I’m glad someone with a voice is finally making this very sound argument about the “great silence”. We way overestimate our ability to detect aliens at all. The “where are they” argument has always seemed so ridiculous. Even looking for techno signatures may be pointless. The odds that our current understanding of technology would match a detectable signature as to be recognizable seems almost infinitesimal. We MAY detect life if we get extremely lucky, but not detecting it is no proof of absence. We simply lack the ability.
Yes, we have limited observation senses - an analogy is someone who develops short sightedness believing the ants they could once see have all disappeared. I find it fascinating that the human brain and sense of sight is still so limited it can’t even see UAP when they zip past, close range, at extremely high speeds. The perfect camouflage is speed for them as we humans are such slow thinkers. Alternately staying relatively motionless, like a star, is a perfect hiding technique, when it comes to hiding from humans on earth - for millenia.
@llmarBeekman Exactly! Almost none of the popular astronomy personalities make this point. We’ve only just started to look, and yet our expectations greatly dwarf our ability to detect anything right now. The whole “Where are they?” question is ridiculously unsettled, yet it doesn’t stop many from assuming that we should have detected something by now. Jill Tarter is the only other science communicator I know of that says something similar.
Completely agree! What is the reasoning in thinking that because we as humans do not detect E.T.s that then means they don’t exist. Humans are not that smart, we are not that important and the universe does not revolve around us,and our perceptions are not only effected collectively,, by memory and by experience, how is it that humans think that they would be able to perceive anything by our limited intelligence. Note and point even our academia is and has been proven to be not totally correct. Such as our physics and maths interpretation.
We are still missing a entire modern airliner. There are missing nukes from the 50s/60s just off the SC/GA coast. Just another $$$ boondoggle. Just spent 2 hrs at the DMV to have a picture taken. Yet our Govt is going to find a "habitable" planet?? Unless these ETs can vote politicians have zero desire. And what if we do thats even light years away?
On one hand he's right. We never "properly" looked. At the other hand if technosignatures were ubiquitous we would definitely have already noticed them long ago.. Regarding his suggestion for proper scientific investigation definitely makes sense. However, most likely it will just show that everything can simply be explained by normal boring stuff like instrument glitches, etc. Which of course won't be accepted by the "I want to believe" part of the crowd and dismissed as another "government conspiracy" wanting to hide evidence or whatever.
What sucks is that 1 planet with life per galaxy still isn’t rare by any means in a universe this big. On the flip side though, if we find something anywhere, life is everywhere. Lol if we find it, we better not hear “well maybe we just so happened to look in the ONE other place life happened.”
To my reasoning, if WE exist, then we ARE aliens and it's actually impossible for there not to be others. It's not like every pattern in a smoke clould CANNOT happen again. It WILL happen again, It HAS TO happen again because it's a product of interaction with the environment....
Current trends in the data are leaning towards invalidation of the Anthropic principle in Astronomy - we are in fact abnormal. G class dwarfs are in fact outside the 1st standard deviation. Ones without inner zone gas giants ("hot jupiters") are looking to be similarly outside 1 sigma. We thus should not consider the great silence to be meaningful; there's no reason to expect an Earth-like world within a range where our best telescopes can find them.
People don't connect the dots well. IF aliens are visiting us, it likely means they're right next door, or godlike. If they're right next door, I find it impossible to believe life isn't EVERYWHERE. If they're godlike, and still take interest in us, yet remain silent, Life itself is unbelievably rare and precious and not to be fiddled with. I did make a bit of a leap in that last statement but I think it gets the point across. "Hurrdurr Aliens" shouldn't be the end of the thought process, yet for most people it is.
Over 2T known galaxies in this massive 95B LY diameter and rapidly expanding universe. There is plenty of intelligent life out there. Many have come and gone.
EPIC episode! Adam Frank is a fantastic addition to this topic, he's so level headed, yet open minded, and relatable in that he was inspired by sci-fi as a kid. He's really grown on me over the past few weeks. Thank you both for adding credibility to this subject, and sticking up for the people who have been unduly abused by the academic establishment for so many years. This is personal for so many people.
@@EventHorizonShow I thought he was on before but wasn't sure. I have been binge watching his interviews for the past few days and just love his(and your) humble approach and grounded mindset. *And* he plays Elite dangerous, and you both were enthralled by the *original* space jockey scene which was such a powerful memory for me as well. 🖤🖤🖤 Thanks so much.
Definitely try and get this gasket back. One of your top five of all time. A very fun listen and super informative and thought-provoking. I came up with like science fiction book ideas while listening to this.
I mean, to anyone who's really been paying attention with any skeptical (yet open) mind -- there's a very solid argument that they are already here, and always have been. Starting to think we'll more or less know before the end of the decade. Time reveals a lot, simply through re-examination of what we already found through a finer/newer lens. It's possible that even the basic ontological and metaphysical assumptions we hold (but are often ignorant of) are entirely wrong; and that we're looking at reality in a flawed way.
It seems odd that he doesn't at least take into account the process of declassification that had to happen before we got to see images of the Chineese balloon, and why we get to see that but not the high quality UAP images that pilots, astronauts, and members of congress all have stated on the record that they have seen. Also the testimony of the people who have encountered UAPS/UFOs at nuclear sites - the amount of witnesses and the level of corroboration they show - Adam Frank is of course correct in the fact that this is not nearly enough to satisfy what would be needed for scientific proof - but it seems like those cases should merit more than a scoffing dismissal. That said he is still more open minded than so many others on the topic, and I'm very glad that more work is being done in this area and that people feel more comfortable having these conversations.
To believe that this many people are flat out lying about what they’ve seen and experienced is just too big an ask for me. There’s something to the phenomenon. And if they could resolve a license plate from orbit in the 1960’s, they have the videos to prove it. We don’t need new studies, committees and inquiries, nor their accompanying budgets. We need declassification.
I remember when I was young believing that there were almost certainly planets outside of our own solar system, considering that we had almost 10, and having a teacher respond in derision at my confidence for this belief, given that no exoplanets had been discovered at that point. I think this really did a number on my confidence in the subsequent years. I don't remember which teacher this was, I must have been maybe 8 at the time, but looking back on it now I think this exemplifies an incredible character flaw that a larger percentage of the population has, where many people seem to believe, essentially, if the consensus authority has said something is true, then it is definitely true, and if they have said that there is no evidence for something, then placing any kind of confidence in that thing is childish and ridiculous.
