As someone who mainly plays at T8 and below, I'd be interested in seeing a list of best ships in the mid tiers. Best premiums in the T5-T7 range, for example.
Friesland/Groningen are also good destroyers. Downsides are they have no Torps and a bit on the slow side in DD standards. But they got rapid firing guns with high Dpm, actual good AA, are good fire starters, American smoke screen, and got both hydro and dfaa
The Groni's AA is sooooooo fun. I can't help but laugh when I see a tier 8 CV on the other side. I'm guaranteed 20-30 planes easy if I survive the initial DD contesting
@@fenner1986 I love my Groningen, just set it for AA builds, sit in smoke, if I have a good DD ally who can spot and someone for them to shoot at I try to melt the enemy, and if a CV comes by I just pop DFAA + Priority Sector and done. It's a fun ship to play, but it requires a lot of skill in positioning and hoping a radar ship won't come to get ya. I was once playing my Groningen and a radar Edinburgh came in and melted me, resulting in me died. Ofc he got deleted shortly afterwards by the BBs and CAs that were there, I still managed to do well and win. It is ideally an amazing DD someone can get.
Neustrashimy is expensive, but she’s absolutely worth it. She’s extremely stealthy, very good speed, and her heal is hilarious. You basically have 2 1/2 ships per battle, if you play it right. She’s not good in a knife fight, but she’s very good at popping up in unexpected places and dealing a lot of damage to unsuspecting enemies. She was my first coal ship, and I still love her.
The truly deciding factor between the Kleber and the Marceau is the torpedo reload. While 72 seconds is not fast, the Kleber beats the Marceau's 142 second reload. The Marceau is a fine DD and great fun to play, but often gets to the fight before the torpedoes are ready. It is unfortunate that daily rewards and other missions require high tier play, as there are very fun ships at the lower tiers. As my anti-malware software does, or does not, trust WoWS on apparent whims, I usually play a low tier ship for the first battle, as I may not actually connect to the match and want to reduce the cost of scoring zero credits. The tier II French DD Ensign Gabolde is an amazing DD. The German tier II DD V-25 is also a lot of fun
Conspicuous absences from this list: 1. Smaland: this is the main stay of every tier 10 Clan Battle season 2. Daring: One of the best all around DD's and great cap contested 3. Ragnar: probably the most op dd currently offered and one of the best Solo Carry ships of the game 4. Kitakaze: Possibly the best tier 9 DD. 5. Cossack: the most common DD in the last tier 8 Clan Battle season. excellent detect means that out spots anything it can't out fight and out fights everything else
He's not a dd main however and I think he picked ships that people could reasonably obtain your honorable mentions are correct daring is one hell of a tech tree ship and smaland is flat out OP and Ragnar is scary to fight aswell. Cossack is also a good tier 8 pick especially if you want to fight other dd's and harass everything else.
There is nothing more fearsome than a Benham if a carrier is not in the match. Top 5 ideas…ships that can fight as low tier and ships that cant fight as low tier and best ships at their tier or lower
IJN torp line, Gearing, German OG line, also, the Paolo, if you listened. I don't think anyone is putting torp boats on their top 5 outside of the paolo, not in this meta
It amazes me that Khaba is on this list and Kitakaze is not. It seems you gravitate towards longer range damage-farming DDs - perfectly reasonable outlook. However those of us who focus heavily on DD hunting, capping, and spotting probably contribute a bit more to winning games, especially in Ranked and CBs. Småland, Daring, Vampire II, etc. are monsters in this role when built fully for it. Furthermore there are some very powerful DDs that can both dish out very impressive long-range damage as well as reliably win almost any DD knife fight they find themselves in: Druid, Ragnar, Kitakaze come to mind. Marceau and Harugumo to a lesser extent, the latter almost requiring a full manoeuvrability build and both relying heavily on RPF and speed to catch prey that outspot them by a mile. However Khaba and Kléber are quite severely relegated to the second-line damage farming role due to their atrocious concealment, lack of any hydro/radar, and mediocre sustained HE DPM in close quarters. Obviously they can, like any other, be great DD hunters in the hands of a good player and a 21 pt captain - but they are far from being the most valuable potential DDs to have on your team.
Thank you, finally someone with game knowledge that understand the game and can explain this list. No offence to SeaLord, but this list is missleading. There are far more supperior dds then those that he choosed. And making a video, and someone new may actually play them, lose to a Ragnar/Smaland/ KITAKAZEEEE (Free tech tree DD), may be a painfull experiance.
