안녕하세요! 저는 올해 12월 4일 결혼하는 예비 주부입니다! ㅎㅎ 유튜브는 거의 매일 끼고 살지만 이렇게 댓글까지 남겨 보는 건 또 처음이라 괜스레 떨리네요... 🥺 결혼을 앞두고 신혼집을 일찍 구하게 되어 이사를 준비하며 새로운 신혼 살림은 어떻게 준비해야 하나 고민을 가지고 있던 중 우연히 보게 된 집을 보러 다니는 영상을 시작으로 영상이 너무 마음에 들어서 앉은 자리에 두세 개 연속으로 보다가 구독까지 누르고 이젠 좀 더 깊이 살림을 공부하면서 영상을 보고 있답니다~ 영상을 통해 보여 주시는 집과 살림, 가족의 모습 전부 제가 다 닮고 싶은 삶이라 영상 하나하나 전부 다 소중하게 느껴지네요 ㅎㅎ 알려 주시는 살림 팁과 사용하는 살림템 정보는 여러 번 돌려 보기도 하고 메모도 해 가면서 차근차근 제 살림도 하나씩 늘려가는 중이에요 ❣ (실제로 새로 장만하는 살림템은 하미마미님 영상에서 보고 산 제품들이 대다수예요 ㅎㅎ) 보고 나면 늘 기분이 좋아지는 영상들에 속으로만 '아... 오늘도 좋았다...' 하며 지나쳤던 속마음을 오늘은 조심스레 전해 볼게요 항상 감사합니다 🥰 이번 주 영상도 벌써 다 봐 버려서 또 일주일은 어떻게 기다리지? 싶어지지만 한 주 또 바삐 살아가면서 잘 버텨 볼게요! ㅎㅎ 여름이 성큼 다가오면서 일교차가 많이 큰데 항상 건강하시구 다음 영상도 또 잘 부탁드립니다 감사해요 아주 많이!! 🥰🥰 행복한 주말 보내세요~
죠르죠르디님 안녕하세요, 우선 결혼 축하드려요! 🥰 결혼 준비하시느라 바쁘실 것 같은데, 영상도 챙겨봐주시고.. 감사합니다 :) 저도 결혼 준비할 때, 살림에 대해 아는 건 없었지만 어깨넘어로 본 엄마의 살림들을 떠올리며 이것 저것들을 샀던 것 같아요. 지금까지 잘 쓰고 있는 물건들도 있고, 살림 취향이라는 게 생기면서 하나씩 바꿔간 것들도 있더라구요. 살림을 시작하시면 죠르죠르디님만의 감성이 담긴 살림 살이들로 주방이 더 예쁘게 채워지지 않을까 싶어요 😊 미리 살림 공부까지 하는 예비신부를 둔 예비신랑분은 너무 행복하시겠는걸요! 두 분 결혼을 진심으로 축하드리고, 남은 결혼 준비 잘 하시길 바랄게요! :D 항상 감사합니다 ^ㅡ^ 🧡🧡
Thanks for your kind comment ! :D I've never imagined myself shooting cleaning videos this much every week, but I am enjoying it! thanks to you guys watching my vlogs. 🥰🥰
Oh Hamimommy....I do so wish I could travel to Korea and try all the delicious food that your wonderful country has to offer! Thank you for sharing these wonderful dishes ;D I love adorable Hami’s face when she got to taste the cream off whisk! Brings back happy memories of watching my mother making cakes. I also use vinegar for cleaning, its great and more eco friendly. The eggshell idea is👍🏼. Blessings to you and the rest of the family💕
I'm envy of you. You are so clean. How can you do your whole household work as well as making video. How can you do that! You deserve an award seriously. You fixed your house and you wishes. Your family is so lucky to have you. Take love hamymommy 💜
Love that you're slowly getting confident in showing your face. You have a beautiful family. Keep up with the vlogs, you have a lot of well wishing subscribers. Love from India
오늘의 부엌님, 한주동안 잘 지내셨어요? :) 저는 어제 친정엄마가 잠시 들르셔서 전복장 비빔밥 한 번 더 하고, 양파김치와 곁들여 먹었어요. 엄마께서도 찹쌀풀 없이 간단한 양념만으로 맛있는 파김치가 되었다며 신기해하시더라구요! 정말 요건 내공이 느껴지는 황금 레시피에요.. ♥ 잘 챙겨드시고 힘내셔서 알찬 요리팁 영상들 많이 부탁드려요~! ^ㅡ^
Me pego aqui pensando em quantas memórias boas a pequena Hami terá quando crescer! Se lembrará de sua mãe tão presente, dedicada e amorosa com a família. Percebo também a alegria e envolvimento do pai, sempre a brincar, sorrir e interagir. Essa família é realmente uma joia nos dias atuais, onde não se encontra tempo nem disposição para se dedicar às pequenas coisas da vida. Thanks Hamimommy, for sharing so much love with us! We are learning a lot with you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thanks for the lovely video again. Loved the Castella bread/cake. Does it have to cook with steam in the rice cooker? Can't we cook it in the oven? Is this the speacialty of Castella? You always do the things with great ease & comfort which I like the most. You make cleaning, cooking, tidying, re-organising so very easy.