It's dumb. One thing to think that there may not be life elsewhere, but formation of planets isn't that special. They already knew that there were lots of stars at that time. They only believe it because of social reasons, not really thinking it through and forming their own opinion.
This guy is one of the best guests you`ve had on the show, hes always fun which is saying something considering the calibre of some of the others. Nice to see or rather hear we are moving away from Earth centric ideas of technology and biology. Still cant get my head around Dyson spheres ect. They, for me at least, suggest how WE might act in the future not aliens which would be....er alien to us in thinking and how that is expressed. More please.
All interesting theories, however what if Earth currently has two civilizations : one human on the surface, the other a much more ancient and hidden hermit civilization? This could explain the UAPs and other strange phenomenon in our skies and oceans.
Great episode. Great discussion. I hope I’m alive to see some of the discoveries discussed here being made. Just to know we’re not alone in the universe… wow.
You shouldn't make the assumption that life is simply "an organic chemical process". Life _relies_ on organic chemical processes but we have absolutely no idea where life came from or how life came about. We don't even have a completely concrete definition of what life is. Abiogenesis has still not been proven despite decades upon decades of research and attempts. That's not even to mention that consciousness itself is completely inexplicable. We don't even know how thoughts or ideas are created or stored. It seems likely there are fundamental truths we are ignorant of in regards to life.
Some people never remember a time when we had no idea that planets existed outside our our system. Even then it was just a basic, “Yes. A planet. Big planet. That’s about what we know.”
I was born in 1949, but there have always been hypotheses. Although Christianity was against even heliocentrism, Islam has been more accepting of ET: In his book “Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life: The Culture of Astrobiology in the Muslim World,” Jörg Matthias Determann argues that the Islamic tradition, in general, has been supportive of the idea of extraterrestrial life and the scientific search for it.
great question. if you mean mining by extraterrestrials, it seems very difficult to believe this would have been done by ETs. It would make NO SENSE to mine other solar systems, much too far away. plenty of resources would be available at their local Oort Cloud. More likely is that they would be mined by an earlier Earth civilization, but even that is quite a stretch. That you for your comment
@eoinf2773 its not closed mindedness to say its unlikely. We are all(us and any aliens) made of universal elements and minerals, so we more than likely want the same stuff..so either we detect unexplainable imbalances of said minerals or its unlikely. Of course its possible they can detect undiscovered elements we dont know how to detect..but if we dont know something we cant speak to it scientifically...but yea sure..imaginative question from the o.p.
Adam is a great guest, and I look forward to future interviews. However, his views on evidence for UAP’s possibly being of extra-terrestrial origin are flawed. Yes, radar can generate false returns, highly trained observers can experience errors in perception, and the images released by the military are far from definitive. Where Adam is off base is that there are multiple documented incidents in which all three of these sensory modes - human, radar, and IR/visual - all recorded the same thing at the same time and place. Nothing illustrates this better than the Nimitz Incident. What are the odds that 4 pilots would experience a visual illusion in broad daylight at the exact time that the most advanced radar generated false tracks, and aircraft mounted sensors experienced a major glitch? Not likely.
The trouble is they could be secret human projects. Other than the lack of room temperature superconductors we have the technology to build UFOs. Now if a government had found a small supply of room temperature superconductors it certainly explains everything without the need of aliens.
If the Universe was all the oceans on the Earth, we have explored only around one small glass of ocean. If you grab 1 glass of ocean it is extreemely unlikely that there will be fish in it. The same is with aliens.
I don't like the bucket or bathtub example very much. It is more accurate to say we have thrown a bucket into the sea and haven't found any BACTERIA in the bucket of water, not fish.
Superb show. Great questions and answers. The scientific search for extra terrestrials renews my faith in human logic after spending probably a bit to much time arguing with the crazy clowns on twitter who think Ross coulthart knows the location of a buried spaceship. Thanks John 👍🏻
The navy footatge was blurry because the entire footage was deressed. Just look at the flight markings- they too are blurry. C'mon guys, we gotta do better at being intellectually critical and honest.
With ufos zipping around everywhere ‘disclosure any time now’ is like the scene in The Man With Two Brains where Steve Martin asks his departed wife for a sign.
The enjoyability of any one Event Horizon video can be seriously impacted by the amount of times the viewer has to hear the interveiwee say 'As I said in my book...' which is now probably the most overused phrase after 'hit the like button and subscribe'!
Regarding rogue planets... Galactic mergers should be able to fling stars and planets into intergalactic space, and there have been many mergers in the last few billion years.
Would we even know if another race amongst the stars sent a signal, if they used a technique or method that we do not understand. Currently we are using radio transmissions, which are slow and do not spread well through space.
Yeah. I like to think that we behave a bit like some island tribe in the middle of the pacific, who climbs mountains to look for camp fires and smoke signals from other tribes beyond the horizon. Blissfully unaware of all the radio signals around, and satellites above them; thinking they're alone in the ocean because there are no fires on the horizon, smoke signals to see, or horns to hear.
Regards the fuzzy alien craft pictures: during his Lex Fridman interview, Dave Favor of Navy Tic-tac fame shared very sharp pictures taken by the officer who sat behind him that clearly showed what looked like an antenna on the otherwise smooth, white surface. Why the sharp images, with clearly defined edges were not readily shared on national news sites is an interesting question.
@@EinsteinsHair There is a way to "listen" using light; if you can focus on something that will vibrate in response to sound, (at a frame rate that exceeds the frequency of the sounds) you can then convert the vibrations back to sound. If there's a nice big, thin sheet of ice over the water, it should act like an eardrum for us. It's something they use here on earth for spying. Focus a high speed camera on a window where your subject is talking, and convert light to sound. A bag of chips in the room, or a paper cup works too.
