There is loads of data on the Head Up Displays of the videos. Knowledge of cameras & optics, weapons targeting systems explain a lot of the shape & movement.
All the videos explained, all of them have super easy explanations, with numbers and proof. (In fact, all the data is on the videos, you just need to know what you are looking at)
I am amazed that the level of interest is so low. My girlfriend just says "who cares?" When I try to talk to her about it. I might have to break up with her 😆
Wouldn’t it be cool to have her in your family tree, aunt, mom , grandma or neighbor. I haven’t lost a second listening to her. I love people that are smart and so unique and genuine.
In the early-mid 1950s my father was a photography and film specialist in the RAF. When stationed at a Norfolk airbase he recounted how he had to set up film cameras looking down on radar screens. There had been a spate of unidentified radar contacts over the North Sea, of craft moving at very high speed and in an unusual way, i.e. turning very sharply at very high supersonic speed. The cameras managed to capture several of these incidents. Fighter jets were often scrambled to try to intercept the contacts as it was first suspected they were Russian craft probing our defences, or some sort of advanced missiles. He was also involved in fitting 16mm cameras to fighters in order to film these objects. The fighters could never get close though as the craft would make off at very high speed when the jets were still miles away, all they captured were tiny dots in the distance that vanished. I believe these radar contacts were also seen in Belgium and fighters scrambled from there too, with the same results. He was convinced they were not man-made as nothing existed then that could come close to what was seen.
I live out in the middle of nowhere where it's clear as a bell at night. You can see the band of the Milky Way. I'm an old geezer now, but have spent a lot of time in my life looking out into the night sky. I have never seen anything that would convince me of seeing an alien craft. I'm still waiting. I've see a lot of falling stars.
UFOs are made by America and are used as an exciting distraction every time the USA engages in unethical diplomacy with their publicly named 'enemies'. During the last UFO 'scare': Reagan got nominated because Republicans sent hostages to Iran to get caught and pretended like they saved the day, but really America needed a premise to take Irans assets - a plan 20 years in the making. During the current UFO 'scare': USA and China are dividing up Africa after America spent 20+ years destroying it.
We see a library. And we understand it. A dog can see the Library, the same as us. But will never understand it as we do. Have a feeling we might be the dog in this scenario.
So you guys have short attention spans is that what you're saying? I find it very interesting everything she has to say and I want to apologize right here and now I'm not being sarcastic or bullying I'm just saying
You ever think that maybe her mind's just blown and she's waking up to the reality that we've been lied to for many many years ! that scientist need proof they need proof because if not in their mind everything is fiction and a lot of these scientists minds are blown.. because it's true something that I always knew because I've seen it three times in my whole lifetime oh, it's just something you didn't talk about cuz people think you're crazy would you think all these movies came from period. They probably sit around with them and talk stories on other planets that they invaded like ours they're going to they're coming wake up we're looking up and we're digging down into Earth we're finding out that we've been lied to since the beginning of time... It's like something that erased our memories turn facts fiction and fairy tales
What bothers me about this discussion is the waiting around for the "government" to tell us they're real in order for us, in general, to make the decision to take another step.
if people honestly think the pentagon is going to tell us shit, they are naive...they're not...they may release some things, but will keep 95% of it they have done for 70+ years, since roswell.
@@Abbandoneer It's ALWAYS misinformation and disinformation coming from Governments. One lie and cover up to bring in another false truth, always to further the agenda of a global Elite. Which weather intentional or coincidental, always happens to be biblical and follow biblical text. I think the modern Bible is more of a script that's followed, then it is prophecy.
My mother and I watched 6 discus-shaped objects moving across the sky, on a clear, sunny day, back in 1985. One broke away and sailed slowly to the west while the others carried on in a northerly direction, heading towards some incoming cumulo-nimbus clouds. My father was an aircraft engineer and RC enthusiast, so we knew pretty much what has the capacity to stay aloft and what does not. Those objects had no scientific "right" to be up there, moving in unhurried, stately fashion across our field of vision. The five began to ascend toward the clouds, paying no heed to the winds that were ushering them in. Then one fell, dropping down several thousand feet before turning at right angles and heading off in a westward direction. It dropped what looked like a double sheet of newspaper and then shot off to join the one that had broken formation earlier. It covered the estimated ten kilometres in less than about one and a half seconds. The two then continued onward at an unhurried pace while the others disappeared into the clouds. They made absolutely no sound throughout, nor did the speedster break through the sound barrier as it should have. As it was my mother's birthday, the family arrived that evening. We told them what we had witnessed and nobody questioned the veracity of our statements because our family is not given to pranking or promoting hoaxes. Neither of us would speculate as to their origin, but we both knew that they were not the products of any technology we knew of at the time. We had no noiseless drones back then and I have seen kites, hot air balloons, sondes of various configurations, spiders and caterpillars buoyed aloft on gossamer threads, birds and insects, debris carried by whirlwinds, pollen and dust clouds, fireworks and pyrotechnics, but I had not seen the like of those objects before, nor have I seen them again since that day. The strongest drinks we'd had were mom with her favourite Earl Grey tea and my mug of sweetened coffee. Having watched school sports, I knew that the discus must, of necessity, follow a parabolic arc from source of propulsive energy to wherever gravity overcomes its inertia. It does NOT ascend, at any velocity, to a higher altitude unless peraps it is struck by a powerful updraught. The question then is how that singular object was able to drop as it did and then level off again. These were not "aerial phenomena". They were solid, therefore they were unidentifiable flying objects. I do not care what anyone else says. You were not there. You did not see what we saw and our eyes were not deceiving us. I have spent much time alone in the African bush, where one must be acutely observant and equally vigilant at all times. There is something or someone "out there", wherever "out there" is - and it has the ability to create objects that are far beyond our capabilities.
Not Aliens but angels. 13As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. 14And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. 15Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. 16The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.
I have a feeling their report will be like any typical news conference where they speak, but don’t say anything. We can’t expect them to deny something for decades and then tell us all they know.
True. And if they do seem to tell us everything they know, that’s probably just a reason to form one world Gov or because something is coming. Other than that I’ll be surprised if it’s that cool
We’ve already heard the report summary: There are things we’ve observed, we don’t know what they are. We won’t hear anything substantive beyond that summary
If it is like you wrote, why then they released those videos? They could have kept it for themsels like they did until now...i expect them to explain a lot of things bucause otherwise it makes no sense
They are about to announce a new planet found on the opposite side of the sun inhabited with humans just like us. The only major difference is when eating corn on the cob they hold and eat it vertically not horizontally like we do. Other than that they are just like us
In the late 90s, I was a flight engineer on an Army National Guard CH-47 helicopter. One night we flew a Night Vision Goggle (NVG) training flight. There were four of us onboard. I was at the ramp on the left side of the aircraft. My job was to "clear" the aircraft by scanning the 11 o'clock to the 6 o'clock sector looking for obstacles and air traffic. We were doing traffic patterns at an Airforce Base and at some point, we noticed "lights" a few miles away. They were strange. They showed up brightly on the goggles and if you looked under the goggles you could see them with normal vision. They were blinking and were in an undulating vertical formation. We started talking about them in the aircraft and at one point the ATC guy in the tower asked us if we could see lights in that direction. We confirmed it and he said they were strange and he'd never seen anything like them before. He thanked us and didn't mention it again. Throughout this whole incident, the pilot-in-command (PC) was silent. When the co-pilot asked him directly if he had seen the lights, the PC got angry and told us to stop talking about the lights and to never mention them to him again. We all shut up and continued on with the training flight. The PC's full-time job was manager of the local area FAA FISDO. Either he'd seen stuff like this before or he didn't want to deal with any press if this got out. We never really talked about it much after that.
it is indeed worth pausing to consider this. but when you watch the expert pilots describe their experiences, you get the distinct feeling you're seeing someone who is being genuine and recalling a real event that actually happened. and not just navy/air force guys, commercial pilots and thousands of other credible civilians as well. when you take it in the full context, it's very compelling
When the observers of the Tictac UAP described its movement i had the same thought as yours .... A cursor can make the same abrupt movement on a computer screen
I find it fascinating that these pilots not only admitted they saw these objects sometimes everyday, but they saw them transcending water and air, like a transmedium craft
Yes... they are only revealing to us the tip of an iceberg. So much more info they can tell us but I guess they believe it needs to be shared a drip at a time.
So WHY did they not take CLEAR photos and videos, If it was a daily event they could have been incredibly prepared but either they didn't see these things that often or they DID and they are keeping the real photos and videos to themselves.
It's amazing to me that they saw them EVERY DAY. Like, the aliens got out of bed everyday to come here over and over again. To the same place. Within the proximity of the same folks. I wonder what their agenda is/was.
We've known for years by definition that UFO's exist, the government conceded to that years ago. It is just that they've been coming more to the fore recently and so we are once again looking into the phenonmena, but the investigation will yeild little more than we, the public already have. The government will "fill us in" when they know a time and place of arrival and are prepared for panic in the streets the rush on toilet paper, paper towels and groceries.
To me ITS obvious that not only humans have Anthropologists travelling to the jungle to study apes, but Aliens have equally anthropologists travelling to other planets with intelligent life to study other intelligent races in the universe. Of course they would not make contact. That would tampering with the research subject 🤓.
@Tom C interesting question, i m not sure. Mach 1 creates a sonic boom, but if one could accelerate from 0 to 2 mach the boom stil would happen at the moment you are at mach 1. So i think it would not matter how fast an object goes. But i have to look this one up to be sure. Edit: i googled it and there is a jet who can pass the soundbarrier soundless.
A Viet Nam* vet? How lucky for you. Honor him and never stop believing. Pilots have reported "Foo fighters" for decades, as far back as flight itself. *(I supported the B-52 in that conflict.)
Electrical activity exciting plasma (not the blood kind) as it interacts with our magnetic poles creates bright, localized 'objects' that are capable of great speed or slow motion and can change on a dime. Also the shapes can be geometrical rather than random. Check out lab experiments people have done. They are awesome. Really strange shapes you wouldn't think 'nature' would produce.
Actually on JRE with comm. Frazier he talks about that statement stating on the radar they saw more than what was on video due to the camera being panned on the center object. It was unreleased before that episode. He described the radar footage as a “formation” but due to the radars secretive technology, it was classified.
@Mike Moomins well I actually went back just now and listened to about an hour of the podcast and realized he never mentioned “formation” at all, I misheard him describing what the navy personnel saw on the radar. But anyways minor detail
@@Twitcx Yeah, the radar recordings won't be released except probably by order of Congress. When they report to Congress next month they'll probably corroborate the pilot's reports with what the radar showed.
Maybe it was lovely then, but no internet in the 90s? What alternate universe are you from? Officially, the internet was born on January 1, 1983, with the first TCP/IP and other anonymous data transfer protocols originating with BBSs or bulletin board systems. I was using the internet (mostly BBSs, but it was also called the web) at Michigan State University in 1987. AOL began in 1989 originally an IBM PC client. There were also CompuServe and many others internet providers using the telephone system. But, we can go back to the 1960s for early internet prototypes like ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally it was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. We can go back further with Tesla and his toying with the idea of a “world wireless system” in the early 1900s. So, technically there was an internet. Crop Circles were and still are hoaxes perpetrated by clever humans -- at least, in this universe...
For clarification, these craft come in a variety of sizes and can be rather large; sometimes the size of a sports stadium. They have existed and been captured on film for as long as humans have had cameras. They are rather easy to spot if you know what to look for.They're likely at least hundreds of years more advanced than mankind. Although the craft may be able to manipulate spacetime, when they are visible, the entire craft is very likely in our plane. They are capable of astounding top speed, acceleration, and maneuvers without wind resistance. It's been speculated that they may be drones as no living being could likely survive the force. When flying, they are often hard to see and record because of how they are propelled and repell air. Propulsion is wild but can't be discussed publicly for obvious reasons.
Oh my god, that had me laughing until I was choking. Considering people now think it's a tree truck, I would certainly take a UFO connection more seriously. Great reference by the way. Takes me back to my childhood.
