Enlisted Needs this! 😎 20 Suggestions for Enlisted • MeAdmiralStarks

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 53

  • @sengmoua5053
    @sengmoua5053 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    What we also need is that the haul gunner in the tank should also fire its machine gun in front when enemies are close.

  • @psychobeam99
    @psychobeam99 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Paratroopers in the tech tree like they said a year ago would be one.

  • @DarlinaLTesh
    @DarlinaLTesh 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Really like those suggestions all around, except for the last one. Enlisted's squad based focus makes it very unique and lone fighter just turns it into BF/CoD again and as you mentioned would split the player base, which isn't really a good idea. Not to mention it would attract the wrong crowd.
    Personally what I would love to see is a proper rework of the HE shells. It's totally silly that a 88mm shell fired between soldiers barely does a thing, while hitting a soldier directly levels a whole street block so to speak...
    Also: Spawn protection should be looked at. It should not be possible to just spawn at your home base (not rally point) and instantly get wiped out by a tank shell / bomb / arty.

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Probably that's why Lone Fighters are hidden in Customs :)
      HE shells are trippy sometimes, that's why I started shooting infantry directly (:
      With spawn protection it works, but it wears off quickly once you start running.

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Napoleonic era cannon balls could just miss you and you’d get flung like a rag doll. That was iron balls the size of your fist. Some tank rounds are supersonic and are massive so yeah a near miss should have you chucked around just in passing.
      As for the splash from HE there are certain shapes of blast and shrapnel created. Mortars have a near perfect sphere of shrapnel in the open. Artillery produces a T shape due to its velocity and shallower angle. An irony is the high velocity cannons produced poor effect with HE compared to lower velocity.

  • @psychobeam99
    @psychobeam99 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Plus, SPAA should be its own separate spawn from tanks but not APC and maybe limit them to one maybe two. Problem with that is the more vehicles this game allows on the field at the same time the less players will be playing infantry and taking objectives, which with a game where the average player count per lobby is 5-10 if your lucky between two teams, that's not a good thing.

  • @tomcat6863
    @tomcat6863 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I honestly wish we would get a mode like Enduring Confrontation in War Thunder and make use of the whole map that they have created and make it 20v20. Also I would like Italian, Sicily, Kursk, the battle of Poland early and late war and El Alamein. All of these could also open other liveries/squads like Britain being its own nation and have commonwealth members. Then revamp the old game modes too not to sure how atm been looking at everything just don’t have an idea yet and make tier 3 only fight 2-4.

  • @GrenedearProductions
    @GrenedearProductions 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    they should add kursk, put it as br3 can play only, and allow 5 panzer 4/stugs/dicker max and 5 t34 and another 10 squads going close quaters and in an open field

  • @ulfhedtyrsson
    @ulfhedtyrsson 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    BR 3 needs one up one down.

  • @stevepirie8130
    @stevepirie8130 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My pennies worth is Japan vs Soviets. Pre WW2 they had several border incidents which highly influenced Japan’s future choice of where to attack. In War Thunder we had events and maps to battle over.
    Problem post merge is you can’t backtrack what weapons and vehicles are available. Japan would really struggle against the assault rifle storm whereas 1937 was more “balanced.”

    • @averymorin6651
      @averymorin6651 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Japan should NEVER face the soviets rn until Japan has better guns, tanks, and planes as at their current strength its impossible to really get anything done as them since everything they have bad, thats coming from a guy with more than 50k battles as Japan and only a 35% chance to win.

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly as I meant, tier 1 style pre war gear but if Japan was fleshed out you could include the last days of the war too

  • @stafford1670
    @stafford1670 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Fixing bugs that are present for more than one year at this point would be a cool thing too, just saying

    • @spencersecrest6001
      @spencersecrest6001 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yea spawned on a Japanese map with tank stuck in a set peace landing craft and tanks get stuck on railroad tracks or I'll spawn stuck in the wall lol

    • @stafford1670
      @stafford1670 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stuka tailgunner still not shootig back, AI not able to climb into trenches hence running into their death and the list goes on

  • @stevepirie8130
    @stevepirie8130 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Getting to choose your mortar, tank or aircraft ammo load out is certainly relevant in RL too. If you were tasked with a specific task we’d adjust the load out as required.
    I’ve fired a 23 minute smokescreen in CBRN conditions so we’d taken all the smoke ammo from the other mortar lines and had no HE or Illum.
    Then you might get a harassing fire shoot where we’d only take HE and man packed what we could. Emphasis on that task was sneak closer to the enemy, smash in fire for effects and rates of fire then cease firing and leg it. No need for other ammo types, etc.

  • @TimTaine
    @TimTaine 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The friends list and messaging needs a lot of work in general. No point knowing who's online if I don't know what they're playing and can't chat in game! Post match chat would be great too to let us team up with new people for multiple matches.

