Hamsterwheel It's so true ! Vanilla got overdramatized to look like an unbalanced unfair piece of shit. From my perspective and experience, it more balanced than MoP and Cata ... But some stereotypes seem to live on. BTW, a brilliant Vanilla Balance Druid doing PvP videos on YT is Cucker. Check him up, he's really incredible.
Heya, I realise this is an old video but I hope my comment will be useful anyway. I have a PhD in cat. It took me about 2 years to master it, but the result was me having the respect of most people on The Rebirth. At the end of my journey my druid was rocking R13 gear, a DFT and a BoNeA enchanted with rogue tears. You got a couple of things wrong, so here's my 2 cents: The pre-raid bis list is pretty much correct except for the sandstalker ankleguards. The ones of the princess in brd are superior, and there's an argument to be made for the shadefiend boots from the spider arena boss. Reason being that stamina shouldn't be overlooked at the beginning if don't wanna get oneshot by fire blossoms. However, contrary to what you said, the sandstalker ankleguards are very easy to get, you can stealth through and solo zerillis, it might take a couple resets though. Also darkmoon card maelstrom is good, but not BiS forever. What should be noted is that heart of wyrmthalak is does lower damage than maelstrom, but procs more often, making it actually just as good, except for it being useless in mc. Also, I chose the tanking trinket, you will never find anything like it. It hurts to give up on BB though for sure. Next, 1str = 2.4ap not 2.2, 20 (not 57) agi = 1 crit. If I had to guess 57 might be the amount of int it takes for a moonkin to get 1 spellcrit. For talents you'll want ferocity for tanking, solo content, for when you can't hit the mob from behind, and sometimes the rotation actually does call for a claw, can't explain that here in detail though. Feral instinct and improved bash are not needed for pve. The 15% dmg to FB from feral aggression are not a big dps increase, you can consider putting those points somewhere else. There isn't one cookie cutter spec, it all depends on how much you pvp, offtank and offheal. Rotation: Like you said, this is a science of its own. Generally, try to shift in quick succession (5 second rule value) while not wasting too much energy. Try to do FB with as little energy as you can, 60-100 energy FBs are a huge waste of resources. Consumables: Let's be honest, all the private servers use pretty much the same spaghetti code. What no one bothers to fix is +weapon damage in shapeshift form. Dense weightstone gives you 8 weapon damage, that translates to 112ap. Same deal for enchants. Addons: Use Luna. It's got everything. What might be on a lot of people mind: str or agi? I've done the math on this, but it's been a while, so I'm going off my memory. If you just hit 60 and farmed some of your gear you might have around 1k ap. At this point str is better. This starts to change at around 1.2k ap. In a raiding environment you will in almost every case have more than 1.2k ap, so there's your answer: It's agi. If your gear is insane and you get every buff in the game, you can have 3k+ap and 50%+ crit, I'm not kidding. In that case agi is about twice as good as str. The scaling is crazy. I played on horde. But! Alliance druids get kings, which makes it the better choice for minmaxers. You benefit a lot from the raw stats. Also salvation! On horde a lot of the time you won't even get tranquil air on vael and you're going to be sitting there capped at 1k dps. But this has to be said: you're still not going to out-dps a rogue that puts in the same effort as you, it's just not happening. If you could make use of windfury, things might be different, but they're not. However, you can offtank, bres, and innervate (don't use it on yourself, the dps increase is not in the same league as the healing value a priest can get out of it), which easily makes up for doing slightly less damage, so fuck those haters. CAT DURID IS FOR FITE!
ByteKnight I agree with most of what you said. Specially agi. Been feral long time but mostly pvp and hence I may be off on some pve aspects here. A few things I would add/comment/ask. Value dmg/Energy is something I belive you should consider? Specially since thats where feral get real tricky and individual when it comes to rotation. IE. Rake wasnt bad, specially when low gear. The reason beeing that it had a good value dmg/energy. As crit starts to rise you need to reconsider that though as you loose combo points. This could be in later expansions though (wotlk at the latest). Rip was better dmg/energy than FB i belive, meaning low crit you should consider this? In short, rotation may change depending on gear, amongst other things. Lastly, as pointed out raid value means your innervate should go to someone else, usually a healer. Cats wont putdps equally geared rogues, true, nor mages. But, the real value comes in the utilitu as you said. CR, offtank (one tank goes, you will stand longer than a mage or a healer). For ppl vanting to feral vanilla, be prepared to have scarse raid drops untill you hit AQ. You scale great with gear but every drop u want gonna be 10 rogues wanting. Nice to have some atention to my fav spec, nice. Regarding grear in ur guide. There was a chest from the rare beast skinning in ubrs that was insane. Also, every feral should have tank gear in which case i belive the lvl 40 worl drop boe epic is bis for quite some time (warden staff).
Funny story about rake: On one of our farm raids our warriors put up as many rends on Sulfuron Harbinger as they could for shits and giggles. I was like "you guys think rend is a terrible use of a debuff slot? watch this!" - pressed rake and the server literally crashed that second. We joked about that being a devine sign of how bad rake is for a long time :D In a non-raiding environment you might get some use out of it on high armor targets, but even then it has to tick for the full duration to be worth. Most common use is on warriors in pvp. Now you're right about rip. It actually does decent damage in comparison to fb when not yet geared well. The issue is that 1. in raiding it's not worth the debuff slot 2. when solo farming or in dungeons the mob usually dies too fast for it to do the damage and 3. it can't crit. You can find more uses for it than you can for rake, though.
I was a feral druid back in the day on Vanilla WoW, it was always a struggle. I had decided to roll warrior in classic, but this video has renewed my nostalgia for Feral, and given me some hope. Feral it is!
