger). Goodness they certainly are judgemental.
This is such a stupid point. No one is arguing that. What is being argued is that there is a racial caste system in America. Which means racist people beleive that your race dictates what roles in society you play.
@@SkinnymarksStudy of the tenants/details and REACH of CRT reveals that it exceeds what seems 'reasonable' and just, such as understanding caste systems. Black parents are pushing back. Especially parents of bi-racial children not standing for their children now 'CASTE' due to their racial-components, of 'whiteness' for example. Initial-push back was solely from the 'right'. And dismissable as complaining racists. That IS changing!!
@@TheWretchedMammoth Next you'll tell me that only racists beleive black people exist in amarica. You guys have done so insane. And just popularized yelling racist at the left because it was starting to become effective tool to bludgeon people with.
A prayer uncovered in a women’s prison camp: “Lord, remember not only men and women of good will, but those of ill will. But do not remember the suffering they have inflicted upon us. Remember the fruits we brought thanks to this suffering - our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of this. And when they come to judgement, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.” On a scrap of paper discovered in Ravensbruck extermination camp, 1945.
Oh my goodness! This person had the greatness of heart that only God can give❤️ basically just like Jesus, Father forgive them for they don't know what they do.
Makes me sad that people can be so brainwashed by religion that they're getting tortured and starved to death in a concentration camp and still say "god bless that person, they know not what they do". They do know what they're doing, they're making a conscious decision just like you are making a conscious decision to be stupid. Forgiving somebody for torturing your family or your people or you isn't going to get you into heaven, I'm pretty sure if God is there he'll forgive someone for being angry at someone who mistreated his people, look at all the times in the bible he supported people like that who were mistreated and rose up against the people mistreating them (Moses against Egyptians, Jesus against Romans/Jews, etc).
@@jazzabighits4473 given the actual words of the prayer.. it doesn't seem like they're trying to deny anything about their aggressors behavior... This prayer seemed more an example of not allowing yourself to turn into the oppressor in response to being oppressed. It's about taking full license of the only liberty that can't be stripped from you... Because there is only one thing no one can take from you, your state of mind. And that's from an entirely non-religious person here. Your comment makes me sad... for you. Sad that that pessimistic outlook was all you could ring from it. brainwashed or no... the prayer of an abused, utterly disenfranchised individual demonstrated a more solid lesson about how to be in the world than your eagerness to criticize them could any day. Brainwashed or not, beneath you or no... It's savvy to remember that anyone anywhere, no matter how different from you, may have something of value to teach. Best wishes to you.
@@AlphaOmegaSigma07 I've seen quite a few that are racist against anyone not black, even people with power and influence have spoken against other POC groups as lesser than. Terry Crews had it right when he called out BLM saying, paraphrasing but might get it right... "we must remember black lives matter, not black lives better." It really does seem to be not about equality or white inferiority, but black superiority. I've always been against racism, even before I knew I was, and to see racism rule the public face of America is a nightmare.
@@e.k.o5412 Text is hard sometimes, that was sarcasm right? I'm guessing since white fragility is basically a get out of racist jail free card that it was sarcasm but you never know xD It's like adults beating on kids and saying, "What are you going to cry are you a baby?" it doesn't make sense but there are absolutely those that do it anyway :\ That's certainly just one example... my god I hope you're nodding your head already knowing this and I'm not bringing awareness to a toxic person how toxic they are as that can just lead to flaming which is just negativity. For real... please tell me you were being sarcastic. Remember, positivity is power.
Thank you for your courage against this hypocrisy and love for humanity, a brown fellow here and absolutely holds humanity and life above anything else.
Because this opinion is very flawed because she brings up MLK not knowing that Him and Malcolm X was starting to talk about getting what is owed to Black People that is what got him killed. Our society decided to make him a peaceful symbol so black people could stay inline. So again this country need to come to grips with the history of all the bad along with the good. If Germany can do it so can we!
@@melcardenas389 it sounds as though you're implying that MLK proposed using violence against an entire population to achieve some sort of goal of superiority or control. Am I reading too much into it?
@@nicknomski8399 Go and look at some of MLK interviews before he was killed and you will see a different tone of his rhetoric. He start to knowledge that it might have not been a good idea about everything.
It’s so refreshing to see more people , particularly b l a c k people, that speak out against the facade of CRT. CRT isn’t about compromise, it’s about conformity, and thats a HUGE issue
@Rob Spencer Are you kidding me? Did you even watch this video? (and the sequel). There's a woman of color, systematically dismantling critical race theory as the complete and utter bullcrap that it is and always has been. The "substance" of critical race theory is "dark supremacy" plain and simple. It's a horrendous, evil, and hateful ideology sprouted from the unholy union of 1) white liberal neo-marxists (Ranging from the murderous feminists such as Andrea Dworkin, who advocated for the death of all men, calling it "a start"; to the racist thugs such as the Nation of Islam ran by Farrakhan of the Black Panther Party and adored by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton etc.. who preach that the white race was "a mongrel race created by the biblical Jacob (Yakub in arabic) as revenge so he could destroy the world. And that all whites are evil demonic "spawn of esau etc.." and all the other pieces to the "intersectional" hate-sphere. Who created a chimera philosphy which also combined with the teachings of post-modernist scholars of france (Particularly Foucault and Darrida who defended the 100+ million lives taken by the marxist soviets and chinese in the 1940s-60s etc.. as necessary steps to reach their new age). Long story short: CRT is the spawn of literally EVERY ONE of THE most hateful ideologies of the 20th century thrown into one. You might think to yourself; "But that can't be! They are left wing, so surely they don't incorporate evils such as the Fascist Right espoused by the Nazi's and Mussolini etc..." but when you see how the CRT being forced into schools such as the ones being Protested due to their inclusion in Los Angeles area public schools, includes rampant anti-semitism which states that "all jews are white and benefit from white privelige and thus know nothing of oppresion" when Jews were THE biggest allies of the civil rights movements, regularly seen marching with MLK and have been the victims of BY FAR more hate crimes and oppression than ANY group on the face of planet earth put together! Right now you can't even wear a jewish religious head cover in cities like New York or LA because lunatics are running around beating any jew they see or smashing them with hammers and throwing explosives at them etc.. CRT states that ALL "white people" are by default racist and can never change that, and even if they dedicate their entire lives to feeling humiliated and shamed and doing nothing but bowing to oppressed people's they will never make up for it. It teaches this to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS FIVE YEARS OLD!!! So please don't try to say CRT isn't understood. We who criticize it understand it better than ANYONE! CRT teaches our children that logic and math is white propoganda, proper family values like showing up to work on time, only having children and a spouse when you can afford to and have gotten proper education and financial standing etc.. are "just ways the whites keep other races down". They make excuses for how affirmative action not only gives a black person a +200 point boost for no reason on his SAT scores to get into colleges, but also REDUCES ASIAN STUDENTS SCORES BY FIFTY POINTS because "asian's benefit from white privelage indirectly". If you still defend this crap then you are insane at the highest level.
I thought that CRT was about thermoelectric evaporation of electrons, focusing said electrons in a beam and condensing them on a positively-charged electroluminescent anode. Different CRTs, maybe...
@Rob Spencer or perhaps it's people that don't want ideologies which lump all people of certain races together in a fake solidarity. Just because a far right person holds a view or says a word, it doesn't mean that word is always a dog whistle or secretly supporting pale supremacist ideas.
I was taught and embraced that we should look at the person not the skin color. This was in the '70's and I thought it was good. It was the message my generation was taught.
Looking at the person is still a good idea, but has nothing to do with CRT. CRT looks at systems, not individual feelings, beliefs, or even behavior. The young lady is out in Pollyanna somewhere.
How many times must I mash the thumbs-up for TH-cam to recognize my endorsement of this powerful and meaningful message? Quit it, TH-cam. Thank you for sharing this; you are my sister!
When I was a teen, I started dating a Japanese woman. A friend of mine (he and I are white) asked me, ~ "Really? Are you dating her?" ~ "Uhhhh . . . yes" ~ "What about, you know, Pearl Harbor?" That is how bizarre the idea of inherited guilt is to me. This really happened. Kimi, you seriously covered the waterfront, effectively and charmingly. The wee story above is all I have to add.
CRT is one of the many reasons why I'm homeschooling. I'm not sending my kids into schools teaching this toxic nonsense. Good on you for calling out the bs!
As a European, I never understood why so many Americans are homeschooling their kids. I now understand it. American schools are infiltrated with radical left political views. It’s actually unbelievable.
@@mules8662 Oh yeah, it's terrible. I keep hearing all these awful stories about the lessons they are teaching, and how they try to make children feel guilty for their privledge and race. Before I had my son, I taught at a university, and they are just toxic, liberal cesspools. The kids couldn't think for themselves, just regurgitated talking points. It's sad. I love my country, but we are failing our children and it's only getting worse.
I started homeschooling this year because distance learning wasn't working for us. I will continue to homeschool because CRT is sanctioned racism and I will not be subjecting my 3 kids to that craziness.
I sat through this video to see if she knew what CRT was. she mentioned one idea and went off rambling which shows that she is either trying to get attention or she's speaking on something she knows nothing about. She speaks of racism then says we should ignore racism like after 400 years it'll magically go away by itself
Meatloaf, both in the oven and in her mind. She’s clueless about what CRT is, never explained it but was happy to trash it. Not the best of TH-cam, unfortunately.
I was raised in the 80s with Martin Luther King and Michael Jackson's 'It Don't Matter if you're Black or White'. My best childhood friend was black. I'm not sure that friendship would be possible today, or at least it would not be as close. We are being taught to hate and judge by race. We are going backwards, and as a white male I have no voice to stop it.
@Jeff Manningly One, thanks for proving my point. Two, please show EXACTLY where I said racism did not exist. Three, as someone who is not an American, please keep your weird shit to yourself; thanks from the rest of the world.
@Jeff Manningly Maybe the reason you have white friends is because they're talking about only the negatives of their race from a biased pov. Cause I've heard larry elder & Thomas sowell talk about the negatives of their race & the overall history of others & they've been called Oreo or other such words. Because if you're black & you point something bad or not true in black culture,, the Leftist will call you a race traitor and that's bad, but to Leftist, if you're white, then you have to point out racial negatives even if some are not true, or over exaggerated, but because you're white, you have to be a race traitor cause that's good.
Anti-racism was always racism. There's a reason it's called "anti-racism" as opposed to just not being racist, aka normal. Anti-matter is not the absence of matter nor does it get rid of matter, it is just matter that's charged differently. Same applies to "anti-racism".
@Ecard Ecardian the ones who call themselves anti fascists running around burning down cities, silencing their political opponents, using violence to gain political power are actual real life fascists. They hide under the guise of “anti” fascists. They’re the opposite of anti fascists. They’re fascists.
@Aaron Hackett Yet here in the UK, at each occasion when the totalitarian left shut someone down or successfully cancels someone, they repeat the phrase: Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedon from consequences. Your gaslighting won't work with those of us who form opinion from evidence.
@@chrisreed5463 Lol you actually think canceling works? It's so rare that a canceling actually ends with someone being removed from public discourse. Usually they just get yelled at for a little while and then they just go back to doing what ever
@@Skinnymarks support and back up your generalized statements with factual illustrations. Can you? You appear to be projecting onto others that which you deny and refuse to recognize in yourself. Name calling is a widely recognized phenomenon used when someone has little or nothing valid to say, but wants to appear tough and formidible, lol. Is that true in your case?
I can literally source every single sentance she made to a right wing talking point. There's literally not a single original thought in this video. So annoying that people think this is what thinking for yourself is. Shes literally perfectly parroting everything right wingers gish gallop about. Repeat over and over and over until the lie becomes the truth. It's pretty obvious that she hasn't bothered to read up on the subject at all. Just repeating what she was told you say about CRT
if your not a white supremacist, the teaching of CRT shouldn't bother you... the reason why u may be against it is that you're misinformed. in fact, she covered none of the key tenets of CRT in this video at all ...
@@esterg8498 ahhhh yes. The almighty "you're a white supremacist if you don't agree with CRT" reply. Which tenets, as you claim, did she not cover? The parts that label anything white culture related as racist and oppressive? You know, things like accountability, responsibility, traditional family values?
So much reality packed in here. Seeing this gives some little bit of hope, CRT is desperate to resurface a brand of hatred that was working itself naturally, but it is acting as a devining rod for those who see it for what it is. "I want to exercise my freedom of speech while I still have it... " that line gave me a chill.
@@Mr._Moderate go watch movies from the 70s, 80s, 90s, early 2000s up to about 5 years ago .... you'll see all races, all getting along fine, all doing all sorts of roles and it was all normal, normal, normal. And then CRT comes along .... and now everyone is offended at everything, screaming racist at everyone, getting people cancelled, fired, killed, burning down cities, etc. Old-school racism was resolving itself naturally but you see race wars as "progress".
World govts are colluding together at the expense of their own citizens to usher in new world order aka antichrist beast system. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth to meet the lord in the air. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama govt and vatican. They will use this alien deception to unite whole world for their one world religion and worship of the antichrist(obama). Global holocaust and mass American genocide is coming via fema concentration camps. Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants on hand or forehead aka mark of beast. Without this no man can buy or sell. Revelations 13
Anti-racism is about ending the scientifically disproved western belief that race even exists. The social construct of race needs to be refuted, but we have to broach the topic of race, alongside class oppression, if we want to achieve that goal. You can’t be color-blind in a racially segregated society if you truly want to end discrimination.
@@MylesRoachMusic no anti racism is just a buzz word that covert racist like to throw around to hide that they are racist. bigotry of low expectations is still a form of racism just like white savior complex.
