MUSIC - The Muse That Makes You Sick

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ก.ย. 2024
  • Music. Loved by nearly everyone. Is it good for us to listen to so much?
    Join the brotherhood
    / elishalong

ความคิดเห็น • 441

  • @jerrys1
    @jerrys1 ปีที่แล้ว +506

    “Every depressed person I know loves music”

    • @jct3439
      @jct3439 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I guess I’m an anomaly. I love music yet I’m quite bubbly

    • @MrYounis26
      @MrYounis26 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@jct3439 there is always an exception to the rule i guess

    • @heassik3088
      @heassik3088 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      For real lmao

    • @marceloaguirree
      @marceloaguirree ปีที่แล้ว +35

      Every depressed person i know loves food o.O naa but seriously speaking its just about balance and not indulging in so much dopamine. But saying is bad and its making you sick it's pretty exagerated.

    • @jerrys1
      @jerrys1 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@jct3439 I’m a bit of music nerd and I’m not depressed, but the connection between music and depression is fr

  • @xtriggermortisx7881
    @xtriggermortisx7881 ปีที่แล้ว +184

    I went for years without hearing more than one song a week here or there. I felt like I was boring for a long time but after I started meeting new people after I made more money I realized I wasnt boring, I was mentally stable and everyone else is constantly listening to music to, just like you said, escape from their immediate surroundings and immediate internal feelings.

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Not everyone listens to music to escape from their surroundings or feelings. A lot of people do, sure, but not everyone. I could sit in a room doing nothing all day long and still enjoy myself. I can also train perfectly fine without it. I don't NEED it, I just prefer having it in my life. There is a subtle difference.

    • @shmevanriceballz2857
      @shmevanriceballz2857 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      This is an ideal that is not very realistic. Some people do that but most do not

    • @-whackd
      @-whackd ปีที่แล้ว +10

      That doesn't even mean anything. Oh shit, I'm "escaping my surroundings" by listening to house music at the gym. I should hear weights clanging and teenagers talking otherwise I'm durpa durr 'escaping my surroundings.'

    • @yxngceo8904
      @yxngceo8904 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stephenhughes5156 yes, but it will be one day that will convert to an adiction, i guarantee you I was in the same sutuation and i became an addict

    • @xtriggermortisx7881
      @xtriggermortisx7881 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@-whackd Chill out man. Seems like I struck a nerve. Obviously what I said doesn’t apply to EVERY situation. Maybe you need a music detox bro

  • @azlo7297
    @azlo7297 ปีที่แล้ว +141

    I literally make music and still go out of my way to make sure I don't listen to music outside of the house.

  • @Seisho_
    @Seisho_ ปีที่แล้ว +53

    For me, this is definitely confirmation from God.
    I was walking around my city yesterday with music blasting in my ears when I felt a voice inside of me telling me to turn it off and listen to a podcast or something beneficial instead of constant music. As I crossed the street, I switched to listen to a podcast. Thank God, I was able to hear a car coming my way. I jumped to the side of the road and was just in shock. I would have been hit and killed by that car if I had been listening to my music while crossing the street.
    Thank you Elisha, I'm going to take a break from listening to music as well.

    • @Afflictamine
      @Afflictamine ปีที่แล้ว +10

      or just never wear headphones in public and you'll be fine ?

    • @Seisho_
      @Seisho_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Afflictamine Yeah, I'll be doing this most definitely, im also taking a break from music due to ear fatigue, I'm not really enjoying music anymore

  • @nikakeshelava9186
    @nikakeshelava9186 ปีที่แล้ว +88

    When I was a teenager, I considered myself "depressed" and I was listening to sad shit all the time, it felt nice and finding new depressed songs that not many people knew about was kind of an achievement for me, it made me feel special because of my extraordinary taste of music hahaha. Now, when I've grown up, I've stopped plugging earphones in and I find it kind of weird when I see people with headphones on doing weirdo moves on public transport for example. My uncle used to make fun of me because of depressive music I listened to and now I realize why. At the gym I prefer socializing and being aware of my surroundings rather than being trapped inside my head and taking my earbud out every time someone says something to me. Now that I've minimized my music consumption, it has become more valuable and I don't feel like that little boy I was anymore.

    • @Bock_Rottom79
      @Bock_Rottom79 ปีที่แล้ว

      nigga you go to the gym to exercise not to socialize lol

    • @hydrohyperdrive8443
      @hydrohyperdrive8443 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Being in your emotions isn't always a bad thing, and visiting those feelings and bashing in them for a bit isn't always a bad thing, just not good for long periods of time. I believe it's human nature and no I don't think it makes you a little boy.
      I enjoy sad or what some would call melancholy music, doesn't mean I'm depressed though, and I've known plenty of people in my personal life who listen to sad music, but doesn't always mean their depressed.

    • @nikakeshelava9186
      @nikakeshelava9186 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@hydrohyperdrive8443 yeah bro, you are right. I still enjoy that kind of music rarely, but back then it was a big part of my identity and kept me from progressing towards happiness.

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว

      Was the music making you depressed, or was your depression causing you to seek out music that spoke to your pain? What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    • @nikakeshelava9186
      @nikakeshelava9186 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@stephenhughes5156 It started with sadness, but after some time that music was making me more sad. There is one track that brings me tears even after all these years, because it's connected with the memory of my friend's death. If I listen to that track, I become sad. It was like that for all the sad songs, if I listened to them, my mood would match the mood of the song.