@@oneangrycanadian6205 Bro, the video is called "Top five Destroyers", even in the picture. It doesn't matter if he says in the intro, people will skip intro bcs of the title of the video, and they will watch it on the time stamps. We respect his opinion, but there is a nuance when you make a video like this, because youtube algorithm will recommand his video. That's why the person above us commented bro. And man, he has another video exatcly like this, when you search on yt Wows best dds. As a new player you get recommended khabarosk man. We don't hate him ok? But how the video was made created a confusion.
Lmao it's a joke that if you have longer range damage-farming DDs and not include the Ragnar. It's not only one of the most broken DDs, but one of the most broken ships in general.
I am a bit surprised the Harugumo isn't in there, as it is just a straight up work horse of a Destroyer. Six torps with a reload booster, several fast firing turrets, with smoke, and can get to nearly 30k health with certain captain skills.
I agree on Kleber over Marceau. I love my Marceau (first coal ship), but those shell arcs...anytime I play my Marceau after playing anything else, it takes me a round just to get used to the arcs again. Both DD's are awesome for throttle juking (1/4 speed on a Marceau/Kleber is amazing), and rudder dodging. You can keep half an enemy team entertained for half a match.
My current fav is the FOREST SHERMAN. Guns are like a machine gun, but torps are poor and need work to support off axis aiming. I have USN bias. Her sister ship, TURNER JOY, was in the same destroyer squadron as the frigate I was on.
My favorites mostly stick around T9; Fletcher, Kitakaze, and Tashkent give me good performance a majority of the time, and if I want to go down a couple tiers Shiratsuyu is surprisingly fun to play down at T7.
I was going to argue against the Khaba; but your point about the fast shells and good accuracy won me over. As The Simpsons would say: you make a very adulteress point comrade
Khaba doesn't have any special accuracy. Kleber just does everything Khaba does but better. Ragnar arguably is even one step above Kleber because it does have special accuracy and even penetration.
I'd say it's too situational to be consistently good. It's amazing in games where there are 5 BBs and 2 CVs per team, sure, but what do you do in games where there are only 2 BBs and they die before you get to them? In this situation literally any other DD would be better.
My favorite is Halland, mostly cause of the AA, getting bullied by carriers in all my destroyer games and then shredding an entire squad with the Halland is priceless
Maybe you are more into Hybrid Destroyers but i am really missing some top destroyers in this list like smaland, kamikaze/ fujin, ragnar, sherman,cossack,…
@@charleshann1 keep resetting and researching for free xp. It is far to expensive in credits to actually buy and grind each ships. It will run to at least 250 mio credits. Only do that for the final line reset. Also only reset every 3rd month, for double research points.
i got groningen with 21 skill commander , i can understand what you say 100% my personal record is 180.000 damage and 5 kills, the ultimate money printer that can easily get 500.000 credits without premium and with premium accaount 1.5 mill per battle, sea lord play a lot of bbs so maybe he is not so experienced with dds! i can see in the list the Kidd but he skip from list Marceau lol
@@SofaKingA Kleber is the best dd on game I have it with 21 skill commander and 1.9 mill xp on it, I have Marceau too with 2.5 mill xp and because I also have flecher and know how shit is the dpm for t9 I can't agree on the list that got uss Kidd and uss black inside, instead of Friesland or Groningen and Marceau! I also have Khabarovsk with 21 skill commander and also agree that diserve to be in the list(but if you play it with legendary mod! Without it 13.5km ain't enough!)
I love Haba. Even that I have 45% on him (in Russian Khabarovsk and ships at all are "him", so) and green/purple on the rest of the ships. I have most game played on Khaba and it will always be my favorite, even if I can't play it properly. And I don't know why.
I have the Kidd. I didn't care for it at first but it has grown on me and now I enjoy playing it. Torp reload was/is too long but I'm getting used to that.
I don't have most of these, but the Rusky & French were my favorite lines to grind, and the Kleber is easily my favorite high tier. Only my T61 has more games on it.
I hated the French dds until t8 which was ok but their t9 was so much fun. Probably my favorite dd in the game. It's been awhile since I played so forgive me for forgetting their names.
These are indeed very very good ships. There's no such thing as best of the best, victory depends on the player, if he/she can't find good positioning and timing in battle, not even the best ship will bring victory. The best things the best ships can do is reduce the chance of dying quickly while gaining some opportunities, nothing more.