@GingerJabber - you might dislike racism. You hate anti-racism. You probably believe in the existence of reverse racism. What do you people, YES YOU PEOPLE, want?!
@@spiritmatter1553 This comment-seciton obviously doesnt know what CRT is and what it wants toteach: Which is the objectively fact and non-debatable situation that Racism has shapred America extremly and in complex Ways. Laws, Housing-Situations, Popculture, it was all shaped. Hence why people need to learn about all this.
Because I ain’t black and I don’t believe crt is true. If I say these thing’s aloud I will be canceled. That’s why I’m not allowed to speak. Is it clear to you now.
@@sarahtompkins24 Why would you be cancelled? You’re an internet nobody. Absolutely no one would care enough to “cancel” you. What do you think it means for someone to be cancelled?
@@jdhenshaw6119 If one is on a job in a workplace and speaks up for themselves, they will lose their job... That's what . It's a slippery slope, critical race theory ..
I'm a white women, my husband and three of my children are white. My oldest son is half black. I hurt for his pain and his fear of others judgement. He is a beautiful person, a beautiful soul and I don't know many white people who feel hatred towards anyone different than them. In fact it's usually the absolute opposite. We are all Gods Children. Every single human being.
@@ianjameslake you get it. Through love great things can be achieved. Far greater things than hate can ever achieve. I love everyone, whether they call me their enemy or hate me. I would gladly put myself between anyone and a bullet. Because I love life too much to allow anyone to be harmed by hate. Ive done this many times in my life already, taken the hit that was intended for someone else. I know my place in the world now. It has nothing to do with color of skin or country of origin. It is to protect the innocent, the downtrodden, the poor and the weak. No one is created from cookie cutter molds. Leaving these people at the mercy of those that would do them harm. This can not be allowed to happen anymore. So I enlisted to protect those that cannot, for whatever reason, do this themselves. God bless you. And remember, sometimes love has to be safeguarded. Love can defeat hate. But it does require someone to stand before hate. Ill gladly do that for anyone, anywhere, for any reason. In my presence, love will always have a guardian.
@@gloreeuhh- sacrifice. Something ive been doing for people for decades now. I care what happens to me. But my love of protecting the innocent, will always put me in front of its harm. If you are near me, whether you know it or not. I will give my life to ensure anothers life gets the chance to continue. Its not the same for everyone. But its everything to me. Im no expert on the subject. Nor will I ever be. But I believe in sacrifice. Ive lost friends to murder, forced ending (youtube doesn't play fair) and choice. I dont like seeing people suffer and so I would cross the world to help those that can't help themselves. Rest assured, I will fight, I dont give up easily. Even in my failures I find new ways to overcome.
@@kragor420 Yeah, it’s easier to die for a friend, than an enemy. But do you know that someone has done that before? Despite all the names that He knew they’d call Him, despite their abuse, He knew they’d do to His body, despite their deep hatred He knew that they had for Him? Do you know why He would go through such a thing for His enemies?
@@davidmajor1508 if I have to give you timestamps, then you obviously don't even know the most common examples, they're not hard to miss. You're better off learning what they are on your own, re watching the video and then rebutting or agreeing with my statement.
THANK YOU. I personally was taught to be neither racist nor "colorblind" (a concept that is well-intentioned but IMHO misses the point a little), but to see color and ethnicity as beautiful and worthy of respect and dignity. I don't say that to be all "yay, me" but to say so much does depend on what we're taught to pay attention to. CRT being taught as fact - especially to children! - can *only* have devastating results. It's the worst of red herrings when we need unity, forgiveness, empathy, and earnest conversation more than ever. We won't make it as a nation or world without it.
They are NOT trying to achieve equality. They are trying to create hate among groups. While people engage in their games for us, they quietly gain strength and control.
Being a perpetual victim is the ultimate control. It leverages against our human inclination to walk on eggshells around people who are hurting. The problem is, unless the trauma is current & present, the hurting should dissipate. But people need to be actively involved in their own healing as well. It's not healing to require the whole world to walk on eggshells to avoid making you feel uncomfortable forever. It's just tyranny, driven by an infantile refusal to do the personal work of healing. Remember "minority" also means rare, precious and special. So the key isn't whether the rest of the world can bow down or comply -- the key is in changing your own self-perception from victim to precious, special, and self-valuing.
@@justinecamille7426 The great thing is that if you need more woke intersectional points, people can just make up new groups, claim those groups are oppressed and that they are a part of them, and bam, they're now more intersectional and thus a superior person to you. So say you are black, gay, but a conservative, a white lady will lecture you about how racist you are because she is bi, non binary, gender fluid, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, otherkin, therefore she has a higher intersectional score and understands systems of oppression better, and you can't win the argument. Meanwhile all that is to say she is a cis white woman that thinks girls are pretty but actually likes dong, but can't get any because of being a bit butch and too much of a freak by choice, lecturing someone who has probably actually experienced some racism or discrimination of some sort and understands it far better. It is mind numbing.
Skin color should be as unimportant as hair or eye color. That’s the world I want to live in. It seems to me that CRT leads to more racism, not less. Thanks for your video. I completely agree with everything you said!
But CRT is mainly focused on how society views a person's race, and why things are the way they are when it comes to race. The theory is not saying that a person's race is the only thing that matters and everything eles should be thrown out the window, its saying how a persons race might determine what privileges and disadvantages they get and how society might treat them.
@MarmitePopsicle I've never heard that the founders of the theory were race realist, do you have any links to any articles I could read to support that? And if it is true, the theroy itself does not say that any bad thing a white person does to a black person or any minority is automatically racist, even if the creators personally believe that
I’m really confused about how people are saying this when CRT is the idea that race is a social construct. Which literally implies exactly what you’re saying - it’s no more important than eye or hair color. So how would that lead to more racism?
@@2FadeMusic bc it’s teaching young white children to hate themselves, and to view themselves as oppressors. Little white kids aren’t oppressors of anyone or anything and little white kids should not hate themselves bc they happened to be born white. Any other questions?
On paper, it makes sense but getting rid of critical race theory wouldn’t solve problems. Future generations would only hate each other wouldn’t any idea on why they hate each other. But I would argue that there should be a major push in our schools to push financial classes help children out of poverty and have common ground or to at least understand economical struggles of people that live in poverty. The reaction of our health care system is proof of this. It might even make people of all color come together as Americans.
Thomas Sowell has written much about the many and profound pitfalls of social justice ideologies for decades. If you're still looking for a "knight in shining armour" character to clarify some ideas for you, I couldn't recommend him enough. God bless.
I love Thomas Sowell. Found him through Rush Limbaugh and he has been a God send to me. I believe he is a great man; no bullshit. I can't see how anyone could dislike Thomas Sowell.
Sowell is a disgusting excuse for a human being let alone as vocal proponent against any form of race theory, and his most prolific ideas and talking points have been thoroughly debunked.
I was raised by a feminist in the 70s and 80s. I am happy that helped me to learn that all people were equal, but as I got older I realized that it wasn't the empowering thing it should have been for her, it was her crutch, her excuse for not succeeding, or even trying. Throughout the 80s I saw how racism really began to become marginalized and saw that racism was in the process of vanishing. problem is, so did the people who gained power from it. I saw how suddenly saw how racism was becoming "the boy who cried wolf". It became a political tool to bash people over the head with. The worst thing to be called was a racist, and that was used for power. I thought it was becoming too blatant, starting to see it fail, and people looking stupid doing it so much. Then things seemed to change. The people running those scams got smarter and were getting people younger before they were able to form opinions. Big boosts were the Rodney King videos and OJ Simpson. Things just blew up from there. (It's more complex than that, but I can't write a novel here.) They really got a boost when they came up with a magic catchphrase, "Black Lives Matter". It's a comment that anyone can agree with, and yet it is twisted into something where if you disagree with anything this organization says, you are branded a racist. This is a very powerful statement. People give it a lot of power, and if you disagree with anything they say, you must be a racist. Now you have to conform 100%... or else. But the fact is all it is, is branding. It's no different than, "15 minutes can save you..." but people just don't understand that. That it is a type of advertising intended to manipulate people and punish anyone who dares to look deeper. "Critical Race Theory" is just a way to pretend to give it scientific legitimacy. But anyone who understands science should know the difference between hard science and social science, and this is a "social science" if even that since it is heavily motivated by politics. (i.e. biased crap masquerading as science.) Already wrote too much so cutting it off here.
I remember being a kid in the 80s and 90s and finding it funny how most of my kids shows had their diversity quotas. That's it though, that's where it ended, just an interesting tidbit we noticed and got a giggle out of before we moved on with our lives. To this day I still don't know the race of one of my best friends, I never thought to ask, it never mattered. I didn't realize this until a few years ago when they forced me to start caring about race for the first time in my life. Racism was defeated decades ago and seeing it come back so hard under the disguise of anti-racism (thank you anti-fascists for that disgusting irony precedent) is so depressing.
I do have to say something related to this that, as a foreigner, concerned me when encountering American social politics. In the UK if we are to take sociology as a subject we will eventually encounter ideas such as feminism and the theories stemmed from but we are not taught as if they are fact. By UK law you HAVE to teach an opposing theory/ideology because bias in teaching is deemed as indoctrination. The very fact that you can be taught critical race theory in America as if it is fact is very dangerous and it's quite concerning that no one is kicking up a fuss about something so unethical, at least in my eyes. I'm going to draw a comparison but I cannot use critical race theory as an example becuase we are not taught it in the UK, so I'll talk about gender to bring about my point. I have talked to Americans/Canadians online about ideas such as critical race theory and one thing I've encountered that I do not like is when people would say "I've learnt this in sociology and therefore it is fact." This atittude was present in many sociological ideas I'd discuss with people and in my eyes sociology was used as a crux for some leftwing people. It's no different to when biology is used as a crux for right-wing people, when oftentimes people from both sides of the spectrum will fail to understand the topic they are basing their beliefs on. And this was most prominent when I talked about feminism. From my perspective, all that mattered to these people was whether I labelled myself as one when in reality I, as well as many other people in the UK, simply do not agree with the concept of abiding by an ideology in general. What my beliefs were clearly didn't matter to them because they had never asked me what they were in the first place. I have many views that would be regarded as feministic but I simply do not agree with the idea of putting on an ideological label and following ideas stemmed from them, simply because they are reiterated from a group of people I happen to agree with (on some things). It's at a point where me not labelling myself as a feminist equated with me having internalised misogyny despite me often not having even recited my own views yet. It's concerning to me that North Americans have more of this divisive "you're not with us then you're against us" attitude that can be easily perpetuated by simply calling someone a racist or misogynist. Sociology / social sciences IS scientifically legitimate but the problem with it is that in some countries like America, you are not taught them in a scientific way. For example, in the UK we are taught four types of feminism: radical, marxist, liberal, difference. - Radical feminism blames the exploitation of women on men. It is primarily men who have benefitted from the subordination of women. Women are an oppressed group. - Marxist feminism states capitalism rather than patriarchy is the principal source of women’s oppression, and capitalists as the main beneficiaries. - Liberal feminism states that nobody benefits from existing inequalities: both men and women are harmed - Difference/Postmordern Feminism does not see women as a single homogenous group. Their beliefs is concerned with language (discourses) and the relationship between power and knowledge rather than ‘politics and opportunities’. Oftentimes criticising other feminist theories/movements. And in addition to that, we are also taught fundamentalism, marxism, fake class consciousness etc. because like I said, by UK law it is deemed unethical to only to be taught one theory without an opposing one. This is also a standard held in subjects such as psychology and philosophy. It's not too long ago that psychology was not thought of as scientific but we've now been able to perform experiments and distinguish between different explanations; environmental, cognitive, genetic, psychological, evolutionary, etc. This procedure should also be prevelent in sociology but it seems that it is not the case in America. To be taught such ideas as if they are fact is such a damaging way of thinking. It's no surprise to hear older Americans talk about how race relations have gotten worse when this kind of environment regarding beliefs and ideas is being encouraged.
What solidifies this issue for me is that when I watch people who support CRT, there is an anger and darkness that permeates the conversation. When I listen to people like this young woman however, there is a beauty and light that permeates her demeanor.
@@Mr._Moderate Nope, it's revived by racebaiters and racist teachings like CRT, and based on your comments on here, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you are a white person who espouses CRT...
@@DarrellBeckford I cannot believe how lost you are 🤦 How do you expect to rid the country of racism if you don't acknowledge it, understand it's history and evolution, and then eliminate it once and for all? 🤔
Beautiful monologue, thank you! I’m a political science professor at a university where CRT has become pervasive to the extent that actual discussion and debate has all but shut down. Everyone seems to be embracing it as if it was gods word, turning the college into something of a theocracy.
My sympathies for having to work in that corrupted and oppressive academic environment. As I commented above, CRT is based on stereotyping and caricaturing people according to their supposed race, which is racism and totally regressive, so calling it progressive is Orwellian doublespeak. There's a good reason why it won't tolerate debate and discussion -- because it's so shaky an ideology that it couldn't possibly stand under the light of any reasoning and facts.
@@Nyonyozimusic -- May I ask you a few questions? May I ask what you mean when you use the term "Critical Race Theory?" May I ask where you obtained information about CRT? May I ask what you believe are the primary tenets or principles of CRT? May I ask what are the names of a few Critical Race Theorists you know about? Thank you.
I guess things don't have effects over time and the past has no bearing on reality, then? Because that's what you're implying. If a great fortune is stolen from your ancestor that is a direct reason why your family is poor today. Oh but I guess we can just pretend everyone has the same chances in life when that is objectively not true
@@McHobotheBobo THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this. Suddenly history doesn’t apply to modern day when it comes to black people oh but for Japanese Internment and the Holocaust it does? It’s blatant hypocrisy and it’s outright disrespectful I agree with you 1000%
@@McHobotheBobo Not really. We should all remember and understand the impact of institutional racism on society, but many politicians, for example, try to reopen closed wounds concerning that, because they want to divide and conquer, and so the conflict keeps going and going.