Heyo mate. This is an okay guide and as the video name said, helping out newbies. On the other side I want to tell you, that the skills build can be optimized. Your build is kinda an hybrid of world pve and raid pve, but neither. Nor. You don't need better stealth at all if you know how invisiblility in classic works. 3 wasted points you could skill in 1. Part of the feral tree for lesser claw costs (world pve). Your faster movement in cat... Well, in raids you don't need this at all, because you are mostly "inside a building" where it does not work. In world pve or pvp I would invest both points in it cuz movement is beast mode kiting mechanic in world pve/pvp. And you kinda forgot to show your weapon in the BiS part, but still good explanation why ppl. Should use the parts. I would recommend the 2 hand mace from gnomeregan, like 30 times in your bag in 1. Phase. When pvp phase comes out the "unaufhaltbare macht" pvp mace, which gives u an "on hit procc" And str as main attribute is wrong. 2,0 AP counted in 1.12 only for bear form, for cat dps 1 AP, where agi gets more attractive, cuz more effects. And it's 20 Agi=1% critt, not 57. Next thing is, nr. 1 prio stat is your hit chance, cuz you don't profit in cat form from weapon skill. So if you hit 9% you won't actually miss...and if you miss an ferocious bite with 5 combo points and 100 energy you can feel with me xD But enough of criticism. I appreciate your explanation because 90% of wow players never tried druid due bad clishees. They say it's an bad dmg healing rogue. Well, I kinda outdamage even rogues and warlocks in classic and retail as well. It's just an complex class 2 play but if you get the mechanics you rape the sh*** out of people. An mage can't freeze you, an rogue can't blind you If you use your anti poison hot (classic=blind counts as a poison) So, overall, as you said, ferals played right, outdamage other classes in phase one without big trouble. An friend of mine is playing only druid since 1. Hour of classic. In tbc he played every single arena season 2,2k+++ He goes with pvp specc in raids and has and is still outdamaging rogues by 15-20% of Max dmg As in most mmorpgs you have always an black sheep, and in classic it was the feral cuz people were to lazy to find out interesting mechanics. Greetings @ all druid players out there, I wish you good hunting :D
Awesome video, thanks! I play feral druid since vanilla (on and off depending on what expansion) and this is by far my favorite class, whether I pvp or pve. I am sick of people spitting all over the class saying it's useless or under any other class.
I'm glad you put effort into detailing where to get the extra buffs. Consumables and utility items (engineering) make or break the game for certain classes in PvE vanilla.
thanks for the guide! I love playing unpopular specs and I've mained a feral kitty since cata. it's nice to see all the best info on it put together in one place
Hey I just wanted to say thanks, wow classic just came out and your video really helped me out. There aren't a lot of good feral dps videos on yt, so thx for investing time to make this one :).
Thanks for the video! love this because in vanilla i used to switch out and back after ferocious bites sometimes to keep up my dps but back then i actually never considered what the effect would be to maximize an entire rotation around it. best breakdown I've seen for it!
Great video, love just about everything. From the epic rotation to the simple transfer of information aswell as the great inspirational talk. Best of luck in all of your endeavours. I never comment on youtube btw, but your nicely phrased question aswell as the information regarding spread of content and what I can do to help made me make an excpetion. Most its about the excellent video that goes against the norm. Much great job!
Awesome guide man; especially the rotation piece. I've yet to hit 60 and enjoy a druid in vanilla; with each vid you put out that anticipation builds ;)
Love the vid, man. I remember going for strength up until bwl was release and out of curiousity I swapped to agility and crit. Emphasis on the crit. That was the key to my dps. All those crits. Strength may look better on paper for consistency sake but high crit % kept me at the top of my dps boards from bwl to end of wrath. The best time came when rake and rip could crit. And mangle...sooo good. Yep, come classic I'll be that weird feral with a ton of agility turning heads and upsetting rogues...can't wait.
Really great video, I'm fairly new to Vanilla so it was great to finally see some of the specs people have called "unplayable" for months seem actually viable! :D
Im currently leveling up a druid in vanilla. Just ding 40 last night so i get the wolfshead helm. Mostly tank and/or dps. I tell ppl what my role is and how i will play. I dont let others tell me how to play unless i am doing something terrible. They can stfu and gtfo. I went herb/alch so i can also be buffed up. Also leveling fishing/cooking. Its Super fun in game and in dungeons as tank or dps. As a dps i consider myself dps/off-tank/off-healer. I cannot tell you how many times being able to do all 3 has saved groups from death. Over confident warrior tanks are a pain in the ass! Seem to never learn their lesson either. I think just think RAWR I Am Warrior Tank, I can Tank Whole Dungeon!!!. Most of em dont even check the fucking healers mana causing me to become 2nd healer when its shouldnt even be needed wasting everyones time. By the way warlocks and hunters love you in dungeons. You can off heal the pet which are good off-tanks and keep the lock healed as he spams that suicide skill lol. I pretty much refuse to be healer lol, ive never been a healer in any game period. I might try it out in 5-mans from time to time. I dont mind being an off-healer. If ppl dont like that then so be it. I dont play with them lol. I will occasionally be straight healer if required. This mostly only pertains to questing and you got like 1-2 ppl grouped up for a hard elite quest. Its all in the situations.
Ive played feral for a few years now. This definately made med wanna roll feral again in Classic. Underdog All the way. Thanks for a great guide. Well done
Great video man! It is amazing what you can do in vanilla. Anything is possible! Even if druids weren't this good I would still play one. There the most fun class in the entire game for me the immersion is unreal and trust me I've tried a rogue... It would't matter how much damage they did I could never play that brain dead of a class. Keep up the great work. #nochanges!
Hey man great video I'm a new player and have been having trouble figuring out what people mean by power shifting. This is the best example I have found.
Great video! I'm certainly going to have fun relearning my favorite class in vanilla! And don't worry, I'll make some people eat their words saying ferals useless ;)
Good Stuff, love your accent btw, nice and soothing (Scottish here) :) Anyway, dunno if this is something that just passed me by over the years or is worth mentioning in your vids (played vanilla>wotlk re-rolled from pvp rogue to pve/pvp heals BC onwards and play now as feral on elysium) but a loss in dps from switching targets during pve encounters can be pretty significant when not using a macro to re-start auto-attack etc. Only really talking when there's multiple targets and u switch targets without enough energy to initiate auto-attack from an ability and ofc you are talking about single target dps but just food for thought.
