"I don't touch things that don't belong to me." Are women things? Does he own the chair he is sitting on? That statement was so indicative of his sexism.
Violet Tippet I did find it rather humorous (in a sad kinda way) to see someone who is unwilling to shake the hand of a female staff member of the show but then try to spin that into him somehow being more respectful of women because of that. It was also just saddening and angering to once again see even Islamic women flat out lie, lie, lie, lie, and lie again about the truth of Islamic practice and the sickening oppression of women nearly universally throughout the Muslim world. At least Christians are willing to admit the violent and oppressive verses are in the bible. Most Muslims I've seen debating all refuse to even acknowledge that the violent verses are in there and even if you quote the verse they will STILL deny it.
MrPoster42 They would never admit! They seem to have a very sly side to them and would never admit. It's almost like they are enjoying and passionately defending the situation they are in!
You can't say that the bible was written in a context of its time, and then say the bible is divinely inspired. Either your god supports gender equality or not.
Christians always do this. They say the Bible is morally objective yet as soon as someone brings up one of the absolutely disgusting things done by the people in it they go “but that was a different time.” Either I get to own other people or you can’t take the Bible as truth. There is no in between, that’s moral objectivism.
Either god and his bible is just or he is not! If you read the bible you’ll see that he is anything but just. He is obviously an unjust, racist, misogynistic narcissist! If you want something like that as your god, what does that say about you and your church?
Rabbi got nervous when I asked why is it when a boy's born the woman is unclean for 4 days but if she has a girl she's unclean for 66 days my question is where the hell do they get these numbers from?
Most rabbis get nervous with most of those kinds of questions, even bringing up the fact that during the temple they would provide a coin to count the people, women were considered half or less of a coin. Most laws in regard to women in the torah are demeaning, but rabbis and orthodox communities will dismiss it or find a way to stop the questioning since they don't have a valid reason. Some will come up with excuses of the times, and how it was different back then, some rabbis will try and say it was because they weren't there (in the area during counting) since they are with the children, and so forth. Some will even say you need to look at it in a different way, and there's a deeper meaning to the things in the torah, but it all turns out to be one excuse after another. Keep answering a question with a question, never actually answering anything. Oh and the story of Esuv and Yakov, pretty awful, trying to play it as an underdog story to justify horrible treatment of a person, deception to get what you want, and forcing out a family member because Yakov don't want to be a servent to his brother. The whole story is asinine. And that's just one of the many, and Yakov is supposed to be one of the men to aspire too, one of the 3 fathers. He's not someone who should be praised for how he went about a multitude of things in his life. Just some food for thought. Regardless, I hope you keep asking your rabbi questions and keep researching for yourself too.
Darkvoice1984 1984 look at the animals given for sacrifice on behalf of the mother in Leviticus. Same animal no matter the gender. This undermines the argument that it’s saying a girl is less than a boy. The number of days is clearly twice for a girl. I am guessing that because the menstrual period renders one unclean, the girl is related to menstruation somehow, thus the extra days. That’s only my guess. I’ve read that there are cases of newborn girls having blood discharge.
That Jewish man was being deceptive. He was doing everything to avoid saying that the reason he doesn't want to touch other women is because *they are another MAN's property.* Thus proving the point of the show.
smh believe what u want to believe. Religion is one of the best things for women, or anyone for that matter. Thats my opinion and if urs differs then good for you, but calling me mentally ill isnt going to get your argument anywhere
Cristian M it’s so funny how it’s never the women that are part of whatever said religions complain or even comment about any misogyny,discrimination or oppression towards women in their religion,but it’s always those who DON’T follow whatever religion that are the ones screaming the loudest about their oppression lmao,that clearly gives you the answer that’s it’s not whatever religion that is at fault
And which of these three "qualities" explains why Nicky Campbell has her, alone, on almost every episode? I think it has to do with the fact that many of his guests are also brilliant and amazing.
You once carried me for nine months. Then you went through excruciating pain in order for me to exist. Then you fed me until I became a man. Now put that veil on and walk behind me!
@@gerryburntwood9617 What does St. Paul declare? "10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; 11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself". Titus 3:10-11 (KJV)
@@servantofthelord.7963 listen mate, man made god in the image of man and women got left out! Plus st Paul who was Saul before his name change was a hard core misogynist, who’d even bother to listen to his rubbish.,
@@pretty948Good ole boys club. Men in it owe all they have to it via nepotism/cronyism, men not in it seek to please and serve them to one day be allowed in the club. Women to them are objects, trophies and they use the bible as justification. However, they supress and fear one woman above all. She was created equal then was told to submit, chose exile and became a queen in her own right. The Goddess Lilith my Queen.
"I don't touch things that don't belong to me" probably one of the most telling statements in the program. Women as possessions is the common stance of the bible/torah/quran. And I can't go for that.
When you marry, do you say "this is MY husband/ wife" or do you say "this is A husband/wife"? Of course they belong to each other. What's wrong with belonging to someone?
"Are religions unfair to women?" if you have a highschool reading level and can understand what you read....then yes. Anyone saying otherwise is just lying to fit their ideology.
my religion (Islam) is 100% not an ideology!!! It’s a way of life! Islam was given to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have Islam today! There is no god but allah and Muhammad is his messenger ☪️🤲🏾
kimkim1324 When a bunch of crabs are trapped in a bucket, none of the crabs will allow the other crab to get out of the bucket. That's how it is to watch women defend the misogyny of religion.
Suraj Yadav yesyes i get where your coming from, but if a woman chooses to follow a religion it is her choice and she should have the right to do so, some people focus more on the need for spirituality and a connection to god in their life than what the exact words of their spiritual text is
kimkim1324 You know not everyone has a choice to choose a religion. Most of them are just forced upon by their families. This gives an illusion that people are making a decision out of their choice. It sad to see them being chained like that. I guess in some cases ignorance is bliss. A cow will never be happy to know its a cow and it would one day be slaughtered by the very people who feed it.
Suraj Yadav yeah what your talking about is reliqious indoctrination yeah its true but we cant really go around telling parents how to parent their kids so, and some people do choose to lead a religiouse or spiritual life and im sure u agree that they have the right to, for some people their spirituality is all they have, or it makes their life so much better
The word unclean that was there was an English interpretation of a Hebrew word that had more of a conceptual meaning than a definite one which is what was given to it when translated to English. He wasn't distorting the meaning he was explaining the initial intention
No the Rabbi is correct. Some translations write it as 'ritually unclean' and it is the idea of spiritual impurity rather than physical impurity. When the Rabbi says by stepping on a bug you become unclean, it is because a life form has been killed unjustly and this has consequence on the ritual purity of the person in question. The best modern day example I could give of he feeling of being ritually unclean is if one were to think about a taboo subject such as incest. Someone would feel disgusted to think about such a thing, it is where people will say "I want to throw up" whilst thinking about something like that, and that is the feeling of ritual impurity. Ancient Jews viewed blood not as something unclean but as something sacred, blood of sacrificed animals used to be painted around the Temple of Yerushalayim once to 'cleanse' it. A boy being circumcised at 8 days does the exact same, the bleeding cleanses the infant.
Exactly, yet they remain oblivious of it. Religious indoctrination is so deep-rooted, that its virtually impossible to reason with religious cult members.
"Let me give you a very clear and easy, uh, understanding of that-" "A difficult understanding would be fine; I'm sure I can cope with it." *DESTROYED*
I love how every religious person on the panel always tries to make her look like some idiot who doesn't understand anything about her own profession. I wonder if that would happen to the same extent if she were male.
@@marioluigi9599 dont try to impose your religious freakery over my freedom of speech. If my words offend your god, let him come and tell me. Dont be offended on behalf of a jealous, murderous, slave supporting imaginary being.
Or in other words, you got your interpretation wrong and mine is right. LOL One would thing this omniscient being would have the ability to communicate his message better, especially a message that ultimately results in the saviour of one's soul, especially that teaches about morally and the correct way of life, you would have thought he made sure they is no ambiguity in his message. Its almost as if it was written by some fallible men with fallible ideas and mindset. Hmmm
@Sandeep Mehta as an ex Muslim Woman ( I am 18 right now so talking about my childhood , I was raised as a Muslim) And I do justify you religions sucks Truly!! But you were a bit offensive however it still does not make you less right lol
Islam is the fastest growing religion because of geography. All Muslim countries and it's neighbors are notoriously uneducated places. Wherever there's a high level of education, all religions, Islam included, fade away rapidly, I'm quite happy to report.
@Sandeep Mehta No. It doesn't mean that. First off, I mentioned a statistic, not an exception-less truth. Secondly, the classic greek philosophers' education, compared to a modern country's education would be laughably bad.
@Sandeep Mehta I never said anything about western geography. Muslim countries aren't, in the vast majority, western nations. But I do agree with you that those uneducated countries that are often Muslim also have reproduction rates higher than western ones, which contribute to Muslims growing in numbers. I meant to say to the person I was answering to, that the reason why Islam is growing fastest is certainly not because it is anyhow superior to other religions or secularism. Do you agree?
It’s just really crushing to think that the gender I’ve been born as can limit me and discredit me in my abilities and potential in the eyes of people I’ve never met and don’t even know me. I grew up feeling like I could do anything as long as I worked hard enough. As I grew older I started to notice the obstacles that were placed in front of me and realized that it wasn’t my ability to perform the tasks at hand but my gender, especially when working in male dominated roles. When my bosses were extremely happy with my work and effort but all I got was inappropriate comments and put downs from outside contractors and coworkers it sat with me heavily.
you are angry,when you have disadvantage because of your gender,but somehow "suprisingly" your gender never get angry,when men has disadvantage,because ot their gender,but you talk about gender equality-"logical" and "fair" from your gender another thing you can't wait something from the another gender,what your gender not willing to do.
Sorry but you bring the unwanted attention by allowing it too happen... men don't stand for this and this is why we are fundamentally different and so we should be... stop playing victim and stand up for yourself😅
Rev Robert West You can, depending on where and when. Christianity has a horrible history of treating women badly; thankfully now most Christians don't condone the beating of women by men. Some still do, of course. But just because Islam on the whole is worse than Judaism and Christianity doesn't mean those two religions aren't sexist - as we've seen here, the texts themselves are vastly misogynistic.
@@TN-ju4ro It doesn't require religion to conclude that women are equal. Religions love to hijack everything, from morals to science. The ironic and oblivious fact that apologists utter "this and this religion allows this" is already a failure..because you can't lower yourself by putting a supernatural ideology on a pedestal, as if anything it claims is valid to begin with. The whole faith dogma is rotten to the core.
22:36 It's totally wrong to say that 'it's not religion that oppress women, but men'. It's abrahamic religions that have been inspiring men to act that way for centuries and women to submit. So clearly it's those religion's fault.