  • @RomieTheFireOx
    @RomieTheFireOx ปีที่แล้ว +141

    Music is actually sorcery and magic. That’s why so many people love it. It feeds the soul it also can harm it. You need a good relationship and balance with it. And never depend on it

    • @-whackd
      @-whackd ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Wtf is sorcery? Are you a wizard?

    • @RomieTheFireOx
      @RomieTheFireOx ปีที่แล้ว

      @@-whackd sorcery is witchcraft/black magic. There’s recordings of producers and musicians who say they do spells/rituals when they record their music and the frequency they record music now is at the lowest/negative for humans. Depressing chaotic music is running rampant and it be messing up a lot of people who aren’t aware of this

    • @Verbux
      @Verbux ปีที่แล้ว

      @@-whackd he’s a based schizo

    • @notashton.
      @notashton. ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @juru6887 yea ok warlock

  • @samurai74785
    @samurai74785 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Nietshze isn't wrong, he just didn't have access to all music 24/7 on demand

  • ปีที่แล้ว +55

    I work as a designer and i feel like music gets me in a creative flow state very fast, but i feel absolutely drained after a long work session. A distraction free workout or walk to recalibrate and think works wonders.

    • @Roshea
      @Roshea ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Try listening to music without lyrics, alternate to Brown Noise, there really shouldn't be any mental fatigue if you're listening to instrumentals only. Even busy audio like acid jazz should never have that effect unless you're innately repulsed by orchestrated arrangements of sounds.

  • @enrater123
    @enrater123 ปีที่แล้ว +135

    About the "emotional men are weak" part, it's weird, most people's criticism of this thought is that you "shouldn't repress your emotions", but they don't seem to acknowledge there's another option other than acting out everything that flies into your head and completely ignore yourself, you can just feel stuff and not let it affect you as much

    • @hydrohyperdrive8443
      @hydrohyperdrive8443 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Holding in your emotions and not letting them out because someone believes it may make them more masculine or manly is a foolish thing to believe, at some point the more you hold it in eventually you will have an emotional breakdown, I know this cause I used to do this until I realized how much it affected my mental health. In some really bad cases it could happen to you while your out in public, and what ever you've been holding in, it will eventually break you.
      People forget sometimes that they are humans and not robots, closes thing for us would be a cyborg in today's world since we are so reliant on are phones.

    • @dragushcobaj4121
      @dragushcobaj4121 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@hydrohyperdrive8443 Emotions are nearly automatic responses to outside stimuli which help us interpret the environment and act accordingly. Key word ACT, they exist for a purpose and should therefore be utilized and channeled into something productive.

    • @ac9h482
      @ac9h482 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@hydrohyperdrive8443 what "emotional men are weak" means, is that you don't wanna act accordingly to your emotions, you wanna act accordingly to LOGIC, for example, you don't feel like doing the homework. But you do it anyway, because "f4ck your feelings". Or you don't feel like going to the gym, but you still go. That's what it means

    • @kristiyangrigorov5232
      @kristiyangrigorov5232 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ac9h482 perfectly explained. I can add another example. Your crush walks over and starts conversing with you. You get increased heart rate, sweaty palms, etc. Expect it, know that you can't stop your primal reactions/emotions, take a break now that you are over the shock of emotion and back to business as usual and know that you can control your outward actions going forward. This is control (logic).

    • @ac9h482
      @ac9h482 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@epicbehavior brother, being "emotional" is an antonym to being "calm and grounded", that's what I mean.
      If you are emotional, you act on your emotions, but emotions aren't stable 100% of the time. Even the most stoic men experience emotional fluctuation. But they don't act on it.
      Every guy who is rich, muscular, et cetera, ALL of them usually FEEL like they need to NOT work, or NOT going to the gym; but they still do it regardless. Do you understand? Giving in to the feeling of wanting to cheat on your diet WILL NOT make you FEEL happy tomorrow. It will only bring negative emotions, and negative results.
      It is logic.

  • @auge8450
    @auge8450 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Back then I always had about 5 songs that I listened to on a loop. Once they got boring I got sad if I didn't find new ones to loop. Never questioned it. Thanks for the video brother

  • @Michael-ld2np
    @Michael-ld2np ปีที่แล้ว +20

    This also goes for podcasts/youtube videos etc. it’s too easy to check out of reality now. I had to stop myself recently when I brought my phone into the bathroom with me to listen to a podcast while showering.
    I now use my showers as a moment to reflect/respond to all the stuff I may not be tending to mentally. Been a great change.

    • @anotherhairlessapewithanop7455
      @anotherhairlessapewithanop7455 ปีที่แล้ว

      mental traps everywhere, slaves to our own mind, we can't succumb to the conditioning of the modern day. As men we gotta take back control of our mind and body.

  • @Maxpsychologie
    @Maxpsychologie ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Nietzsche wasn't having headphones available, which is one of the biggest problems.

  • @jazzmaster41
    @jazzmaster41 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    As a musician, I refrain from listening to music constantly because silence allows me to explore my thoughts and come up with new ideas. Performing is even more exhilarating when you step away from the instrument for awhile and come back with more life experience and something meaningful to say

  • @robertwaterson9785
    @robertwaterson9785 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I always loved music. Could never go a day without listening to some metal album from the 90 or pretty much in thing from that decade. I've made multiple 24hour playlist on spotify of multiple genres. I was such a junky.
    I realised recently after I started to listen to less music that I was quite bad at communicating. It was one of the reason if not literally the only reason why I could not make friends. I had this childish belief that if my friends don listen to music like I do than they will never understand me. after I stopped for two weeks I started to think better, by replacing my consuming habit with a producing habit, I started writing. It help me think. Where as music just numb my thinking.
    For me personally more than an 3 hours a week I get lost in Coping with my emotions.
    Music is a big part of my identity. But when the habit of listening to music for 8 hours a day is the norm, It become a from of escape.
    The right kind of Music can be extremely powerful and motivational. Its literally a drug. But you i cant fully focus with such good music that capture all my attention with potent emotions. I've learned so much after I stopped and actually started to question why I listen so much. Thinking is much easier with out it.

