Hey Coyote Peterson, Why don’t you get to think of a suggestion and creating a TH-cam Videos and also a Documentary all about the Extinct Carnivorous Marsupials of Australia, Tasmanian Tigers (Thylacinus cynocephalus), also known as the Thylacines, or the Tasmanian Wolves on the next Brave Wilderness coming up next?!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👍👍👍👍👍
Man I can remember the old days , I could be HOURS watching brave I’m glad I found this channel again , thank you brave crew for never stopping this channel
This whole channel made me no longer terrified of nature but to respect it and care for it. Thank you Coyote, Mark and the rest of the crew for all the years of enjoyment, education and more to learn in the future in the next videos ❤
Major respect to Mark for his honesty with the severity (or mildness) of the stings. It would have been easy to pretend that this previously undocumented sting was off the chart like some new sting king just for the clicks and the clout, but it takes real integrity to admit it wasn't that bad. Regardless of the severity of the pain, finding not one but two specimens and cataloging the sting for reference was commendable!
crazy that hes literally helping to document the existence of something never before seen. i have heard about most of the animals hes messed with, but not this. thanks man. hopefully this will help with research and understanding of this animal.
As someone who is terrified of wasps... This is the cutest wasp I've ever seen! I guess it helps that they stay far from people and don't have a sting that drops people into pure raw agony.
@@tristanr.9025 On this adventure Mark takes on the world's first ever sting from a Panda Ant! The team tracked down the "world's smallest panda" in the mountains of Chile and so far no one on record has ever taken on the sting of this velvet ant species - so this is truly uncharted territory in the world of the sting index. Velvet Ants are classified as an Ant/Wingless Wasp.
@@ProbablyFilthyou’re so loud, yet so wrong. at 6:28 in the video he clearly states they are a type of wasp. a quick google search also says it’s “a species of wasp whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants”, and since they are black & white, that’s where the name panda ant comes from.
mark goin in the history books as the first man on earth to catch not one but TWO panda ants!! And just to give us and himself the full experience he even went further and got stung by it. Nothing but respect for mark and coyote for teaching us so much about the wilderness!!
I just want to take a moment to say that I’m really grateful that Mark is continuing the stings. This channel has done so much for me, especially with knowing when to change my paths in the woods. Thanks for continuing Coyote’s sting journeys Mark ❤️
Mark has taken the mantle from Coyote. He already got stung by some gnarly things too like a stonefish. Edit: Also, I forgot to say that BW uploaded an episode with Coyote putting something very painful in his arm only like a a week ago. But it’s not an animal but a plant, the gimpy gimpy or the su1c1d3 plant. SO ITS NOT EVEN FULL RETIREMENT FOR VENOM BY COYOTE 💀😅
Hello, i'm chilean and my uncle have a tourist field, in that field are lived a type of wasp called rooster wasp (sphex latreillei). A tourist of the field told me that this wasp have a painful sting, but this sting is not registered. This wasp live in chile and in the summer, is of color orange and females have a black line on their abdomen, it measures 3 centimeters and only females have sting.
@@babyskunkcathe used to be one of the main cameramen when coyote would get stung. If you go back and look at coyotes old sting videos, Mark is the one saying “you alright?”. Mark now is starting to do his own thing
My grandfather was an evolutionary biologist who specialized in insects. I remember him mentioning this species several times. Absolutely incredible to see 4k footage of it!
Man i love how this isnt clickbait and how much this channel does for us! And spends so much time just to go through immense pain thank you guys god. Less!
Okay I know this is cheesy but when he said this was extremely rare footage my whole body got goosebumps, for a lot of people this isn’t an accomplishment but to me this is absolutely awesome, congratulations on making history ❤
he is really brave and the fact that the panda ants sting hasn’t been recorded before he has really done something special and if gone wrong could’ve been fatal. please be aware of what you do and thanks for educating us! 😊
I have to imagine they did their research before doing this. You don't just casually let an unknown creature sting you without a solid plan. My guess is that being in the same family of velvet ants and ground wasps they already had a fair idea of what it was going to be like and just played up the unknown element for the algorithm.
This one is cute and has beautiful markings. Mark seemed almost disappointed that he wasn't hospitalized. I think the viewers might need to do an intervention on him and Coyote. :0) Excellent catches!