@@theobserver9131 I wonder if we would get anything unambiguous? Even on Earth there are sounds that are debated if they are biological or Antarctic ice cracking. Why Files did a video about it. Plankton won't make sound. Some sea creatures produce light. But it is worth a try. I did not think of that technology when I commented. They used to use lasers. On some video someone commented on this secret, new technology. Several of us mentioned old movies or TV episodes where it had appeared decades before: Blue Thunder, MacGyver, Highlander The Series, and one or two others.
@@nightcityronin considering that the alternative to this interaction was you not doing *this*, ask yourself that question deeply before projecting onto others.
That's why we've had UFO's showing up here on earth for as long as humans have been recording seeing them as far back as 200 thousand years and even beyond.
Hey John you need to get stephen webb back on the channel if you can always a great listen 👏 as are all you're guests of course but he's one of my favs 😄
Maybe because of the way light travels and the vast distance, there is life out there and we’re all searching for each other but we can only see each others pasts.
At 34 minute mark. If there was an advanced Dinosaur civilisation 100 million years ago that lasted 10,000 years and had industrialised we would actually find lots of evidence.
The difference between men and women is very clear here.... the women shouting over each other and talking butting into most things that are said! The men sitting waiting patiently for their turn to speak! Joey is spot on with what he said! Everyone should be their on merit not just because they are a woman!!! Bianca is fantastic and has worked very hard! Fully deserves everything she gets in the game for the hard work she has put in to get to where she is! Can we say some of the women on many games have even done 5% of what Bianca has to get the job? No they have not!!! This does not apply to just women it applies to men aswell!!! Should be their on merit not to just tick a box
Im not interested in bacteria or little critters or even animals,i want intelligent aliens that travel the stars,i want like a star trek universe. Aliens and advanced tech would make my day!
@@Greenhead24 there is a collective of benevolent races who have our back (many of them actually humanoid). The reptilians and greys are not so nice..but they have recently been dealt with..
If the UAP are extraterrestrial tech, it's ignorant to assume we could photograph them in perfect quality when we wouldn't understand the tech that propels it in the first place, perhaps they (the phenomenon)have an effect on the atmosphere which would render sufficient image quality difficult or impossible. It's also possible that the UAP is evidence of different dimensions, inconsistencies in the simulation, or even the multi-verse hypothesis.
How about this concept- that ETs /Aliens will choose when to introduce themselves. Which btw will change humans way of living , being, belief systems and would have a huge ripple effect if ets/aliens are confirmed.
The whole discussion was very insightful and fun. I like that both of you are 'gamers' and you John convinced me to finally play Mass Effect after watching some of your interviews mentioning it. The best experience I had since Fallout New Vegas.
What if ET DOES fly around in fuzzy blobs? He discounts the fuzzy blobs when such things might be spacecraft. Unlikely, but who the hell knows. If we should not presume what life looks like on other worlds, we should not presume what intergalactic SUVs look like.
We are not the only intelligent life in our Universe. It's a mathematical improbability! The size and distances of our observable universe is something that few are able to grasp. The big question is if another intelligent life has developed their technology to a point to enable them to transverse these impossible distances? I hate the question of "If they exist, Where are they?" Our solar system is a grain of sand on a beach and humanity has barely explored our own grain of sand.
Why not check for ancient satellites orbiting Mars? If life was once there, wouldn’t some of their cell phone/phaser satellites still be in orbit around the planet?
As somebody who has seen a 600-1000 foot long black triangle, I think the UAP are already here. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I think the technology is just fierce, and it’s hard for the general public to be able to get a glimpse of them because they move so fast. While the military have multi million dollar sensors can detect them.
I mean, if you fail to recognize a military aircraft and mistake its size (common for aerial phenomena), that is indeed an unidentified aerial phenomenon.
@@adampomeroy9463 I would rather that it's aliens and that they're not jerks but are actually looking out for us. Unfortunately it's more likely to be our asshole governments lol 💀
@@asahearts1 it was sunset when the sun was still out. Directly over my head was a black triangle. it was huge. Had a red light directly in the center of it. Inside the red light there was like two whitish lights. The object disappeared as I was looking. I found it again, about of mile away or so away from my location. As the craft was tilting, the triangle literally started to disappear from the top towards the bottom, it took about 15 to 20 seconds for the whole thing to disappear. It’s not like it went behind a cloud, it literally started disappearing, so I don’t know if light was bending around the craft because how the light was hitting it, I don’t know. That was back in 2003 and it was the wildest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. There was also a helicopter that flew over the tree line with a guy hooked in hanging out so I don’t know if they were looking for the object because of radar hits I don’t know. But the next day there was an unmarked white van in our school parking lot. Dude had black sunglasses looked like he was definitely military or former, because of how big he was. black suit. And the license plate didn’t have a state ID on it. It was just a white license plate with black lettering. Now, if this craft was human, OK but I I find that more unbelievable than ET because where would you house it? Why would it be in mid Michigan and not over like area 51? The best way I could describe this to you is if you go outside and if you put your hands into a triangle formation and you separated by about 2 to 3 inches, that’s for how much of the sky blocked out. It was roughly cloud height.
@@adampomeroy9463th-cam.com/video/d1TwCLf0oCc/w-d-xo.htmlfeature=shared Could it be some sort of huge lighter than air human made craft which was testing stealth technology? There's also propulsion technology they're starting to let us know about where they charge the skin of a lighter than air craft to make it move.
Love it when John and the guest vibe! Those are the best shows of already awesome shows. 43:09 at first, i liked him. Now, i love him. THIS, is so true. I hate it when they go back and try to patch on stuff for quick cash grabs. I got burned on Alien and Star Wars and now i'm not touching anything of the sort anymore. Haven't seen Matrix 4 and i will NEVER touch it. It's a shame writers and directors are unable to write anymore. I guess this is a thing across the spectrum, from CEOs who can't build anymore and are just grifters to directors who are unable to harness the full extent of the actor (you can probably count on your hands, how many directors of today compare to the old greats) and writers ... just can't write anymore. All they do is find an existing story and start tacking on gobsmack that's just not good. These last generations have absolutely lost their ability to dream anymore.