  • @jacobkitchen3677
    @jacobkitchen3677 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    I’ve been in the High Thumos group for over a year now (10/10), and have been a performing musician for over 10 years.
    I started no headphones in the gym a few years back and can’t recommend enough. I put them in for my top set ONLY. Other than that minute or two, the ears are aware.
    Not only does it have the benefits Eliza Lonkth mentioned, it makes music sweeter when you DO listen. Choirs become spiritual, edm puts you at the festival …
    You don’t overeat; don’t overlisten.

    • @Roshea
      @Roshea ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Issue comes around when gym has knuckle-drag rap & low IQ pop playing. Opt for ear plugs, unironically.

    • @jacobkitchen3677
      @jacobkitchen3677 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Roshea that is frustrating
      I use it as practice to tune in focus

  • @benshipp1814
    @benshipp1814 ปีที่แล้ว +214

    “Without music life would be a mistake.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

    • @ElishaLong
      @ElishaLong  ปีที่แล้ว +140

      There it is

    • @benshipp1814
      @benshipp1814 ปีที่แล้ว +58

      @@ElishaLong Had to get it out of the way

    • @sussuhimself
      @sussuhimself ปีที่แล้ว +15

      HAHAHAHAHA lèggend

    • @3manuel116
      @3manuel116 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@benshipp1814 mindset

    • @mrsallexx
      @mrsallexx ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Shut up, Nitchey

  • @ngallemuela8955
    @ngallemuela8955 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "it's cheating" - David goggins all jokes aside this is facts you can feel emotion your not supposed to be LED by emotion that was gold elisha back to stoic fundamentals

  • @robbiediaz9893
    @robbiediaz9893 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Back in the day we used music for celebration like a party or gathering etc. nowadays we have all the music in the world in our pocket and we are drowning out the world with constant novelty.

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeh and back in the day people used to drink ale instead of water? Should we do that just because they did back in the day lol?

    • @skylinetrading9498
      @skylinetrading9498 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@stephenhughes5156 no Stephen, they drank water otherwise they would've all died out early before they procreated. idiot LOL 🤡

  • @boncevmarius5109
    @boncevmarius5109 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Damn, so much truth in your words. You're the real deal out of all the self improvement bullshit out there. Respect for the work that you do!

  • @Rag1ngSquirrel
    @Rag1ngSquirrel ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I respect you a lot but you will never win this argument. Music is the art of the invisible - it deals with abstract emotions and memories that get lost in the concrete world of words and actions. It gives shape to our innermost desires, and it speaks meaning to our soul. This is why you will get flamed every time you share this opinion.
    Enjoying music is like enjoying a well-cooked meal. It's not really about how the meal tastes - it's about the MEANING of the meal. That meaning has been passed down from generation to generation, and it provides an opportunity for deeper understanding about what it means to be human.
    Your opinion is valid, but it seems like more of a personal preference than a universal truth. There's nothing insidious about listening to music, just as there's nothing bad about appreciating a movie, a painting, a naked woman, etc.
    Jesus said it best: Man does not live by bread alone!

    • @exelmans8855
      @exelmans8855 ปีที่แล้ว

      No you lose. Music strips you your personality and confuses you.

  • @32h289
    @32h289 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This is amazing because its so uncommon to hear that. I've restrained myself from the constant noise a few years ago and it's like a complete different mode.

  • @1975mastergames
    @1975mastergames ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I rly dodged a bullet with that thumbnail good thing I have apple music

  • @dinguswiffle1866
    @dinguswiffle1866 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Death Metal can save your life, I find the people who love it as much as I do are truly happy. Going to metal shows is a euphoric experience, I highly doubt other styles create the same level of energy or excitement. Music unifies and starts conversations you never could have had without it. Buy records, support your local scene, and make friends through noise.
    Nothing keeps me more grounded than Dying Fetus.

    • @christiantaylor1495
      @christiantaylor1495 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Other styles creating the same excitement would be tearout and deathstep dubstep 🤟🏻
      Basically headbanging music is the most euphoric and exciting. For me, death metal doesn't have enough tension between each beat because of the fast drums, and doesn't have the bass I need for it to feel most powerful, but I can still relate to what you're saying because both styles are about empowering you with energy.

    • @Taimur.Shairyar
      @Taimur.Shairyar ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Fucking love dying fetus 🤘 reign supreme and destory the opposition are elite albums

    • @dafrappecrew8933
      @dafrappecrew8933 ปีที่แล้ว

      Based Devourment pfp

    • @ghxs7
      @ghxs7 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would say deathcore/metalcore rather than death metal

  • @zuvlet
    @zuvlet ปีที่แล้ว +63

    i take this one with a grain of salt
    there is a lot of bad music out there, and constantly listening to it to escape your feelings is bad
    but some music is art

    • @newuser8462
      @newuser8462 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      The point is simply to stop altering your mood and thoughts with music constantly. Obviously music is the best but that doesn't mean you should abuse it daily.

    • @diegobriones9219
      @diegobriones9219 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      totally. it's bonkers to assert that we don't need music lmao. I'm like , bruhh.