I love your videos Brave Wilderness, you help me with knowledge of animals & plants when I am in the woods or see them in my house, you are the #1 exploration channel I watched years ago, thank you for helping me with my knowledge about animals & plants
This is my new ABSOLUTE favorite bug. Pandas are my favorite animal. But this 'panda ant' isn't even an ant, but a wasp. And it looks so cool. On top of all that, it's rare simply for the lack of photography! Thanks guys!!!!!
It's a cool video but let's be real, realistically they bought it and then pretended to find it in the wild. It's well worth the investment the views these type of videos do.
@@secondeye1574yeah and as soon as they "found" it, I was thinking now they're going to say "we were just about to give up." It's still a good video though. Interesting for sure.
Man I haven't watched a brave wilderness video in a bit. Coyote is one of the coolest people ever. But mark you are also a top notch host! So happy to see you carrying the torch so admirably. I gotta catch up
I am a STEAM teacher who runs a science program at my school. I frequently refer to your channel as a great model of how citizen science can provide incredible and impactful contributions to the world's knowledge. Thank you so much for the work you do.
@@kirikoucortex7042 STEAM is an acronym for classes that teach advanced science-ajacent subjects. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The main idea is that we show students the intersections of these areas (ex. Art and Engineering= Architecture).
There's some science to the correlation between pain and pleasure, which I think correlates too to the sensation some people get from working out, but it depends on a lot of factors
@@danielmanrique9656it’s hardly an alien bug is it, you can tell from the video it isn’t that bad and it’s the same genus as the cow killer, nothing alien about it at all, maybe read or watch before commenting…
i love mark bc he takes the same stings as coyote and is like "yeah that one kinda hurts a little" and coyote is doing backflips on the ground while screaming
I used to watch theese videos when they first came out, years ago. Today I was watching a TH-cam short when for a few seconds, I saw a guy's face. I recognized him as the guy I watched on youtube when I was younger, a couple years ago. I did some research, and I found this channel again. It's been 7 years. I'm so happy.
They’re incredibly cute wasps, i love their little faces in the close up shots, the bite shot was cute af despite her fighting for her life from a perceived giant💀🤣
This was a great episode. Really cool to be visiting such a remote and exotic area, and the exploration/treasure hunt aspect was great, especially in showing the other life you found along the way. And of course the MacGuffin of the panda ant and the worlds first documentation of its sting was great too!
I live in south-eastern VA and I find those red/orange velvet ants all the time! Ive seen one multiple times in my front yard. Some of them are actually as bright and as red and velvety as Santa's hat, while others are appear less uniformly fuzzy and their fur is orange. Luckily I've never been stung by one, and I most definitely have never seen a panda ant. I love insects and never kill a spider, but Im genuinely afraid of wasps, and the like!
Excellent work on covering an insect that is not known to the angloparlant world but here in Chile I once found one walking with a friend thru my uni campus lol
Maybe its sting turned out to not be any worse than a hornet... But the fact that Mark went into this with NO IDEA how bad the sting was gonna be... ...I'd say he's earned his "balls of steel" award today.
Congrats guys 👍I keep ants since 2016 and had over 7 colonies since, watched so many TH-cam videos about ants and wasps and never heard about this beautiful looking ant👍 You guys should have a look at the Silverant (Cataglyphis bombycina) the most beautiful ant and a very very interesting one to, you guys can find her in the deserts in northern africa.
HE FOUND ANOTHER ONE! ANOTHER ONE BRO!! Just how many stings must this man endure and how many times I've seen this guy in so much pain is just mind blowing. Keep up the amazing adventures and discovers, Stay safe-Stay Wild
this whole channel made me no longer terrified of nature but to respect if and care for it. Thank you Coyote . Mark and the rest of the crew for all the years of enjoyment, education and more to learn in the future in the next videos ❤️💙💛💚🧡🩷🩵
This guy's pain tolerance is very high when you look at just how long that stinger is. I thought the pain factor would be that of the velvet ant as they're similar.
I get the feeling the fact that you captured this on camera and actually got stung by this thing would be an important source of information in the future for people who study this field for a living. Plus now we have a description of the sting.
Use code WILDERNESS50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at bit.ly/3stOC6z!
Hi your so confident doing this
Bro how are you even surviving these bites? Do you use /e commands?
Is this the Banshee Panda?
Hey Coyote Peterson, Why don’t you get to think of a suggestion and creating a TH-cam Videos and also a Documentary all about the Extinct Carnivorous Marsupials of Australia, Tasmanian Tigers (Thylacinus cynocephalus), also known as the Thylacines, or the Tasmanian Wolves on the next Brave Wilderness coming up next?!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👍👍👍👍👍
I like how this insect is neither a panda, nor a ant, but actually is a wingless wasp.