Oh, you are talking about that Steven Spielberg movie. Third encountered of the first kind. I think the guy worked for the electric company and he was abducted. He build a mountain from cream potato thing and then his wife and kids left him.
Then: Government/scientists: "UFOs are real." You: "I don't trust or believe you. Must be a conspiracy. " Now: Government/scientists: "Turns out that you were right and we were wrong; UFOs are real." You: "I don't trust or believe you. Must be a conspiracy."
SETI is ridiculous. Wasting piles of money looking for signals when they're already here. Money and time should be spent on trying to make contact with them.
I am also a scientist. I really like your extra-dimensional theory. The questions (some of them), still remain: What is that space? Why are they here? What do they want? Are they benign?...[The list goes on.]
I read every book at my local library and my teachers in grammar school thought their was something wrong with me. They had conference with my parents. They thought I was strange. I always believed. I was 9 and now 47.
You are very gifted to understand at such a young age! Me too at the age of 12 I had dreams that have since become reality! This system will be ruined and we will share our planet with different beings that will teach us through our next level of evolution!!
Wow. You read books from your local library and your teachers thought you were strange? Makes one wonder what the criteria is for hiring teachers at that school district.
your comment about a lack of sonic boom and "moving in its own space..." contains more insight than I've gained through watching many hours-long ufo docs.
@@domdraper3221 Why would advanced alien craft ever be visible on radar? That's the first thing that tells me these aren't aliens. We would never see alien craft with our primitive (by comparison) technology. We have our own craft that are invisible to radar.
I'm 61 and remember as a kid laying in the grass looking up at the stars,I knew than we weren't alone , how could anyone not realize that in this day and age .
Not alone is fine, but are they visiting? Science just think the distances are too great to cover in a way that makes it worthwhile (that assumes intelligent beings existing in our dimensions and the way we perceive them). Or maybe they are just advanced military projects...
@@tracyofbg actually distance is kind of a joke for these craft... there are also military craft aswell but the propulsion is relatively similar (gravitic)... “they can go to mars and back faster than you can say this sentence”. 😉
@@lcfflc3887 actually they have that too, but that’s a lot more detrimental to society than an “unknown”... how are they supposed to explain that aliens are real, everyone is the same person, our technology is a waste of time and we were easily lied to about it? You would have a complete societal breakdown. We’re already not in the best of shapes, it would simply be like pouring nitro on the fire.
When we've been TOLD what to believe it makes it *extremely hard* to trust those who have been blatantly lying to us for over 60 years. Now, we have no clue what they are, what they want, where they're from, but *I DEFINITELY won't second guess anyone who comes forward again with their story about abductions and what THEY experienced!*
This is the first human being whom I have seen reacting the way an intelligent human should react, those moments of being speechless and being silent are telling you the story of how baffled an intelligent brain can be about these things.
@@emzee1148 of course they don't, despite the numerous amount of video footage provided by the UFO community only to be called crazy. They dont want or need YOUR recognition.
Quote:“We are either alone in the universe or we are not alone. Each possibility is terrifying.” "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -Arthur C Clarke
and a confrontation with seemingly magical beings will greatly distort a naturally evolving society. It happened once before and that is how our religions with the priestly cast was created. When they realized their error, they decided to leave us alone and conceal their existence from us until such time we can count ourselves as equal among them. That time is quickly approaching. We may in fact have open contact with intelligent alien beings in the next 10 to 20 years.
@@Lethgar_Smith I think they were just waiting until we got the basic tech they have before announcing we have an ipad and can tell they have an ipad and not some magic tv, just a way more advanced ipad....
@@galacticfederationambassad4063 They are waiting for the number of people capable of accepting their existence to reach a certain number. A tipping point, so to speak. That tipping point is just a couple of years away.
It doesn't take very long for technology to advance a long way. Remember how clunky and inefficient the first, 1980 era mobile 'phones were? Compare with today's models. Your "pocket pc" has more memory and far better performance that the Cray XMP series of supercomputers. That advance was in a few decades, and we're already looking at the trillion-transistor single chip processor. The rate of advancement is becoming faster, and things / concepts that maybe commonplace in a decade or two are still almost unheard of today.
I'm hoping for aliens like the Asgard from Stargate TV series, with a Prime Directive type of belief of the Star Trek Universe. I would think any advanced civilization would know all to well the dangers of introducing advanced technology to a "primitive" civilization, or portraying themselves as Gods.
I remember seeing clips of the 60 minutes interviews with the pilots. I remember hearing about The Pentagon UFO information going to congress to be released to the public. I remembered reading about this stuff and forgetting until I came across your video. Thank you for this! I wouldn’t consider myself to be the sharpest person in a room but I completely understood what you were saying regarding the UFOs being here, however in another dimension. I think that’s what you were saying because it made sense. Given that amount of knowledge, I believe at some point it’s rather important to let the world know, we have at least tapped into another dimension. On the other hand it could be dangerous to alert a world full of multiple beliefs that have shaped generations? I’m glad I came across your video! I have so many more questions now.
I've always liked the notion that aliens could be so utterly foreign, in a Lovecraftian Starfish sort of manner, that our brains simply ignore them because they can't be integrated into our perception. The modern preponderance of (presumably) objective cameras and other sensors would seem to discount such a theory, but it amuses me still.
thats called beeing multidimensional,we only see upto the 4th dimension some people sometimes 5th,there are allot more dimensions we dont see. fairies and what we call supernatural starts at the 5th dimension and goes up,only thing that can catch the 5th and sometimes 6th dimenions is a camera.
Last summer my wife and I were tripping on 5 grams of Psychedelic mushrooms 🍄 and we both felt and heard some kind of mechanical object whip right past didn't move until we noticed it. They are there monitoring us at every moment of every day. Truth is stranger than fiction.
I was a kid ( 7 or 8 yrs old) playing wd friends (hide n seek) one early night when i suddenly notice a moonlike object in the night sky.. Then it emitted a light, . like a bright car headlight as if looking for something. When that light turned off, it then it slowly passed over head ,now wd lights of different colors circling around the round object itself. Without sound it suddenly breezed away then gone wdout a trace. That was long years ago, which i just keep to mysef at that time, thinking even my parents would not believe if i told them. . I was thinking now, that travelling/gliding in silence, that object is not run by motor or something. Could it be that the technology they (aliens) used is "defying gravity" ? As to how it"s done,. .only they had the answer. .
The most sad thing is that people waited for a government to “confirm” what their own eyes and accounts of others have been in front of them for so long
Like this lady, there are thousands of amazing videos and until the government releases a few videos, all of a sudden they’re real and now she trying to preach what to do. I’m sorry I found this video supper annoying. What should you do? just go about your life just as you did before when you thought they weren’t real. You don’t deserve to voice your opinion on this lady.
I have my doubt that most of those "UFO encounters" are real. I don't mean those just confirmed by the Pentagon, but those that you sometimes find in the internet, done with a weird resolution phone camera in 2020. In a way I'm kinda happy UFO's weren't confirmed before, just imagine the amount of fear in the people. But who knows?
I made a comment here a couple years back. And now UFO's are back in the news with purported space ships, dead alien bodies, etc. And I keep thinking about these videos. I'm an engineer who's worked on a lot of defense systems, and I've worked on targeting pods for Navy aircraft. I ask myself this question: Suppose DARPA had the bright idea to create a weapon to spoof IR sensors with a false, track-able image. They would also need means to simultaneously spoof the ship's radar. Could it be done? Yes. How would they test it? They would test it on our own guys, and that would yield videos just like this, that would eventually leak out to the press.
for a long time, some people have thought that these UFOs come from other dimensions, some think they can visit earthlings in several different ways, one being interdimensional.
I commend your integrity as a scientist not to dismiss this outright! Thoughts to contemplate. 1. Does the phenomena exist? Is it empirical? 2. Does the phenomena interact with the environment? 3. Does the phenomena distinguish itself from nature, i.e. does it display intelligence?
Great questions. At the end of the day, this is just more shoddy, inconclusive footage. To say that extraterrestrials exist based on this footage alone is a massive assumption. To paraphrase Neil DeGrasse Tyson's point, "I saw something flying in the sky and I don't know what it is... therefore it must be aliens from another planet."
@@Prizm44 I don't think it is a question of calling it aliens. I don't think anyone knows what it is. The question is 1. Is it real and 2. does it distinguish itself from natural phenomena.
@@lornaz1975 said "I don't think it is a question of calling it aliens" 9:31 "Let's get beyond the conjecture of whether or not UFOs exist. Let's just accept that they're real and they're in our airspace ... what are the next questions to ask ... are they extra-terrestrial, are they coming from another dimension ... what are their intentions?"
I do as well, she has a measured response staying scientific. I do not understand how being a UFO believer always equaled being crazy, we should have an open mind, right? I just subscribed to her
watch the painting from 1561, Battle in sky over Nuremberg!! only 3 years late battle over Basel 1563, also with painting and chronicles from that time! they spoke about cylindrical object fighting each other. google it, is very interesting
Pentagon: We can confirm that UFO's are real and can state with a great deal of confidence that they are not terrestrial in nature. Virtually every thinking person over the age of 5: "yeah, we've known that for decades"
I just realized that a lot of the people who have been saying “UFOs aren’t real” weren’t saying “aliens aren’t real”, which I would generally agree with. They were actually denying the incidents themselves, which is crazy. There’s been compelling evidence of *something* we don’t understand flying around in our airspace for decades.
If it's aliens or an advanced civilization the government knows they are not from space but have been on this planet millions of years before us. Why do you think the government keeps telling you there from space? The earth is covered in 72% water and we have only explored 3% of our oceans. research the Shag Harbour UFO incident. The object that dove into the harbor’s waters had soon left the Shag area, traveling underwater for about 25 miles to a place called Government Point. This was near a submarine detection base. Naval vessels spotted the vessel on sonar and positioned themselves over it. After a couple of days, the military planned a salvage operation when a second UFO joined the first. They believed that the second craft had arrived to render aid to the first. Don't look to the skies, look at the oceans.
Also my grandfather died in 91'. He was in radar in the army air core. And "apparently" had top secret security clearance. When asked about UFOs he would always say "theres more out there than you can imagine." And that was it.
My granddad was a Tuskegee airmen who flew in World War II. He and his Air Force buddies were overheard by my Dad when he was a boy, talking on the phone about their sightings of UFOs. He said that granddad used to talk about his Encounters with his family up until a singular event in the 1980s; my granddad went on some a trip somewhere I think for a couple of weeks, And I think it had to do with his work with the US govt. but it was very hush-hush. When granddad returned, he would no longer to talk about his UFO encounters with anyone. My sense is that he wasn’t silent on account of fear but more like an order or some kind of mandate he was given. He was mentally sharp up to the age of 96, up to about a week before he passed away a few years ago. And I really regret not recommending that he write down in a locked journal information that he would have liked for my dad to have shared with the world after he passed away.
Smart people can have wild imaginations and also be a little crazy or totally insane. She said at least one thing that doesn't really make sense. When she talks about it being a projection from a higher dimension, it would still be "there" even if it were a higher dimensional projection. Something on the other side of a portal is still "there". The portal just "folds" two distant places in space together so that they are coincident. If it relfects electromagnetic radiation, that means it has matter and is "there" in any meaningful sense.
_"Im SO grateful someone as smart as you IS taking this seriously"_ I most definitely am not. She is misleading a huge amount of people by giving credibility to completely unsubstantiated wild speculation based on absolutely nothing, other than a few extremely blurry videos that show no detail of any kind. (The actual explanations for those videos are infinitely simpler. But I'm sure you aren't interested in hearing them.)
This is evidence we have ignored so much testimony in the past. Testimony from astronauts and aerospace employees. We often do this in the name of science
This is the best critical analysis I’ve seen on this scenario. This is a paradigm twisting scenario. Most people simply haven’t grasped the magnitude/ reality of what’s being put forward.