Obrigado por nos passar seu dia - dia, muito divertido, a Guerra de água, sua filha tão lindinha, uma gracinha, parabéns por tudo, seus vídeos são ótimos, Deus continue abençoando vocês família linda!!
هاها 😂😂لقد ضحكت جدا بموقف الكريمة وعندما كنتم تلعبون 😂😂 كثيرا ما ألعب مع الاطفال صحيح أنه متعب لكن يعطيك طاقة جديدة ويغير المزاج بشكل كبير 😇😍❤ أرجوا لك أيام سعيدة وثمينة برفقة عائلتك 💫💌
Llevo meses siguiendola y siempre cada video me impresiona más; tanto la edición, los consejos de limpieza y cocina, su filosfía, el ver crecer a Hami, a la familia y a su armonía. Simplemente me encanta verla, siempre me emociono con cada notificación de vídeo y me pregunto ¿Qué de nuevo nos traera Hami Mommy el día de hoy? Pd: Me encantaria poder ver un BTS de sus vídeos, la curiosidad es inmensa.
Gracias por ver mi video y me encanta tu amable comentario .. ♥ Traeré otro buen video la semana que viene, ¡así que cuídate y mantente saludable para entonces!
Me pasa exactamente igual. Llevo poco tiempo viéndola y de lo mejorcito q me he encontrado por TH-cam. Videos con unos detalles excelentes, trasmite paz,consejos de limpieza, orden y el respeto q se procesan en familia ❤ adoro a hamimommy. Gracias por compartir unas palabras tan bonitas hacia ella,muy fan como tu 🤗
You are so remarkable everything is so tidy, I don’t like cleaning THAT much, house is tidy but so many other things to do too. I love all the rain you get there, here in central California we are hardly getting any rain.
You make wonderful food for you and your family. What are good food to feed a young child that is 3 yrs old. I have a hard time w/ meals and I worry about proper nutrition. Thank you for your videos! Your daughter is very adorable!!!
Türkiyeden sevgiler elinize sağlık yine huzur dolu bir vlog olmuş ama Türkçe alt yaxı olmadığı için anlamadan izledim hoşckalın hami çoooook tatlı şirin sevimli onu çoook seviyorum byy
Merhaba ben Türkiye den yazıyorum tahta kaşıklarınız çok güzel ama ince uzun saplı karıştırma kaşığınıza bayıldım hangi ağaç türünden yapılıyor şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim.
Gracias por compartir como limpias tu arrocera , me servirá mucho y viéndote hornear una rica tarta con Hammi me recordo a mi niñez , mi madre tenia una pastelería asi que ver a Hami ayudando me recordo esos lindos momentos en la cocina.
Obrigada pela legenda em português, fico encantada com sua dedicação ❤️. Eu também sou uma pessoa muito limpa, mas um pouco desorganizada… limpo a casa todo santo dia. Moro em um sítio, aí o que não falta é coisa pra fazer… e tenho 2 meninos, meus bebês ❤️
I try to watch one of your videos every day. I agree with others they are very relaxing and I have learned so many organizing tips from you. Since watching, I have started cleaning and keeping things tidy in my house. It has been a stress breaker for me. Thank you for taking the time to share with others.