"I like how this insect is neither a panda, nor a ant, but actually is a wingless wasp."
Yeah fr the animal is a Pokémon
my brain left the chat
Brave inspires me.. My parents said if i get 50K followers They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally
@@EnsurePluseGamingcuz its not an ant
Mark and Coyote's pain tolerance are off the chart
Bro I thoguh the sting was like a fire ant then he said (it’s like a hornet) like it didn’t even react he cared more about losing the wasp
@@callofthechickens1666 I mean, do something enough times and you get used too it. Pain included.
Nah bro they've lived through the most poisonous stings and bites they are like God or something
I don't think stings affect him anymore.
Man I can remember the old days , I could be HOURS watching brave I’m glad I found this channel again , thank you brave crew for never stopping this channel
This whole channel made me no longer terrified of nature but to respect it and care for it. Thank you Coyote, Mark and the rest of the crew for all the years of enjoyment, education and more to learn in the future in the next videos ❤
Coyote is extremely respectful and humble towards nature. That makes me love him even more!
I’m still killing every wasp I see
@@quintanillaurWe’re at the top of the food chain we’re inclined to kill that wasp. by rules of nature
@@quintanillaurdawg wasps are good for the environment, the one thing you always gotta kill if you see it is mosquitoes
Oh no you lost it!😂
When they did the close up after catching the second one I had no Idea I would fall in love with how absolutely adorable they are
Major respect to Mark for his honesty with the severity (or mildness) of the stings. It would have been easy to pretend that this previously undocumented sting was off the chart like some new sting king just for the clicks and the clout, but it takes real integrity to admit it wasn't that bad. Regardless of the severity of the pain, finding not one but two specimens and cataloging the sting for reference was commendable!
Thank you, really appreciate it!! 🙌
@@BraveWilderness HI
lmao is that what Coyote does?
How come coyote isnt getting stung
crazy that hes literally helping to document the existence of something never before seen. i have heard about most of the animals hes messed with, but not this. thanks man. hopefully this will help with research and understanding of this animal.
As someone who is terrified of wasps...
This is the cutest wasp I've ever seen! I guess it helps that they stay far from people and don't have a sting that drops people into pure raw agony.
Is ant
@@rbradt1 Did you even watch the video?
@@rbradt1it’s pretty clearly stated in the video it’s a wasp. Oh and also literally look at the thumbnail. It is clearly a wasp
@@tristanr.9025 On this adventure Mark takes on the world's first ever sting from a Panda Ant! The team tracked down the "world's smallest panda" in the mountains of Chile and so far no one on record has ever taken on the sting of this velvet ant species - so this is truly uncharted territory in the world of the sting index.
Velvet Ants are classified as an Ant/Wingless Wasp.
@@ProbablyFilthyou’re so loud, yet so wrong. at 6:28 in the video he clearly states they are a type of wasp. a quick google search also says it’s “a species of wasp whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants”, and since they are black & white, that’s where the name panda ant comes from.
I like how this guy casually finds creatures and lets them sting or bite him, seriously this guy is a legend
Coyotte too NGL that guy is a legend
FR man
fr tho
This guy probably laughs when he steps on a Lego 💀
Lol! It's the visual that got me!
He actually just casually cut the grunts of pain when he dropped the ant 😂
in reality, it doesnt hurt that much. coyote fakes it, its proven
Fr Bro
mark goin in the history books as the first man on earth to catch not one but TWO panda ants!! And just to give us and himself the full experience he even went further and got stung by it. Nothing but respect for mark and coyote for teaching us so much about the wilderness!!
I just want to take a moment to say that I’m really grateful that Mark is continuing the stings. This channel has done so much for me, especially with knowing when to change my paths in the woods. Thanks for continuing Coyote’s sting journeys Mark ❤️
Umm... just avoid dangerous stinging things?
@@Omarrr77 yeah but if you don’t know which things sting then you don’t know what to avoid.
@@EncoreBetch dangerous stingy things usually look like...dangerous stingy things
Is Coyote dead?
@tearron no he just got bored
Good video. I'm glad to see that Coyote finally got a break from stings, bites, reactions, etc.
Mark has taken the mantle from Coyote. He already got stung by some gnarly things too like a stonefish.
