StrongBow is Richard de Clare known as Richard fitz Gilbert. He is also relative to William I as both are coming from Rollo. The de Clare family was de Brionne before 1066. Ireland and de Clare have rich history.
Read somewhere a while ago that an Irish King maybe an O'Brien or O'Connor had had a Motte and Bailey castle built prior to the Normans arriving having seen them in use in Europe, can't remember where I read it though unfortunately.
Thanks mate for another quality vlog.
You're welcome👍!
StrongBow is Richard de Clare known as Richard fitz Gilbert. He is also relative to William I as both are coming from Rollo. The de Clare family was de Brionne before 1066. Ireland and de Clare have rich history.
Thanks for the input.
Read somewhere a while ago that an Irish King maybe an O'Brien or O'Connor had had a Motte and Bailey castle built prior to the Normans arriving having seen them in use in Europe, can't remember where I read it though unfortunately.
Thanks for the update, yes, it had to be possible that the design was seen before the Normans brought it over.
The buggers