I love how in that one sentence she unknowingly took a stereotype, and flipped it on it's head. 'Meatloaf is a White person thing.' Well, apparently not!
@@Just_a_turtle_chad ,very narrow thinking. I am not trying to insult but lets consider a few things. Slavery has existed throughout known history in different forms and situations with race ethnos and status being primary determinates. Race has been rather mute for the most part with social cast being the more prevalent determinate. Slavonians being the exception when 'race'' being more the factor, thus the term slave, who by the way were white. White, initially the British, were the first to mount an organized front to racism, later Americans. Today the largest populations of slaves are in Arabic nations, African nations and Asian nations. As a black in America you are among the richest, prosperous and most prolific of all blacks. If the world ever seeps and creeps into socialism you will be just another statistic of the illuminate.
"Racism does not have a good track record. It's been tried out for a long time and you'd think by now we'd want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management. Thomas Sowell
Then why do people in videos like this refuse to end racism? Things don't end by just ignoring that they exist. We have to actually do something to end it.
@@tristanmayer5373 its because at this point, there is very little you can do to help, and a lot you can do to hurt. systematic racism is not the pressing issue social justice warriors make it out to be. very often they lie, and misrepresent statistics and reality. a huge PART of racial issues is cultural, which both White and Black people on the Left choose to actively ignore. This problem will never solved without addressing that directly. and personal racism will never be solved. sorry. people holding prejudice is a human condition. we hold prejudices about everything, not just people, and these judgements sometimes cannot be re-learned. some people are just beyond re-educating. forcing social change will not solve this problem and only opens the door to more opposition to your cause. good luck.
thomas sowell also states why the black community has a problem with single mom is based on the welfare state ( which it isnt , its mostly due to imprisonment of dads, and there is studies proving that black ppl get harsher charges ( based on first offence and no previous crimes) and also being profiled way more often) and also always leaves out the fact that jim crow and redlining had a drastic effect on those communities ( pretty common sense if the ability of accumulating generational wealth was denied )
@@BigHotSauceBoss69 Ok what creates culture... your conditions that you are set in via systemic racism. The culture argument literally proves how systemic racism is detrimental to the black community because it has created a culture that is rampant with crime and economic misfortune how do you skip over that 😂😂😂😂😂.
This is why we don’t need our history taught to us by people who don’t look like us; DR. King died two years after this I have a dream speech. Dr.king was assassinated because he came to the realization that he lead his people into a burning house. (Please do your research) once he started speaking on the Economics status of his people. He became American most wanted. This young lady thinks because she has a decent job that the playing Feild is level. Unfortunately as she grows in her respected Feild. The hard reality will be she’ll see less an less of us. In those positions of power. Please wake up young sista
Why must we pay for the sins of the past when we weren’t even around? No race is actually superior then each other. Pigments don’t mean anything when you’re a painter. Their is good in every race no matter what you look like. True story I sometimes wished I was black or another colour so I wouldn’t be at the center of the bullshit. If all white people are racist how is that fair. Go watch white mans burden. It’s like what if a white person was treated like a block person and the struggles. I’m more into food ,travel and photography and animals then getting into the struggles of cultural annoyances. Everyone’s suppressed and hypnotized. Why not fix the homeless problems,environmental problems. Hearing the world complain hurts me, so only country people should have guns and not city people. Guns are for hunting game,not humans.
Amen! I feel like what the heck happened in 2020? I never grew up in any semblance of Jim Crow which is what the media is pumping out 24/7. All the progress is literally thrown out like baby with the bath water. You are spot on beautiful soul!
Modern day Liberalism is taking every step that the neo-fascists of the 1930's took. I mean you can go step by step and they are doing it. Social radicalization veiled as civil liberties, blaming one racial group on all the problem, re-segregating people, eugenics, and finally a society where nothing can be discussed. Racism exists but its such a small part of society. The media makes everything racist while ignoring real racism.
@@ooo_Kim_Chi_ooo The fascists also advocated for euthanizing people with mental handicaps. Which in today's time the left are advocating for the right to abort a child after birth if they have a mental defect.
But you do not question. Many of you seem to think in parallel with conspiracy questions are not honest , I don't understand this. They mirror a more conspiratorial narrative. For example. Conspiracy theorists often behave like they have they truth because of the many unanswered questions they have. Instead of searching for answers they merely question. But they don't want answers cause that destroys the narrative they wish to have. So the question are , what about this and that.. And again many are sharing what this is all about without any connection to reality, just like a Qanan conspirator. Where was proof of this hidden. Cabal of satan worshipers...??? Wheres you proof of cooperate ties to the narrative...???
Thanks so much! As a Canadian this kind of ideology is becoming more and more pervasive and as a teen who just happens to be a POC I’m just taken aback by this push for neo-racism.
It sounds like you think people should be judged on the content of their character, rather than arbitrary characteristics that an individual literally cannot control such as skin colour, who their ancestors are, etc. Good job, you're are a normal, empathetic human.
For the first time in 65 years a person with a different skin color turned their face away refusing to acknowledge my existence. I am not comfortable with ignoring people that don’t look like me as we are one in difference packages. We should have conversations to learn about each other as that person could be your next best friend.
Didn't Malcome X say kind of the same thing??? People need to think for themselves and go back to "do unto others" I think. (I'm reading one of Sowell's books now, he's such a great intellect!)
Such a good quote but I kinda still hate Thomas Sowe'll after reading one of his books as a sixth grader. I was so confused my little mind couldn't comprehend his genius
Thomas sowell is a clown. Most studies today contradict his nonsensical world view. If he was so genius why does data disagree? Either all of the academics are in a huge conspiracy against him and free market capitalism, or its a pipe dream that only serves the greediest of society and has no real value for most of humanity.
As an educator, children of African descend, especially, need to know about the contribution of members of the community to the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. I have the feeling that the nomenclature 'Critical Race Theory' will be branded onto anything that seeks to bring positive and uplifting attitudes within our communities... In it's self is a term to stop anyone from wanting to know more about the other & keeping everything that way it is now.
Critical Race Practice began in earnet in the grand American aspirational experiment after Bacon's Rebellion, and performs in a myriad of ways for the sake of establishing, maintaining and perpetuating Euro-Centric Power. Symbolically and physically, the expression, application and bonding ritual is "white" over "black." There is no such thing as "white" or "black" people; but as an organizing mechanism to dominate and control "objects," the chess calculus work's quite well up to a certain point--until victims, subjects and servants start waking up en masse. "CRT" hysteria is nail-biting "Hail-Marys" from folks who hate reality. The Manhattan Institute's proxies marinate the public in false narratives about teaching American history in any way, save entertainment or sports, that shows "blacks" positively. Ugly...but this functional strategy encourages divisive "identity politics" as a way keep the pedestrian status quo responsive to plutocrats' impish suggestions. Honest people would simply say they want and need the American descendants of chattel slavery to remain at the bottom of a racist caste system for their own personal benefits.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King Jr.
Some are trying to rewrite history, with the view that MLK was really trying to overthrow the whites by force. Goes against everything he ever said and did, but people propose it. I think lying might be acceptable to certain ideologies.
@@nicknomski8399 - I've heard that too. There are those that want to change Dr & Reverend King's legacy to advocate for violence. If they would actually READ his speeches & letters they would know otherwise. Unfortunately, our country & society are not being run by the intelligent & rational. It's being run by extremists (from both sides of the political spectrum). The inmates are running the asylum. "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right." ~ George Orwell, 1984
Twitter was fun back in the early days. Lots of jokey accounts and memes and so on. I hate what it's become. I closed my own account nearly 2 years now and I don't miss it.
@@marie882, I just closed my Facebook account after the WOKE CULT took over, and then I couldn't even say anything in my own feed about how I felt about anything. I finally said something they didn't like, and now I'm getting burned at the stake for thinking thoughts outside what I was supposed to think. However, they are now burning someone who no longer has an account.
Freeman was correct. The only thing keeping racism alive today is that people won't stop talking about it. It's become profitable to talk about it. It ends when people stop being a color and start being individuals.
Making racism an issue forces society to view itself through racial lens yes, fooling people into thinking there has to be some difference(s) between the races and motivating them to seek it out even when there is none. At the same time, that's not the root of racism, which has always been people's prejudices put into action.
It's a deep ingrained human defense mechanism to be wary of people unlike our own. There has been experiments done on white and blacks that proves that. Racism for other races is not evil, it's just deep rooted in our survival oriented brain that didn't evolve quickly enough to the reality of a multicultural world of today.
It is so refreshing to hear someone speak with clarity, critical thinking and discernment. Thank you for your boldness. Keep speaking out. You just might change a mind or two.
Your comments about MLK and a hyper focus on race….I cannot tell you how much time I have sunk into thinking about this topic. I’ve made the same connection as you did about MLK even before watching this. I’m very happy to hear someone with some sensibility about this issue as I struggle with people in my home following CRT and making me feel inadequate when I suggest other factors may cause inequality
She does this well. Corporations are pretending that they are not racist with performative wokeness. But it is the system which allows the oppression to happen and the 'woke' CEOs and HR departments just wanna look good and not actually solve the problem because they get rich from this all.
@@garfieldseviltwin97 I think the problem is not that companies are actually woke. We have demanded as a society that companies show they care and not just take your hard earned dollars. We say they have the burden of responsibility. So why should we be so surprised that they would sway to what gives the best appearance that they are doing that? I hope that made sense 😅 point is we asked them to get involved so I just don't know how we get them to stop their virtue signal.....
@@alexstyles5808 the problem is what we are dealing with now. Are they trust worthy? can they admit when they are going down the wrong path? Who can stop them if they are not? That's like saying I want the government in charge of everything but then find out once they are in charge they they are not good intentioned.
I want to show this to every single very liberal white friend of mine that's interrupted my sentence to inform me that I'm a straight white cis male. This is always followed by "Why do you always get so offended when I bring up your whiteness?". THIS is why. Every word Kimi is saying here about how counterproductive and harmful this new ideology is to the racial disparities that exist in America that I truly care about fixing. THANK YOU for speaking out Kimi! Also warms my heart to see so much agreement in the comment section here
You could always ask your liberal friends whether they get upset over a police officer stopping a person because of their blackness? It really is the same racial profiling, when it comes down to it.
The thing that makes this people to impulse therms like “whiteness” is so lazy and silly that it’s segregative. It’s the exact same racist thing that stands “blackness”: it focus too much on skin for saying one is good and the other is bad.
So basically you will pick and choose the black people you want to listen to based on how they align with your views. Gee that’s not hypocritical at all
As black people, we have to start thinking with our heads and not our skin color. We can have our own opinions without worrying about "not being black" or being considered an "uncle tom"
As opposed to whites, Asians, LatinX etc. How do blacks think with their skin color?
Why is that bad for only blacks? Didn't the Biden administration just pass an Asian protection bill? I need some answers here 🤔
Hey Chris guess what? Some out there you've never met is going to think for you soley based on the color of you skin. Don't you understand that?
Chris, Blacks AND Whites need to.... And everyone else. It's way too easy for us all to just go with the flow and shut our mouths to avoid conflict but it's starting to get out of control. If we show courage and stand up first then surely others are thinking what we are thinking and will join us. Be brave!
@@Mr._Moderate Well 1, I'm sure you've seen black people being ridiculed by other black folks for expressing their opinions on racism that dont line up with the "grrr white man bad black man good narrative" Second, I never said it was only bad for blacks, but Its a growing concern especially with black folks blindly following the BLM movement without looking into their hidden agenda. Also what does Biden and the asian protection plan have anything to do with what i said?
@@rodneyb.hubbard5963 What does that have to do with how i conduct myself?
I was watching a show with my son and there was a scene where a student was disagreeing with his college professor during class. The student was portrayed as bad. My son was shocked when I told him the student did nothing wrong and a good professor would welcome disagreement and discussion.
That is alarming!
Oh dear
@@debijeanpeck Should have been after class, but there's nothing wrong with disagreement and discussing
Tell us more about that show. I'd like to see that scene. After all, who knows what he said? How's That for discussion? Provide the show and context please.
Discretely. Not in front of the class. Unless the teacher invites opposing points of view.
Otherwise you get disruption and chaos.
I had a drill sergeant tell us,"There are a lot of reasons to dislike someone. The color of their skin is never one of them. Let them open their mouth and they will give you a good reason."
true, but people can dislike others for ridiculous and irrational reasons too; The way they walk, the way they talk. Not saying it's right but it is a facet of human nature.
The only color the military sees is the color of a soldiers uniform.
@Warlock you are talking about the upper echelons of military. The working ranks don't give two shots about colour. Its about the guy stood next to us.
@Warlock personally served back when communism was still the enemy.
Hitler’s Aryian Iranian racism came after reading Arthur De Gobineau’s racist-narcissistic book “Ancien Regime old Order”. Racism can never be stopped as long as Nobility Divine Rights of Kings and Established religions with their inseparable religious-judicial codes view non complying as Dogs!
@@damonburn5273 just thinking of that movie the Tuskegee airmen....or that movie windtalkers....Damon do you think the real life characters of these films would agree...I get what you are saying tho...
As someone who has lived in foreign nations, among very different cultures than my own, I applaud you. Too many people in the U.S. today, live in a bubble. They really do not know what true diversity and equality are.
