This video has changed my life. Today is my 38th day in a row of exercising at least 30 minutes a day, which is about 37 more than I ever did before. I feel much more energetic and my other health issues have seen a noticeable improvement. Thank you so much Doctor Evans.
Dr. Evans, I need to say thank you...I watched this for the first time last February and it CHANGED MY LIFE. A sedentary 55 yr old woman, borderline obese, just diagnosed with diabetes, even though I'd quit smoking, I was not a healthy person. But since I said "yes" to the question posed @ the end of the video, everything has improved. I walk between 2-5 miles 5 days a week, have lost 30 lbs, done 2 5ks and a 10k, and all of my health stats have improved. I can't thank you enough...
Oh my goodness. This really frightened me. I spend hours in front of my laptop. I always mean to go walking and I am never motivated to go. I am overweight. I have hypertension and high cholesterol both kept in check with medication. OK I am inspired now. I want to be around for many more years.
For those who dont understand the Orange is the New Black reference here- in episode 7 of the new Netflix blockbuster series- 23 and 1/2 hours is featured. I wont be a spoiler... but it is way cool. Chapman is the lead protagonist (and a fan of our wee movie)....
I really appreciated this video. I am a lady who has reversed many health problems in the past 14 months,including diabetes type 2, I did it by losing 100 lbs,walking and eating the right foods.
This is very affirming. My husband and I started walking about 15 years ago. We walk almost every day for 30 minutes to an hour. We live in Minnesota, so some people think we are a little nuts, but we find walking in the winter very invigorating and use Get a Grip's to prevent falls. If we dress properly we are never cold. I am now 56 and my husband is 61. We are on no medications. If we need medical treatment we first try less invasive alternative medicine. Great video!
This video changed my life. I first saw it in February and have walked every day since. Without even trying I lost 10 lbs, but more importantly, I feel so much better in general. Much more energy, less tired, less stressed. Now my whole life revolves around me getting out for my walk.
My doctor put me onto this video. Makes soooo much sense. Will put these suggestions into practice and I'm positive my health will be better. Thanks Dr Evans, you're a legend.
Wonderfully presented! I currently live in Okinawa, Japan, and I exercise regularly and eat well. The diet here is fantastic, and people of all ages walk and jog here every night- I have never seen anything like it! It's so refreshing to hear this information from a Western medical professional. As a culture, we owe it to ourselves to reduce and reverse disease and disorders we have acquired through bad habit, so we can focus on treating those that cannot be reversed and must be "cured."
Excellent video! All healthcare providers should see this - we are asked every day "What can I do for my health", and this is clearly the simplest answer, but is so difficult to convey to patients. Thanks for summing it up at a level that EVERYONE can understand!
I started a walking regiment about 6 months ago creating a walking route which I timed at 45 minutes. The route is located within a mixed residential and business area in my neighborhood which is less boring and convenient. I can now walk this same route in 1/2 hour at a normal but brisk rate. Works great in terms of mindset in taking 30 minutes out of my day and commiting to doing some form of physical activity. It doesn't require a schedule involving other people and the solitude is a bonus.
On the days when I do not want to exercise, I watch this again.... and then I get moving. Thank you for helping many of us to gradually change our lifestyles.
The single best video on TH-cam, this video must be shared amongst all family and friends regularly and shown in all schools. I have not seen a video that puts it message across as well as this one, it does it in a low key non-aggressive manner but demands to be taken seriously with the thought that has gone into the presentation style and content. Just amazing.
I have always felt there is great value in regular exercise. I have been very physically active all my life. But, I expected your message to be that stress reduction was the key! I have been practising meditation for little over a year now and have been amazed at how much it has improved my sense of well being and my quality of life. I believe that with out resolving ones stress, many will have difficulty sustaining healthy habits Having a peaceful life is key. We are here for a good time...
Mike - Even though I try to keep up with HDL, my wife found this, not me, and I was delighted to find it! (She does these kinds of sketches herself and loved this one). A million and a half views later, wow! A great way to share the message and how fantastic the impact.