@Omniscient_ Turnip ...All combat systens radar are digital and considering the F-22 and F-35 system redesigns , thinking a "upgraded radar" does not have unidentified issues is streach.
@@Vindicated333 so let's see...they waited until we, a) developed nukes and nuclear energy b) allowed us to have many more wars and world wide health issues/disease/famine etc etc c) land on the moon d) develop digital tech e) a BILLION other things re advancement Only NOW they want to enslave us? Why not 150 years ago? Why not 60 years ago? Why not 1,000 years ago? Why now? Tell us the "reality" of the situation.
It's not an immense journey, it's slavery, a massive global prison is opening up and unlike other prisons the inmates will be quite happy, for they'll be told it's the will of the imaginary alien gods they've been brainwashed to believe in through decades of propaganda. The masses like their stories, and they're desperate to believe. Now people believe more because establishment puppets like Obama claim the fictional aliens are real, "legitimising" the fantasy of the masses. The last you should trust are the Elite and their minions.
@@cameraobscura5503 "Never live within a first floor on a one-way street, climb the stairs to the rooftop and experience the multitude of perspectives and infinite possibilities."
@@shaman9628 Infinite possibilities? You mean watching consistent controlled media propaganda about fictional aliens who look like deformed people and believing because they told you to believe.
@@cameraobscura5503 WoW.....where is all that hate coming from?? Infinite possibilities are looking at everything and coming to your own conclusions my friend.
Travis is a super nice guy, and the whole abduction case is very credible. He wants to make it clear these days that the "aliens" that abducted him did not mean him any harm unlike the film is made out to convey. He ran towards the craft as it was taking off and he got zapped as it was powering up. He thinks they were healing him when he came to on the craft and he lashed out at the beings so they dropped him off near a phone booth outside of town. Crazy case but many witnesses and evidence
Already explained ten years ago. You lot do not want an explanation because you project your ego into the 'secret' and the truth will never satisfy you. Somewhat like the mythical 'palestinian state'
No, many leading scientists have come out like dr eric davis, kevin knuth... u have not heard about them because the gov want to downplay it and send some “public” scientists to deny it.
Scientists are about facts and truth and people like you are just insulting everyone is entitled to their opinion they don’t lie that goes against everything science stands for get over it.
I noticed that the pilots saw them move through air without a heat signature or a sonic boom, they also saw them go in and out of water and create a wake. Just odd that the same craft that affects water doesn't affect air when moving through it.
Gravity drive? energy field surrounding the vessel? With an energy drive of this caliber I’m sure they could easily cloak it from our sensory devices. None of this has to be alien to earth. There could be civilizations on this planet we don’t know about.
The witnesses in the ufo over the Chicago airport said it punched a hole in the clouds when it took off. So I think they can change the space around the craft to leave a jet wash affect or not. Seems like it’s there choice to do so or not.
She described the concept correctly but it is highly unlikely that is the case with the ufo's we see. They are most likely traveling within what is referred to as a "warp bubble." Where the ship contracts the space in front of it, and expands the space behind it and essentially does not move in relativity to spatial objects whatsoever. Instead the ship actually pulls space toward and around it using INSANELY powerful gravity producing apparatus
In fact, if you think about, it makes sense. At the moment we just don't know what it is. So, it is literally an unidentified flying object. It is definitely worth investing. We would finally find out what is or at least falsify it if there were another explanation. If it were a gravity (or antigravity) powered vehicle it would be exactly what Bob Lazar is telling for more than 30 years. Fascinating.
@@I_am_Raziel So it does not seem to be 'flying' in the sense of wings with control surfaces, and it does not seem to have inertia in the sense of 'objects' with mass, therefore, in the light of us knowing as little as we do, UAP is more accurate than UFO. We don't know that they are 'flying' 'objects'. We know it is in the air, and we know that it is something we can see, but we haven't touched it, and we have not determined how it moves.
@@santicheeks1106 Just pay attention to the sky (day or night). I'm 64 years old and had my first experience 8 years ago. Needless to say I started paying attention to what was above me. I've since had 7 more sightings, including 3 during daylight.
@Luke Gilson You couldn't be more wrong... pay attention. They've likely been here as long or longer than we have, and may be responsible for our very existence.
And if they share our space but are not really 'there', then since Space is a continuum with Time, they share our time (hours a day for two years, the pilot said) but are not really 'then'. Their 'there and then' belong to their dimension. I found the Flatland analogy very helpful. So, from our 4D viewpoint the craft SEEM to break laws of physics because we see a distorted version of them. Right. Perhaps this is confirmed by the fact that they 'fly' in the sea as easily as the air, because to them the water is not there to them, just as the air is not there to them.
You had me at the first few minutes - why haven’t I ever heard of you before! I love the feeling of excitement in your voice, mixed with a bit of wonder.... thank you!!
Welcome! If you haven’t seen Fran before, check out her channel. She makes some interesting videos about old electronic mechanisms which are parts of display panels, guitar pedals, and so on.
Okay, Fran... You got five minutes of my undivided attention.... now what? Work on the 3D Projection concept. Go 4D and look to satellite ops that only appear during Naval training exercises. Laser projections from orbiting assets.
Spot on Mr. I've been thinking the same. Its just weird 80 years of denial and suddenly its all True. We have been locked for 2 years , thats enough time for them to go about their way.
@@JLswatchthis that’s what I think, it’s more of a way they protect themselves from us getting pissed for example now that they’ve been releasing photoage and such they can atleast say...hey we were in the process of talking about it but we did say we have no idea what... Who knows though. I just hope hardcore bible peeps don’t show up and start shooting and shit...🤘🏼😂
Its not a distraction. The goverment was relentless in releasing even this information. This is from the people "whom have been rediculed" and continue to fight for the truth of years.
It’s basically them saying we will just say it’s real, no big deal atm. But then 1 or two years later there will release something huge, I bet ya(reverse phycology basically)
Moral of the Story, don't be like Bob 😂 jokes aside I am a massive believer in UFO's i have seen many strange things flying in the skies in my 45 years. I just wish the Government would tell us what they know, they either have all the answers or at the very least know a damn site more than us! We deserve the truth.
Main stream took almost a century - most folk with integrity saw them way before that?? Gives you some idea of the level of ignorance and denial in the orthodox narritive?? How can this world have so many imbeciles that regard themselves as scientist? With the evidemce staring them in the face, they still have trouble with it?!
@@GG-hu9dn because when you become a scientist, your pursuit must conform to the inherit societal norms or you’ll be ignored, currently UFOs/UAPs are verging into the mainstream as a real conversation. There are still far too many deniers
It's been acknowledged.....we just have people who work at Wal-Mart (no offense) ask why they don't know about what goes on in/at Area 51! That's the truth n the truth is they don't need to KNOW. If u want to know become qualified to know...✔💯🍻
@@sly11benal7 well, I doubt if Et cares - either way? Wal-Mart employee or not : people either think or they don't? As it happens, most of the so - called - " qualified" are among the most incompetents? Invariably because they are narcissistic fucks?!!
@@sydbarrett4518 I think the issue isn't that there aren't clear photos, but that those photos are still classified. You've gotta think that the clips and images we're seeing are done with infrared cameras (which aren't very clear) or personal hand held cameras of the pilots. Just go outside and try to take a photo of a car that's moving and see how easy it is to get a clear shot, now imagine something moving 20x faster. Again, there are probably better photos, it's just that the government most likely has them locked up somewhere and so we're stuck with the ones made by pilots.
Cannot believe I’m just now seeing this! Love it! Thank you Fran for being so open minded and objective. Of course, I knew you were! Just nice seeing it, again. ❤
Seriously, though, these could just as easily be time machines as spacecraft. After all, when you travel through time, objects in space move-planets, moons, satellites. You can't just set up your apparatus on the surface of a planet and travel through time. You are likely to find yourself inside of solid rock. So the ability to travel through space, at least over short distances, is crucial.
As for how they propel themselves, Richard D. Hall has suggested that they generate an artificial gravitational field in front of them that allows them to "fall" forwards at tremendous speed. This isn't to say that Hall isn't way off the map in other regards.
@@stefanfrankel8157 It is probably a US craft flown by US military personnel. This is likely their way of telling China and Russia we got cool new shit without actually telling them. Or telling anyone within the US. The higher ups know exactly what it is or we wouldnt be hearing about it.
I wouldn’t be surprised that if they locked on to them to record they had to have detected the radiowaves of the flight instruments and knew we had engaged some sort of system that targeted them.
@@zulufucxs1373 FLIR Forward looking infrared. It detects differences in an objects temperature compared to it's surroundings. It's impossible for the object to know it is being watched/tracked.
Why can’t we have genuine people like this running our country? The very best and innovative our society has to offer. Fran I have never met you but your energy is pure and light. I wish you nothing but the best.
because only the wicked are granted the rights to rule and run our society i mean the real rulers not the one's we're shown and we celebrate and vote for!
Because smart people know better then to get involved with politics. Why lose braincells interacting with the moronic dregs when you can see into the guts of the universe and learn something new?
bob lazars interviews give very strong anecdotes about these crafts before the government said they were true. whats particularly fascinating is that the crafts fly EXACTLY the way bob lazar described in the 80s. his story never changed
@EpsilonGoods IMO, the US Navy is not going to be fooled by geese and out-of-focus airplane lights. It's a good thing to ask questions in light of evidence.. whether or not we're being duped has yet to be seen but I don't think for a minute that Fran is attempting to string anyone along.
Do not just look at the images, listen to the soundtrack! The excitement of the pilots is matched by the indifference of their superiors. Someone there *must* know something! Keep in mind that the U in UFO begs the question, unidentified by whom? Especially when there are whole departments of people whose job is to make sure that we don't know stuff...
Even as early as the 50s, when I was a young boy, I believed that "flying saucers" were intelligently piloted craft from other planets! During the early 90s, I went to a UFO meeting in North Carolina. I was shocked to discover that they claimed to know what all of the various UFOnaut species looked like, what they all were called, what all of their craft looked like, and where all of them were from! (None of the various types of UFOnauts were from the same planet.)
I don't think they are piloted by organic life forms,I think they are either automated,possibly with artificial intelligence or are remotely controlled from either a 'mother ship' or possibly even another planet.
Hey Doc, it is not crazy is: human not prepared and that,there's nothing to do with us ,depending on where,they come from ,or meaning are these: trasdimentional,extra terrestrials and what time is that is in the especific vessel!
I highly doubt that as it goes against essentially everything he stood for, but it depends on what you mean by "pro-UFO". Given that he continued to be a science communicator (Cosmos, and regular tv appearances, news spots, public figure, etc.) despite _repeatedly_ being told it would be detrimental to his career, to the point that he was denied tenure at Harvard in a very large part because of it, he made it *very* clear to colleagues, universities, etc. that he absolutely would not be held back from doing what he felt was right, regardless of the potential consequences. He was heavily involved with SETI, but he was also a skeptic and a scientist. Additionally, can we be clear here? A UFO is an _unidentified_ flying object. That is all. Several of the tapes released by the navy are fairly easy to discern if you think logically about it, one is an airliner, one is some sort of water fowl, perhaps a duck. Those are no longer UFOs, by definition. Every day objects can look very strange on IR, particularly when focus and lighting conditions aren't understood, and a lot of the "crazy motion" has to do with the gimbal mounts the cameras are on, i.e. it's not the object moving, it's the camera and the aircraft. Simply assuming that because we can't identify something that's in the air, apparently moving wildly, that it's an alien craft, or even a *craft* performing moves that defy physics, rather than a much simpler, rational explanation.
I work in commercial aviation at the BIG B company as a maintenance mechanic and I can tell you under my night vision goggles I happened to track a UAP across the the sky as a satellite but shortly after viewing it, it did a ping pong movement across the sky so fast that I can attest it's not conventional aviation or rocketry. There is something up there that defy current aviation.
Infrared has revealed many of them. The people that watch through the vatican (Lucifer) telescope. In infrared you can see a lot of them . You get used to it after a while they say.
