Why Everyone Should Try Monster Hunter World

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 133

  • @MamasLittleMan
    @MamasLittleMan 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +45

    playing this game after school went unbelievablely raw, not to mention how good some of the collabs were

  • @Soren59
    @Soren59 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    It's always a pleasure to see a new hunter start their journey. I recently got back into the game myself after putting it down last year after getting into Rise. I haven't tried the Insect Glaive so I can't give tips for it, but here's some general advice I can give for a new player:
    • Always carry a trap with you (I prefer Shock Traps) and at least 2 Tranq Bombs. They can be crafted after buying the materials from the Provisions Stockpile (they periodically go on sale for 50% off so try to stock them up then). You can capture monsters that are almost dead, which is signified by them limping and going back to their rest area and falling asleep (each individual monster has a specific rest area for each map). You get more rewards for capturing, and it also makes finishing the quest easier, but note that Elder Dragons can only be killed, not captured.
    You can also tell if monsters are low enough to be captured by the skull icon next to them on the minimap if you have level 3 tracking on them, signified by a progress bar next to the monster when the map is opened. The more you level up tracking for a specific monster by collecting tracks of them and talking to the Ecological Researcher, the easier it is to reach level 3 in the future. The tracking level during hunts and the overall tracking level for the monster are 2 separate things; the latter takes longer to level up but is permanent, while the former is easier to level up but diminishes over time and is influenced by the latter.
    • Each map has multiple campsites, which need to first be unlocked by finding the campsite and then completing a delivery quest at the Resource Center. It's recommended to unlock all of them as soon as you can, since having more campsites means having more fast travel points on the map (once unlocked, you can travel to them by opening the map and clicking on them during a hunt or expedition while not in combat).
    • The Botanical Research Center is a great way to get materials you need to craft items with for free. I strongly recommend doing all the optional quests that upgrade it as soon as they become available. I like to have 3 of my slots for Thunderbugs, Parashrooms and Sleep Herbs (used for crafting Shock Traps and Tranq Bombs) but you can change it depending on what you need in the moment such as potion materials like Honey.
    • Item Loadouts make switching gear a lot quicker and easier, so make use of them as needed. Same thing for Inventory Loadouts. For example you can have a loadout for different elemental weapons or resistances depending on what type of monster you're hunting (although you can beat most monsters without worrying too much about that, but it can make fights easier).
    • You can unlock new gear for your Palico by doing certain quests involving Grimalkyne Tribes on each map. Grimalkynes are furry feline creatures that are around the same size as your Palico. You can do these quests on expeditions, but they might be hard to find.
    • You can wishlist items you don't have the materials to make right now but want to make. When you get materials needed for a wishlisted item, you'll get a notification. You can also check at any time what items you need for a wishlisted item via the menu so that you don't forget.
    • If you ever play multiplayer, Flinch Free level 1 is an almost mandatory skill to have as a melee weapon user, as it prevents you from getting flinched by other players' attacks. You can also avoid getting flinched with some weapon moves that give a degree of super armor while using them or by avoiding being in the hit zone of other players' attacks, but Flinch Free is by far the most reliable option.

    • @Meme_King139
      @Meme_King139 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also note, Monsters can become enraged which can make them hit harder, move faster, and sometimes gain new moves
      You can immediately tell with certain monsters changing colors or traits like Pukei Pukei's face turning red. Some monsters don't have an immediate tell, but if you look at their icons on the map there is an eye icon. If it's red the monster is angry.
      Also monsters can become exhausted and sluggish, moving slower, hitting weaker, and sometimes losing moves or failing them all together. Its not as common for monsters to look different when they get tired as when they get mad, but usually a monster will start salivating heavily.
      An exhausted monster can gain its stamina back by eating, and if you delay them for too long or deal enough damage while they are tired, they can immediately skip to being enraged again
      Different monsters tire and enrage at different paces, and some monsters can't get tired.
      Good luck and happy hunting!

    • @Moe_Posting_Chad
      @Moe_Posting_Chad 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Protip for glaive users. Air attacks are only to be used sparingly, mostly as a method of dodging attacks or positioning. Drink your demon drug and armor skin. And don't be afraid to bring stuff to make extra shock traps. Shock traps are not cowardly. Clutch claws are.

    • @Meme_King139
      @Meme_King139 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Moe_Posting_Chad Clutch claw isn't exactly cowardly to be fair, it's just another option in your arsenal. Overuse of it is liable to get you killed though, risk vs reward

  • @Dajkenoth
    @Dajkenoth 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Something fun for Insect Glaive users, if u find any climbable walls or walls u can run up, try doing a mid air evade into them. Once u latch on, u can input a direction and press jump again, it can actually allow you to get to higher areas in a way thats not possible with any other weapon. Its not very useful, but imo its pretty dang cool

  • @joelfranco189
    @joelfranco189 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    For insect glave, always try to get your triple buffs off the monster. Red gives you more attack and your full moveset for insect glave. White makes you walk faster with your weapon drawn out. And Orange is a defense buff. With all 3 you get even more attack and defense, I don't remember if it gives you any other buffs since I haven't used it in awhile. Try out other weapons too when you get bored or have issues with a monster but then get prepared to learn how to use that weapon. Ranged weapons are great too but often scare away new players for not being as flashy as other weapons or having to deal with ammo types and ammo management on top of item management. For range weapons the trick is to focus in on the ammo type that the weapon can specialize in rather than trying to use every single ammo that it can use. As an example there are bowguns that allows you to walk and shoot, reload and walk, and the recoil is low for Normal Ammo 3 soooooo that's probably the only ammo you can do a build around. Bow is a different beast that I'm not too familiar with but it also follows some of things with bowguns but I recommend getting advice on bow from someone else. Good luck and happy hunting!