When I was a kid. I had a generator light on my bike. As long as my bike wheels were moving I had light. Why can't we have TV and Computers like that. Make elipticals, treadmils, and statationary bikes generators and if you want to watch TV you must generate the energy to watch it or use it byworking out. You can relax during commercials. Also if just walking is benifitful then make it so you don't have to break a sweat to use it.
Thanks Mike..Trouble is , we dont live in jungles anymore ...forget the couch and TV ...many of our jobs promote sedentary lifestyle...we just have to take an hour out everyday and walk, swim, bike and run. I am 62 and I swim every summer in our community pool ..Thanks Mike
Of all the many shows I watched about weight loss, (sitting on the couch staring at the "chronic disease" machine snacking while others worked out or told me how to lose weight) THIS blew them away!! You have motivated me greatly!! Bless you!
I know a lot of people make this complicated,and I appreciate your making health a relatively simple concept... and it is, just getting up and working out on a regular basis and eating properly. It's not complicated. Thank you for sharing your video, which breaks it down for us.
Just forwarded this link to my daughter, who is a Family Practitioner. Congrats on going viral (if you know what I mean). Thank you for this. It is brilliant. Looking forward to more.
absolutely inspiring. thank you. I loved all the references back to the studies done. I loved the way it has been presented with the sketches and the white board. this needs to be shown to as many people as possible. I am going to make it my priority to be active 30 mins a day. I will sit down and make a plan to make this happen, better than any pill and it is free. thank you again.
I went to a health seminar this past week in Gatineau and the MD who presented a 1/2 day on maintaining good health in retirement told us to check out your video. I am so glad I did, it is excellent! I love the creativity behind the message....amazing stuff. Thank you!!
Wow. I'm 12 years old and this video inspired me so much to become more healthy and to get more active for my own sake. I understood this video even though there where a few big words but the drawings really helped. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start a new fresh. More exercise from joe on and less tv! Thank you so much:)
Incredible. What ever happened to simplicity? I don't think anyone has ever been able to communicate this message so clearly in the modern day and age. You sir are an inspiration. That video breaks all sorts of boundaries and even shuts up the ever so persuasive "Gym freak", if you know what I mean. The ones that constantly tell you that anything under 30mins, and isn't HIGH intensity is useless. I thank you for this video. This is something I will watch repeatedly to better my life. Cheers!
I cannot praise you and your staff's production enough.Concision and clarity squared. Massive gratitude to your team. Love the art/direction. SUBSCRIBED!! :)
I lost my dog a couple of years ago. After that I lost my will to get out and just walk for the hell of it. I'm going to change that today. I will take a walk just for fun for at least thirty minutes every day or evening. I like evening better, less people on the street and all. This video was very informative.
Could have saved the time watching, but really don;t we already know we should be exercising 30 minutes a day? the video does an amazing job framing the problem and pointing out that the solution is not in a bottle it is within our control and costs us nothing but 30 minutes a day. So worth it!
One of the most brilliant and narrowly focused presentations I've seen. Bravo, Dr. Mike! Most importantly, the research and evidence was done to support the presentation in a wonderfully appealing way...thank you
I've just started walking 7 weeks ago now up to 3 miles a day, look better, feel better, sleep better. I am a 68 yr old female have never been overweight was a size 8 now a 6 did weigh 139 now 131 but I have firmed up all over my leg muscles which I haven't seen in years are now defined my neice noticed them last week it was a good feeling knowing that my new walking schedule is paying off. Thank you Dr. Mike for this wonderful video it has inspired me to forge on!!
Best Dr I have heard, In the last few month I stopped nearly any activity and I can the importance of this video. (I am 37). Me too trying to create some changes and get more people into gardening. I will publish it on my pages - Bless you Dr... Ofer
I found this video very helpful, in the sense that I can use a thirty minute per day exercise regimen to combat any illnesses that I have now. It is also a good way to prevent early death. I have a dog, whom I walk every day in the cooler months of South Texas, but when it is hot, like it is now, I slack. But there are many solutions, some of which are mentioned in this wonderful video. I personally park in a farther parking spot most times so I can get some extra walking in their. Thank you for posting.