@@williegillie5712 nothing to do with the Vatican, no longer called, "Lucifer" either, thats internet lore, but where is anything about Luci detecting UFO's published? Your comment has 0 significance otherwise...
@@Justin-bd2dg Another thing that was protested was the name Lucifer Publishing. They changed that name to Lucis Trust after all the attention it was getting from the masses. Do you think because they changed the name they are doing any thing differently there? Doubtful.
Hi, you talked about the "Ping Pong movement" A friend of mine who is a reliable witness said she saw that exact same movement. She was looking up at what she thought was either an aircraft or satellite crossing in front of her. It suddenly did the Pong pong movement back and forth a few times and then it disappeared. I think it may have been using magnetic lines of force as part of its propellent system. In any case what she saw was indeed a real object, what kind of object is still,I think, a mystery. Fran I want to thank you for a very intelligent and thoughtful description of your thoughts.
I totally believe in UNIDENTIFIED flying objects, I only have a problem with objects that are identified as being extraterrestrial when it’s just a spot or whatever.
I think the same. It is probably incomprehensible to us because we simply dont possess "what" we need to actually understand or even see it fully. Like a programmed computer cant get past its programming or utilize something that hasn't been part of it. Sometimes we cant accept that limitation and try to explain things we simply cant. And its hard to accept that sometimes.
this is related to everything, UFOS and everything, politics, technology, in latin america some of us have seen in person and there is so much proves that I no longer doubt, we don't have the technology to decipher them, that's it. I suggest you look out for info from this Sr.: Sixto Paz Wells, he is a great reference in all these matters. He is Peruvian. South america Knows!
The exact opposite of you said is what separates us from computers. Besides that we have programs that can write themselves and multimodal neurons being discovered in artificial neural network models.
Why is it so hard to understand that there are others in this huge sea of stars we are floating around in? I would find it harder to think we are alone.
It’s not hard to understand we’re not alone. Us being located at the shores of the cosmic ocean, considering how vast the distances are between systems makes it hard to believe we’ve been found by another civilization. but maybe that’s not the case and they didn’t find us, maybe they care the ones who created us, who knows.
Hi Fran, new here: My Dad is a Geologist and Astronomer. He is one of the first person in my country who dared to take the UFO phenomenon scientifically back in the 90s. He is almost 80 now but looking back now I realize how brave he was. I'm glad to see that he is seeing the stigma being defeated finally!. Thank you on his behalf
Admiral Richard Byrd made some interesting statements about his explorations with our US Navy, there is a 1955 Longines Report/interview that the admiral was a guest on that will leave you with some puzzling questions
I consider it an open question at this point. The objects are real, but what they are is a mystery. Maybe we will get more data soon...
Magneto Hydro dynamic propulsion : supersonic moves without bang...
They may not be "objects".
They may be lens flares.
I dunno, they look an awful lot like weather balloons. 🎈😜
There is loads of data on the Head Up Displays of the videos. Knowledge of cameras & optics, weapons targeting systems explain a lot of the shape & movement.
All the videos explained, all of them have super easy explanations, with numbers and proof. (In fact, all the data is on the videos, you just need to know what you are looking at)
I am amazed that the level of interest is so low. My girlfriend just says "who cares?" When I try to talk to her about it.
I might have to break up with her 😆
Lol, same here - seems girls just aren’t as interested in this.
She obviously aint a keeper.
50+ years of mocking the subject and purposely creating doubt and/or uncertainty has made people indifferent
She's obviously an alien.
@@jaminmaki4243 true
But F that.
Wouldn’t it be cool to have her in your family tree, aunt, mom , grandma or neighbor. I haven’t lost a second listening to her. I love people that are smart and so unique and genuine.
And hot too 😏
In the early-mid 1950s my father was a photography and film specialist in the RAF. When stationed at a Norfolk airbase he recounted how he had to set up film cameras looking down on radar screens. There had been a spate of unidentified radar contacts over the North Sea, of craft moving at very high speed and in an unusual way, i.e. turning very sharply at very high supersonic speed. The cameras managed to capture several of these incidents. Fighter jets were often scrambled to try to intercept the contacts as it was first suspected they were Russian craft probing our defences, or some sort of advanced missiles. He was also involved in fitting 16mm cameras to fighters in order to film these objects. The fighters could never get close though as the craft would make off at very high speed when the jets were still miles away, all they captured were tiny dots in the distance that vanished. I believe these radar contacts were also seen in Belgium and fighters scrambled from there too, with the same results. He was convinced they were not man-made as nothing existed then that could come close to what was seen.
Ask any old farmer that’s been riding a tractor and staring off at the sky for half a century, weird things go on in the sky.
and young people in the cities stargazing from their yards or rooftops.
I live out in the middle of nowhere where it's clear as a bell at night. You can see the band of the Milky Way. I'm an old geezer now, but have spent a lot of time in my life looking out into the night sky. I have never seen anything that would convince me of seeing an alien craft. I'm still waiting. I've see a lot of falling stars.
Ask the astronauts. I dare you to find one that doesn't believe.
@@BushiBato The city has to much light pollution to the point you can barely see any stars
@@kennypowers3654 you missed the point,flew right over your head like a ....UFO.
1960: just a blurry blob
2021: a blurry blob but in HD
Progress! 😉😁👍
UFOs are made by America and are used as an exciting distraction every time the USA engages in unethical diplomacy with their publicly named 'enemies'.
During the last UFO 'scare': Reagan got nominated because Republicans sent hostages to Iran to get caught and pretended like they saved the day, but really America needed a premise to take Irans assets - a plan 20 years in the making.
During the current UFO 'scare': USA and China are dividing up Africa after America spent 20+ years destroying it.
@@torontoenvironment9899 seems legit
@@Max_Ohm I'll have what hes havin lol
2021: just a blurry blob on seemingly the same camera platform
First a pandemic, then UFOs…I need to watch more 90’s disaster movies to prepare for what’s going to happen next
You forgot the recent number of large meteorites that have been reported.
Im guessing 8.0 earthquakes or Yellowstone blowing it's top.........or worst of all Sharknado's.
just be friends with will smith and tom cruise you should be fine
Watch Cormac McCarthy's the Road with Viggo Mortensen.
i saw unicorns in the mountain forest of baikunthapur
Out of all the crap on the internet, this is the best explanation. We need more of this from people like her
We see a library. And we understand it. A dog can see the Library, the same as us. But will never understand it as we do. Have a feeling we might be the dog in this scenario.
It's terrifing to think that something is so incomprehensibly smarter than us
@@mothwhisperer1593 im not terrified im humbled at the idea. We shouldn't idolize advanced species like gods just like older brothers
Perfectly said
Lol stupid dogs will never understand how to use a library card.
We're the dog? No - the dog has far more understanding about a library than we do about whatever this is.
When she said "When I was a kid, back in the 70s" I knew I was gonna have to give her more than 5 minutes lol.
looool am 2.30 in so far and already looking at comments - please get to the point!
So you guys have short attention spans is that what you're saying? I find it very interesting everything she has to say and I want to apologize right here and now I'm not being sarcastic or bullying I'm just saying
Hahahahah so true
You ever think that maybe her mind's just blown and she's waking up to the reality that we've been lied to for many many years ! that scientist need proof they need proof because if not in their mind everything is fiction and a lot of these scientists minds are blown.. because it's true something that I always knew because I've seen it three times in my whole lifetime oh, it's just something you didn't talk about cuz people think you're crazy would you think all these movies came from period. They probably sit around with them and talk stories on other planets that they invaded like ours they're going to they're coming wake up we're looking up and we're digging down into Earth we're finding out that we've been lied to since the beginning of time... It's like something that erased our memories turn facts fiction and fairy tales
@@teresaminardi9391 Why am I not not surprised that a friendly humorous comment could be twisted into a negative connotation.
What bothers me about this discussion is the waiting around for the "government" to tell us they're real in order for us, in general, to make the decision to take another step.
Speak the truth brother.
They is obviously the works of the fallen angels
if people honestly think the pentagon is going to tell us shit, they are naive...they're not...they may release some things, but will keep 95% of it they have done for 70+ years, since roswell.
So what? What is your issue with having a government. What is your preferred alternative? Facebook? Some random, anonymous guys from somewhere?
@@jimmorrison6067 Or the pentagon is performing misinformation operations and you're all being fucked with.
@@Abbandoneer It's ALWAYS misinformation and disinformation coming from Governments. One lie and cover up to bring in another false truth, always to further the agenda of a global Elite. Which weather intentional or coincidental, always happens to be biblical and follow biblical text. I think the modern Bible is more of a script that's followed, then it is prophecy.
This may be the strangest time to be a human. So much is being created, discovered, disclosed or brought to light. I love it!
2020s was a start of a new era
Not the strangest, this won’t be so mysterious soon I bet.
@@jellyboi8920 it's not mysterious now.
These videos have been explained
@@odinata oh really
New shit has come to light!
The Flatland analogy was exceptionally well explained when Fran talked about Flatlanders only seeing 'slices' of her finger.
Carl Sagan explained that very well
I'm almost certain the Pentagon is going to attempt to weasel out of this with the most watered down report ever.
They are. The blame game. Chinese built or Russian built uap. So now what?
@@cocodesuplex547 Yes, they will be going with the "near peer nations next gen drone" narrative.
@@harvbegal6868 yup. Next is a trillion dollars bill to enact a task force.
They always do hype
I know, the Pent house always does that......
When they land, I hope they know we expect a slow ramp!
And laser guns!
Yet, none of those time travelers ever mentioned about them. 😂
Peace among worlds 🖕
@Dearly Diane Nice try boomer. Close but no cigar. Hopefully kiddos won't get the reference, since it's not a kids show.
And the finger 😂
Speculation: it's the Dolphins training for their Exodus
"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
So, you don't think.that she is on the level?
You can take a donkey to Water But you cannot make it drink
1972 only undefeated to win the superbowl was the Dolphins 🐬 its part of the time hack.
I am sorry to spoil the 42 likes for your reply, but I had to thumb it up.
Just remember to take a towel wherever you go.
My mother and I watched 6 discus-shaped objects moving across the sky, on a clear, sunny day, back in 1985. One broke away and sailed slowly to the west while the others carried on in a northerly direction, heading towards some incoming cumulo-nimbus clouds. My father was an aircraft engineer and RC enthusiast, so we knew pretty much what has the capacity to stay aloft and what does not. Those objects had no scientific "right" to be up there, moving in unhurried, stately fashion across our field of vision. The five began to ascend toward the clouds, paying no heed to the winds that were ushering them in. Then one fell, dropping down several thousand feet before turning at right angles and heading off in a westward direction. It dropped what looked like a double sheet of newspaper and then shot off to join the one that had broken formation earlier. It covered the estimated ten kilometres in less than about one and a half seconds. The two then continued onward at an unhurried pace while the others disappeared into the clouds.
They made absolutely no sound throughout, nor did the speedster break through the sound barrier as it should have.
As it was my mother's birthday, the family arrived that evening. We told them what we had witnessed and nobody questioned the veracity of our statements because our family is not given to pranking or promoting hoaxes. Neither of us would speculate as to their origin, but we both knew that they were not the products of any technology we knew of at the time.
We had no noiseless drones back then and I have seen kites, hot air balloons, sondes of various configurations, spiders and caterpillars buoyed aloft on gossamer threads, birds and insects, debris carried by whirlwinds, pollen and dust clouds, fireworks and pyrotechnics, but I had not seen the like of those objects before, nor have I seen them again since that day.
The strongest drinks we'd had were mom with her favourite Earl Grey tea and my mug of sweetened coffee.
Having watched school sports, I knew that the discus must, of necessity, follow a parabolic arc from source of propulsive energy to wherever gravity overcomes its inertia. It does NOT ascend, at any velocity, to a higher altitude unless peraps it is struck by a powerful updraught. The question then is how that singular object was able to drop as it did and then level off again.