@@gerryburntwood9617 In Sanskrit or any traditional Hindu passage no equivalent word for caste is seen. It is a Portuguese term. We had the Varna system where Caste was mobile and based on personal qualities, for example the caste Bhats who record family trees had qualities such as literacy and great memory retention alongside empathy. Unfortunately, in modern India an insidious caste system has been instituted for the sake of the elite and become entrenched. This is not Hinduism which is why we are reforming it. Hinduism is ultimately a collection of Indic philosophy, and we have female goddesses such as Durga who are revered. Hinduism and Buddhism don’t have prescriptions for life and are changing bodies of work we don’t state that females should clean,be subservient to their husbands and so forth, whereas Abrahamic religions do. This is why Hindu clerics can be male or female. In Buddhism there is no demarcation between male or female either, both have to shave their head to become monks hence you shouldn’t be able to discern whether a Buddhist monk is man or woman. But you are certainly right, sexism and racism are still issues at hand that we are seeking to reduce.
There was a poll quoted in an article in 2015 (can't remember which publication) about Female Genital Mutilation, in which the practitioners who actually cut girl's clitorises were asked "what would make you stop performing FGM"? TWICE as many respondents cared about religious instructions, compared to those who cared about the medical opinion that FGM is harmful.
Those women defending their religions are delusional. The fact that they're allowed to open their mouths in such a debate sitting next to men is not because of your religions granted them that. It's western enlightenment, pioneer feminists who fought for that. They're general defence is that you have to reinterpret the verses to make it fit to modern standards. Reinterpret all you want, it only means that all your verses are outdated. If God is really all knowing and omniscient he would've put it in in the first place. But he didn't. What does that tell you about (the existence of) your god? What verses are correct or outdated? If a God that is omnipotent and really care about how people would like to understand him, why would he not care about what's written about him?
@@mrthinker321 because it's not, maybe you live in a metropolitan city or your family is uppercaste progressive but most of India is not like that , most Hindu people are not like that . They face discrimination on the basis of gender everyday from being considered untouchable while menstruating , being sent to live in small secluded huts , not allowed to enter places in their own houses etc. And then there's this whole thing about not letting your women out of the house and if they do go out you have the right to rapē them case they don't follow the _culture_ . Also marital rapē need I say more ? And being treated as baby Machines still . Sure Maybe these things are not directly tied to Hinduism and it's beliefs but this is what "Hindus" these days follow . I understand that this isn't how it's supposed to be but many individuals of the country follow these practices in the name of Hinduism and hence I feel that they do not see everyone as equals. Upperclass , uppercaste Hindus are a lot better but they too are pretty unfair when it comes to decision making of their daughters and fail to give them agency of their own body.
Holy shit. If “Alison” having to be in disguise and give herself an alias isn’t the best example of what religion has done to women, I don’t know what is.
The iron is astonishing, for most of these religious fools to sit there and argue their cults vehemently is a disgrace and embarrassment when the blatantly obvious answer is right there in front of them.
why the fuck after this whole long video people still cant manage to make a difference between religion and culture and politics and how HUMANS use them to opress people like insert that in ur brain if u have one ..... i feel bad she is that scared but its not cause of islam its her right to leave the religion only crazy people would oppose to that thats it religions are most of the time beautiful until humans make some stupid interventions the problem is humanity not what they use to screw this world up .
Why are these religious books era-specific when they're meant to be inspired/written by an all-knowing, all-powerful god ? Clearly the books were written by man with no direction from any such all-knowing entity.
This is why I sincerely support First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative on education, "let girls learn" . In Nigeria, the unlawful practices of 'child marriages' is particularly rampant amongst the Hausa/Fulani of Northern Nigeria.
The fact that the first Humans creation story in the bible is scientifically false, and is demonstated as such...... Let's just all ignore that and assume it's true anyway and debate it! WTF! It falls at the first hurdle, like many things religions claim to be true.
@@lexussykes Old English had three words: man ('human being'), werman ('male human', i.e., man), and wifman ('female human, i.e., woman). Over time, man came to be used for males, and the old wer suffix stopped being used - it's still present in a few words like werewolf ("man-wolf"). The old word wifman became woman
Modern and Friendly? Truth Of Jesus Christ is inflexible and the Devils lies are highly flexible: it is not the truth of Jesus and his bible that need to change but rather we need to change to suit the ABSOLUTE truth of Jesus Christ and his holy bible. It is very wrong to apologize for HOLY Jesus Christ as if his righteousness was a shameful secret/disgrace. Jesus is full of Grace rather than the twisted modern view he is a disgrace. Stop apologizing for Jesus Christ and stand up for him without any apology of any description
@@rockofoffence this reads like a 5 year old with a superiority complex had a mental breakdown when someone said "my daddy is stronger than your daddy". Anyway... I took a long enough break from sacrificing goats to my lord Lucifer. I better get back to it before he notices and gets angry. Thanks for the laugh though
@@Praxis4RageBaiting You are talking as if my superiority over you is fictional and dysfunctional There is nothing fictional or dysfunctional about it I serve Jesus Christ and of course I am better than you It is Dawkins who is the dysfunctional spoilt brat and Jesus Christ will place him in the naughty corner in the final instance he will burn for all time and all eternity if he cannot learn to behave himself expect punishment from Jesus Christ yourself for treating Dawkins as grown up and myself as immature if you think I am immature boy will Jesus place you in the naughty corner: Prophet Joshua Apollos John Abraham Priestly
Jesus is full of grace? Isn't it him who told men to leave their wives,children and families and follow him? The bloke if existed was a nutter, that had a bit of a following and a story about him got way out of hand.
It is the height of absurdity, where modern religious people - especially women - try to perform mental gymnastics to twist and contort their Bible or Quran to reflect more modern sensibilities with regards to the value of women. You would think that any book purported to be inspired by the perfect Creator of the universe (i.e. the Bible) or dictated by the perfect Creator of the universe (i.e. the Quran) would have gotten such important issues right the first time around - without appeal to context and cultural evolution. These liberal minded theologians and lay believers need to just acknowledge that, having to reinterpret such books every time humanity moves past them, is an indication of their obsolesce and a disproof of their divine authorship or inspiration.
If you opened a cookbook written in the Bronze Age, and tried to follow its recipes, you would do mental gymnastics then, too. But it might still be interesting and even fulfilling to learn to cook in the style of those chefs in the Bronze Age.
Here we have the Hindu model. As the humanity evolves, another avatar is needed to deal with the newer situation.....not that god in giving his rules is wrong but humanity is changing...so a new set of rules may be needed.
Being Christian should mean to follow Jesus which imo requires no mental gymnastics (just understanding). The religion is called Christianity not Biblianity and Jesus is the Messiah not the Bible (even though you need the Bible to understand Jesus but thats not the same thing)
I was raised Catholic, and to hear that woman say that priesthood is not about leadership was unbelievable. Priests are leaders, nuns are subordinate to priests. Women do run the church doing the hard work, but the men make autonomous decisions and any decisions the women make must be approved by the men.
Because Americans live in a christian world view and so do you! That's why christian countries have woman's rights and freedom for all. Christian countries were fist to abolish slavery! Go to any Muslim country in Africa or Middle East and try and swim or drive as a woman;) or get a divorce.... If your just a animal like a chimp, why is murder bad or rape? Chimps and all other animals don't agree that it's bad, only humans?😬
Christian nationalism and extremism have moved into the open since trump. Having a compulsive liar who spreads hate has emboldened bigots to say the quiet thing out loud.
@@wickjezek5093 I can name 3 lies the media has told for every lie you can name that Trump has told. I can also show you video of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden saying marriage is between a man and a woman. Trump when asked says let them do what they want, I'm from New York. I can give you 3 racial slurs Biden said for every one of trumps. You wanna play the game??? Didn't thinks so.Back to your safe space child...
America is the most religious developed country, that speaks for itself..highly driven by the Bible Belt and right-wing politics. Evangelicals are dangerous..
*_Are religions unfair to women?_* Take a cursory glance at human history, or just read the headlines coming from the Middle East. That will answer your question.
A Bernie girl!? Want to get together and I will whisper sweet policies in your ear? Eg. "I am gonna pound you like a one payer system pounds disease into submission" or "Your panties a gonna drop faster than the cost of education if Bernie gets in" What about - "Let's split your legs like Bernie will split the big banks" I will assume "NO" is the answer lol, take care, just jokes. #FeelTheBern
Francesca Stavrakopoulou is the only woman there not religious, while being the only one admitting religion is unfair to women. In other words the only logical woman on the panel is the only one that actually believes in equality. Religious people are so deluded and hypocritical they cannot be honest about their religious views. She is also the prettiest and smartest woman in the whole room.
@@lordvoldemort7465 They are talking about Women in Religious text. And she is not wrong, though she missed a lot. She talks about Hinduism as kind of single religion. She is not a single religion. Vedas are only one part of Hinduism. Women were involved in writing of Vedas. Vedas talk about two energies- Masculine and feminine. They both balances each other. Women were more accepted as themselves when most of sculptures were written. There were plays where women leads the play as central character. There are stories of women as ministers and leader of Kingdom with great wisdom and vision.
Don't Hindu believe the world is balancing on a turtles shell that's standing on 4 elephants??? Hard to believe these days. Like believing zuse is throwing lightning.
This pisses me off! If the text was written by men for men, then you right there are admitting the bible wasn't inspired by divine powers! So then why believe the bible's claim that god exists?!!!!!!! Why must women apologize for the literature that so painfully overtly disrespects them at every turn??!!!!!!!!! I'm freaking going nuts over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It isn't easy to give up tradition, deeply held convictions, and faith. All you can do is try to poke holes in people's belief systems and hope for the best.
Alejandro Ocampo Triggered!!! lol but yes the bable was written by man, roman dictators decided what to include and what to remove. they did not fix the contradictions that plauge it. You really have go lack reading comprehension skills if you dont see all the nonsence and contradictions and belive the bible is the word of god. lol.
Around 23:00 two people say religion isn't to blame, men are. I think this is very UNTRUE. *Religion serves as a societal conduit and justification for sexism, it not only having men but also women themselves believe women are inferior, so that no individual will challenge this sexism.*
The more I listen to these debates and listen to the views of the religious the more convinced I become that they're living in some kind of fantasy world.
Ali Rafiq sry to join the discussion but you are wrong about atheism:) i dont believe in gods does not means gods does not exist :) i accept the possibility gods exist but i chose to not believe because there is nothing on earth atm to let me imagine gods exist :) sry for my english i am not very good :)
Ali Rafiq too say god exist with out evidence is jumping to conclucion too early like to say there is no gods by the lack of evidence but atheism does not means no gods exist it only means the lack of belief in gods it is not the same thing
Ali Rafiq atheism only means we don't believe in gods not gods does not exist, the difference is the possibility of gods existence but because atheist like me can't find anything to let us imagine gods exist we see no reason to believe in the existence of gods so we are atheist en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism for more info on atheism :) sry for my english i am not very good :)
@@M3Busssin Indeed. Her intelligence alone is attractive, but that coupled with her physical appeal makes it all the better..the cherry on top of the cake. I for one cannot stand a woman who happens to be physically attractive, but spews nonsense like horoscopes or apocalyptic religious narratives. Their negligible, shallow trait, that is beauty, is immediately canceled off by virtue of them regurgitating faith-based dogma.