  • @troyb9985
    @troyb9985 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Agreed on seeing teammate BR would also like to see rank during the match and not just at the end. Good quality of life improvement.
    Regards to tank ammo, I want some Willie Pete for Sherman’s! This would go along with choosing armament.

  • @SSJGengar
    @SSJGengar 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Unlimited battle pass would be nice, I mean, they aren't limited cosmetics, I say if you put in the grind and time, you should be allowed. But might be an excess of gold orders at that point I suppose

  • @alexscolavino1566
    @alexscolavino1566 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video great ideas keep up the good work. Been playing enlisted since the 1st day it came out. I would really like to see and I really think the game needs third person view in the tanks and in the plains. It would just make the game so much better. It can work you just have to rework some things that are already in the game

  • @alexanderfrazier8840
    @alexanderfrazier8840 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Changing a planes load out would be so nice.

  • @yagihige9412
    @yagihige9412 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I made a comment about giving APCs the ability to resupply ammo but my vision would allow for a few more options than that. One comment i often see from people who don't like the APCs is that they are not worth the extra space they take to park and how despite not giving any warning sound to the enemy, they can be seen or destroyed easily enough.
    Although there are a few parking spots that are effective, i can't deny rally spots can be regarded as a more well rounded spawn point, and that's the whole thing about APCs, they need something else to set them apart from rally points. Letting you spawn a new APC squad on the vehicle you already have deployed on the map would also be nice but i think they would be seen as much more valuable if you could choose from a number of possible upgrades.
    One of them would be an ammo box, another a medic box and another one fitted with flasks which you could use to give a stamina boost to your whole squad that would last longer than an ordinary flask. And the last one i thought could be possible would an APC with a squad reinforcement option that you could use for a one time respawn of a number of soldiers from your squad.

  • @maxlitwin2153
    @maxlitwin2153 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great suggestions! I would like a feature which helps find weapons I want to use when they are equipped to a squad like how it tells you when a plane or tank is already equipped to another unit.

  • @colonelreb2688
    @colonelreb2688 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Make it where controller can bind normal buttons to the soldier selections wheels and menu wheels. For example I can’t bind them to A,B,X,Y, (I’m on Xbox)

  • @russianviking6420
    @russianviking6420 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    you should play milk truck

  • @bintangc.j7467
    @bintangc.j7467 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    12:50 I actually agree with this idea because they have several maps that are actually connected but not used (and also this is realistic because most Soviet tanks are good because there are a lot of them)

  • @x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x
    @x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Reduce the number of people in one group to only 3.
    Groups made of 4 players in 10 vs 10 matches are just way too Impactful.

  • @ulfhedtyrsson
    @ulfhedtyrsson 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They should add PT boats that work as APC as a separate vehicle slot you can spawn on coastal or river missions.

  • @test_dude
    @test_dude 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    when it comes to mortars, i think 20 HE shots would get a bit unbalanced, and even toxic. It should be a compromise. You remove your 10 smoke for 5 extra HE shells. It's still extra damage you bring to the table.
    Switching to the gunner seat (of planes with one gunner) was announced when rear gunners were first announced. To qoute their post: ''Also, in future updates you will have the opportunity to take the situation into your own hands and, personally control the gunner, repelling an attack of enemy aircraft.'' But this post was made on the 22nd of februari 2022. I assume they completely forgot about this.
    My own suggestion, they should add a grand battle gamemode. It can fall under squad battles, with the option for people to disable this. Grand battles will be 24v24 battles (either solo or squad) on much larger maps, without greyzones. The only ''greyzone'' the players get are when the people spawn in, and remain in that spawn area, and this spawn protection dissapears when they walk out of it, or fire a shell. spawnpoints and APC's will not get spawnprotection. With this gamemode tanks can fight at longer ranges, flanking is actually possible, and APC's will have a way better use.
    Other suggestion, which i believe is not a thing yet. When you spawn an APC, this will become a big spawnpoint when your squad dies. It cannot be repositioned afterwards. My suggestion is that only the original APC squad can deploy, and relocate the truck. This way the trucks can survive much longer, and aren't doomed to blow up once the point is captured, and have to retreat.

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      For mortar squads I will add.. Paratroopers dropping in and selecting Mortar/Engineer gets 20 rounds of each shell type, so the toxicity is already in game :)
      Agree on the rest fully :) 24v24 on a large open map would be mad good!

    • @test_dude
      @test_dude 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RealAdmiralStarks took a bit of heroes and generals in mind for the grand battles. No match was ever the same, because you could go everywhere. There was no limitations. And i loved this. This will make classes like the APC, Rider, and even the mortarman and paratrooper more viable.