I was made a believer today by a level 40 feral. He had a level 25 staff "of quality" which has +7 weapon damage add another +7 weapon damage via the enchant. Then tack on another +7 weapon damage via an "of quality" chest. His dps was fucking godlike. In total on a level 40 he had +21 weapon damage. Literally breaking the game. Druids damage output doesn't follow.traditional melee rules of taking their weapon into account. This guy's chest was like lvl 24 as was his dinky staff. It was all about the damage coefficients. I've been trying to find some videos on TH-cam discussing this but I havnt found one yet. I've put plenty of time into the private server scene. And this druid made me wanna roll one. His damage was higher than the other 2 dps combined. It was nuts.
audience retention? hmph, guess I'm part of your 30%! thank you for your personal experience. new to wow as a whole *no retail* and druid just attracted me.
Exactly! My retail main is a druid. And I really wanted to play a dps druid in Classic endgame. Without being a heal-bitch. I'm happy that I found your guide. I already chose a Alliance Feral Druid for Classic. >:) And I aim to raid at 60. For the Alliance!
Enterd MC as feral druid, manage to pull off 450 dps with full blue gear without flasks. Aslong as you can push over 400, it's a valid dps spec, the buffs most classes gives is good enough for the group.
I think you should move shred from your main bar. Right now you're powershifting with a animation delaying your shred. It may or may not mess how fast you can reform>shred. You could also put an extra stealth on the same hotkey as your shred key (4 in this case), while in no form (& bear just in case).
Manster Mash hell yeah man. I think currently the dire maul quest reward mace is pre raid bis it has 30 str and 1% crit but I can't recall the name right now.
Why not stack up on Manual Crowd Pummelers ( db.vanillagaming.org/?item=9449 ) ? Isn't the 50% ias better than the extra strength/crit and enchantment?
can you explain how you got wevil to mulgore, also how are you not pullin threat off your warrior friend, and how is your warrior friend not dying to wevil. I would like to test dps on somthing like this if you could explain how its done
Still not sure why you would waste 2 points on Brutal Impact. Why not go for some mitigation via Thick Hide, or a couple points into Ferocity to reduce energy cost slightly, or cap out Feral Instinct? (Do higher levels of Feral Instinct reduce the chance of being uncovered while in Prowl? Description isn't quite clear)
@@powerfulnoun2608 I see, and it would obviously make sense in PvP, but I'm wondering if you could clarify something for me, if you don't mind: I initially thought Bash was just a singular ability across the board for all levels, and that it was only going from 2 seconds to 3 with Brutal Impact. I realize there's a rank 3 for 4 seconds, 5 with Brutal Impact. Is one extra second on an already decent stun duration that significant for PvE? I mean, yes, you could argue the one second longer on a stun leads to less of your attacks being parried, blocked, dodged, etc., but if you're leveling, would it make more sense to go 5/5 Feral Instinct, or maybe put some points into thick hide for a little boost to damage mitigation?
I wanted to say thank you for this guide. I'm a female who plays feral Druid so I get more jokes than others because there's a stigma the girls can't do any real sos and should stick to healing. My guild is currently doing BWL and I was top 10 for DPS tonight on Vael so I know the potential is there. I'm full prepaid BiS with a few upgrades from raids, but my power shifting skills could be improved which is have I found your video. The ad ons as well as the consumables and great tips and explanations for power shifting rotation should help a lot. It's hard to find valuable feral data for Vanilla because people always just blow it off as bad so I really appreciate that you took the time to make an actually helpful guide!
@@powerfulnoun2608 well it should, cause i rrmember quite well how back in the days zandalar trinket was raising the damage greatly, adding laughable 40 some damage on hit. Same with tiger fury self buff
Do feral druids need Hit then? I thought they didn't need Hit because they use their paws and not weapons? I don't understand why the devilsaur Hit bonus would be important.
Hey man! Haven't seen you on Twitch in a while. Just wanted to drop in and let you know that a week from today I'm gonna be a mothafuckin Warlord! This video taught me how to not be a scrub at kitty dps so I just wanted to thank you again and tell you you're still helping me embarrass warriors and rogues on the DPS charts even in p5 :-)
Hey. I apologize in advance for my English. I'm having problems with addon DuidBar. When shift to the cat form, it does not show that mana is decreasing. And when I get out of the cat form, it shows that mana has become smaller. Its usefulness is completely lost. Can this be fixed? Thanks
Dope. I rolled a Druid on Kronos. And I almost re rolled a warrior (what I had on BC) bc I didn’t know if i liked it. But now at lvl 35 ish, I can wreck people even without a ton of experience. I don’t want to re roll my OG warrior toon anymore bc I’ve found being a feral Druid that can off tank (and heal in oh shit moments) is dope.
Hey man, the guide helped me out a lot. One question I do have is what is your views on Impervious Giant 2h mace, it has 1% hit and 2% crit vs Fist of Omokk. what would weigh more 2 hit 1 crit or 58 ap?
Impervious giant isn't a bad option but the 1% hit is useless after you're full pre-bis, the crit is very nice and if you want to go that route you won't lose much if any dps at all.
I love the stigmas and stereotypes that go with vanilla. Everyone just believes the same rhetoric written on boards. But the bottom line is any class and spec can work if you are up to the challenge. I made some mages qq with my Boomkin dps.
Hard to get a response on this particular question, but, with all gear being equal (whether BWL/AQ or Naxx), is there a way to handle rogue dps in Wpvp? I feel like from what I've seen it's more luck and perfect timing on playing with shift/root/stomp/heal etc, where you literally have to use 2-3 health bars just to deal with an average rogue...Thanks /salute
Sorry for the belated reply, I didn't see this comment when it was posted. I handle rogues in world pvp by kiting out their cds normally. The average rogue doesn't run with a pvp trinket because it's nearly useless for them so ccing them is pretty simple. Normally if I get the opener I'll put up my dot combo and tank them down with bear form while wearing a tank weapon with + armor. I switch gear a lot on druid and if I can set up my own items before a fight I'll throw on + armor for melee fights. If they get the opener I'll cc them until I can wear them down using tools like the goblin rocket helmet or net-o-matic. I love rogue fights as a druid because it requires you to be on your toes and play well.
Not sure when you'll respond of if you will even notice. But is somewhere a guide how to put your talent points while leveling, like from 10-60 in a row?