    • @Hyper_Drud
      @Hyper_Drud 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Another point on bowguns. Some of them have rapid fire on certain ammo types, which is where they’ll shoot 2-3 rounds for only the cost of 1 round.

  • @nekoklo3153
    @nekoklo3153 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    just a tip for the Insect Glaive, try to keep up the buffs since red extract gives you better and stronger attacks. And LT + Y to send out the kinsect in the direction and LT+B to recall.
    and don't forget to upgrade the kinsect, it doesn't do it automatically when you upgrade the Glaive, since you can assign a severing or blunt kinsect to any glaive.
    I watched plenty of tutorials from MH gamers before, that's how i got into basically trying out all of the weapons and my least fav is probably Hunting horn and lance

    • @soulmaster846
      @soulmaster846 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As an insect glaive user, there are pros and cons to attempting a triple extract before engaging the battle. While you do get a good bonus offense and defense buff, attempting to get all three kinsect extracts is quite troublesome. The orange one in particular. I often times find the task feeling like a chore rather than engaging. Also once you get all three extracts, you are locked into a 90 second window before you loose all the extracts (unless you feed your kinsect slinger ammo, which will extend the duration by 50%). Your kinsect's feeds won't further extend that triple status, to my knowledge.
      I personally like to just get the red and white extracts first before diving into the fight. Red, minimum. Keep the kinsect marker on the monster at all times so your bug will gather extracts while you're fighting. I find this style very helpful, as my bug will sustain my extract duration throughout the fight, keeping up my momentum. Sometimes I'll get lucky, and my bug will bring the orange extract on its own.
      Also, gather extracts from other creatures when you are in the searching/chasing phase. Gather slinger ammo to feed your bug.

  • @abraarquraishi1681
    @abraarquraishi1681 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Nice to see another insect glaive main. My advice for beginners is always try to maintain the red extract, the combos are way better with red extract. You can usually get the red extract from either the head of most monsters, or the place they primarily attack from. In the beginning, you don’t necessarily need the other extracts, you can focus on getting them when you’re more comfortable extracting. And also for a beginner, focus on speed when nurturing kinsects, that makes it way easier to get the extracts.

  • @Gamer3427
    @Gamer3427 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I think in general Monster Hunter does have one thing in common with Warframe actually, which is that it's something quite a few people struggle to get into, but those who do get absolutely hooked. It's just that initial overwhelming bit/learning curve that puts off a lot of people and keeps them from really giving it a chance.
    EDIT: Also, a couple of big tips for the Insect Glaive. Your big damage is going to come from your ground combos, while your aerial attacks are more for evasion, mounting, or getting damage when you can't get a good ground combo in. Also, be sure to get all three extracts with your kinsect, because the combined buff is key to getting the most of your weapon.
    Beyond that, keep in mind your kinsect isn't just an extra damage source, but is an extension of the weapon itself and choosing the right one for your play style is important. For me personally, I tend to prefer running a blunt kinsect with the healing powder, since the blunt gives you both damage types on one weapon, and the healing powder lets you stay in the fight longer once you get used to hitting it mid combat. A lot of people prefer blast or poison though for the raw damage or dot, because that can add up quite a bit on a tough fight.
    Every weapon in the Monster Hunter series could pass for the whole moveset in most action games, so there's quite a lot of nuance to them that you'll only really pick up as you play more. There's also nothing wrong with switching weapons every now and then if you start to get bored, or just want to try something new. Everyone has their favorites, but sometimes you'll find that a weapon you never even thought of just feels "better" to you once you get used to it.

  • @perishforyoursins7941
    @perishforyoursins7941 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The cool thing about kulu-ya-ku, is that it's a monster that specializes in stealing eggs. It is a defining aspect of its ecology and that's the reason it is so adept at handling rocks and pots when fighting its opponents.

  • @Ramotttholl
    @Ramotttholl 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Even with the old games, it often took ppl a 2nd try before it stuck to them
    The story can be. Meh, but its important to giving ppl a reason to Hunt the monsters.
    And they even react to the community every through the game. Like World had a monster that is kinda weak not that agressieve and derpy/cute looking and the joke became no one should harm it.
    Iceborne came out and we got a researcher complain about the lack of research about this monster because no one wanted to hunt them 😅.

  • @LordOfElm
    @LordOfElm 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Like many other commenters, glad to see more people getting into the game and enjoying it. I think giving Jocat's "A Crap Guide to Monster Hunter World " videos a watch would be both fun and educational, plus they are all relatively short (like 2 minutes per). For more in-depth mechanical guides JinJinx and Tuner made some extremely detailed meta-defining videos back when the game was still fresh.