IDK, even I hate marriage but you always remembers me a family could be joyful. You are right, our neighbors are more better than our relatives. I do believe it because i really do hate nepotism so much. Lots of ❤️ dear sister.
This video Made me feel Happiness in my Life. With everything going on I always go to your channel and watch your videos and they put me In a good mood 💓🎀🌺😊 Thank You so much 💜💝
전복장 하나면 만능이죠 정말..ㅠ 메밀면에 비벼서 먹어봐야겠네요ㅎㅎ 잠깐 나왔지만 자연속에서 콩콩 신나하는 따님의 발걸음이 너무 사랑스럽네요💕 하루 빨리 아이들이 마스크 벗고 숲속에서 자연과 함께 뛰어노는 날이 왔으면 좋겠습니다. 날씨가 많이 쌀쌀해졌는데, 감기 조심 하시고 예쁜 영상 많이 보여주세요!! 감사합니다:D
Es admirable su cocina , la forma en que limpia todo es fantástica y espectacular , los alimentos que prepara de mensaje agua la boca , es una inspiración total para mi con lo de esta pandemia que cambio la vida de antes , tuve covid hace 1 año y me dejó secuelas en los huesos pero me inspira su canal al 1000. E aplicado muchos consejos en mi casa y los amo gracias por su tiempo y es mi gran inspiración olvido el dolor que me causa mi nueva condición con la osteoartritis. Que belleza su nena Hami. Bendiciones siempre.
I had to stop the video while watching, because Hamimommy made me baking a cake AND cleaning the kitchen afterwards. Then I relaxed the rest of the video with a piece of cake and a good feeling about having a clean and tidy kitchen :)
I have two little boys and a loving husband and I am living your life as well but in a different country. It took me awhile to adjust and appreciate having the privilege to be a SAHM, but I am truly loving it now. I enjoy the same things you do and your videos give me more motivation to deep clean and cook more. I'd love to learn how to cook some Korean food. May I ask a simple meal to cook that uses simple ingredients??
This video is 20 minutes long, but it feels like 2 minutes. The green onions kimchi looks so simple, yet delicious! I should make it! Your husband seems like a person who is amazing with kids, your daughter is really lucky to have both of you as her parents. I can see her growing up and becoming someone with a beautiful soul, thanks to you.
I really enjoyed this video, its so good to see the family's having fun together. You have been blessed with wonderful neighbors to is so good to see. A little under the weather today but your video made me smile. Thank you!!
Vivo en colombia, y hace un tiempo llegue a este canal no sé ni cómo, pero adoro vuestra cultura, y me encanta la Pa que transmite esta mujer … felicidades
Me gustan mucho sus videos, y la sensación de paz que me provoca, pero lo mejor y más bonito de todo es: VER A SU PRECIOSA Y SIMPATICA HIJA, para mí es lo mejor Gracias
안녕하세요! 저는 올해 12월 4일 결혼하는 예비 주부입니다! ㅎㅎ 유튜브는 거의 매일 끼고 살지만 이렇게 댓글까지 남겨 보는 건 또 처음이라 괜스레 떨리네요... 🥺
결혼을 앞두고 신혼집을 일찍 구하게 되어 이사를 준비하며 새로운 신혼 살림은 어떻게 준비해야 하나 고민을 가지고 있던 중 우연히 보게 된 집을 보러 다니는 영상을 시작으로 영상이 너무 마음에 들어서 앉은 자리에 두세 개 연속으로 보다가 구독까지 누르고 이젠 좀 더 깊이 살림을 공부하면서 영상을 보고 있답니다~
영상을 통해 보여 주시는 집과 살림, 가족의 모습 전부 제가 다 닮고 싶은 삶이라 영상 하나하나 전부 다 소중하게 느껴지네요 ㅎㅎ
알려 주시는 살림 팁과 사용하는 살림템 정보는 여러 번 돌려 보기도 하고 메모도 해 가면서 차근차근 제 살림도 하나씩 늘려가는 중이에요 ❣ (실제로 새로 장만하는 살림템은 하미마미님 영상에서 보고 산 제품들이 대다수예요 ㅎㅎ)
보고 나면 늘 기분이 좋아지는 영상들에 속으로만 '아... 오늘도 좋았다...' 하며 지나쳤던 속마음을 오늘은 조심스레 전해 볼게요 항상 감사합니다 🥰
이번 주 영상도 벌써 다 봐 버려서 또 일주일은 어떻게 기다리지? 싶어지지만 한 주 또 바삐 살아가면서 잘 버텨 볼게요! ㅎㅎ
여름이 성큼 다가오면서 일교차가 많이 큰데 항상 건강하시구 다음 영상도 또 잘 부탁드립니다
감사해요 아주 많이!! 🥰🥰
행복한 주말 보내세요~
죠르죠르디님 안녕하세요, 우선 결혼 축하드려요! 🥰
결혼 준비하시느라 바쁘실 것 같은데, 영상도 챙겨봐주시고.. 감사합니다 :)
저도 결혼 준비할 때, 살림에 대해 아는 건 없었지만 어깨넘어로 본 엄마의 살림들을 떠올리며 이것 저것들을 샀던 것 같아요.