Why wouldn't I notice, if I just level messing around with different talents, find out what works best for you while leveling. Only things I'd prioritize early is the cat form movement speed talent as it'll save you a lot of time, otherwise just experiment and worry about being serious with your spec when you're 60
Dude this is exactly what i was looking for. I'm lvling a feral on lights hope to practice for when classic comes out. Will you be playing classic? if so lets make a guild .
i dont think power shifting will work as well on elysium pvp, there is a delay. i even have good latency, high 90's and it feels like there is a delay of at least .3 - .5 ms of delay
Yeah, I have a delay as well but with practice you can master the shift with the delay. I was using this method to dps on my 60 druid on nostalrius pvp and I was getting most of my shifts. You'll just have to practice a bit.
I do believe that weapon damage is actually important for feral dps. This means that the green "of quality" 2 handers may be pretty good, and the weapon enchant choice should always be +damage. I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure weapon damage is key.
if youve paid attention to theorycrafting recently, agi would be a slightly more important stat based on crit chance increase etc. Look up Shedos spreadsheets if u rly wanna know also, do u think its beneficial to let you sometimes melee when u shift?
And also you are wrong about the pre-bis gear. Swiftwalker boots from Princess BRD are 3.7 dps better then Sandstalker. Also best in slot weapon is Crowd pummeler from gnomeregan.
@@martinpersson982 I did in the video. The highest dps i obtained was with str enchants and buffs. Agi migjt perform bettter in later content but in pre raid bis with gear available str gave better dps returns. If youd have watched the video instead of trolling the comments youd know this.
Couple things.... I don't think the str elixir and juju power buffs stack - they WILL show up but do not stack.... or for that matter any consumable that do the same buff
abdul Kek I noticed this too. And as I recall there was a lot of discussion before (vanilla times) on What weapon a feral druid should get. (Pure stats? it's does dmg/dps matter?)
I think the difficult part is getting invited in 5mans and then in guilds, how did you pull that off? Detailed please! most people don't want to consider feral even if u tell and show them it is legit. Gr8 vid btw thanks
Do the sharpening stones actually work? do you benefit from the stat if its applyed to a weapon while shifted? didn't think so unlike other melee classes with their weapons
I have a question for you. If I do a MAX strenght 29 twink feral druid, think I can get good Shred damage in pvp? My ide is do just 2 tap someone and then reset:D Think this can work?
I'm a little confused he sais at the end of the talents, that you will have 1 talent point left, but in the video he has 60 used. he sais you can either put it into feline swiftness or thread generation, but i couldn't find the thread generation talent... help pls?
Never thought I'd upload a video that got this many views, thanks to everyone for watching, I really appreciate you guys.
Would casting a moonfire in between be worth it?
I love these guides man, beating those old stigmas and showing that yes, some unusual specs do quite work in vanilla!
Thanks a lot hamsterwheel, been watching your vids for years, I'm glad I can give some modicum of entertainment back to you!
if only his paladin guide wasn't complete bullshit
You forgot to include weapon in Pre-Raid BiS, also Make a guide for Darrowshire PvE!! (Currently in patch 1.8)
Hamsterwheel It's so true ! Vanilla got overdramatized to look like an unbalanced unfair piece of shit. From my perspective and experience, it more balanced than MoP and Cata ... But some stereotypes seem to live on. BTW, a brilliant Vanilla Balance Druid doing PvP videos on YT is Cucker. Check him up, he's really incredible.
One of the best things about Vanilla its a mix and match you read your tallents and see what works well and know your gear.
Best guide I've found for feral vanilla, first I've seen power shifting. Thank you keep it up
Heya, I realise this is an old video but I hope my comment will be useful anyway. I have a PhD in cat. It took me about 2 years to master it, but the result was me having the respect of most people on The Rebirth. At the end of my journey my druid was rocking R13 gear, a DFT and a BoNeA enchanted with rogue tears. You got a couple of things wrong, so here's my 2 cents:
The pre-raid bis list is pretty much correct except for the sandstalker ankleguards. The ones of the princess in brd are superior, and there's an argument to be made for the shadefiend boots from the spider arena boss. Reason being that stamina shouldn't be overlooked at the beginning if don't wanna get oneshot by fire blossoms. However, contrary to what you said, the sandstalker ankleguards are very easy to get, you can stealth through and solo zerillis, it might take a couple resets though. Also darkmoon card maelstrom is good, but not BiS forever. What should be noted is that heart of wyrmthalak is does lower damage than maelstrom, but procs more often, making it actually just as good, except for it being useless in mc. Also, I chose the tanking trinket, you will never find anything like it. It hurts to give up on BB though for sure.
Next, 1str = 2.4ap not 2.2, 20 (not 57) agi = 1 crit. If I had to guess 57 might be the amount of int it takes for a moonkin to get 1 spellcrit.
For talents you'll want ferocity for tanking, solo content, for when you can't hit the mob from behind, and sometimes the rotation actually does call for a claw, can't explain that here in detail though. Feral instinct and improved bash are not needed for pve. The 15% dmg to FB from feral aggression are not a big dps increase, you can consider putting those points somewhere else. There isn't one cookie cutter spec, it all depends on how much you pvp, offtank and offheal.
Rotation: Like you said, this is a science of its own. Generally, try to shift in quick succession (5 second rule value) while not wasting too much energy. Try to do FB with as little energy as you can, 60-100 energy FBs are a huge waste of resources.
Consumables: Let's be honest, all the private servers use pretty much the same spaghetti code. What no one bothers to fix is +weapon damage in shapeshift form. Dense weightstone gives you 8 weapon damage, that translates to 112ap. Same deal for enchants.
Addons: Use Luna. It's got everything.
What might be on a lot of people mind: str or agi? I've done the math on this, but it's been a while, so I'm going off my memory. If you just hit 60 and farmed some of your gear you might have around 1k ap. At this point str is better. This starts to change at around 1.2k ap. In a raiding environment you will in almost every case have more than 1.2k ap, so there's your answer: It's agi. If your gear is insane and you get every buff in the game, you can have 3k+ap and 50%+ crit, I'm not kidding. In that case agi is about twice as good as str. The scaling is crazy.