    • @Siiights
      @Siiights 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Highly highly recommend JinJinx and Tuner.

  • @cheesy_potato9243
    @cheesy_potato9243 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If you’re wearing guardian armor you gotta get rid of it, it makes early game way too easy and it’s meant for people who have already played through the game so they can get to higher ranks quicker, dying is part of the game and it’s how you learn the mechanics. It might seem frustrating to die over and over but it’s part of the game, like dark souls you keep dying and dying but you slowly learn the movesets of every boss (or monster) and when you finally beat them it feels so much better

  • @fenrir3097
    @fenrir3097 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    People disliking/not into their first play with the series is actually a really really common thing with this series. I've heard countless stories of people only getting into these games on their second try lol.

    • @hdeazy
      @hdeazy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is exactly what happened to me.... I hated this game at first.... Mainly because I went into it thinking of a third person action type game... Not understand that I had to master my weapon... Now this game is up there in my top five most played games ever

    • @azku
      @azku 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That’s me. I think in the end it’s about the weapon. Once u’ve the right weapon for u, it just sticks.
      For me, it was LBG that sucked me in, then I moved to hammer, and now I’m a lancer (for the time being).

  • @daetros1626
    @daetros1626 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I love seeing the excitement and awe I felt playing this game for the first time reflected in new hunters! I've played about 400 hours of MHW, 260 hours of Rise and most of it with the Hammer. At this point I feel like an experienced hammer bro (unga bunga!) but I'm not even close to mastering it. My second playthrough of World has been amazing and I'm learning so much more by hunting each monster solo as opposed to my first time in which I relied on others a lot. I genuinely believe it is the best game I've ever played, and is certainly the hardest I've ever put time into. Welcome to the fifth fleet!

  • @apgdanielricardo8196
    @apgdanielricardo8196 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have another chance to the game last year, and now it's absolutely my favorite franchise ever (yeah, after that I bought risebreak and MH generations ultimate on switch)
    Oh and believe me, I have over 640 hours in this game, and I'm still learning new stuff, either on weapons moveset or monsters interactions.

  • @Moe_Posting_Chad
    @Moe_Posting_Chad 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The glaive is without doubt the most intricate and flexible weapon in the game... Ruined by the slinger and clutch claw. That aside, the glavie is genuinely a blast once you figure it out. Super easy true infinite combo too. Just gotta learn to be patient to attack only when you're ready.

    • @Moe_Posting_Chad
      @Moe_Posting_Chad 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Also some kinsects have sever damage type. Which means you can use it to tail cut.

  • @TyrsFire
    @TyrsFire 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I think a good advice for newcomers is to watch combat guides for beginners cuz some players may think it's just evade and hit your atack button(similar to a souls Game) but this is more complex in terms of moveset or the importance of using the weapon moveset and mechanics, each weapon can be similar to a character in a fighting Game or a MOBA/MMO and Even it could feel like changing gameplay type from going with a weapon that feels you are in a Hack&Slash to a weapon that changes into a third person shooter.(the monster will be the same and their fights too but your feelings will change and the weapon will require you to do other aproach).
    It takes time to get used to, and you really need to use it's tools (i'm not saying to "get good", just saying that it's important to understand the idea or concept of your weapon and try to pull your weapon's mechanics for being effective),to really start feeling that you are doing damage or doing "correctly" not because it's wrong to play in a Basic level (there are some weapons with less complexity and require less from the player) but because you could get bored for feeling clunky or fighting for so much time monsters that are simple and you are like, why this monster still alive? when you have 20 minutes or more fighting. And you still need to understand the other aspect that are not fighting, at that point you'll be quiting if you don't get the right idea of how combat works.
    Remember it's not being good at it, it's understanding how it works and why.

    • @Helljump
      @Helljump 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would recommend JoCat's crap guides to the weapons... As they're not exactly instructional, but they do give you a feel for the weapon even so.

  • @mogllion
    @mogllion 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    For normal hunters, I couldn't recommend using the insect glaive, however you explained and showed your knowledge of not just learning but also utilizing more complex mechanics from other games, so I hope you keep using the insect glaive for as long as its enjoyable to you as I do want to see what kind of monster hunter you become.
    Keep in mind that you will be upgrading both your weapon and your kinsect separately, add that there are 2 kinds of kinsects to choose from and that the core gameplay revolves around hitting specific parts of a monster to get different buffs, and the insect glaive can easily seem overwhelming and very clunky, but once you learn everything your weapon can do, you will start to build your own combos that fit perfectly into your unique playstyle

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      between this and other comments, i now know about the different buffs lol. legit had no idea how important they are

  • @Niczu.
    @Niczu. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Started MHW with Insect Glaive as well and used it for the first the first 200 hrs or so exclusively, also playing some Long Sword here and there. But then came Swag Axe and I've been playing it for around 300 hrs now. I guess what I'm trying to say is how satisfying it is to use only single weapon for even a long period of time and try to master it. There is always this voice in my head telling me that I could still do much better and its such a great feeling.