A great video. Last year I walked daily for 30 minutes, plus climbed 96 stairs aproximately 3 to 4 times a week. I wanted to be fit for my trip to Israel---lots of walking! slacked off since returning home. You've motivated me to get back to an invigorating habit. Mary 77 years old:)
Dr. Evans a BIG thank you for that simple yet powerful presentation. Free of jargons and full of common sense! Clearly you care about the health and well being of fellow human beings. God Bless you!
I've got a nasty autoimmune disease (+other issues;wonky thyroid,chronic pain,PCOS,^BP,etc.)& was on steroids for freaking ever (5+yrs straight& 3 yrs on&off)& was a freaking parade float & after weaning off of steroids had lost over 130lbs (still going too)& while cutting out a lot of crap from my diet was key, getting off my duff was the best thing I could do for myself & awakened my libido. Just a little time on a recumbent bike, walking,& dancing helped a lot! You do a lot by doing a little.
A Facebook friend shared your video. It inspired me to resume the daily exercise regimen I had abandoned when my tv broke down and I could not use my workout video. I have recently gained weight and for the first time had episodes of hypertension. Luckily I was able to manage the hypertension with diet change. I liked your presentation style. It's very effective.
Doc Mike Evans....just loved it...They say big things come in small packages...This simple videos was 1 of the best i ever seen..I have gone from 28 Waist to 35 Waist in just 1 year frm Jan13 to 14...and i am alredy starting to feel its effects ..have 2 go back frm 35 to 28...Thanks for the wonderfull vid...
I started exercising about 1.5 hours a week on the elliptical about a month ago, and I've been really down on myself because I don't see many physical results. However, what he said in the video, about exercise counteracting the negative effects of obesity--while I'm not even overweight--really helped me see the light. :)
That was excellent. My daughter and I have been working out several months now, and along with changing how we eat it's made a great difference. I can't imagine going back to our careless ways.
Great talk. As a family medicine resident I find the hardest part about getting patients to exercise is showing them why it's so important. Motivation is key, and sorely lacking. I live in a cold part of the world, but 30 minutes a day should be achievable by anyone, any time.
This is the single best presentation on "Exercise as Medicine" I have ever seen in my 30 years in the field and even compared to hour or 2 hours presentations. Bravo on getting the message across so plainly and clearly! ACE Ex. Physiologist
what a fascinating video! I love the doodle video it was entertaining and kept me watching! although I am a huge fan of nutrition being the key to a healthy lifestyle, I also agree that exercise is equally key :)
How do you differentiate between watching too much tv and not exercising. Seems to me the problem isn't necessarily watching TV but it is that you don't exercise. What if someone followed the exercise plan and still watched a lot of TV, is there a difference there?
Thank you so much for this great vid Doc Evans - here in Australia obesity and general "fat albertness" is becoming a real problem especially among the youth, kids are developing childhood diabetes and related problems at a rate that did not exist 20 years ago. I am 21 years post kidney transplant and have hypertension and other problems, exercise is saving my life and prelonging my graft!! Use it or lose it people!!!
You're welcome to embed the video on your site directly from TH-cam. If you'd like to discuss licensing a copy for further use, contact us corporatewellness (at) myfavouritemedicine (dot) com
I saw this video about a year ago and it totally stuck with me. I made my own video on health using the same program (or similar one) being inspired by your effective use of communication. And now your video is one of the links that pops up after mine :) I am so honoured, thanks for the inspiration!
I have osteoporosis, have always been a walker but the last few years have slacked off - working too much. Now am back to walking, walking the dog an hour a day, trying to get the osteoporosis under control with weight-bearing exercise. Fingers crossed I can keep myself motivated.
thank you. that is somewhat what I have been doing this last week or two. since i am not allowed to drive, take the bus, or work for two weeks after the surgery I just had, I have basically been homebound during this time. so what i have been doing is, climbing four short flights of stairs, taking the elevator down, walking to the end of my short block, walking up four more short flights of stairs, etc. i only do this twice a day, but better something than nothing
Hello Dr. Mike from the Foothills of Alberta. I watched your video and took it to heart. I've walked 57 km in just over a week. My dog Ellie and I feel just GREAT! I do two or three walks a day as weather permits.