I played on horde. But! Alliance druids get kings, which makes it the better choice for minmaxers. You benefit a lot from the raw stats. Also salvation! On horde a lot of the time
you won't even get tranquil air on vael and you're going to be sitting there capped at 1k dps.
But this has to be said: you're still not going to out-dps a rogue that puts in the same effort as you, it's just not happening. If you could make use of windfury, things might be different, but they're not. However, you can offtank, bres, and innervate (don't use it on yourself, the dps increase is not in the same league as the healing value a priest can get out of it), which easily makes up for doing slightly less damage, so fuck those haters. CAT DURID IS FOR FITE!
I agree with most of what you said. Specially agi.
Been feral long time but mostly pvp and hence I may be off on some pve aspects here.
A few things I would add/comment/ask.
Value dmg/Energy is something I belive you should consider? Specially since thats where feral get real tricky and individual when it comes to rotation.
IE. Rake wasnt bad, specially when low gear. The reason beeing that it had a good value dmg/energy. As crit starts to rise you need to reconsider that though as you loose combo points.
This could be in later expansions though (wotlk at the latest).
Rip was better dmg/energy than FB i belive, meaning low crit you should consider this?
In short, rotation may change depending on gear, amongst other things.
Lastly, as pointed out raid value means your innervate should go to someone else, usually a healer.
Cats wont putdps equally geared rogues, true, nor mages.
But, the real value comes in the utilitu as you said. CR, offtank (one tank goes, you will stand longer than a mage or a healer).
For ppl vanting to feral vanilla, be prepared to have scarse raid drops untill you hit AQ.
You scale great with gear but every drop u want gonna be 10 rogues wanting.
Nice to have some atention to my fav spec, nice.
Regarding grear in ur guide.
There was a chest from the rare beast skinning in ubrs that was insane.
Also, every feral should have tank gear in which case i belive the lvl 40 worl drop boe epic is bis for quite some time (warden staff).
Funny story about rake: On one of our farm raids our warriors put up as many rends on Sulfuron Harbinger as they could for shits and giggles. I was like "you guys think rend is a terrible use of a debuff slot? watch this!" - pressed rake and the server literally crashed that second. We joked about that being a devine sign of how bad rake is for a long time :D
In a non-raiding environment you might get some use out of it on high armor targets, but even then it has to tick for the full duration to be worth. Most common use is on warriors in pvp.
Now you're right about rip. It actually does decent damage in comparison to fb when not yet geared well. The issue is that 1. in raiding it's not worth the debuff slot 2. when solo farming or in dungeons the mob usually dies too fast for it to do the damage and 3. it can't crit. You can find more uses for it than you can for rake, though.
Dam, forgot bout the debuff cap...
Well as said, as pvp you tend of miss out on the finer points in pve...
ByteKnight heya just wanted to say your comment was too long so I didn't read it.
Yes ofc That's ok, stay a noob, makes your wow classic experience better! See you then mate :)
You speak honestly and transparently at the end of your video and I very much appreciate it.
Keep up the good videos!
Thank you, thanks for watching!
classic is coming up and this is the most solid vanilla druid content i've seen
I was a feral druid back in the day on Vanilla WoW, it was always a struggle. I had decided to roll warrior in classic, but this video has renewed my nostalgia for Feral, and given me some hope. Feral it is!
Heyo mate. This is an okay guide and as the video name said, helping out newbies.
On the other side I want to tell you, that the skills build can be optimized.
Your build is kinda an hybrid of world pve and raid pve, but neither. Nor. You don't need better stealth at all if you know how invisiblility in classic works. 3 wasted points you could skill in 1. Part of the feral tree for lesser claw costs (world pve). Your faster movement in cat... Well, in raids you don't need this at all, because you are mostly "inside a building" where it does not work. In world pve or pvp I would invest both points in it cuz movement is beast mode kiting mechanic in world pve/pvp.
And you kinda forgot to show your weapon in the BiS part, but still good explanation why ppl. Should use the parts. I would recommend the 2 hand mace from gnomeregan, like 30 times in your bag in 1. Phase. When pvp phase comes out the "unaufhaltbare macht" pvp mace, which gives u an "on hit procc"
And str as main attribute is wrong. 2,0 AP counted in 1.12 only for bear form, for cat dps 1 AP, where agi gets more attractive, cuz more effects. And it's 20 Agi=1% critt, not 57.
Next thing is, nr. 1 prio stat is your hit chance, cuz you don't profit in cat form from weapon skill. So if you hit 9% you won't actually miss...and if you miss an ferocious bite with 5 combo points and 100 energy you can feel with me xD
But enough of criticism. I appreciate your explanation because 90% of wow players never tried druid due bad clishees. They say it's an bad dmg healing rogue. Well, I kinda outdamage even rogues and warlocks in classic and retail as well. It's just an complex class 2 play but if you get the mechanics you rape the sh*** out of people. An mage can't freeze you, an rogue can't blind you If you use your anti poison hot (classic=blind counts as a poison)
So, overall, as you said, ferals played right, outdamage other classes in phase one without big trouble.
An friend of mine is playing only druid since 1. Hour of classic. In tbc he played every single arena season 2,2k+++
He goes with pvp specc in raids and has and is still outdamaging rogues by 15-20% of Max dmg
As in most mmorpgs you have always an black sheep, and in classic it was the feral cuz people were to lazy to find out interesting mechanics.
Greetings @ all druid players out there, I wish you good hunting :D
Thank you! Was wondering if someone were to correct him. Lots of misonformation, not hating. Video is certainly encouraging.
Awesome video, thanks! I play feral druid since vanilla (on and off depending on what expansion) and this is by far my favorite class, whether I pvp or pve. I am sick of people spitting all over the class saying it's useless or under any other class.
finaly, someone with something positive to say about droods! well thought through and presented. ill actually give this a try. feral rocks ! :)
Thanks man, and feral does rock!