+Ian Cooper But these interviews are great. Do you prefer to watch Kim Kardashans instead? Isn't the question "Is religion unfair to women" a big question?
***** To be honest, I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. This particular comment thread is about whether or not the video is a "big" question or a silly one. The video itself is concerned with religion. I don't see where political biases comes into the issue, except insofar as you brought it up. You may be concerned with political bias. I couldn't give a toss about that issue - not in terms of this thread anyway.
+Ian C I'd agree with you but I think it can be enlightening to hear some of these people lay out their case with absurd arguments. It can pay off to stay informed about the kinds of people roaming this earth..
Which part of this video reinforces your Atheism ? I`ll lay my card on the table with no further ado : That religions may or may not be or have been unfair to women ( as might have the vast part of the history of humankind ) has absolutely nothing whatever to say on the existence ( or none thereof ) of God. You must either think that something necessarily exists ( which is the very definition of God ) or think that something can come from nothing ( which is the very definition of Magic ). Ergo, do you think something must exist ( for anything at all to exist ) or do you believe in Magic ?
@@dogwithwigwamz.7320 Either the world came from nothing = magic God came from nothing to create the world = magic The reality is NOBODY knows how we came to be here. But there is nothing wrong with saying 'i dont know' which motivates investigation. Than say God did it, which promotes ignorance to truth. Dont make a conclusion until you have all the facts otherwise you'll very likely be wrong 🙂
@@zeroeffort1572 did you just or God came from nothing, please understand how to use the word God it means in of itself a being that was always there and created the world.
I love this, the only way Christians qualify these blatantly sexist passages if to blame fallible and human authors but in doing so completely compromises all the validity of these books being ordained and inspired by god.
Not at all my friend. It's a history book. Humans, Christians included have all done horrible things. But Jesus was free of sin. Jesus is proven outside the Bible and documented outside the Bible by Roman historians as well. Like Flavious Jophesus book of antiquities. Or the BOOK OF ANNALS by Tactius.... We based history around christ, BC AD.
The Bible features some historical events. But to call it a historical document is a stretch. Jesus existed and was a prophet, but I don't believe he's the son of God. Jesus preaching is closer to Buddha than to the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible doesn't deserve worship, even if he exists. If history was written by women God would be a mother. Caring, guiding, educating and loving her children. Instead we get oppressive, aggressive, jealous, abusive masculine God.
@@wickjezek5093 Take away the Bible. Flavious Jophesus documented Christ in the BOOK OF ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. Tacitus also documents Christ in the BOOK OF ANNALS. You can read letters that pilot wrote to Tiberus Ceaser.
@@wickjezek5093 The fall of sin and our free will is why we have oppression and stealing, etc.... We could of been created with no free will... Heaven will be perfect and death is just the beginning for some of us and we are just going home.
blaq7427 do you even know why men are supposed to be circumcised? It's written in the bible that when the newborn male cuts his foreskin , the blood that comes out from it is the impure blood of his mother and he gets free from the impurity that women hold. So that's a huge disrespect to women. Now we just do it for hygiene but the real meaning behind circumcision was to free the son from his impure mother.
I love the old guy starting out condescendingly with the 'let me make is simple for you' to the Professor of Theology and Religion. Blatant sexism doesn't make for a good intellectual discussion.
47:18-47:47--Thank you! Finally, someone said it. As a Pagan myself, it irks me that, whenever religious debates are held, only the "major" world religions are included. It's nice that this guy brought up modern Paganism, and he's absolutely right--a lot of people, myself included, are drawn to it because it acknowledges the divine as both masculine and feminine and is less dogmatic than other faiths.
Pagan religions existed all around the world. The Kaaba was a pagan shrine. It housed a Moon God and his 3 daughters. Unfortunately, during 7th century, these pagans went through a horrific fate and other pagans from all around the world suffered a similar fate. In India today, pagans exist, side by side with the Hindus, jains and the Buddhists. We, Hindus worship the Earth, the Sun and the Moon also water, air and fire.
There is no devine if your a pagen.. Just the natural world, no creator... No purpose or value to u. You have the value of dirt from the universe you accidentally came from. It doesn't care about you or give u purpose or even know you...
Watching The Big Question on youtube has made me a huge Francesca Stavrakopoulou fan. Being a biblical scholar, her knowledge of ancient scripture and actual history far exceeds the religious guests on the show. In other segments, it was funny to watch bishops and vicars cringe when she stated she believed Noah and Moses didn't actually exist. And she's very pretty - that's a plus.
Submissive women can worship a god easily. Women who are obedient have no issues with the inequality presented by religion. Treating women with equality is needed for a healthy balance in any relationship.
“Women who are obedient have no issues with the inequality presented by religion”...EXACTLY!! This is why I struggle with returning to the church, as I was already labeled as a rebellious Jezebel because I wouldn’t submit to the prophet. I don’t want to be mistreated again bc I was too strong for them. I get infuriated with women because they let themselves be weakened and are blind to the control/dominance due to this “obedience”. Prophets/pastors love this blind submissive obedience bc they have complete control over their “sheep” for their use/visions.
But Christianity is not unfair to women, whereas Mohammedanism is surely. You have got to distinguish between the enlightened religions, like the Christian faith, and those which are stuck in the Dark Ages of the7th century Desert.
Laughing Gravy: The Holy Bible tells Husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and to give honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel. What is woman-hating about that?
Laughing Gravy: True love begins with a love for the Truth. The woman was the first in sin and given to deception, and she was made after the man and for the man: these are the reasons why women are not to lead in the home or the church. In no way is this grounded on the hatred of women: quite the contrary, we are to love our wives as Christ loved the Church!
Laughing Gravy: Of course I believe in the literal and historical accuracy of all of the Holy Bible. I can see no good reason not to, and I cannot see any good reason to believe in the Myth of Evolution; it is hardly scientific - creatures do not just spring out of nothing, and science is all about design and things that work.
There are more than one kind of these horror books. It's not a single book. These ideologies have been borrowed from other forms of those same types of books. With all the knowledge that has been destroyed. Why did someone think this form of horror would be a good one to keep. Humans are a disgrace to humanity.
Christina Ostil Widows living in the streets in India has nothing to do with Hinduism and everything to do with poverty. Widows aren’t on the street because they’re Hindu widows but because they’re poor. You’ll find Muslim and Christian widows on the streets too. Despite that the poverty is rapidly decreasing due to economic growth and social welfare schemes so make sure you get your facts right before you make blanket statements
Christina Ostil because most Indian women are far too dependent on their make counterparts. So if something happens to them, they don’t have any plan to carry out a normal life
4:14 the archbishop says “we have to understand when they were written, and who they were written for.” That’s exactly what the church and religions do NOT do with the so-called homosexuality passages. Which is why more and more people are walking away from religion and their homophobia.
It amazes me how religious scholars always say "I don't know" when they have to explain the utter crap in holy books when questioned. How can you not know and still have such a passion for religion?
Christian countries didn't only give women equal rights but freedom for all! There is still slavery in many countries around the world. You live with a christian world view of good and evil. When you look at the jungle, you don't see all the killing and animals eating eachother as evil do you? Just life or the circle of life.... now of you think there is good and evil that's from God because who are you to say what's good or right? A lion and zebra would disagree on all these things....
Contraception helps with regulating menstrual cycles, It makes periods less painful, It can banish hormonal acne, It reduces the risk of uterine cancer, It reduces the risk of ovarian cysts and helps with managing bad conditions like menorrhagia and many more. And the possibility to not have babies is a bonus Don’t be ignorant and learn about it. And even if women wanted to have sex and not get pregnant , it’s none of your business anyway!! Are you mad that women are being sexually active? Aww.. well too bad ! Men have being doing that since their whole existence and never got shamed or blamed for it so it is time we get treated equally. Plus having safe sex won’t do anything bad. And also you cannot tell if a woman is a virgin or not simply by looking at her vagina have fun with that last info lol
Have you noticed how, when something wrong/evil/discriminatory, written in a religion text, is pointed out, the followers always explain it away, as misunderstood/misquoted/mistranslated?
No wonder she started talking really, really fast about wives submitting to their husbands. She said to the biblical scholar 'no, that's not at all what it means'. Here's the verse 'Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.' There is no mention that husbands must do the same for their wives, it actually goes on to say 'For the husband is head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior' Context, context!! LOL Modern day religionists, upon reading something which conflicts with our progressive values, simply handwave things away, or invent 'contexts' which are so convoluted that they're just pretzel logic.
i liked the catholic lady...until the very end when she blamed the sexualisation of women on contraception. enjoying your sexuality & being sexualised are 2 very different things - in one your are the subject of pleasure, the other you are the object. deeerrr.
Secular people have morals too. Unlike religious morality which stem from dogma, their morality stems from empathy, compassion, reasoning, etc. And it has nothing to do with hyper sexualization.
I gotten this a lot too. Which is why I typically use verses where the context makes the verse even worse. For example Exodus 21:20-21 with the focus on the reason why that behavior is acceptable, rather the act itself. The context is this is right after the 10 commandments and is further additions by God. The response I get as defense usually is, either it was a different time so it is alright, or it was not written by God. Ironically, I find most take the first argument, realize the issues then promptly take the second. The first defense does not address the point I am making which is the reason why God is saying it is alright. Delving into the why God says it alright tends to lead to either God is lying, mistaken, or allowed itself to be attributed with words it did not say in a time where it was more than willing (and did so) to punish people for wrongs. As to the second, one simply needs to ask for a process or method to determine which things are written by God and which are not.
I was really into what everyone was saying until the woman next to the rabbi said that contraception is what makes women available. What an ignorant and honestly horrible thing to say.
I am an Ex - Muslim Atheist and I really loved that Iranian woman and how she put things I agree with her 100% I wish I could knew who she is because damn I would want to see more of her!
11. Thou shall not think. 12. Though shall not have any knowledge. 14. Though shall not read the bible on your own language (which used to be punishable by death). 13. Though shall listen to your fabulously wealthy leaders and listen to their latest interpretation of an iron age story and just do what they say.
the freemasons: thou shall not lie...but we can thou shall not kill...but we can thou shall not lie...but we can. there it is written by ure gods. ure right though black.