  • @Mercman1010
    @Mercman1010 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Two big things about Incect glaive is always have your extracts. All three give you a 12% buff to dmg and defense.
    Secondly, when upgrading kinsects, try to max out speed. If you have a slow kinsect, getting those extracts becomes 10x harder.

  • @bezovrinho
    @bezovrinho 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hey a quick tip for Glaive, your main DPS will come from GROUND COMBOS.. i know..!! We all want to be flying in the air but dont do it all the time, ground combos do way more damage, reserve flying for when you fight very big monsters so you combo in the air. :D Also, you dont need the Orange buff, prioritize Red for combos, then White for speed.

    • @casualnerdjason6678
      @casualnerdjason6678 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I might be wrong, but don't you need all 3 buffs for a bonus? Definitely always keep at least red up, though :)

    • @bezovrinho
      @bezovrinho 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@casualnerdjason6678 Yes but most of the time you achieve more DPS if you skip Orange and skip straight to the fight, but if you are really SURE that the kinsect will get Orange on hit, do it, but if not just doesnt waste time, go attack!!

  • @Ashen_Night116
    @Ashen_Night116 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As to the top comment, there is actually an additional way to know, before the monster has the skull:
    The heartbeat monitor underneath the monster? It actually has 3 states, it has the regular resting heartbeat (when not enraged), when it's enraged the beat is a lot more quicker on top of being orange and blue, when you're down to about 25% I believe? The monster's heartbeat sort of gets close to that of a flatline, you can always gauge by this little bit on how close you are to capture or killing a monster.

  • @Darunpolo
    @Darunpolo 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The orange sharpness during the kulu hunt was killing me. Great video

  • @Mesaeux
    @Mesaeux 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Insect Glaive main here. Good to see another one joining the air force. ;) Some tips for you:
    First off, Skill Up got it wrong. It isn't Kinsect Glaive. The insect is called Kinsect but the weapon is called Insect Glaive.
    Second, I see you try to gather the monster extracts using the Mark Target mechanic. That is better used for attacking rather than gathering the extracts. Try doing this instead: when you have the reticle up for Kinsect aiming, use your primary attack button to send out the kinsect in the aimed direction (preferrably the monster). Once the kinsect has the extract, bring up the Kinsect aiming reticle again and use your secondary attack button to recall it. This is the most efficient way to obtain the Triple Buff, which I never saw active during your gameplay snippets. Once you have triple buff, you can go mark the monster to sic the Kinsect on the monster and generate dust clouds that can either help you inflict status ailments on the monster or heal you, depending on the Kinsect species you have.
    Third, maximizing damage with the IG takes a lot of knowhow and timing. Gotta know when to go aerial, know when to stay grounded because you don't have any defensive options other than dodging on the ground or dodging into the sky. Know how to build your elemental damage, which kinsect to use, etc.

  • @Real_Deej
    @Real_Deej 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A lot of tips already shared for the glaive so I won't repeat any. Also it's not my main weapon so I'm certainly no expert.
    I just love hearing a new hunters views on the game and am happy you gave it another shot and are enjoying it. I will say, once you've mastered your chosen weapon, dip into the others. I avoided it for a long time as I was having so much fun with my main. But have since found a hidden love for Gunlance and Heavy Bowgun. To be honest, I really enjoy all the weapons now. Though, still one or two I need more time to get the hang of.
    Happy hunting dude!

  • @abaque24
    @abaque24 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ok- You did a great job explaining what’s so good about World, cuz it literally verbalizes what I find out of place in World that makes me dislike it. The things you describe is pretty new to MH as a franchise from World, and explain why Rise, being more like pre-world games, is seen as lesses by players that started with world. Great video! Is it well written and narrated :D

  • @Rosier.Rosy.
    @Rosier.Rosy. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Monster hunter is such a huge learning curve for myself my first one was MH ultimate on the Wii and I returned it the next day. I played with the great sword which is arguably the slowest and hardest weapon. So I got smacked around for two hours and got frustrated. Later on I bought it again on a clearance sale because everyone kept swearing by it. Needless to say monster hunter is a work of genius but it requires investment. Still maining great sword doing naked g rank runs 😂. A long way from getting smacked by great jaggi for two hours. But it takes time for the game to truly shine and that’s for all of them

  • @braunpgn690
    @braunpgn690 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Awesome video really glad you picked this gem back up see you in iceborne soon fren 😼

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      iceborne looks so so cool

  • @casualnerdjason6678
    @casualnerdjason6678 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've recently been thinking, and I'm sure others have asked: Is Monster Hunter the original "Souls-like" game?

  • @MrChefRat
    @MrChefRat 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Some info on kinsect glave the three buffs (red,orange,white) red as you probably figured out changes your attacks to higher dps versions on ground and in air.
    Orange boosts defense a little bit.
    And white I think is a sharpness buff I forget.
    Hit zones for the buffs so if I'm remembering correctly the head is red buff the legs/arms are white and the tail is orange.