I'm glad you put effort into detailing where to get the extra buffs. Consumables and utility items (engineering) make or break the game for certain classes in PvE vanilla.
thanks for the guide! I love playing unpopular specs and I've mained a feral kitty since cata. it's nice to see all the best info on it put together in one place
I have wanted to play feral on the new servers for the first time, but everyone said they are useless. Glad to see that's not completely true :))
Silver It's almost like they never tried it themselves and are just relying on 12 year old second-hand information ;)
This video has officially made me want to keep playing Feral for Classic! Thank you!
Hey I just wanted to say thanks, wow classic just came out and your video really helped me out. There aren't a lot of good feral dps videos on yt, so thx for investing time to make this one :).
Thanks for the video! love this because in vanilla i used to switch out and back after ferocious bites sometimes to keep up my dps but back then i actually never considered what the effect would be to maximize an entire rotation around it. best breakdown I've seen for it!
Great video, love just about everything. From the epic rotation to the simple transfer of information aswell as the great inspirational talk. Best of luck in all of your endeavours.
I never comment on youtube btw, but your nicely phrased question aswell as the information regarding spread of content and what I can do to help made me make an excpetion. Most its about the excellent video that goes against the norm. Much great job!
Thanks a lot man!
I loved the rotation and the BiS section! Really useful guide, keep up the work!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
Awesome guide man; especially the rotation piece. I've yet to hit 60 and enjoy a druid in vanilla; with each vid you put out that anticipation builds ;)
Matthew Laurence
Loved your conclusion "play what you want , not what other ppl want" that's what I say every time !
Great video lad, well explained! I hope those AddOns from the description work on my vanilla private server. Time to find out!
Love the vid, man. I remember going for strength up until bwl was release and out of curiousity I swapped to agility and crit. Emphasis on the crit.
That was the key to my dps. All those crits. Strength may look better on paper for consistency sake but high crit % kept me at the top of my dps boards from bwl to end of wrath.
The best time came when rake and rip could crit. And mangle...sooo good.
Yep, come classic I'll be that weird feral with a ton of agility turning heads and upsetting rogues...can't wait.
I'm new to pve on Feral Druid and this video taught me everything i wanted to know. Thank you so much dude, keep up the good work
Really great video, I'm fairly new to Vanilla so it was great to finally see some of the specs people have called "unplayable" for months seem actually viable! :D
Im currently leveling up a druid in vanilla. Just ding 40 last night so i get the wolfshead helm. Mostly tank and/or dps. I tell ppl what my role is and how i will play. I dont let others tell me how to play unless i am doing something terrible. They can stfu and gtfo.
I went herb/alch so i can also be buffed up.
Also leveling fishing/cooking.
Its Super fun in game and in dungeons as tank or dps.
As a dps i consider myself dps/off-tank/off-healer. I cannot tell you how many times being able to do all 3 has saved groups from death.
Over confident warrior tanks are a pain in the ass! Seem to never learn their lesson either. I think just think RAWR I Am Warrior Tank, I can Tank Whole Dungeon!!!.
Most of em dont even check the fucking healers mana causing me to become 2nd healer when its shouldnt even be needed wasting everyones time.
By the way warlocks and hunters love you in dungeons. You can off heal the pet which are good off-tanks and keep the lock healed as he spams that suicide skill lol.
I pretty much refuse to be healer lol, ive never been a healer in any game period. I might try it out in 5-mans from time to time. I dont mind being an off-healer. If ppl dont like that then so be it. I dont play with them lol.
I will occasionally be straight healer if required. This mostly only pertains to questing and you got like 1-2 ppl grouped up for a hard elite quest.
Its all in the situations.
Ive played feral for a few years now. This definately made med wanna roll feral again in Classic. Underdog All the way. Thanks for a great guide. Well done
Rolled a resto druid on Nost/Elysium, gonna go for a feral DPS on the official realms. Thanks for all the tips man! Time to rock
Great video man! It is amazing what you can do in vanilla. Anything is possible! Even if druids weren't this good I would still play one. There the most fun class in the entire game for me the immersion is unreal and trust me I've tried a rogue... It would't matter how much damage they did I could never play that brain dead of a class. Keep up the great work. #nochanges!
dude thank you for giving a cat hope
Hey man great video I'm a new player and have been having trouble figuring out what people mean by power shifting. This is the best example I have found.
As a feral that is parsing 90+ in raids, I approve of this message, learned of some new items from this video! I need that darkmoon card!
Watched to the very end, liked, subscribed! Great video thanks for putting it together! Love that humility too, man. Reminds me of home. Peace!
agi is better until soft cap. Shedo has the math on it. Based on the importance of blood frenzy. Also MCP is bis with and without world buffs.
Great video! I'm certainly going to have fun relearning my favorite class in vanilla! And don't worry, I'll make some people eat their words saying ferals useless ;)
Good Stuff, love your accent btw, nice and soothing (Scottish here) :) Anyway, dunno if this is something that just passed me by over the years or is worth mentioning in your vids (played vanilla>wotlk re-rolled from pvp rogue to pve/pvp heals BC onwards and play now as feral on elysium) but a loss in dps from switching targets during pve encounters can be pretty significant when not using a macro to re-start auto-attack etc. Only really talking when there's multiple targets and u switch targets without enough energy to initiate auto-attack from an ability and ofc you are talking about single target dps but just food for thought.
Love the video man! I'm rolling Feral Druid in classic and got some great info from your video keep it up
I was made a believer today by a level 40 feral. He had a level 25 staff "of quality" which has +7 weapon damage add another +7 weapon damage via the enchant. Then tack on another +7 weapon damage via an "of quality" chest. His dps was fucking godlike. In total on a level 40 he had +21 weapon damage. Literally breaking the game. Druids damage output doesn't follow.traditional melee rules of taking their weapon into account. This guy's chest was like lvl 24 as was his dinky staff. It was all about the damage coefficients. I've been trying to find some videos on TH-cam discussing this but I havnt found one yet. I've put plenty of time into the private server scene. And this druid made me wanna roll one. His damage was higher than the other 2 dps combined. It was nuts.
audience retention? hmph, guess I'm part of your 30%! thank you for your personal experience. new to wow as a whole *no retail* and druid just attracted me.
Ofc i'll watch to the end, great guide! keep up the good work, like n subscribed!
