It was brought to my attention that I had way more Gardens than I should have. Edit: According to a bug report, this happens also with turrets and is apparently a known bug upon combining weapons like Wrenches and I guess Pruners. "Rytingur - Today at 11:17 someone in bug reports said they kept a blue turret after combining 2 blue wrenches and having no other items that'd give him one, so something fishy is going on "
I feel like many people read the item text of the snake differently. Because to me it was always "If an enemy is set on fire while there's another close to it that one is on fire now too." So the cursed snake spreading it to two enemies makes perfect sense to me
My intuitive reaction was, "Of course it only spreads to 1 enemy; why else would you be allowed to get multiple copies of the item? (it's non-unique.)"
@Qlmmb2086 i could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure the wording was different and it used to be applied in a range, like a small explosion. That's at least what I recall from a test seeing more than 1 extra enemy getting burned with 1 snake, so that was the only logical conclusion for me. As in if 1 snake gets more than 1 extra burned, then it has to be an area effect. And either that gets bigger or triggered multiple times then
@@DexTag it might just be the case that the newly burned enemy from the snake proc also procs the snake, so it can spread one by one, and cursed snake makes each instance try to spread to two different targets in the range, making it more consistently cover an area or something
These mods are a game changer! Being able to see all those stats and the number of tardigrades really improves the viewing experience(having the chests displayed with a counter is also great). The mod that allow you to sell items feels like something that should be vanilla! Now you can buy good/unique items early on and sell them in the late game to try and get them cursed.
umm, that would be terrible. cost benefit analysis is a major part of the game, and to take that away is to take away the downsides to lots of items. or what about shackles, handcuffs etc, you could get rid of them at a whims notice.
I agree, I think they are a major improvement. Though selling items isn't good IMO. A big chunk of the game is to figure out what you need, what is enough to survive and sometimes you have to take something bad to be able to make it to 20, but this seriously cripples Endless then. Or sometimes it allows you to go from wave 10 to 15, else you would've died, but then the downside kicks in. I prefer this over just selling something again
in addition to the thoughts voiced by the other answers, i feel like it would destroy the curse mechanic. You could just buy every item that you would like to have uncursed and once you have enough fishing hooks you can sell them one at a time and get them back cursed
@@TheCrazyCapMasteryep the same way I play the game it's the most fun you can have at this point idk how many times I've chuckled out loud when a run goes bonkers
Sorry, i speak English not pretty good, and i have a question, what is "i face", i was thinking that face is a part of the head, but you used that like a verb..?
Guess who got here early, Dex. He uploaded it, he is by Definition "First". Unless you came from the future, noone can be First other than the creator.
I think the reason the fruit lags isn't actually just explosion but the sound. A lot of games have bad sound optimization so they can lag horribly when some sounds get played too rapidly. It's a big problem in path of exile and a few other RPG's I've played. Since picking up a fruit gives you stats which plays a sound, makes a crunch sound on it's own, and also explodes which makes a sound I'd be unsurprised if that wasn't a major reason it lags there. If you could either stop the fruit from making sound or just delete some of those sounds it is possible that could make more of a difference especially on these ultra long fruit gobbler runs.
wouldnt that actually be moddable? like im pretty sure you could mod the game to reduce sounds or even remove them and not just mute but actually go into the code and remove the activation at all, if thats true what you say that might be a huge thing if it comes to lag optimisation and such a mod wouldnt be cheating since it just reduces lag
The fruits also have individual collision boxes which are all interacting with each other. I think it’s just as bad as the audio lag, so a bit of a double whammy.
I suspect it's a data structure issue due to the way all the fruit are being stored, every time you pick one up it does a O(n) scan to find it and delete it.
oh, i was thinking its because everything get colected and calculated one by one at the end so a mod that tracks the fruits during the round and and then just adds a value at the end would make sense but this is also a good point.
Dex i have an insane challenge for you that you wouldn't be able to complete without like 30 retries. Gangster but you can only get items from the shop by stealing them (Crates and weapons are fine to make it a tad bit easier)
You could try installing a mod that makes you always attract consumables regardless of current HP for the late endless waves. Either way, you're a legend at this game 🤘
I was slightly hoping you would remove the wave 20 cap on the harvesting just for the absolute insanity it would bring, but this was still as entertaining as always
There is a setting called "optimize end of waves" which you can turn on in the settings, which reduced the lag when like 200 fruits get collected (I think they don't get sucked in anymore, but just disappear and get collected directly)
Dex, maybe there are some mods that could change fruits behavior at the end? Like instant collect them, not attract for example? Or tbh, despawn everything on level ending without any animation? It would solve at least part of the problem with optimization
The lag is coming from collisions. Fruit and trees collide and move positions to they don’t sit on top of eachother. The problem is when they settle and don’t check collisions. A new one spawns now it’s checking collisions with all the fruit below it.. so it just is a run away effect.
yea, that sounds like the problem. At the end of the wave you could make everything skip collision detection and just add the stats since everything gets collected anyway. That would probably solve the end part.