The only argument you can even make in defense of any of those religions is that you interpret the books in such a way that you think the people being sexist are misinterpreting it. But it's undeniable that religion today leads to a great deal of sexism. At that point it basically turns into the gun debate. If soooooo many people are using it to cause harm, at what point are we forced to start putting in restrictions? I say religion should be like drugs. Make it perfectly fine to practice at home (as long as that practice doesn't involve abusive behavior) but keep it out of public places, schools, and most of all government.
"Context of that time." How many times are we going to hear this from religious texts interpreters as an exuse as to why the laws of their holy scriptures, inspired by an omnipotent and all knowing creature, do not apply to them? It would be sensical and fair to just admit that they just do not like it.
Brainwashed. They've been thaught that that's how it's suppose to be, so they belive that that's how it's suppose to be. Like Bob Dylan said: You don't ask questions when God's on your side.
+tmr Hmm..... if God is male. Then, male is their God, right? Can't they even realise that even if they need a religion... it is high time they make a female God - at least for themselves? Anyway, I understand your point. You are absolutely right and I agree. Still... at the end of the day all I can only feel is sadness. It is 2015 now and even humans landing in the moon sounds history today and still there so many people believing in a book written 2000 years ago.
Religion helped women especially marriage. Imagine 500 years ago being a pregnant woman. If the idea of marriage did not exist, you would have been absolutely F%cked.
Watching people arguing over which version of their make believe story is the most correct. Brilliant. It's Like arguing over how wet a drowning man is
The Jewish rabbi is the worst at his apologetics when questioned about the inequality of men and women within his archaic cult. He's just trying to make excuses, and not very effectively.
Don't think he's the worst. What about that Muslim man who tried to make the argument that since the first person to accept Islam was a woman, that means Islam isn't unfair to women?
I love it when they say they are cherry picking to make religion look bad and then cherry pick something nice from the next page to prove religion isn't bad. And that Rabbi 'studies' his religious texts for 10 hours a day?! How many times do you need to read the same book in order to understand it? And if it takes a lifetime of studying 10 hours a day then your god really should've hired better writers.
Also love how the converted muslim is trying to school the woman who had to flee her country because she couldn't stay in her country as a non believer without being killed.
“PUNISHMENT of wives” - Neglect and Silent treatment from the person whom is supposed to protect and nurture you the most has long-term psychological effects often leading to long-term physical ailments ( damage to the neurological system).
Another interesting undertone here is how some of the people involved seemed to pick and choose their religion like it was some kind of smorgasbord. Some advocated changing it fit the modern times. But if you actually believe that those books are the words of God, how can you just decide to change it to whatever you want? The answer is, of course, that there is no god it has always been that way. People make their gods say whatever they want, and write whatever they feel like. These days they can also pick a religion that suits their personality best (at least in the West).
Why is it that "the understanding of the time" is seen as a valid excuse considering that these theists are supposed to be under the guidance of an omniscient being not bound by time and is allegedly unchanging?
Nicky: Why are you rendered more unclean if you have a girl child? Rabbi: I dont actually know the answer to that... Francheska (rubbing her hands together): Ok rabbi its time to take you to school!!
these women desperately trying to cling on to their religion even though they admit it says they are second class citizens, in the 21st century, its a true shame.
6:00 "Paul was doing his best he could with his understanding".... WAIT, WHAT!!! where is GOD with his supreme understanding???? this is why I can not believe why people believe in gods.
"I don't touch things that don't belong to me." Are women things? Does he own the chair he is sitting on? That statement was so indicative of his sexism.
Violet Tippet I did find it rather humorous (in a sad kinda way) to see someone who is unwilling to shake the hand of a female staff member of the show but then try to spin that into him somehow being more respectful of women because of that.
It was also just saddening and angering to once again see even Islamic women flat out lie, lie, lie, lie, and lie again about the truth of Islamic practice and the sickening oppression of women nearly universally throughout the Muslim world.
At least Christians are willing to admit the violent and oppressive verses are in the bible. Most Muslims I've seen debating all refuse to even acknowledge that the violent verses are in there and even if you quote the verse they will STILL deny it.
They would never admit! They seem to have a very sly side to them and would never admit. It's almost like they are enjoying and passionately defending the situation they are in!
Violet Tippet I really couldn't believe he said that...
Awale Abdi
I know it made me sick. I am not anyone's property, and I don't belong to anyone.
What? Women are not supposed to be touched by anyone but their husbands?
What sort of insane reasoning brought you to that conclusion?
You can't say that the bible was written in a context of its time, and then say the bible is divinely inspired. Either your god supports gender equality or not.
Christians always do this. They say the Bible is morally objective yet as soon as someone brings up one of the absolutely disgusting things done by the people in it they go “but that was a different time.” Either I get to own other people or you can’t take the Bible as truth. There is no in between, that’s moral objectivism.
When your answer is always "Magic" and the questions keep revolving around reason
Either god and his bible is just or he is not! If you read the bible you’ll see that he is anything but just. He is obviously an unjust, racist, misogynistic narcissist! If you want something like that as your god, what does that say about you and your church?
The bible is a good door stopper as long as you don’t believe the shit written on it.
He supports Gender dignity. Equality is noneexistent no where, neither in your home or in your relationship.
Religion makes people say dumb, immoral things; It also makes women defend dogma that clearly defines them as property and less than a man
The Atheist woman roasted everyone to death.
She is so pretty. She is a scholar of the Bible and an atheist, waooo!
Rabbi got nervous when I asked why is it when a boy's born the woman is unclean for 4 days but if she has a girl she's unclean for 66 days my question is where the hell do they get these numbers from?
Darkvoice1984 1984 the boy will make for the army that will get his throat cut someday protecting the very tribe which hates him so much lol
Most rabbis get nervous with most of those kinds of questions, even bringing up the fact that during the temple they would provide a coin to count the people, women were considered half or less of a coin. Most laws in regard to women in the torah are demeaning, but rabbis and orthodox communities will dismiss it or find a way to stop the questioning since they don't have a valid reason.
Some will come up with excuses of the times, and how it was different back then, some rabbis will try and say it was because they weren't there (in the area during counting) since they are with the children, and so forth. Some will even say you need to look at it in a different way, and there's a deeper meaning to the things in the torah, but it all turns out to be one excuse after another. Keep answering a question with a question, never actually answering anything. Oh and the story of Esuv and Yakov, pretty awful, trying to play it as an underdog story to justify horrible treatment of a person, deception to get what you want, and forcing out a family member because Yakov don't want to be a servent to his brother. The whole story is asinine. And that's just one of the many, and Yakov is supposed to be one of the men to aspire too, one of the 3 fathers. He's not someone who should be praised for how he went about a multitude of things in his life.
Just some food for thought. Regardless, I hope you keep asking your rabbi questions and keep researching for yourself too.
Darkvoice1984 1984
They pulled them out of their ass.
Darkvoice1984 1984 look at the animals given for sacrifice on behalf of the mother in Leviticus. Same animal no matter the gender. This undermines the argument that it’s saying a girl is less than a boy. The number of days is clearly twice for a girl. I am guessing that because the menstrual period renders one unclean, the girl is related to menstruation somehow, thus the extra days. That’s only my guess. I’ve read that there are cases of newborn girls having blood discharge.
A tribal sexist society of bronze aged goat herders
That Jewish man was being deceptive. He was doing everything to avoid saying that the reason he doesn't want to touch other women is because *they are another MAN's property.*
Thus proving the point of the show.
Uhhh no its bcuz physical contact with the opposite sex (no matter how small) can lead to impure thoughts and actions
Women are also not allowed to shake a man's hand. Goes both ways buddy
Yes but he is wrong women are very important and women should be treated fairly men should not be viewed as below men women are equally important
fsdsd sdv LMAOOO you religious fuckers are HILARIOUS
Psichotica7 exactly
it's absolutely disgusting watching women trying to justify these things.
Its absolutely disgusting when people dont know anything about religion and judge based off face value
You have to be mentally ill to say tha.
smh believe what u want to believe. Religion is one of the best things for women, or anyone for that matter. Thats my opinion and if urs differs then good for you, but calling me mentally ill isnt going to get your argument anywhere
So true. Justifying this crap is horrible!
Cristian M it’s so funny how it’s never the women that are part of whatever said religions complain or even comment about any misogyny,discrimination or oppression towards women in their religion,but it’s always those who DON’T follow whatever religion that are the ones screaming the loudest about their oppression lmao,that clearly gives you the answer that’s it’s not whatever religion that is at fault
Francesca Stravrakopoulou is one of my favorite academics, she takes no prisoners and speaks true. She's the truth bomb.
She’s absolutely brilliant.
Amazing woman!!
he is hot as hell
And which of these three "qualities" explains why Nicky Campbell has her, alone, on almost every episode? I think it has to do with the fact that many of his guests are also brilliant and amazing.
@@Tonybc99 *She* 😅*
You once carried me for nine months. Then you went through excruciating pain in order for me to exist. Then you fed me until I became a man. Now put that veil on and walk behind me!
Abrahamic faiths are misogynistic! Saul who became Paul hated women!
All ignorant wicked lies!!!
@@servantofthelord.7963 you are the liar!
What does St. Paul declare?
"10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; 11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself".
Titus 3:10-11 (KJV)
@@servantofthelord.7963 listen mate, man made god in the image of man and women got left out! Plus st Paul who was Saul before his name change was a hard core misogynist, who’d even bother to listen to his rubbish.,
Internalized sexism is a real issue...
Patriarchy man 😔
Very good pun/example of internalised sexism there.
@@pretty948Good ole boys club. Men in it owe all they have to it via nepotism/cronyism, men not in it seek to please and serve them to one day be allowed in the club. Women to them are objects, trophies and they use the bible as justification.
However, they supress and fear one woman above all. She was created equal then was told to submit, chose exile and became a queen in her own right. The Goddess Lilith my Queen.
"I don't touch things that don't belong to me" probably one of the most telling statements in the program. Women as possessions is the common stance of the bible/torah/quran. And I can't go for that.
When you marry, do you say "this is MY husband/ wife" or do you say "this is A husband/wife"? Of course they belong to each other. What's wrong with belonging to someone?
@@CatHaringtonyou don't belong to anyone but yourself. Religion completely distorts that and takes away from any genuine and independent thought.
"Are religions unfair to women?" if you have a highschool reading level and can understand what you read....then yes. Anyone saying otherwise is just lying to fit their ideology.
my religion (Islam) is 100% not an ideology!!! It’s a way of life! Islam was given to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have Islam today! There is no god but allah and Muhammad is his messenger ☪️🤲🏾
@@hussey78900 delulu
Are religions unfair to women? Yes. Next question: what do we do about it?
Banning religion has never worked out well: it usually ends up strengthening it. We just need to bypass it by making law secular.
Religions are sexist, racist, science-o-phobic atrocities?
You don't say...