Simply brilliant, Doctor. As a person who resists exercise beyond the carrying of heavy books, I believe you've found the key to overcoming such resistance. You're not *telling* me to exercise, you're offering me a challenge to solve. I believe I *can* limit my sedentary behaviour to 23.5 hrs per day.
What a line. "Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to less than 23 1/2 hours a day"
Amazing to think that this is true for most people
This video has changed my life. Today is my 38th day in a row of exercising at least 30 minutes a day, which is about 37 more than I ever did before. I feel much more energetic and my other health issues have seen a noticeable improvement. Thank you so much Doctor Evans.
Dr. Evans, I need to say thank you...I watched this for the first time last February and it CHANGED MY LIFE. A sedentary 55 yr old woman, borderline obese, just diagnosed with diabetes, even though I'd quit smoking, I was not a healthy person. But since I said "yes" to the question posed @ the end of the video, everything has improved. I walk between 2-5 miles 5 days a week, have lost 30 lbs, done 2 5ks and a 10k, and all of my health stats have improved. I can't thank you enough...
Oh my goodness. This really frightened me. I spend hours in front of my laptop. I always mean to go walking and I am never motivated to go. I am overweight. I have hypertension and high cholesterol both kept in check with medication.
OK I am inspired now. I want to be around for many more years.
For those who dont understand the Orange is the New Black reference here- in episode 7 of the new Netflix blockbuster series- 23 and 1/2 hours is featured. I wont be a spoiler... but it is way cool.
Chapman is the lead protagonist (and a fan of our wee movie)....
I really appreciated this video. I am a lady who has reversed many health problems in the past 14 months,including diabetes type 2, I did it by losing 100 lbs,walking and eating the right foods.
This is very affirming. My husband and I started walking about 15 years ago. We walk almost every day for 30 minutes to an hour. We live in Minnesota, so some people think we are a little nuts, but we find walking in the winter very invigorating and use Get a Grip's to prevent falls. If we dress properly we are never cold. I am now 56 and my husband is 61. We are on no medications. If we need medical treatment we first try less invasive alternative medicine. Great video!
I like the way you said 23 and a half hours of sitting. Instead of walk 30 minutes a day, makes that 1 hour walk seem like a breeze
This video changed my life. I first saw it in February and have walked every day since. Without even trying I lost 10 lbs, but more importantly, I feel so much better in general. Much more energy, less tired, less stressed. Now my whole life revolves around me getting out for my walk.
I gave up my automobile just over one year ago and walking has become a necessity which has developed into a joyful activity!
If all my lectures were like this I would never miss a thing. Great video!
This simple, elegant, brilliance and effectiveness of this 9 minutes of information ROCKS
This is a great little video worth watching by everyone who cares about their health. Nice share Andy Heppelle
Thanks OITNB :) I had to know what our friend Pipes was talking about.
Julie Hedberg Ditto here...
My doctor put me onto this video. Makes soooo much sense. Will put these suggestions into practice and I'm positive my health will be better. Thanks Dr Evans, you're a legend.
Wonderfully presented! I currently live in Okinawa, Japan, and I exercise regularly and eat well. The diet here is fantastic, and people of all ages walk and jog here every night- I have never seen anything like it! It's so refreshing to hear this information from a Western medical professional. As a culture, we owe it to ourselves to reduce and reverse disease and disorders we have acquired through bad habit, so we can focus on treating those that cannot be reversed and must be "cured."
Excellent video! All healthcare providers should see this - we are asked every day "What can I do for my health", and this is clearly the simplest answer, but is so difficult to convey to patients. Thanks for summing it up at a level that EVERYONE can understand!
Lissa Sorsa, thank you for making this important information not boring. :)
I started a walking regiment about 6 months ago creating a walking route which I timed at 45 minutes. The route is located within a mixed residential and business area in my neighborhood which is less boring and convenient. I can now walk this same route in 1/2 hour at a normal but brisk rate. Works great in terms of mindset in taking 30 minutes out of my day and commiting to doing some form of physical activity. It doesn't require a schedule involving other people and the solitude is a bonus.
On the days when I do not want to exercise, I watch this again.... and then I get moving. Thank you for helping many of us to gradually change our lifestyles.