Making them stack sounds like a good route, except the way items works would make it so you’re getting less triggers, or you’re getting 10 explosions off 1 fruit in the same exact spot. They prob thought of this. I think the best route would be to have the fruit farm just shoot out fruit in a random direction and distance without the small collision detection it has. I really don’t know if it turns off but you can see it’s positioning when there are less fruits. Same goes for turrets where if they spawn too close they push eachother a little bit away. I have a few years of programming and game design, I’m sure they’ll address this in some way, as I don’t think it was entirely accounted for in the beginning that you would be able to create 20,000 fruits a wave 😂
@@TheJAM_Sr theres also some limits to the godot game engine, i dont know if your familiar with it, but it is very lightweight, but has less brute strength for optimization
for your build up tardgrade thing, ive thought of it aswell, but so have the developers. so in endless, the i-frames start decreasing, until eventually they are non existant, and you literally die the second you get touched
I wonder if there's a mod to auto pick up fruits within your pickup range? I know its "gameplay altering", but would still be interesting to see a run with it. More modded runs would also be interesting, like perfect luck on curses, buy any items from shop etc to make the "perfect" build, idk what mods are available, but just throwing ideas out :D
With the Retromation Hoodie, you could tank your dodge stat for a while, so that the axolotl will target it and you can eventually swap your harvesting over to it. You wouldn't want to tank your attack speed untill you find the axolotl, but that would be a loop hole for the axolotl to still (indirectly) boost the attack speed
If I was playing on PC using the selling mod to get rid of lag later on in an endless run would be the only reason I would use it like in this video. I think it would really take a lot of the fun out of the game if you sold items all the time, you could break so many things. Especially with the curse mechanic in the DLC. A lot of strategy would just be gone.
Hello! Long-time viewer here! I’ve been thinking about the fishing hooks. Are you sure they add the percentages in that way? Because some games give each item a certain percentage to modify the weapon separately, not together. Brotato have had some weird interactions before :P
after wave 20 the Harvesting will give xp material then it will lose 20% then the fruit you picked up after wave is applied, so it is better to leave it on the ground. Also isn't axolot named as unique? You can't get it to increase ranged dmg after you have already transfer it into life steal. 31:42
Doesn't the particle accelerator scale better due to all the engineering stats you have, and it not bouncing? That should solve the lag as you should have about 1/3 or even less projectiles on screen.
Dex! I have just one wish for my life. And hear me out here okay? 🌈A brotato character Tierlist 🌈. Do it! Pretty please. I respect your opinions the most.
Probably the best way to deal with the fruit lag would be to install a mod that removes the attraction visual effect, if such a mod exists. The lag comes from so many entities having to move at the same time. If you remove the movements, it should cut the lag significantly. If the mod doesn't already exist, someone should create it :)
In my experience doing a similar build. I pick up a blood donation to deal damage to myself. That will pick up all the fruits around you based on your pick up range. Just scale your HP and explosion stats for increased damage for your spicy sauce. All you have to do is dodge projectiles, and you will nuke everything before it touches you. You could make it more extreme purposely not having armor as your lowest stat, and switch harvesting with armor for more safety since you won't have tardigrade stacks. I also never pick up Pocket Factory, or whatever the item is called that creates turrets on tree kills on endless runs. Too much lag. You can just use spicy sauce and the elephants late game to kill everything if you go for a build like this.
I had something like this happen without the curse a couple months back. I had so many fruits spawning, I had insane pick up range and healing, and a bloody hand so everything would be pulled in ever second with a back up excalibur to kill anything that didn’t die from the explosions
Something I'd like to see, since we're popping the cap on mechanical alterations, is a run where EVERYTHING is max-curse from the beginning. It'll be insane, but will the enemies be more busted than the potato?