@@stevenwiederholt7000 I did full gun modules and full gun skills with range and it was great. Shooting ships from 15km and dodging makes you extremely tanky. In my opinion, this is the best version of Neustrashimy if you're a good player. But now I'm running full gun modules and one 3 point gun skill, but the rest is torpedo. I like torpedo ships in general and the concealment which is why I'm using this, but I don't think a full torpedo build with torpedo modules as well is worth it. Both performed well into super unicum winrates so... Neither is a bad choice.
"My FAv DDS"...all gun boats! 😂 (Gotta luv BB captains 07) ...great gun boat picks tho (Kidd & Black are two of my favs😍) Personally...I also luv my Stealth/Torp DD's just as much as my Gunboat DDs, Shima & Kama are still the gods of the stealth kill DDs 🥰 (Cant shoot back if u cant even see whats spotting you!...while also casually torping you!) Luv watching SLM playing DDS...agressive, takes risks and 100% daka!! daka!! 07
I keep Kleber only for rankeds and also clan battles because her toxicity blow up your karma pretty quick if you catch easy targets really fast, outside of that i use Harugumo, Friesland and Black ,Shima's still upgrading his captain so i don't use it alot. Marceau doesn't convinced me at all
I wish USS Laffey was in the game I am curious what they would give a ship nicknamed "The ship that would not die". I am surprised it isn't in there already.
Watch potato qualities video on why he likes the Marceau over the Kleber. The Marceau has a little bit less detection range and also has faster gun reloads for continuous damage throughout the game as opposed to the Klebers longer reload with a situational reload booster. Once he got used to the floatier shells he preferred the Marceau.
Once in battle i saw a Yolo Emilio and I thought to myself: "Oh wow, what a neat looking cruiser". Then I saw the dorito over it and I was like W H A T T H E F U K
I have everything on your list except Paolo. Not really interested in it either. My favorite DDs are Somers, Kagero, Yugamo, Fletcher, and ZF-6. Black is kinda fun but the torps are just awful.
Black does not have has the original seamines before some italians tryed to make tryed copy and pasta and forgot to add the explosives in their try......
At a Lower tier may I (highly) recommend the T-61. Has it All at that tier. Good guns, good Torps, Hydro, Smoke, Stealthy, ok ok the AA is not Fantastic but you're in a DD (Stay away from planes), and she's Not gonna win any Drag Races. Love This Ship!
@@SofaKingA Thanks, didn't know that. Had not really played it in a while. Last week used it in Brawls GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY! Just didn't matter what the the other ship was. Even if I didn't win, I always did well. been playing it A Lot since.
What order would you get the RB ship's first to last one? 1. Ohio, 2. Colbert, 3. Sevastopol, 4. Vampire II, 5. Paolo Emilio, 6. Druid, 7. Siegfried, 8. Gibraltar, 9. Slava.
on the rare day that the random number generator is allowing players to determine matches i much prefer the fantastique over the kidd.speaking of the random number generator whats with it giving some people 80 to 100 percent dispersion.i quit playing about a week ago after playing for years because when its hacked i cant hit anything.i just shoot ovals around the hackers ships.
No Pan Euros? Yeah OK they have their own difficult playstyle but they play well in almost all match-making "conundrums?" lol: I love'em. "Pan Euro Guy"!
I am probably going to be controversial with this - I want a DD that is mainly uses Torpedos. If I want to play a gun game I will get a Battleship or Cruiser. To do this I have not gone up into the higher ranks as the torp load time is just a bore. My two favorite DDs are T2 Umikaze and T5 Minekaze. Both have fairly useless guns but long range torps that reload in 22 and 38 seconds. So you can play 80% torp game and not be bored waiting for reloads. I am not a great player so T5 is fine for me. Is it seal clubbing playing a T2? I think not, firstly the low tiers have very few players and there are too many bots making up the numbers so it must be better with real players. Newbies will learn better from players than bots and if you see one doing well you can set them up with a few more kills and make their day.
I have 911K Coal right now because Indecision mainly, seems everytime I get the Coal for a Specific Boat, they put out another Boat I want, so lately I been Sitting on it... I just didn't Realize How Much I'd been Sitting it and How Much there is rioght now... And it was all Without Running BOOSTERS, IE, Flags... I was in a Bad Way for Flags so I started Building those Back Up, and Now, WG Changed the way they all Work so, now I'm Sitting on them until I Figure them Out... lol
Black is my next coal ship, never played DD's, but after getting asashio and getting groningen instead of Agir, I'm having amazing games and having fun.