Thank you my dude, I really appreciate it!
here have a comment and a like so this video gets more popular, keep up making great content like this
Exactly! My retail main is a druid. And I really wanted to play a dps druid in Classic endgame. Without being a heal-bitch. I'm happy that I found your guide. I already chose a Alliance Feral Druid for Classic. >:) And I aim to raid at 60. For the Alliance!
Very informative for first time Feral DPS learner
Really good job on the video, good guide it's nice to finally have some good info about feral DPS ;)
I think it's time for an updated "Feral Raiding video"
Enterd MC as feral druid, manage to pull off 450 dps with full blue gear without flasks.
Aslong as you can push over 400, it's a valid dps spec, the buffs most classes gives is good enough for the group.
SO helpful for a new player, thank you!!
Really great in depth guide man love it! keep making them
Thank you my dude, I plan on it!
Pretty nice video man!! I am myself 60 feral druid on anathema :) and i am in raiding guild as feral wont change for resto or balance :D Feral FTW
I think you should move shred from your main bar. Right now you're powershifting with a animation delaying your shred. It may or may not mess how fast you can reform>shred. You could also put an extra stealth on the same hotkey as your shred key (4 in this case), while in no form (& bear just in case).
In vanilla there's a full global cooldown on shapeshifting so even if it weren't on the mainbar you'd have to wait to press it.
Just justified me deciding on feral. Thanks so much
You just gave me the inspiration to keep on with my feral. Your gear list is great. What weapon would be BiS for ferals?
Manster Mash hell yeah man. I think currently the dire maul quest reward mace is pre raid bis it has 30 str and 1% crit but I can't recall the name right now.
powerfulnoun ok buddy thanks.
Why not stack up on Manual Crowd Pummelers ( db.vanillagaming.org/?item=9449 ) ? Isn't the 50% ias better than the extra strength/crit and enchantment?
Thnx mate! Well deserved like and sub for you! Keep up The goodwork!
can you explain how you got wevil to mulgore, also how are you not pullin threat off your warrior friend, and how is your warrior friend not dying to wevil. I would like to test dps on somthing like this if you could explain how its done
good shit my man making the kittes proud p.s your new best friend
Appreciate it Jake!
best druid guide I've seen
Absolutely lovely guide! Keep it up, my dude :D
Thanks dude!
Nice vid man, how did you get the better look of the cat? does it works for bear?
Great guides m8. I love u.
Is it possible for you to do a darrowshire guide? This one was awesome, it just doesn't apply to darrowshire as well because of the different patch
You've made a couple blokes in my guild very happy.
Thanks! This is incredibly helpful!
Still not sure why you would waste 2 points on Brutal Impact. Why not go for some mitigation via Thick Hide, or a couple points into Ferocity to reduce energy cost slightly, or cap out Feral Instinct? (Do higher levels of Feral Instinct reduce the chance of being uncovered while in Prowl? Description isn't quite clear)
Because having a 6 second stun is insane in pve and pvp.
@@powerfulnoun2608 I see, and it would obviously make sense in PvP, but I'm wondering if you could clarify something for me, if you don't mind: I initially thought Bash was just a singular ability across the board for all levels, and that it was only going from 2 seconds to 3 with Brutal Impact. I realize there's a rank 3 for 4 seconds, 5 with Brutal Impact. Is one extra second on an already decent stun duration that significant for PvE? I mean, yes, you could argue the one second longer on a stun leads to less of your attacks being parried, blocked, dodged, etc., but if you're leveling, would it make more sense to go 5/5 Feral Instinct, or maybe put some points into thick hide for a little boost to damage mitigation?
great guide man, but you forgot the weapon part in the gear list : can you add it in description ?
Really nice video! Positive vibes all over.
I wanted to say thank you for this guide. I'm a female who plays feral Druid so I get more jokes than others because there's a stigma the girls can't do any real sos and should stick to healing. My guild is currently doing BWL and I was top 10 for DPS tonight on Vael so I know the potential is there. I'm full prepaid BiS with a few upgrades from raids, but my power shifting skills could be improved which is have I found your video. The ad ons as well as the consumables and great tips and explanations for power shifting rotation should help a lot. It's hard to find valuable feral data for Vanilla because people always just blow it off as bad so I really appreciate that you took the time to make an actually helpful guide!
Any real dps**
np lil guy, thanks for watchin'
Been a vanilla wow player quit after WOTLK... this was a nice warm up thanks... I just have one question... what about the boomkin deeps?! :p
there's a boomkin guide on the channel xd
10:22 - don't use elemental sharpenning stone, use plain weight/sharpenning stone that gives +weap damage.
+wep damage is a bugged mechanic and wont work that way in classic or on any corrected pserver.
@@powerfulnoun2608 well it should, cause i rrmember quite well how back in the days zandalar trinket was raising the damage greatly, adding laughable 40 some damage on hit. Same with tiger fury self buff
Awesome vid, love your humble attitude!
Hey man I appreciate this video a lot, one question though. What's the hit cap for feral on raid bosses?
Do feral druids need Hit then? I thought they didn't need Hit because they use their paws and not weapons? I don't understand why the devilsaur Hit bonus would be important.
Hey man! Haven't seen you on Twitch in a while. Just wanted to drop in and let you know that a week from today I'm gonna be a mothafuckin Warlord! This video taught me how to not be a scrub at kitty dps so I just wanted to thank you again and tell you you're still helping me embarrass warriors and rogues on the DPS charts even in p5 :-)
Gave up on the stream dream for now, I'm glad some of the druid boys are still going strong.
Hey. I apologize in advance for my English. I'm having problems with addon DuidBar. When shift to the cat form, it does not show that mana is decreasing. And when I get out of the cat form, it shows that mana has become smaller. Its usefulness is completely lost. Can this be fixed? Thanks
Really good video man! Thanks for making it.
Thanks for watching it man, I appreciate it!
I dont e ven play druid but this kinda wanted me to try it out. Good vid.
Heck yes, come on over to the druid side!
Dope. I rolled a Druid on Kronos. And I almost re rolled a warrior (what I had on BC) bc I didn’t know if i liked it. But now at lvl 35 ish, I can wreck people even without a ton of experience. I don’t want to re roll my OG warrior toon anymore bc I’ve found being a feral Druid that can off tank (and heal in oh shit moments) is dope.