47:38, yes you can but that number is too high. Its like around 3600 tardigrades. You eventually lose all your s but because game works on 60 fps you can get hit only 60 times per second for 60 seconds. Not my idea, I read it discord or reddit so maybe its wrong.
hi, i really like this build as i learn from this video. but I have a question: for example, in the video at the 5:15 mark, I noticed that when your pruner is combined and reaches level 2, it shows "create fruit every 11.7 seconds." Shouldn't a level 2 pruner create fruit every 14 seconds? I observed in your video that every upgraded pruner produces fruit faster than what I experience in my own gameplay, or even what I've read in brotato wiki. Has this been updated, or is there something I might have missed?
Structure Attack Speed increases the production of structures. Or well, here, for Turrets they shoot faster. I can't check it out right now but I'll assume I had 2-3 Clockwork Wasps, each giving 10%
I'ma be honest, I find the thought process explanations to be a decent part of the enjoyment factor for the videos, though idk if I'm in the minority here.
In my personal thinking. Is that if they implement a setting to turn off animations on turrets and such (since every mob and turret tree etc is moving)
I'm convinced fish hooks curse chance isn't accurate. Too often I'll have a full shop locked for multiple waves with 70+% chance to curse and nothing ever gets cursed.
Afaik, item that doesn't have accumulative 100% chance apply their chance independently, so it's 20% x 3 instead of 60%, depending on how the game trigger the cursing, it's entirely possible tor the 3 hooks to curse the same item (or even try to recurse already cursed item)
I’m pretty sure it’s accurate, personally. I got 90% total recently and didn’t see an item miss curse for several rounds, while locking 3-4 items every time. People are just bad at estimating probability. I bet if you actually tracked your results you’d see you were very close to odds
@@1TieDye1 14 rounds in a row at 72% probability without reformation hoodie getting curse, giants belt got added in a few rounds after. 10 rounds for giants belt and 14 rounds for the hoodie before they got cursed and they got cursed the same round. That's my most extreme example but similar happens a lot.
Amazing run and I suggest you keep the mod that allows you to recycle/banish items to use after wave 20 for lag reduction. As I suspected, but never confirmed, the visuals aren't contributing to the tick lag as draw calls are usually seperate from tick updates. Other Items that could cause lag might be things like baby with a beard or elephants that have effects on death or chance to chain kills since I suspect each item has its own %roll every tick. The lag ruins viewing experience and things like the pocket factory are important to reduce roll-fatigue while making the post 20 almost unwatchable due to video compression limitations. Removing the visual effects is a good solution but the downside is that we dont get to see the visual effects. getting to wave 50 would be alot more pleasant if you could remove limited items (or lagardens ) from your item pool after taking them. Its your game to play.
Yea, thats just a personal thing. I dont know if I included that in the video or cut it out, but I was fine doing things for testing purposes (so in other words, instead of doing another full run just to test 1 tiny thing) to learn out of it, but becoming more broken by something known isn't learning
Starting round 4 you had more gardens on the stage than items/pruners. You had 6 pruners, no garden items, but 7 gardens on the stage. Next round you had 9 gardens on the stage..
Edit: I removed what I wrote prior since I asked on the Discord. Apparently this is a reported bug with Turrets (Wrenches) that they keep the original turrets upon upgrading one. Since Garden is also a structure I'll assume the same thing happens there. Phew, at least not related to the mods
@wheresmypudding cursed piggybank takes a lot to aquire but most importantly you need to stop buying, which is at the time you wanna build up your economy. Is it fun? Yea, it can be crazy if it fits. But in most cases i view it as a trap that earns you a good chunk of money and then you sit there at 20 and have barely anything obtained. But with thief daggers and the right char it's solid
@@DexTag Was referring to when you commented about how much money you had cause the shop was locked for some stuff to get cursed, 3-4 rounds straight. Otherwise I agree about it being useless.
46:46 i'd say the game laggs cpu bound and not gpu bound wich is the reason why turning off the projectiles doesn't do much. I don't know if this game runs single core or multi core but if it is single core there could be a way to make it multi core (asking the devs for it or maybe there could be a mod that enables it for the game (idk if it is even possible tho))
I kind of want the hook to change. Instead of waiting for a random chance from one shop to another I much rather would like it to happen on rerolls. It does make the hooks stronger, but you would reroll through a lot of cash without seeing new items, as you have to keep them locked still. EDIT: Blood donation and the lifesteal legendary should 100% ignore tardigrades.
Hey Dex there is a mod where you can sell your items i dont know its name anymore, but it could be a possibility to regulate the lategame stutter nevermind he talked about it the second after i posted this lol
someone should create a mod for bratato that culls all the extra consumables and materials during the wave and when the wave ends everything on the ground comes to the character as a single item that has a number on it which shows how many of those items there are in that one singular one, this would get rid of the lag both during and at the end of the wave.