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i legit hadnt even noticed that lol

    • @MrChefRat
      @MrChefRat 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ashortginger dam you use the kinsect to collect the buffs btw

  • @julianmorgan79
    @julianmorgan79 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Monter hunter is the only time I've ever fully understood "it's not bad you're just playing it wrong". I played it for the first time in 2018 and almost dropped it immediately because of how awkward it felt. But the sheer amount of weapons and a strange feeling that im not quite doing something right made me push on, and i was right i was playing it wrong. I bought it for pc to play again this year and i had the same exact feeling i had in 2015 after returning...this feels awful and i quickly remembered "oh right the first hour in this game is awful" re-adjust and re-learn how to play.

  • @MrSmexyPain
    @MrSmexyPain 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who came from WF to MH as well… I relate to this.
    They’re remarkably similar experiences

  • @ShadowEevee_117
    @ShadowEevee_117 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Another addic- i mean fan!! welcome to the community cant wait to see more videos from you!
    (I hope to see you go all the way to fatalis and beyond!)

  • @famgod8318
    @famgod8318 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’ve played a few games in the series and it is without a doubt my favourite series.
    And I don’t even count myself as a veteran, even though In totality I have probably played thousands of hours of monster hunter.

  • @CakeofPokke
    @CakeofPokke 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm so happy that u decided to give this game another chance, Triple C ❤!! Great video ❤!! You explained it well 👌 I hope you have a fantastic hunting journey, fren 🤗

  • @jarodcoffin
    @jarodcoffin 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A fellow Insect Glaive main I see. Ice born gave it a nice upgrade. Alway try to make sure you have at least the red and white buff. The orange buff is nice to have but for some monsters it can be a pain and not worth spending a few minutes to try and get it. Plus, if you wait until red and white are about to run out, you can refresh them by getting orange to get the triple buff. Red buff is typically obtained through whatever the monster attacks with which is usually the head but can be the claws sometimes, white is usually from whatever the monster uses to move around such as feet or wings, and orange is usually on a tough part of the body, some monsters can have the green extract in the tail which can heal you.

  • @ballistic2527
    @ballistic2527 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the title reminds me of that one scene where the camera zooms in to Danny Devito's crying face

  • @drummerguy438
    @drummerguy438 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's wonderful to see new players coming to the game. I subbed because I'm excited to watch you grow and learn this game. Welcome my friend! Glad to have you.

  • @reeses3854
    @reeses3854 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Every weapon in this game has a high skill ceiling and so even though you think you've mastered the weapon you're using, you probably haven't even made use of every single move to min max your character's movement. I learned that the hard way when I thought I mastered the longsword even though I beat the final final boss of MHWI (Fatalis) I am still struggling with making use of everything. Whenever I watch speedruns on every weapon in this game, it looks like they're playing a whole different game from us casuals as they have actually mastered the weapon they're using and have mastered how to fight the monster. Don't be afraid to look at the top right screen for the buttons to press to see what moves you can do and try all them all out.

  • @Mercman1010
    @Mercman1010 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have a couple of friends that took two tries as well to get into the game (earlier instalmemts) but everyone gets hooked all the same.

  • @bludclot
    @bludclot 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Welcome back to Monster Hunter World. "one of us, one of us." 🙂
    MHW was my first Monster Hunter game, and I am hooked. I still play nightly helping others, and I am getting close to 7600 hours with 21k large monsters killed. I have played many games for many hours, but in all my 54 years, I have never played any game as much as MHW.

  • @JGuy97
    @JGuy97 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hours to master a weapon is really underselling it. It’s more like hours to learn the basics of a weapon.

  • @KyleLeonhart
    @KyleLeonhart 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got mhw for free with my graphics card back in 2018. I played it, hated it and never returned to it. I thought it was clunky, i was overwhelmed and i remember having to find great jagras and i couldnt find it the entire quest and people joined my session (i wasnt aware they can do that) and they killed it while i was lost lmao.
    Just like everybody else who plays the game, i picked kinsect as my first weapon for the same reason has most people (it can go in the air).
    During covid lockdown, however, i picked it back up again with some friends and gave it another chance. I tried to learn the game, a weapon that suits my playstyle and mhw is now my favourite game of all time.

  • @ilikecookies230
    @ilikecookies230 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a kinsect glaive user myself, there are two ways I’ve found to play this weapon, the meta way is ground glaive… but that’s for POOSIES! AIRGLAIVE FOR LIFE!!!

  • @Miki-hk6vy
    @Miki-hk6vy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just so you know, never and I mean never fight a minster with an insect glaive without all 3 buffs. Red buff gives damage and actual combos when attacking no the weak trash you get normally, white speeds you up and orange buff is defense, all 3 give a unique buff. Head of monsters gives red buff, legs give white buff and stomach or back gives orange buff. So always glance over once in a while on the buffs to know when to again get them

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      do you get the buffs by shooting the kinsect at the certain body parts?

    • @Miki-hk6vy
      @Miki-hk6vy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ashortginger yes when shot it gets the buff, you can see which color buff you get in the top of the screen near sharpness whn the kinsect icon goes from nothing to a color in the middle. You only get the buffs activated if you then recall the kinsect, so basically shoot recall shoot recall...until you get all 3 color buffs and then fight

  • @thatguywesmaranan
    @thatguywesmaranan 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    one of us!!!
    one of us!!!
    ONE OF US!!!