Scott Wallace hahaha true
Scott Wallace / before religion men were abusing women / Islam is the best for women
+Alan Yahoo- half right. Guess which half.
It fucking breaks my heart to hear women debating between themselves the varying degrees of misogyny they subject themselves to.
its not 100% their fault social pressure comes into play as well
When a bunch of crabs are trapped in a bucket, none of the crabs will allow the other crab to get out of the bucket. That's how it is to watch women defend the misogyny of religion.
Suraj Yadav yesyes i get where your coming from, but if a woman chooses to follow a religion it is her choice and she should have the right to do so, some people focus more on the need for spirituality and a connection to god in their life than what the exact words of their spiritual text is
kimkim1324 You know not everyone has a choice to choose a religion. Most of them are just forced upon by their families. This gives an illusion that people are making a decision out of their choice. It sad to see them being chained like that. I guess in some cases ignorance is bliss. A cow will never be happy to know its a cow and it would one day be slaughtered by the very people who feed it.
Suraj Yadav yeah what your talking about is reliqious indoctrination yeah its true but we cant really go around telling parents how to parent their kids so, and some people do choose to lead a religiouse or spiritual life and im sure u agree that they have the right to, for some people their spirituality is all they have, or it makes their life so much better
"When you say unclean it doesn't mean dirty." This people would distort any meaning.
In the bible, an unclean animal was an animal that eats meat
"No no no clean in the eyes of god, not physically dirty. Dirty in the worst possible meaning of the word, dirty down to her soul. Get it now?"
The word unclean that was there was an English interpretation of a Hebrew word that had more of a conceptual meaning than a definite one which is what was given to it when translated to English. He wasn't distorting the meaning he was explaining the initial intention
No the Rabbi is correct. Some translations write it as 'ritually unclean' and it is the idea of spiritual impurity rather than physical impurity. When the Rabbi says by stepping on a bug you become unclean, it is because a life form has been killed unjustly and this has consequence on the ritual purity of the person in question. The best modern day example I could give of he feeling of being ritually unclean is if one were to think about a taboo subject such as incest. Someone would feel disgusted to think about such a thing, it is where people will say "I want to throw up" whilst thinking about something like that, and that is the feeling of ritual impurity. Ancient Jews viewed blood not as something unclean but as something sacred, blood of sacrificed animals used to be painted around the Temple of Yerushalayim once to 'cleanse' it. A boy being circumcised at 8 days does the exact same, the bleeding cleanses the infant.
As he said: the translasion to Eanglish is not accurat. The word in Hebrew is: טמא
"Something I've been taught since I was a young child".
Yeah. That summarises it.
Exactly, yet they remain oblivious of it. Religious indoctrination is so deep-rooted, that its virtually impossible to reason with religious cult members.
"Let me give you a very clear and easy, uh, understanding of that-"
"A difficult understanding would be fine; I'm sure I can cope with it."
I love how every religious person on the panel always tries to make her look like some idiot who doesn't understand anything about her own profession. I wonder if that would happen to the same extent if she were male.
@@HonkiDonki it would if he blasphemed as an atheist defaming God and religion
@@marioluigi9599 oooh someone's a little triggered. Isnt it amazing how an all powerful , omniscient being can be so offended by words....
@@popeyedish don't disrespect
@@marioluigi9599 dont try to impose your religious freakery over my freedom of speech. If my words offend your god, let him come and tell me. Dont be offended on behalf of a jealous, murderous, slave supporting imaginary being.
most used excuse for religion: "out of context"
but it IS out of context
Or in other words, you got your interpretation wrong and mine is right. LOL One would thing this omniscient being would have the ability to communicate his message better, especially a message that ultimately results in the saviour of one's soul, especially that teaches about morally and the correct way of life, you would have thought he made sure they is no ambiguity in his message. Its almost as if it was written by some fallible men with fallible ideas and mindset. Hmmm
@@Semirouser no way
Ye out of context is another word for ‘I’m going to add my own meaning’
Q - Are religions unfair to women?
A - Yes
IKR? I don't think the debate was necessary
@Sandeep Mehta as an ex Muslim Woman ( I am 18 right now so talking about my childhood , I was raised as a Muslim)
And I do justify you religions sucks Truly!!
But you were a bit offensive however it still does not make you less right lol
Islam is the fastest growing religion because of geography.
All Muslim countries and it's neighbors are notoriously uneducated places.
Wherever there's a high level of education, all religions, Islam included, fade away rapidly, I'm quite happy to report.
@Sandeep Mehta No. It doesn't mean that.
First off, I mentioned a statistic, not an exception-less truth.
Secondly, the classic greek philosophers' education, compared to a modern country's education would be laughably bad.
@Sandeep Mehta I never said anything about western geography. Muslim countries aren't, in the vast majority, western nations.
But I do agree with you that those uneducated countries that are often Muslim also have reproduction rates higher than western ones, which contribute to Muslims growing in numbers.
I meant to say to the person I was answering to, that the reason why Islam is growing fastest is certainly not because it is anyhow superior to other religions or secularism. Do you agree?
It’s just really crushing to think that the gender I’ve been born as can limit me and discredit me in my abilities and potential in the eyes of people I’ve never met and don’t even know me. I grew up feeling like I could do anything as long as I worked hard enough. As I grew older I started to notice the obstacles that were placed in front of me and realized that it wasn’t my ability to perform the tasks at hand but my gender, especially when working in male dominated roles. When my bosses were extremely happy with my work and effort but all I got was inappropriate comments and put downs from outside contractors and coworkers it sat with me heavily.
Religion is the excuse, without religion what excuse is there as to why you a woman should be limited to rights of others
That is simply untrue. You can make the case in a country such as Afghanistan, but in the west this is pure fiction.
you are angry,when you have disadvantage because of your gender,but somehow "suprisingly" your gender never get angry,when men has disadvantage,because ot their gender,but you talk about gender equality-"logical" and "fair" from your gender another thing you can't wait something from the another gender,what your gender not willing to do.
Seek the first women who was wronged, who was created equal then had it stolen from her, then became a queen in her own right. The Goddess Lilith.
Sorry but you bring the unwanted attention by allowing it too happen... men don't stand for this and this is why we are fundamentally different and so we should be... stop playing victim and stand up for yourself😅
The women who were the MOST educated, objective, and give evidence for their argument about the misogyny of ALL religions goes to the two athiests
You cannot really compare Islam's treatment, mistreatment, of women with anything else.
Rev Robert West You can, depending on where and when. Christianity has a horrible history of treating women badly; thankfully now most Christians don't condone the beating of women by men. Some still do, of course. But just because Islam on the whole is worse than Judaism and Christianity doesn't mean those two religions aren't sexist - as we've seen here, the texts themselves are vastly misogynistic.
stop assuming abrahamic religions as all religions, many other religions see women as equal
@@TN-ju4ro It doesn't require religion to conclude that women are equal. Religions love to hijack everything, from morals to science. The ironic and oblivious fact that apologists utter "this and this religion allows this" is already a failure..because you can't lower yourself by putting a supernatural ideology on a pedestal, as if anything it claims is valid to begin with. The whole faith dogma is rotten to the core.
22:36 It's totally wrong to say that 'it's not religion that oppress women, but men'. It's abrahamic religions that have been inspiring men to act that way for centuries and women to submit. So clearly it's those religion's fault.
Oh don’t forget the caste system and the demeaning way Hinduism treats women, Buddhist still in the main are headed by men!
@@gerryburntwood9617 In Sanskrit or any traditional Hindu passage no equivalent word for caste is seen. It is a Portuguese term. We had the Varna system where Caste was mobile and based on personal qualities, for example the caste Bhats who record family trees had qualities such as literacy and great memory retention alongside empathy. Unfortunately, in modern India an insidious caste system has been instituted for the sake of the elite and become entrenched. This is not Hinduism which is why we are reforming it. Hinduism is ultimately a collection of Indic philosophy, and we have female goddesses such as Durga who are revered. Hinduism and Buddhism don’t have prescriptions for life and are changing bodies of work we don’t state that females should clean,be subservient to their husbands and so forth, whereas Abrahamic religions do. This is why Hindu clerics can be male or female. In Buddhism there is no demarcation between male or female either, both have to shave their head to become monks hence you shouldn’t be able to discern whether a Buddhist monk is man or woman. But you are certainly right, sexism and racism are still issues at hand that we are seeking to reduce.
There was a poll quoted in an article in 2015 (can't remember which publication) about Female Genital Mutilation, in which the practitioners who actually cut girl's clitorises were asked "what would make you stop performing FGM"? TWICE as many respondents cared about religious instructions, compared to those who cared about the medical opinion that FGM is harmful.
Regardless, religion promotes delusion and thus needs to go.
Those women defending their religions are delusional.
The fact that they're allowed to open their mouths in such a debate sitting next to men is not because of your religions granted them that. It's western enlightenment, pioneer feminists who fought for that.
They're general defence is that you have to reinterpret the verses to make it fit to modern standards. Reinterpret all you want, it only means that all your verses are outdated. If God is really all knowing and omniscient he would've put it in in the first place. But he didn't. What does that tell you about (the existence of) your god? What verses are correct or outdated?
If a God that is omnipotent and really care about how people would like to understand him, why would he not care about what's written about him?
not all of them. hinduism has the same place for man and women
You really read my mind. Why god didn't think or care about the woman?
MR. Thinker that's not true at all
@@pretty948 and why do you think so?
@@mrthinker321 because it's not, maybe you live in a metropolitan city or your family is uppercaste progressive but most of India is not like that , most Hindu people are not like that . They face discrimination on the basis of gender everyday from being considered untouchable while menstruating , being sent to live in small secluded huts , not allowed to enter places in their own houses etc. And then there's this whole thing about not letting your women out of the house and if they do go out you have the right to rapē them case they don't follow the _culture_ . Also marital rapē need I say more ? And being treated as baby Machines still . Sure Maybe these things are not directly tied to Hinduism and it's beliefs but this is what "Hindus" these days follow . I understand that this isn't how it's supposed to be but many individuals of the country follow these practices in the name of Hinduism and hence I feel that they do not see everyone as equals. Upperclass , uppercaste Hindus are a lot better but they too are pretty unfair when it comes to decision making of their daughters and fail to give them agency of their own body.
Holy shit. If “Alison” having to be in disguise and give herself an alias isn’t the best example of what religion has done to women, I don’t know what is.
I thought the same thing about Liz.
That's true! I want to know why they didn't address that?
The iron is astonishing, for most of these religious fools to sit there and argue their cults vehemently is a disgrace and embarrassment when the blatantly obvious answer is right there in front of them.
People literally want to kill her. Honourably of course.
why the fuck after this whole long video people still cant manage to make a difference between religion and culture and politics and how HUMANS use them to opress people like insert that in ur brain if u have one ..... i feel bad she is that scared but its not cause of islam its her right to leave the religion only crazy people would oppose to that thats it religions are most of the time beautiful until humans make some stupid interventions the problem is humanity not what they use to screw this world up .