Honestly I think there should be an innate chance that locked items get cursed based on your curse level because as it stands I feel like curse is kinda meh without a fish hook or two
I don't think that's how it works unless it's in a non-visible way with the mod that shows the XP requirement, since when I showed how much we gained in level ups (going from 2 to 7 thanks to Harvesting), Harvesting was only at 12k and we needed like 80k or so just for a single level up. And I just tested this with Creature, on Level 1 you require 16 XP and after 2 waves and -10% XP Gain, it still requires 16 XP to level up. The one after that needs 25. I chose a different char to reach lvl 1 right away on wave 1 and it also requires 25.
It's selling price times 4, and the range is to the next 4. So 4 is 4x4=16, range until 19. Or in easier words, 16-19 would result in recycle value of 4. 28-31 in 7. And so on
It was brought to my attention that I had way more Gardens than I should have. Edit:
According to a bug report, this happens also with turrets and is apparently a known bug upon combining weapons like Wrenches and I guess Pruners.
"Rytingur - Today at 11:17
someone in bug reports said they kept a blue turret after combining 2 blue wrenches and having no other items that'd give him one, so something fishy is going on "
Certified Dex moment
"Heiliges Schnitzel" hat mich so gebrochen xD
Mich auch lmao
I feel like many people read the item text of the snake differently. Because to me it was always "If an enemy is set on fire while there's another close to it that one is on fire now too." So the cursed snake spreading it to two enemies makes perfect sense to me
My intuitive reaction was, "Of course it only spreads to 1 enemy; why else would you be allowed to get multiple copies of the item? (it's non-unique.)"
I thought multiple copies increased the spreading range
@Qlmmb2086 i could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure the wording was different and it used to be applied in a range, like a small explosion. That's at least what I recall from a test seeing more than 1 extra enemy getting burned with 1 snake, so that was the only logical conclusion for me. As in if 1 snake gets more than 1 extra burned, then it has to be an area effect. And either that gets bigger or triggered multiple times then
@@DexTag it might just be the case that the newly burned enemy from the snake proc also procs the snake, so it can spread one by one, and cursed snake makes each instance try to spread to two different targets in the range, making it more consistently cover an area or something
These mods are a game changer! Being able to see all those stats and the number of tardigrades really improves the viewing experience(having the chests displayed with a counter is also great). The mod that allow you to sell items feels like something that should be vanilla! Now you can buy good/unique items early on and sell them in the late game to try and get them cursed.
umm, that would be terrible. cost benefit analysis is a major part of the game, and to take that away is to take away the downsides to lots of items. or what about shackles, handcuffs etc, you could get rid of them at a whims notice.
I agree, I think they are a major improvement. Though selling items isn't good IMO. A big chunk of the game is to figure out what you need, what is enough to survive and sometimes you have to take something bad to be able to make it to 20, but this seriously cripples Endless then. Or sometimes it allows you to go from wave 10 to 15, else you would've died, but then the downside kicks in. I prefer this over just selling something again
in addition to the thoughts voiced by the other answers, i feel like it would destroy the curse mechanic.
You could just buy every item that you would like to have uncursed and once you have enough fishing hooks you can sell them one at a time and get them back cursed
Improved tooltips is also a good one
Schön wie du immer kurz ins Deutsche rutscht wenn du dich freust 😂
I really like the way you play instead of just going for the win you go for the insanity of a run
Yeah he usually has a general target, but along the way he’ll embrace whatever curveballs this silly game throws at him 🤣
@@TheCrazyCapMasteryep the same way I play the game it's the most fun you can have at this point idk how many times I've chuckled out loud when a run goes bonkers
@@wheresmypudding “it’s not about winning, it’s about sending a message”
44:00 the cut is just perfect lmao
as long as we can deal with all of the enemys ------- so i face a new issue
Sorry, i speak English not pretty good, and i have a question, what is "i face", i was thinking that face is a part of the head, but you used that like a verb..?
@iarir2-gn8du "facing" a new issue kinda means that you are looking at a new issue.. you basically have a new Problem "infront of your face"
Guess who got here early, Dex. He uploaded it, he is by Definition "First". Unless you came from the future, noone can be First other than the creator.