    • @enrater123
      @enrater123 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Honestly, most things people tell you should be taken with a grain of salt lol

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@newuser8462 So we aren't allowed to do things that alter a mood? Guess we all need to stop eating food and reading books and talking to people and working out- can't be having those dastardly positive emotions now can we? 😂

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@diegobriones9219 You shouldn't NEED it. But it's perfectly OK to WANT it. I would agree though that you should at least TRY living without for a while, or at least like not every day (for a while).

  • @dimitar2367
    @dimitar2367 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    best decision of my life.

  • @birdsfly7199
    @birdsfly7199 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    A few years back I began to realize how better my life was when I wasn’t constantly listening to music. It used to be like a little treat; I rarely sat with headphones to listen to some music. Once I got into high school, though, the freedom of having headphones at all times got me good. It was good for a while: the long walks, commute from and to school, not being bored when class had nothing going on. Nowadays, however, I find myself playing music as if it were a necessity. I sit skipping song after song, looking for what playlist/album to listen to while doing mundane tasks. I end up wasting more time. I really need a damn break, guess this was the sign.

  • @PaulPanagopoulos
    @PaulPanagopoulos ปีที่แล้ว +44

    “Without music life would be a mistake.”
    -Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844-August 25, 1900)

  • @Yungtay0
    @Yungtay0 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It’s so funny you’d make this video today. Decided to take a break from all contemporary music. Instrumentals also. Its the dopaminergic effect it has;
    It drowns out your thoughts. I’ve noticed when I listen to no music & avoid most things that cause emotional spikes, I’m more decisive and effective. Glad you revisited this topic.

  • @nightsky199
    @nightsky199 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    100% Elisha. You’re spot on, music is literally a drug we take in thru the ear, instead of orally or through intravenous needles. I do notice when I fast from music for 2+ weeks, I’m happier, more calm, focused, more social etc etc. I think constantly listening to music is wearing out peoples central nervous systems, fight or flight mechanism and /or limbic system in our brains, adding to the spiritual, mental, physical sickness you are speaking of. I’m trying to get better of this myself, growing up in a traumatic/abusive was my escapism and therapy where I had nowhere else to turn. Surprise surprise, that has carried on into adulthood.
    Let’s not forget that fallen angel Lucifer was in charge of music in heaven before he was cast out by God. Most Christian’s or people in general have no idea that music is low key a spell, distraction that is used against us potentially in the spiritual realm.

    • @devilslayer3548
      @devilslayer3548 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This just opinion and self improvement channel like to make up things with no hard proof

    • @nightsky199
      @nightsky199 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@devilslayer3548 nahhh we are just having a discussion man. That’s what these type of channels are for…ideas, theories, learning etc

    • @apkhbmbgamlkbh1531
      @apkhbmbgamlkbh1531 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just don't listen to music everyday and for too long. It's not that deep.

  • @heassik3088
    @heassik3088 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Music speaks for me, I've been listening to deathconsciousness for the past few weeks and it helped me as a catharsis, tbh Eli without music I wouldn't know how to express my feelings

    • @justinjmader222
      @justinjmader222 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      You don't express your feelings with music, it expresses feelings onto you, only if you are the one making the music you are expressing yourself. Listening to music just feels like someone understands you are is there for you, but it is just a simulation, it is not real and it wont fix your problems.
      This is what i have learned the past 12 months.

    • @sebastiangrundler7640
      @sebastiangrundler7640 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@justinjmader222 I agree man, just listen to Dark Side of The Moon. It consumes you, it has the power.
      Just like some kanye on the other hand, gives you power. Music is a tool, we misuse it more than not.

    • @historyianbrazilian4987
      @historyianbrazilian4987 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sebastiangrundler7640 Adolf Yerika

  • @v.gardner561
    @v.gardner561 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Just recently deleted social media and spotify. Been a week since I last listened to music, but wow I feel so vulnerable. I'm really starting to see how many uncontrollable and unpleasant thoughts I used to just drown out with songs. Now I'm trying to just sit with all the uncomfortable feelings and thoughts to try and figure myself out. Thanks for the vid dawg

    • @TheMCGamer2012
      @TheMCGamer2012 ปีที่แล้ว

      nice snoopy bro

    • @exosisyphus
      @exosisyphus ปีที่แล้ว

      If the emotions are a lot you should try journaling

    • @guhhhh
      @guhhhh ปีที่แล้ว

      @@exosisyphus how

    • @droningcity6775
      @droningcity6775 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@guhhhh just write on a piece of paper

    • @guhhhh
      @guhhhh ปีที่แล้ว

      @@droningcity6775 write what exactly? My thoughts as I think them? What does it do?

  • @officialthomasjames
    @officialthomasjames ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thats why I listen to movie/tv scores. John Williams, Ramin Djawadi, Hans Zimmer, etc. That’s where the magic of music is really found.

    • @apkhbmbgamlkbh1531
      @apkhbmbgamlkbh1531 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No. I listend to a lot of movie/tv scores as well. Still do occasionally. It makes you feel the intended feel that is supposed to be happening in the scene in which it takes place. I'd argue it's not as distracting as some over the top song with lyrics where too much is going on but still music is music. It will alter your mood, make you depend on it and make you less likely to think about the things you should be thinking about.
      You say that's where the magic for music is found but that's because it is your favorite genre. Someone else would argue the same thing but for metal, rap or whatever.