I feel like the real problem is everything is designed by a committee nowadays. Movies are shown to test audiences and change the rearrange the scenes or even do reshoots based on feedback. There's very few passion projects anymore where one person has a vision of what they want to make and then execute it. I truly believe it's because there's too many hands in the pot. We've seen it with movies, tv shows, video games, and pretty much anything that's consumer oriented. I think that's part of the reason I've become so invested in books. They're one of the few mediums where it's still one person (usually) executing their idea of a story. Sure they might have an editor that helps shore some things up, but it's largely the writers creation. The quality of books has only gone up imo. There's still pulp fiction and trash literature of course but those have always been around and always will be. There's still incredible books coming out every year. It's such a shame how everything else has turned into shit by trying to appeal to the most common denominator or because they're pushing an agenda. Really it's the agenda pushing that's made everything significantly worse. I'm not sure why I need to hear about politics while watching TV or a movie yet.. we still do.
If you have a gravitational source that is big enough to accelerate a star to galactic escape velocity, wouldn't that same source also be strong enough to perturb the planetary orbits that they might be thrown out of the star system?
JMG.....you just made my world a better place by admitting your love for video games. I used to be really good at them when I had the time. At 47, however, I use what time I have to indulge and so does the creator of Event Horizon. I am not wasting my free time. Thank you!
The idea of rogue planets might seem like a rare occurrence when thinking about planets ejected from stable star systems but it seems to me that planets being ejected while their system is forming and still chaotic would raise the likelihood to a level where they could well be more common than planets trapped within star systems.
I'm 32:00 in, and lest I forget, there's a whole field of exoarcheology that might blossom. Just as civilizations rise and fall on earth, so too perhaps the Star Wanderers before us colonized many worlds, then met some insurmountable threat, and returned to the dark realms beyond life itself. Or maybe only a temporary, collapse to then rebuild, regroup, and venture forth once more. But what was left behind in lonely frontier outposts? What cities abandoned? What communication to the future? Was Kilroy there? And what of worlds out there like Mars, where once our kind of life might have flourished, and then died? Just as the tombs of Egypt are telling secrets past, so to might the destroyed cities on a ravaged world. Even those that never rose to the stars have treasures to bare. Being over 70, I can only dream of worlds to come. It is bittersweet to see the landbirds above the sail, but know your feet will never touch the shore. At 36:36: Obviously the guest is a proponent of sensor data, such as is on JWST. So then the data from military craft and such sources should be considered just as seriously, I would think. I'm not sold on visiting aliens myself, but the data speaks for this being some unknown controlled object. It's unscientific to reject hard data, no matter the subject.
The governor of Phoenix, Arizona and a couple thousand people plus radar data and throw in a video of a 200 yard black boomerang silently flying 300 ft off the ground down a valley then over the city. This is just one example of science ignoring what is literally in plan sight. Crazy
Honestly after some of the documents and pictures I've seen regarding things like UFO\Uap, before being a rabid, skeptic turned believer. After everything,its been all so surprising, i'm to the point that i'm even open to "Agartha" potentially being real?! 😂 (Your guest even talks about the not being able to see signs of old civilization)
The one thing that worries me is that in all our theories about extraterrestrials we talk about von nueman probes and agree that's a good idea.. But the fact they may be in our atmosphere is fruity loop, dah double standards 😅
I don't think there is a double standard. A von Neumann probe is a fun thing to think about, that we could look for in the future. But if you want to claim that there is evidence for alien probes now, perhaps the Betz Sphere or the Black Knight Satellite, then that will be LOLed quite quickly, IMO.
Every time this video gets a like John gets to have a little treat.
Every Thursday we get a little treat. That’s why we like you so much.
I am here to collect my 264+ gum drops please.
Wait... He isn't... Locked down... Right? Right??? 😳
@@JohnMichaelGodier when is the live Q&A scheduled for? That will be a new horizon. 🤓
A true event 💚♾️
Adam Frank is a bro. I'd chill and watch scifi with this guy!
Thank you! We appreciate it.
I’m glad someone with a voice is finally making this very sound argument about the “great silence”. We way overestimate our ability to detect aliens at all. The “where are they” argument has always seemed so ridiculous. Even looking for techno signatures may be pointless. The odds that our current understanding of technology would match a detectable signature as to be recognizable seems almost infinitesimal. We MAY detect life if we get extremely lucky, but not detecting it is no proof of absence. We simply lack the ability.
Yes, we have limited observation senses - an analogy is someone who develops short sightedness believing the ants they could once see have all disappeared.
I find it fascinating that the human brain and sense of sight is still so limited it can’t even see UAP when they zip past, close range, at extremely high speeds. The perfect camouflage is speed for them as we humans are such slow thinkers. Alternately staying relatively motionless, like a star, is a perfect hiding technique, when it comes to hiding from humans on earth - for millenia.
@llmarBeekman Exactly! Almost none of the popular astronomy personalities make this point. We’ve only just started to look, and yet our expectations greatly dwarf our ability to detect anything right now. The whole “Where are they?” question is ridiculously unsettled, yet it doesn’t stop many from assuming that we should have detected something by now.
Jill Tarter is the only other science communicator I know of that says something similar.
Completely agree! What is the reasoning in thinking that because we as humans do not detect E.T.s that then means they don’t exist. Humans are not that smart, we are not that important and the universe does not revolve around us,and our perceptions are not only effected collectively,, by memory and by experience, how is it that humans think that they would be able to perceive anything by our limited intelligence. Note and point even our academia is and has been proven to be not totally correct. Such as our physics and maths interpretation.
We are still missing a entire modern airliner. There are missing nukes from the 50s/60s just off the SC/GA coast. Just another $$$ boondoggle. Just spent 2 hrs at the DMV to have a picture taken. Yet our Govt is going to find a "habitable" planet?? Unless these ETs can vote politicians have zero desire. And what if we do thats even light years away?
@@JIMJAMSC 100% agree.
10:20: In other words, it's not the Great Silence, it's the Great Deafness.
Something people forget in discussions such as this is that it is a 4 dimensional search. Time is vast as well as space.
Gotta make time travel
Michael Jackson was an obvious emissary of the stars, *moonwalking* around the world, proclaiming his ET identity with “tee-hee”
On one hand he's right. We never "properly" looked. At the other hand if technosignatures were ubiquitous we would definitely have already noticed them long ago..