These were not "aerial phenomena". They were solid, therefore they were unidentifiable flying objects.
I do not care what anyone else says. You were not there. You did not see what we saw and our eyes were not deceiving us. I have spent much time alone in the African bush, where one must be acutely observant and equally vigilant at all times.
There is something or someone "out there", wherever "out there" is - and it has the ability to create objects that are far beyond our capabilities.
To quote Giorgio Tsoukalos, "I'm not saying it's Aliens, but it's Aliens".
Not Aliens but angels.
13As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.
14And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.
15Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.
16The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.
As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.
😂😂😂 true!!!!!
@Yaany Abdali hyperdimensional...they say there are 10 dimensions and that we can only see 4.....
@@kevinraeford6958 not everything is about your religion.
@@kevinraeford6958 Hooray for Ophanim reference!
I have a feeling their report will be like any typical news conference where they speak, but don’t say anything.
We can’t expect them to deny something for decades and then tell us all they know.
True. And if they do seem to tell us everything they know, that’s probably just a reason to form one world Gov or because something is coming. Other than that I’ll be surprised if it’s that cool
I’m counting on it being a total non disclosure disclosure ... it’s just not gonna fulfill our wildest expectations of anything !!!
Amen!they not gonna say shit
We’ve already heard the report summary: There are things we’ve observed, we don’t know what they are. We won’t hear anything substantive beyond that summary
If it is like you wrote, why then they released those videos? They could have kept it for themsels like they did until now...i expect them to explain a lot of things bucause otherwise it makes no sense
Imagine that they are like aliens taking the alien children on a field trip to earth.
@@lowpro7 surprisingly, that's not as crazy as you may think!
They are about to announce a new planet found on the opposite side of the sun inhabited with humans just like us. The only major difference is when eating corn on the cob they hold and eat it vertically not horizontally like we do. Other than that they are just like us
Thats funny cause its what I would do if i had a interstellar space ship 😆
In the late 90s, I was a flight engineer on an Army National Guard CH-47 helicopter. One night we flew a Night Vision Goggle (NVG) training flight. There were four of us onboard. I was at the ramp on the left side of the aircraft. My job was to "clear" the aircraft by scanning the 11 o'clock to the 6 o'clock sector looking for obstacles and air traffic. We were doing traffic patterns at an Airforce Base and at some point, we noticed "lights" a few miles away. They were strange. They showed up brightly on the goggles and if you looked under the goggles you could see them with normal vision. They were blinking and were in an undulating vertical formation. We started talking about them in the aircraft and at one point the ATC guy in the tower asked us if we could see lights in that direction. We confirmed it and he said they were strange and he'd never seen anything like them before. He thanked us and didn't mention it again. Throughout this whole incident, the pilot-in-command (PC) was silent. When the co-pilot asked him directly if he had seen the lights, the PC got angry and told us to stop talking about the lights and to never mention them to him again. We all shut up and continued on with the training flight. The PC's full-time job was manager of the local area FAA FISDO. Either he'd seen stuff like this before or he didn't want to deal with any press if this got out. We never really talked about it much after that.
The pentagon is one of the last groups of people I believe to be truthful
it is indeed worth pausing to consider this. but when you watch the expert pilots describe their experiences, you get the distinct feeling you're seeing someone who is being genuine and recalling a real event that actually happened. and not just navy/air force guys, commercial pilots and thousands of other credible civilians as well. when you take it in the full context, it's very compelling
Exactly what I’m saying she disbelieved all the shows and programs in the 70s but then decides to believe the government
It's a set up
I think it's the mouse cursor of the person running the simulation.
@@Potato-bw8ps perfect. 😂
haha lol
damn, my mouse pointer didn't have capability to turn that way. now it has, very useful !
When the observers of the Tictac UAP described its movement i had the same thought as yours .... A cursor can make the same abrupt movement on a computer screen
I find it fascinating that these pilots not only admitted they saw these objects sometimes everyday, but they saw them transcending water and air, like a transmedium craft
Yes... they are only revealing to us the tip of an iceberg. So much more info they can tell us but I guess they believe it needs to be shared a drip at a time.
So WHY did they not take CLEAR photos and videos, If it was a daily event they could have been incredibly prepared but either they didn't see these things that often or they DID and they are keeping the real photos and videos to themselves.
It's amazing to me that they saw them EVERY DAY. Like, the aliens got out of bed everyday to come here over and over again. To the same place. Within the proximity of the same folks. I wonder what their agenda is/was.
@@RonWylie-gk5lc probably have, but those would be classified.
@@slavelucy I’m pretty sure everyone would be pissed if they don’t tell us what they are, if they even know that is....
Finally a scientist that doesn't want to pretend this isn't happening. Great video. 👍
Hahaha little green men. The martians are coming! Ack Ack Ack
@@hypersonicmonkeybrains3418 Bob Lazar? Rendlesham Forest?
But it sounds like it took a great deal of effort on her part to breach that barrier of disbelief.
Um… she’s not a scientist
@@nickwadson5731 and don’t forget Bob Salas.
I am a scientist too. I also want the data.
You didn’t lose a subscriber. You won at least one.
We've known for years by definition that UFO's exist, the government conceded to that years ago. It is just that they've been coming more to the fore recently and so we are once again looking into the phenonmena, but the investigation will yeild little more than we, the public already have.
The government will "fill us in" when they know a time and place of arrival and are prepared for panic in the streets the rush on toilet paper, paper towels and groceries.
To me ITS obvious that not only humans have Anthropologists travelling to the jungle to study apes, but Aliens have equally anthropologists travelling to other planets with intelligent life to study other intelligent races in the universe. Of course they would not make contact. That would tampering with the research subject 🤓.
@@f554uv1 I've taken no bait. I'm open minded enough and willing to listen to a conversation and make a contribution to it.
Are you able to do that?
@@fifty9forty3 don't give energy to that one, he is leaving several nasty comments on this topic here
@Tom C interesting question, i m not sure. Mach 1 creates a sonic boom, but if one could accelerate from 0 to 2 mach the boom stil would happen at the moment you are at mach 1. So i think it would not matter how fast an object goes. But i have to look this one up to be sure.
Edit: i googled it and there is a jet who can pass the soundbarrier soundless.
In USSR air-defence systems used to register such objects too. But they newer published anything.
My Dad was an F-4 Pilot in the 60’s/70’s and told me he had seen this very same kind of stuff. R.I.P. Dad
A Viet Nam* vet? How lucky for you. Honor him and never stop believing. Pilots have reported "Foo fighters" for decades, as far back as flight itself.
*(I supported the B-52 in that conflict.)
Electrical activity exciting plasma (not the blood kind) as it interacts with our magnetic poles creates bright, localized 'objects' that are capable of great speed or slow motion and can change on a dime. Also the shapes can be geometrical rather than random. Check out lab experiments people have done. They are awesome. Really strange shapes you wouldn't think 'nature' would produce.
Everybody hear the pilot say, "There's a whole fleet of them."?
I guess we're not important enough to hear the military expand on that little gem.
Actually on JRE with comm. Frazier he talks about that statement stating on the radar they saw more than what was on video due to the camera being panned on the center object. It was unreleased before that episode. He described the radar footage as a “formation” but due to the radars secretive technology, it was classified.
@Mike Moomins well I actually went back just now and listened to about an hour of the podcast and realized he never mentioned “formation” at all, I misheard him describing what the navy personnel saw on the radar. But anyways minor detail
@Mike Moomins yes that’s what it was
@Jayo Delaware Life goes on eh? Until the government says it doesn’t...
@@Twitcx Yeah, the radar recordings won't be released except probably by order of Congress. When they report to Congress next month they'll probably corroborate the pilot's reports with what the radar showed.
Back in the 90s everything was lovely: Nirvana, Crop Circles, Weezer, Wu tang and hypercolor shirts and no internet
I lived this comment. Wanna put ours donks on each other’s hyper color shirts?
I still dont carry/have a cellphone,It's almost the only way I can keep a little of the 90's with me.
We all miss the 90s my brother. Such a peaceful decade for me.
Maybe it was lovely then, but no internet in the 90s? What alternate universe are you from? Officially, the internet was born on January 1, 1983, with the first TCP/IP and other anonymous data transfer protocols originating with BBSs or bulletin board systems. I was using the internet (mostly BBSs, but it was also called the web) at Michigan State University in 1987. AOL began in 1989 originally an IBM PC client. There were also CompuServe and many others internet providers using the telephone system. But, we can go back to the 1960s for early internet prototypes like ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally it was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. We can go back further with Tesla and his toying with the idea of a “world wireless system” in the early 1900s. So, technically there was an internet. Crop Circles were and still are hoaxes perpetrated by clever humans -- at least, in this universe...
For clarification, these craft come in a variety of sizes and can be rather large; sometimes the size of a sports stadium. They have existed and been captured on film for as long as humans have had cameras. They are rather easy to spot if you know what to look for.They're likely at least hundreds of years more advanced than mankind. Although the craft may be able to manipulate spacetime, when they are visible, the entire craft is very likely in our plane. They are capable of astounding top speed, acceleration, and maneuvers without wind resistance. It's been speculated that they may be drones as no living being could likely survive the force. When flying, they are often hard to see and record because of how they are propelled and repell air. Propulsion is wild but can't be discussed publicly for obvious reasons.
It's finally ok to build a Devils Tower in my dining room.
Oh my god, that had me laughing until I was choking. Considering people now think it's a tree truck, I would certainly take a UFO connection more seriously.
Great reference by the way. Takes me back to my childhood.
Oh, you are talking about that Steven Spielberg movie. Third encountered of the first kind. I think the guy worked for the electric company and he was abducted. He build a mountain from cream potato thing and then his wife and kids left him.
This means something.
It’s always been OK...what’s been holding you back?
@@BDTPBO nope move along
I never expected that when "disclosure" occurred I'd have no confidence or trust in the ones doing the disclosing.
Same here
Government/scientists: "UFOs are real."
You: "I don't trust or believe you. Must be a conspiracy. "
"Turns out that you were right and we were wrong; UFOs are real."
You: "I don't trust or believe you. Must be a conspiracy."
@@thethirdchimpanzee yes that is the proper way to address known, habitual, and chronic liars. Thank you for clarifying.
@@thethirdchimpanzee Oh and "government" and "scientists" are not synonymous.
Maybe it's a distraction from the "New World Order" coming
Dear SETI: They found us first.
Dear SETI: We lost the game.
@@ryxd100 tbf, if an advanced tech try to hide their visits, it would make sense that.... it worked.
SETI is ridiculous. Wasting piles of money looking for signals when they're already here. Money and time should be spent on trying to make contact with them.
That is the reason SETI hate UFOs. Their budget gonna get a big hit.
I am also a scientist.
I really like your extra-dimensional theory.
The questions (some of them), still remain: What is that space? Why are they here?
What do they want? Are they benign?...[The list goes on.]
I read every book at my local library and my teachers in grammar school thought their was something wrong with me. They had conference with my parents. They thought I was strange. I always believed. I was 9 and now 47.
You are very gifted to understand at such a young age! Me too at the age of 12 I had dreams that have since become reality! This system will be ruined and we will share our planet with different beings that will teach us through our next level of evolution!!
@@PCB-dg7pt I hope so.
Well, to be honest, "there" is indeed something grammatically wrong there. 🤣
Stay strange ... stay curious 😜!
Wow. You read books from your local library and your teachers thought you were strange? Makes one wonder what the criteria is for hiring teachers at that school district.
your comment about a lack of sonic boom and "moving in its own space..." contains more insight than I've gained through watching many hours-long ufo docs.
It could be just light phenomena, hence no friction with air.
@@cristianm7155 they are visible on radar etc.
@@cristianm7155 why would a light phenomena appear on radar?
@@domdraper3221 Why would advanced alien craft ever be visible on radar? That's the first thing that tells me these aren't aliens. We would never see alien craft with our primitive (by comparison) technology. We have our own craft that are invisible to radar.
I've heard something similar, but she explained it very well.