지금까지 잘 쓰고 있는 물건들도 있고, 살림 취향이라는 게 생기면서 하나씩 바꿔간 것들도 있더라구요.
살림을 시작하시면 죠르죠르디님만의 감성이 담긴 살림 살이들로 주방이 더 예쁘게 채워지지 않을까 싶어요 😊
미리 살림 공부까지 하는 예비신부를 둔 예비신랑분은 너무 행복하시겠는걸요! 두 분 결혼을 진심으로 축하드리고, 남은 결혼 준비 잘 하시길 바랄게요! :D
항상 감사합니다 ^ㅡ^ 🧡🧡
Ñ m
Qwww a xa c
Merhaba Türkiye den izliyorum sizi, yeni keşfettim 🤗
قناتك جميله شكرا لك 🌺❤️
I think whoever watches her vlog, loves a clean and tidy place.
I think so too! 😆🧡
@@hamimommy @하미마미 Hamimommy watch "friends" on Netflix, I recommend!!
Yes, but im lazy :')
@@sobariantielma144 x2 hahaha not always cleaning but I definitely love this vlog😌
she's peaceful and i enjoy starting my mornings w peaceful videos ❤️
She has a talent for making cleaning SOOTHING! I've never wanted to clean and bake so much in my life. 🙈💕❤️
ahahahah me too!!
Thanks for your kind comment ! :D I've never imagined myself shooting cleaning videos this much every week, but I am enjoying it! thanks to you guys watching my vlogs. 🥰🥰
@@hamimommy Absolutely, please keep it up. You are doing more for this earth and the people then you can ever imagine 🥰
Your insipired me to do cleaning more often ..thanks to you now im changing my daily routine
You are not alone... I'm like binge watching hamimommy ❤️❤️
Oh Hamimommy....I do so wish I could travel to Korea and try all the delicious food that your wonderful country has to offer! Thank you for sharing these wonderful dishes ;D I love adorable Hami’s face when she got to taste the cream off whisk! Brings back happy memories of watching my mother making cakes. I also use vinegar for cleaning, its great and more eco friendly. The eggshell idea is👍🏼. Blessings to you and the rest of the family💕
이 해피하우스에 사시는 남편분과
따님은 넘 행복할거같아요
저리 살림 잘하는 아내이자 엄마를
나이만 먹은 제가 부끄러워져요~
이제라도 배워야지요
I want to have this kind of family, living in a simple life and being contented. 🥺❤️
I'm envy of you. You are so clean. How can you do your whole household work as well as making video. How can you do that! You deserve an award seriously. You fixed your house and you wishes.
Your family is so lucky to have you. Take love hamymommy 💜
Making video is quite tough, but it is fun at the same time ! :) Thanks Farzana 🧡
@@hamimommy take lots of love hamimommy :-*
Amo teu canal. E tua filha é linda. Tudo muito bonito e inspirador.
Desejo felicidades.
I’m so grateful for your videos, they bring me so much peace ☺️☺️
Это не влог, а фильм! Прекрасно снято, так приятно смотреть. Умиротворение испытываешь)
Это да, отличная мотивация
I love the way u confess u didn't know how to cook an how u learnt an how ur husband now lives ur cooking i think ur a great mom an super cook
Love that you're slowly getting confident in showing your face. You have a beautiful family. Keep up with the vlogs, you have a lot of well wishing subscribers. Love from India
Thanks diya.. :D have a great Monday and take care!