Regarding his suggestion for proper scientific investigation definitely makes sense. However, most likely it will just show that everything can simply be explained by normal boring stuff like instrument glitches, etc. Which of course won't be accepted by the "I want to believe" part of the crowd and dismissed as another "government conspiracy" wanting to hide evidence or whatever.
What sucks is that 1 planet with life per galaxy still isn’t rare by any means in a universe this big. On the flip side though, if we find something anywhere, life is everywhere. Lol if we find it, we better not hear “well maybe we just so happened to look in the ONE other place life happened.”
To my reasoning, if WE exist, then we ARE aliens and it's actually impossible for there not to be others. It's not like every pattern in a smoke clould CANNOT happen again. It WILL happen again, It HAS TO happen again because it's a product of interaction with the environment....
That’s exactly what they will do. Skepticism is supposed to be part of the package.
Current trends in the data are leaning towards invalidation of the Anthropic principle in Astronomy - we are in fact abnormal. G class dwarfs are in fact outside the 1st standard deviation. Ones without inner zone gas giants ("hot jupiters") are looking to be similarly outside 1 sigma. We thus should not consider the great silence to be meaningful; there's no reason to expect an Earth-like world within a range where our best telescopes can find them.
People don't connect the dots well. IF aliens are visiting us, it likely means they're right next door, or godlike.
If they're right next door, I find it impossible to believe life isn't EVERYWHERE.
If they're godlike, and still take interest in us, yet remain silent, Life itself is unbelievably rare and precious and not to be fiddled with. I did make a bit of a leap in that last statement but I think it gets the point across.
"Hurrdurr Aliens" shouldn't be the end of the thought process, yet for most people it is.
Over 2T known galaxies in this massive 95B LY diameter and rapidly expanding universe. There is plenty of intelligent life out there. Many have come and gone.
EPIC episode! Adam Frank is a fantastic addition to this topic, he's so level headed, yet open minded, and relatable in that he was inspired by sci-fi as a kid. He's really grown on me over the past few weeks. Thank you both for adding credibility to this subject, and sticking up for the people who have been unduly abused by the academic establishment for so many years. This is personal for so many people.
This is his fourth appearance on the show, he’s great.
@@EventHorizonShow I thought he was on before but wasn't sure. I have been binge watching his interviews for the past few days and just love his(and your) humble approach and grounded mindset. *And* he plays Elite dangerous, and you both were enthralled by the *original* space jockey scene which was such a powerful memory for me as well. 🖤🖤🖤 Thanks so much.
Definitely try and get this gasket back. One of your top five of all time. A very fun listen and super informative and thought-provoking. I came up with like science fiction book ideas while listening to this.
WHOA! That intro of an event horizon is sick! I think i watched the first 20 seconds like 18 times.
I mean, to anyone who's really been paying attention with any skeptical (yet open) mind -- there's a very solid argument that they are already here, and always have been. Starting to think we'll more or less know before the end of the decade. Time reveals a lot, simply through re-examination of what we already found through a finer/newer lens.
It's possible that even the basic ontological and metaphysical assumptions we hold (but are often ignorant of) are entirely wrong; and that we're looking at reality in a flawed way.
These guys are going to be angry 😡 when they roll out the “Biologics” testified to in Congress.
It seems odd that he doesn't at least take into account the process of declassification that had to happen before we got to see images of the Chineese balloon, and why we get to see that but not the high quality UAP images that pilots, astronauts, and members of congress all have stated on the record that they have seen.
Also the testimony of the people who have encountered UAPS/UFOs at nuclear sites - the amount of witnesses and the level of corroboration they show - Adam Frank is of course correct in the fact that this is not nearly enough to satisfy what would be needed for scientific proof - but it seems like those cases should merit more than a scoffing dismissal.
That said he is still more open minded than so many others on the topic, and I'm very glad that more work is being done in this area and that people feel more comfortable having these conversations.
To believe that this many people are flat out lying about what they’ve seen and experienced is just too big an ask for me.
There’s something to the phenomenon. And if they could resolve a license plate from orbit in the 1960’s, they have the videos to prove it.
We don’t need new studies, committees and inquiries, nor their accompanying budgets. We need declassification.
@kenmolloy1645 yeah no
Not here
New episode? Yes, please!
I remember when I was young believing that there were almost certainly planets outside of our own solar system, considering that we had almost 10, and having a teacher respond in derision at my confidence for this belief, given that no exoplanets had been discovered at that point. I think this really did a number on my confidence in the subsequent years. I don't remember which teacher this was, I must have been maybe 8 at the time, but looking back on it now I think this exemplifies an incredible character flaw that a larger percentage of the population has, where many people seem to believe, essentially, if the consensus authority has said something is true, then it is definitely true, and if they have said that there is no evidence for something, then placing any kind of confidence in that thing is childish and ridiculous.
It's dumb. One thing to think that there may not be life elsewhere, but formation of planets isn't that special. They already knew that there were lots of stars at that time. They only believe it because of social reasons, not really thinking it through and forming their own opinion.
What a fantastic chat. Definitely get him on again!
This guy is one of the best guests you`ve had on the show, hes always fun which is saying something considering the calibre of some of the others. Nice to see or rather hear we are moving away from Earth centric ideas of technology and biology. Still cant get my head around Dyson spheres ect. They, for me at least, suggest how WE might act in the future not aliens which would be....er alien to us in thinking and how that is expressed. More please.
This guy wins the prize for “Most Mentions of Book” in the podcast awards.
A god damn close minded so called ‘scientist’ selling his book as usual...
Bring back kevin knuth a real scientist
I think this is the best guest you have had. Thanks.
Great Episode as always! Would love some more updates about James Webb Telescope discoveries!
Great intro. I hope you Never change it!
The credit music is so beautiful
Ascent by Stellardrone!
Great guest! He really boils things down so that amateurs like me can understand.
excited for this one
All interesting theories, however what if Earth currently has two civilizations : one human on the surface, the other a much more ancient and hidden hermit civilization? This could explain the UAPs and other strange phenomenon in our skies and oceans.
If they did, those under must evolve slower or evolved to unknowingly be practically invisible to us?
I tried
I gotta say, you have made my nights so informative with your videos. Thank you for the content.
Great episode. Great discussion. I hope I’m alive to see some of the discoveries discussed here being made. Just to know we’re not alone in the universe… wow.