No Benham on this list? I'd take my Benham over any of the ship's listed. The amount of devastating strikes and first blood's I've racked up taking out DD's trying to rush a cap at the start of a game is hilarious
I don't know what any of this means....just started playing....wreching the hell out of everyone with whatever I have. I am sure the pay wall is coming. Grinding the british line...Lightning is looking pretty damn sweet. Coal must be something that doesn't exist anymore....I don't see it.
khba is still a strong DD, it probably is the most durable DD is the game,50mm armor and 2 heals back to back no cooldown almost guarantee you a win with any DD duel
Nope, terrible. With 10km conceal you aren't going to be getting into any duels. Enemy destroyers can easily just spot you for their cruisers and BBs to shoot at. Also Ragnar is arguably much tankier since it can play at much longer range and has bigger health pool.
Nope it does not. There's a 0.1km difference. It also doesn't matter because Kleber can dodge infinitely better than a Khaba and will beat it in a duel.
As someone who mainly plays at T8 and below, I'd be interested in seeing a list of best ships in the mid tiers. Best premiums in the T5-T7 range, for example.
same here
Make it. You have a favorite....what is it? Why wait for a video? Make it.
Friesland/Groningen are also good destroyers. Downsides are they have no Torps and a bit on the slow side in DD standards. But they got rapid firing guns with high Dpm, actual good AA, are good fire starters, American smoke screen, and got both hydro and dfaa
The Groni's AA is sooooooo fun. I can't help but laugh when I see a tier 8 CV on the other side. I'm guaranteed 20-30 planes easy if I survive the initial DD contesting
@@fenner1986 I love my Groningen, just set it for AA builds, sit in smoke, if I have a good DD ally who can spot and someone for them to shoot at I try to melt the enemy, and if a CV comes by I just pop DFAA + Priority Sector and done. It's a fun ship to play, but it requires a lot of skill in positioning and hoping a radar ship won't come to get ya. I was once playing my Groningen and a radar Edinburgh came in and melted me, resulting in me died. Ofc he got deleted shortly afterwards by the BBs and CAs that were there, I still managed to do well and win. It is ideally an amazing DD someone can get.
Neustrashimy is expensive, but she’s absolutely worth it. She’s extremely stealthy, very good speed, and her heal is hilarious. You basically have 2 1/2 ships per battle, if you play it right. She’s not good in a knife fight, but she’s very good at popping up in unexpected places and dealing a lot of damage to unsuspecting enemies. She was my first coal ship, and I still love her.
Agree 100%. It is in my top 5 for sure.
Zombie 🧟♂️ DD! 🤣
G'day Sealord.
Top 5 historically accurate ships would be epic.
The truly deciding factor between the Kleber and the Marceau is the torpedo reload. While 72 seconds is not fast, the Kleber beats the Marceau's 142 second reload. The Marceau is a fine DD and great fun to play, but often gets to the fight before the torpedoes are ready.
It is unfortunate that daily rewards and other missions require high tier play, as there are very fun ships at the lower tiers. As my anti-malware software does, or does not, trust WoWS on apparent whims, I usually play a low tier ship for the first battle, as I may not actually connect to the match and want to reduce the cost of scoring zero credits. The tier II French DD Ensign Gabolde is an amazing DD. The German tier II DD V-25 is also a lot of fun
This needs some mid-tier love with the Fujin/Minikaze destroyers.
And Visby.
Leone is a cool ship too.
Conspicuous absences from this list: 1. Smaland: this is the main stay of every tier 10 Clan Battle season
2. Daring: One of the best all around DD's and great cap contested
3. Ragnar: probably the most op dd currently offered and one of the best Solo Carry ships of the game
4. Kitakaze: Possibly the best tier 9 DD.
5. Cossack: the most common DD in the last tier 8 Clan Battle season. excellent detect means that out spots anything it can't out fight and out fights everything else
He's not a dd main however and I think he picked ships that people could reasonably obtain your honorable mentions are correct daring is one hell of a tech tree ship and smaland is flat out OP and Ragnar is scary to fight aswell. Cossack is also a good tier 8 pick especially if you want to fight other dd's and harass everything else.
There is nothing more fearsome than a Benham if a carrier is not in the match. Top 5 ideas…ships that can fight as low tier and ships that cant fight as low tier and best ships at their tier or lower
Great list of gunboat destroyers - could we have your suggestions for torpedo destroyers please?
Paolo Emilio is a torpedo boat, dude.
IJN torp line, Gearing, German OG line, also, the Paolo, if you listened.
I don't think anyone is putting torp boats on their top 5 outside of the paolo, not in this meta
@@TheRayneFall I think that germans like Z-46 and Z-52 are more interesting as gunboats.