Guess Who (2005)
GoT (2011-2019)
Here (2024)
Early D (2003)
During the editing process he’s probably the first 500 views
dex's computer: I'm something of a time traveller myself
They call me the drink
You not even a cup blud 🙏
Got my TH-cam recap, you're my top 1 content creator of gaming from 158 I have watched and Brotato is one of the top 3 of the games I've watched! :D
Bro you always drop right when i get off work.🎉 Loving the vids lately!
You are my number 1# channel on YT review! Lol
34:19 "alter Schwede" thats kill me xD
collecting fruits sounds like "gubble gubble" and now u cannot unhear it
"They are related"
"Oh no"
"It's Alabama time"
:D :D
at 41:11
I think the reason the fruit lags isn't actually just explosion but the sound. A lot of games have bad sound optimization so they can lag horribly when some sounds get played too rapidly. It's a big problem in path of exile and a few other RPG's I've played. Since picking up a fruit gives you stats which plays a sound, makes a crunch sound on it's own, and also explodes which makes a sound I'd be unsurprised if that wasn't a major reason it lags there. If you could either stop the fruit from making sound or just delete some of those sounds it is possible that could make more of a difference especially on these ultra long fruit gobbler runs.
really? thats so interesting
wouldnt that actually be moddable? like im pretty sure you could mod the game to reduce sounds or even remove them and not just mute but actually go into the code and remove the activation at all, if thats true what you say that might be a huge thing if it comes to lag optimisation and such a mod wouldnt be cheating since it just reduces lag
The fruits also have individual collision boxes which are all interacting with each other. I think it’s just as bad as the audio lag, so a bit of a double whammy.
I suspect it's a data structure issue due to the way all the fruit are being stored, every time you pick one up it does a O(n) scan to find it and delete it.
oh, i was thinking its because everything get colected and calculated one by one at the end so a mod that tracks the fruits during the round and and then just adds a value at the end would make sense but this is also a good point.
Dex i have an insane challenge for you that you wouldn't be able to complete without like 30 retries. Gangster but you can only get items from the shop by stealing them (Crates and weapons are fine to make it a tad bit easier)
this is genius. tho the weapons is cruical, otherwise i think it would be impossible
900 views in 10 minutes love the vids❤
What did you get on the crown😂
You could try installing a mod that makes you always attract consumables regardless of current HP for the late endless waves. Either way, you're a legend at this game 🤘
7:25 my brian rn: ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️↕️↔️↩️↪️⤴️⤵️🔃🔄
This is the most insane brotato build i have ever seen.
How can it get any better than this?
Better processor
I was slightly hoping you would remove the wave 20 cap on the harvesting just for the absolute insanity it would bring, but this was still as entertaining as always
This time around it was funny to see how much Dex got confused by his attack speed because of the community support
There is a setting called "optimize end of waves" which you can turn on in the settings, which reduced the lag when like 200 fruits get collected (I think they don't get sucked in anymore, but just disappear and get collected directly)
The setting is turned on and it helped a lot, but here it was around 2500 Fruits
Thank you for making a video to explain it to me better lol
double Penguin snowballs so fast it's hilarious
Dex, maybe there are some mods that could change fruits behavior at the end? Like instant collect them, not attract for example? Or tbh, despawn everything on level ending without any animation? It would solve at least part of the problem with optimization
The lag is coming from collisions. Fruit and trees collide and move positions to they don’t sit on top of eachother. The problem is when they settle and don’t check collisions. A new one spawns now it’s checking collisions with all the fruit below it.. so it just is a run away effect.
omg really? i didnt know this. that super interesting. they should definitly make it so fruits stack after a certain point so that lag is reduced
yea, that sounds like the problem. At the end of the wave you could make everything skip collision detection and just add the stats since everything gets collected anyway. That would probably solve the end part.
Making them stack sounds like a good route, except the way items works would make it so you’re getting less triggers, or you’re getting 10 explosions off 1 fruit in the same exact spot. They prob thought of this. I think the best route would be to have the fruit farm just shoot out fruit in a random direction and distance without the small collision detection it has. I really don’t know if it turns off but you can see it’s positioning when there are less fruits. Same goes for turrets where if they spawn too close they push eachother a little bit away. I have a few years of programming and game design, I’m sure they’ll address this in some way, as I don’t think it was entirely accounted for in the beginning that you would be able to create 20,000 fruits a wave 😂
@@TheJAM_Sr theres also some limits to the godot game engine, i dont know if your familiar with it, but it is very lightweight, but has less brute strength for optimization
for your build up tardgrade thing, ive thought of it aswell, but so have the developers. so in endless, the i-frames start decreasing, until eventually they are non existant, and you literally die the second you get touched
Dex, you have to play tiny rogues!!! And nova drift!!! They are right up your alley and tiny rogues is criminally underrated!!!