  • @dylanmitchell6014
    @dylanmitchell6014 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    the best introduction to a self improvement video i've ever seen

  • @Anonomyous-cg1ye
    @Anonomyous-cg1ye ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Awesome video and couldnt agree more. I have been consistently cutting down on the amount of music I listen to daily although for me it less about the excess emotions it brought and more about the constant stimulation throughout my day. It was definitely my biggest vice when it came to getting work done cause like you mentioned, once you get the itch to hit play on one song, you end up listening to every goddamn playlist I have and I cant even focus on your work anymore.
    It helped me just to set a hard limit to not listen to music before 2pm.

  • @hashimahmad8668
    @hashimahmad8668 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My mom ironically has been telling me this for the last few years about how I need to stop listening to music because of the strong influences on our frequencies and most notably, like Elisha mentions, the heart. (We’re also Muslim and she made really good points concerning the spiritual side of why but I won’t get into that).
    I kinda ignored her advice until I decided to try it, and man, it was a game changer. Everything Elisha mentions is true. It just zones you out and overstimulates one of our main senses to exhaustion, and subliminally controls us.
    I went to the gym this week with no AirPods and lo and behold I got a compliment from a chick on my shorts and got overall way better engagement. I def root it to not having anything in my ears and letting myself be more approachable etc.
    Anyways thank you for the important message. Hope everyone is willing to listen and try this. HIGH THUMOS!

    • @reralt
      @reralt ปีที่แล้ว

      Same experience brother. Its kinda embarrassing that we had to learn things like this from kafirs to be convinced of Allah's wisdom. Like Allah's words weren't enough. It is embarrassing. This is a lesson not to question any rulings in Islam. It has always been consistent.

  • @bradythomas9612
    @bradythomas9612 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Been thinking about doing 30 days music for a couple of weeks now, this got me over the hump. Starting tomorrow

  • @thebeast123321
    @thebeast123321 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Elisha thank you for uploading on this fine afternoon.

  • @qwertyuiop32935
    @qwertyuiop32935 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Im an emotional guy (bipolar disorder), and I’m a musician. And it’s advantageous for me to be emotional because it’s a tool for me create. And yes, it’s a burden, but we as men have different burdens to bear, and I don’t feel as though mine makes me less of a man. If anything, it makes me more dynamic. At least my mental suffering can be alleviated by creating music that helps me understand myself more. That’s how I feel I ought to be, and it’s what I was put on this earth for.

  • @Erik-leChef
    @Erik-leChef ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Elisha the hardest part is at gyms. Every gym plays music not only so loudly, but often it's annoying pop or rap music. That has been one of the harder instances for me to try and remove it from to my day to day.

    • @andrewcordero1096
      @andrewcordero1096 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Just replace it with kickass metal and your good

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@andrewcordero1096 The highest thumos music in the land.

    • @billelliott3507
      @billelliott3507 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I got the dude at my gym to play the music from Doom

    • @exelmans8855
      @exelmans8855 ปีที่แล้ว

      Don’t go to the gym. Period.

    • @liyon316
      @liyon316 ปีที่แล้ว

      Train yourself to tune out distractions. If the gym music is impacting your workouts negatively, you have bigger problems, imo.

  • @2toasty
    @2toasty 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    muse sick is way too normalized, its insane to think.

  • @applesyo
    @applesyo ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I recommend getting vinyl, helps me appreciate music more when I have to make time to listen to music. Get to focus on lyrics and the instrumental more. Going to try no music at the gym not sure if I can cut it off at Muay Thai and bjj though. Coach loves his Wu tang

    • @dickityboof4144
      @dickityboof4144 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i used to think getting one is a waste but that is what i realized too if music is more accessible in that way compared to being able to play it so easily by having a phone or mp3 , instead of blasting music while doing every tasks , a vinyl can make listening to music more of a scheduled task like , i will listen to music 9-10 pm

  • @charonix666
    @charonix666 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm currently 22 now, i have listened to music for over past 8-9 years whatever you said is correct. I always act weird or like a introvert around most people like my colleagues, batchmates, teachers, new people etc this SHIT have ruined my communication skills.
    But, i have now realized and trying to improve, on 8 jan 2023, i broke all my headphones or anything i have and put them into garbage. I'll NEVER LISTEN TO MUSIC AGAIN.
    18 days in and I'm already feeling better, confident, and expressive around people. More productive days.

    • @exelmans8855
      @exelmans8855 ปีที่แล้ว

      You on your way good stuff. Took me time to understand this wisdom.

  • @Jemuzu1996
    @Jemuzu1996 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    music is everything to me but its not like im listening to it 24/7 if i did that i wouldn't be able to be original.

  • @nickjenkins1491
    @nickjenkins1491 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If you want to feel good while listening to music without being negativity programmed, listen to reggae! I recommend stick figure, fortunate youth, bob marley, etc. Mainstream music is meant to lower moral standards( drugs, sex, violence) it’s all part of their agenda. Keep the posi vibes flowing my dudes

    • @christiantaylor1495
      @christiantaylor1495 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not only reggae, but dub too!

    • @exelmans8855
      @exelmans8855 ปีที่แล้ว

      Music is music. When you listening you on your way down positive or negative lyrics.

  • @tw3638
    @tw3638 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    0:12 "Music makes you sick" *sneezes

  • @tomithy5156
    @tomithy5156 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Elisha Long is the proper anti-depressant, ever since I began listening to the wisdom he has gathered through the years iv become so much more than I was before, so aware of all my flaws, what the cause and solutions were to said flaws. What I'v learned from you has genuinely made life less exhausting and powerless for me, and for that I thank you.