The single best video on TH-cam, this video must be shared amongst all family and friends regularly and shown in all schools. I have not seen a video that puts it message across as well as this one, it does it in a low key non-aggressive manner but demands to be taken seriously with the thought that has gone into the presentation style and content. Just amazing.
I have always felt there is great value in regular exercise. I have been very physically active all my life. But, I expected your message to be that stress reduction was the key! I have been practising meditation for little over a year now and have been amazed at how much it has improved my sense of well being and my quality of life. I believe that with out resolving ones stress, many will have difficulty sustaining healthy habits Having a peaceful life is key. We are here for a good time...
Mike - Even though I try to keep up with HDL, my wife found this, not me, and I was delighted to find it! (She does these kinds of sketches herself and loved this one). A million and a half views later, wow! A great way to share the message and how fantastic the impact.
' Get off the couch and off your computers' people comment as they sit on their couch and are on their computers.
When I was a kid. I had a generator light on my bike. As long as my bike wheels were moving I had light. Why can't we have TV and Computers like that. Make elipticals, treadmils, and statationary bikes generators and if you want to watch TV you must generate the energy to watch it or use it byworking out. You can relax during commercials. Also if just walking is benifitful then make it so you don't have to break a sweat to use it.
Thanks Mike..Trouble is , we dont live in jungles anymore ...forget the couch and TV ...many of our jobs promote sedentary lifestyle...we just have to take an hour out everyday and walk, swim, bike and run. I am 62 and I swim every summer in our community pool ..Thanks Mike
Of all the many shows I watched about weight loss, (sitting on the couch staring at the "chronic disease" machine snacking while others worked out or told me how to lose weight) THIS blew them away!! You have motivated me greatly!! Bless you!
This video was a real eye-opener and a motivator for me to exercise more.
I know a lot of people make this complicated,and I appreciate your making health a relatively simple concept... and it is, just getting up and working out on a regular basis and eating properly. It's not complicated. Thank you for sharing your video, which breaks it down for us.
Outstanding! As an artist, I can definitely appreciate the work that went into this. I'll be sharing with my class!
Just forwarded this link to my daughter, who is a Family Practitioner. Congrats on going viral (if you know what I mean). Thank you for this. It is brilliant. Looking forward to more.
absolutely inspiring. thank you. I loved all the references back to the studies done. I loved the way it has been presented with the sketches and the white board. this needs to be shown to as many people as possible. I am going to make it my priority to be active 30 mins a day. I will sit down and make a plan to make this happen, better than any pill and it is free. thank you again.
I went to a health seminar this past week in Gatineau and the MD who presented a 1/2 day on maintaining good health in retirement told us to check out your video. I am so glad I did, it is excellent! I love the creativity behind the message....amazing stuff. Thank you!!
Wow. I'm 12 years old and this video inspired me so much to become more healthy and to get more active for my own sake. I understood this video even though there where a few big words but the drawings really helped. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start a new fresh. More exercise from joe on and less tv! Thank you so much:)
I just began walking 30 minutes per day last week and I can already tell a difference. This is great advice. :)
I walk an hour most days listening to my Ipod so delighted to know it has so many benefits:)
Incredible. What ever happened to simplicity?
I don't think anyone has ever been able to communicate this message so clearly in the modern day and age.
You sir are an inspiration.
That video breaks all sorts of boundaries and even shuts up the ever so persuasive "Gym freak", if you know what I mean. The ones that constantly tell you that anything under 30mins, and isn't HIGH intensity is useless.
I thank you for this video.
This is something I will watch repeatedly to better my life. Cheers!
I cannot praise you and your staff's production enough.Concision and clarity squared. Massive gratitude to your team. Love the art/direction. SUBSCRIBED!! :)
Beautifully done Dr. Evans. You are successful in motivating, not by being exhortative and pushy, but by being factual and respectful.
He says to exercise 30 minutes a day. There, I just saved you ten minutes.
I lost my dog a couple of years ago. After that I lost my will to get out and just walk for the hell of it. I'm going to change that today. I will take a walk just for fun for at least thirty minutes every day or evening. I like evening better, less people on the street and all. This video was very informative.
Sitting is the NEW Smoking .... I like it!