Diversity and equality cannot be forced upon the whole of a society, based on the ideals of one group. That approach, in and of itself, completely negates the idea of diversity and equality. As soon as we stop pointing out how different we all are on the outside, the sooner we can learn to focus on what's inside.
What floors me is our race issues were created in and by Americans. We have come up with various American 'solutions ' up to and including CRT. Our pho king 'solutions' continue to make our society worse, yet we lecture other countries about diversity and inclusion. Um why? Because we have it nailed down???
Don't say that over King's grave. He might just jump out at you. REPARATIONS-MATTER @ADOS101
Because that has worked for our societies so far?
I think the issue is the one actual way to in long term to fix racism and racial bias is to actually have people mix together on a regular basis.
@@DaveE99 Everything in this video here is wrong.
Cody Johsnton meanwhile has the real Coverage.
"I get so riled up when I talk about this." "I'm not trying to be angry."
Stays calm and eloquent the entire video. Nice job, friend.
Hers is intellectual anger. It's sharp and dangerous. Most people dont know how to handle that. And it stings deep, more effective than emotional anger.
And then people will dismiss what she has to say by telling her she's acting white.
I'm a teacher teaching Critical Race Theory at my Texas college and you can't stop me.
@@Just_a_turtle_chad Force huh are woke crap
@@Just_a_turtle_chad you are a person trying to further divide those within your sphere of influence!
Can't we start calling it Hypocritical Race Theory?
@@Nyonyozimusic Feel free to use it x
Can we start calling it right wing propaganda? Cause that's what shes talking about, definatly not critical race theory
Edit: clarifying. Shes using a strawman fallacy and arguing agenst a version of CRT that no one believes in and that dosent honestly represent what people actually say and do when using crt. Hense right wing propaganda and fearmongering.
Too long. Just call it racism.
@@Skinnymarks It isn’t coming from the right!
"Never argue with dumb people, they'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience" ~Mark Twain
@@cymes82 It appears as if you don't understand The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and what Mark Twain was about.
@@cymes82 -- Your "N****r * is from the root word meaning "black". Proper education is enriching and enlightening.
@@cymes82 life goes on.
Well, honesty time... There are lots of black people in my church, work, personal life, always have been. But since the past year with BLM, crt, etc., I have been having a negative feeling when I encounter black people I don't personally know. I feel awkward and uncomfortable around them and just try to avoid.
without debate there is no knowledge spread though. most new things we learn have to overcome something we used to believe.
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” -C.S. Lewis
Wow, you got tricked and now you thinkre youre super-intellectual
and you even quote people.
@@nenmaster5218 you’re a bozo
@@moop111 Nice Self-Roast.
You even deleted your own comment out-of-shame, huh?
Man, some people are really the tiniest of brains.
Being tricked and not fact-checking regarding CRT is one thing, but wow.
@@nenmaster5218 I’ll say it again, bozo ass kid
being anti- "critical race theory" (the CRT recently created wholecloth by literally FOX News, not the original legal concept) is one such tyranny
"I don't want to get heated". Dear one, you have shown nothing but thoughtful grace throughout. Thank you for expressing yourself so eloquently.
This recorded stream of consciousness in the form of one logical fallacy after another is anything but graceful. Ask any formal debater from any walk of life and any political background and they will agree, that I stand by 100%.
@@R0bstar-YT "Forgive and you will be forgiven, forgive not and you shell not be forgiven," Jesus Christ.
@@R0bstar-YT she was not debating, she was expressing an opinion. I think you've got your panties twisted, ask any old fashionista queen.
@@1jotun136 re: debater, due to knowledge of widely used logical fallacies. Care to actually rebut on the topic at hand instead?
Edit: Right, you'd have nothing substantive to argue, as your reply would demonstrate.
@@R0bstar-YT Her content was unpolished but demonstrated she had some valuable insights. She has discovered her own patterns from a variety of data points she has been exposed to in her unique experiences and she expressed many of those patterns fairly well. I was particularly interested in her expression of her understanding of the myriad contradictions in Postmodernism and in CRT which has some Postmodernist roots. She didn't mention Rawlsian analysis which likely also has had some effect on CRT evolution, and also contributes to its contradictions, nor did she mention the influence of the financial elites in funding and otherwise promoting CRT for their own nefarious purposes, but she still had something interesting to say.
This guy named Adolf was obsessed with race too. Blamed all his problems on a race of people. Dehumanizing that race became the norm....
Imagine if someone back then said you shouldn't murder Jewish people because they are Jewish. People would be saying that's advocating for genocide in this insane backwards thinking
The religion of not committing genocide. Fun.
And strangely enough Hitler was part Jewish..... now blacks aren't black enough if they they don't agree with CRT or are conservative in any way.
Jewish in not a race
@@breadfan9 It is a race, it is ALSO a religion. The two are not mutually exclusive. Not all jews practice judaism and not all who practice judaism are jewish.
@@MetallenVikingr really? So you are born a Jew? Lol
Only in the eyes of the media do we dislike each other as much as they claim.
tell that to the CIA
Don’t forget the elites & international & our national businesses who profit from it, if commies are allowed to maintain their current roles. Who is, in NY, running as republicans & libertarian? Also in Watters & Pelosi’s in Calif?? IF voting can be Trued. The dems are fighting tooth& mail to continue their rule, as in 2020, by hook or by crook ! !
I think the murder rates prove otherwise
Actually, the media wants us to dislike each other as much as they claim so that they can control and profit off of us. They know good stories don't attract as many eye balls as they would like and they know that is we are not afraid of each other and are united, we won't care what they have to say, so they need to keep us afraid and hateful cos we would then easy to control. They are evil. Enemies of the people.
Politicians too.
As a gay man, I think this should apply to the LGBTQ+ community too. I grew up during a time when gay people literally were "oppressed". Today's LGBTQ+ is acting like we're horrifically oppressed but we're not. Of course there's still quite a bit of prejudice around, but the law protects us and people largely leave us be. Eventually we have to forgive people who did us wrong previously, otherwise we're going to become a permanent victim of the past.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Why no Paul. It never ends until the Oppressed overthrows the Oppressor and forcibly integrate them into the new egalitarian society, the meaning of which is of course dictated by the new Oppressor, and if the newly Oppressed don't fall into line peacefully (and they never do) then as Tyrion Lannister said, heads, spikes and whatever.
Forgive? I say forget them
Glad you say this. With the pushing diversity I feel I beginning to hate it where a few years ago I was still all for it. But now we all have to think the same but people should not force me in what to say or think
Today’s “LGBTQ+” doesn’t only consist of the Western world. Even if there are laws protecting queer communities, that does not mean society as a whole accepts them. It’s like saying women today aren’t oppressed because we can vote, go to work, etc, but sexism still exists in cultures.
I am in N. Italy and I am crying with joy to hear this young person KNOWING THE TRUTH and sharing this with intellectual individuality with epic courage and wonderfully so! Thank you and in you the truth will shine and blind all the others of fakenesses!!!
Just wanna thank you for this. Surprised the algorithm even let it pop up. I'm a straight white dude just tryin to get along like everyone else and it's good to see people of all kinds calling this craziness out for what it is.
We were all doing the same...but you gotta admit, it's been Gung-Ho on race/identity politics since 2020 elections...
CRT, is part of an agenda, people who think the same, are easier to control... CRT is just a 1st step in getting people used to being Openly told by Gov't what is "Right Think" & "Right Speech" - they've been conditioning us & our Kids towards accepting it for decades. Somebody needs to tell the government the People were doing fine, as long as you (the gov't) stick to doing fine by the people & get back in your lane - work on OUR jobs, OUR fuel, OUR security. You've made us poorer again, in spirit, in hope, economically, allowed & caused chaos & so it's easy to manipulate the people- we're scared about our future but the gov't's made it about one race against another to distract us from what they're doing-their mistakes...
I have a straight white son. I never thought instilling self confidence & self esteem would be a challenge against the educational system.
@@paulinefinn7075 Nah, man. It's been prevalent since 2014-15. It's been festering underground for even longer. I graduated college in 2010. Now that I look back at my classes I recognize that this ideology was being ever so slightly pushed. A few teachers were outright communists/socialists and pushed their opinions as fact exclusively.
@@paulinefinn7075 yes. You are right
When she said "I want to exercise my freedom of speech while I still have it." She's right, I don't know how long we'll have it.
We'll have it as long as we have the 2nd amendment
Just keep fighting. The more you fight the more people will see and help out.
Not long if the Progressive Left have their way
We will have it as long as people have courage
We will have it for as long as we fight for it. If your going to roll over for them.. then you wont have it and dont deserve it. We as americans MUST keep the pressure
I'm 46 years old! I learned about slavery and Hitler and the haulicaus! Learning these things did not make me hate white people or hate myself as a black man! Reading those lessons made feel good on how far we came as a nation!! Don't be afraid of Learning American history! True American history! And don't ignore it or wish it away!! Learning a person history help you to understand different cultures!
Irrelevant...CRT is the topic and it has NOTHING to do with teaching history
@@jackhammer3423it does actually CRT is very historically oriented
@CDABXXX Historically oriented? Sure it is.Irs simply rebranded post modernism.
Take a seat
@@jackhammer3423 I’ll take a seat after you take a book
@@CDABXXX sure what propaganda would you recommend?
I can't believe that we dislike each other as much as media tells us. This beautiful human has her finger on the pulse .
If the "media" didn't tell you a thing you'd still hate people that were different than you so what the heck are you talking? 🤔
We dont. It’s literally FAKE NEWS.
@@Mr._Moderate I think you're projecting again Lucy...
@@DarrellBeckford you have some nerve Becky 🤣
@@Mr._Moderate you have trouble reading champ.
FINALLY the algorithm recommended someone good.
here here
I'm damn surprised this was not completely and brutally supressed.
😂 no shit
Can confirm.
lmao right
"I want to exercise my freedom of speech while I still have it"
You don't have Freedom of Speech anymore.
That was removed when the fake administration was installed.
You always have it. Freedom is not a tangible thing that can be given or taken. It is yours, no matter what.
@@hym3323 Tell that to the countries that gave up their gun rights. Tell that to the Chinese that send you to re-education camps if you speak out against the 1 party system. We are only 1 party away from a 1 party system.
As part of a minority in North America , I have only one thing to say about wokeness and critical race theory :
when one's life is defined by being a victim, there's simply no way out of victimhood.
One is stuck in that role.
Winning or becoming successful at anything will turn one into one of the oppressors.
So.... if you don't want spend your whole life whining about injustices.... just snap out of it.
Get a life and do something of your life.
Pity the victims (the true victims) , help them if you can ... but don't .... just don't join them.
Make them see you as what they can become once they grow out of victimhood.
"I don't have a superhero so I have to take the hit myself" That's a quote defining courage in a nutshell. Thank you.
Critical Race Theory is true and should be taught in all schools
@@Just_a_turtle_chad To a point. Let me explain. So I teach contemporary art history and I use Critical Theory a great deal in my course. CRT is an outgrowth of CT so logically, I think it is worthwhile to employ, but the current crop of CRT writers and thinkers are a breed apart. Having long achieved acceptance in academia they are now seeking something else, exclusivity. CRT doesn't just want to be a theory it wants to be the institutional lens through which all endeavors are viewed, it is a tool that thinks it's the whole toolbox. When you start enforcing that kind of conformity you are no longer in the category of "truth" or earnestly seeking knowledge. You have crossed over into the category of dogma for the sake of it. Let me give you an example. Latinx is a term that has gained popularity in academic circles of late. It was no doubt made with the best intentions, to be more inclusive to represent the trans or non-binary individual who is of Latin extraction. I use it myself when I am talking about contemporary art by a person who is Hispanic and non-binary etc. But the term originates almost entirely from white, elite institutions in academia and the media. Most people of Latin extraction object to the term being applied universally, not just to Latin people who don't fit the gender binary but to every topic that can be called Latin. Recently I have heard it applied with near total universality to topics such as Pre-Columbian studies or Viceregal Colonial Art. This is absurd. Spanish and Portuguese are gendered languages and the vast majority of Latin peoples have no objection to that and actually object to the the term Latinx. Forcing Latinx on every conceivable iteration of Latin culture is a form of Neo-Colonialism by mostly white people, to be blunt and it's wrong. It's why CRT has become so controversial. Should it be taught? Absolutely. Should it subjugate all other disciplines and even common sense. No.
@@cosmasindico I'm a Leftist so I'm obviously more intelligent 🤓
A wise person once said. "Not being able to forgive is like drinking poison and expecting the person you can't forgive to die."
Hehehe. Wayne. Well one can say they forgive but it is not their place. It is God's work. The holy spirit can guide and help us to forget, and pray for them. This is why we forget so we cannot drink that poison and die.
cut the check i might forgive u
My saying was 'Forgive what you can't forget, and forget what you can't forgive.'
"In my experience, if there is a bad taste in your mouth, you spit it out instead of swallowing it back."
-Amzing Grace
Amazing movie about William Wilberforce and his work to abolish slavery in the British Empire
A one legged duck swims in a circle...
I appreciate you speaking out. As a Hispanic immigrant, I initially swallowed the victim mentality idea, but as I worked and saw my check deductions and started to research them, I learned to appreciate this country for the opportunity it gave me.
Hispanics are from Spain not the Americas 😆
“Hispanic” means Spanish speaking from ANY Spanish speaking country my dude
Not in the united states
@@sicilianupazzu5374 and all humans originated in Africa
If you're going by Charles Darwin's Evolution Theory, he claims that black people evolved from Homo Erectus and Homo Hablis, and Caucasians evolved from Neanderthals.
Life started in Iraq where the Garden of Eden was at.
Iraq is in West Asia known as the Middle East.