  • @Shinners124
    @Shinners124 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The amount of dopamine music releases too is insane. I can’t do more than 30 minutes of lyrical music without getting completely drained, been banging soft classical and Lofi as of recently

  • @tommiethrash
    @tommiethrash ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I hide behind music sometimes. It CAN definitely be escapism. Taking off the headphones at the gym has helped me socially. I intentionally avoid it when doing cold exposure or jogging sometimes because it makes it easier.
    It also be extremely good for you. It can literally be exercise for your brain; learning/feeling rhythms and melody. Humming! Humming increases nitric oxide in the body. Dancing can be EXTREMELY grounding, especially moshing. Melodies and rhythms are more ancient than any book.
    Me as a slightly triggered musician: “nah, you guys are too reliant on protein! You should let your own will and determination build your muscles! If you need a clean diet and good hydration you’re being weak and dependent on mommy’s protein milk tits.” *sarcasm but you guys get the point? I use sleep/protein to make challenges easier… why not use music?

  • @rowanblanchard8624
    @rowanblanchard8624 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey man I just wanted to say thanks for your content. I’m 18 and I did my first successful approach a couple days ago and have a date planned tomorrow. Your content helped put the fire in my belly and my confidence is up.

  • @jonp.1084
    @jonp.1084 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree with you on this. What’s even worse is the constant bombardment of average to terrible music every single place we go.

  • @zekeinvest7041
    @zekeinvest7041 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was just thinking about this!! I woke up this morning with lyrics stuck in my head from the night before. I knew this can’t be good for me, I know how important our thoughts are so imagine having a lyric replay over and over in your head it’s literal brainwashing.

  • @freefalling419
    @freefalling419 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love this content, its truly unique because this is the first time I have ever heard someone mention this about music. Believe me, I also love music but over the past year or so I’ve enjoyed time to think without even realising. Personally I listen to music I enjoy & find what I enjoy seems to differ than whats provided in the mainstream.

  • @juderay2717
    @juderay2717 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Never have agreed more..deleted all my music, only podcasts now.
    I can hear more now 🤝

  • @Karl_Papu
    @Karl_Papu ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow I think that the universe is talking to me now because in these days I was thinking about the reason why I need music to perform any activity in my life and if is good for me, well here is a sign. Thanks a lot.

  • @Adarawyn98
    @Adarawyn98 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    BuT mUh NiEtZsChE!!!! To be fair, he does get misrepresented A LOT and he also wrote A LOT about music and the arts, so you could nuance some quote people throw around with relative ease. I think Nietzsche would actually agree with you here in the sense that an overindulgence in anything leads us astray of the path of becoming who we are. As an example, he is also not a fan of the overindulgence in alcohol, which he observed in german culture. It would be an intersting study!

  • @tomtroler
    @tomtroler ปีที่แล้ว +1

    woah, that sneeze got me aware in the beginning 👀

  • @emmanuelsanchez4321
    @emmanuelsanchez4321 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Some of the best workouts I had, didn't involve me listening to music.

  • @nopuddingcups4360
    @nopuddingcups4360 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I thought i was being weird by not listening to music often

  • @mehdiamireche2714
    @mehdiamireche2714 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    “Without music life would be a mistake” - Nietzsche

  • @winstonwolf5706
    @winstonwolf5706 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I need my music to hype me up and get me in the zone. Especially before social situations.

  • @peacefulelevation7183
    @peacefulelevation7183 ปีที่แล้ว

    The spirit cannot be changed . It attachment to thoughts. We are the awareness behind our thoughts.

  • @JujuBerry
    @JujuBerry ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ve been experimenting a few days here n there without music and I get more present and emotions aren’t flying all over. Gonna cancel my Spotify subscription after this month and cut it completely for a bit

    @THEDRAWINGSTUDIO1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Time for music is time for music. Time for everything else is time for everything else. I don't listen to music when I'm writing, at work or working out. I listen to music on my free time and when I'm writing it. I'm a musician so I can't dispense with it completely

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว

      My time for music is at the gym. I don't go to the gym to socialise anyway. If I could have a proper home gym, I would. Nothing stopping me from taking the headphones off and going to speak with someone if I really want to regardless. But yeh I'm not sure where else I could fit my music listening time in, so the gym works very well for me.

  • @jacobkn4812
    @jacobkn4812 ปีที่แล้ว

    Watched this yesterday, trying it today;
    I WHOLLY RECOMMEND THIS. Social interactions become much easier, gym becomes more enjoyable, you feel more focused when you work/study and feel in tune with the world and the PEOPLE around you. Had more social interactions today than I've had for the past 2 days and I had the best leg session in ages.

  • @SoundIPeace
    @SoundIPeace ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree man and understand this and that you’re a man you enjoy the music a lot more. If you use music as a crutch it gets old

  • @ignaciomunoz8817
    @ignaciomunoz8817 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    man I swear you always drop facts. It's crazy how I think about this things and then you do a video about It

  • @arturonavarropovedano2396
    @arturonavarropovedano2396 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Music, just like many other things majes you del good. Nothing bad about feeling good, but there is a problem with depending on feelings, because It Will lead to you having to do something that makes you feel good to prepare you to do something that feels bad. That is weakening and emascilating (at least, psicologicaly).

  • @cmsull3316
    @cmsull3316 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I can’t live without my death metal, deathcore and hardcore.

  • @ZCBeats1
    @ZCBeats1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The more into creating my own music I get the less I feel the need to listen to other peoples music, it feels like a distraction. I think silence can actually be a great tool for inspiration.