India kerala♥️
노트 얘기에 너무 공감되네요 ㅎ
요즘 텀블러, 전기포트 자주 쓰는데 씻는게 걱정이었거든요~ 식초와 달걀 껍질을 잘 써봐야겠어요! 꿩도 보이고 자연이 느껴지는 ^^! 전복장도 맛있는데 국수도 대박이네요! 요즘 한창 양파철이었는데 너무 맛있어보였는데 파김치처럼 너무 대박이네요☺ 직접 키운 양파라서 더 좋네요👍 양념보고 감동입니다ㅎㅎ 맛있었다는 댓글도 큰힘이었는데 너무 감사해요^^
오늘도 힐링하고가요~ 일주일의 피로가 싹~ 사라집니다~
오늘의 부엌님, 한주동안 잘 지내셨어요? :)
저는 어제 친정엄마가 잠시 들르셔서 전복장 비빔밥 한 번 더 하고, 양파김치와 곁들여 먹었어요. 엄마께서도 찹쌀풀 없이 간단한 양념만으로 맛있는 파김치가 되었다며 신기해하시더라구요! 정말 요건 내공이 느껴지는 황금 레시피에요.. ♥ 잘 챙겨드시고 힘내셔서 알찬 요리팁 영상들 많이 부탁드려요~! ^ㅡ^
My future life will be like this😍
Me pego aqui pensando em quantas memórias boas a pequena Hami terá quando crescer! Se lembrará de sua mãe tão presente, dedicada e amorosa com a família. Percebo também a alegria e envolvimento do pai, sempre a brincar, sorrir e interagir. Essa família é realmente uma joia nos dias atuais, onde não se encontra tempo nem disposição para se dedicar às pequenas coisas da vida. Thanks Hamimommy, for sharing so much love with us! We are learning a lot with you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thanks for the lovely video again. Loved the Castella bread/cake. Does it have to cook with steam in the rice cooker? Can't we cook it in the oven? Is this the speacialty of Castella?
You always do the things with great ease & comfort which I like the most. You make cleaning, cooking, tidying, re-organising so very easy.
Yay!!! A video from my favourite Korean mummy!! Love from the UK 🇬🇧 xxx
Thanks Reeni! 🥰
Another relaxing video from you. Everything you do is so simple yet elegant. A reason why I keep coming back and always look forward to your videos.
You have no idea how much I enjoy watching your videos! How inspiring they are! I always to buy things to have home ordered & clean!
Obrigado por nos passar seu dia - dia, muito divertido, a Guerra de água, sua filha tão lindinha, uma gracinha, parabéns por tudo, seus vídeos são ótimos, Deus continue abençoando vocês família linda!!
هاها 😂😂لقد ضحكت جدا بموقف الكريمة وعندما كنتم تلعبون 😂😂
كثيرا ما ألعب مع الاطفال صحيح أنه متعب لكن يعطيك طاقة جديدة ويغير المزاج بشكل كبير 😇😍❤
أرجوا لك أيام سعيدة وثمينة برفقة عائلتك 💫💌
Llevo meses siguiendola y siempre cada video me impresiona más; tanto la edición, los consejos de limpieza y cocina, su filosfía, el ver crecer a Hami, a la familia y a su armonía. Simplemente me encanta verla, siempre me emociono con cada notificación de vídeo y me pregunto ¿Qué de nuevo nos traera Hami Mommy el día de hoy?
Pd: Me encantaria poder ver un BTS de sus vídeos, la curiosidad es inmensa.
Gracias por ver mi video y me encanta tu amable comentario .. ♥ Traeré otro buen video la semana que viene, ¡así que cuídate y mantente saludable para entonces!
Me pasa exactamente igual. Llevo poco tiempo viéndola y de lo mejorcito q me he encontrado por TH-cam. Videos con unos detalles excelentes, trasmite paz,consejos de limpieza, orden y el respeto q se procesan en familia ❤ adoro a hamimommy. Gracias por compartir unas palabras tan bonitas hacia ella,muy fan como tu 🤗
영상이 희한하게 힐링이 많이 되네요
하미랑 하미아빠는 어쩜 복이 저리 많을까 생각이 들었어요
앞으로도 쭉~~행복하게 사시길요~^^♡♡
봄비님 감사합니다 :) 날씨 좋은 목요일, 편안한 하루 보내세요 ~^^
Brincar com os filhos dos vizinhos é muito divertido. Saudações do Brasil.