  • @someboiwhogivesadamn
    @someboiwhogivesadamn 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's been a minute since I've heard anything about World, after a certain someone's arrival it sort of got dropped for rise but personally i still think World is the best Capcom has ever done and this video perfectly encapsulates why.
    Welcome to the fold, Tenno, you will make an excellent Hunter.

  • @Meme_King139
    @Meme_King139 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Monster Hunter is one heck of a drug lol
    10/10 favortie game ever

  • @mrrogers7393
    @mrrogers7393 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fun fact hunters actually come from a generation of super soldiers! That’s why they can tank so much damage and carry big weapons.

  • @Revonlieke
    @Revonlieke 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's somewhat interesting to see how new people see the game as and how they describe something like how a weapon functions or how the world works in tandem with the monsters.
    But yea, lot of the times people say the game looks clunky, but when when they get their hands on it it doesn't feel that way.
    There is an odd sensation of realism to every move your character makes and on video it might look weird because people are used to less deliberate game mechanics.
    Even something like Dark Souls isn't so deliberate simply from the aspect that if you have a good opening you will just R1 spam until your stamina runs out and that is not always the case for Monster Hunter. In Monster Hunter even if you get a good opening, you have to think about the best punish you have for that window and it's not always the same.
    But I hope you stick with it, get used to mechanics, don't google too much info out of the game unless you need to. I think a big part of the games fun comes from when you don't know something and have to figure it out.

  • @lordkibagami
    @lordkibagami 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Never even heard of asmogold before this mhw resurgence...

  • @itsKimi
    @itsKimi 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Asmongold isn't the reason why there is an influx in player no. MH Wild announcement at the game awards is the reason why, some people found out about this series with it and with Capcom doing the "Return to World" campaign there has been a huge influx of players and newcomers to the game, Asmon jumped on the already moving train just like any newcomers. As of me i've been playing World since 2020 and still play it to this day today as it is one of my favorite game of all time.

    • @itsKimi
      @itsKimi 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also please stop comparing MH to dark souls, only on surface levels are thoses games similars in nature T_T

  • @slayeroffurries1115
    @slayeroffurries1115 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you haven't seen nothing yet. This game is trully so, SO close to being a perfect game. It has everything: amazing combat, rich enviroments, unmatched boss designs, near infinite replayability, unmatched mechanical depth, amazing sound/music design, beautifully animated, and the list goes on.
    You are guaranteed to have a blast, I hope you enjoy this masterpiece

  • @WhyrenGP
    @WhyrenGP 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    kinsect glaive had 5 stages when i played it:
    Da F am i doing?
    Oh i can fly..
    Huh this kinsect is pretty usefull.
    ok this is how i do alot more damage.
    I never learned to play it properly but it did get me to the superboss stage.

  • @Alatyreon
    @Alatyreon 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Goodluck and have fun Hunter!

  • @alexsavedra3842
    @alexsavedra3842 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Take off guardian armor off to see how hard that chicken hits 😂😂 guardian armor was to rush threw the game to hit iceborn

    • @martinerhard8447
      @martinerhard8447 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ah once you are out of lowrank its not op anymore.
      stats wise its less than mediocre highrank gear

  • @Helljump
    @Helljump 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is not still on sale, sadly. But it's good enough to merit a full price purchase even so. 😅

  • @devinshipe711
    @devinshipe711 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    @TripleC Media The fandom can be a little overbearing, so play at your own pace and feel free to make "mistakes". Half the fun. Ive put thousands of hours into this series and still learn new quirks all the time. Take it slow. Dont rush the content. If you read and pay attention you will discover things all the time. Best of luck and Happy Hunting, my friend.

  • @bigbobyboi
    @bigbobyboi 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love this game, can't wait to see more from this channel. 🍗👍

  • @jsut6017
    @jsut6017 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The movements are supposed to feel "physical", that makes the game so satisfying once u get used to it.

  • @NavajoNinja
    @NavajoNinja 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is my 2nd fav mh game.

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      which one is your favorite?

  • @maxwortel8986
    @maxwortel8986 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I approve of the weapon pick
    Don't forget to nurture the bug

    @GUOMENTAREVIEWS 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You literally have not seen anything if you only have 5 hours in the game :D It also takes lots more hours than 4-5 to have mastery for any of the weapons. The main story line, lasting about 40-50 hours is like a tutorial. The actual game starts after that.

  • @yado2217
    @yado2217 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ah yes, my favorite MH phenomenon. "Play first, doesn't stick. Play again awhile later, hooked for life". I was the eXACT same along with many other people. Started with GU, didn't like it. Played World, reached Iceborne endgame and realized "Wait a second, I have HOW MANY hours?!". Hope you continue enjoying this franchise!

  • @jcc4543
    @jcc4543 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sunbreak is my first monster hunter then play world/iceborne and I'm in love with the game kinda harder too than sunbreak. I'm getting kick in ass my goodness rajang is pain in the ass unlike in sunbreak easy to dodge him also lunastra is hard Haven't fought other elden dragon yet..