  • @bithon5242
    @bithon5242 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've noticed that periods of my life where I actively limited my time when I listen to music were one of my most productive. I also felt very present and it felt almost as if time slowed down, like I could remember majority of my day whereas whenever I have my headphones in 24/7 I feel like time just flies by which makes me anxious and like I'm just living life on autopilot. I started practicing this again and I only really listen to music when I'm at the gym and I already feel much happier and closer to people. It's counter-intuitive but there is definitely something to be said about the overstimulation of our brains with music.

  • @salty3069
    @salty3069 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Life without music is not worth living 😏

    • @stephenhughes5156
      @stephenhughes5156 ปีที่แล้ว

      Here's an interesting question: would you take £100 million but never be able to listen to music ever again? I know what my answer would be.
      Rush certainly felt that a life without music is not worth living as is alluded to in their song (the greatest song of all time) '2112'.

    • @AB-ez2ct
      @AB-ez2ct ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Life must be sad if only music makes it worth living man

    • @Adi29x
      @Adi29x ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AB-ez2ct No But Music Makes It Way Better

  • @justinjmader222
    @justinjmader222 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I realised the same thing, i have not used my stupid earbuds in 3 months now, why do i always need to be listening to music, i dont, i rather think, be quite or have a talk with a stranger and take in my environment, than listen to music constantly.

  • @Maxpsychologie
    @Maxpsychologie ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Rap "Music" is degenerated and shouldn't be consumed at all, like 99% of music. But I disagree with gym, can't catch me lifting to cards b or whatever is playing, need me some metal.

  • @jessecampbell1812
    @jessecampbell1812 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for always telling us what we need to hear not what we want to hear. Of course I love music as much as anyone else but I completely understand what you're saying brother. A distraction is a distraction. I've never been one to listen to music while I'm working out, I like to know what's going on around me.

  • @IsabellRN
    @IsabellRN ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can only have so much of it before I’m like ugh turn it off and enjoy the silence lol

  • @detailed8962
    @detailed8962 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    this video just made me delete all of my music. it made me realise how much I'm stimulated

  • @shmevanriceballz2857
    @shmevanriceballz2857 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I myself am an active music listener. Whenever I listen to music I just go with it and analyze it, enjoy it.
    I don’t “overlisten” to music. I only listen occasionally.
    I still think music is extremely important for society and humanity as a whole. I mean like music has been around since humanity has existed.
    You say “men shouldn’t lead with emotion” but you are clearly leading with your emotion here. Your disdain for the emotional aspect that music brings is your side, part of your emotion.
    I agree the music is too much in the modern day but music overall is extremely beneficial for the world.

    • @exelmans8855
      @exelmans8855 ปีที่แล้ว

      Huh no. He’s spot on. You are the emotional weak one, trying to cover your pain with music.

  • @billelliott3507
    @billelliott3507 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like just sitting down with a friend and my stereo system and really enjoying music at a good volume. Other than that I’d rather be tuned into to what’s around me and hopefully catch the voice of God from time to time

  • @wuntlertumbo6778
    @wuntlertumbo6778 ปีที่แล้ว

    Music has an insane influence that nobody really pays attention to. Notice how, when drill music became popular in Chicago and the UK, gang violence skyrocketed. You have kids killing each other just because someone looked at them the wrong way. Gang violence used to be Red vs Blue in America, and even then, you had to have a reason to go out and kill a rival. But now, it's Man vs Man. It's okay to go out and kill another guy just because he's from another part of town or he slightly disrespected you. Bobby Shmurda stabbed a dude and was caught with a shank in prison, but was still only given six years before being let out again. The music industry, as I see it, reveals how corrupt America has become. If you gain enough status and money, you can get away with being a very evil person. You read about Hollywood conspiracy theories and they talk about making sacrifices, and very often do you see rappers killing each other to prevent competition. It's not only just in small gangs. Drake is a suspect in XXX's death.

  • @useienglish
    @useienglish ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great message. You didn't mention how the music gets stuck in your head well after you take off the headphones and how mentally draining it can be.

  • @ilyestamina
    @ilyestamina ปีที่แล้ว

    agreed a 100%
    I did this reflection to myself about two weeks ago : lowered my music consumption, no headphones outside whatever I’m doing and life just feels better

  • @_Ethann_
    @_Ethann_ ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ido Portal on Huberman lab podcast #77 something they mentioned that was profound to me was the mention of tribal dance and the deep connection with song and dance as ritual and camaraderie which exceeds language. My fav songs are ones that on first listen had me dancing like a fool. Believe music can enhance states or disrupt do need to be aware of what frequency’s you expose yourself to! Did 108k mins last year and cannot sing the lyrics of any song For some reason only pay attention to to melody and beat. Am all about being present and fully aware of your surroundings but there is time and place for Muse!

    • @_Ethann_
      @_Ethann_ ปีที่แล้ว is the podcast I reference for those who are interested

  • @vekebg
    @vekebg ปีที่แล้ว

    I needed this Elisha. Lately after a breakup I started listening to a lot of music almost constantly. I'm pretty aware I do it to cope but still do it. Epecially when running or training which I stopped doing since few years back. This video is a great reminder that I should stop consuming to get myself motivated for the stuff I NEED to do anyway. Much love from Bulgaria!

  • @IanPlug
    @IanPlug ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i make music for a living but i barely even listen to music knowing what it takes to create and making certain sounds people will tune into to and get addicted never get high off ur own supply i enjoy podcasts

  • @Eans_urban_jungle
    @Eans_urban_jungle ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Every day before work I blast EDM from a cheap Bluetooth speaker and dance my ass off. Everything in life has a rhythm to it, and when you can feel the music in your body it becomes easier sync up to other rhythms and to be coordinated in speech, movement, timing and ability to respond to subtle shifts in the environment. The beat is literally inside of you, pumping your blood.