젊으신분이 어쩜 요리면 요리.살림이면 살림을 그리 잘하시는지 부럽네요.영상보는것만으로도 힐링이 됩니다.멋져요^^
Thank you for your videos which I have enjoyed watching; giving me a sense of calm and escapism from my current real world in Hampshire England. X
Wish you have a wonderful Sunday in Hampshire, Anne! 😘
Я из России. Всегда очень приятно смотреть Ваши видео. Они наполнены любовью и уютом. Даже успокаивают в тяжёлые дни:)
Greetings from TURKEY 😘
Love Hamimomy 💖💖
Selam arkadaşım güzel gezi videoları çekiyor davetlisiniz
You are so remarkable everything is so tidy, I don’t like cleaning THAT much, house is tidy but so many other things to do too. I love all the rain you get there, here in central California we are hardly getting any rain.
I really enjoying watching your videos! Hello from Belarus! 🇧🇾
You make wonderful food for you and your family. What are good food to feed a young child that is 3 yrs old. I have a hard time w/ meals and I worry about proper nutrition. Thank you for your videos! Your daughter is very adorable!!!
Hami becomes a little big girl..🥰😘luv you dears..
Какой у вас уютный дом.Все так спокойно и размеренно.Замечательная дочка.
Türkiyeden sevgiler elinize sağlık yine huzur dolu bir vlog olmuş ama Türkçe alt yaxı olmadığı için anlamadan izledim hoşckalın hami çoooook tatlı şirin sevimli onu çoook seviyorum byy
Türkçe altyazı var aslında, sağda üç noktaya basıp altyazıya basın, Türkçe seçin ☺️
Demissiniz noktaya basin turkceyi secin ben bulamadim tekrar aciklama yaparmisiniz tesekkurler
Merhaba ben Türkiye den yazıyorum tahta kaşıklarınız çok güzel ama ince uzun saplı karıştırma kaşığınıza bayıldım hangi ağaç türünden yapılıyor şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim.
Muito bom ter uma vista linda, na hora da limpeza para motivar🍂🌼🌼🍂🍃
Gracias por compartir como limpias tu arrocera , me servirá mucho y viéndote hornear una rica tarta con Hammi me recordo a mi niñez , mi madre tenia una pastelería asi que ver a Hami ayudando me recordo esos lindos momentos en la cocina.
Obrigada pela legenda em português, fico encantada com sua dedicação ❤️. Eu também sou uma pessoa muito limpa, mas um pouco desorganizada… limpo a casa todo santo dia. Moro em um sítio, aí o que não falta é coisa pra fazer… e tenho 2 meninos, meus bebês ❤️
I try to watch one of your videos every day. I agree with others they are very relaxing and I have learned so many organizing tips from you. Since watching, I have started cleaning and keeping things tidy in my house. It has been a stress breaker for me. Thank you for taking the time to share with others.
Cuando termina mi dia vengo aqui y me relajo, disfruto tanto de ver todo tan perfecto
You are close to nature because I also likes nature a lot and you are creative and do so much work in your home
keep the spirit of making Hamimommy videos ❤️
Cleaning, cooking, gardening, playing with the kids oh my God, you're amazing❤️
IDK, even I hate marriage but you always remembers me a family could be joyful. You are right, our neighbors are more better than our relatives. I do believe it because i really do hate nepotism so much.
Lots of ❤️ dear sister.
Que lindo seus vídeos amo ver ! Parabéns
This video Made me feel Happiness in my Life. With everything going on I always go to your channel and watch your videos and they put me In a good mood 💓🎀🌺😊 Thank You so much 💜💝
I love your videos. The sense of peace and calm they give me is priceless.
Olá, recentemente conheci seu canal, estou gostando! Obrigada por colocar as legendas em português! Adorei as dicas ecológicas! Abraço❤
Ilk videodan sona doğru ilerliyorum.Neşeli anlar,tarifler,haminin tatlı halleri,ögrendigim yeni bilgiler.hepsini uygulamaya çalışıyorum.
