Low rating:1 (2024/10/8) The backing chord "F#m7" may be in a slightly higher position. [[ 低評価 ]]の合計が累積した場合はこのチャンネルを削除します 乖離を発見した場合は、お手数ですが小節数をご教示ください。 スコアは参考程度とお考え下さい。 [[ LOW RATINGS ]] If the total is cumulative, we will delete this channel.!!! If you find any mistakes, please let us know the measure numbers. Please use the score as a reference only.
Low rating:1 (2024/10/8)
The backing chord "F#m7" may be in a slightly higher position.
[[ 低評価 ]]の合計が累積した場合はこのチャンネルを削除します
[[ LOW RATINGS ]] If the total is cumulative, we will delete this channel.!!!
If you find any mistakes, please let us know the measure numbers.
Please use the score as a reference only.
Is there a kareoke version of Ready To Fly - sadistics version?
dude this is one of my most favorite jpop/citypop songs of all time, thank you so much for this!!! mr takanaka is the guitar master!
Thank you so much Ken and K's archives, you are the best!
Justo lo que buscaba y nunca la había encontrado
Muchísimas gracias, eres de gran ayuda
Thank you for being so awesome
Thanks so much, have been looking for this one for some time
Thanks for bass as well 8)
Awesome stuff again 👍🏻
Thank you very much 🙏😊
Thank you so much
This is very cool👍👍👍
nice thank you
tysm bro
Can you make any tabs for Anri songs?