  • @princekanbatsu2301
    @princekanbatsu2301 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Game is nuts but the reason combat feels clunky to some new comers is because not all games treat combat like monster hunter does.
    Specifically, end lag is something usually noticeble only in competitive fighting games.
    In those, if you whiff a move there's end lag in which, for some istances you won't be able to block an opponent's attack.
    In monster hunter it works kind of the same.
    If you do a move with your weapon, there's end lag, in which for some istances you won't be able to either move, or roll.
    Combine this with the fact that some attacks (for example dual blades) are multi hits, and said attack counts as one, so you cannot immediately roll in between these multi hits, you most likely need to wait until it finishes and then roll.
    Essentially every move in monster hunter is a choice, you cannot simply mash and expect to go well, so at first it's gonna feel hard to learn which move to use in battle and when.
    But that is also why the game is good, because it's rewarding to understand your own weapon aswell as mastering the monster you're fighting.

    • @princekanbatsu2301
      @princekanbatsu2301 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Safest way to approach the game if you're lost is essentially hit the monster when he whiffs an attack, then roll immediately, wait for him to attack again and whiff, and repeat the process.
      Classic 'hit and run' and you'll understand your weapon better as you play further into the game.

  • @samg.yupsal87
    @samg.yupsal87 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Play at your own pace my guy. Don't rush into the best set, weapon or skills.
    Play/Use the weapon how you want to. And if you're already comfortable and want more out of your weapon/armour, then go learn a few more things.
    This game is best played at your own pace, as this game will require you to grind for the skills, equipment and every bit of content the game has to offer.
    Welcome back to World 🎉

  • @TaydolfSwifter
    @TaydolfSwifter 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When this game came out i have only played mh on the psp that i borrowed in school for about 30 min and it's in japanese. My friends got mhw they forced me to buy it i give in after 2 months then i got hooked. I played mhw for a year everyday with my friends. Then mhib come out a friend game shared it with me on the ps so i can plsy with them. I played it for till the last update. Now I'm hyped for MHWilds. I played all weapons mastered most of it apart from bow, my only problem with the bow is i return to the playing the bow like a Rpg slow and all headshots not the fast movement needed in mh. I can still hunt with it but not as proficient like the other weapons

  • @kratosdad1760
    @kratosdad1760 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This sounds like a better version of Dauntless, and im very interested

  • @Pengguie
    @Pengguie 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Welcome Hunter!!

  • @jannemakela8107
    @jannemakela8107 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    MHW could have been released today and it would totally get pass graphic wise.

  • @norbertfromhell9415
    @norbertfromhell9415 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You should really watch some weapon’s tutorials there are crazy move sets
    Btw around 400 hours deep in world

  • @rcqr4148
    @rcqr4148 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you are gonna love the elder dragons every other monster seem like real creatures and are natural while elder dragons are more fantastical if u notice flying wyverns and monsters with wings like pukei pukei rathalos rathian or diablos they have a pair of wings and 2 legs like birds and bats because their front libs evolved into wings while elder dragons have 4 limbs and a pair of wings which is impossible in real life, this unnatural design makes elders seem stronger and different to the rest of the monsters

  • @thickums5344
    @thickums5344 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a player with around 1k+ hours on MHW and 2k+ hours on Warframe, your comparisons to these games seem very strange and misguided. MHW isn't about movement or mobility like Warframe is, it's not comparable to how unbelievably mobile you can be in Warframe. In general you describe a lot of aspects in MHW by comparing it to another game, such as Dark Souls, but I don't think that does justice to just how masterfully crafted MHW fights are. They're not just Dark Souls bosses, they're living creatures with incredibly well thought out ecological implications, roles and adaptations. Once you get further into the game this will become even more prominent, with creatures whose whole purpose is to keep other creatures population in check.

  • @Pengguie
    @Pengguie 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can we watch you complete your monster hunter journey? And are you going to play iceborne?

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I plan to be streaming it a bit ! And yeah, I absolutely will be playing some iceborne

    • @Pengguie
      @Pengguie 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ashortginger niceee looking forward to it.

  • @SarutoHyuga
    @SarutoHyuga 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ehm velociraptors probably had winged arms.... just saying.
    Edit: Added probably.

  • @fakerhex
    @fakerhex 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Personally dislike comparing Dark Souls to Monster hunter.
    Bcuz it ends up with dark souls players expecting challenge and brutal fights.
    Which this certainly has, but its not just that. It requires you to be in a different mindset.
    The mindset of a hunter.
    Like you said, you dont just use your weapon but also your environment and different types of tools to overcome the monster.
    Then theres the atmosphere of MH which is much more wonderous and optimistic compared to DS.
    In general, MH and Dark Souls completely different games that should be respected for their given genres.
    I hope one day Monster Hunter finally gets its own genre, like maybe Monster Hunting genre. Just like how dark souls has Souls-Likes.