Fist... Hello my happy pill.. Hello HAMIMOMMY... Love u godbless u and ur lovely family.. Carol here watching you from the Philippines
전복장 하나면 만능이죠 정말..ㅠ 메밀면에 비벼서 먹어봐야겠네요ㅎㅎ
잠깐 나왔지만 자연속에서 콩콩 신나하는 따님의 발걸음이 너무 사랑스럽네요💕
하루 빨리 아이들이 마스크 벗고 숲속에서 자연과 함께 뛰어노는 날이 왔으면 좋겠습니다.
날씨가 많이 쌀쌀해졌는데, 감기 조심 하시고 예쁜 영상 많이 보여주세요!! 감사합니다:D
Estou viciada em seus vídeos 🇧🇷❤️
Me encanta ver que disfrutas lo que haces día a día, eso es estar agradecida con la vida y familia
Que estés bien Hamimomy 💜💜
I love your channel so much, it always gives me energy when I feel bored with my routine💜🦄
Es admirable su cocina , la forma en que limpia todo es fantástica y espectacular , los alimentos que prepara de mensaje agua la boca , es una inspiración total para mi con lo de esta pandemia que cambio la vida de antes , tuve covid hace 1 año y me dejó secuelas en los huesos pero me inspira su canal al 1000.
E aplicado muchos consejos en mi casa y los amo gracias por su tiempo y es mi gran inspiración olvido el dolor que me causa mi nueva condición con la osteoartritis.
Que belleza su nena Hami.
Bendiciones siempre.
I want to live in your house hamimommy.. All my saved video in yt its all your videos. So calming and relaxing also inspiring. Love lots. Stay safe
Thanks bea! stay safe and healthy & have a wonderful Sunday! :D
@Hamimommy omg you noticed me thank you so much..
I had to stop the video while watching, because Hamimommy made me baking a cake AND cleaning the kitchen afterwards. Then I relaxed the rest of the video with a piece of cake and a good feeling about having a clean and tidy kitchen :)
Спасибо за приятное время препровождения, здоровья и счастья вашей семье.
Хочу спросить, в каждом видео только пылесосит. А полы хоть раз мылись? Или это только мы со шваброй носимся?
Vegetables taste so much nicer when they are home grown.
Hi 🙋🏼♀️ beautiful princess hami you looked like had lots of fun with your neighbor 🥰💜
I love watching your videos 😍 ♥ ️
When I was watching this part 13:13 I was smiling throughout, I want my future to be this peaceful and fun :)
Unnie,the vlog is full of so much fun💕💕💕💕 lots of love from Uzbekistan!!!
I have two little boys and a loving husband and I am living your life as well but in a different country. It took me awhile to adjust and appreciate having the privilege to be a SAHM, but I am truly loving it now. I enjoy the same things you do and your videos give me more motivation to deep clean and cook more. I'd love to learn how to cook some Korean food. May I ask a simple meal to cook that uses simple ingredients??
I miss u my cutie HAMI ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💋💋💋💜💜💜♥️♥️♥️
Hi, Jason how are you? it's raining a lot here in Korea :) hope you have a sunny and bright weekend there ! 🧡
@@hamimommy its summer here in the Philippines... So hot this days... Carol here.. Im just using my husbands youtube accont....
이 비디오를 통해 가장 행복한 의미에서 가족을 그리워했습니다.
Hola yo tampoco vivo en el campo pero intento sembrar y cosechar en casa y es maravilloso saber que estás cocinando con algo que tú misma cosechaste 😍
It always makes me happy watching your videos, enjoying your cooking, which gives me great ideas
Hola amigos queridos,desde mi bello Veracruz 🌴🌄🍃🌅 México 🇲🇽 les saludo con mucho cariño, agradezco el vídeo y el que nos abras tu hogar y tú corazón 💞
This video is 20 minutes long, but it feels like 2 minutes. The green onions kimchi looks so simple, yet delicious! I should make it!
Your husband seems like a person who is amazing with kids, your daughter is really lucky to have both of you as her parents. I can see her growing up and becoming someone with a beautiful soul, thanks to you.