I'm 61 and remember as a kid laying in the grass looking up at the stars,I knew than we weren't alone , how could anyone not realize that in this day and age .
Not alone is fine, but are they visiting? Science just think the distances are too great to cover in a way that makes it worthwhile (that assumes intelligent beings existing in our dimensions and the way we perceive them). Or maybe they are just advanced military projects...
@@tracyofbg actually distance is kind of a joke for these craft... there are also military craft aswell but the propulsion is relatively similar (gravitic)... “they can go to mars and back faster than you can say this sentence”. 😉
@@lcfflc3887 actually they have that too, but that’s a lot more detrimental to society than an “unknown”... how are they supposed to explain that aliens are real, everyone is the same person, our technology is a waste of time and we were easily lied to about it? You would have a complete societal breakdown. We’re already not in the best of shapes, it would simply be like pouring nitro on the fire.
Too busy doing videos for Tik Tok.
That type of Social Media is killing common sense.
When we've been TOLD what to believe it makes it *extremely hard* to trust those who have been blatantly lying to us for over 60 years. Now, we have no clue what they are, what they want, where they're from, but *I DEFINITELY won't second guess anyone who comes forward again with their story about abductions and what THEY experienced!*
This is the first human being whom I have seen reacting the way an intelligent human should react, those moments of being speechless and being silent are telling you the story of how baffled an intelligent brain can be about these things.
Well said
Government: there are UFO's, Bob Lazar: I told you already!
🛸👽me: playing the X-files theme song on my little keytar after reading your comment 👽🛸
Whatever aliens do or do not exist, Bob Lazar and the UFO cult have nothing to do with it.
@@emzee1148 of course they don't, despite the numerous amount of video footage provided by the UFO community only to be called crazy. They dont want or need YOUR recognition.
@@devonfrancis57 exactly
I remember Heaven's Gate / Marshall Applewhite (San Diego). Wasn't that a UFO cult?
Quote:“We are either alone in the universe or we are not alone. Each possibility is terrifying.” "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -Arthur C Clarke
and a confrontation with seemingly magical beings will greatly distort a naturally evolving society.
It happened once before and that is how our religions with the priestly cast was created. When they realized their error, they decided to leave us alone and conceal their existence from us until such time we can count ourselves as equal among them.
That time is quickly approaching. We may in fact have open contact with intelligent alien beings in the next 10 to 20 years.
@@Lethgar_Smith I think they were just waiting until we got the basic tech they have before announcing we have an ipad and can tell they have an ipad and not some magic tv, just a way more advanced ipad....
@@galacticfederationambassad4063 They are waiting for the number of people capable of accepting their existence to reach a certain number.
A tipping point, so to speak.
That tipping point is just a couple of years away.
It doesn't take very long for technology to advance a long way. Remember how clunky and inefficient the first, 1980 era mobile 'phones were? Compare with today's models. Your "pocket pc" has more memory and far better performance that the Cray XMP series of supercomputers. That advance was in a few decades, and we're already looking at the trillion-transistor single chip processor. The rate of advancement is becoming faster, and things / concepts that maybe commonplace in a decade or two are still almost unheard of today.
I'm hoping for aliens like the Asgard from Stargate TV series, with a Prime Directive type of belief of the Star Trek Universe. I would think any advanced civilization would know all to well the dangers of introducing advanced technology to a "primitive" civilization, or portraying themselves as Gods.
I remember seeing clips of the 60 minutes interviews with the pilots. I remember hearing about The Pentagon UFO information going to congress to be released to the public. I remembered reading about this stuff and forgetting until I came across your video.
Thank you for this!
I wouldn’t consider myself to be the sharpest person in a room but I completely understood what you were saying regarding the UFOs being here, however in another dimension. I think that’s what you were saying because it made sense.
Given that amount of knowledge, I believe at some point it’s rather important to let the world know, we have at least tapped into another dimension. On the other hand it could be dangerous to alert a world full of multiple beliefs that have shaped generations?
I’m glad I came across your video!
I have so many more questions now.
Imagine that it’s just an Alien Highschool Experiment where the students are supposed to observe this early/low-tech world!
We are avatars there controlling us lol
kind of like Cha-Ka from land of the lost
Think that was an episode of star trek
The possibility that they are everywhere without us seeing them visually (or at least a glimpse of them) is a new frontier.
I've always liked the notion that aliens could be so utterly foreign, in a Lovecraftian Starfish sort of manner, that our brains simply ignore them because they can't be integrated into our perception. The modern preponderance of (presumably) objective cameras and other sensors would seem to discount such a theory, but it amuses me still.
thats called beeing multidimensional,we only see upto the 4th dimension some people sometimes 5th,there are allot more dimensions we dont see.
fairies and what we call supernatural starts at the 5th dimension and goes up,only thing that can catch the 5th and sometimes 6th dimenions is a camera.
Last summer my wife and I were tripping on 5 grams of Psychedelic mushrooms 🍄 and we both felt and heard some kind of mechanical object whip right past didn't move until we noticed it. They are there monitoring us at every moment of every day. Truth is stranger than fiction.
@@shaman9628 you got that fancy surround sound speaker setup
I was a kid ( 7 or 8 yrs old) playing wd friends (hide n seek) one early night when i suddenly notice a moonlike object in the night sky.. Then it emitted a light, . like a bright car headlight as if looking for something. When that light turned off, it then it slowly passed over head ,now wd lights of different colors circling around the round object itself. Without sound it suddenly breezed away then gone wdout a trace. That was long years ago, which i just keep to mysef at that time, thinking even my parents would not believe if i told them. . I was thinking now, that travelling/gliding in silence, that object is not run by motor or something. Could it be that the technology they (aliens) used is "defying gravity" ? As to how it"s done,. .only they had the answer. .
The most sad thing is that people waited for a government to “confirm” what their own eyes and accounts of others have been in front of them for so long
The gouverment make us to modern slaves
@@Happyyumaa if you buy the product the government is selling that's on you.
Its coming, slowly but surely
Like this lady, there are thousands of amazing videos and until the government releases a few videos, all of a sudden they’re real and now she trying to preach what to do. I’m sorry I found this video supper annoying. What should you do? just go about your life just as you did before when you thought they weren’t real. You don’t deserve to voice your opinion on this lady.
I have my doubt that most of those "UFO encounters" are real. I don't mean those just confirmed by the Pentagon, but those that you sometimes find in the internet, done with a weird resolution phone camera in 2020. In a way I'm kinda happy UFO's weren't confirmed before, just imagine the amount of fear in the people. But who knows?
I made a comment here a couple years back. And now UFO's are back in the news with purported space ships, dead alien bodies, etc. And I keep thinking about these videos. I'm an engineer who's worked on a lot of defense systems, and I've worked on targeting pods for Navy aircraft. I ask myself this question: Suppose DARPA had the bright idea to create a weapon to spoof IR sensors with a false, track-able image. They would also need means to simultaneously spoof the ship's radar. Could it be done? Yes. How would they test it? They would test it on our own guys, and that would yield videos just like this, that would eventually leak out to the press.
Inter-dimensional, this is the thing.
for a long time, some people have thought that these UFOs come from other dimensions, some think they can visit earthlings in several different ways, one being interdimensional.
Proof? Or are we just talking about cool fictional things to imagine?
@B Sell no one is acting like they one is magically doing anything. Why don't you talk about what YOU think about them.
Do you guys even know what Inter-dimensional means? it means they can travel through space and see everything that Astronauts in space see.
Very interesting. Many sightings throughout history have mentioned this blinking in and out, now you see it now you don’t…fascinating.
I commend your integrity as a scientist not to dismiss this outright!
Thoughts to contemplate.
1. Does the phenomena exist? Is it empirical?
2. Does the phenomena interact with the environment?
3. Does the phenomena distinguish itself from nature, i.e. does it display intelligence?
Great questions. At the end of the day, this is just more shoddy, inconclusive footage. To say that extraterrestrials exist based on this footage alone is a massive assumption.
To paraphrase Neil DeGrasse Tyson's point, "I saw something flying in the sky and I don't know what it is... therefore it must be aliens from another planet."
@@Prizm44 I don't think it is a question of calling it aliens. I don't think anyone knows what it is. The question is 1. Is it real and 2. does it distinguish itself from natural phenomena.
It's phenomenon. Singular.
@@lornaz1975 said "I don't think it is a question of calling it aliens"
9:31 "Let's get beyond the conjecture of whether or not UFOs exist. Let's just accept that they're real and they're in our airspace ... what are the next questions to ask ... are they extra-terrestrial, are they coming from another dimension ... what are their intentions?"
@championchap "Does" and "it" are used for singular words. He clearly thought "phenomena" is singular.
I love how she accepts the craziness of saying "UFOs." But still tells us her what she thinks, I like her.
I do as well, she has a measured response staying scientific. I do not understand how being a UFO believer always equaled being crazy, we should have an open mind, right? I just subscribed to her
She? He. Dont kid yourself.
@@Man.Well93 I don’t think anyone asked about pronouns, and we don’t care about your opinion.
@@Man.Well93 Little pumice;. A grassy mulch like substance with liquidity and the smell of vomit is the presence you are.
watch the painting from 1561, Battle in sky over Nuremberg!! only 3 years late battle over Basel 1563, also with painting and chronicles from that time! they spoke about cylindrical object fighting each other. google it, is very interesting
Anytime you demand answers from the government, all you get is more questions.
Pentagon: We can confirm that UFO's are real and can state with a great deal of confidence that they are not terrestrial in nature.
Virtually every thinking person over the age of 5: "yeah, we've known that for decades"
But they had to condition us for 50 years to get to this point
I just realized that a lot of the people who have been saying “UFOs aren’t real” weren’t saying “aliens aren’t real”, which I would generally agree with. They were actually denying the incidents themselves, which is crazy. There’s been compelling evidence of *something* we don’t understand flying around in our airspace for decades.
If it's aliens or an advanced civilization the government knows they are not from space but have been on this planet millions of years before us. Why do you think the government keeps telling you there from space? The earth is covered in 72% water and we have only explored 3% of our oceans. research the Shag Harbour UFO incident. The object that dove into the harbor’s waters had soon left the Shag area, traveling underwater for about 25 miles to a place called Government Point. This was near a submarine detection base. Naval vessels spotted the vessel on sonar and positioned themselves over it. After a couple of days, the military planned a salvage operation when a second UFO joined the first. They believed that the second craft had arrived to render aid to the first. Don't look to the skies, look at the oceans.
Guess most of them must be under 5
That's what they thought.
Also my grandfather died in 91'. He was in radar in the army air core. And "apparently" had top secret security clearance. When asked about UFOs he would always say "theres more out there than you can imagine." And that was it.
That’s awesome
Or he just said it to be interesting....
@@chh4516 still makes him more interesting than you.
My granddad was a Tuskegee airmen who flew in World War II. He and his Air Force buddies were overheard by my Dad when he was a boy, talking on the phone about their sightings of UFOs. He said that granddad used to talk about his Encounters with his family up until a singular event in the 1980s; my granddad went on some a trip somewhere I think for a couple of weeks, And I think it had to do with his work with the US govt. but it was very hush-hush. When granddad returned, he would no longer to talk about his UFO encounters with anyone.
My sense is that he wasn’t silent on account of fear but more like an order or some kind of mandate he was given.
He was mentally sharp up to the age of 96, up to about a week before he passed away a few years ago. And I really regret not recommending that he write down in a locked journal information that he would have liked for my dad to have shared with the world after he passed away.
_"And that was it."_
In other words, zero evidence.
I like your theory on this. Maybe one of these UFO'S will fly over Belarus and be forced to land....😏
And then Lukachenko will be disappointed not to find any tomato juice in the aircraft.
👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 lmao
Now that's funny rite there. LoL
Simps believe what the government tells them
Im SO grateful someone as smart as you IS taking this seriously...we need MORE of you 🙏🏻
Smart people can have wild imaginations and also be a little crazy or totally insane. She said at least one thing that doesn't really make sense. When she talks about it being a projection from a higher dimension, it would still be "there" even if it were a higher dimensional projection. Something on the other side of a portal is still "there". The portal just "folds" two distant places in space together so that they are coincident. If it relfects electromagnetic radiation, that means it has matter and is "there" in any meaningful sense.
_"Im SO grateful someone as smart as you IS taking this seriously"_
I most definitely am not. She is misleading a huge amount of people by giving credibility to completely unsubstantiated wild speculation based on absolutely nothing, other than a few extremely blurry videos that show no detail of any kind.
(The actual explanations for those videos are infinitely simpler. But I'm sure you aren't interested in hearing them.)
When you’re super smart and you suddenly realize you know nothing really at all.
The more you know, the less you know.
The real stupidity is that the Pentagon thinks it is the only organization gathering information about UAPs. 😂😁😣
Or when you realize that the entire public is retarded and will round you up, beat you, and throw you in a cage for attempting to tell them the truth.
@@maxmeeks9910 it's like some twilight zone episode. I feel ya.
This is evidence we have ignored so much testimony in the past. Testimony from astronauts and aerospace employees. We often do this in the name of science
I did not know that science was so conservative!
This is the best critical analysis I’ve seen on this scenario. This is a paradigm twisting scenario. Most people simply haven’t grasped the magnitude/ reality of what’s being put forward.
@Omniscient_ Turnip ...All combat systens radar are digital and considering the F-22 and F-35 system redesigns , thinking a "upgraded radar" does not have unidentified issues is streach.
@Omniscient_ Turnip sightings of unexplainable things have dramatically increased since the beginning of the pandemic. Around the world.
watch Thunderf00t video about it, then you'll have seen the best video on it.
@George Mann Secretly strongly agree 👍
@@Vindicated333 so let's see...they waited until we,
a) developed nukes and nuclear energy
b) allowed us to have many more wars and world wide health issues/disease/famine etc etc
c) land on the moon
d) develop digital tech
e) a BILLION other things re advancement
Only NOW they want to enslave us? Why not 150 years ago? Why not 60 years ago? Why not 1,000 years ago?
Why now?
Tell us the "reality" of the situation.
My friend and I, in the 80s. Seen several of them. In Dracut Ma. Going back and forth. Up and down. For about an hour. Then just left.
It is an immense journey to get humans to admit that they don't understand and that they have no/little control... let the progress begin.
Progress? Stay skeptical and focused......
It's not an immense journey, it's slavery, a massive global prison is opening up and unlike other prisons the inmates will be quite happy, for they'll be told it's the will of the imaginary alien gods they've been brainwashed to believe in through decades of propaganda. The masses like their stories, and they're desperate to believe. Now people believe more because establishment puppets like Obama claim the fictional aliens are real, "legitimising" the fantasy of the masses. The last you should trust are the Elite and their minions.
@@cameraobscura5503 "Never live within a first floor on a one-way street, climb the stairs to the rooftop and experience the multitude of perspectives and infinite possibilities."
@@shaman9628 Infinite possibilities? You mean watching consistent controlled media propaganda about fictional aliens who look like deformed people and believing because they told you to believe.
@@cameraobscura5503 WoW.....where is all that hate coming from??
Infinite possibilities are looking at everything and coming to your own conclusions my friend.
I met travis from the fire in the sky. The real guy and not an actor, Very humble guy
Travis is a super nice guy, and the whole abduction case is very credible. He wants to make it clear these days that the "aliens" that abducted him did not mean him any harm unlike the film is made out to convey. He ran towards the craft as it was taking off and he got zapped as it was powering up. He thinks they were healing him when he came to on the craft and he lashed out at the beings so they dropped him off near a phone booth outside of town. Crazy case but many witnesses and evidence
Thats a movie based off his real story. Joe Rogan interviewed him. Look it up
@@invisiblecollege893 i actually met him and spoke about the real event. He came to our center and i have seen the movie.
He’s a good guy. The movie ruined his story though.
Me 2. Saw him speak at an experiencer event. Great human, sad the things he and his coworkers went through.
Finally at least one scientist who does not go into full denial mode
Already explained ten years ago. You lot do not want an explanation because you project your ego into the 'secret' and the truth will never satisfy you. Somewhat like the mythical 'palestinian state'
@@oliverduke1173 And what was that again??
No, many leading scientists have come out like dr eric davis, kevin knuth... u have not heard about them because the gov want to downplay it and send some “public” scientists to deny it.
Scientists are about facts and truth and people like you are just insulting everyone is entitled to their opinion they don’t lie that goes against everything science stands for get over it.
@@oliverduke1173 what a bizarre comment.
I noticed that the pilots saw them move through air without a heat signature or a sonic boom, they also saw them go in and out of water and create a wake. Just odd that the same craft that affects water doesn't affect air when moving through it.
Maybe they do affect air as well, but what if they're just silent in their motion, hence what sonic boom would you expect from such object..?
Gravity drive? energy field surrounding the vessel?
With an energy drive of this caliber I’m sure they could easily cloak it from our sensory devices.
None of this has to be alien to earth.
There could be civilizations on this planet we don’t know about.
They do have a heat signature because the footage is infrared
I would think it too it have a heat signature but what kind of tech that masked the hear signature
The witnesses in the ufo over the Chicago airport said it punched a hole in the clouds when it took off. So I think they can change the space around the craft to leave a jet wash affect or not. Seems like it’s there choice to do so or not.
Saying that it is a 3 dimensional object in 5 dimensional space is probably the most spot on thing that anyone has said.
She described the concept correctly but it is highly unlikely that is the case with the ufo's we see. They are most likely traveling within what is referred to as a "warp bubble." Where the ship contracts the space in front of it, and expands the space behind it and essentially does not move in relativity to spatial objects whatsoever. Instead the ship actually pulls space toward and around it using INSANELY powerful gravity producing apparatus
In fact, if you think about, it makes sense. At the moment we just don't know what it is. So, it is literally an unidentified flying object. It is definitely worth investing. We would finally find out what is or at least falsify it if there were another explanation. If it were a gravity (or antigravity) powered vehicle it would be exactly what Bob Lazar is telling for more than 30 years. Fascinating.
@@I_am_Raziel So it does not seem to be 'flying' in the sense of wings with control surfaces, and it does not seem to have inertia in the sense of 'objects' with mass, therefore, in the light of us knowing as little as we do, UAP is more accurate than UFO. We don't know that they are 'flying' 'objects'. We know it is in the air, and we know that it is something we can see, but we haven't touched it, and we have not determined how it moves.
@@marinusvzOk, accepted. What's the definition for EAP. I've heard UAP, but not EAP.
So what time is it on Miller's planet?!?
if we are living in a simulation these objects could be the some kind of mouse cursor
They certainly move like mouse cursors.
Omg nooooo! 😱
I thought the cursor thing too!
Couldnt it be experimental technology?
*also doesn't have to be manned, could be robotic.
Holy cow
Official or not, we always knew ufos existed.
Exactly what I wanted to write. Well, you won!
But now I want to see them clearly I want to see them its so interesting
yeah bro always knew, 100% chance no doubt lol
@@santicheeks1106 Just pay attention to the sky (day or night). I'm 64 years old and had my first experience 8 years ago. Needless to say I started paying attention to what was above me. I've since had 7 more sightings, including 3 during daylight.
@Luke Gilson You couldn't be more wrong... pay attention. They've likely been here as long or longer than we have, and may be responsible for our very existence.
Love you Fran, you are a woman of science and engineering, who is prepared to be open minded, it’s okay, to speculate on these unknowns 😊
Damn, that was the longest 5 minutes ever’
Ha ha. Not entirely sure why I watched it to the end.
She meant 5 mins ×4
Or the shortest, depending on how intelligent you are
At the 5:00 mark
She's a scientist, not a mathamatician🤣🤣🤣
If ‘they’ are out there, they just haven’t been watching us for the past few decades, but for centuries.
Thousands of years, well known in MJ12 circles, actually changed our DNA several times to help us rise in the order of consciousness...
For a civilization that could travel between the stars, we would be as interesting to them as we are to earth worms.
@@CaptApril123 Our brutality may be foreign to them, maybe that's why they are so interested in our military..
Who’s to say they aren’t responsible for are existence?
And if they share our space but are not really 'there', then since Space is a continuum with Time, they share our time (hours a day for two years, the pilot said) but are not really 'then'. Their 'there and then' belong to their dimension. I found the Flatland analogy very helpful. So, from our 4D viewpoint the craft SEEM to break laws of physics because we see a distorted version of them. Right. Perhaps this is confirmed by the fact that they 'fly' in the sea as easily as the air, because to them the water is not there to them, just as the air is not there to them.
You had me at the first few minutes - why haven’t I ever heard of you before! I love the feeling of excitement in your voice, mixed with a bit of wonder.... thank you!!
Welcome! If you haven’t seen Fran before, check out her channel. She makes some interesting videos about old electronic mechanisms which are parts of display panels, guitar pedals, and so on.
Fran is ace :) Hello!
You had Me @ the Thumbnail... 15:22 is when it got a Little Weird for Me Though... Great Questions on This Confirmed Phenomenon 👏🏾
Fran winks in and out of space... just like a UAP. 😁😅😋
"Fish On!" Reel em in!
Okay, Fran... You got five minutes of my undivided attention.... now what?
Work on the 3D Projection concept. Go 4D and look to satellite ops that only appear during Naval training exercises. Laser projections from orbiting assets.
There are two possibilities => Real => Or something to keep us looking elsewhere, rather than where we ought to be looking.
Spot on Mr.
I've been thinking the same. Its just weird 80 years of denial and suddenly its all True.
We have been locked for 2 years , thats enough time for them to go about their way.
Or they are going to make contact with us very soon and the gov is getting us prepared
@@JLswatchthis that’s what I think, it’s more of a way they protect themselves from us getting pissed for example now that they’ve been releasing photoage and such they can atleast say...hey we were in the process of talking about it but we did say we have no idea what... Who knows though. I just hope hardcore bible peeps don’t show up and start shooting and shit...🤘🏼😂
Its not a distraction. The goverment was relentless in releasing even this information. This is from the people "whom have been rediculed" and continue to fight for the truth of years.
It’s basically them saying we will just say it’s real, no big deal atm. But then 1 or two years later there will release something huge, I bet ya(reverse phycology basically)
The government doesn't have to tell me what's real and not
Are we even real?
@@ttdttd4211 probably not in our current physical state
So I’m guessing you didn’t get vaccinated right
Do you also believe that the earth is flat
I feel the pain of Bob Lazar.
Bob Lazar: nobody listens to Bob. I told them over and over, but nobody listens to Bob.
Bob is owed an apology at the very least.
We will hopefully know within a month. I cannot even imagine how it must feel, when your are discredited for more than 30 years.
Moral of the Story, don't be like Bob 😂 jokes aside I am a massive believer in UFO's i have seen many strange things flying in the skies in my 45 years. I just wish the Government would tell us what they know, they either have all the answers or at the very least know a damn site more than us! We deserve the truth.
@@D4rkMatter1975 it’s a bird. And lights,on a plane.
@@D4rkMatter1975 In a few weeks the US will probably release some information (by the end of June). We will see what they have to tell.
We could be seeing different parts of the same object. The light plays an important role in determining what these objects are
Back in the 50s a chemist told me " if it can be imagined it can happen" ...That has stuck with me through my 70 yrs...
Your chemist was a drunk.
So superman like being can exisy
@@Δενβρισκωνικ do you think theres beings that are like superman out there ? a race of kryptonians
Took almost a century to acknowledge the Unidentified, imagine how long we will need to identify them...😂
The Dutch opened their files in the 90s.
Main stream took almost a century - most folk with integrity saw them way before that?? Gives you some idea of the level of ignorance and denial in the orthodox narritive?? How can this world have so many imbeciles that regard themselves as scientist? With the evidemce staring them in the face, they still have trouble with it?!