@@dzello true !
Shima and Benham are awesome torp boats
It amazes me that Khaba is on this list and Kitakaze is not.
It seems you gravitate towards longer range damage-farming DDs - perfectly reasonable outlook. However those of us who focus heavily on DD hunting, capping, and spotting probably contribute a bit more to winning games, especially in Ranked and CBs. Småland, Daring, Vampire II, etc. are monsters in this role when built fully for it.
Furthermore there are some very powerful DDs that can both dish out very impressive long-range damage as well as reliably win almost any DD knife fight they find themselves in: Druid, Ragnar, Kitakaze come to mind. Marceau and Harugumo to a lesser extent, the latter almost requiring a full manoeuvrability build and both relying heavily on RPF and speed to catch prey that outspot them by a mile.
However Khaba and Kléber are quite severely relegated to the second-line damage farming role due to their atrocious concealment, lack of any hydro/radar, and mediocre sustained HE DPM in close quarters. Obviously they can, like any other, be great DD hunters in the hands of a good player and a 21 pt captain - but they are far from being the most valuable potential DDs to have on your team.
Thank you, finally someone with game knowledge that understand the game and can explain this list. No offence to SeaLord, but this list is missleading. There are far more supperior dds then those that he choosed. And making a video, and someone new may actually play them, lose to a Ragnar/Smaland/ KITAKAZEEEE (Free tech tree DD), may be a painfull experiance.
At the very begging he says HIS TOP FIVE!!!! What don’t you inderstand
I can't decide if I love Daring or Vampire more. I kind of want Druid as on top of being rather unique she just looks like a pretty ship.
@@oneangrycanadian6205 Bro, the video is called "Top five Destroyers", even in the picture. It doesn't matter if he says in the intro, people will skip intro bcs of the title of the video, and they will watch it on the time stamps. We respect his opinion, but there is a nuance when you make a video like this, because youtube algorithm will recommand his video. That's why the person above us commented bro. And man, he has another video exatcly like this, when you search on yt Wows best dds. As a new player you get recommended khabarosk man. We don't hate him ok? But how the video was made created a confusion.
Lmao it's a joke that if you have longer range damage-farming DDs and not include the Ragnar. It's not only one of the most broken DDs, but one of the most broken ships in general.
I am a bit surprised the Harugumo isn't in there, as it is just a straight up work horse of a Destroyer. Six torps with a reload booster, several fast firing turrets, with smoke, and can get to nearly 30k health with certain captain skills.
Because it's extremely cumbersome. 1v1 a Marceau I'd wreck a gumo every time. I've destroyed a full HP halland with only 9k HP.
New top 5 ideas... maybe top 5 most hated maps to play?
I agree on Kleber over Marceau. I love my Marceau (first coal ship), but those shell arcs...anytime I play my Marceau after playing anything else, it takes me a round just to get used to the arcs again.
Both DD's are awesome for throttle juking (1/4 speed on a Marceau/Kleber is amazing), and rudder dodging. You can keep half an enemy team entertained for half a match.
How is the Kitakaze not on your top 5 list? It's definitely on mine.
Did you listen to his introduction? He said these are his favorites not anybody else's he made sure to emphasize that! How did you miss that
I'd be pretty happy to have a Cossack on my team ahead of any of those choices, even at tier 10.
It just does DD better.
Agreed, I love Cossack's concealment and agility. Great anti-dd dd.
a cossack with support is game over , had some high spotting damage , with no damage done by me wins in this dd .
the ultimate DD my so far is Vampire 2. it just supreme Fun to play.
My current fav is the FOREST SHERMAN. Guns are like a machine gun, but torps are poor and need work to support off axis aiming. I have USN bias. Her sister ship, TURNER JOY, was in the same destroyer squadron as the frigate I was on.
You can see the Turner Joy in Bremerton, Washington. Close to my hometown. But what about the Kitakaze, speaking of don.
Top 5 fun ships for operations?
My favorites mostly stick around T9; Fletcher, Kitakaze, and Tashkent give me good performance a majority of the time, and if I want to go down a couple tiers Shiratsuyu is surprisingly fun to play down at T7.
agree, kitakaze is not an 'amazing' ship but a lot of fun to play
still want to see your opinion on the Sims destroyer.
KIDDS so many fun 😄
Love her!