Edit: Also, I forgot to say that BW uploaded an episode with Coyote putting something very painful in his arm only like a a week ago. But it’s not an animal but a plant, the gimpy gimpy or the su1c1d3 plant. SO ITS NOT EVEN FULL RETIREMENT FOR VENOM BY COYOTE 💀😅
@@Lucaz99 These stings are nothing compared to the ones Coyote has taken. This guy is just a Coyote wannabe.
@@CB-xr1eg bro its literally the same channel
@@cross9508 be careful he might growl at you
@@CB-xr1egHe's always been Coyote's camera guy before.
Hello, i'm chilean and my uncle have a tourist field, in that field are lived a type of wasp called rooster wasp (sphex latreillei). A tourist of the field told me that this wasp have a painful sting, but this sting is not registered. This wasp live in chile and in the summer, is of color orange and females have a black line on their abdomen, it measures 3 centimeters and only females have sting.
"Oh, yup, stinger's in..."
Sooo true
I’m glad they are rare to find. Don’t wanna be stung by that😂
Yay im first!
How the hell do you have more subscribers than me?
@@MK8MasterJunjie my most popular video has 67 million views. Yours is 29K.
@@OfentseMwaseFilms But what kind of content do you make?
I can't believe the panda ant hadn't been documented until now. The velvet ant, another wasp species, was pretty cool, but the panda ant is adorable.
What happened after you were stung? You didn't post that! Duh- so do I guess of what happened- dork
Mark and Coyote are serious legends for letting all these insects bite and sting them.
im confused who is this man? he seems chill but i am used to coyote but i do remember he said he was done at one point
@@babyskunkcatProbably Coyotes friend
@@babyskunkcathe used to be one of the main cameramen when coyote would get stung. If you go back and look at coyotes old sting videos, Mark is the one saying “you alright?”. Mark now is starting to do his own thing
He used to be the cameraman,
I was shocked to, when I first saw him doing these biting/stinging videos a few weeks back
@@babyskunkcatYou must be new lol
My grandfather was an evolutionary biologist who specialized in insects. I remember him mentioning this species several times. Absolutely incredible to see 4k footage of it!
Man i love how this isnt clickbait and how much this channel does for us! And spends so much time just to go through immense pain thank you guys god. Less!
Okay I know this is cheesy but when he said this was extremely rare footage my whole body got goosebumps, for a lot of people this isn’t an accomplishment but to me this is absolutely awesome, congratulations on making history ❤
he is really brave and the fact that the panda ants sting hasn’t been recorded before he has really done something special and if gone wrong could’ve been fatal. please be aware of what you do and thanks for educating us! 😊
I have to imagine they did their research before doing this. You don't just casually let an unknown creature sting you without a solid plan. My guess is that being in the same family of velvet ants and ground wasps they already had a fair idea of what it was going to be like and just played up the unknown element for the algorithm.
@@Goldenkitten1exactly. that's how you have health issues or die.
So good to see you guys around the cajón del Maipo, it’s truly one of the best trekking spots around santiago!
This one is cute and has beautiful markings. Mark seemed almost disappointed that he wasn't hospitalized. I think the viewers might need to do an intervention on him and Coyote. :0)
Excellent catches!
I love how he tested the sting once already and then goes “hmm I’ll do it 2 more times”
I love your videos Brave Wilderness, you help me with knowledge of animals & plants when I am in the woods or see them in my house, you are the #1 exploration channel I watched years ago, thank you for helping me with my knowledge about animals & plants
This is my new ABSOLUTE favorite bug. Pandas are my favorite animal. But this 'panda ant' isn't even an ant, but a wasp. And it looks so cool. On top of all that, it's rare simply for the lack of photography! Thanks guys!!!!!
Then Why’s It Called Panda Ant?
cant believe mark and coyote puts up with all this pain should get an award to be honest it's so epic keep up the good work guys
It's amazing that you were able to catch and film a panda ant considering how rare they are. Congrats! 😁
Thank you!
It's a cool video but let's be real, realistically they bought it and then pretended to find it in the wild. It's well worth the investment the views these type of videos do.
@@secondeye1574yeah and as soon as they "found" it, I was thinking now they're going to say "we were just about to give up." It's still a good video though. Interesting for sure.
@@honestyisadyingvirtue It just confuses me that people believe this. I suppose it's mostly children watching so makes sense, but still.
@@secondeye1574then they probably spent 10s of thousands just on one ant if this is the first 4K footage of it lol.
I love you Brave crew with all my heart!