People learn to love their chains
At the end of 1984 Winston Smith loved Big Brother.
@@donaldwhittaker7987 I planned to read it and I think you ruined it for me.
Wonderful statement
That's Islam in a nutshell
it's called Stockholm syndrome
Why are these religious books era-specific when they're meant to be inspired/written by an all-knowing, all-powerful god ?
Clearly the books were written by man with no direction from any such all-knowing entity.
Lewis72 Absolutely. Many errors and contradictions clearly reflective of human (male) writers and the human condition.
Of course. Only those who are deluded can’t see this.
Shhhhh, Lewis72, dont ask Christians difficult questions.
Jesus glorified his father and glorified himself. Self indulgent God loved God and loathed women.
This is why I sincerely support First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative on education, "let girls learn" . In Nigeria, the unlawful practices of 'child marriages' is particularly rampant amongst the Hausa/Fulani of Northern Nigeria.
Girls are less likely to attend school in Nigeria as they are married off earlier and trained to look after the household.
HauntedBruna I am trained to look after my future household but also I am encouraged to attend to school and study hard for the future
I feel like people referring things like Eve coming from Adam’s rib cage, just makes my brain hurt.
I mean wtf are you talking about?
glorified incest
Where did the term woman come from
The fact that the first Humans creation story in the bible is scientifically false, and is demonstated as such...... Let's just all ignore that and assume it's true anyway and debate it! WTF! It falls at the first hurdle, like many things religions claim to be true.
I bet his ribs hurt.....
@@lexussykes Old English had three words: man ('human being'), werman ('male human', i.e., man), and wifman ('female human, i.e., woman). Over time, man came to be used for males, and the old wer suffix stopped being used - it's still present in a few words like werewolf ("man-wolf"). The old word wifman became woman
it's interesting to watch the kind of intellectual gymnastics people need to pull to make religion seem modern and friendly
Modern and Friendly? Truth Of Jesus Christ is inflexible and the Devils lies are highly flexible: it is not the truth of Jesus and his bible that need to change but rather we need to change to suit the ABSOLUTE truth of Jesus Christ and his holy bible. It is very wrong to apologize for HOLY Jesus Christ as if his righteousness was a shameful secret/disgrace. Jesus is full of Grace rather than the twisted modern view he is a disgrace. Stop apologizing for Jesus Christ and stand up for him without any apology of any description
@@rockofoffence this reads like a 5 year old with a superiority complex had a mental breakdown when someone said "my daddy is stronger than your daddy". Anyway... I took a long enough break from sacrificing goats to my lord Lucifer. I better get back to it before he notices and gets angry. Thanks for the laugh though
@@Praxis4RageBaiting You are talking as if my superiority over you is fictional and dysfunctional There is nothing fictional or dysfunctional about it I serve Jesus Christ and of course I am better than you It is Dawkins who is the dysfunctional spoilt brat and Jesus Christ will place him in the naughty corner in the final instance he will burn for all time and all eternity if he cannot learn to behave himself expect punishment from Jesus Christ yourself for treating Dawkins as grown up and myself as immature if you think I am immature boy will Jesus place you in the naughty corner: Prophet Joshua Apollos John Abraham Priestly
@@rockofoffence your last reply was funny. This one is insisting on the same joke and it's losing its charm. Ezekiel 23:20
Jesus is full of grace? Isn't it him who told men to leave their wives,children and families and follow him? The bloke if existed was a nutter, that had a bit of a following and a story about him got way out of hand.
I admire the woman who has left Islam that is a very brave thing to do
Thomas Newton not really
do you know the punishment to leaving islam?
go to EFdawah channel to learn more about islam
Who said, " anyone who changes his religion, k ill him.?"
It is the height of absurdity, where modern religious people - especially women - try to perform mental gymnastics to twist and contort their Bible or Quran to reflect more modern sensibilities with regards to the value of women. You would think that any book purported to be inspired by the perfect Creator of the universe (i.e. the Bible) or dictated by the perfect Creator of the universe (i.e. the Quran) would have gotten such important issues right the first time around - without appeal to context and cultural evolution. These liberal minded theologians and lay believers need to just acknowledge that, having to reinterpret such books every time humanity moves past them, is an indication of their obsolesce and a disproof of their divine authorship or inspiration.
If you opened a cookbook written in the Bronze Age, and tried to follow its recipes, you would do mental gymnastics then, too. But it might still be interesting and even fulfilling to learn to cook in the style of those chefs in the Bronze Age.
Here we have the Hindu model. As the humanity evolves, another avatar is needed to deal with the newer situation.....not that god in giving his rules is wrong but humanity is changing...so a new set of rules may be needed.
Kusum Kapila Sharma when is the 21st century avatar coming to improve lives of dalits in India?
Being Christian should mean to follow Jesus which imo requires no mental gymnastics (just understanding). The religion is called Christianity not Biblianity and Jesus is the Messiah not the Bible (even though you need the Bible to understand Jesus but thats not the same thing)
Jesus walked on water and those who believe what he taught should follow him and drown. That would solve part of our problem with religion.
I was raised Catholic, and to hear that woman say that priesthood is not about leadership was unbelievable. Priests are leaders, nuns are subordinate to priests. Women do run the church doing the hard work, but the men make autonomous decisions and any decisions the women make must be approved by the men.
No head of religions have committed more crimes again children than Catholic priests. Can believe you are tooting their horns here. Shame on you.
Good for you, nearly 2000 years of female monasticism, and they got on well.
I love the UK's willingness to talk about these subjects. The US is so focused on religion being fact is frankly pretty disgusting.
Because Americans live in a christian world view and so do you! That's why christian countries have woman's rights and freedom for all. Christian countries were fist to abolish slavery! Go to any Muslim country in Africa or Middle East and try and swim or drive as a woman;) or get a divorce.... If your just a animal like a chimp, why is murder bad or rape? Chimps and all other animals don't agree that it's bad, only humans?😬
Christian nationalism and extremism have moved into the open since trump. Having a compulsive liar who spreads hate has emboldened bigots to say the quiet thing out loud.
@@wickjezek5093 I can name 3 lies the media has told for every lie you can name that Trump has told. I can also show you video of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden saying marriage is between a man and a woman. Trump when asked says let them do what they want, I'm from New York. I can give you 3 racial slurs Biden said for every one of trumps. You wanna play the game??? Didn't thinks so.Back to your safe space child...
I completely agree
America is the most religious developed country, that speaks for itself..highly driven by the Bible Belt and right-wing politics. Evangelicals are dangerous..
*_Are religions unfair to women?_*
Take a cursory glance at human history, or just read the headlines coming from the Middle East. That will answer your question.
I don't know if I'm "the Bernie Sanders girl", but I certainly support Bernie Sanders!
Oh, I remember! In that case, yes. I *_am_* the Bernie Sanders girl.
A Bernie girl!? Want to get together and I will whisper sweet policies in your ear?
Eg. "I am gonna pound you like a one payer system pounds disease into submission" or
"Your panties a gonna drop faster than the cost of education if Bernie gets in"
What about -
"Let's split your legs like Bernie will split the big banks"
I will assume "NO" is the answer lol, take care, just jokes.
Haha! Those were adorable.
Cloe Jarozenski Thank the spaghetti monster you didn't get offended. It is a minefield when dealing with strangers. TC
Francesca Stavrakopoulou is the only woman there not religious, while being the only one admitting religion is unfair to women. In other words the only logical woman on the panel is the only one that actually believes in equality. Religious people are so deluded and hypocritical they cannot be honest about their religious views. She is also the prettiest and smartest woman in the whole room.
The Hindu woman was o much more down to earth and understanding than most of the other religious people there
@@lordvoldemort7465 They are talking about Women in Religious text. And she is not wrong, though she missed a lot. She talks about Hinduism as kind of single religion. She is not a single religion. Vedas are only one part of Hinduism. Women were involved in writing of Vedas. Vedas talk about two energies- Masculine and feminine. They both balances each other. Women were more accepted as themselves when most of sculptures were written. There were plays where women leads the play as central character. There are stories of women as ministers and leader of Kingdom with great wisdom and vision.
that's not even a complement
Don't Hindu believe the world is balancing on a turtles shell that's standing on 4 elephants??? Hard to believe these days. Like believing zuse is throwing lightning.
@@phillipschwabe2085 lol who said that
@@ratnadeepbhattacharjee891 sage veda vyasa. Who wrote the hindu scripture.... You must not be hindu... Google it....
This pisses me off! If the text was written by men for men, then you right there are admitting the bible wasn't inspired by divine powers! So then why believe the bible's claim that god exists?!!!!!!! Why must women apologize for the literature that so painfully overtly disrespects them at every turn??!!!!!!!!! I'm freaking going nuts over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It isn't easy to give up tradition, deeply held convictions, and faith. All you can do is try to poke holes in people's belief systems and hope for the best.
Yo i saw some other talks and pretty sure that girl is an atheist. thats why she said it was written by men
Oh wait i watched the rest and yeah the old hag is an idiot
Alejandro Ocampo
lol but yes the bable was written by man, roman dictators decided what to include and what to remove. they did not fix the contradictions that plauge it. You really have go lack reading comprehension skills if you dont see all the nonsence and contradictions and belive the bible is the word of god. lol.
Alejandro Ocampo / the Quran was inspired by god to the prophet Muhammad
He did not want to shake a woman's hand...? Just imagine how that PERSON felt.
I’m sorry but if a man doesn’t want to shake a womens hand then that’s up to him and vice versa! Regardless of religion
@@hussey78900 It's still sexist and bigoted to specifically rule out shaking hands as equals with half the world.
Around 23:00 two people say religion isn't to blame, men are. I think this is very UNTRUE. *Religion serves as a societal conduit and justification for sexism, it not only having men but also women themselves believe women are inferior, so that no individual will challenge this sexism.*
The more I listen to these debates and listen to the views of the religious the more convinced I become that they're living in some kind of fantasy world.
People will laugh in 500 years looking back at these videos and say "what drugs were they on to believe this crazy shit?"
+Cody Williams
I really hope so.
+Cody Williams poor them, this is filmed and on the internet. Their stupidity will be immortalized.
+Cody Williams I actually believe that.. A time will come where religion will become a thing of the past.
+Darryl “darvlaskie” Wolfe a time will come when religion dominates
Ibrahim Mustafa It has since the beginning of recorded mankind. It is now in it's end phase.
The women defending religion reminds me of women that defend their abusive husband, saying "he just had a bad day" or "it's not his fault".
When God is a HE do we need to say more?
Ali Rafiq and yet have you ever seen a picture of god being a woman?