(oh..and congrats to your new Belgian plaything 👍.. they can make some darn good waffles,schoccolade,and guns 👍)
I was going to argue against the Khaba; but your point about the fast shells and good accuracy won me over. As The Simpsons would say: you make a very adulteress point comrade
Khaba doesn't have any special accuracy. Kleber just does everything Khaba does but better. Ragnar arguably is even one step above Kleber because it does have special accuracy and even penetration.
I'd add Asashio to this list. It's one of the few destroyers that doesn't care about being uptiered at all, and it just devastates battleships.
But it’s torps are useless against anything else but CVs
@@CorsairCombat13 It's certainly situational, but almost all of my hardest carries have been in this ship and involved multiple gun kills.
I'd say it's too situational to be consistently good. It's amazing in games where there are 5 BBs and 2 CVs per team, sure, but what do you do in games where there are only 2 BBs and they die before you get to them? In this situation literally any other DD would be better.
Kidd is my go to ship in T8 ranked. Cossack is a close 2nd.
My favorite is Halland, mostly cause of the AA, getting bullied by carriers in all my destroyer games and then shredding an entire squad with the Halland is priceless
I used Kidd during Destroyer Brawls and it almost felt like seal clubbing with my maxed out heals.
It'd be great to see a top five list of T8 American cruisers mostly to see which ones get left off. Great video SLM
Considering there are only eight T8 American cruisers to include, it's not much material to work with on a top 5 list.
Top 5 USN Cruisers probably won't do but top 3 might work better
Top 5 premium German BBs.
Some categories have way too many ships now, if you make paper ships it could be where it's not already saturated.
Maybe you are more into Hybrid Destroyers but i am really missing some top destroyers in this list like smaland, kamikaze/ fujin, ragnar, sherman,cossack,…
Greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!!
IJN gunboat destroyers
@@RasmusDyhrFrederiksen thank you!! I’ve grinding out French BB’s,what a hassle
@@charleshann1 keep resetting and researching for free xp. It is far to expensive in credits to actually buy and grind each ships. It will run to at least 250 mio credits. Only do that for the final line reset. Also only reset every 3rd month, for double research points.
@@RasmusDyhrFrederiksen thank you again!! I’ve got that double research pts before and had no idea why, that clears that up!!! Good Hunting Captain
Harugumo line -->>IJN gunboat line
Friesland and Shimakaze for me. yesterday i broke my own record with the friesland:
165k damage
13 fires
30 aircraft
that was fun :D
i got groningen with 21 skill commander , i can understand what you say 100% my personal record is 180.000 damage and 5 kills, the ultimate money printer that can easily get 500.000 credits without premium and with premium accaount 1.5 mill per battle, sea lord play a lot of bbs so maybe he is not so experienced with dds! i can see in the list the Kidd but he skip from list Marceau lol
@@rowinglove4ever I have Marceau but I think he's right. Kleb is probably the stronger DD.
@@SofaKingA Kleber is the best dd on game I have it with 21 skill commander and 1.9 mill xp on it, I have Marceau too with 2.5 mill xp and because I also have flecher and know how shit is the dpm for t9 I can't agree on the list that got uss Kidd and uss black inside, instead of Friesland or Groningen and Marceau! I also have Khabarovsk with 21 skill commander and also agree that diserve to be in the list(but if you play it with legendary mod! Without it 13.5km ain't enough!)
Can you make a ship review of hmas Perth.
Good list, tough list to make, there are so many good DD's. Keep up the good work.
Great list, would be nice if you also do this on cruisers and battleships.
I think he did one on cruisers last week, can’t remember about battleships
Edit: cruisers 2 weeks ago, battleships 3 weeks ago
What are your thoughts on Ragnar?
How the HELL did Forrest Sherman not make it on this list?
Kleber has 16km main battery range, is with with range mod and that 3 point commander skill?
I love Haba. Even that I have 45% on him (in Russian Khabarovsk and ships at all are "him", so) and green/purple on the rest of the ships.
I have most game played on Khaba and it will always be my favorite, even if I can't play it properly. And I don't know why.
Remind me, they have "replaced" what 4 ships in the game now? GK, Moskva, Kabrask and Kirov correct?
Top 5 submarine killers
I like all the british DD's after tier 8, the lightning up to the daring are all excellent ships..
I have the Kidd. I didn't care for it at first but it has grown on me and now I enjoy playing it. Torp reload was/is too long but I'm getting used to that.
Kidd is a ship that does fantastic in a division, but is pretty "Meh" when played Solo.
Is it wrong that I think you could reinstate the old pre-nerf Khab into the game without any balance issues?
Delny is pre nerf Khaba with 1 less turret. Just use your imagination from there.
