Got a 9mm set up on my Dillon 650. It's great. When I decap my brass I use my sizing die so after cleaning I mount a Lyman M-die in station 1, powder drop in 2, bullet drop in 3, seater in 4 & crimp in 5. and the press runs like greased lightning.
Thats great to hear! The Lee Bullet Die can work on any press sounds like you have a well oiled machine working to your advantage and most of all you are enjoying this great hobby stay safe and have a great Xmas!
It seems like it might be similar to a popular 3d printed bullet feeders except obviously this one is metal. I have a couple of the 3d printed ones that I bought online. And I did laugh at your camera mishaps, haha!
Yes there are numerous 3d printed feeders out there I think I have a few laying around I don't edit my videos so they are all first take and being a ameture at this I share some humorous moments thank for watching!
Is the bullet feed device on the back side of the Lyman turret press an RCBS bullet feed. Regardless I would be very interested in a video on it. Also comparing the two would be even better.
The bullet feeder on the back side is set up for 44mag using a Mini Mr Bullet Feeder Die from Alpha Dynamics which is made of plastic and the bullet tube assembly is from SoCal S&W I have a video on the Lyman All-American 8 using that set up the Lee bullet feed dies are less expensive and built better anytime I can steer away from plastic I do so thanks for watching!
Thank you I was going to edit the failure of my tripod but it was worth a good laugh this bullet die system works really good haven't had a failure yet going to replace mini mr. bullet feeder plastic die with Lee's thanks for watching!
Yes Lee Precision has always led the way for affordable supplies and quality is good I purchased all caliber pistol bullet dies they work so well thanks for watching!
I'm not sure what you mean by bullet 15 look at your instructions that came with the die there are 2 ball bearing inside of die that you can adjust for your bullet the instructions explain this process
@@reloader523 how long (base to tip) are the projectiles you use when reloading? I have 9mm bullets 15.5mm long and the LEE inline die doesn't work for me and two projectiles fall through at once. So I want to find out if I have the die set incorrectly or if the die cannot be set to this length. 🙏
@Hmyzis if you go to and scroll to bottom of page click on instructions and find category lee Dies you can view instructions or download it
Sorry about that thanks for mentioning it I have my Lee ABLP press set up for 45lc so I just ran a few cases thru that for video it was easier to show this product on the Lyman press thanks for watching!
I get most of my reloading supplies from to many numbers to list here dies are caliber specific do a search on website and it will get you the info thanks for watching!
Very Nice. Good to see, Lee making more great products. Thanks for the explanation and video
Got a 9mm set up on my Dillon 650. It's great. When I decap my brass I use my sizing die so after cleaning I mount a Lyman M-die in station 1, powder drop in 2, bullet drop in 3, seater in 4 & crimp in 5. and the press runs like greased lightning.
Thats great to hear! The Lee Bullet Die can work on any press sounds like you have a well oiled machine working to your advantage and most of all you are enjoying this great hobby stay safe and have a great Xmas!
Impressive! Thanks for the video!
I just got mine today it works amazing
It seems like it might be similar to a popular 3d printed bullet feeders except obviously this one is metal. I have a couple of the 3d printed ones that I bought online. And I did laugh at your camera mishaps, haha!
Yes there are numerous 3d printed feeders out there I think I have a few laying around I don't edit my videos so they are all first take and being a ameture at this I share some humorous moments thank for watching!
That’s a nice setup.
Is the bullet feed device on the back side of the Lyman turret press an RCBS bullet feed. Regardless I would be very interested in a video on it. Also comparing the two would be even better.
The bullet feeder on the back side is set up for 44mag using a Mini Mr Bullet Feeder Die from Alpha Dynamics which is made of plastic and the bullet tube assembly is from SoCal S&W I have a video on the Lyman All-American 8 using that set up the Lee bullet feed dies are less expensive and built better anytime I can steer away from plastic I do so thanks for watching!
Rcbs is bullshit...
Good stuff, Reloader!🙂
Thank you I was going to edit the failure of my tripod but it was worth a good laugh this bullet die system works really good haven't had a failure yet going to replace mini mr. bullet feeder plastic die with Lee's thanks for watching!
So I already have a Mr. Bullet feeder die. Would the Lee in line tube/cassette work on the Mr. Bullet feeder die?
Unfortunately the Lee Bullet Magazine base is to small to fit the Mr. Bullet feeder die Do you think that was done on purpose? Lol
Figures. Those sneaky bastards. Thanks for the reply/info tho.
If you are looking for a quality Bullet Tube here's a link I have a few of these and are well built plus they look sharp
Where did you find that LEE press cover?
Those are pillow cases that I had made with the Lee logo
DAA mini Mr.Bullet feeder is not a plastic die. It is all aluminum FYI and works like a charm.
The Lee even though caliber specific seems like a more affordable option?
Yes Lee Precision has always led the way for affordable supplies and quality is good I purchased all caliber pistol bullet dies they work so well thanks for watching!
Hello, how long bullets you are using in lee bullet feeder? I use bullet 15,5mm long and doesnt work... 😕
I'm not sure what you mean by bullet 15 look at your instructions that came with the die there are 2 ball bearing inside of die that you can adjust for your bullet the instructions explain this process
@@reloader523 how long (base to tip) are the projectiles you use when reloading? I have 9mm bullets 15.5mm long and the LEE inline die doesn't work for me and two projectiles fall through at once. So I want to find out if I have the die set incorrectly or if the die cannot be set to this length. 🙏
@@reloader523 by the way I havent instruction list - die is from "second hand" - balls are in the upper wholes.
@Hmyzis if you go to and scroll to bottom of page click on instructions and find category lee Dies you can view instructions or download it
Once you get to instructions page scroll down to Inline Bullet Feeders and pick your caliber
Will it work with the socal feeder?
Yes I had the socal feeder installed before I switched to the Lee feeder
Why did you switch? If you don't mind
@matthewgaeta2088 I like to do videos of new products for the public to see I'm always switching things up for the videos
You forgot to mention that the cases have to be expanded first. Looked like you used a Lyman M die.
Sorry about that thanks for mentioning it I have my Lee ABLP press set up for 45lc so I just ran a few cases thru that for video it was easier to show this product on the Lyman press thanks for watching!
Pretty self explanatory
I get most of my reloading supplies from to many numbers to list here dies are caliber specific do a search on website and it will get you the info thanks for watching!
What the brands on the aluminum feeder you back back there on the mini bullet feeder never seen one of those
You can get that at thanks for watching!