Tiny rogues is so good. I second this.
Nova drift is so good , but maybe not auto battler enough, though I second this. Also you can't really break nova drift anymore... Unfortunately
I think there needs to be a mod that disables loading the sound a fruit makes when getting them. That might help with the lag.
I wonder if there's a mod to auto pick up fruits within your pickup range? I know its "gameplay altering", but would still be interesting to see a run with it.
More modded runs would also be interesting, like perfect luck on curses, buy any items from shop etc to make the "perfect" build, idk what mods are available, but just throwing ideas out :D
With the Retromation Hoodie, you could tank your dodge stat for a while, so that the axolotl will target it and you can eventually swap your harvesting over to it. You wouldn't want to tank your attack speed untill you find the axolotl, but that would be a loop hole for the axolotl to still (indirectly) boost the attack speed
That’s a good idea. And that would result in even more attack speed than a direct swap
Just did a similar run and got your weapon! I unfortunately suck and only got to wave 39 but it was a fun run!
If I was playing on PC using the selling mod to get rid of lag later on in an endless run would be the only reason I would use it like in this video. I think it would really take a lot of the fun out of the game if you sold items all the time, you could break so many things. Especially with the curse mechanic in the DLC. A lot of strategy would just be gone.
I did an endless to Wave 100 the other day with 6 Particle Accelerators and they're completely nuts. I never saw a single enemy for 50 waves.
I wonder why they dont make the fruits on the grown stack to other close fruits like thry do with material once theres a certain number
That would actually be a good change. Like maybe after ~100 fruits on the ground. Each big one would have to calculate as individuals when picked up.
Hello! Long-time viewer here!
I’ve been thinking about the fishing hooks. Are you sure they add the percentages in that way? Because some games give each item a certain percentage to modify the weapon separately, not together.
Brotato have had some weird interactions before :P
A mod to disable the sounds of collecting the fruits would probably solve one of the lag issues.
Dex, you should give Renegade with flutes a try. It's hilarious how many conversions you get.
after wave 20 the Harvesting will give xp material then it will lose 20% then the fruit you picked up after wave is applied, so it is better to leave it on the ground. Also isn't axolot named as unique? You can't get it to increase ranged dmg after you have already transfer it into life steal. 31:42
What about a mod that converts fruits/etc into stack before becomeing consumed but counted as normal when comsumed? lag fix?
Doesn't the particle accelerator scale better due to all the engineering stats you have, and it not bouncing? That should solve the lag as you should have about 1/3 or even less projectiles on screen.
Dex! I have just one wish for my life. And hear me out here okay?
🌈A brotato character Tierlist 🌈. Do it! Pretty please.
I respect your opinions the most.
Probably the best way to deal with the fruit lag would be to install a mod that removes the attraction visual effect, if such a mod exists. The lag comes from so many entities having to move at the same time. If you remove the movements, it should cut the lag significantly.
If the mod doesn't already exist, someone should create it :)
"FARMER with Cursed Gardens " that sounds like perfect title for Halloween episode
In my experience doing a similar build. I pick up a blood donation to deal damage to myself. That will pick up all the fruits around you based on your pick up range. Just scale your HP and explosion stats for increased damage for your spicy sauce. All you have to do is dodge projectiles, and you will nuke everything before it touches you. You could make it more extreme purposely not having armor as your lowest stat, and switch harvesting with armor for more safety since you won't have tardigrade stacks.
I also never pick up Pocket Factory, or whatever the item is called that creates turrets on tree kills on endless runs. Too much lag. You can just use spicy sauce and the elephants late game to kill everything if you go for a build like this.
just take a shot for every time Dex said Harvesting in the first 5-10 minutes.
Brotato co-op when?
Also, I'd love to see a Golem run.
I had something like this happen without the curse a couple months back. I had so many fruits spawning, I had insane pick up range and healing, and a bloody hand so everything would be pulled in ever second with a back up excalibur to kill anything that didn’t die from the explosions
What would happen if you sold the Axolotl? Would the stats swap back or would it stay and allow you to swap with something else on the next one?
It changes every time it appears as far as I remember.
Something I'd like to see, since we're popping the cap on mechanical alterations, is a run where EVERYTHING is max-curse from the beginning. It'll be insane, but will the enemies be more busted than the potato?