Thanks otmlk.. ♥
Love your videos❤️
Greetings from Philippines🇵🇭
Greetings to you all the way from Mongolia 🇲🇳 Love your videos 🥰 I want to become a mother just like you. You inspire me to do so much.
Ahh Finally! The wait is over. I'm an addict of your Video 😍😍
Hi, Amelia! :D
덕분에 감사하는 법을 배우네요. 아침마다 하미마미님 영상보면서 뜨개질하고 집안일들어갑니다. 다부지게 할수있도록 만들어주시네요. ^^
Благодарю за рецепт хлеба и за положительные эмоции🥰😍🤗🌸🌸🌸💕
Thank you for all the peace and inspiration that you bring to all. Wishing you and your little family good health and love from Australia.
ان تضع الكريمة على الكيك الساخن ☑
ان تضع الكريمة على الكيك البارد ❌😂😂😂😂 للمزح فقط
ذاب الكريم ، لكنه كان جيدًا أيضًا! هاها
@@hamimommy Any of your hands are beautiful.👍👍👍👍👏👏👏
المهم ان ياكله احب الناس اليك
Thank you for your sharing. Such an easy, green, healthy and lovely family!All the best!
I just highly appreciate how many snapshots have to be filmed to make one vlog like this.
I do really like to watching all your videos it’s make me more active and give me relaxing moods keep going
Your vlogs looks like a movie 😍 thank you for the subtitles 💓 you're a great inspiration to me ❤️ greetings from Italy ❣️
Grazie, Tiare ! :D
Grazie, Tiare ! :D
Bella Señora ud es una inspiración . !!! La saludo desde Argentina con todo mí respeto y admiración..!!! Que Dios la bendiga a ud y su FLIA .!!!
I Hope you have a good time in everyday with your family 💘💘🌻
I really enjoyed this video, its so good to see the family's having fun together. You have been blessed with wonderful neighbors to is so good to see. A little under the weather today but your video made me smile. Thank you!!
Seus vídeos são muito relaxantes, gosto muito de assistir!!!!!
Your video is very cool and I am a middle school student living in Japan but your video is very amazing and inspiring and thank you for the video
Gente que relaxante essa música,tudo limpo é perfeito, dá mais vigor a vida💓
Thanks for inspiring me to clean❤️ love your family you and ur husband are doing a great job raising a lovely little girl
Tôi là con trai nhưng khá thích nấu ăn và trồng cây. THANKS
Vivo en colombia, y hace un tiempo llegue a este canal no sé ni cómo, pero adoro vuestra cultura, y me encanta la Pa que transmite esta mujer … felicidades
Azərbaycandan salamlar. Sizi çox severək izləyirəm. 🇦🇿🇹🇷
Salam olsun Azerbaycanima
@@aynasadiqova8413 bizleri de unutmayınız
@@aysengul6897 Asla❤❤❤❤
아ᆢ텃밭이 너무 부럽네요
꼭 실행해보려구요 텃밭
소소하지만 큰행복이 느껴집니다^^
Amo seus vídeos😍🇧🇷
Ai amámos✨
Me gustan mucho sus videos, y la sensación de paz que me provoca, pero lo mejor y más bonito de todo es: VER A SU PRECIOSA Y SIMPATICA HIJA, para mí es lo mejor
Um fim de semana lindo para vocês 🇧🇷
Muchas gracias por enseñarnos cosas tan útiles e interesantes
Felicidades por tu bella familia
Türkiyeden merhaba iyi bayramlar 🇹🇷🍬🌼
İyi bayramlar 🥰
Hayırlı bayramlar diliyorum 🇹🇷🇹🇷
@Songül Yıldırım bu güzel olur bence deneyebiliriz. 😂
Türkçe yorumlarda kendi aranda muhabbet etmek mi 🙈tam bizlik🇹🇷
Hayirli bayramlarrr
I live in México, and I just love your channel. You have a beautiful family!!♥️
Love your videos Hamimommy 💕
Terima kasih sudah membuat video yang sangat menarik, saya jadi semangat untuk membersihkan barang-barang dan mencoba menu baru. Love from Indonesia
Decribe your videos :clean , smooth , delicious , peaceful ..
Thanks Elaha.. 🙊🧡