In Iraq they still speak the ancient language Aramaic and these people are called Chaldeans.
When the alarm went off and after realizing it wasn’t mine and you said “excuse me my meatloaf is ready “ I connected with you on a whole other level!!
Students often have gotten Misinformation.
Sunday Towns and what is generally known about them are a good Example for this.
'Illuminatinaughtii' just made a video named 'Sunday Towns / Prism of the Past' about it.
@@nenmaster5218 you trying so hard lmfao
I wondered about that bell…I had dozed of and that had me SO confused! Your comment cleared it up. 😂
"Critical race theory used to be called stereotyping." - Robert Woodson
Underrated comment!
Huh no shit. 🤔
Yes. What you said.
Exactly now it’s been politicized and watered down people have biases and stereotypes other on a daily basis usually it’s based on skin color
Yep ~ negative stereotyping
Yes! It’s so destructive. And funny because it is critiquing society but yet it cannot be critiqued.
Right! Smh
I would love to see critiques of critical race theory. But I have no idea what she's talking about because its definatly not CRT.
Some sort of right wing religion called something similar?
@@Skinnymarks What she’s talking about is what is being taught in schools.
@@Parousia001 law schools?
@@Parousia001 what kind of bizarro world do you live in? CRT is not being tought in schools, except for maybe a few really nitch college courses.
And she dosent seem to know what CRT is cause what she is describing isnt even remotely close.
"Transporting oppression from from history to a generation that haven't even experienced opression" is the one best critisism i've heard of CRT. You are the Superhero here=)
@ Yes ButActuallyNo... Here is what you and a lot of people like yourself do not understand. After 246 years of slavery and 100 years of racial oppression, there is an aftermath. The aftermath of 346 years of slavery and Jim Crow laws that created a psychological condition that evolved into the characteristic makeup of the mind and develop into a trait that predisposed people to become a certain way. When you are born out of certain conditions it nurtures your mentality and establishes your attitude. You become a product of your environment and in the same way customs and traditions are passed on from one generation to the next so too are the learnt behaviors from the practices of slavery, Jim Crow laws and marginalization.
The history of racism and injustice against Black people in America is etched in the minds of most Black people and permeates from one generation to the next. It is something that lives in infamy and the damage is permanent. There is no amount of statistics that you can come up with that will ever convince Black people that racism no longer exist. It will never undo the psychological damage that 346 years of racial oppression has done. America will never redeem itself from all what it inflicted upon Black people because it refuses to hold itself accountable and there will never be any closure for Black folks until America acknowledge its sins.
@@garthreid5088 Ah, yes, in other words, after that long diatribe, you try to excuse the _"characteristic makeup"_ and _"attitude"_ of *victimization.* Guess what, genius, throughout the history of mankind, many, if not most peoples have a history of being enslaved at one time or another. Slavery is not particular to blacks (sub-Saharan Africans), in fact the word slave originates from the Slavic people in Eastern Europe/Eurasia (It is generally assumed that the use of the word sclavus with the meaning of slave is related to the enslavement of Slavic warriors by Otto I of Saxony). Therefore according to your victim mentality, most of the world should be pissed at one another and keep reliving any and all injustices of the past, not just black Americans (sorry, not sorry).
And if it's so bad here in the USA, then you and people like you are free to move back to Africa and be among the majority, and of your own preferred skin color. I'm sure you'll be very happy there and if things go wrong or don't go your way, you won't have "whitey" around to blame it on. Although that latter part may actually dissuade people like you, because that would mean having to take responsibility for yourselves and jettison your entitled feelings of victimization.
It is telling that hardly any black Americans and white guilt leftist actually do leave this awful, racist country to move over to the "motherland"―meanwhile, millions of Central, South American and people from all over the world are illegally trying to get in here.
Maybe LeBron James, who has it so hard here, will move out of his wealthy and predominately white neighborhood and into Africa and start a trend?
@@garthreid5088 If the damage is 'permanent',why are there Black billionaires and millionaires.Why have there been a Black President,Black Secretary of state,Black Cheif of staff.What did they do that others arent
What did the Jews do once theyd rightly pursued the Nazi perpretators of that generation? Do you hear them talking about the Psychological effects of their (more recent) past? Maybe because by looking back continuously it would torture most of them,hence they (mostly) looked forward and produced some of the finest scientists/inventors etc in the world
Its not hard to find ways of being resentful,but the vast majority of the 'sinners' are long gone.You need to move on
And when people justify the current wave of anti-White discrimination because they claim "White people haven't experienced discrimination before" like its supposed to be some "ha, now you know how it feels" initiative, they have COMPLETELY LOST THE PLOT.
@@garthreid5088 This is the most racist shit I've ever heard -- you prove her point entirely. Be better.
Hi Kimi,
Douglass Murray in his latest work "The War on The West" gives the subject a more thorough and scholarly treatment than any others I've read so far. I highly recommend it. You have a solid grasp of the problems associated with this "movement, and I applaud you for that. Keep on learning and best of luck in what I'm sure will be a great future.
"Black people are not just experiencing the exact same thing, at the exact same time" THANK YOU!!!!!
What? I thought we were all the same. Drats. And worse yet if you push back on any of the far left WOKE religious tenants you’re an apostate (right winger). Goodness they certainly are judgemental.
This is such a stupid point. No one is arguing that. What is being argued is that there is a racial caste system in America. Which means racist people beleive that your race dictates what roles in society you play.
@@SkinnymarksStudy of the tenants/details and REACH of CRT reveals that it exceeds what seems 'reasonable' and just, such as understanding caste systems. Black parents are pushing back. Especially parents of bi-racial children not standing for their children now 'CASTE' due to their racial-components, of 'whiteness' for example. Initial-push back was solely from the 'right'. And dismissable as complaining racists. That IS changing!!
@@Skinnymarks The "racists" who believe that all believe in Critical Race Theory.
Next you'll tell me that only racists beleive black people exist in amarica.
You guys have done so insane. And just popularized yelling racist at the left because it was starting to become effective tool to bludgeon people with.
A prayer uncovered in a women’s prison camp: “Lord, remember not only men and women of good will, but those of ill will. But do not remember the suffering they have inflicted upon us. Remember the fruits we brought thanks to this suffering - our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of this. And when they come to judgement, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.” On a scrap of paper discovered in Ravensbruck extermination camp, 1945.
Thank you so much!
Oh my goodness! This person had the greatness of heart that only God can give❤️ basically just like Jesus, Father forgive them for they don't know what they do.
Dang. That was a punch to the heart... In a good way... But dang.
Makes me sad that people can be so brainwashed by religion that they're getting tortured and starved to death in a concentration camp and still say "god bless that person, they know not what they do". They do know what they're doing, they're making a conscious decision just like you are making a conscious decision to be stupid. Forgiving somebody for torturing your family or your people or you isn't going to get you into heaven, I'm pretty sure if God is there he'll forgive someone for being angry at someone who mistreated his people, look at all the times in the bible he supported people like that who were mistreated and rose up against the people mistreating them (Moses against Egyptians, Jesus against Romans/Jews, etc).
@@jazzabighits4473 given the actual words of the prayer.. it doesn't seem like they're trying to deny anything about their aggressors behavior... This prayer seemed more an example of not allowing yourself to turn into the oppressor in response to being oppressed. It's about taking full license of the only liberty that can't be stripped from you... Because there is only one thing no one can take from you, your state of mind.
And that's from an entirely non-religious person here. Your comment makes me sad... for you. Sad that that pessimistic outlook was all you could ring from it.
brainwashed or no... the prayer of an abused, utterly disenfranchised individual demonstrated a more solid lesson about how to be in the world than your eagerness to criticize them could any day.
Brainwashed or not, beneath you or no... It's savvy to remember that anyone anywhere, no matter how different from you, may have something of value to teach.
Best wishes to you.
To me CRT is claiming to be against racism by being as racist as humanly possible. Plain insane.
@@AlphaOmegaSigma07 I've seen quite a few that are racist against anyone not black, even people with power and influence have spoken against other POC groups as lesser than.
Terry Crews had it right when he called out BLM saying, paraphrasing but might get it right... "we must remember black lives matter, not black lives better."
It really does seem to be not about equality or white inferiority, but black superiority.
I've always been against racism, even before I knew I was, and to see racism rule the public face of America is a nightmare.
Kind of like people in Antifa that constantly use the worst aspects of fascism to get their way.
Why do you feel so attacked by critical race theory 😃 (apart from white fragility)
@@e.k.o5412 Text is hard sometimes, that was sarcasm right?
I'm guessing since white fragility is basically a get out of racist jail free card that it was sarcasm but you never know xD
It's like adults beating on kids and saying, "What are you going to cry are you a baby?" it doesn't make sense but there are absolutely those that do it anyway :\
That's certainly just one example... my god I hope you're nodding your head already knowing this and I'm not bringing awareness to a toxic person how toxic they are as that can just lead to flaming which is just negativity.
For real... please tell me you were being sarcastic.
Remember, positivity is power.
@@e.k.o5412 because it is racist.
Thank you for your courage against this hypocrisy and love for humanity, a brown fellow here and absolutely holds humanity and life above anything else.
“I have a dream. My children won’t be judged by their skin color, but the content of their character.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
MLK would be considered one of those "crazy pastors" you see go viral for calling out his community for their own problems.
@@ooo_Kim_Chi_ooo not really, MLK mentioned reparations.
Oh and y'all killed him too
he was also an anticapitalist by the way
@@Laura-gd4ku a lot of people don't know that
"I hate race theory because I hate racism"
Can we print out shirts out of it?
yes make shirts. it'd be the perfect sign that someone doesn't know what they're talking about
So its racist to say racism exists?
I dont get what you guys think is happening.
@@tristanmayer5373 and yet you made no points to refute. How intelligent
@@scholasticbookfair. Refute what? She presents no arguments to argue against.
@@tristanmayer5373 So this whole video was just senseless rambling? Nah I'm thinking you don't know how to argue against logic.
I despise postmodernism, the whole idea that truth is subjective is patently false.
This deserves to go viral. And no, less than 100K views _isn't_ viral at all. Not even for a small channel.
Because this opinion is very flawed because she brings up MLK not knowing that Him and Malcolm X was starting to talk about getting what is owed to Black People that is what got him killed. Our society decided to make him a peaceful symbol so black people could stay inline. So again this country need to come to grips with the history of all the bad along with the good. If Germany can do it so can we!
@A Girl Named Billie Amerikkka actually does go read about it before you speak!
@@melcardenas389 it sounds as though you're implying that MLK proposed using violence against an entire population to achieve some sort of goal of superiority or control.
Am I reading too much into it?
@@nicknomski8399 Go and look at some of MLK interviews before he was killed and you will see a different tone of his rhetoric. He start to knowledge that it might have not been a good idea about everything.
@@melcardenas389 please leave this country, I am begging you. We owe you nothing.
It’s so refreshing to see more people , particularly b l a c k people, that speak out against the facade of CRT. CRT isn’t about compromise, it’s about conformity, and thats a HUGE issue
Conformity to what's exactly?
@Rob Spencer Are you kidding me? Did you even watch this video? (and the sequel). There's a woman of color, systematically dismantling critical race theory as the complete and utter bullcrap that it is and always has been. The "substance" of critical race theory is "dark supremacy" plain and simple. It's a horrendous, evil, and hateful ideology sprouted from the unholy union of 1) white liberal neo-marxists (Ranging from the murderous feminists such as Andrea Dworkin, who advocated for the death of all men, calling it "a start"; to the racist thugs such as the Nation of Islam ran by Farrakhan of the Black Panther Party and adored by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton etc.. who preach that the white race was "a mongrel race created by the biblical Jacob (Yakub in arabic) as revenge so he could destroy the world. And that all whites are evil demonic "spawn of esau etc.." and all the other pieces to the "intersectional" hate-sphere. Who created a chimera philosphy which also combined with the teachings of post-modernist scholars of france (Particularly Foucault and Darrida who defended the 100+ million lives taken by the marxist soviets and chinese in the 1940s-60s etc.. as necessary steps to reach their new age).
Long story short: CRT is the spawn of literally EVERY ONE of THE most hateful ideologies of the 20th century thrown into one. You might think to yourself; "But that can't be! They are left wing, so surely they don't incorporate evils such as the Fascist Right espoused by the Nazi's and Mussolini etc..." but when you see how the CRT being forced into schools such as the ones being Protested due to their inclusion in Los Angeles area public schools, includes rampant anti-semitism which states that "all jews are white and benefit from white privelige and thus know nothing of oppresion" when Jews were THE biggest allies of the civil rights movements, regularly seen marching with MLK and have been the victims of BY FAR more hate crimes and oppression than ANY group on the face of planet earth put together! Right now you can't even wear a jewish religious head cover in cities like New York or LA because lunatics are running around beating any jew they see or smashing them with hammers and throwing explosives at them etc.. CRT states that ALL "white people" are by default racist and can never change that, and even if they dedicate their entire lives to feeling humiliated and shamed and doing nothing but bowing to oppressed people's they will never make up for it. It teaches this to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS FIVE YEARS OLD!!! So please don't try to say CRT isn't understood. We who criticize it understand it better than ANYONE! CRT teaches our children that logic and math is white propoganda, proper family values like showing up to work on time, only having children and a spouse when you can afford to and have gotten proper education and financial standing etc.. are "just ways the whites keep other races down". They make excuses for how affirmative action not only gives a black person a +200 point boost for no reason on his SAT scores to get into colleges, but also REDUCES ASIAN STUDENTS SCORES BY FIFTY POINTS because "asian's benefit from white privelage indirectly". If you still defend this crap then you are insane at the highest level.