Man I haven't watched a brave wilderness video in a bit. Coyote is one of the coolest people ever. But mark you are also a top notch host! So happy to see you carrying the torch so admirably. I gotta catch up
This guy for sure got stung by a bee when he was a kid, and went "i could make a living off of this."
(I love this channel so much honestly though)
I am a STEAM teacher who runs a science program at my school. I frequently refer to your channel as a great model of how citizen science can provide incredible and impactful contributions to the world's knowledge. Thank you so much for the work you do.
What is steam ?
@@kirikoucortex7042 STEAM is an acronym for classes that teach advanced science-ajacent subjects. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The main idea is that we show students the intersections of these areas (ex. Art and Engineering= Architecture).
@@kirikoucortex7042I think they meant STEM
@@kirikoucortex7042The gas that comes out of the kettle when the water is finished boiling
@@kirikoucortex7042is STEM but with arts
I believe at this point he is trying to gain super powers from these stings.
@@PISETHMonsterExplorer-jp4cvnah he tryna become mega Boy
This isn't... ya know what, doesn't matter.
Props to the guys that have the courage to willingly endure the pain from these creatures, they gotta like it to an extent 😂
There's some science to the correlation between pain and pleasure, which I think correlates too to the sensation some people get from working out, but it depends on a lot of factors
It brings in the views.
@@lordfabulous6198 srsly getting stung by an unknown alien bug "for the likes"
@@lordfabulous6198that’s just a bonus
@@danielmanrique9656it’s hardly an alien bug is it, you can tell from the video it isn’t that bad and it’s the same genus as the cow killer, nothing alien about it at all, maybe read or watch before commenting…
They really are cute! Never heard of them before either so I learned something new today. Thanks Brave Wilderness team for tracking them down!
i have to check on this guy every now and then. good to know hes still alive
I'm happy to see Mark take the spotlight every once in a while.
Bruh them finding this panda ant was equivalent to finding a shiny pokemon but in IRL 🤣😭
i love mark bc he takes the same stings as coyote and is like "yeah that one kinda hurts a little" and coyote is doing backflips on the ground while screaming
I literally love this channel and the adventures the group goes through. BE brave and stay wild guys! ❤
That may be the most beautiful wasp I've ever seen! Love this channel so much, thanks guys ♥
I really think they are the coolest insect out there
@@BraveWilderness agreed, I love dragonflies and especially fireflies too after learning about them from your video in 2020! Keep up the great work ✨🤗
I used to watch theese videos when they first came out, years ago. Today I was watching a TH-cam short when for a few seconds, I saw a guy's face. I recognized him as the guy I watched on youtube when I was younger, a couple years ago. I did some research, and I found this channel again. It's been 7 years. I'm so happy.
I’m glad you guys gave coyote a break 😭 love the content guys a legend!
He is probably still in pain from when he faced the Gimpy gimpy.
They’re incredibly cute wasps, i love their little faces in the close up shots, the bite shot was cute af despite her fighting for her life from a perceived giant💀🤣
Blud rlly goes around getting stung by dangerous creatures at his own will 💀
I like how he says they are tiny, but they're absolutely massive compared to the black and red ants we have in my state.
I have full respect for these guys because they risk their lives for us. I love you guys ❤❤❤
I truly believe you and coyote paper scissor rocked to see who would do this lol. Y’all two are the goats
This man just kept going back for more stings 😂
5:57 bro knows he’s on camera and wants to show off his moves💀💀💀
This was a great episode. Really cool to be visiting such a remote and exotic area, and the exploration/treasure hunt aspect was great, especially in showing the other life you found along the way. And of course the MacGuffin of the panda ant and the worlds first documentation of its sting was great too!
“the effects of the panda ant is completely unknown”
*goes on to get stung and dies*
It’s really awesome how he went from camera man to being the main character haha, him and coyote are awesome
Insects: *exist*
These guys: Lets get stung by it
These seem a lot like the Velvet/Cow Killer ants! Very interesting
its related!
They are a type of velvet ant, as part of the Mutillidae family of wingless wasps.
@@BraveWilderness next video stung in the PeePee by 3 Panda Ants, the natural viagra
@@Brodc I saw this LITERALLY right after I made this comment, haha
I live in south-eastern VA and I find those red/orange velvet ants all the time! Ive seen one multiple times in my front yard. Some of them are actually as bright and as red and velvety as Santa's hat, while others are appear less uniformly fuzzy and their fur is orange. Luckily I've never been stung by one, and I most definitely have never seen a panda ant. I love insects and never kill a spider, but Im genuinely afraid of wasps, and the like!