Disclosure is coming AND it won't be by our government or any government on this planet. 2027.
We (at SETI) just received 200 million as a gift from an anonymous philanthropist. This will go a long way. Much work needs to be done.
You shouldn't make the assumption that life is simply "an organic chemical process". Life _relies_ on organic chemical processes but we have absolutely no idea where life came from or how life came about. We don't even have a completely concrete definition of what life is. Abiogenesis has still not been proven despite decades upon decades of research and attempts. That's not even to mention that consciousness itself is completely inexplicable. We don't even know how thoughts or ideas are created or stored. It seems likely there are fundamental truths we are ignorant of in regards to life.
Considering the age of our galaxy, shouldnt there be clear altered structures writ large across the sky - why the observational struggle?
Finally early for once. Great content, thank you
Thanks for watching!
Thanks escpecially for the clear (yet frustrating) words on the UAP phenomena!
Some people never remember a time when we had no idea that planets existed outside our our system. Even then it was just a basic, “Yes. A planet. Big planet. That’s about what we know.”
The first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, 2 years after I was born. Crazy stuff.
But Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Never forget: Pepperidge farm ALWAYS remembers
I was born in 1949, but there have always been hypotheses. Although Christianity was against even heliocentrism, Islam has been more accepting of ET:
In his book “Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life: The Culture of Astrobiology in the Muslim World,” Jörg Matthias Determann argues that the Islamic tradition, in general, has been supportive of the idea of extraterrestrial life and the scientific search for it.
How do we really know that the asteroids we see in our solar system haven't been mined already for valuable resources?
Because they still have the minerals in them that we've detected on them.
great question. if you mean mining by extraterrestrials, it seems very difficult to believe this would have been done by ETs. It would make NO SENSE to mine other solar systems, much too far away. plenty of resources would be available at their local Oort Cloud. More likely is that they would be mined by an earlier Earth civilization, but even that is quite a stretch. That you for your comment
@eoinf2773The elements and minerals found in our solar system aren't particularly unique or rare.
@eoinf2773 its not closed mindedness to say its unlikely. We are all(us and any aliens) made of universal elements and minerals, so we more than likely want the same stuff..so either we detect unexplainable imbalances of said minerals or its unlikely. Of course its possible they can detect undiscovered elements we dont know how to detect..but if we dont know something we cant speak to it scientifically...but yea sure..imaginative question from the o.p.
The very absence of unique or rare elements in our solar system proves that aliens have already mined them. 😂😂😂😅
Adam is a great guest, and I look forward to future interviews. However, his views on evidence for UAP’s possibly being of extra-terrestrial origin are flawed. Yes, radar can generate false returns, highly trained observers can experience errors in perception, and the images released by the military are far from definitive. Where Adam is off base is that there are multiple documented incidents in which all three of these sensory modes - human, radar, and IR/visual - all recorded the same thing at the same time and place. Nothing illustrates this better than the Nimitz Incident. What are the odds that 4 pilots would experience a visual illusion in broad daylight at the exact time that the most advanced radar generated false tracks, and aircraft mounted sensors experienced a major glitch? Not likely.
The trouble is they could be secret human projects. Other than the lack of room temperature superconductors we have the technology to build UFOs. Now if a government had found a small supply of room temperature superconductors it certainly explains everything without the need of aliens.
If the Universe was all the oceans on the Earth, we have explored only around one small glass of ocean. If you grab 1 glass of ocean it is extreemely unlikely that there will be fish in it. The same is with aliens.
I don't like the bucket or bathtub example very much. It is more accurate to say we have thrown a bucket into the sea and haven't found any BACTERIA in the bucket of water, not fish.
Superb show. Great questions and answers. The scientific search for extra terrestrials renews my faith in human logic after spending probably a bit to much time arguing with the crazy clowns on twitter who think Ross coulthart knows the location of a buried spaceship.
Thanks John 👍🏻
Great video and information !
The navy footatge was blurry because the entire footage was deressed. Just look at the flight markings- they too are blurry. C'mon guys, we gotta do better at being intellectually critical and honest.
With ufos zipping around everywhere ‘disclosure any time now’ is like the scene in The Man With Two Brains where Steve Martin asks his departed wife for a sign.
The last time I was this early, we still thought we were alone in the universe...
You may be. Could be a simulation and you’re the star!!!
The enjoyability of any one Event Horizon video can be seriously impacted by the amount of times the viewer has to hear the interveiwee say 'As I said in my book...' which is now probably the most overused phrase after 'hit the like button and subscribe'!
Hit the like button!
@@EventHorizonShowright on John!
Regarding rogue planets... Galactic mergers should be able to fling stars and planets into intergalactic space, and there have been many mergers in the last few billion years.
Would we even know if another race amongst the stars sent a signal, if they used a technique or method that we do not understand. Currently we are using radio transmissions, which are slow and do not spread well through space.
Yeah. I like to think that we behave a bit like some island tribe in the middle of the pacific, who climbs mountains to look for camp fires and smoke signals from other tribes beyond the horizon. Blissfully unaware of all the radio signals around, and satellites above them; thinking they're alone in the ocean because there are no fires on the horizon, smoke signals to see, or horns to hear.
Thank you for posting.
At what point can we give up and say that we are practically alone
Regards the fuzzy alien craft pictures: during his Lex Fridman interview, Dave Favor of Navy Tic-tac fame shared very sharp pictures taken by the officer who sat behind him that clearly showed what looked like an antenna on the otherwise smooth, white surface. Why the sharp images, with clearly defined edges were not readily shared on national news sites is an interesting question.
First time I come on this channel. Not AI generated, no bs, simply great content. Subscribed.
If there's intelligent life in water under the ice, they're likely to communicate using sound. We should LISTEN, as well as look.
Great point. When we send a probe to land on one of the icy moons it should include a microphone to listen for "whale songs."
@@EinsteinsHair There is a way to "listen" using light; if you can focus on something that will vibrate in response to sound, (at a frame rate that exceeds the frequency of the sounds) you can then convert the vibrations back to sound. If there's a nice big, thin sheet of ice over the water, it should act like an eardrum for us.