Ali Rafiq Very true brohter Rafiq
Ali Rafiq sry to join the discussion but you are wrong about atheism:) i dont believe in gods does not means gods does not exist :)
i accept the possibility gods exist but i chose to not believe because there is nothing on earth atm to let me imagine gods exist :)
sry for my english i am not very good :)
Ali Rafiq too say god exist with out evidence is jumping to conclucion too early like to say there is no gods by the lack of evidence but atheism does not means no gods exist it only means the lack of belief in gods it is not the same thing
Ali Rafiq atheism only means we don't believe in gods not gods does not exist, the difference is the possibility of gods existence but because atheist like me can't find anything to let us imagine gods exist we see no reason to believe in the existence of gods so we are atheist en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism for more info on atheism :)
sry for my english i am not very good :)
Francesca is blown away by their cognitive dissonance lmao, look at her face expression!
Gotta love her!
She is so sexy and intelligent
@@M3Busssin Indeed. Her intelligence alone is attractive, but that coupled with her physical appeal makes it all the better..the cherry on top of the cake.
I for one cannot stand a woman who happens to be physically attractive, but spews nonsense like horoscopes or apocalyptic religious narratives. Their negligible, shallow trait, that is beauty, is immediately canceled off by virtue of them regurgitating faith-based dogma.
”You’ll shake my hand, but not my female colleague’s hans, why?”
”That’s just the way I was raised”
Great defense there!!!
That’s his belief though!!!!! It’s a personal preference
They should change the name of this show from "The Big Questions" to "The Stupid Questions: Let's Debate the Bleeding Obvious".
The Big Questions in the Psychiatric Ward..
+Ian Cooper But these interviews are great. Do you prefer to watch Kim Kardashans instead? Isn't the question "Is religion unfair to women" a big question?
***** Well, their political preferences are kinda beside the point. Facts don't have a political bias.
***** To be honest, I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. This particular comment thread is about whether or not the video is a "big" question or a silly one. The video itself is concerned with religion. I don't see where political biases comes into the issue, except insofar as you brought it up. You may be concerned with political bias. I couldn't give a toss about that issue - not in terms of this thread anyway.
+Ian C I'd agree with you but I think it can be enlightening to hear some of these people lay out their case with absurd arguments. It can pay off to stay informed about the kinds of people roaming this earth..
Despite the anger these programs fill me with I am very thankful someone is organizing such a vast group of different cultures to explain themselves.
😆😆Fills you with anger??
@@dommidavros2211 its quite frustrating to hear bigotry and and idiocy professed under the guise of a religion
This video reinforced my atheism and secular values.
Which part of this video reinforces your Atheism ? I`ll lay my card on the table with no further ado : That religions may or may not be or have been unfair to women ( as might have the vast part of the history of humankind ) has absolutely nothing whatever to say on the existence ( or none thereof ) of God.
You must either think that something necessarily exists ( which is the very definition of God ) or think that something can come from nothing ( which is the very definition of Magic ).
Ergo, do you think something must exist ( for anything at all to exist ) or do you believe in Magic ?
Either the world came from nothing = magic
God came from nothing to create the world = magic
The reality is NOBODY knows how we came to be here. But there is nothing wrong with saying 'i dont know' which motivates investigation. Than say God did it, which promotes ignorance to truth.
Dont make a conclusion until you have all the facts otherwise you'll very likely be wrong 🙂
@@zeroeffort1572 Speak on.
I'm actually focus when the time hearing the muslim ,ex christian to muslim and ex muslim.
@@zeroeffort1572 did you just or God came from nothing, please understand how to use the word God it means in of itself a being that was always there and created the world.
I love this, the only way Christians qualify these blatantly sexist passages if to blame fallible and human authors but in doing so completely compromises all the validity of these books being ordained and inspired by god.
Not at all my friend. It's a history book. Humans, Christians included have all done horrible things. But Jesus was free of sin. Jesus is proven outside the Bible and documented outside the Bible by Roman historians as well. Like Flavious Jophesus book of antiquities. Or the BOOK OF ANNALS by Tactius.... We based history around christ, BC AD.
The Bible features some historical events. But to call it a historical document is a stretch. Jesus existed and was a prophet, but I don't believe he's the son of God. Jesus preaching is closer to Buddha than to the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible doesn't deserve worship, even if he exists.
If history was written by women God would be a mother. Caring, guiding, educating and loving her children. Instead we get oppressive, aggressive, jealous, abusive masculine God.
@@wickjezek5093 Take away the Bible. Flavious Jophesus documented Christ in the BOOK OF ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. Tacitus also documents Christ in the BOOK OF ANNALS. You can read letters that pilot wrote to Tiberus Ceaser.
@@wickjezek5093 The fall of sin and our free will is why we have oppression and stealing, etc.... We could of been created with no free will... Heaven will be perfect and death is just the beginning for some of us and we are just going home.
@@wickjezek5093Let me guess, as loving as your are, bet your for abortion! :)
what rabbi failed to express is, that he does not touch another mans property
pisser98 women are not property. A man was allowed to have many wives but if a woman slept wit another man she would be stoned to death for that
Kunal carter So, they practically _were_ treated as property, or in other words they were treated like shit.
Msl LogYt
Women werent treated as property.
Men had to get circumcised women didnt so arent the men being oppresed in your view?
blaq7427 do you even know why men are supposed to be circumcised? It's written in the bible that when the newborn male cuts his foreskin , the blood that comes out from it is the impure blood of his mother and he gets free from the impurity that women hold. So that's a huge disrespect to women. Now we just do it for hygiene but the real meaning behind circumcision was to free the son from his impure mother.
The woman in the wig who challenged them all to think is a hero.
Been a while Nancy cronk.
I love the old guy starting out condescendingly with the 'let me make is simple for you' to the Professor of Theology and Religion. Blatant sexism doesn't make for a good intellectual discussion.
47:18-47:47--Thank you! Finally, someone said it. As a Pagan myself, it irks me that, whenever religious debates are held, only the "major" world religions are included. It's nice that this guy brought up modern Paganism, and he's absolutely right--a lot of people, myself included, are drawn to it because it acknowledges the divine as both masculine and feminine and is less dogmatic than other faiths.
Exactly Abrahamic religions be like that
Hail Queen Lilith
Your religion is just as childish and pathetic as the big ones.
Pagan religions existed all around the world. The Kaaba was a pagan shrine. It housed a Moon God and his 3 daughters. Unfortunately, during 7th century, these pagans went through a horrific fate and other pagans from all around the world suffered a similar fate. In India today, pagans exist, side by side with the Hindus, jains and the Buddhists. We, Hindus worship the Earth, the Sun and the Moon also water, air and fire.
There is no devine if your a pagen.. Just the natural world, no creator... No purpose or value to u. You have the value of dirt from the universe you accidentally came from. It doesn't care about you or give u purpose or even know you...
Watching The Big Question on youtube has made me a huge Francesca Stavrakopoulou fan. Being a biblical scholar, her knowledge of ancient scripture and actual history far exceeds the religious guests on the show. In other segments, it was funny to watch bishops and vicars cringe when she stated she believed Noah and Moses didn't actually exist. And she's very pretty - that's a plus.
hear hear. she is using her brain. i cannot say that to the other guests.
Damn right Jeffrey.
+tod beard True dat!
John B Yes sir.
made me an EDL fan.
Submissive women can worship a god easily. Women who are obedient have no issues with the inequality presented by religion. Treating women with equality is needed for a healthy balance in any relationship.
“Women who are obedient have no issues with the inequality presented by religion”...EXACTLY!! This is why I struggle with returning to the church, as I was already labeled as a rebellious Jezebel because I wouldn’t submit to the prophet. I don’t want to be mistreated again bc I was too strong for them.
I get infuriated with women because they let themselves be weakened and are blind to the control/dominance due to this “obedience”. Prophets/pastors love this blind submissive obedience bc they have complete control over their “sheep” for their use/visions.
@@bluetickbeagles116Seek the Goddess Lilith she is the first to challenge the "old boys club"
The birth of a man who thinks he is god is Not Such A Rare Event!🤣
Men are gods😌
@@jj4J900 I guess your delusion knows no bounds!🤮
@@gerryburntwood9617 u stay with beta girls 🤮 while men rule the world 😏
simple answer: Yes, ofcourse.
Erik: Not at all. Religions are very different.
But Christianity is not unfair to women, whereas Mohammedanism is surely. You have got to distinguish between the enlightened religions, like the Christian faith, and those which are stuck in the Dark Ages of the7th century Desert.
Laughing Gravy: The Holy Bible tells Husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and to give honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel. What is woman-hating about that?
Laughing Gravy: True love begins with a love for the Truth. The woman was the first in sin and given to deception, and she was made after the man and for the man: these are the reasons why women are not to lead in the home or the church. In no way is this grounded on the hatred of women: quite the contrary, we are to love our wives as Christ loved the Church!
Laughing Gravy: Of course I believe in the literal and historical accuracy of all of the Holy Bible. I can see no good reason not to, and I cannot see any good reason to believe in the Myth of Evolution; it is hardly scientific - creatures do not just spring out of nothing, and science is all about design and things that work.
"You're twisting its meaning" or "taking it out of context" is a favourite comment by theists who can't even agree on what their holy book says.
Exactly. Besides what do they know? Why is everyone supposed to rely on their interpretations?
There are more than one kind of these horror books. It's not a single book.
These ideologies have been borrowed from other forms of those same types of books.
With all the knowledge that has been destroyed. Why did someone think this form of horror would be a good one to keep.
Humans are a disgrace to humanity.
The hindu woman barely got to spoke and i believe that there should have been a sikh representative as well.
well it's only debate of Abrahamic religion and they barely have dharmic religion's representative.
Why are widows living in the streets in India?
Christina Ostil Widows living in the streets in India has nothing to do with Hinduism and everything to do with poverty. Widows aren’t on the street because they’re Hindu widows but because they’re poor. You’ll find Muslim and Christian widows on the streets too. Despite that the poverty is rapidly decreasing due to economic growth and social welfare schemes so make sure you get your facts right before you make blanket statements
Christina Ostil because most Indian women are far too dependent on their make counterparts. So if something happens to them, they don’t have any plan to carry out a normal life
@@ChristinaOstil115 not everywhere, it depends on region to region.........living on street is the case in the city of Banaras.....
"I don't touch things that don't belong to me" that is the best example of why the answer to this question is YES
4:14 the archbishop says “we have to understand when they were written, and who they were written for.”
That’s exactly what the church and religions do NOT do with the so-called homosexuality passages. Which is why more and more people are walking away from religion and their homophobia.
If life is a gift form god, how can a woman be unclean when she gives birth?
LOL, true. How dare you be logical?
"Look everyone, I made an awesome mistake in my design so you are going to have to cut off the foreskin of your boys, oops!" God...