I thought that CRT was about thermoelectric evaporation of electrons, focusing said electrons in a beam and condensing them on a positively-charged electroluminescent anode. Different CRTs, maybe...
@Rob Spencer or perhaps it's people that don't want ideologies which lump all people of certain races together in a fake solidarity.
Just because a far right person holds a view or says a word, it doesn't mean that word is always a dog whistle or secretly supporting pale supremacist ideas.
CRT is racism.
He or she wins who forgives fastest and gets on with their life. When she brought up forgiveness, I was so grateful!
Forgiveness does not always solve problems. Forgiveness can lead to and encourage continued abuse.
CRT is a good thing to study at school.
@@Just_a_turtle_chad lol 90% of the people who watch this video disagree with you!
I was taught and embraced that we should look at the person not the skin color. This was in the '70's and I thought it was good. It was the message my generation was taught.
Mine too. I’m gobsmacked by this current "cure" for racism which really is fighting fire with fire. How did we get here?
me too, I remember seeing my parents changing their opinions and what they taught us about race.
How did that work out? Seems like we are going backwards!
Looking at the person is still a good idea, but has nothing to do with CRT. CRT looks at systems, not individual feelings, beliefs, or even behavior. The young lady is out in Pollyanna somewhere.
How many times must I mash the thumbs-up for TH-cam to recognize my endorsement of this powerful and meaningful message? Quit it, TH-cam. Thank you for sharing this; you are my sister!
When I was a teen, I started dating a Japanese woman. A friend of mine (he and I are white) asked me,
~ "Really? Are you dating her?"
~ "Uhhhh . . . yes"
~ "What about, you know, Pearl Harbor?"
That is how bizarre the idea of inherited guilt is to me. This really happened.
Kimi, you seriously covered the waterfront, effectively and charmingly. The wee story above is all I have to add.
Clearly, she orchestrated Pearl Harbor herself.
Like for real, dont blame unrelated people for things that isnt their fault
@Varg Viper I mean, a government still needs to get the support of their people or at least a semblance of it. But I still agree
Now I’m just imagining a small Asian teen in a fighter screaming “BANZAI”
@@10thletter40 Hey man, you never know, she could have. Teens can be crafty like that...
@Varg Viper I think we stick to our own group too much without sticking to other kind of group that made up with bunch of stupid idiots
CRT is one of the many reasons why I'm homeschooling. I'm not sending my kids into schools teaching this toxic nonsense. Good on you for calling out the bs!
Same here
As a European, I never understood why so many Americans are homeschooling their kids. I now understand it. American schools are infiltrated with radical left political views. It’s actually unbelievable.
@@mules8662 Oh yeah, it's terrible. I keep hearing all these awful stories about the lessons they are teaching, and how they try to make children feel guilty for their privledge and race. Before I had my son, I taught at a university, and they are just toxic, liberal cesspools. The kids couldn't think for themselves, just regurgitated talking points. It's sad. I love my country, but we are failing our children and it's only getting worse.
@@mules8662 it will eventually reach and infect Europe if you Europeans don’t do nothing about it.
I started homeschooling this year because distance learning wasn't working for us. I will continue to homeschool because CRT is sanctioned racism and I will not be subjecting my 3 kids to that craziness.
I sat through this video to see if she knew what CRT was. she mentioned one idea and went off rambling which shows that she is either trying to get attention or she's speaking on something she knows nothing about. She speaks of racism then says we should ignore racism like after 400 years it'll magically go away by itself
Meatloaf, both in the oven and in her mind. She’s clueless about what CRT is, never explained it but was happy to trash it. Not the best of TH-cam, unfortunately.
Definitely missed the whole point 🤦🏽♀️
As I've said, skin color is only the wrapper. What matters, is what's on the inside.
That's not everyone's reality though
Nothing is EVERYONE’s reality.
@@Vlm293 I'm confused, that's a true statement but can you give more clarity.
I was raised in the 80s with Martin Luther King and Michael Jackson's 'It Don't Matter if you're Black or White'. My best childhood friend was black. I'm not sure that friendship would be possible today, or at least it would not be as close. We are being taught to hate and judge by race. We are going backwards, and as a white male I have no voice to stop it.
@Jeff Manningly One, thanks for proving my point. Two, please show EXACTLY where I said racism did not exist. Three, as someone who is not an American, please keep your weird shit to yourself; thanks from the rest of the world.
And what happened to Martin Luther King 🙄🙄🙄🙄
@@mrlove7097 Same thing that happened to JFK.
@Jeff Manningly Maybe the reason you have white friends is because they're talking about only the negatives of their race from a biased pov. Cause I've heard larry elder & Thomas sowell talk about the negatives of their race & the overall history of others & they've been called Oreo or other such words. Because if you're black & you point something bad or not true in black culture,, the Leftist will call you a race traitor and that's bad, but to Leftist, if you're white, then you have to point out racial negatives even if some are not true, or over exaggerated, but because you're white, you have to be a race traitor cause that's good.
Actually, you do have a voice. Ask questions, Speak up!
Yup. She nailed it perfectly. When "anti-racism" is racism.... things have gone wrong.
Anti-racism was always racism. There's a reason it's called "anti-racism" as opposed to just not being racist, aka normal. Anti-matter is not the absence of matter nor does it get rid of matter, it is just matter that's charged differently. Same applies to "anti-racism".
@Ecard Ecardian the ones who call themselves anti fascists running around burning down cities, silencing their political opponents, using violence to gain political power are actual real life fascists. They hide under the guise of “anti” fascists. They’re the opposite of anti fascists. They’re fascists.
It is like fighting fire with fire (controlled burns) where you call your fire "anti-fire"
Read a science book. Anti-matter literally is the only way for matter to be destroyed in this universe.
@@Skinnymarks OK, racist.
you said...
"you are literally time transporting oppression that didn't even happen in your generation"
Thank God for normal people. Love you!
Same ❤️
"I want to exercise my freedom of speech while I still have it."
It's painfully obvious to a good deal many of us where we are heading.
@Aaron Hackett Yet here in the UK, at each occasion when the totalitarian left shut someone down or successfully cancels someone, they repeat the phrase: Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedon from consequences.
Your gaslighting won't work with those of us who form opinion from evidence.
Ironically, the majority of attacks on freedom of speech are right wing political moves. Ever heard of BDS?
Lol you actually think canceling works? It's so rare that a canceling actually ends with someone being removed from public discourse. Usually they just get yelled at for a little while and then they just go back to doing what ever
......Only if you are easily intimidated and cowed.
@@Skinnymarks support and back up your generalized statements with factual illustrations. Can you?
You appear to be projecting onto others that which you deny and refuse to recognize in yourself. Name calling is a widely recognized phenomenon used when someone has little or nothing valid to say, but wants to appear tough and formidible, lol. Is that true in your case?
How refreshing to see a young person who thinks for herself, is honest and clear. Keep speaking your truth.
We all think for ourselves. I'll never give up my history to please the majority.
I can literally source every single sentance she made to a right wing talking point. There's literally not a single original thought in this video.
So annoying that people think this is what thinking for yourself is. Shes literally perfectly parroting everything right wingers gish gallop about. Repeat over and over and over until the lie becomes the truth.
It's pretty obvious that she hasn't bothered to read up on the subject at all. Just repeating what she was told you say about CRT
@@Skinnymarks lol bro what're you talking about
@@richieschmidt6225 he's basically saying she's naive 🙄🙄🙄
@@mrlove7097 sounds like he's the naïve one
My biggest issue with CRT, is that it removes all room for nuance, in an extremely nuanced world, nothing is ever just black or white.
I love seeing so many different people speaking out against CRT. Thanks for making your voice heard Kimi.
YES! Me too!
I will keep teaching CRT at my college because it is the truth and you can't say otherwise.
@@Just_a_turtle_chad I too like jokes. Thanks for the laugh.
if your not a white supremacist, the teaching of CRT shouldn't bother you... the reason why u may be against it is that you're misinformed. in fact, she covered none of the key tenets of CRT in this video at all ...
@@esterg8498 ahhhh yes. The almighty "you're a white supremacist if you don't agree with CRT" reply. Which tenets, as you claim, did she not cover? The parts that label anything white culture related as racist and oppressive? You know, things like accountability, responsibility, traditional family values?
So much reality packed in here. Seeing this gives some little bit of hope, CRT is desperate to resurface a brand of hatred that was working itself naturally, but it is acting as a devining rod for those who see it for what it is. "I want to exercise my freedom of speech while I still have it... " that line gave me a chill.
"a brand of hatred that was working itself naturally" what does that mean? Please expound 🤔
@@Mr._Moderate Replace "working" with "resolving. Fixed it for y'all...
@@DarrellBeckford resolving? How? In what way?
@@Mr._Moderate go watch movies from the 70s, 80s, 90s, early 2000s up to about 5 years ago .... you'll see all races, all getting along fine, all doing all sorts of roles and it was all normal, normal, normal.
And then CRT comes along .... and now everyone is offended at everything, screaming racist at everyone, getting people cancelled, fired, killed, burning down cities, etc.
Old-school racism was resolving itself naturally but you see race wars as "progress".
World govts are colluding together at the expense of their own citizens to usher in new world order aka antichrist beast system. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth to meet the lord in the air. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama govt and vatican. They will use this alien deception to unite whole world for their one world religion and worship of the antichrist(obama). Global holocaust and mass American genocide is coming via fema concentration camps. Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants on hand or forehead aka mark of beast. Without this no man can buy or sell. Revelations 13
"I hate the word 'anti-racism' because it's all about re-magnifying the concept of race."
Kimi, I love you right now.
Anti-racism is about ending the scientifically disproved western belief that race even exists. The social construct of race needs to be refuted, but we have to broach the topic of race, alongside class oppression, if we want to achieve that goal. You can’t be color-blind in a racially segregated society if you truly want to end discrimination.
@@MylesRoachMusic no anti racism is just a buzz word that covert racist like to throw around to hide that they are racist. bigotry of low expectations is still a form of racism just like white savior complex.
@@darthrevan7923 who told you that? I need a book title or a link because you're on own with line of thinking 👍
@GingerJabber - you might dislike racism. You hate anti-racism. You probably believe in the existence of reverse racism. What do you people, YES YOU PEOPLE, want?!
what about reverse racism?
This girl is just spitting out facts while cooking her meatloaf, I’d pay money just to hang out and chat with this person!
Oh, me too!
Until you unnecessarily racialize a situation or say something racially ignorant to which she would disassociate herself from you 💁
@@spiritmatter1553 This comment-seciton obviously doesnt know what CRT is and what it wants toteach: Which is the objectively
fact and non-debatable situation that Racism has shapred America extremly and in complex Ways.
Laws, Housing-Situations, Popculture, it was all shaped. Hence why people need to learn about all this.
@Warlock in an effort to educate myself, can you direct me to CRT theroy curriculum that is being taught?
I have to say, that is super duper pathetic. What, you're surprised that she EATS? What the hell does that change?
Thank you for speaking up from those of us who are not allowed to.
Why are you not allowed to?
Because I ain’t black and I don’t believe crt is true. If I say these thing’s aloud I will be canceled. That’s why I’m not allowed to speak. Is it clear to you now.
@@sarahtompkins24 Why would you be cancelled? You’re an internet nobody. Absolutely no one would care enough to “cancel” you. What do you think it means for someone to be cancelled?
Truly! ❤️🙏🏻🤗
@@jdhenshaw6119 If one is on a job in a workplace and speaks up for themselves, they will lose their job... That's what . It's a slippery slope, critical race theory ..
What a bright young woman. Gives me hope in an increasingly insane world.
ahahhahha lol
@@dryhail huh?
Yeah, this world is to retarded.
It's people like Kimi who give me hope for humanity. Thanks Kimi for your the charm of your intelligence!
So true. It's so good to hear someone talk rationally! Thank you Kimi
I'm a white women, my husband and three of my children are white. My oldest son is half black. I hurt for his pain and his fear of others judgement. He is a beautiful person, a beautiful soul and I don't know many white people who feel hatred towards anyone different than them. In fact it's usually the absolute opposite. We are all Gods Children. Every single human being.
Oh the black man abandoned the child? How unusual.
"If you live your life in the pursuit of hate, you forget how to love. If you live your life in the pursuit of love, you forget how to hate" - Me
The meaning of life is love :)
@@ianjameslake you get it. Through love great things can be achieved. Far greater things than hate can ever achieve. I love everyone, whether they call me their enemy or hate me. I would gladly put myself between anyone and a bullet. Because I love life too much to allow anyone to be harmed by hate. Ive done this many times in my life already, taken the hit that was intended for someone else. I know my place in the world now. It has nothing to do with color of skin or country of origin. It is to protect the innocent, the downtrodden, the poor and the weak. No one is created from cookie cutter molds. Leaving these people at the mercy of those that would do them harm. This can not be allowed to happen anymore. So I enlisted to protect those that cannot, for whatever reason, do this themselves.
God bless you.
And remember, sometimes love has to be safeguarded. Love can defeat hate. But it does require someone to stand before hate. Ill gladly do that for anyone, anywhere, for any reason. In my presence, love will always have a guardian.
@@kragor420 Wow u seem to know a lot about love! What would you say is the ~greatest action~ of it is?
@@gloreeuhh- sacrifice. Something ive been doing for people for decades now. I care what happens to me. But my love of protecting the innocent, will always put me in front of its harm. If you are near me, whether you know it or not. I will give my life to ensure anothers life gets the chance to continue.
Its not the same for everyone. But its everything to me. Im no expert on the subject. Nor will I ever be. But I believe in sacrifice.