47:38, yes you can but that number is too high. Its like around 3600 tardigrades. You eventually lose all your s but because game works on 60 fps you can get hit only 60 times per second for 60 seconds. Not my idea, I read it discord or reddit so maybe its wrong.
There really should be an option to turn off items flying to you at the end of the wave and instead they are just instantly picked up
„Heiliges Schnitzel“ Ich wusste nicht dass du deutsch bist😂😂😂
Bro bei dem Akzent is das obvious XD
hi, i really like this build as i learn from this video. but I have a question: for example, in the video at the 5:15 mark, I noticed that when your pruner is combined and reaches level 2, it shows "create fruit every 11.7 seconds." Shouldn't a level 2 pruner create fruit every 14 seconds?
I observed in your video that every upgraded pruner produces fruit faster than what I experience in my own gameplay, or even what I've read in brotato wiki.
Has this been updated, or is there something I might have missed?
Structure Attack Speed increases the production of structures. Or well, here, for Turrets they shoot faster. I can't check it out right now but I'll assume I had 2-3 Clockwork Wasps, each giving 10%
Not whenever you pick up a fruit. But when your at FULL Health.
I'ma be honest, I find the thought process explanations to be a decent part of the enjoyment factor for the videos, though idk if I'm in the minority here.
In my personal thinking. Is that if they implement a setting to turn off animations on turrets and such (since every mob and turret tree etc is moving)
it would be great if the game combined drops like food into a large pile like materials.
Is it actually good to take the Crown in such a a run?
Isnt it increasing the loss after wave 20 aswell?
It does not increase loss after R20
I'm convinced fish hooks curse chance isn't accurate. Too often I'll have a full shop locked for multiple waves with 70+% chance to curse and nothing ever gets cursed.
Afaik, item that doesn't have accumulative 100% chance apply their chance independently, so it's 20% x 3 instead of 60%, depending on how the game trigger the cursing, it's entirely possible tor the 3 hooks to curse the same item (or even try to recurse already cursed item)
I’m pretty sure it’s accurate, personally. I got 90% total recently and didn’t see an item miss curse for several rounds, while locking 3-4 items every time.
People are just bad at estimating probability. I bet if you actually tracked your results you’d see you were very close to odds
@@1TieDye1 14 rounds in a row at 72% probability without reformation hoodie getting curse, giants belt got added in a few rounds after. 10 rounds for giants belt and 14 rounds for the hoodie before they got cursed and they got cursed the same round. That's my most extreme example but similar happens a lot.
I rlly wanna see the same but with Land-mines, 0.1 cooldown on the bombs, see how they stack up
damage numbers?
get bloody hand so you constantly collect all fruits?
Late game everything one shots you, so bloody hand would eat through all tardigrades and then he would be vulnerable to getting one shot
Wave 27 I think is where you started to Gain Harvesting!
And it's going up every wave after slowly
heiliges schnitzel❤ bin süchtig😂 spiel aber auf konsole und kann das DLC kaum erwarten😅
Dlc is out already tho?
You should combine the bone dice with the exploit where rerolling the shop gives you money instead of taking money
Being this early to a dex video is like early Christmas
nice power point presentation
even though it would take soooooo long i would like to see another go at like 1000 waves or so. I know its a lot but its sooooo exciting to watch
He died by a single hit of 606433 dmg. Holy cow. 56:43
Amazing run and I suggest you keep the mod that allows you to recycle/banish items to use after wave 20 for lag reduction. As I suspected, but never confirmed, the visuals aren't contributing to the tick lag as draw calls are usually seperate from tick updates. Other Items that could cause lag might be things like baby with a beard or elephants that have effects on death or chance to chain kills since I suspect each item has its own %roll every tick. The lag ruins viewing experience and things like the pocket factory are important to reduce roll-fatigue while making the post 20 almost unwatchable due to video compression limitations. Removing the visual effects is a good solution but the downside is that we dont get to see the visual effects. getting to wave 50 would be alot more pleasant if you could remove limited items (or lagardens ) from your item pool after taking them.