I don't have most of these, but the Rusky & French were my favorite lines to grind, and the Kleber is easily my favorite high tier. Only my T61 has more games on it.
I hated the French dds until t8 which was ok but their t9 was so much fun. Probably my favorite dd in the game. It's been awhile since I played so forgive me for forgetting their names.
Sealord's favorite DDs are the same as mine, though my order is a bit different.
Top 5 battle rifles
Top 5 Tier 6 ships. So many to choose from.
These are indeed very very good ships. There's no such thing as best of the best, victory depends on the player, if he/she can't find good positioning and timing in battle, not even the best ship will bring victory. The best things the best ships can do is reduce the chance of dying quickly while gaining some opportunities, nothing more.
What about the super expensive Soviet Zombie ship the Neustrashimy?
It's really good.
Agree, Guns or Torps? Tried both For me Torps work better...but that's just me.
@@stevenwiederholt7000 I did full gun modules and full gun skills with range and it was great. Shooting ships from 15km and dodging makes you extremely tanky. In my opinion, this is the best version of Neustrashimy if you're a good player.
But now I'm running full gun modules and one 3 point gun skill, but the rest is torpedo. I like torpedo ships in general and the concealment which is why I'm using this, but I don't think a full torpedo build with torpedo modules as well is worth it.
Both performed well into super unicum winrates so... Neither is a bad choice.
I love it, stealthy as shima, ok guns, dev strike torps and super duper heal. Prints credits.
what about top 5 teir 5 destroyers?
For me, Smaland, Kitakaze, Cossack, Marceau, Daring. I have all of the t9/10/coal dds except paolo, and vampire. Ragnar is next.
All premiums right?
You should do a destroyer tier list
imo smalland , druid , huron , haida and t61
so what if i dont have premium ships....
Thought the Kidd has 9.2km torps?
"My FAv DDS"...all gun boats! 😂 (Gotta luv BB captains 07)
...great gun boat picks tho (Kidd & Black are two of my favs😍)
Personally...I also luv my Stealth/Torp DD's just as much as my Gunboat DDs, Shima & Kama are still the gods of the stealth kill DDs 🥰 (Cant shoot back if u cant even see whats spotting you!...while also casually torping you!)
Luv watching SLM playing DDS...agressive, takes risks and 100% daka!! daka!! 07
do one with CV
Greetings Sea Lord; I would like to see your Top 5 Destroyer / Cruisers for sitting behind islands and farming damage.
I keep Kleber only for rankeds and also clan battles because her toxicity blow up your karma pretty quick if you catch easy targets really fast, outside of that i use Harugumo, Friesland and Black ,Shima's still upgrading his captain so i don't use it alot. Marceau doesn't convinced me at all
I wish USS Laffey was in the game I am curious what they would give a ship nicknamed "The ship that would not die". I am surprised it isn't in there already.
Where t-61 and Smaland? Have tried the Ohotnik yet at t5 her is just hilarious
Kleber is pretty devastating in clan battles when played well.
Watch potato qualities video on why he likes the Marceau over the Kleber. The Marceau has a little bit less detection range and also has faster gun reloads for continuous damage throughout the game as opposed to the Klebers longer reload with a situational reload booster. Once he got used to the floatier shells he preferred the Marceau.
Once in battle i saw a Yolo Emilio and I thought to myself: "Oh wow, what a neat looking cruiser". Then I saw the dorito over it and I was like W H A T T H E F U K
No Haida love? :(
Built-in Conceal Module, crawling smoke with Hydro? Yes, please! Beats just about every other DD in her tier range.
I have everything on your list except Paolo. Not really interested in it either. My favorite DDs are Somers, Kagero, Yugamo, Fletcher, and ZF-6. Black is kinda fun but the torps are just awful.
Black does not have has the original seamines before some italians tryed to make tryed copy and pasta and forgot to add the explosives in their try......
At a Lower tier may I (highly) recommend the T-61. Has it All at that tier. Good guns, good Torps, Hydro, Smoke, Stealthy, ok ok the AA is not Fantastic but you're in a DD (Stay away from planes), and she's Not gonna win any Drag Races. Love This Ship!
Arguably one of the most OP DD tier for tier in the game, it's no longer available though which is why it's prob not on the list.
Thanks, didn't know that. Had not really played it in a while. Last week used it in Brawls GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY! Just didn't matter what the the other ship was. Even if I didn't win, I always did well. been playing it A Lot since.
Daring is good - not brilliant in any category but not bad at anything either
Brilliant AP DPM, brilliant HE DPM, brilliant manoevurability, brilliant hydro, good heal. It should be on this list.