  • @corpse967
    @corpse967 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i also main insect glaive

  • @Johnny12Hats
    @Johnny12Hats 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    asmongold is riding the wave, he didnt make it 1:19

  • @RiskOfBaer
    @RiskOfBaer 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The easiest way to explain to people why Monster Hunter feels clunky to play at the start is to compare it to a fighting game. Every new player that tries to pick up any fighting game will feel like it's clunky to play. But we all understand fighting games are very complex and require a lot of experience and practice to be able to play well, so nobody will actually call those games clunky. It's exactly the same with Monster Hunter.
    However in here people often come in with an expectation that it will play like any other typical ARPG they have played, like Dark Souls for example. But that's not going to be the case, because MH is not your generic action RPG, it does not play by the same rule sand it does not control like the games you are used to. You need to come in here with a fresh mind and be ready to learn how to do things, and it will obviously feel clunky at first because whenever you try doing something you have not done before, and it's something complex, you will not do a good job at it at first and it will feel like you're fumbling around in the dark. It takes time to gain competence.
    I found it useful to tell people that MH games are not really ARPGs, but rather PvE fighting games. Because weapons in this game control more like a moveset of a fighting game character: each with their distinct mechanics, combo paths, different animation commitments, ways to cancel the last few frames of animations. However unlike a fighting game you're not fighting other people that play by the same rules as you do, you're fighting AI controlled monsters that are bigger than you, stronger than you and do not play by your rules but rather their own. They dominate the battlefield and they are undoubtedly the ones in control of the fight, not you. And it is your objective to figure out how to use your weapon's moveset and mechanics, as well as other tools you're given to tip the power scales as much in your direction as possible, and with enough mastery take the control of the fight away from the monster almost completely.

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      this is a great comparison/explanation

  • @bobroberts2581
    @bobroberts2581 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you feel this way about monster hunter world, you would probably also play Dragon’s Dogma 1 if you haven’t yet.

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i actually just got it!

  • @WayneDotExe
    @WayneDotExe 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    08:45 "But in Monster Hunter, you are nothing but a ... small Hunter. These monsters are in charges in their environment [...]" Thats true before you "git gud". Once you master a weapon, you become the monster lol

  • @Skyshadow1
    @Skyshadow1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No, it will not take hours to master. It will take a couple hundred of hours of each weapon to manage to be in a level of actual true competitiveness against all monsters in the game.
    Mastering requires other levels of commitement and hour mileage.

    • @martinerhard8447
      @martinerhard8447 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And then when you get good times on all hunts you start with mods and feel like a noob all over again.
      My fav is goldenlord AT rajang

    • @kevo300
      @kevo300 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe the melee weapons hbg and lbg go brrrrrre

  • @alexplummer6397
    @alexplummer6397 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not every monster is like that

  • @Oshawott315
    @Oshawott315 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m so glad you love it, but however…

    You put the word “incredible” over the Handler in your thumbnail and no under no circumstance can she be considered “incredible”. 0/10 video (jk you done good).

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lmaooooo listen i don't think she's that bad

  • @VastumTempus
    @VastumTempus 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nah, I've put 60 hours into this game and I hate it. I've reach MR 5 and I've hated every minute of this game. I legitimately do not understand the appeal of this game.

  • @TheKisj
    @TheKisj 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Goty for 2018 imo

  • @UncleReamus
    @UncleReamus 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For anyone new to the series, USE DEFENDER ARMOR and WEAPONS. It will make your early game so much easier. Also ALWAYS EAT BEFORE EVERY HUNT. I see people with tiny health and stamina bars, always eat.

  • @hentacletentai2160
    @hentacletentai2160 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @alexplummer6397
    @alexplummer6397 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Try remnant, I try to save people who play destiny

  • @BlameItOnYourFriend
    @BlameItOnYourFriend 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    what's with the name? Do you love triple C"s or something lol.

    • @ashortginger
      @ashortginger  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lol it's an old name with some friends

  • @Ice_Fragment
    @Ice_Fragment 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @cartoonvideos5
    @cartoonvideos5 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is better

  • @DirewolfMemento
    @DirewolfMemento 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    13th comment, but not the last

  • @brojakmate9872
    @brojakmate9872 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Unironically this game sucks. If you want a harder and better game just get Dark Souls. It even have PvP

    • @kevo300
      @kevo300 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I platinumed every souls game and I can say monster hunter is more refined and better. You probally got no friends to play with.

  • @feelingfuzzied9942
    @feelingfuzzied9942 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yeah no, 60 hours in, rise is far far better. Took away majority of what I hated

  • @Dinendal01
    @Dinendal01 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The weapons on MHW/IB are more akin to a fighting game, think every weapon has a different fighter, you can broadly categorize them in groups but every single one of them has literal hundreds of hours of tech and optimizations that you can do and then, every single one of those techs interacts in a different way with the monster, I played around 900 hours of world/iceborne when it came out, and that was almost exclusively on the Hunting Horn and when I stopped (shy of almost 2k hunts with the weapon) I would barely consider myself on the "actually kinda of good at using the weapon" category
    And now in that I came back I picked up the Charge Blade (a weapon that many would consider the most technical one) and I can already see myself putting a good 100 to 200 hours just learning it , this is why I think this game is amazing