@@GG-hu9dn because when you become a scientist, your pursuit must conform to the inherit societal norms or you’ll be ignored, currently UFOs/UAPs are verging into the mainstream as a real conversation. There are still far too many deniers
It's been acknowledged.....we just have people who work at Wal-Mart (no offense) ask why they don't know about what goes on in/at Area 51! That's the truth n the truth is they don't need to KNOW. If u want to know become qualified to know...✔💯🍻
@@sly11benal7 well, I doubt if Et cares - either way? Wal-Mart employee or not : people either think or they don't? As it happens, most of the so - called - " qualified" are among the most incompetents? Invariably because they are narcissistic fucks?!!
if bob lazar is right the reason they "disappear" is bc they have their own gravity field thru amplification so light is effected
They all knew about gravity being a wave form way back when also. But you know, Science.
The light is a variable..
Why cant anyone get a clear photograph of them? They built the Hubble telescope, but they cant get a clean shot of just one of these things?
@@sydbarrett4518 I think the issue isn't that there aren't clear photos, but that those photos are still classified. You've gotta think that the clips and images we're seeing are done with infrared cameras (which aren't very clear) or personal hand held cameras of the pilots. Just go outside and try to take a photo of a car that's moving and see how easy it is to get a clear shot, now imagine something moving 20x faster.
Again, there are probably better photos, it's just that the government most likely has them locked up somewhere and so we're stuck with the ones made by pilots.
@@christians3868 We will see if they break those out and show them to us then wont we?
Cannot believe I’m just now seeing this! Love it! Thank you Fran for being so open minded and objective. Of course, I knew you were! Just nice seeing it, again. ❤
Please forgive my son Zorblt, I've told him many times "Don't tease the humans".
Classis Zorbit
Please forgive my son Hannibal. He likes to use his EM pulse gun to shoot down alien time machines.
Seriously, though, these could just as easily be time machines as spacecraft. After all, when you travel through time, objects in space move-planets, moons, satellites. You can't just set up your apparatus on the surface of a planet and travel through time. You are likely to find yourself inside of solid rock. So the ability to travel through space, at least over short distances, is crucial.
As for how they propel themselves, Richard D. Hall has suggested that they generate an artificial gravitational field in front of them that allows them to "fall" forwards at tremendous speed. This isn't to say that Hall isn't way off the map in other regards.
@@stefanfrankel8157 It is probably a US craft flown by US military personnel. This is likely their way of telling China and Russia we got cool new shit without actually telling them. Or telling anyone within the US.
The higher ups know exactly what it is or we wouldnt be hearing about it.
Mostly I feel like a mushroom, you know, fed a lot of shit and kept in the dark.
Thats the fbi
The departed
Got me!! 😅🤣
Aliens: Lets talk
Pilot: Weapons locked
Aliens: Later
I wouldn’t be surprised that if they locked on to them to record they had to have detected the radiowaves of the flight instruments and knew we had engaged some sort of system that targeted them.
fck yea berserk
@@zulufucxs1373 FLIR Forward looking infrared. It detects differences in an objects temperature compared to it's surroundings. It's impossible for the object to know it is being watched/tracked.
@@jamesbratcher3768 FLIR can track a targets movement? I’m confused if the recording is from the aircraft or from the pilots HUD
Why are all aliens bald.
Why can’t we have genuine people like this running our country? The very best and innovative our society has to offer. Fran I have never met you but your energy is pure and light. I wish you nothing but the best.
She work at JPL,, only the best minds, Politics would drive her crazy
because only the wicked are granted the rights to rule and run our society i mean the real rulers not the one's we're shown and we celebrate and vote for!
If people like this ran countries, we'd soon not have any need for politicians to "handle" our problems.
I thought the same thing through this whole video, love me some Fran.
Because smart people know better then to get involved with politics. Why lose braincells interacting with the moronic dregs when you can see into the guts of the universe and learn something new?
Didn’t want this video to end. Start a podcast! Get some guests!
I second this!
Joe Rogan add the guests on
bob lazars interviews give very strong anecdotes about these crafts before the government said they were true. whats particularly fascinating is that the crafts fly EXACTLY the way bob lazar described in the 80s. his story never changed
Absolutely correct.
@Higgit Gamer I actually think he’s a pathological liar....
@@darkthingswithmarkdavis4497 why?
@EpsilonGoods IMO, the US Navy is not going to be fooled by geese and out-of-focus airplane lights. It's a good thing to ask questions in light of evidence.. whether or not we're being duped has yet to be seen but I don't think for a minute that Fran is attempting to string anyone along.
@EpsilonGoods hey just cuz it scares the crap out of you doesn’t mean it scares everyone else. Keep your stupid ideas to yourself.
I don’t believe the crafts would evade terrestrial aircraft if it was a projection. They seem to maneuver and go to certain places.
Do not just look at the images, listen to the soundtrack! The excitement of the pilots is matched by the indifference of their superiors. Someone there *must* know something! Keep in mind that the U in UFO begs the question, unidentified by whom? Especially when there are whole departments of people whose job is to make sure that we don't know stuff...
Exactly! As far as we know we could have even already made first contact and the public would have no clue.
The images are awful. How is it that the US has such lousy cameras? They should just use an iPhone
Are the superiors seeing what the pilots are seeing in that moment?
@@MrJamberee Maybe because they don't expect to see aliens like that lmao
@@MrJamberee they were recorded at pitch dark night through infra red cameras and the objects were super far away, thats the best quality we got
plottwist: It's a time machine that Fran has created in 2055
I believe they are nothing more than the fallen angels who control the second heaven.
This us probable
Why not 2022? Looks like shes already started
Even as early as the 50s, when I was a young boy, I believed that "flying saucers" were intelligently piloted craft from other planets! During the early 90s, I went to a UFO meeting in North Carolina. I was shocked to discover that they claimed to know what all of the various UFOnaut species looked like, what they all were called, what all of their craft looked like, and where all of them were from! (None of the various types of UFOnauts were from the same planet.)
You're not going to believe me, but I've been inside one.
Ur ahead of the game....✔
I don't think they are piloted by organic life forms,I think they are either automated,possibly with artificial intelligence or are remotely controlled from either a 'mother ship' or possibly even another planet.
Nazis. You're welcome.
@@grahamsmith2022 You are probably right. Why? Because your name is Graham Smith...and Graham is a fantastic guesser.
Hey Doc, it is not crazy is: human not prepared and that,there's nothing to do with us ,depending on where,they come from ,or meaning are these: trasdimentional,extra terrestrials and what time is that is in the especific vessel!
Sagan was pro-UFO for about 10 minutes before the government convinced him further meddling would be detrimental to his career.
I’ll trust you on that it wouldn’t be a surprise
it would be detrimental to your career..even in undeveloped countries they will laugh at you if you announce youve seen a spaceship or a ghost
I highly doubt that as it goes against essentially everything he stood for, but it depends on what you mean by "pro-UFO". Given that he continued to be a science communicator (Cosmos, and regular tv appearances, news spots, public figure, etc.) despite _repeatedly_ being told it would be detrimental to his career, to the point that he was denied tenure at Harvard in a very large part because of it, he made it *very* clear to colleagues, universities, etc. that he absolutely would not be held back from doing what he felt was right, regardless of the potential consequences. He was heavily involved with SETI, but he was also a skeptic and a scientist.
Additionally, can we be clear here? A UFO is an _unidentified_ flying object. That is all. Several of the tapes released by the navy are fairly easy to discern if you think logically about it, one is an airliner, one is some sort of water fowl, perhaps a duck. Those are no longer UFOs, by definition. Every day objects can look very strange on IR, particularly when focus and lighting conditions aren't understood, and a lot of the "crazy motion" has to do with the gimbal mounts the cameras are on, i.e. it's not the object moving, it's the camera and the aircraft. Simply assuming that because we can't identify something that's in the air, apparently moving wildly, that it's an alien craft, or even a *craft* performing moves that defy physics, rather than a much simpler, rational explanation.
@@chemputer Thank you, Ben! You said what needed to be said.
@@chemputer what that hell r u saying ? Please simplify
Please add closed captions, the deaf community needs to hear this as well.
Go to settings on TH-cam and click on CC... closed captioning.
Huh? Sorry had to do
@@Lixx-n-Laffs did you try this before suggesting? CC didn’t come on for me either
I work in commercial aviation at the BIG B company as a maintenance mechanic and I can tell you under my night vision goggles I happened to track a UAP across the the sky as a satellite but shortly after viewing it, it did a ping pong movement across the sky so fast that I can attest it's not conventional aviation or rocketry. There is something up there that defy current aviation.
Infrared has revealed many of them. The people that watch through the vatican (Lucifer) telescope. In infrared you can see a lot of them . You get used to it after a while they say.
@@williegillie5712 nothing to do with the Vatican, no longer called, "Lucifer" either, thats internet lore, but where is anything about Luci detecting UFO's published? Your comment has 0 significance otherwise...
@@Justin-bd2dg Another thing that was protested was the name Lucifer Publishing. They changed that name to Lucis Trust after all the attention it was getting from the masses. Do you think because they changed the name they are doing any thing differently there? Doubtful.
Hi, you talked about the "Ping Pong movement" A friend of mine who is a reliable witness said she saw that exact same movement. She was looking up at what she thought was either an aircraft or satellite crossing in front of her. It suddenly did the Pong pong movement back and forth a few times and then it disappeared. I think it may have been using magnetic lines of force as part of its propellent system. In any case what she saw was indeed a real object, what kind of object is still,I think, a mystery. Fran I want to thank you for a very intelligent and thoughtful description of your thoughts.
I totally believe in UNIDENTIFIED flying objects, I only have a problem with objects that are identified as being extraterrestrial when it’s just a spot or whatever.
I think the same. It is probably incomprehensible to us because we simply dont possess "what" we need to actually understand or even see it fully. Like a programmed computer cant get past its programming or utilize something that hasn't been part of it. Sometimes we cant accept that limitation and try to explain things we simply cant. And its hard to accept that sometimes.
Humbly put.
this is related to everything, UFOS and everything, politics, technology, in latin america some of us have seen in person and there is so much proves that I no longer doubt, we don't have the technology to decipher them, that's it. I suggest you look out for info from this Sr.: Sixto Paz Wells, he is a great reference in all these matters. He is Peruvian. South america Knows!
And that’s where we plug in fairytales.
Yup, and that is also why religion was created. To create an answer for an unsolvable question.
The exact opposite of you said is what separates us from computers. Besides that we have programs that can write themselves and multimodal neurons being discovered in artificial neural network models.
Why is it so hard to understand that there are others in this huge sea of stars we are floating around in? I would find it harder to think we are alone.
It’s the most narcissistic thing to honestly, with a straight face, say that we’re the very best the entire universe could come up with.
It’s not hard to understand we’re not alone. Us being located at the shores of the cosmic ocean, considering how vast the distances are between systems makes it hard to believe we’ve been found by another civilization.
but maybe that’s not the case and they didn’t find us, maybe they care the ones who created us, who knows.
@@pommiebears "We might be alone" is not the same as "we’re the very best the entire universe could come up with."
Considering all the billions of planets in this vast universe, if we’re the only ones here....
It’s a huge waste of space 😉
If the fact that something is "harder" to understand sways your mind on what the actual Truth is - please just step off the edge of your flat world.
Hi Fran, new here: My Dad is a Geologist and Astronomer. He is one of the first person in my country who dared to take the UFO phenomenon scientifically back in the 90s. He is almost 80 now but looking back now I realize how brave he was. I'm glad to see that he is seeing the stigma being defeated finally!. Thank you on his behalf
Your dad is right . They are real . I know because I was abducted by them. And , they are not our friends.
@@ajledbetter2197 Someone else said the same thing to me when I was in the fourth grade.
And of course you have hard evidence of all that?
Admiral Richard Byrd made some interesting statements about his explorations with our US Navy, there is a 1955 Longines Report/interview that the admiral was a guest on that will leave you with some puzzling questions