  • @odishadilneth7846
    @odishadilneth7846 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    yup firefly needs apds asap i tested it in the mod editor and it pens king tigers
    its not a one shot but it reliably pens it so why not add it yk

  • @Springy05
    @Springy05 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So, 2 things: one comment from the video and one thing I wish was in the game. So for the comment, 3k gold is basically any weapon on Tier 3. Using the germans as example, it is your Gewher 41, your MP 40, Panzerfaust 60, etc. And I agree, the silver rewards should be way higher, like come on, tier 3 tanks are 7.5k and a god damn tier 3 bomber is 15k.
    Now for the wish, I wished there were more maps on more less known theaters. Like, Tunisia was a good step in that direction, but I wished we got more unknown ones, like Finland vs USSR on the continuation war, the Greek Theater, the Italian Theater, etc. And this finally could tie to a better use of the troop customization tickets, like give us a finish costume, a Brazilian expeditionary Force (FEB) uniform, etc. But mainly the maps, would love a map in Athens or in the Italian Alps.

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The cool thing with the tech tree is that adding New Campaign maps should be easier then ever :)

  • @xmeda
    @xmeda 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I would love to have single soldier game as standard or at least set minimum squad size to 2-3. More and more I'am frustrated by AI bots that seem to be more and more useless and stupid. They are just running behind you just to disclose your position. Even if they all have Fedorov they are not even able to defend against one guy with repeating rifle who easily kills them all one by one unharmed. They cannot climb to roofhatch, cannot climb ladders, cannot climb in Stalingrad tank factory and are just running around like complete idiots etc. Sometimes they are not even able to fit into some house and they stay outside. So unless there are some interesting rewards for squad game I ONLY play custom games as lone fighters. Because if server is set properly, you play only against humans which is much better than just killing endless amount of AI bots. Sure I have less points, but such game is much better.
    It will also be nice to have option to build completely own squad. Lets say I want one two engineers, one sniper, one AT guy, one attacker and one medic.
    Also soldier loadout is strange. Why I can equip three explosion packs but only one AP mine? Also gun loadouts are joke. Guys with repeating rifle and only 20 rounds. What joke army is that? All armies supplied standard shooter with at least about 60-90 rounds for rifle as standard. Or at least give us some option to buy some additional ammo slots for troops. There are ammo bags, but then they block backpack slots, which makes no sense. It is normal for game to set up a guy who carries two 12kg machineguns or five panzerfausts, but he cannot carry two AP mines. OMG!
    Concerning other players all normal games give you chance to gather your friends and go into one game together. Here it is almost undoable and alsou you have no chance to chat with them when you are not in running game. I would love some usable friend list with chat so lets say I see friend online, I'll be able to send him some message.
    Tank play is extremely frustrating on most maps. Not only turret rotation, but also all the obstacles everywhere, holes in ground etc. There are no maps suitable for some at least remotely realistic tank play. Also while you are for example driving, why the hell the rest of crew does nothing. At least they should tell you about enemy troops and vehicles they see around. Also tank machineguns are complete joke. You have to hit a guy 2-3 times to kill him. That is completely ridiculous. Sometime even HE shells are very strange. One time I hit a ground and wow 17 kills.. it kills everybody around. Other time I shoot a group of enemy bots and wow.. one dies and others keep running. WTF. Same tank, same gun.
    Vehicle loadout selection will be nice. Especially for planes. I would like to select which type of bombs the plane carry. Lets say IL-2-3 might be able to carry 2x250 OR 4x100 OR 8x50kg bombs or combination of rockets and bombs. Bombs also seem to be nerfed to completely bullshit level. 250kg bombs in recent matches barely do any damage. I drop 2x250kg right next to a Panzer III tank, but it only damages tracks. Then a game later I switch to La-7, drop 2x100kg bombs somewhere randomly between two enemy tanks and boom, it blows TigerII, APC and Panzer IV in one combo. What? :D
    Concerning planes - we still have completely WTF bombers in game. They fly too low, too slow and there is huge difference between them. Italian SM.79 bombers can be moved down with just some stupid I-153 like nothing, few rounds and they go down. They don't even shoot back from defensive guns. But group of He-111 bombers shoots in all directions around and unless you have sturdy plane that can eat some hits equipped with at least 20mm cannons, it is almost suicide to go against them.
    Paratrooper planes can be shot down for points, but they have no friend/enemy marker. So you have to guess from the direction they fly or in normal games if it is axis plane or allied plane. But in mixed custom games where americans and germans play in one team it is almost impossible to guess if that plane you see is enemy or friendly. And once you shoot at him, it says !!! FRIENDLY PLANE HIT!!! and you get something like -100. Geez.
    This also leads to teamkilling in custom games. It cannot be turned off and only recently they at least modified voting system a bit, so now there is some chance to kick idiots. But we still sometimes have guys with -800 happily stabbing others around in back just for fun, yet we are not able to kick them, because when I start a vote, ve have lets say 20 players, 3-4 vote actively and rest are console players who do nothing. Then the game counts votes and 3-4 votes out of 20 is not enough to kick such guy. You resp again and he is running towards you, stabs you with bayonet and then throws TNT on rally just for fun again.
    Or people stealing guns. You build AA gun and guy just comes behind you, shoots you and takes your gun. Then you are not even able to build other gun, because your gun is blocked. Wtf game.
    Yes 3000 silver reward is funny. On the other side in past you needed many guns for many squads in many campaigns. Now you basically have 3 squads for nation and once you equip them, you barely need to buy new stuff. Currently I have 375k silver and I never paid anything. Just the free game. But sure 10k silver awards can be better :D Or maybe give us also awards like 20 000 experience points or random awards like you got Fedorov rifle or you got 5x grenade or you got 2x AP mine or similar.
    It also should be possible to select map preference. Lets say I like Tunisia maps, so once playing for US I will select that my preference is for Tunisian maps. Game will either put me into such battle or ask me something like "Pacific battle is available now, would you like to join and play now or keep waiting for your preferred map?". Sometimes Im stuck playing endless series of pacific maps for hours, which is disgusting, no matter what BR I have.