  • @robinvangroot
    @robinvangroot ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I wouldn't demonise or over complicate this, music is art and art is beautiful. Just try be more conscious and don't over indulge, everything has a time and place

  • @ian_strachs
    @ian_strachs ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Really good points well made. I'm definitely rethinking how I consume music, use headphones, take in information etc. Music is incredibly important to me so I should treat it more deliberately and use guitar practice and playing as a spiritual, focused practice of meditation
    High Thumos

  • @Crambull
    @Crambull ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree. Some people just listen to music _all the time._ I have Spotify, but I don't even listen to music most days. I do podcasts more often now though.

    • @ElishaLong
      @ElishaLong  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      We talked about this yesterday in the group. What are you really learning from these podcasts?

    • @deanmadden123
      @deanmadden123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ElishaLong doesnt that depend entirely on whocyour listening to?

    • @michal8526
      @michal8526 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah good point...In my opinion podcasts are only to make you busy and be the excuse to not think for yourself. After listening podcasts for years I cannot tell that I have learned something or memorized even something. Regards from Poland.

    • @Crambull
      @Crambull ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ElishaLong interesting things from money, culture, and fitness. Mostly listen to Timcast IRL (culture/politics), Huberman Lab (neuro-science, etc), Iced Coffee Hour (Graham Stephan's business oreiented show), Mark Bell's Power Project (Fitness), and of course the Joe Rogan Experience.

    • @Crambull
      @Crambull ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@michal8526 ah, fellow European, thanks for your input. Sometimes I take notes on certain shows to remember stuff for later. I do selectively listen to stuff I want to learn about not just mindlessly putting something on in the background.

  • @NewfieAsianKid
    @NewfieAsianKid ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Music 🎶 had made me lazy and complacent for most of my life. Whenever I feel motivated to do something, I would keep replaying that same song again and the rest of my days ended up being wasted.
    I would use Heavy Metal music as a tool to motivate me to gain success but it's just emotion that only made me LAZY and never applying myself.
    If you are a believer in Jesus and Christianity, Satan was the leader of the worship team. He uses music 🎶 to manipulate people subliminally.

  • @OkKhaos
    @OkKhaos ปีที่แล้ว

    I only listen to music when I work out at home. I have never used spotify in my life, I only download mp3s to my phone. Whenever I go outside now, whether it’s shopping in the city, out for a walk in nature, or in the gym, I never listen to any music. It has greatly changed my life!

  • @23BronJames
    @23BronJames ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm definitely with you on this one. Overdoing music fries my brain, and have definitely found that in the gym it's way better without because I can connect with my body way more instead of escaping into my head as most people do. It's crazy because something that is healthy becomes so unhealthy because people just escape into their heads without dealing with their shit (tension, energy, emotion) which needs to released in the body! I'm starting to feel much better connecting with my body more.

  • @jeffbeatty133
    @jeffbeatty133 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Based. Truly respect you for putting this message out there

  • @BornaLoncaric3
    @BornaLoncaric3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Honestly I wish I heard this 10 years ago when I was basically abusing it. Everything was connected to music, whatever the hell I did had to have music or otherwise it would be boring. At one time I stopped listening because if I wanted to do brain work it's not like it always helps. Sure, I'm a musician, I love music, but you don't have to integrate it into every little thing you do. It becomes poisonous and deprives you of happiness in the long run.

  • @focusxen
    @focusxen ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve spent countless hours as a writer/producer in studio sessions, and It was confirm to me time after time that most artists are traumatized and cowardice, that’s their natural state, most of them would avoid conflict in real situations and would hide under make up, tattoos, etc
    But society tends to glorified the craft, because it takes at least some time of charisma to execute and perform.
    But that glorification is nothing more than an illusion of one human thinking that another is above them, when in reality most songs are based on the artist delusion and not their reality.
    Also sound frequency had been proven to affect the physical body when making contact with it, and once your body feel different you get different thoughts that are not your own, but rather suggestions
    Planting seeds of confusion that later grow and can make drift the heart of men.
    Be aware of all the frequencies around you, not merely the sound ones.
    Understand that is a drug, and is made to make you come back for more.
    Planting seeds of

  • @ThatDereKid
    @ThatDereKid ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As a musician I respect its power. It's not something to take up the background of all of my free time.

  • @marwanbakir349
    @marwanbakir349 ปีที่แล้ว

    I stop listent to music for year and i have alot of benefits increas my focus in study and training make me clear in my mind
    Music make you weak emotinal
    Make do something that you don't want to do like back to Your ex even you don't love her again and alot of horrible things
    And that not what men must te be
    Without music make me close to my god men really need god in this time
    Its hard to don't listent to music but you can use to it and you will notice how your life change

  • @powerunleashed3789
    @powerunleashed3789 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The wisdom of Islam never fails to amaze me.

  • @Veselinov21
    @Veselinov21 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very true. I completely agree with what you're saying. People are mission out on a lot of insight because of this. They are making themselves sick. Its not too different than porn or sugar.
    I listen to music only in the car sometimes, but often I prefer the engine sound. One of my hobbies is playing the guitar, but I've reduced it down to once per week. I've seen a lot of benefits from this.
    Thanks for sharing Elisha, much respect

  • @bopndop2347
    @bopndop2347 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s difficult. How do you criticise it for example if you are a musician. I think the variety of music one listens to you is important.

  • @sussuhimself
    @sussuhimself ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very powerful video .