Many say the best T10 tech line DD. I'd probably agree.
What order would you get the RB ship's first to last one?
1. Ohio, 2. Colbert, 3. Sevastopol, 4. Vampire II, 5. Paolo Emilio, 6. Druid, 7. Siegfried, 8. Gibraltar, 9. Slava.
top 5 ships good against capital ships.
I’m waiting for ur too 5 carriers tho
The battle pass is replacing the three daily containers? _That_ pitiful reward system? *NO.*
I know they aren’t popular, but how about a top 5 CV video?
Let’s see Top Five Worst Tech Lines!
Marceau over Kléber hands down. My Marceau is at 63ish win rate, i don't use her for range but you can 1v1 any DD hands down.
Minakaze is my guilty pleasure
So no Halland, Smallad or Shima? I am very disappointed.
Too bad collab ships isn't permament for very obvious reasons. HSF Harekaze is a good bundle of fun.
I have an idea for a next video: The worst 5 CV in game
on the rare day that the random number generator is allowing players to determine matches i much prefer the fantastique over the kidd.speaking of the random number generator whats with it giving some people 80 to 100 percent dispersion.i quit playing about a week ago after playing for years because when its hacked i cant hit anything.i just shoot ovals around the hackers ships.
What about top five heated aircraft carriers!
they would come in very handy in the arctic maps
No Pan Euros? Yeah OK they have their own difficult playstyle but they play well in almost all match-making "conundrums?" lol: I love'em. "Pan Euro Guy"!
Younforgot the best of them all: KAMIKAZE
I am probably going to be controversial with this -
I want a DD that is mainly uses Torpedos. If I want to play a gun game I will get a Battleship or Cruiser.
To do this I have not gone up into the higher ranks as the torp load time is just a bore.
My two favorite DDs are T2 Umikaze and T5 Minekaze. Both have fairly useless guns but long range torps that reload in 22 and 38 seconds. So you can play 80% torp game and not be bored waiting for reloads.
I am not a great player so T5 is fine for me. Is it seal clubbing playing a T2? I think not, firstly the low tiers have very few players and there are too many bots making up the numbers so it must be better with real players. Newbies will learn better from players than bots and if you see one doing well you can set them up with a few more kills and make their day.
I have 911K Coal right now because Indecision mainly, seems everytime I get the Coal for a Specific Boat, they put out another Boat I want, so lately I been Sitting on it... I just didn't Realize How Much I'd been Sitting it and How Much there is rioght now... And it was all Without Running BOOSTERS, IE, Flags... I was in a Bad Way for Flags so I started Building those Back Up, and Now, WG Changed the way they all Work so, now I'm Sitting on them until I Figure them Out... lol
Black is my next coal ship, never played DD's, but after getting asashio and getting groningen instead of Agir, I'm having amazing games and having fun.
1. Kitakaze
2. Kitakaze
3. Kitakaze
4. Kitakaze
5. Kitakaze
Haida where
No Benham on this list? I'd take my Benham over any of the ship's listed. The amount of devastating strikes and first blood's I've racked up taking out DD's trying to rush a cap at the start of a game is hilarious
Easily countered, though.
@@EvoraGT430 you obviously haven't played against me in my Benham then 😁
Destroyer tier list.
Kidd's AA vs Halland AA. You say Kidd. I'd say Halland. Thoughts?
Tier for tier, Halland, but Kidd can uptier to t9 pretty good, against t10 and super cvs, its a struggle.
Kitakaze ???
The best Non-German secondary ship's.
I’m old school; so where is my Kamikaze ?
I don't know what any of this means....just started playing....wreching the hell out of everyone with whatever I have. I am sure the pay wall is coming. Grinding the british line...Lightning is looking pretty damn sweet. Coal must be something that doesn't exist anymore....I don't see it.
Top 5 commanders?
I make the most credits with Smaland.
khba is still a strong DD, it probably is the most durable DD is the game,50mm armor and 2 heals back to back no cooldown almost guarantee you a win with any DD duel
Nope, terrible. With 10km conceal you aren't going to be getting into any duels. Enemy destroyers can easily just spot you for their cruisers and BBs to shoot at.
Also Ragnar is arguably much tankier since it can play at much longer range and has bigger health pool.
Nope it does not. There's a 0.1km difference. It also doesn't matter because Kleber can dodge infinitely better than a Khaba and will beat it in a duel.
No love for that tier 5 Japanese premium that we all love to hate?