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      WOW, longest comment award goes toooooooooooo :D
      I laughed out loud for the 12kg MG but no-no for 2 AP mines. Crazy. :D
      Discord is a great way to talk to team mates and yes, we try queue sniping on streams and get like.. max 6 friends in one team. I know MajorMcDonalds does this too, and they regularly get 5-7 players in same team + few stacked on enemy team :)
      Tank driving physics should just be bang on copied from War Thunder, way better. Turret travers is what it is, just keep it historic speed, dunno who actually knows, but it is what it is. HE shells are trippy.
      Bombs have been messed up a bit agree.. 250KG does nothing, 100KG works.. 500lb is a Nuke. Even pair of 50KG take out tanks better than 250KG.
      In squad mode you can check if there's a friendly Para squad or not to tell if the plane is friendly. For German vs USA you can spot the gear under the JU-52, that's a good indication. I don't play Lone Fighters so I don't run into Friendly fire.
      Again, nothing to say about lone fighter Team killing. Squads don't have that. And gun stealing.
      3 Squads for nation? ok, let's say you don't have premium account.. Five battle ratings, 3 infantry squads in each - 15 squads. That's if you want to set up Your BR presets. If you have Premium account there's even more squads to equip.
      Map selection is a touchy subject. To avoid Pacific as USA just do BR5.. that will never get Pacific.

  • @ZeeNuXy
    @ZeeNuXy 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    so um if NONE of the tanks are spawned in enemy team others cant spawn 1 extra (2 is max now so it would make it 3) so thet are able to spawn 2 only that would be good

  • @kubilay3789
    @kubilay3789 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They need to change MM immediately. I GOT 120 KILLS SOMETIMES. my team doesn't even have 50 kills.

  • @citox8667
    @citox8667 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You got a typo in the thumbnail:)

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lol, I just spotted, thanks 😊 😅 will fix it in the morning 😇🙌🏼

  • @jod5861
    @jod5861 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    resupply at apc's

  • @lithuanianone6627
    @lithuanianone6627 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi. I think, i hope with all my hearth :D that they will change "joint any faction" option. For example, i only want to play with america, ussr and japan, not the germans, or only japan and america etc. , i want to choose. Also, tech tree, it is anoying when i need to unlock for example tier 4 plane, while further planes ar tier 3, you get it i think. What do you think?

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just don't select ''Join any faction'' :D :D
      Planes are bad example, cuz some BR1 planes are good all the way to BR5 ;) I think there are few weapons like BR3 gun and second in folder is BR2.. that's weird.

    • @lithuanianone6627
      @lithuanianone6627 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@RealAdmiralStarks im trying to thing in which faction there is that nonsen with plane, also with gun.
      It is more fun to play with "join any faction" selected, but always to play as a german :D sorry

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@lithuanianone6627 In current game Meta Germany suffers, so there are less players - so with this setting you will get Germany a lot.

  • @1lego_rocket-league_and_more.
    @1lego_rocket-league_and_more. 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i ran out of enlisted silver change the economy

  • @thugnastyx1
    @thugnastyx1 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    maps are way to small for 5v5 tanks.

    • @RealAdmiralStarks
      @RealAdmiralStarks  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We need Kursk!

    • @stevepirie8130
      @stevepirie8130 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Battle of Brody was the largest tank battle so perfect for tier 1 and 2 as it was 1941 and most tanks were light like in low tech tree.
      Reasons it isn’t well known is the Soviets lost the battle and huge amounts of tanks.

  • @nickmcgookin247
    @nickmcgookin247 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Give free to play more free gold