It's something they use here on earth for spying. Focus a high speed camera on a window where your subject is talking, and convert light to sound. A bag of chips in the room, or a paper cup works too.
@@theobserver9131 I wonder if we would get anything unambiguous? Even on Earth there are sounds that are debated if they are biological or Antarctic ice cracking. Why Files did a video about it. Plankton won't make sound. Some sea creatures produce light. But it is worth a try.
I did not think of that technology when I commented. They used to use lasers. On some video someone commented on this secret, new technology. Several of us mentioned old movies or TV episodes where it had appeared decades before: Blue Thunder, MacGyver, Highlander The Series, and one or two others.
This was frickin awesome
Love you ol boi
Wow, great video! And am so in here for a Jill and a Seth statue!
I just want to thank you both for remaining curious and open-minded in the face of dogmatism.
“Open minded”? 🤡😂
@@nightcityronin cry until your tears turn into blood.
@@juanningatlife ooooh you’re edgy, aren’t you? 😂
@@nightcityronin considering that the alternative to this interaction was you not doing *this*, ask yourself that question deeply before projecting onto others.
Who else sticks around till the end of the video for the chill music?
Earth has been broadcasting a biosignature to anyone looking for 4 billion years 😱👽🔭
That's why we've had UFO's showing up here on earth for as long as humans have been recording seeing them as far back as 200 thousand years and even beyond.
The universe as we know it, is full of life. Wherever and whenever it can be, it will.
Thank you for explaining the SETI phenomenon as it relates to their feeble underfunded searches and the emerging techno signature search zeitgeist.
within a black hole neergy is saved and stored fractally when space itself becomes too convoluted.
Hey John you need to get stephen webb back on the channel if you can always a great listen 👏 as are all you're guests of course but he's one of my favs 😄
It'll happen, I love chatting with Dr. Webb.
“Why fuzzy photos” is just a new way to call the peons crazy.
Pete Townshend discussing alien life-cool! Just kidding, great show!!!!
This stuff keeps me awake at night. What tf is happening out there and where did all this come from?! Is there an end to "infinity"? Drives me insane.
Maybe because of the way light travels and the vast distance, there is life out there and we’re all searching for each other but we can only see each others pasts.
At 34 minute mark. If there was an advanced Dinosaur civilisation 100 million years ago that lasted 10,000 years and had industrialised we would actually find lots of evidence.
That's not guaranteed.
We will be told about it soon
The difference between men and women is very clear here.... the women shouting over each other and talking butting into most things that are said! The men sitting waiting patiently for their turn to speak! Joey is spot on with what he said! Everyone should be their on merit not just because they are a woman!!! Bianca is fantastic and has worked very hard! Fully deserves everything she gets in the game for the hard work she has put in to get to where she is! Can we say some of the women on many games have even done 5% of what Bianca has to get the job? No they have not!!! This does not apply to just women it applies to men aswell!!! Should be their on merit not to just tick a box
What if the reason why UFO pictures are blurry is because they are distorting light?
Im not interested in bacteria or little critters or even animals,i want intelligent aliens that travel the stars,i want like a star trek universe. Aliens and advanced tech would make my day!
No worries. They're here and soon no scientific validation will be required (1-3 years)..
@@straightshooter-vu3dn i would love that! If aliens walk around us. Or like lizard people lol
@@Greenhead24 there is a collective of benevolent races who have our back (many of them actually humanoid). The reptilians and greys are not so nice..but they have recently been dealt with..
If the UAP are extraterrestrial tech, it's ignorant to assume we could photograph them in perfect quality when we wouldn't understand the tech that propels it in the first place, perhaps they (the phenomenon)have an effect on the atmosphere which would render sufficient image quality difficult or impossible. It's also possible that the UAP is evidence of different dimensions, inconsistencies in the simulation, or even the multi-verse hypothesis.
How about this concept- that ETs /Aliens will choose when to introduce themselves. Which btw will change humans way of living , being, belief systems and would have a huge ripple effect if ets/aliens are confirmed.
The whole discussion was very insightful and fun. I like that both of you are 'gamers' and you John convinced me to finally play Mass Effect after watching some of your interviews mentioning it. The best experience I had since Fallout New Vegas.
What if ET DOES fly around in fuzzy blobs? He discounts the fuzzy blobs when such things might be spacecraft. Unlikely, but who the hell knows. If we should not presume what life looks like on other worlds, we should not presume what intergalactic SUVs look like.
I thought October was over! John's voice is very spooky in this one lol
Are we alone in the universe?
So there’s no other life out there?
No there is but they are alone too.
We are not the only intelligent life in our Universe. It's a mathematical improbability! The size and distances of our observable universe is something that few are able to grasp.
The big question is if another intelligent life has developed their technology to a point to enable them to transverse these impossible distances?
I hate the question of "If they exist, Where are they?" Our solar system is a grain of sand on a beach and humanity has barely explored our own grain of sand.
This guy had the same upbringing I did holy cow!
Shots everytime they say “you know”😅
I'm as early to this video as we are to intelligent life broadly
How big was the ballon?
"Dumb life"
Me, a 40-something year old little boy : 'tee hee, dumb aliens, read a book or something'
Why not check for ancient satellites orbiting Mars? If life was once there, wouldn’t some of their cell phone/phaser satellites still be in orbit around the planet?
No one talks about the economics of interstellar civs.
Listen closely to his voice at parts such as 20:33 - 20:35
Sounds like ring modulation. 😂 🙀 🎧
As somebody who has seen a 600-1000 foot long black triangle, I think the UAP are already here. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I think the technology is just fierce, and it’s hard for the general public to be able to get a glimpse of them because they move so fast. While the military have multi million dollar sensors can detect them.
I mean, if you fail to recognize a military aircraft and mistake its size (common for aerial phenomena), that is indeed an unidentified aerial phenomenon.