Ive lost friends to murder, forced ending (youtube doesn't play fair) and choice. I dont like seeing people suffer and so I would cross the world to help those that can't help themselves. Rest assured, I will fight, I dont give up easily. Even in my failures I find new ways to overcome.
@@kragor420 Yeah, it’s easier to die for a friend, than an enemy. But do you know that someone has done that before?
Despite all the names that He knew they’d call Him, despite their abuse, He knew they’d do to His body, despite their deep hatred He knew that they had for Him? Do you know why He would go through such a thing for His enemies?
You speak so eloquently about a topic that many of us have been frustrated with but have struggled to put into clear words.
Rambling with logical fallacies is not eloquence, unless the definition has changed recently.
One merely has to listen to the eminently clear Professor Jordan Peterson, on this topic - or any other. He gives this to us.
Use logic and evidence to illustrate the existence of alleged "logical fallacies" you vomit about.
@@davidmajor1508 if I have to give you timestamps, then you obviously don't even know the most common examples, they're not hard to miss. You're better off learning what they are on your own, re watching the video and then rebutting or agreeing with my statement.
You clearly don't understand logic. The burden of proof falls on you, not on me to "rebut" your unsubstantiated claim.
Not all hero’s wear capes but you have done more than any university would ever do.
You have no idea what CRT is about, I suggest you go back research because the misinformation you spurring is not from educated point of view.
THANK YOU. I personally was taught to be neither racist nor "colorblind" (a concept that is well-intentioned but IMHO misses the point a little), but to see color and ethnicity as beautiful and worthy of respect and dignity. I don't say that to be all "yay, me" but to say so much does depend on what we're taught to pay attention to. CRT being taught as fact - especially to children! - can *only* have devastating results. It's the worst of red herrings when we need unity, forgiveness, empathy, and earnest conversation more than ever. We won't make it as a nation or world without it.
critical race theory: trying to achieve equality by dividing people into smaller and smaller groups.
i'd like this comment but it's at 69 and i don't want to ruin it
They are NOT trying to achieve equality. They are trying to create hate among groups. While people engage in their games for us, they quietly gain strength and control.
@@annplante3439 and a lot of real-estate.
Unity by Division, kinda like Addition by means of Subtraction...
What matters is the person. Not their race. They are litteraly trying to erase rasicm with stereotyping
According To CRT, there's always someone more of a victim than you, there's always someone woker.
And their level of wokeness is almost entirely made up of their position on the intersectional hierarchy.
Being a perpetual victim is the ultimate control. It leverages against our human inclination to walk on eggshells around people who are hurting. The problem is, unless the trauma is current & present, the hurting should dissipate. But people need to be actively involved in their own healing as well. It's not healing to require the whole world to walk on eggshells to avoid making you feel uncomfortable forever. It's just tyranny, driven by an infantile refusal to do the personal work of healing. Remember "minority" also means rare, precious and special. So the key isn't whether the rest of the world can bow down or comply -- the key is in changing your own self-perception from victim to precious, special, and self-valuing.
@@justinecamille7426 The great thing is that if you need more woke intersectional points, people can just make up new groups, claim those groups are oppressed and that they are a part of them, and bam, they're now more intersectional and thus a superior person to you. So say you are black, gay, but a conservative, a white lady will lecture you about how racist you are because she is bi, non binary, gender fluid, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, otherkin, therefore she has a higher intersectional score and understands systems of oppression better, and you can't win the argument. Meanwhile all that is to say she is a cis white woman that thinks girls are pretty but actually likes dong, but can't get any because of being a bit butch and too much of a freak by choice, lecturing someone who has probably actually experienced some racism or discrimination of some sort and understands it far better. It is mind numbing.
@@hzuiel Exactly.
Skin color should be as unimportant as hair or eye color. That’s the world I want to live in. It seems to me that CRT leads to more racism, not less. Thanks for your video. I completely agree with everything you said!
But CRT is mainly focused on how society views a person's race, and why things are the way they are when it comes to race.
The theory is not saying that a person's race is the only thing that matters and everything eles should be thrown out the window, its saying how a persons race might determine what privileges and disadvantages they get and how society might treat them.
@MarmitePopsicle I've never heard that the founders of the theory were race realist, do you have any links to any articles I could read to support that? And if it is true, the theroy itself does not say that any bad thing a white person does to a black person or any minority is automatically racist, even if the creators personally believe that
I’m really confused about how people are saying this when CRT is the idea that race is a social construct. Which literally implies exactly what you’re saying - it’s no more important than eye or hair color. So how would that lead to more racism?
@@2FadeMusic exactly
@@2FadeMusic bc it’s teaching young white children to hate themselves, and to view themselves as oppressors. Little white kids aren’t oppressors of anyone or anything and little white kids should not hate themselves bc they happened to be born white. Any other questions?
On paper, it makes sense but getting rid of critical race theory wouldn’t solve problems. Future generations would only hate each other wouldn’t any idea on why they hate each other.
But I would argue that there should be a major push in our schools to push financial classes help children out of poverty and have common ground or to at least understand economical struggles of people that live in poverty.
The reaction of our health care system is proof of this. It might even make people of all color come together as Americans.
Thomas Sowell has written much about the many and profound pitfalls of social justice ideologies for decades. If you're still looking for a "knight in shining armour" character to clarify some ideas for you, I couldn't recommend him enough. God bless.
I love Thomas Sowell. Found him through Rush Limbaugh and he has been a God send to me. I believe he is a great man; no bullshit. I can't see how anyone could dislike Thomas Sowell.
@@josephfranchella299 It's quite easy for ideologues to dislike a man who exposes them and their beliefs for what they are.
Sowell is a disgusting excuse for a human being let alone as vocal proponent against any form of race theory, and his most prolific ideas and talking points have been thoroughly debunked.
Sowell is an apologist for institutional racism. Anyone who connects with Rush Limbaugh is an agent of the oppressor
@@TheFutbol22 you look pretty light-skinned. Looks like you might be an oppressor by your own definition. Or only partly oppressor 😆
I was raised by a feminist in the 70s and 80s. I am happy that helped me to learn that all people were equal, but as I got older I realized that it wasn't the empowering thing it should have been for her, it was her crutch, her excuse for not succeeding, or even trying.
Throughout the 80s I saw how racism really began to become marginalized and saw that racism was in the process of vanishing. problem is, so did the people who gained power from it. I saw how suddenly saw how racism was becoming "the boy who cried wolf". It became a political tool to bash people over the head with. The worst thing to be called was a racist, and that was used for power. I thought it was becoming too blatant, starting to see it fail, and people looking stupid doing it so much.
Then things seemed to change. The people running those scams got smarter and were getting people younger before they were able to form opinions. Big boosts were the Rodney King videos and OJ Simpson. Things just blew up from there. (It's more complex than that, but I can't write a novel here.) They really got a boost when they came up with a magic catchphrase, "Black Lives Matter". It's a comment that anyone can agree with, and yet it is twisted into something where if you disagree with anything this organization says, you are branded a racist.
This is a very powerful statement. People give it a lot of power, and if you disagree with anything they say, you must be a racist. Now you have to conform 100%... or else. But the fact is all it is, is branding. It's no different than, "15 minutes can save you..." but people just don't understand that. That it is a type of advertising intended to manipulate people and punish anyone who dares to look deeper.
"Critical Race Theory" is just a way to pretend to give it scientific legitimacy. But anyone who understands science should know the difference between hard science and social science, and this is a "social science" if even that since it is heavily motivated by politics. (i.e. biased crap masquerading as science.)
Already wrote too much so cutting it off here.
I remember being a kid in the 80s and 90s and finding it funny how most of my kids shows had their diversity quotas. That's it though, that's where it ended, just an interesting tidbit we noticed and got a giggle out of before we moved on with our lives. To this day I still don't know the race of one of my best friends, I never thought to ask, it never mattered. I didn't realize this until a few years ago when they forced me to start caring about race for the first time in my life. Racism was defeated decades ago and seeing it come back so hard under the disguise of anti-racism (thank you anti-fascists for that disgusting irony precedent) is so depressing.
I do have to say something related to this that, as a foreigner, concerned me when encountering American social politics. In the UK if we are to take sociology as a subject we will eventually encounter ideas such as feminism and the theories stemmed from but we are not taught as if they are fact. By UK law you HAVE to teach an opposing theory/ideology because bias in teaching is deemed as indoctrination. The very fact that you can be taught critical race theory in America as if it is fact is very dangerous and it's quite concerning that no one is kicking up a fuss about something so unethical, at least in my eyes. I'm going to draw a comparison but I cannot use critical race theory as an example becuase we are not taught it in the UK, so I'll talk about gender to bring about my point.
I have talked to Americans/Canadians online about ideas such as critical race theory and one thing I've encountered that I do not like is when people would say "I've learnt this in sociology and therefore it is fact." This atittude was present in many sociological ideas I'd discuss with people and in my eyes sociology was used as a crux for some leftwing people. It's no different to when biology is used as a crux for right-wing people, when oftentimes people from both sides of the spectrum will fail to understand the topic they are basing their beliefs on. And this was most prominent when I talked about feminism.
From my perspective, all that mattered to these people was whether I labelled myself as one when in reality I, as well as many other people in the UK, simply do not agree with the concept of abiding by an ideology in general. What my beliefs were clearly didn't matter to them because they had never asked me what they were in the first place. I have many views that would be regarded as feministic but I simply do not agree with the idea of putting on an ideological label and following ideas stemmed from them, simply because they are reiterated from a group of people I happen to agree with (on some things). It's at a point where me not labelling myself as a feminist equated with me having internalised misogyny despite me often not having even recited my own views yet.
It's concerning to me that North Americans have more of this divisive "you're not with us then you're against us" attitude that can be easily perpetuated by simply calling someone a racist or misogynist. Sociology / social sciences IS scientifically legitimate but the problem with it is that in some countries like America, you are not taught them in a scientific way. For example, in the UK we are taught four types of feminism: radical, marxist, liberal, difference.
- Radical feminism blames the exploitation of women on men. It is primarily men who have benefitted from the subordination of women. Women are an oppressed group.
- Marxist feminism states capitalism rather than patriarchy is the principal source of women’s oppression, and capitalists as the main beneficiaries.
- Liberal feminism states that nobody benefits from existing inequalities: both men and women are harmed
- Difference/Postmordern Feminism does not see women as a single homogenous group. Their beliefs is concerned with language (discourses) and the relationship between power and knowledge rather than ‘politics and opportunities’. Oftentimes criticising other feminist theories/movements.
And in addition to that, we are also taught fundamentalism, marxism, fake class consciousness etc. because like I said, by UK law it is deemed unethical to only to be taught one theory without an opposing one. This is also a standard held in subjects such as psychology and philosophy. It's not too long ago that psychology was not thought of as scientific but we've now been able to perform experiments and distinguish between different explanations; environmental, cognitive, genetic, psychological, evolutionary, etc. This procedure should also be prevelent in sociology but it seems that it is not the case in America. To be taught such ideas as if they are fact is such a damaging way of thinking. It's no surprise to hear older Americans talk about how race relations have gotten worse when this kind of environment regarding beliefs and ideas is being encouraged.
What solidifies this issue for me is that when I watch people who support CRT, there is an anger and darkness that permeates the conversation. When I listen to people like this young woman however, there is a beauty and light that permeates her demeanor.
That is because it comes from the whispering from the abyss.
... Or maybe it means that racism wants to die but by ignoring it you continue to give it life? 🤔
@@Mr._Moderate Nope, it's revived by racebaiters and racist teachings like CRT, and based on your comments on here, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you are a white person who espouses CRT...
@@DarrellBeckford I cannot believe how lost you are 🤦
How do you expect to rid the country of racism if you don't acknowledge it, understand it's history and evolution, and then eliminate it once and for all? 🤔
"My meatloaf is ready."
Most human moment
Beautiful monologue, thank you! I’m a political science professor at a university where CRT has become pervasive to the extent that actual discussion and debate has all but shut down. Everyone seems to be embracing it as if it was gods word, turning the college into something of a theocracy.
Woah, that's crazy. :( I hope the bubble pops for a lot of people soon.
My sympathies for having to work in that corrupted and oppressive academic environment. As I commented above, CRT is based on stereotyping and caricaturing people according to their supposed race, which is racism and totally regressive, so calling it progressive is Orwellian doublespeak. There's a good reason why it won't tolerate debate and discussion -- because it's so shaky an ideology that it couldn't possibly stand under the light of any reasoning and facts.
GOD will NEVER agree with THIS.
Hope you're not using your real name, the gestapo will come after you.
@@Nyonyozimusic -- May I ask you a few questions?
May I ask what you mean when you use the term "Critical Race Theory?"
May I ask where you obtained information about CRT?
May I ask what you believe are the primary tenets or principles of CRT?
May I ask what are the names of a few Critical Race Theorists you know about?
Thank you.
A breath of intellectual fresh air.
“Time transporting oppression that didn’t belong to you, unto yourself”
Brilliant way of putting it.
I guess things don't have effects over time and the past has no bearing on reality, then? Because that's what you're implying.
If a great fortune is stolen from your ancestor that is a direct reason why your family is poor today. Oh but I guess we can just pretend everyone has the same chances in life when that is objectively not true
@@McHobotheBobo THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this. Suddenly history doesn’t apply to modern day when it comes to black people oh but for Japanese Internment and the Holocaust it does? It’s blatant hypocrisy and it’s outright disrespectful I agree with you 1000%
@@McHobotheBobo Not really. We should all remember and understand the impact of institutional racism on society, but many politicians, for example, try to reopen closed wounds concerning that, because they want to divide and conquer, and so the conflict keeps going and going.
@@ne0nmancer exactly! This is all distraction to the new world order
I believe crt will divide children. Question: If a child has a black mother and a white father, what group do they identify with. I don't get it.