I didn't knew you where in my home country. That's awesome! Also, Panda Ants are so freaking cute, but so elusive.
wena po cangrejo
Just the fact u can find these insects are great thanks for taking all of these for the team!!!! respect 🙏🏾 🫡
Excellent work on covering an insect that is not known to the angloparlant world but here in Chile I once found one walking with a friend thru my uni campus lol
I’ve never seen someone THAT excited to go through pain 😂 ❤🎉
I hope Marks got a comfy raise now that hes truly apart of the madness 😂
Always a good day when my favorite TH-camr uploads! These videos are incredibly informative, your pain tolerance is very high!
Let's appreciate all these people who take stings for science and for the viewers to understand about it... truly AMAZING 💯🔥
Maybe its sting turned out to not be any worse than a hornet... But the fact that Mark went into this with NO IDEA how bad the sting was gonna be...
...I'd say he's earned his "balls of steel" award today.
Coyote : YESSSS!!! Im gonna get stung
Never seen someone so happy to find something that's going to give them pain. Be like yeah Kidney stones, come on and kick in. 😂 You guys rock 🤘😎
Bro has balls of titanium to do all these stuffs and there’s me who can’t even take a sting of normal ant btw love his content
"This is likely the world's first footage of the pands ant in 4k..."
Me watching in 480p: _🤨_
Congrats guys 👍I keep ants since 2016 and had over 7 colonies since, watched so many TH-cam videos about ants and wasps and never heard about this beautiful looking ant👍
You guys should have a look at the Silverant (Cataglyphis bombycina) the most beautiful ant and a very very interesting one to, you guys can find her in the deserts in northern africa.
I can't tell if I find panda ants creepy or cute. Strange little creature, but it's cool to see rare species being documented like this.
Nice pfp
HE FOUND ANOTHER ONE! ANOTHER ONE BRO!! Just how many stings must this man endure and how many times I've seen this guy in so much pain is just mind blowing. Keep up the amazing adventures and discovers, Stay safe-Stay Wild
These videos don't hit the same when its not Coyote gettin stung lol.
5:41 bro really took the "caught in 4k" to next level 😂
this whole channel made me no longer terrified of nature but to respect if and care for it. Thank you Coyote . Mark and the rest of the crew for all the years of enjoyment, education and more to learn in the future in the next videos ❤️💙💛💚🧡🩷🩵
Let's all appreciate how he willingly got stung not once, not twice, but three times
The panda ant is like the world's smallest panda in the insect world but this guy is immortal to his sting
Yes, immortal is the word
I think you mean Immune lol
That's what you think but I think it's immortal
It's my opinion
This guy's pain tolerance is very high when you look at just how long that stinger is. I thought the pain factor would be that of the velvet ant as they're similar.
i remember when mark used to be a camera man and now he is almost on every video
This guy is never regretting his decisions
WOAH Black Betty! Panda Ant…. 🎶 🐜
1 of the best channels ever keep up the great work
Haven’t watched coyote Peterson for a while and the first video back is with a different dude. 😭
bro was bragging about death😂😂😂
That’s one of the cutest ants I’ve ever seen! 😻
It's a wasp.
I check on him a couple of times a week to make sure he is alive
This guy is going around getting bit by bugs and still alive
wow, i cant believe how brave you can be. You are truly insane getting stung by that thing. Much respect to you, and your name.😎
Not only is he BRAVE, but wild as well 😂
@@rajgill7576 👍👍
he was screaming in pain until he dropped the ant and forgot to pretend it hurt 😂😂
I have never heard of this creature in my life. I love learning new things ❤
never thought i’d see another one of these🧍🏼♂️
Thats really Brave 😂! Imagine if this species has a super venom of some sort that causes your heart to stop 💀. Kudos!
Enjoyed all of your videos, mostly me wincing. You both are so brave, Mark and Coyote!
Where Cyote peterson
I hope Coyote is OK. I wonder If taking so many poisonous stings and bites have hurt him over time. 🤔
I get the feeling the fact that you captured this on camera and actually got stung by this thing would be an important source of information in the future for people who study this field for a living. Plus now we have a description of the sting.
Who else clicked instantly
Ты правда думаешь, что я бот лол
Every one
You are amazing 🤩
Do you not feel pain though?!?😅
Wow. Brave Wilderness made world history. And not one, but TWO Panda Ants!! Congrats!!!!!!!