Could have saved the time watching, but really don;t we already know we should be exercising 30 minutes a day? the video does an amazing job framing the problem and pointing out that the solution is not in a bottle it is within our control and costs us nothing but 30 minutes a day. So worth it!
I'm highly impressed with the message and production quality!
illustrator has done a commendable job too!!
Walking is the best exercise... no doubt about it
One of the most brilliant and narrowly focused presentations I've seen. Bravo, Dr. Mike! Most importantly, the research and evidence was done to support the presentation in a wonderfully appealing way...thank you
Excellent and makes good sense. Affordable too!
This video makes me want to do 2 things:
1) Walk or run 30 minutes a day and...
2) Find a white board to write and draw on!
So cool :)
Awesome video!!!!!!
"I'd do anything to lose weight, except eat healthy and exercise regularly"
I've just started walking 7 weeks ago now up to 3 miles a day, look better, feel better, sleep better. I am a 68 yr old female have never been overweight was a size 8 now a 6 did weigh 139 now 131 but I have firmed up all over my leg muscles which I haven't seen in years are now defined my neice noticed them last week it was a good feeling knowing that my new walking schedule is paying off.
Thank you Dr. Mike for this wonderful video it has inspired me to forge on!!
Just saw this on Netflix OitnB, thank you!
I started walking 30 minutes a day about a year ago. I still am overweight but I feel healthy. This video encouraged me to do more.
Orange is the New Black brought me here!
Woop Woop!
How ?
christina wesley Piper was talking about this video with Mr. Healey, her prison counselor
Best Dr I have heard, In the last few month I stopped nearly any activity and I can the importance of this video. (I am 37). Me too trying to create some changes and get more people into gardening. I will publish it on my pages - Bless you Dr... Ofer
I found this video very helpful, in the sense that I can use a thirty minute per day exercise regimen to combat any illnesses that I have now. It is also a good way to prevent early death. I have a dog, whom I walk every day in the cooler months of South Texas, but when it is hot, like it is now, I slack. But there are many solutions, some of which are mentioned in this wonderful video. I personally park in a farther parking spot most times so I can get some extra walking in their. Thank you for posting.
A great video. Last year I walked daily for 30 minutes, plus climbed 96 stairs aproximately 3 to 4 times a week. I wanted to be fit for my trip to Israel---lots of walking! slacked off since returning home. You've motivated me to get back to an invigorating habit. Mary 77 years old:)
Great stuff. The evidence for doing more exercise is so strong - so why don't we do more?
Dr. Evans a BIG thank you for that simple yet powerful presentation. Free of jargons and full of common sense! Clearly you care about the health and well being of fellow human beings. God Bless you!
You're welcome to embed the video on your site directly from TH-cam
I've got a nasty autoimmune disease (+other issues;wonky thyroid,chronic pain,PCOS,^BP,etc.)& was on steroids for freaking ever (5+yrs straight& 3 yrs on&off)& was a freaking parade float & after weaning off of steroids had lost over 130lbs (still going too)& while cutting out a lot of crap from my diet was key, getting off my duff was the best thing I could do for myself & awakened my libido. Just a little time on a recumbent bike, walking,& dancing helped a lot! You do a lot by doing a little.
Glad to have a standing desk =)
A Facebook friend shared your video. It inspired me to resume the daily exercise regimen I had abandoned when my tv broke down and I could not use my workout video. I have recently gained weight and for the first time had episodes of hypertension. Luckily I was able to manage the hypertension with diet change. I liked your presentation style. It's very effective.
Orange is the new black brought me
Doc Mike Evans....just loved it...They say big things come in small packages...This simple videos was 1 of the best i ever seen..I have gone from 28 Waist to 35 Waist in just 1 year frm Jan13 to 14...and i am alredy starting to feel its effects ..have 2 go back frm 35 to 28...Thanks for the wonderfull vid...
#oitnb brought me here... Chapman was right... I wanna try this...
I started exercising about 1.5 hours a week on the elliptical about a month ago, and I've been really down on myself because I don't see many physical results. However, what he said in the video, about exercise counteracting the negative effects of obesity--while I'm not even overweight--really helped me see the light. :)
Orange is the new black.