Hey man, the guide helped me out a lot. One question I do have is what is your views on Impervious Giant 2h mace, it has 1% hit and 2% crit vs Fist of Omokk. what would weigh more 2 hit 1 crit or 58 ap?
Impervious giant isn't a bad option but the 1% hit is useless after you're full pre-bis, the crit is very nice and if you want to go that route you won't lose much if any dps at all.
mhm, I see. Thanks for the reply ill test them both out and see which one I live better.
I love the stigmas and stereotypes that go with vanilla. Everyone just believes the same rhetoric written on boards. But the bottom line is any class and spec can work if you are up to the challenge.
I made some mages qq with my Boomkin dps.
Hard to get a response on this particular question, but, with all gear being equal (whether BWL/AQ or Naxx), is there a way to handle rogue dps in Wpvp? I feel like from what I've seen it's more luck and perfect timing on playing with shift/root/stomp/heal etc, where you literally have to use 2-3 health bars just to deal with an average rogue...Thanks /salute
Sorry for the belated reply, I didn't see this comment when it was posted. I handle rogues in world pvp by kiting out their cds normally. The average rogue doesn't run with a pvp trinket because it's nearly useless for them so ccing them is pretty simple. Normally if I get the opener I'll put up my dot combo and tank them down with bear form while wearing a tank weapon with + armor. I switch gear a lot on druid and if I can set up my own items before a fight I'll throw on + armor for melee fights. If they get the opener I'll cc them until I can wear them down using tools like the goblin rocket helmet or net-o-matic. I love rogue fights as a druid because it requires you to be on your toes and play well.
I'm confused, how are you using Shred infront of the target?
Really solid guide. Thanks dude!
Not sure when you'll respond of if you will even notice.
But is somewhere a guide how to put your talent points while leveling, like from 10-60 in a row?
Why wouldn't I notice, if I just level messing around with different talents, find out what works best for you while leveling. Only things I'd prioritize early is the cat form movement speed talent as it'll save you a lot of time, otherwise just experiment and worry about being serious with your spec when you're 60
Dude this is exactly what i was looking for. I'm lvling a feral on lights hope to practice for when classic comes out. Will you be playing classic? if so lets make a guild .
i dont think power shifting will work as well on elysium pvp, there is a delay. i even have good latency, high 90's and it feels like there is a delay of at least .3 - .5 ms of delay
Yeah, I have a delay as well but with practice you can master the shift with the delay. I was using this method to dps on my 60 druid on nostalrius pvp and I was getting most of my shifts. You'll just have to practice a bit.
Nice guide dude👍
I do believe that weapon damage is actually important for feral dps. This means that the green "of quality" 2 handers may be pretty good, and the weapon enchant choice should always be +damage. I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure weapon damage is key.
The actual damage of the weapon is irrelevant, added weapon damage from items and enchants are excellent.
if youve paid attention to theorycrafting recently, agi would be a slightly more important stat based on crit chance increase etc. Look up Shedos spreadsheets if u rly wanna know
also, do u think its beneficial to let you sometimes melee when u shift?
I theorycrafted myself for weeks, str is a better dps return pls dont spread misinformation ty
@@powerfulnoun2608 Watch Shedo's stream and he will explain why AGILITY is better then strenght until crit cap. www.twitch.tv/videos/323822123
And also you are wrong about the pre-bis gear. Swiftwalker boots from Princess BRD are 3.7 dps better then Sandstalker. Also best in slot weapon is Crowd pummeler from gnomeregan.
@@powerfulnoun2608 Shedo shows really good numbers with Agility so please show that strenght is better with some results.
@@martinpersson982 I did in the video. The highest dps i obtained was with str enchants and buffs. Agi migjt perform bettter in later content but in pre raid bis with gear available str gave better dps returns. If youd have watched the video instead of trolling the comments youd know this.
Couple things.... I don't think the str elixir and juju power buffs stack - they WILL show up but do not stack.... or for that matter any consumable that do the same buff
They did at the time of this video, most of these buffs won't stack this far into the servers current content.
How to find guild where i can raid as feral? :D
great video. but i just can't seem to find a working powershift macro. any tips?
You didn't mention what weapon you were using and also you are using Darkmoon Faire gear which is not in the game currently on Elysium PvP.
A great video! Can you do one for Vanilla Feral PvP?
Mistakes in the video? What i noticed is the fact that you never mentioned your weapon in the gear list.
abdul Kek I noticed this too. And as I recall there was a lot of discussion before (vanilla times) on What weapon a feral druid should get. (Pure stats? it's does dmg/dps matter?)
get this db.vanillagaming.org/?item=18420
He's has Fist of Omokk in the video I believe(first boss in LBRS).
I think the difficult part is getting invited in 5mans and then in guilds, how did you pull that off? Detailed please! most people don't want to consider feral even if u tell and show them it is legit. Gr8 vid btw thanks
If you make your own five mans no one is going to just leave. Also tanking is 100% viable as deep feral dps spec.
Make a vid on how to change file for the feral cat model on pvt server! Omg I would love it!!! Would it work for TBC? Thanks!
You didn't give a bis weapon/enchant
Fuck yeah dude love your work. Have you ever considered using crowd pummeler from Gnomergan in your rotation?
I know pf the crowd pummeler meme i dont want to farm gnomer, ever, for any reason 😂
Do the sharpening stones actually work? do you benefit from the stat if its applyed to a weapon while shifted? didn't think so unlike other melee classes with their weapons
It should, I know passive enchants worked on live so the stones definitely should in my experience.
I have a question for you. If I do a MAX strenght 29 twink feral druid, think I can get good Shred damage in pvp? My ide is do just 2 tap someone and then reset:D Think this can work?
I love your content, keep making videos or I'll cry :)
Thanks man!
I'm a little confused he sais at the end of the talents, that you will have 1 talent point left, but in the video he has 60 used. he sais you can either put it into feline swiftness or thread generation, but i couldn't find the thread generation talent... help pls?
yeah you can put it whereever you want tbh