"The meatloaf is ready, hold on!" I hope she made it with a side of mashed potatoes! 😆
I love how in that one sentence she unknowingly took a stereotype, and flipped it on it's head. 'Meatloaf is a White person thing.' Well, apparently not!
I'm a proud Leftist who will keep spreading the critical race theory all over America.
🔯 critical race theory 🔯
Hilarious. She can cook! Respect.
@@Just_a_turtle_chad ,very narrow thinking. I am not trying to insult but lets consider a few things. Slavery has existed throughout known history in different forms and situations with race ethnos and status being primary determinates. Race has been rather mute for the most part with social cast being the more prevalent determinate. Slavonians being the exception when 'race'' being more the factor, thus the term slave, who by the way were white. White, initially the British, were the first to mount an organized front to racism, later Americans. Today the largest populations of slaves are in Arabic nations, African nations and Asian nations. As a black in America you are among the richest, prosperous and most prolific of all blacks. If the world ever seeps and creeps into socialism you will be just another statistic of the illuminate.
Listening to Kimi makes me want to solemnly promise to give up boomer talk. This generation is not lost, as long as beautiful young people speak out.
"Racism does not have a good track record. It's been tried out for a long time and you'd think by now we'd want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management.
Thomas Sowell
Then why do people in videos like this refuse to end racism? Things don't end by just ignoring that they exist. We have to actually do something to end it.
@@tristanmayer5373 THANK YOU.
@@tristanmayer5373 its because at this point, there is very little you can do to help, and a lot you can do to hurt. systematic racism is not the pressing issue social justice warriors make it out to be. very often they lie, and misrepresent statistics and reality. a huge PART of racial issues is cultural, which both White and Black people on the Left choose to actively ignore. This problem will never solved without addressing that directly.
and personal racism will never be solved. sorry. people holding prejudice is a human condition. we hold prejudices about everything, not just people, and these judgements sometimes cannot be re-learned. some people are just beyond re-educating. forcing social change will not solve this problem and only opens the door to more opposition to your cause. good luck.
thomas sowell also states why the black community has a problem with single mom is based on the welfare state ( which it isnt , its mostly due to imprisonment of dads, and there is studies proving that black ppl get harsher charges ( based on first offence and no previous crimes) and also being profiled way more often) and also always leaves out the fact that jim crow and redlining had a drastic effect on those communities ( pretty common sense if the ability of accumulating generational wealth was denied )
@@BigHotSauceBoss69 Ok what creates culture... your conditions that you are set in via systemic racism. The culture argument literally proves how systemic racism is detrimental to the black community because it has created a culture that is rampant with crime and economic misfortune how do you skip over that 😂😂😂😂😂.
This is why we don’t need our history taught to us by people who don’t look like us; DR. King died two years after this I have a dream speech. Dr.king was assassinated because he came to the realization that he lead his people into a burning house. (Please do your research) once he started speaking on the Economics status of his people. He became American most wanted. This young lady thinks because she has a decent job that the playing Feild is level. Unfortunately as she grows in her respected Feild. The hard reality will be she’ll see less an less of us. In those positions of power. Please wake up young sista
There’s an old saying I heard as a kid. “You can’t choose your parents, but you can choose to be a good person.”
Why must we pay for the sins of the past when we weren’t even around? No race is actually superior then each other. Pigments don’t mean anything when you’re a painter. Their is good in every race no matter what you look like. True story I sometimes wished I was black or another colour so I wouldn’t be at the center of the bullshit. If all white people are racist how is that fair. Go watch white mans burden. It’s like what if a white person was treated like a block person and the struggles. I’m more into food ,travel and photography and animals then getting into the struggles of cultural annoyances. Everyone’s suppressed and hypnotized. Why not fix the homeless problems,environmental problems. Hearing the world complain hurts me, so only country people should have guns and not city people. Guns are for hunting game,not humans.
Amen! I feel like what the heck happened in 2020? I never grew up in any semblance of Jim Crow which is what the media is pumping out 24/7. All the progress is literally thrown out like baby with the bath water. You are spot on beautiful soul!
I’m suspicious of anything I can’t even question without being figuratively burned at the stake
Yeah, I can see where you are coming from
Modern day Liberalism is taking every step that the neo-fascists of the 1930's took. I mean you can go step by step and they are doing it. Social radicalization veiled as civil liberties, blaming one racial group on all the problem, re-segregating people, eugenics, and finally a society where nothing can be discussed. Racism exists but its such a small part of society. The media makes everything racist while ignoring real racism.
@@ooo_Kim_Chi_ooo The fascists also advocated for euthanizing people with mental handicaps. Which in today's time the left are advocating for the right to abort a child after birth if they have a mental defect.
Well said. CRT is a for profit corporate industry.
But you do not question. Many of you seem to think in parallel with conspiracy questions are not honest , I don't understand this. They mirror a more conspiratorial narrative. For example. Conspiracy theorists often behave like they have they truth because of the many unanswered questions they have. Instead of searching for answers they merely question. But they don't want answers cause that destroys the narrative they wish to have. So the question are , what about this and that..
And again many are sharing what this is all about without any connection to reality, just like a Qanan conspirator. Where was proof of this hidden. Cabal of satan worshipers...??? Wheres you proof of cooperate ties to the narrative...???
The word "theory" is the clue that it is just a theory that someone thought up, not the truth, nor a scientific fact.
Thanks so much! As a Canadian this kind of ideology is becoming more and more pervasive and as a teen who just happens to be a POC I’m just taken aback by this push for neo-racism.
I am Canadian too. And this rot is permitting our country! It is absolutely disgusting
@@UCauRTgzykUGhYLWZxgQ Yeah, I think it just perfectly encapsulates the ideology that drives theories like CRT.
You are a future leader, keep learning and add economics to the mix, wish someone told me this when I was a teen. Peace & Light
I live in Canada too and I can see more and more the CRT talking points without saying openly that is CRT
Are you, as a Canadian," this ideology?"
If this is you riled up, you're a very chill person.
LoL True. A bit like myself; don't get ME riled up or I might explain why I'm bothered...
Teaching children to hate is evil.
It sounds like you think people should be judged on the content of their character, rather than arbitrary characteristics that an individual literally cannot control such as skin colour, who their ancestors are, etc.
Good job, you're are a normal, empathetic human.
For the first time in 65 years a person with a different skin color turned their face away refusing to acknowledge my existence. I am not comfortable with ignoring people that don’t look like me as we are one in difference packages. We should have conversations to learn about each other as that person could be your next best friend.
Leave people alone.
As Thomas Sowell once said "Beware the race hustlers"
Didn't Malcome X say kind of the same thing??? People need to think for themselves and go back to "do unto others" I think. (I'm reading one of Sowell's books now, he's such a great intellect!)
@@sunshinegrl6073 More people need to discover Thomas Sowell. Glad that I finally did.
Professional agitators.
Such a good quote but I kinda still hate Thomas Sowe'll after reading one of his books as a sixth grader. I was so confused my little mind couldn't comprehend his genius
Thomas sowell is a clown. Most studies today contradict his nonsensical world view. If he was so genius why does data disagree? Either all of the academics are in a huge conspiracy against him and free market capitalism, or its a pipe dream that only serves the greediest of society and has no real value for most of humanity.
As an educator, children of African descend, especially, need to know about the contribution of members of the community to the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. I have the feeling that the nomenclature 'Critical Race Theory' will be branded onto anything that seeks to bring positive and uplifting attitudes within our communities... In it's self is a term to stop anyone from wanting to know more about the other & keeping everything that way it is now.
Critical Race Practice began in earnet in the grand American aspirational experiment after Bacon's Rebellion, and performs in a myriad of ways for the sake of establishing, maintaining and perpetuating Euro-Centric Power. Symbolically and physically, the expression, application and bonding ritual is "white" over "black."
There is no such thing as "white" or "black" people; but as an organizing mechanism to dominate and control "objects," the chess calculus work's quite well up to a certain point--until victims, subjects and servants start waking up en masse. "CRT" hysteria is nail-biting "Hail-Marys" from folks who hate reality.
The Manhattan Institute's proxies marinate the public in false narratives about teaching American history in any way, save entertainment or sports, that shows "blacks" positively. Ugly...but this functional strategy encourages divisive "identity politics" as a way keep the pedestrian status quo responsive to plutocrats' impish suggestions.
Honest people would simply say they want and need the American descendants of chattel slavery to remain at the bottom of a racist caste system for their own personal benefits.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King Jr.
You beat me in posting that very poignant quote. 👍
Some are trying to rewrite history, with the view that MLK was really trying to overthrow the whites by force. Goes against everything he ever said and did, but people propose it. I think lying might be acceptable to certain ideologies.
@@nicknomski8399 - I've heard that too. There are those that want to change Dr & Reverend King's legacy to advocate for violence. If they would actually READ his speeches & letters they would know otherwise. Unfortunately, our country & society are not being run by the intelligent & rational. It's being run by extremists (from both sides of the political spectrum). The inmates are running the asylum.
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right."
~ George Orwell, 1984
Twitter was fun back in the early days. Lots of jokey accounts and memes and so on. I hate what it's become. I closed my own account nearly 2 years now and I don't miss it.
I closed my twitter, Instagram, Facebook accounts. Don't miss me at all
@@marie882, I just closed my Facebook account after the WOKE CULT took over, and then I couldn't even say anything in my own feed about how I felt about anything. I finally said something they didn't like, and now I'm getting burned at the stake for thinking thoughts outside what I was supposed to think. However, they are now burning someone who no longer has an account.
I made mine in 2007-ish to talk to some girl. Now I just occasionally use it to enter raffles and junk. Serves no other genuine purpose.
@jerry lee lewis agree definitely agree.
Morgan Freeman once said in an interview after being asked about what we should do to stop "Racism" and he said simply: "Stop talking about it."
lmfao Not talking about racism won't make it go away.
You can't he who smelt it dealt it racism lol.
You cant really get rid of a complex issue like racism, by not talking about it
Freeman was correct. The only thing keeping racism alive today is that people won't stop talking about it. It's become profitable to talk about it. It ends when people stop being a color and start being individuals.
Making racism an issue forces society to view itself through racial lens yes, fooling people into thinking there has to be some difference(s) between the races and motivating them to seek it out even when there is none. At the same time, that's not the root of racism, which has always been people's prejudices put into action.
I don't see this woman as black or white.
I see an intelligent critical thinker!
"my meat loaf is ready" i like how she's doing this while cooking up a meat loaf.
I wonder where she got the recipe, US, Africa, or someplace else?
Thank you. That was thought provoking, and extremely well presented.
Love it. And meatloaf is such a great dish.
Loved that beep
Imagine unironically judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
It's a deep ingrained human defense mechanism to be wary of people unlike our own. There has been experiments done on white and blacks that proves that. Racism for other races is not evil, it's just deep rooted in our survival oriented brain that didn't evolve quickly enough to the reality of a multicultural world of today.
@Rob Spencer That's not true at all. Maybe you're just projecting.
@@CG-ug6bn he \ she\ it\They said "considered". What has projecting done to opinion?
@Rob Spencer definitely not the case today. Sorry.
It is so refreshing to hear someone speak with clarity, critical thinking and discernment. Thank you for your boldness. Keep speaking out. You just might change a mind or two.
Thank you so much. Why can’t people see this for what it is!
Your comments about MLK and a hyper focus on race….I cannot tell you how much time I have sunk into thinking about this topic. I’ve made the same connection as you did about MLK even before watching this. I’m very happy to hear someone with some sensibility about this issue as I struggle with people in my home following CRT and making me feel inadequate when I suggest other factors may cause inequality
I like the fact that you called it what it is "an industry" the fastest growing industry in America.
She does this well. Corporations are pretending that they are not racist with performative wokeness. But it is the system which allows the oppression to happen and the 'woke' CEOs and HR departments just wanna look good and not actually solve the problem because they get rich from this all.
@@garfieldseviltwin97 I think the problem is not that companies are actually woke. We have demanded as a society that companies show they care and not just take your hard earned dollars. We say they have the burden of responsibility. So why should we be so surprised that they would sway to what gives the best appearance that they are doing that? I hope that made sense 😅 point is we asked them to get involved so I just don't know how we get them to stop their virtue signal.....
Corporations should be held responsible. Who will bring about change if not those in high places with big influence?
@@alexstyles5808 the problem is what we are dealing with now. Are they trust worthy? can they admit when they are going down the wrong path? Who can stop them if they are not? That's like saying I want the government in charge of everything but then find out once they are in charge they they are not good intentioned.
We can only serve one master. The government or big business can't serve both and neither has our best interest at heart.
I want to show this to every single very liberal white friend of mine that's interrupted my sentence to inform me that I'm a straight white cis male. This is always followed by "Why do you always get so offended when I bring up your whiteness?". THIS is why. Every word Kimi is saying here about how counterproductive and harmful this new ideology is to the racial disparities that exist in America that I truly care about fixing. THANK YOU for speaking out Kimi! Also warms my heart to see so much agreement in the comment section here
You could always ask your liberal friends whether they get upset over a police officer stopping a person because of their blackness?
It really is the same racial profiling, when it comes down to it.
The thing that makes this people to impulse therms like “whiteness” is so lazy and silly that it’s segregative. It’s the exact same racist thing that stands “blackness”: it focus too much on skin for saying one is good and the other is bad.
You sound like you need new friends who don't see you as lesser. That's not a healthy friendship.
Friend or not call it out. This continues because it's been allowed to. never back down these hate mongerers
So basically you will pick and choose the black people you want to listen to based on how they align with your views. Gee that’s not hypocritical at all