That was excellent. My daughter and I have been working out several months now, and along with changing how we eat it's made a great difference. I can't imagine going back to our careless ways.
Any chance of listing the studies in the "more", so people can follow-up on the research?
Great talk. As a family medicine resident I find the hardest part about getting patients to exercise is showing them why it's so important. Motivation is key, and sorely lacking. I live in a cold part of the world, but 30 minutes a day should be achievable by anyone, any time.
Genius. Simple yet profound - the facts speak for themselves. Thanks Dr. Evans!
Who came here from Orange is the new black
This is the single best presentation on "Exercise as Medicine" I have ever seen in my 30 years in the field and even compared to hour or 2 hours presentations. Bravo on getting the message across so plainly and clearly! ACE Ex. Physiologist
watching this AFTER i've already exercised for an hour ^^
I'm very impressed this doctor pointed our the obvious in such a creative way we just can't deny his genius!!!
what a fascinating video! I love the doodle video it was entertaining and kept me watching! although I am a huge fan of nutrition being the key to a healthy lifestyle, I also agree that exercise is equally key :)
Brilliant Doctor.
Brilliant artist.
Brilliant cinematography.
I'm inclined to say this idea is BRILLIANT.
Thanks Doc mike! Great explanation. Love the channel.
It's the truth and the whole, incredible truth. Every study regarding walking says the same thing - keep walking to keep living.
How do you differentiate between watching too much tv and not exercising. Seems to me the problem isn't necessarily watching TV but it is that you don't exercise. What if someone followed the exercise plan and still watched a lot of TV, is there a difference there?
AQGOAT24 Same question...
AQGOAT24 There is no single best thing you can do for your health. Everything (diet, stress, sleep, exercise, etc.) is equally important.
Thank you so much for this great vid Doc Evans - here in Australia obesity and general "fat albertness" is becoming a real problem especially among the youth, kids are developing childhood diabetes and related problems at a rate that did not exist 20 years ago. I am 21 years post kidney transplant and have hypertension and other problems, exercise is saving my life and prelonging my graft!! Use it or lose it people!!!
anyone else here from OITNB?
You're welcome to embed the video on your site directly from TH-cam. If you'd like to discuss licensing a copy for further use, contact us
corporatewellness (at) myfavouritemedicine (dot) com
Chapmen sent me here.
I saw this video about a year ago and it totally stuck with me. I made my own video on health using the same program (or similar one) being inspired by your effective use of communication. And now your video is one of the links that pops up after mine :) I am so honoured, thanks for the inspiration!
lol piper from orange is the new black mentioned this video!
I have osteoporosis, have always been a walker but the last few years have slacked off - working too much. Now am back to walking, walking the dog an hour a day, trying to get the osteoporosis under control with weight-bearing exercise. Fingers crossed I can keep myself motivated.
"Orange is the New Black" brought me here!! Hahaha
This is so simple concept but we miss it and regret it when it is too late. Good work with graphics. Truly motivating !
This is really interesting :3
This could not be more spot on. The way it is done is interesting and grabbing. 30 minutes is nothing though people, get on it!
Who else watched this cause it was mentioned in Orange is the New Black?
thank you. that is somewhat what I have been doing this last week or two. since i am not allowed to drive, take the bus, or work for two weeks after the surgery I just had, I have basically been homebound during this time. so what i have been doing is, climbing four short flights of stairs, taking the elevator down, walking to the end of my short block, walking up four more short flights of stairs, etc. i only do this twice a day, but better something than nothing
Oitnb anyone?
Hello Dr. Mike from the Foothills of Alberta. I watched your video and took it to heart. I've walked 57 km in just over a week. My dog Ellie and I feel just GREAT! I do two or three walks a day as weather permits.
Until about 2:10 I had my fingers crossed that he was going to say, "Bacon"!
I think I can definitely limit by sitting and being sedentary to 23 and 1/2 hours a day! Thank you for all of this useful information, Dr. Evans!
orange is the new black
Simply brilliant, Doctor. As a person who resists exercise beyond the carrying of heavy books, I believe you've found the key to overcoming such resistance. You're not *telling* me to exercise, you're offering me a challenge to solve. I believe I *can* limit my sedentary behaviour to 23.5 hrs per day.