The fact that Bible scholars disagree so much on the meaning of relatively simple Bible verses suggests that maybe it's not inspired by a perfect God?
Same thing about Quran. There is no god indeed
It amazes me how religious scholars always say "I don't know" when they have to explain the utter crap in holy books when questioned. How can you not know and still have such a passion for religion?
Religion mainly survives off of childhood indoctrination, only ahead of conquest, conversion and proselytization.
I'm glad I stumbled upon this. I'm doing an essay about religion being unfair to women and this helped a lot !
Christian countries didn't only give women equal rights but freedom for all! There is still slavery in many countries around the world. You live with a christian world view of good and evil. When you look at the jungle, you don't see all the killing and animals eating eachother as evil do you? Just life or the circle of life.... now of you think there is good and evil that's from God because who are you to say what's good or right? A lion and zebra would disagree on all these things....
When you finish your essay share
@@fernangalindez5188 I will check my saved work and hopefully I have it in the files
@@333gigi its been so long but any chance you could send it to me
"Contraception makes women available to men all the time."
Very good episode
Contraception helps with regulating menstrual cycles,
It makes periods less painful,
It can banish hormonal acne, It reduces the risk of uterine cancer, It reduces the risk of ovarian cysts and helps with managing bad conditions like menorrhagia and many more.
And the possibility to not have babies is a bonus
Don’t be ignorant and learn about it. And even if women wanted to have sex and not get pregnant , it’s none of your business anyway!! Are you mad that women are being sexually active? Aww.. well too bad ! Men have being doing that since their whole existence and never got shamed or blamed for it so it is time we get treated equally. Plus having safe sex won’t do anything bad. And also you cannot tell if a woman is a virgin or not simply by looking at her vagina have fun with that last info lol
@@hllktty-wx7we wow. awesome.
Again, the male-centered point of view. Disgusting.
A woman is available when she wants to be available.
Have you noticed how, when something wrong/evil/discriminatory, written in a religion text, is pointed out, the followers always explain it away, as misunderstood/misquoted/mistranslated?
Islam is the biggest one that does this 😂
@@toxicmaniax5719every religion does it, did you listen to the first 10 minutes of the debate?
No wonder she started talking really, really fast about wives submitting to their husbands. She said to the biblical scholar 'no, that's not at all what it means'. Here's the verse 'Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.'
There is no mention that husbands must do the same for their wives, it actually goes on to say 'For the husband is head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior'
Context, context!! LOL
Modern day religionists, upon reading something which conflicts with our progressive values, simply handwave things away, or invent 'contexts' which are so convoluted that they're just pretzel logic.
Does this women not see the irony of her preaching about how it's wrong for women to preach?
hahahaha best comment ever.
+MegzeeR ....i'm sure she does not. lol
1 Timothy 2:12, they have a lot of excuses for this one. It's a classic..apologists are sooo predictable. How dull..
So scary to see oppressed women defending oppression... Like child who is beaten by parents and say that he/she deserves it.
The fact this argument is still happening is sad...
And these thoughts invading Western Europe.
Childhood indoctrination will continue the generational inheritance of dogma. Religion is such a disease..
I think I'm in love with Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou. That woman is amazing.
Get in line buddy.
She brilliant those women supporting re.igion are the lowest form of life on this planet along with that old rabbi
@@pomegranatepip2482 the line is long.
@@GaganSingh-nx2yv 😞
i liked the catholic lady...until the very end when she blamed the sexualisation of women on contraception. enjoying your sexuality & being sexualised are 2 very different things - in one your are the subject of pleasure, the other you are the object. deeerrr.
Brooke G 👏🏻👏🏻
And this is the bottom line, religion is sexist by design. It's so obvious that it was written by a man, not a God.
Religion is LUDICROUS. This has been the longest laugh I’ve ever had.
You're a little girl, we all know you don't know anything about religion.
Topics You’re a little boy. You don’t know anything about religion
Yeuazax especially Abrahamic religions
I can relate.
@@categories5066 that’s a very mature and religious comment there buddy. all of religion iis a fairytale made up by men.
Secular people have morals too. Unlike religious morality which stem from dogma, their morality stems from empathy, compassion, reasoning, etc. And it has nothing to do with hyper sexualization.
"unfair" does not come even close to it.
"Out of context!"
The go-to line of the devoutly religious when confronted with the uncomfortable parts of their own beloved texts.
Yup..their favourite line to use when they can't explain what is in the scriptures..OUT OF CONTEXT.
The only thing that is out of context here is the gaslighting
I gotten this a lot too. Which is why I typically use verses where the context makes the verse even worse. For example Exodus 21:20-21 with the focus on the reason why that behavior is acceptable, rather the act itself. The context is this is right after the 10 commandments and is further additions by God. The response I get as defense usually is, either it was a different time so it is alright, or it was not written by God. Ironically, I find most take the first argument, realize the issues then promptly take the second. The first defense does not address the point I am making which is the reason why God is saying it is alright. Delving into the why God says it alright tends to lead to either God is lying, mistaken, or allowed itself to be attributed with words it did not say in a time where it was more than willing (and did so) to punish people for wrongs. As to the second, one simply needs to ask for a process or method to determine which things are written by God and which are not.
Yup, it's a classic..usually followed by the final cop-out "I'll pray for you"..to which I respond with "I'll think for you".
I was really into what everyone was saying until the woman next to the rabbi said that contraception is what makes women available. What an ignorant and honestly horrible thing to say.
well, isn't she right?
OomYaaqub B no, not at all.
Yep, that's sums it up.
I am an Ex - Muslim Atheist and I really loved that Iranian woman and how she put things I agree with her 100% I wish I could knew who she is because damn I would want to see more of her!
No one cares. You shouldn’t have name Muslim if you left. You are atheist
You sound like a creep you weirdo stalker.
She is brutally ignorant of Islam. She can't defend her atheism. Lol
11. Thou shall not think. 12. Though shall not have any knowledge. 14. Though shall not read the bible on your own language (which used to be punishable by death). 13. Though shall listen to your fabulously wealthy leaders and listen to their latest interpretation of an iron age story and just do what they say.
the freemasons: thou shall not lie...but we can thou shall not kill...but we can thou shall not lie...but we can. there it is written by ure gods. ure right though black.
14. Thou shall be rewarded for thy obedience. 15. Thou shall hail Hydra.
The only argument you can even make in defense of any of those religions is that you interpret the books in such a way that you think the people being sexist are misinterpreting it. But it's undeniable that religion today leads to a great deal of sexism. At that point it basically turns into the gun debate. If soooooo many people are using it to cause harm, at what point are we forced to start putting in restrictions? I say religion should be like drugs. Make it perfectly fine to practice at home (as long as that practice doesn't involve abusive behavior) but keep it out of public places, schools, and most of all government.
"Context of that time." How many times are we going to hear this from religious texts interpreters as an exuse as to why the laws of their holy scriptures, inspired by an omnipotent and all knowing creature, do not apply to them? It would be sensical and fair to just admit that they just do not like it.
Me too..only about 2yrs ago..not anymore now.
It is not just Islam, they are all bogus.
@@shookreeseeree4 does your family and friends know that?
@@TEMUJINARTS - why does they matter ? What are they gonna do ?
Same here.
I am really horrified when I see women defending those things in religion which mistreated them in the past. What are these? Workers for The Devil?
Brainwashed. They've been thaught that that's how it's suppose to be, so they belive that that's how it's suppose to be. Like Bob Dylan said: You don't ask questions when God's on your side.
+tmr Hmm..... if God is male. Then, male is their God, right? Can't they even realise that even if they need a religion... it is high time they make a female God - at least for themselves? Anyway, I understand your point. You are absolutely right and I agree. Still... at the end of the day all I can only feel is sadness. It is 2015 now and even humans landing in the moon sounds history today and still there so many people believing in a book written 2000 years ago.
This is a rhetorical question Of course religion is unfair to women.Next question...
Religion helped women especially marriage. Imagine 500 years ago being a pregnant woman. If the idea of marriage did not exist, you would have been absolutely F%cked.
That Jewish man in the front is very insolting calling a woman a property and he keeps trying to avoid the question
Watching people arguing over which version of their make believe story is the most correct. Brilliant. It's Like arguing over how wet a drowning man is
Damn, I´m getting tired. Just throw these old books in the trash can and start a new.
The Jewish rabbi is the worst at his apologetics when questioned about the inequality of men and women within his archaic cult. He's just trying to make excuses, and not very effectively.
I'm not sure if he is the worst, but the fact that he tried to redefine "unclean" as it's virtual opposite "not dirty" made me very angry.
Don't think he's the worst. What about that Muslim man who tried to make the argument that since the first person to accept Islam was a woman, that means Islam isn't unfair to women?
K4316 I was using hyperbole. I do that a lot.
Kenny Earthling I was being hyperbolic.
"unclean" means superfragilistic clean, doncha know?
I love it when they say they are cherry picking to make religion look bad and then cherry pick something nice from the next page to prove religion isn't bad.
And that Rabbi 'studies' his religious texts for 10 hours a day?! How many times do you need to read the same book in order to understand it? And if it takes a lifetime of studying 10 hours a day then your god really should've hired better writers.
Also love how the converted muslim is trying to school the woman who had to flee her country because she couldn't stay in her country as a non believer without being killed.
JackDagnaIs a rabbi would study many books, some of them reeeealy long. it's not the abridged version we have in christianity.
“PUNISHMENT of wives” - Neglect and Silent treatment from the person whom is supposed to protect and nurture you the most has long-term psychological effects often leading to long-term physical ailments ( damage to the neurological system).
its amazing how God modifies his philosophy to accommodate different religions, and changes his mind as time goes by...
Another interesting undertone here is how some of the people involved seemed to pick and choose their religion like it was some kind of smorgasbord. Some advocated changing it fit the modern times. But if you actually believe that those books are the words of God, how can you just decide to change it to whatever you want? The answer is, of course, that there is no god it has always been that way. People make their gods say whatever they want, and write whatever they feel like. These days they can also pick a religion that suits their personality best (at least in the West).
Why is it that "the understanding of the time" is seen as a valid excuse considering that these theists are supposed to be under the guidance of an omniscient being not bound by time and is allegedly unchanging?
Nicky: Why are you rendered more unclean if you have a girl child?
Rabbi: I dont actually know the answer to that...
Francheska (rubbing her hands together): Ok rabbi its time to take you to school!!
your first sentence has been rendered nonsensical…
The black Muslim woman convert does not know why she converted to Islam. Sad story of all Muslim converts.
these women desperately trying to cling on to their religion even though they admit it says they are second class citizens, in the 21st century, its a true shame.
There I saved you 58 minutes.
6:00 "Paul was doing his best he could with his understanding".... WAIT, WHAT!!! where is GOD with his supreme understanding???? this is why I can not believe why people believe in gods.