Its your game to play.
what would happen if you take a sad tomato and reduce the heal from fruits to 0?
very good vid but ngl im kinda disappointed that dex didnt sold the axol just to find another one with even more insane trade
Yea, thats just a personal thing. I dont know if I included that in the video or cut it out, but I was fine doing things for testing purposes (so in other words, instead of doing another full run just to test 1 tiny thing) to learn out of it, but becoming more broken by something known isn't learning
@DexTag in any case ur vids bring some joy into our life
Now it makes sense why you never take more snakes, i always found it weird because i take every single one i see to kill groups faster
I think it will be fun to make a run with sell items mod, where you will sell non curse items after 20 wave and curse them, to see how far it can go
Nothing to do with this video, but I was wondering what's the mod for Vampire survivors to reduce the opacity of the weapons?
42:50 perfect curse number :D
isnt there a mod that allows you to collect everything no matter if youre full health or not
8:52 heiliges Schnitzel made me chuckle especially because I am German
My least favorite thing about this dlc is now every single brotato comment section is just people complaining about their curse luck
What if you got a cursed crown? Does it srill work after wave 20?
Starting round 4 you had more gardens on the stage than items/pruners. You had 6 pruners, no garden items, but 7 gardens on the stage. Next round you had 9 gardens on the stage..
Edit: I removed what I wrote prior since I asked on the Discord. Apparently this is a reported bug with Turrets (Wrenches) that they keep the original turrets upon upgrading one. Since Garden is also a structure I'll assume the same thing happens there. Phew, at least not related to the mods
Dex forgetting he has piggy bank...
Tbh, worthless item unless its a character specific pick, like Saver. But you already start with it there I guess
Nah cursed piggy bank is cracked
@wheresmypudding cursed piggybank takes a lot to aquire but most importantly you need to stop buying, which is at the time you wanna build up your economy. Is it fun? Yea, it can be crazy if it fits. But in most cases i view it as a trap that earns you a good chunk of money and then you sit there at 20 and have barely anything obtained. But with thief daggers and the right char it's solid
@@DexTag Was referring to when you commented about how much money you had cause the shop was locked for some stuff to get cursed, 3-4 rounds straight. Otherwise I agree about it being useless.
46:46 i'd say the game laggs cpu bound and not gpu bound wich is the reason why turning off the projectiles doesn't do much. I don't know if this game runs single core or multi core but if it is single core there could be a way to make it multi core (asking the devs for it or maybe there could be a mod that enables it for the game (idk if it is even possible tho))
is it possible to create a mod that bunch fruits like material?
I kind of want the hook to change. Instead of waiting for a random chance from one shop to another I much rather would like it to happen on rerolls.
It does make the hooks stronger, but you would reroll through a lot of cash without seeing new items, as you have to keep them locked still.
EDIT: Blood donation and the lifesteal legendary should 100% ignore tardigrades.
Hey Dex there is a mod where you can sell your items i dont know its name anymore, but it could be a possibility to regulate the lategame stutter
nevermind he talked about it the second after i posted this lol
How long did the run actually take?
when you so early member only mode hasn't set in yet
how to make works mods? they dont show up and dont work
I ended up getting an axolotl that let me switch my % damage and my Armor; I now have 20k armor and 140k HP! What a crazy build!!
Can you go for an entrepreneur build with max cursed coupons and spyglasses?
someone should create a mod for bratato that culls all the extra consumables and materials during the wave and when the wave ends everything on the ground comes to the character as a single item that has a number on it which shows how many of those items there are in that one singular one, this would get rid of the lag both during and at the end of the wave.
What should be danger 6?
Honestly I think there should be an innate chance that locked items get cursed based on your curse level because as it stands I feel like curse is kinda meh without a fish hook or two
XP gain works by reducing the XP needed per level. So it works with harvesting.
I don't think that's how it works unless it's in a non-visible way with the mod that shows the XP requirement, since when I showed how much we gained in level ups (going from 2 to 7 thanks to Harvesting), Harvesting was only at 12k and we needed like 80k or so just for a single level up. And I just tested this with Creature, on Level 1 you require 16 XP and after 2 waves and -10% XP Gain, it still requires 16 XP to level up. The one after that needs 25. I chose a different char to reach lvl 1 right away on wave 1 and it also requires 25.
Kann mir jemand den Mod sagen um zu sehen wie viele Tardigrades man hat?
How did he know the price range of the pruners at the start?
It's selling price times 4, and the range is to the next 4. So 4 is 4x4=16, range until 19. Or in easier words, 16-19 would result in recycle value of 4. 28-31 in 7. And so on
A mod to merge fruits would do you good ngl
The arrangement of the weapon hands irks me to no end; WHAT IS THE PATTERN?
I wonder if the devs could make an option to make the fruits invisible or something to eliminate the lag?
It would probably be really fun if Dex sold Axolotl after the selling item mod