@@asahearts1 would be nice if that was true 🤣
@@adampomeroy9463 I would rather that it's aliens and that they're not jerks but are actually looking out for us. Unfortunately it's more likely to be our asshole governments lol 💀
@@asahearts1 it was sunset when the sun was still out. Directly over my head was a black triangle. it was huge. Had a red light directly in the center of it. Inside the red light there was like two whitish lights. The object disappeared as I was looking. I found it again, about of mile away or so away from my location. As the craft was tilting, the triangle literally started to disappear from the top towards the bottom, it took about 15 to 20 seconds for the whole thing to disappear. It’s not like it went behind a cloud, it literally started disappearing, so I don’t know if light was bending around the craft because how the light was hitting it, I don’t know. That was back in 2003 and it was the wildest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. There was also a helicopter that flew over the tree line with a guy hooked in hanging out so I don’t know if they were looking for the object because of radar hits I don’t know. But the next day there was an unmarked white van in our school parking lot. Dude had black sunglasses looked like he was definitely military or former, because of how big he was. black suit. And the license plate didn’t have a state ID on it. It was just a white license plate with black lettering. Now, if this craft was human, OK but I I find that more unbelievable than ET because where would you house it? Why would it be in mid Michigan and not over like area 51? The best way I could describe this to you is if you go outside and if you put your hands into a triangle formation and you separated by about 2 to 3 inches, that’s for how much of the sky blocked out. It was roughly cloud height.
@@adampomeroy9463th-cam.com/video/d1TwCLf0oCc/w-d-xo.htmlfeature=shared Could it be some sort of huge lighter than air human made craft which was testing stealth technology? There's also propulsion technology they're starting to let us know about where they charge the skin of a lighter than air craft to make it move.
Love it when John and the guest vibe! Those are the best shows of already awesome shows.
43:09 at first, i liked him. Now, i love him. THIS, is so true. I hate it when they go back and try to patch on stuff for quick cash grabs. I got burned on Alien and Star Wars and now i'm not touching anything of the sort anymore. Haven't seen Matrix 4 and i will NEVER touch it.
It's a shame writers and directors are unable to write anymore. I guess this is a thing across the spectrum, from CEOs who can't build anymore and are just grifters to directors who are unable to harness the full extent of the actor (you can probably count on your hands, how many directors of today compare to the old greats) and writers ... just can't write anymore. All they do is find an existing story and start tacking on gobsmack that's just not good. These last generations have absolutely lost their ability to dream anymore.
I feel like the real problem is everything is designed by a committee nowadays. Movies are shown to test audiences and change the rearrange the scenes or even do reshoots based on feedback.
There's very few passion projects anymore where one person has a vision of what they want to make and then execute it. I truly believe it's because there's too many hands in the pot. We've seen it with movies, tv shows, video games, and pretty much anything that's consumer oriented.
I think that's part of the reason I've become so invested in books. They're one of the few mediums where it's still one person (usually) executing their idea of a story. Sure they might have an editor that helps shore some things up, but it's largely the writers creation.
The quality of books has only gone up imo. There's still pulp fiction and trash literature of course but those have always been around and always will be. There's still incredible books coming out every year.
It's such a shame how everything else has turned into shit by trying to appeal to the most common denominator or because they're pushing an agenda. Really it's the agenda pushing that's made everything significantly worse. I'm not sure why I need to hear about politics while watching TV or a movie yet.. we still do.
I've seen intelligence other than Earth's when I was 9 years old. But who'd believe me, other than my cousin who witnessed at the same time?
Wonder how the world will react if/when we find intelligent life?
If you have a gravitational source that is big enough to accelerate a star to galactic escape velocity, wouldn't that same source also be strong enough to perturb the planetary orbits that they might be thrown out of the star system?
The brilliance of Jack McDevitt - We travel the galaxy finding 99% extinct civilizations. Space archeology.
JMG.....you just made my world a better place by admitting your love for video games. I used to be really good at them when I had the time. At 47, however, I use what time I have to indulge and so does the creator of Event Horizon. I am not wasting my free time. Thank you!
JMG - are you aware that your audio has been clipping?
The idea of rogue planets might seem like a rare occurrence when thinking about planets ejected from stable star systems but it seems to me that planets being ejected while their system is forming and still chaotic would raise the likelihood to a level where they could well be more common than planets trapped within star systems.
I'm 32:00 in, and lest I forget, there's a whole field of exoarcheology that might blossom. Just as civilizations rise and fall on earth, so too perhaps the Star Wanderers before us colonized many worlds, then met some insurmountable threat, and returned to the dark realms beyond life itself.
Or maybe only a temporary, collapse to then rebuild, regroup, and venture forth once more. But what was left behind in lonely frontier outposts? What cities abandoned? What communication to the future? Was Kilroy there?
And what of worlds out there like Mars, where once our kind of life might have flourished, and then died? Just as the tombs of Egypt are telling secrets past, so to might the destroyed cities on a ravaged world. Even those that never rose to the stars have treasures to bare.
Being over 70, I can only dream of worlds to come. It is bittersweet to see the landbirds above the sail, but know your feet will never touch the shore.
At 36:36: Obviously the guest is a proponent of sensor data, such as is on JWST. So then the data from military craft and such sources should be considered just as seriously, I would think.
I'm not sold on visiting aliens myself, but the data speaks for this being some unknown controlled object. It's unscientific to reject hard data, no matter the subject.
The governor of Phoenix, Arizona and a couple thousand people plus radar data and throw in a video of a 200 yard black boomerang silently flying 300 ft off the ground down a valley then over the city. This is just one example of science ignoring what is literally in plan sight. Crazy
It's hard to accept that we haven't found a Sun/Earth analog in the Habitable Zone.
Honestly after some of the documents and pictures I've seen regarding things like UFO\Uap, before being a rabid, skeptic turned believer. After everything,its been all so surprising, i'm to the point that i'm even open to "Agartha" potentially being real?! 😂
(Your guest even talks about the not being able to see signs of old civilization)
I'm definitely picking up his book. Thanks for the fantastic interview!!!
The one thing that worries me is that in all our theories about extraterrestrials we talk about von nueman probes and agree that's a good idea.. But the fact they may be in our atmosphere is fruity loop, dah double standards 😅
I don't think there is a double standard. A von Neumann probe is a fun thing to think about, that we could look for in the future. But if you want to claim that there is evidence for alien probes now, perhaps the Betz Sphere or the Black Knight Satellite, then that will be LOLed quite quickly, IMO.
Like that he has described how little we have looked and or lisend for any others out there.not a lot at all .😅